Numberblocks Numberblocks S07 E015 Making Patterns

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00of figuring out some numbers.
00:02And art is an excellent way of expressing yourself.
00:07Oh! I like this sculpture.
00:09Personally, I prefer this painting.
00:12Art is all about finding different ways of looking at things.
00:16Take my new exhibit, for example.
00:18The pattern wall!
00:25Whatever shape you make with your blocks,
00:27the pattern wall will copy.
00:33Not bad. May I?
00:35Help yourself.
00:37A surprised cow.
00:39But now let's loosen up those blocks
00:41and make some crazy shapes!
01:01Now let's find a clean bit of wall
01:03and see what we can do.
01:05Octoblock, tessellate!
01:071, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
01:11Let's give it a try.
01:13Square! Cross!
01:15Square! Cross!
01:17Right. Let's explore some patterns.
01:20You're both making a tens and ones pattern at the moment.
01:23Like this. Ten, ten, one.
01:26That's a good first step.
01:28It helps you see where you fit
01:30in the pattern of counting numbers.
01:32Oh, yes!
01:34I'm between 26 and 28.
01:36And I'm underneath 8 and 18.
01:39Now see what shapes your blocks can make.
01:42Rectangles are the simplest.
01:44Look. My 21 blocks can make 7 lots of 3.
01:49See? See? See? See?
01:51Me! Me! Me!
01:53So, I fit the pattern of the family of 3s.
01:57Between 18 and 24.
02:00Oh! I can fit that pattern too.
02:03I'm 3 more than 24.
02:06Well, I'm part of the family of 2s,
02:094s, 7s and 14s too.
02:12Oh! Lots of rectangles.
02:16Now me, I'm part of the family of squares.
02:19Maybe we're squares 27.
02:22Nope. Guess not.
02:24Although I can make 3 square 9s.
02:27And each 9 is 3 3s.
02:30We're the 3 3 3s.
02:34Oh! There are lots of patterns to explore.
02:37Like my favourite, step shapes.
02:401, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
02:45Oh! Let me try.
02:47Yes! I'm 7 blocks bigger than you, 21.
02:50So, I can make a step shape too.
02:531, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
02:55And lucky rainbow 7.
02:59So many patterns to play with.
03:02Oh! I figured myself out.
03:05I'm 28 and I'm a pattern pioneer.
03:09Square with a hole. Chalky cross.
03:12Tower with windows. Get in.
03:17Hello, 27. Looking for something?
03:20Yes. I'm just not sure what.
03:22There's something I'm missing.
03:24Art is all about exploring new directions.
03:28Oh! New directions. That's it!
03:343 lots of 3 3s can make 3 square 9s.
03:39And if you put us together in a new direction,
03:42we make a cube.
03:45I figured myself out.
03:47I'm 27 and I'm a cube.
03:513 by 3 by 3. Whee!
03:55Making patterns is so much fun.
