Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 99 English Subtitles

  • 4 months ago
Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 99 English Subtitles
00:02:00Thank you. I drank a lot of coffee today, but anyway.
00:02:06If you want, I can do something else.
00:02:09No, no need. This is enough. Thank you.
00:02:31Halil, calm down.
00:02:33I can't be calm.
00:02:35While Zeynep believed that she was innocent,
00:02:38I can't be calm when the doubt inside me is growing day by day.
00:02:41Okay, brother, I understand. I know.
00:02:44I understand.
00:02:46I also know how sensitive you are about this issue.
00:02:50But Halil, look.
00:02:53I don't want you to shoot a bullet for nothing, brother.
00:02:55I don't shoot bullets for nothing, Eren.
00:02:57I never did.
00:02:59It's out of the question now.
00:03:01I'm not going to let this go on, Eren.
00:03:03Good or bad. I will reveal the truth and face it.
00:03:09Okay, okay, calm down.
00:03:11There must be a way.
00:03:13There must be a way to find out the truth, but what?
00:03:21Halil, I...
00:03:23I'll bring you ice.
00:03:26Eren, stop.
00:03:30What happened?
00:03:35I found it.
00:03:50What is this photo?
00:03:53It has a very strange memory.
00:03:56We were in the summer, I was poisoned.
00:03:59We were organizing a party with my sisters.
00:04:02Of course, when I was poisoned, I couldn't join the party and I was in the hospital.
00:04:08It's a pity. My mother, who had to, stayed with me in the hospital.
00:04:13She loved to be in the summer in the silence of winter.
00:04:18This photo has remained as a memory since that day.
00:04:29The person who kicked my mother out of this door...
00:04:33Zeynep will come to light sooner or later.
00:04:38How is that going to happen?
00:04:41On January 11, 2009...
00:04:48Zeynep may be in the hospital.
00:04:56I want the patient records of all the hospitals around this farm.
00:05:02Including this urgently.
00:05:04Look at them all very carefully.
00:05:08Let's see if Zeynep really went to the hospital.
00:05:11Okay, Halil.
00:05:12As you wish.
00:05:14I'll call you.
00:05:20What is it?
00:05:23The person who kicked my mother out of this door...
00:05:27Maybe it wasn't Zeynep.
00:05:32Be very careful, brother. Pay attention to the smallest detail.
00:05:36Because I...
00:05:40I don't want to be an innocent tyrant.
00:05:42But I might have been.
00:05:44Don't worry.
00:05:46I like it.
00:05:50I like it.
00:05:57What if it doesn't work out as you hoped?
00:06:00I have nothing to lose.
00:06:05Because the suspicion in a person... really more cruel than the worst.
00:06:12Okay, Halil.
00:06:21I hope you come soon.
00:06:24We'll welcome you nicely, God willing.
00:06:27Amen, my angel.
00:06:30Let's have a momentary wedding, God willing.
00:06:35Zeynep is here.
00:06:37Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:39Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:41Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:43Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:45Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:47Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:48Zeynep, my angel.
00:06:50Look who I'm talking to.
00:06:55Zeynep, how are you?
00:06:57Aunt Bediye.
00:06:59I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
00:07:01Thank God.
00:07:03How is my son Halil?
00:07:04I wish I could hear his voice.
00:07:10He must be working now.
00:07:12I'll tell him your greetings.
00:07:14No, no.
00:07:16Give it to me.
00:07:17I have something to say.
00:07:20Let's do this.
00:07:21You tell him.
00:07:23I'll tell Halil.
00:07:24I won't bother him now.
00:07:26No way.
00:07:27Come on, run.
00:07:29Take the phone.
00:07:31Okay, fine.
00:07:32Let's do this.
00:07:34Let's hang up now.
00:07:35I'll call you when I go to Halil, okay?
00:07:39See you, Aunt Bediye.
00:07:47Thank you.
00:07:50Thank you.
00:07:55I mean...
00:07:57I had a gift for you.
00:07:59I was talking about the package.
00:08:01I mean, I was saying.
00:08:03Did you buy me a gift?
00:08:06I prepared it with my own hands.
00:08:13One minute.
00:08:20It was here.
00:08:28Oh my God.
00:08:30Did Selim buy it?
00:08:34Aunt Fatma, there was a bag here. Did you see it?
00:08:36I didn't see anything.
00:08:38Are you sure you didn't see it?
00:08:42It's a gift for you.
00:08:45It's a gift for you.
00:08:48I know you've never given me a nice gift.
00:08:52But I'm not stupid if I stay under this.
00:08:56I'll go upstairs.
00:08:57I'm coming.
00:09:15I'm coming.
00:09:43Maybe... is the turning point of my life.
00:09:53Everyone has a day when their life changes.
00:10:00Maybe today... that day for me.
00:10:07When the truth comes out, Zeynep will either remain my enemy...
00:10:12...or my greatest conscience.
00:10:15I don't know.
00:10:16I don't know.
00:10:44God, which is harder?
00:10:47To bear my conscience?
00:10:54Or to fight with my heart?
00:11:00Come in.
00:11:04Did I come at the wrong time?
00:11:09No, come in.
00:11:17What happened?
00:11:27I think you should tell me what you're going to say.
00:11:30Because if you throw it in like this... becomes a sting.
00:11:35Then the person...
00:11:37...stays under that sting.
00:11:43You're pretty experienced about this.
00:11:46No, let's just say foresight.
00:11:50Come on, tell me what you're going to say.
00:11:55Aunt Bedriye called.
00:11:57She insists on talking to you.
00:12:00I said she had a job, but I couldn't convince her.
00:12:03If you're available...
00:12:04I'm available, of course.
00:12:06Call Aunt Bedriye, let's talk.
00:12:11I hope she won't leave me in a difficult situation.
00:12:28Open the windows.
00:12:36Hi Aunt Bedriye, I'm Ali.
00:12:38You wanted to talk to me.
00:12:40How are you?
00:12:42I'm fine, son.
00:12:43I'm fine, but I saw you in my dream.
00:12:46Wait, let me tell you something while I'm still in my head.
00:12:49You're at the top of a waterfall,
00:12:52shining from the top at dawn, my child.
00:12:55I'm looking, and Zeynep is there.
00:12:58I say, fairy, you say,
00:13:01moon piece, so beautiful.
00:13:04But hands and arms are tied with ropes.
00:13:08She's telling you something, but
00:13:11you can't hear it.
00:13:13I hear it.
00:13:15She says, untie it.
00:13:16Then Zeynep opens it in her palm.
00:13:20There's an apple in it.
00:13:21She's eating it with caramels.
00:13:24I say, take it, my son.
00:13:27But no.
00:13:28You're turning your back.
00:13:31when she's gone,
00:13:32a bird of prey comes.
00:13:35The bird knows.
00:13:37It's got a scissors in its beak.
00:13:40The bird is telling you something.
00:13:43Now, whatever it says,
00:13:46you take the scissors and bring it to Zeynep.
00:13:49I woke up
00:13:53when I was about to cut the rope.
00:13:56I hope you have a good day.
00:13:59No, my son, no.
00:14:02Your end will be very good.
00:14:04You will be very happy, my son.
00:14:07Aunt Bediye,
00:14:09I told you,
00:14:12our engagement with Halil is just a game.
00:14:15Okay, okay.
00:14:17Don't tell me the same things.
00:14:19Good luck.
00:14:20I hope your problem will be solved soon.
00:14:25See you, Aunt Bediye.
00:14:31I don't understand why he's doing this.
00:14:34I'm sorry, please.
00:14:37It doesn't matter.
00:14:39I mean, if the woman is happy with this,
00:14:42let her be happy.
00:14:44After all,
00:14:46it doesn't hurt us.
00:14:51I had things to do in the kitchen, I'll go out.
00:14:54I'll get the bowls while I'm here.
00:15:08Okay, wait.
00:15:10Put it in my cup.
00:15:13No, okay, I got it.
00:15:15I'll take it.
00:15:24Thank you.
00:15:26Good luck.
00:15:39Let Eren get to the hospital records.
00:15:43Let's see what will happen to us.
00:15:48Is it good or bad?
00:16:02What happened that this boy suddenly disappeared?
00:16:08As if I forced him to meet Selma, he wanted to meet himself.
00:16:17He's finally calling.
00:16:21Hello, Feyyaz, where are you?
00:16:24You were supposed to come to breakfast, why didn't you come?
00:16:28I couldn't, Aunt Tülay.
00:16:30I couldn't dare to meet Selma like that.
00:16:34I need your help.
00:16:36But I don't want to talk on the phone like this.
00:16:39If you don't mind, can we meet?
00:16:45Okay, let's meet.
00:16:48But I can't get far from here, let's meet somewhere close to the farm.
00:16:53Okay, whatever you want. I have a little job, I'll take care of it.
00:16:57Okay, I'm waiting.
00:17:06I'm waiting.
00:17:23Eren, nothing has come out yet.
00:17:25What a pity.
00:17:27I'm researching one by one, don't worry.
00:17:32You let me know in the slightest development.
00:17:34Okay, brother, come on.
00:17:57Is everything okay, brother?
00:18:00As you know, business is business.
00:18:04What is it?
00:18:06What is it?
00:18:08You're quiet.
00:18:10Unemployed moves.
00:18:14I was bored last night.
00:18:20It wasn't a bad night, but I dreamed of being alone with Zeynep.
00:18:24So please, next time, even if Zeynep tells you to come, don't listen to her and leave us alone, brother.
00:18:45If she doesn't want to eat alone with you,
00:18:47I don't have anything to do with it, Alper.
00:18:50Maybe you're pushing the limits a little too much.
00:18:55You're pushing your luck too much.
00:18:58I like the hard.
00:19:00You know me best.
00:19:04I know how to overcome the obstacles in front of me.
00:19:17I don't know about the obstacles.
00:19:20If you
00:19:23If you don't count Zeynep's feelings,
00:19:26You'll be fine. Know that.
00:19:29Because if a woman says stop to you with her attitude, eyes, and stance,
00:19:37You'll stop there.
00:19:40The rest is wrong.
00:19:45She didn't say stop.
00:19:47It's just getting worse.
00:19:51You'll soon understand what I mean.
00:20:19If it's about Zeynep, it's over.
00:20:22Mr. Alper.
00:20:37Your end will be very good.
00:20:40You will be very happy, son.
00:20:44Oh, Aunt Bedriye.
00:20:47You humiliated me again.
00:20:50How many times have I told you, it's not just a game between us.
00:20:54But no.
00:20:55He's turning the words around and bringing them to the same place.
00:20:58It would be nice if he told me alone.
00:21:01I'm telling Halil.
00:21:19I may have gone a little further yesterday.
00:21:22I got stuck in my mind at night.
00:21:24I'm sorry if I said something wrong to bother you.
00:21:36But still, I can't do it without saying I'll make you look good.
00:21:41I saw it's not one-sided.
00:21:44There's a fire between you two.
00:21:47I'm here.
00:21:49Okay, okay.
00:21:50I won't say anything.
00:22:02Fires, waterfalls.
00:22:04It doesn't end.
00:22:14Okay, I understand.
00:22:15You're afraid.
00:22:16But people give news, Feyyaz.
00:22:21Look, this time I'm giving it to your excitement.
00:22:23But if we ever experience something like this again.
00:22:26My trust in you will be shaken, you should know.
00:22:28Whatever you say, you're right, Aunt Tülay.
00:22:31I promise I'll be more careful from now on.
00:22:36What is the subject you want to talk to me face to face?
00:22:39I saw Selma and that man again.
00:22:42Moreover, this time they were hand in hand.
00:22:44That's why I couldn't dare to come to breakfast anyway.
00:22:48But don't get me wrong, I haven't given up on Selma.
00:22:52It's just after all that's happened.
00:22:54I couldn't stand in front of someone like that, Aunt Tülay.
00:22:57It didn't happen.
00:22:59Are you asking me for help in this regard?
00:23:04Selma and that man.
00:23:05You want me to help you.
00:23:08I want to do something to soften him before he comes face to face with Selma.
00:23:13But I didn't know what to do.
00:23:15I wanted to send a gift.
00:23:16I couldn't decide on him either.
00:23:18I want something that he can't say no to.
00:23:26What I deserve is love, mom.
00:23:29Real love.
00:23:33You have to find a gift that will make Selma feel that she loves him.
00:23:38Indiscriminately, but with a high moral value.
00:23:47What if we choose to be together?
00:23:50Feyyaz, son.
00:23:52I say indiscriminately, you say indiscriminately.
00:23:56There has to be something that will attract Selma's attention.
00:24:03I don't know that Selma loves you.
00:24:08You're his ex-fiancée, Feyyaz.
00:24:11Don't you know Selma at all?
00:24:19Let me think about it.
00:24:21I'll let you know when I find the right gift.
00:24:24But I have to go now.
00:24:26Thank you very much, Aunt Tülay.
00:24:27I don't know how I can repay you for this kindness.
00:24:30No need.
00:24:32I'm doing whatever I can for my daughter's happiness.
00:24:47That's enough, I'm tired.
00:24:49Aunt Bipeciye calls me and tells me about her dream.
00:24:52It's all nonsense.
00:24:55But that's enough.
00:24:58From now on, I won't listen to anyone.
00:25:02Do I have to throw myself into the fire they set?
00:25:06So far, I have nothing between Halil and Halil Bey.
00:25:15From now on, I won't think about anyone.
00:25:21What won't you think about?
00:25:22What won't you think about?
00:25:26Did I say everything out loud?
00:25:44What won't you think about?
00:25:45What won't you think about?
00:25:52Aren't you going to answer?
00:25:57Okay, let's say I never asked.
00:26:01But it's obvious that you're very angry at something.
00:26:04I'm not angry at anything.
00:26:08I just came out here,
00:26:09maybe it's scattered around, I went out to pick it up.
00:26:13Now let me go, excuse me.
00:26:37Does helping Alper tire you?
00:26:43How? I don't understand.
00:26:46I said Alper is like my brother.
00:26:51I asked you to help him.
00:26:57But you don't have to.
00:27:01I mean, Alper is a comfortable man.
00:27:06This comfort can tire a person.
00:27:10I mean, there hasn't been a situation like you said so far.
00:27:16But if there is, I'll take care of it.
00:27:20I'm sure.
00:27:23I'm very sure of that.
00:27:27I'm sure.
00:27:29I'm sure.
00:27:31I'm sure.
00:27:33I'm sure.
00:27:35I'm sure.
00:27:37I'm sure.
00:27:38I'm sure.
00:27:43I was looking for you.
00:27:45Do you have time?
00:27:47We need to talk.
00:27:49Sure, what happened?
00:27:52It's a special issue.
00:28:08You'll be in my hands, Alper.
00:28:11I'm almost there.
00:28:24It's time for my son, Hakan.
00:28:43What do you think of the gift?
00:29:08I'm listening.
00:29:10Thank you very much for everything you've done, but especially for your support on the job.
00:29:16No need to thank me.
00:29:18I just did what I could.
00:29:20Still, what you've done is very precious to me, Zeynep.
00:29:26I'm sorry.
00:29:28I'm sorry.
00:29:30I'm sorry.
00:29:32I'm sorry.
00:29:34I'm sorry.
00:29:36I'm sorry.
00:29:38I'm sorry.
00:29:40If you accept my gift, I'll be very happy.
00:29:44There was no need for this.
00:29:57Aren't you going to open it?
00:30:00I had things to do inside.
00:30:02Let me take care of them, then I'll open it.
00:30:04Let me go, Atas.
00:30:07I wonder if you'll like the gift.
00:30:09Open it.
00:30:26I always see you wearing these.
00:30:28It looks good on you.
00:30:30All the flowers in the world
00:30:32seem to be made for you.
00:30:34Not that much.
00:30:37I'm sorry.
00:30:45Excuse me.
00:30:46Let me go, please.
00:30:49I don't want it.
00:30:51Take it.
00:30:53Take it, please.
00:31:00I didn't mean anything bad.
00:31:02I like distance, Mr. Alper.
00:31:05Keep that in mind.
00:31:07Thank you.
00:31:31What kind of thing is this?
00:31:32What did you put in it?
00:31:34And you're selling it shamelessly.
00:31:37Sir, no way.
00:31:38Our glasses are the best.
00:31:40Are you kidding me?
00:31:42It has no taste, no salt.
00:31:43It's a fake.
00:31:44I'm sorry, please.
00:31:46Let it be our treat.
00:31:49No, let me pay for it.
00:31:51You ruined my taste.
00:31:59the customer complained about the glasses.
00:32:01What happened?
00:32:04He doesn't understand quality.
00:32:05It means
00:32:06my glasses are famous.
00:32:07Everyone loves them.
00:32:09He doesn't like them.
00:32:11Let me taste it.
00:32:14My glasses are forbidden to you.
00:32:16Grandma, why are you hitting me?
00:32:19Give it to me.
00:32:20Give it.
00:32:33what is this?
00:32:34What did you put in it?
00:32:36What can I put in it?
00:32:37Water, salt, flour.
00:32:38Give it to me.
00:32:46My stomach hurts.
00:32:48It has no taste, no salt.
00:32:50How did this happen?
00:32:52I don't understand it either.
00:32:55I'm going to the market.
00:32:56I'm out of sugar.
00:32:58I'll take care of it.
00:32:59No, no.
00:33:00You stay.
00:33:01It'll be better if I go out.
00:33:03See you.
00:33:08Look at me.
00:33:10Did you put something in it?
00:33:12For God's sake, grandma Fatma.
00:33:14Would I ever do such a thing?
00:33:16You would, you would.
00:33:18Your hands and feet are playing separate games.
00:33:20Don't look at me, grandma Fatma.
00:33:22How old are you?
00:33:24What do you see?
00:33:25What does your mouth taste?
00:33:27Do you understand?
00:33:28Who knows what you put in it?
00:33:31Come here, come.
00:33:32Grandma Fatma, what are you doing?
00:33:33I'm going to beat you up.
00:33:35If I don't beat you up,
00:33:37they won't call me Fatma.
00:33:40You're so rude.
00:33:55Who do you think you are
00:33:56to dare to do such a thing?
00:34:00But Halil didn't warn me for nothing.
00:34:02She's just like Leyla.
00:34:05She doesn't know her place or her place.
00:34:25Then Zeynep opens it in her hand.
00:34:28There's an apple in it.
00:34:29It's an apple.
00:34:30And it's stuffed with black elephants.
00:34:36No, this is going to be ridiculous now.
00:34:40But why would it be ridiculous, dear?
00:34:45If you don't put meaning into it,
00:34:46it's just a plain apple.
00:34:48Just an apple.
00:34:59I won't give up until I succeed this time.
00:35:02One way or another,
00:35:03I'll get you on your way, Zeynep.
00:35:07One day, you'll surrender to me.
00:35:29You're innocent, Zeynep.
00:35:32I need to know this so bad.
00:35:45Come on, Eren.
00:35:46You couldn't even call me once.
00:35:47It's been a second, a year.
00:35:49Time is running out.
00:35:54I'm sorry.
00:35:55I'm sorry.
00:36:00Come in.
00:36:21Enjoy your meal.
00:36:22Thank you.
00:36:32Is there anything you want?
00:36:37I was going to ask you something.
00:36:43You know, seeing a hippo in a dream.
00:36:48What about an apple?
00:36:49What does it mean to see an apple?
00:36:51Do you know?
00:36:54I mean,
00:36:55I don't understand the meaning of the dream.
00:37:00I know the story of the apple
00:37:02in the real life.
00:37:05What is it?
00:37:06Tell me, if you know.
00:37:10Never mind.
00:37:11It's Aunt Bediye.
00:37:13But I'm very curious.
00:37:19In the past,
00:37:20young girls used to be ashamed
00:37:22to confess their love.
00:37:24Instead of saying
00:37:25I love you,
00:37:26they used to give
00:37:27a caramelized apple.
00:37:36I love you.
00:37:42Because they couldn't say it,
00:37:46they gave a caramelized apple.
00:37:49Is that so?
00:37:56It became a tradition over time.
00:38:01It's beautiful.
00:38:03It's a tradition.
00:38:06I hope I didn't get it wrong.
00:38:13Good luck.
00:38:14Your mother is calling.
00:38:19Uncle Seyfi?
00:38:22It's me, Brother Halil.
00:38:25How are you, my boy?
00:38:28What's up, boy?
00:38:30Something bad happened, Brother Halil.
00:38:32I broke Burcu's heart.
00:38:35Who is Burcu?
00:38:36My classmate.
00:38:37If I give him
00:38:38a colorful kite,
00:38:40he will forgive me.
00:38:42But what?
00:38:44There is no one to take a kite here.
00:38:46I don't know how to do it.
00:38:48I asked Ali.
00:38:49He doesn't know either.
00:38:50What am I going to do?
00:38:52How am I going to apologize?
00:38:54If Burcu doesn't forgive me,
00:38:55I'll be very sad.
00:38:57Ali, look what I'm going to say.
00:38:59Let's make a beautiful kite
00:39:00for you and Zeynep.
00:39:02What do you say?
00:39:06we will make the most beautiful kite
00:39:07Burcu has ever seen in her life.
00:39:09I promise you.
00:39:15Then tell me.
00:39:16Which colors should the kite have?
00:39:25We'll make a long tail for her.
00:39:46I love you.
00:40:11Mr. Alper,
00:40:13do you have a request?
00:40:14Thank you.
00:40:19what is the reason
00:40:20for your sad face?
00:40:21Does a princess like you
00:40:22deserve it?
00:40:24If there is anything I can help with,
00:40:25tell me.
00:40:26I'm at your service.
00:40:27Thank you very much.
00:40:28You are very kind.
00:40:30But I'm a little tired.
00:40:31I guess that's why.
00:40:34Beautiful girls
00:40:35shouldn't be worked on so much.
00:40:36And those who make them work
00:40:37should be punished.
00:40:39Let me pull Ali's ear
00:40:40so he won't tire you.
00:40:41Oh, don't tell Mr. Ali anything.
00:40:43Okay, honey.
00:40:45Don't be afraid.
00:40:46I won't talk.
00:40:47Is that how much you are afraid of Mr. Ali?
00:40:50not because of that.
00:40:52No need.
00:40:56Can't I get anything from your beauty?
00:41:01My mother is waiting for me.
00:41:02I'll go.
00:41:06the time I spent with you
00:41:07was the best moment of the day.
00:41:09We should repeat this more often.
00:41:13Of course.
00:41:28I wish it was that easy
00:41:29to impress you, Zeynep.
00:41:59Shall we start?
00:42:00Our materials are ready.
00:42:03let's make our skeleton from the sheets.
00:42:05Then we'll make the cover.
00:42:09And finally, the tail.
00:42:13Let's start.
00:42:17Open them if you want.
00:42:34It'll be like this.
00:42:36We'll fix this.
00:42:41I'll put it here.
00:43:27Our skeleton is ready.
00:43:30It's time
00:43:31to make the most colorful part,
00:43:32the cover.
00:43:41Let's start.
00:44:03Do you want the white one in the middle?
00:44:24You cut it.
00:44:34I'll take care of it.
00:44:57Thank you.
00:45:11I'll take care of it.
00:45:33It was a goal.
00:45:41Look at my daughter, Aliye.
00:45:44She broke her heart.
00:45:48And she wants to apologize.
00:45:50She's trying to get her heart back.
00:45:53Everything is easier when you're a kid, isn't it?
00:45:57In what way?
00:46:00Look at Aliye.
00:46:03She said that Burcu broke her heart
00:46:04and that she was afraid of losing her.
00:46:08Are we adults like that?
00:46:11It's getting harder to apologize
00:46:12and accept your mistake as you grow up.
00:46:15Even to love.
00:46:25As we grow up,
00:46:26the distance between our hearts and our tongues
00:46:28seems to be widening.
00:46:33I don't know why we do it,
00:46:34how we do it,
00:46:35but we build big walls
00:46:36for ourselves.
00:46:38We build big walls
00:46:39for ourselves.
00:46:41We can't spread healing around
00:46:42like children.
00:46:47Does experience tell you that?
00:46:53Let's say foresight.
00:47:00We can say experience, actually.
00:47:05I'm aware of my mistakes and my wounds.
00:47:09If I can heal my loved ones a little,
00:47:11that's why.
00:47:19would you heal those
00:47:23who opened their wounds?
00:47:30It's a difficult question.
00:47:36I'm not sure if I can heal someone
00:47:38who opened their wounds.
00:47:42But I can't be their punishment.
00:47:44I can't.
00:47:48I think people are divided on this issue.
00:47:51Some want to make their loved ones
00:47:53live a worse life,
00:47:56and some surrender to God.
00:47:58Neither of them has a forgiven side.
00:48:02Is that so?
00:48:05No, I didn't mean that.
00:48:08My father once told me something like this.
00:48:12Forget the bad things you've done
00:48:14so you don't have to forgive.
00:48:19Isn't forgiving
00:48:20a burden on both sides anyway?
00:48:24I think the best thing to do
00:48:25is to forget all the bad things.
00:48:29They say
00:48:31forgetting is the revenge of good people.
00:48:33It's true.
00:48:37Tell me,
00:48:41did you break the heart
00:48:43of someone you love like Ali?
00:48:52it's not like that.
00:48:54Come on, let's finish this.
00:49:03Come on.
00:49:33I love you.
00:50:03I think we deserved it.
00:50:06There's also drinking coffee from your hands.
00:50:13Let me warn you from the beginning.
00:50:16Don't expect too much.
00:50:18It may not be like your coffee.
00:50:23The important thing is
00:50:25who you drink the coffee from.
00:50:26The taste is important.
00:50:28I mean...
00:50:36I don't think it's bad.
00:50:43Flying has a healing effect like children.
00:50:50I think
00:50:52it's good.
00:50:56Don't look at me like that.
00:50:59I'm sure flying has a healing effect.
00:51:03When I was a kid,
00:51:04that's why I was attracted to spring.
00:51:07As the flying sky rose,
00:51:08I felt as free as birds.
00:51:12I hope your mother's friend
00:51:13feels good things too.
00:51:16I hope so.
00:51:26I'm going to ask you something.
00:51:30Of course.
00:51:32Let's say someone hurt you a lot.
00:51:35But knowingly,
00:51:36to hurt you.
00:51:38Would you forgive him?
00:51:42I mean,
00:51:45like you said,
00:51:49I know people
00:51:51who have trouble
00:51:52dealing with pain.
00:51:56I want to forgive.
00:52:03I can't forgive.
00:52:06My pain is getting worse.
00:52:11What about you?
00:52:13I don't know.
00:52:15I used to think a lot about
00:52:16why he did it.
00:52:19I was trying to understand
00:52:20why he did it.
00:52:22Because everyone has a reason.
00:52:24There must be a reason.
00:52:27I believe that
00:52:28human nature is good.
00:52:30I think evil is something
00:52:31learned later.
00:52:33But what you do
00:52:34is more important to me
00:52:35than who you do it for.
00:52:38If it's someone I love
00:52:39who hurts me,
00:52:42it's hard for me to forgive.
00:52:45the wounds that
00:52:46people love open
00:52:48work deeper.
00:52:49Still, life is too short
00:52:50to hold on.
00:52:52Loving is the greatest truth.
00:52:55Don't look at me like that.
00:52:56I'm saying I'll forgive you,
00:52:57but I can't stand it.
00:53:00I'll find an excuse
00:53:01and hug him again.
00:53:03That's how I am.
00:53:06There's nothing to do.
00:53:14Well, forgive me.
00:53:15If I made you suffer so much
00:53:16for nothing,
00:53:18if I burned you to death,
00:53:20can you still forgive me?
00:53:22Even if you forgive me,
00:53:23would I forgive myself?
00:53:26When you put on your tail,
00:53:27the flight is over.
00:53:29Can I take it to Ali?
00:53:31I'd see him, too.
00:53:33Of course.
00:53:35Well, let's move on, then.
00:53:37I'm going to the airport.
00:53:39I'm going to the airport.
00:53:41I'm going to the airport.
00:53:43I'm going to the airport.
00:53:45I'm going to the airport.
00:54:04I think it's going to be
00:54:05the best flight I've ever seen in my life.
00:54:08I hope Ali likes it, too.
00:54:11Of course, so does Burcu.
00:54:15I hope Ali likes it, too.
00:54:34I finally got the information I was looking for, brother.
00:54:41all the facts are hidden in this file.
00:55:17where did you find this?
00:55:20It was next to the trash.
00:55:22What happened?
00:55:23Is this
00:55:24the gift I prepared for you?
00:55:29Who took it and put it next to the trash?
00:55:33I don't understand, either.
00:55:35I guess Selim threw it in the trash.
00:55:37He must have been shocked.
00:55:40Thank you so much.
00:55:41You did a great job.
00:55:48I said you did a great job.
00:55:50Why would I take it from the street if I didn't like it?
00:55:53Why would I take it from the street if I didn't like it?
00:55:57I'll get the bag.
00:56:02son, come and get the bags.
00:56:05what are you doing?
00:56:08Let's make eggplant tomorrow.
00:56:10What do you say?
00:56:11It's a little different.
00:56:13It's a little bit bitter.
00:56:16don't tire yourself out.
00:56:18I'll take care of this.
00:56:21I have a meeting tomorrow.
00:56:23I'll probably get a visa.
00:56:26I'm going to see my brother soon.
00:56:29So you don't have much to do in the tea garden.
00:56:33Is that what you say?
00:56:53Let's go.
00:57:14I have a very important meeting.
00:57:16Otherwise, I would take you.
00:57:18The plane is in the car.
00:57:20The driver will drop you off.
00:57:22Thank you.
00:57:25When I get back,
00:57:26I'll tell you about Ali's happiness.
00:57:29I'll get some more information about Burcu.
00:57:35Tell Ali
00:57:37not to hurt you again.
00:57:41I'll tell him.
00:57:43I'll tell him to keep his heart.
00:57:49Tell him
00:57:53love is the greatest truth.
00:58:01See you.
00:58:21When you come back,
00:58:22everything will come to an end.
00:58:29I won't be able to carry my God.
00:58:30Don't burden me.
00:58:51Come in.
00:59:01Come in.
00:59:21Come in.
00:59:51Come in.
00:59:52Come in.
01:00:21Come in.
01:00:39My brother.
01:01:00My innocent daughter.
01:01:28My sister.
01:01:29You were right.
01:01:45My sister.
01:01:48I'll leave you alone.
01:02:08My brother.
01:02:14And I
01:02:15And I
01:02:20Despite all your innocence
01:02:27I made you suffer.
01:02:35I made you suffer.
01:02:45I made you suffer.
01:02:50Thank God.
01:02:54Thank God you're innocent.
01:03:01You're innocent.
01:03:09You have no right to do this.
01:03:10Let me go.
01:03:11Let me go.
01:03:12Let me go.
01:03:15Let me go.
01:03:45Let me go.
01:03:55I'm really innocent.
01:04:09I said enough!
01:04:20My house.
01:04:31What did I do?
01:04:38What did I do?
01:04:45I made you suffer.
01:04:47I hurt you.
01:04:50I made you cry.
01:04:57I hit you from there to there.
01:04:59Not just you, your family too.
01:05:06I tortured you.
01:05:08What did I do?
01:05:11What did I do?
01:05:15What did I do?
01:05:37What did I do?
01:05:45What did I do?
01:06:06What's going on?
01:06:08Are those sounds coming from Halil's room?
01:06:10I don't know.
01:06:12This is how you go crazy when you can't reach the photos, Halil.
01:06:16You finally managed to trick that girl.
01:06:19Well done, Songül.
01:06:21Should we take a look?
01:06:32What's going on? What's going on with Halil?
01:06:35It would be better if Halil explains.
01:06:37No, I can't stand it.
01:06:44Don't do it.
01:07:02Did Halil find out everything?
01:07:04Mom, calm down.
01:07:05Look, if you act like this, you will reveal yourself.
01:07:09Besides, if we go out, the Songül witch will burn.
01:07:14If we burn, we say you burn too.
01:07:17That woman can't take such a thing.
01:08:04Halil, what's wrong with you? Tell me.
01:08:11You can't drive in this condition.
01:08:13You can't go, Halil.
01:08:19Are you okay?
01:08:42Aunt, what's going on?
01:08:43What's wrong with Halil?
01:08:46I don't know, honey.
01:08:47I don't know.
01:08:49But I'm also very scared.
01:08:51I hope he doesn't do anything wrong.
01:09:39You ruined an innocent man's life.
01:09:49What did you do, Halil?
01:09:51What did you do?
01:09:59What did you do?
01:10:20I'm telling you, please.
01:10:22Please for me.
01:11:04I'm sorry.
01:11:28I'm sorry.
01:11:42Mom, it's not over yet.
01:11:44The steam doesn't work.
01:11:45Does it end like this?
01:11:49Why don't you sit down and rest a little bit?
01:11:51What's the rush?
01:11:52Your grandmother is sleeping.
01:11:54Mom is sleeping, but when she wakes up, she'll want to see me.
01:11:56Besides, why did you bring her clothes here?
01:11:58I don't understand.
01:12:01The door is ringing.
01:12:02You go look at the door.
01:12:06Oh, thank God.
01:12:07Selma came without going to the courier.
01:12:23What is it?
01:12:24What is it?
01:12:26I don't know.
01:12:28He doesn't write his name on it.
01:12:32Oh, my God.
01:12:44Oh, you're so curious.
01:12:46Selma, open the package.
01:12:56Oh, my God.
01:13:00Oh, my God.
01:13:03This is my baby.
01:13:05The same as Sümbül.
01:13:08Selma, you'd love to.
01:13:10You'd never leave him.
01:13:14Really, what happened to that baby?
01:13:18You went to the market one day.
01:13:19Do you remember?
01:13:20No, we saw a kid.
01:13:25He liked it so much.
01:13:26Do you remember?
01:13:27He was so excited.
01:13:29I remember.
01:13:31You couldn't stand it either.
01:13:32You gave your baby to the child.
01:13:37Obviously, someone who knows this story should have sent it.
01:13:44But who?
01:13:52I don't know.
01:14:22I don't know.
01:14:49You called me.
01:15:06Did something happen?
01:15:18Are you going to say something?
01:15:19Why did you call me?
01:15:22I don't know.
01:15:36You always said
01:15:40Why are you breaking my heart alone?
01:15:52I did it because I thought you were guilty
01:15:56of the torture I caused you
01:16:00and of making you work mercilessly.
01:16:06Even now, when I say it,
01:16:10I did it because I thought
01:16:12you were guilty
01:16:18of everything that woke me up
01:16:20from my sleep.
01:16:32But I was wrong, Zeynep.
01:16:45are innocent.
01:17:04Halil, what are you saying?
01:17:09What sin did I commit that you made me pay for?
01:17:13What innocence?
01:17:14Not only you,
01:17:20but your family too.
01:17:31Zeynep, I
01:17:40am more guilty
01:17:41of you
01:17:47and your family.
01:17:53I came to take revenge.
01:18:03Are you aware of what you are saying?
01:18:05Are you aware of what you are saying?
01:18:10What revenge are you talking about?
01:18:16Answer me!
01:18:18Years ago
01:18:23my mother came to your door to apologize
01:18:25even though she was not guilty.
01:18:31She threw my mother out of the door
01:18:35and I thought you were the one
01:18:40who ruined my life,
01:18:44who started everything,
01:18:45who shattered me.
01:18:51But you were not.
01:18:56You were not that merciful,
01:18:58that heartless Zeynep.
01:19:10I don't understand anything.
01:19:14was everything you made my family live for revenge?
01:19:20Answer me!
01:19:23You were.
01:19:28But there is something else I want to say.
01:19:32Other than all this,
01:19:35I ran away from you.
01:19:40I got lost in you.
01:19:46I resisted you.
01:19:50I got angry,
01:19:52but I was defeated in the end.
01:19:58I didn't know that heart would love you, Zeynep.
