• 5 months ago
El camino de la salvación nacional
Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat invita a los cubanos dentro de Cuba y en el exilio a que apoyen el proceso de liberación y democracia a través de un plan de salvación nacional. “Somos un pueblo que nació con vocación de libertad” asegura el líder de la Asamblea de la Resistencia cubana.


00:00 To be able to dominate and control us, Castro invented a false image of what we are.
00:06 The image that Castro has always wanted to project to all Cubans, that we are a great mass,
00:11 gathered in a square, applauding Fidel Castro or whoever is going to replace him at that time.
00:16 A mass that does not know how to dissent, that does not know how to discredit, that does not know how to debate,
00:21 that only accepts the orders given by the highest leader of the Communist Party of Cuba.
00:26 That is Cuba. That is not Cuba. We know it.
00:29 Cuba is naturally a plural, creative nation,
00:33 where a series of values that we have transmitted from one generation to another, unite us as a people.
00:38 When we think as a mass, we behave as a mass.
00:41 We make acts of repudiation, we launch ourselves to do the worst barbarities in the name of the Communist Party of Cuba,
00:46 against ourselves.
00:48 That is why it is important to recover the image of who we really are.
00:52 We are a people that was born with a vocation for freedom.
00:55 There is no Cuban nation without a vocation for freedom.
00:58 Recently, at the National University of La Coruña,
01:01 convened by young Cuban-Americans,
01:03 the Sovereign Conference on the Struggle for the Freedom of Cuba was held.
01:07 And there we saw the images of the true Cuba.
01:10 The political expressions, the young activists,
01:13 those who have been veterans of the struggle for the freedom of Cuba,
01:17 along with intellectuals of a new generation, who have new proposals,
01:21 men, women, whites, blacks, mulattoes, that is Cuba.
01:25 A nation united in its diversity if there is freedom.
01:29 This Sovereign Conference on the Struggle for the Freedom of Cuba is not an event of a single day, it is a process.
01:34 We started with this conference at the National University of Florida,
01:37 but the workshops will continue, like many workshops within Cuba,
01:41 before this conference can be carried out.
01:43 It is an organic movement, living in the Cuban nation, reuniting with itself.
01:48 In this Sovereign Conference on the Struggle for the Freedom of Cuba,
01:51 we dared to dream and think and plan,
01:53 because Cubans have shown in exile that they know how to conceive,
01:56 that they know how to plan and that they know how to have results.
02:00 And we dared, along with the brothers and sisters within Cuba,
02:03 who also sent us their proposals,
02:05 to make a proposal on how to go from dictatorship to democracy.
02:08 This proposal is about the end of communism,
02:10 the end of the Communist Party as a criminal organization
02:13 that has conspired to steal our rights.
02:16 National Salvation Council, composed of all the elements and factors
02:20 that participate in the liberation of the country.
02:22 And then, for the transition to democracy,
02:25 that National Salvation Council operates, functions,
02:28 under a provisional constitutional law, based on the Constitution of 1940.
02:33 There we would move to the reorganization of the powers of the State,
02:36 to be able to constitute a democracy.
02:38 To deregulation and liberation of the economy,
02:40 so that Cubans become owners of their work again,
02:43 so that there is freedom of trade,
02:45 so that we begin to revitalize the Cuban field and feed ourselves.
02:50 So that there is freedom of association, of expression, of organization.
02:54 At the year of the liberation, the agreement for democracy,
02:56 a unitary document of exile,
02:59 calls or establishes the election of a constituent congress,
03:03 that goes there legislating,
03:05 while a special commission of that congress prepares a new constitutional proposal.
03:10 That can be the Constitution of 1940,
03:12 as the last democratic constitution of the country,
03:14 the reformed Commission of 1940,
03:17 a new constitution that feeds on the rich history of democratic constitutions,
03:22 from the Manigua to the Republic that Cuba has had.
03:25 The people would defend in the polls, in a true election,
03:29 not these things that the Communist Party has accustomed us to,
03:32 not even that constitution.
03:34 If the Constitution is approved, free multiparty elections,
03:37 for a president and all the established powers,
03:40 up to the municipal level.
03:42 Of course, I have summarized what is a much more detailed plan,
03:46 elaborated by Cubans inside and outside Cuba.
03:48 But it is a plan of national salvation,
03:50 a plan for how to revitalize our country as soon as possible,
03:53 and get it out of the terrible crisis,
03:55 of the existential crisis,
03:57 of the danger of dying in which this regime has assumed the nation.
04:02 But there is a way, that way is the way of national salvation.
04:05 National Paro, liberation, free elections, reconstruction.
04:09 On that path we Cubans go inside and outside,
04:12 because that is another mirage of the Castrismo,
04:14 that Cubans inside and outside are not the same people,
04:16 we are more than the same people, we are one nation.
04:22 (eerie music)
