• 3 months ago
Les glaciers ne sont pas seulement de gros morceaux de glace ; ce sont comme des capsules temporelles glacées qui cachent des choses vraiment cool. Les scientifiques ont trouvé des artefacts anciens comme des corps parfaitement conservés, des outils, et même des avions entiers enfouis dans les glaciers. C'est comme tomber sur un trésor gelé ! Et ces découvertes ne datent pas seulement, disons, de quelques décennies ; nous parlons de milliers d'années en arrière. De plus, les glaciers peuvent contenir des indices sur l'histoire de la Terre, comme le climat qu'il faisait il y a bien longtemps. Alors, la prochaine fois que vous escaladez un glacier, gardez les yeux grands ouverts, vous ne savez jamais quelles merveilles anciennes pourraient se cacher sous la glace ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00In 1952, an American aircraft named 624 Globemaster II crashed into a large mountain as it rallied Alaska from the state of Washington.
00:11Unfortunately, not a single of the 52 people on board had to survive.
00:16The bad weather at the time made it very difficult to locate the crash site.
00:20And even afterwards, all attempts to locate it failed.
00:24But in 2012, the crew of a helicopter carrying out a training mission spotted debris of the plane crushed on the surface of Colony Glacier.
00:32They started looking for other pieces and confirmed that it was indeed the missing plane.
00:37Since then, every summer for about a decade, different military squads have joined Operation Colony Glacier.
00:45They managed to identify 40 of the 52 people who had lost their lives in this crash.
00:51The soldiers participating in this mission would never consider abandoning a comrade who fell on a mission,
00:57and believe that it is their duty to bring back those who did not survive.
01:06Another discovery took place in the Alps.
01:08In 1980, hikers exploring these picturesque reliefs came across human remains.
01:14They were half imprisoned in the ice at the top of a mountain pass between Italy and Austria.
01:20At first, the police thought it could be a mountaineering accident.
01:24But in a few weeks, archaeologists began to assert that this man could have lived more than 5,000 years before.
01:31We finally gave this frozen man the nickname Ötzi.
01:35He owes his name to the Ötztal Valley, which is very close.
01:38He has since acquired a certain notoriety as being the oldest ice mummy ever discovered.
01:44Ötzi's state of freezing could not be as unique as we thought.
01:49And this is where things take an interesting turn.
01:51Archaeologists have their own theories.
01:55You see, at first, everyone was convinced that the discovery of Ötzi's remains marked the beginning of a colder era,
02:02because he had been caught in the ice without any interruption since he had left it alive.
02:07However, over the last decades, glaciers and ice caps around the world melt like a sorbet on a hot summer day.
02:15Not only Ötzi, but also other ancient relics such as bodies, hunting equipment, horse hooves, and even old skis have begun to emerge.
02:25Archaeologists therefore support the existence of similar sites.
02:29They have found many, and all fit perfectly into this new field of glacial archaeology.
02:36It seems that as the world warms up, it can reveal many more secrets from the Great Cold.
02:45Let's move on to another amazing discovery.
02:48In 2018, William Taylor and Nick Jarman explored the snowy slopes of the Altai Mountains in Mongolia
02:54and came across an ancient treasure hidden in the ice.
02:57Inside, they discovered the stem of an old 3,000-year-old arrow, well preserved and decorated with ocher marks.
03:04It was in perfect condition, a rarity for such ancient objects made of organic matter.
03:09They also found other fragments, such as a bronze arrowhead to which the tendons of an animal were still attached.
03:17All these relics of the past had remained intact for thousands of years because they were trapped in the ice.
03:26In Mongolia, the increase in temperatures has melted ice sheets that had remained intact for centuries.
03:33Similar discoveries were made in Yukon, the United States, Italy, Siberia and Norway.
03:41Thousands of sites have thus been identified.
03:44However, researchers are on a real race against time to document and preserve these relics before they are lost forever.
03:54Their study questions the very definition of these territories as being wild expanses
04:00and demonstrates that indigenous peoples coexisted with nature there.
04:04Sometimes, people also discover everyday objects as simple as a sandal.
04:09This one, discovered on a mountain pass in central Norway, indicates that people already used this route about 1,700 years ago.
04:17This suggests that there was less snow and ice in this region at the time.
04:21The sandal, dating from about 300 BC, strongly resembles the Roman sandals of that time.
04:31Once again in Norway, hunters have found a sword stuck at the top of a mountain at an altitude of more than 1,600 meters.
04:38There is no funerary site nearby and it is disconcerting to imagine why someone would have taken his sword to such a remote place.
04:46Archaeologists suggest that the owner could have got lost.
04:50Subsequently, in 2011, unusual objects resembling giant fronds began to emerge with the melting of the ice.
04:57Carbon-14 dating suggests that this singular object was designed around 400 BC.
05:04It is more than a meter long and has knife-like grooves.
05:08Archaeologists have been intrigued by it, until a team member recognized them as a kind of handle or pliers,
05:15used to attach hay bales or hay leaves to the sledges.
05:18People in the region used hay sledges with such pliers until the 1950s,
05:24when tractors became more widespread.
05:30Let's go back a few thousand years now.
05:33We can easily get there just by looking at this mammoth.
05:37This pachyderm looks a bit like a cute doodoo, although slightly worn.
05:42This ancient colossus, which experienced its peak 39,000 years ago, is the best preserved mammoth ever discovered.
05:50Even its emblematic hirsute mane is surprisingly well preserved,
05:54because it has remained trapped in the ice until its recent discovery in Siberia.
05:59This incredible animal is talked about a lot in Yokohama, Japan,
06:03where scientists carry out tests that aim to bring this extinct species back to life.
06:08When we discovered this mammoth female, we discovered an unexpected treasure,
06:13a sample of its blood preserved under the ice.
06:16We therefore think that this ancient blood could hold the key to the mammoth's resurrection.
06:22We also found well-preserved muscle tissue.
06:25This mammoth female was between 50 and 60 years old when she experienced this glacial fate.
06:30The discovery of mammoth blood sparked debates about the ethics of the resurrection of extinct creatures,
06:36like the Jurassic Park scenario.
06:39The plan would be to implant an ovocyte in a modern elephant for a gestation of 22 months,
06:44hoping that at least one living mammoth cell would survive.
06:51Climbing aboard, we return to the French Alps,
06:54where we are not far from the site where an Air India plane tragically crashed 46 years ago.
07:00Fortunately, we are accompanied by a conscientious mountain rescuer and his neighbor.
07:04They went to this area after a group of tourists noticed a strange object on a glacier.
07:09It was a bag.
07:11The Indian embassy in Paris had sold it and seemed determined to recover it.
07:15What makes it so mysterious is that it carried the inscriptions of diplomatic mail and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
07:22The Air India flight was on its way from Bombay to New York.
07:26When it stung in January 1970, it carried with it 117 people.
07:32And guess what else was in this bag, except the diplomatic mail of the soaked?
07:37A pile of old Indian newspapers.
07:40Next to this, we also found pieces of the cabin of the plane,
07:44a slippery shoe and a bunch of cables, treasures for the least unexpected in the middle of the mountains.
07:53During the summer of 2013, on the Canadian island of Ward Hunt,
07:57scientists came across a message left by a geologist named Walker, who had placed it there 54 years earlier.
08:05This message served him in some way as a last testament,
08:08because he died barely a month after hiding the bottle in the rocks of the island.
08:13The content of the message was truly amazing.
08:16In 1959, Walker had measured the distance between these same stones and the edge of the glacier
08:22and had evaluated it at only 51 meters.
08:25Then, in 2013, this distance was dug to reach 122 meters.
08:31Researchers are convinced that this striking contrast between the two measurements
08:35only emphasizes the consequences of the ongoing global warming.
08:42Imagine this melting ice in the mountains of Norway
08:46as a time machine that reveals us a hidden treasure.
08:50Nearly 800 Viking remains, hidden for more than a thousand years, have been discovered.
08:55They give us a glimpse of the flourishing commercial routes of the Viking era
08:59and of the crucial role of mountain passes in this ancient trade.
09:02Among the discoveries are leather shoes,
09:05wool scarves, tunic gloves,
09:08whole arrowheads, horseshoes,
09:11walking sticks and kitchen utensils from the panoply of a Viking chef.
09:15He even kept some memories of his chariot.
09:18These remains provide us with valuable information on the ancient habits of travel
09:23and on the apogee of this culture, when its roads overflowed with activity.
09:27Finally, they give us a glimpse of the life of these ancient adventurers.
