During remarks on the House floor, Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) spoke about government spending and inflation.
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00:00Mr. Speaker, the everyday people of America can't stand at this podium and talk about
00:11the crushing inflation Washington's spending has created.
00:17The single mothers struggling to put food on the table don't have a voting card to
00:23vote against the spending that fuels food price increases.
00:28Young families struggling to buy a home can't give a speech on the House floor about the
00:34surging home prices and mortgage rates.
00:38We are their voice.
00:41We are their representatives.
00:44Or at least we're supposed to be.
00:46But based on the tax and spend policies of the administration and the blowout omnibus
00:51packages forced through this Congress by many of my own colleagues, I'll add, I don't
00:57think Congress is doing a very good job listening to America.
01:02Mr. Speaker, this Congress has passed two massive spending packages, continuing the
01:07blowout COVID expansion and even leaving Nancy Pelosi's spending levels in the dust.
01:14And what did Americans get for it?
01:16What did they get for their money?
01:19They didn't get a secure border.
01:22They didn't get safer cities.
01:24And they sure didn't get a better economy.
01:28But you know who did benefit from the blowout spending?
01:32LGBTQ youth organizations, transgender organizations, abortion facilities, and oh yeah, the FBI
01:40got a brand new headquarters and expanded authority to spy on Americans.
01:46Mr. Speaker, the Washington establishment is addicted to spending my constituents' money.
01:53And it's never enough.
01:55We are $34 trillion in debt.
01:59And it's still never enough.
02:02And I have no doubt there are plans brewing right now in this murky swamp to clear the
02:07decks, that's the phrase, and use the upcoming appropriations to force through more spending,
02:14more left-wing poison pills, with nothing to actually secure our border and significantly
02:21cut spending to stimulate our economy.
02:24It doesn't have to be this way.
02:27Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my constituents in Texas District 3, I urge my colleagues
02:32to wake up, stop spending money we don't have, and commit to cut wasteful government spending.
02:39We must bring prosperity back to the hard-working Americans.
02:45And I yield back.