Meet Anxiety (voiced by Maya Hawke) in this Inside Out 2 clip from Disney and Pixar’s upcoming movie. The animated film also features the voice talents of Amy Poehler as Joy, Phyllis Smith as Sadness, Lewis Black as Anger, Tony Hale as Fear, and Liza Lapira as Disgust.
The little voices inside Riley’s head know her inside and out—but next summer, everything changes when Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 introduces a new Emotion: Anxiety.
Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 returns to the mind of newly minted teenager Riley just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who’ve long been running a successful operation by all accounts, aren’t sure how to feel when Anxiety shows up. And it looks like she’s not alone. Directed by Kelsey Mann and produced by Mark Nielsen, Inside Out 2 opens in theaters in Summer 2024.
The little voices inside Riley’s head know her inside and out—but next summer, everything changes when Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 introduces a new Emotion: Anxiety.
Disney and Pixar’s Inside Out 2 returns to the mind of newly minted teenager Riley just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who’ve long been running a successful operation by all accounts, aren’t sure how to feel when Anxiety shows up. And it looks like she’s not alone. Directed by Kelsey Mann and produced by Mark Nielsen, Inside Out 2 opens in theaters in Summer 2024.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 Orange? Who made the console orange?
00:02 Do I look orange?
00:03 I didn't touch it.
00:04 Orange is not my color.
00:04 Not me.
00:05 Hello everybody!
00:07 [Screams]
00:08 Oh my gosh, I am just such a huge fan of yours and now here I am meeting you face to face.
00:14 [Laughs]
00:15 Okay, how can I help?
00:16 Uh...
00:16 I can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep.
00:20 Wow, you have a lot of energy.
00:23 Maybe you could just stay in one place?
00:25 Anything. Just call my name and I'm here for you.
00:28 Okay, love that. And what was your name again?
00:30 Oh, I'm sorry. I can get ahead of myself. I'm Anxiety.
00:33 I'm one of Riley's new emotions and we are just super jazzed to be here.
00:37 Where can I put my stuff?
00:38 Uh, what do you mean "we"?
00:40 [Silence]