• l’année dernière


00:00 - Oh, hi!
00:01 - Hi!
00:02 - Les filles et moi, on va rencontrer Jasmine
00:03 pour la première fois.
00:04 J'espère qu'on va avoir notre quatrième femme.
00:06 Dans notre maison, les femmes travaillent
00:08 et Nick reste à la maison.
00:10 - La plupart des gens sont élevés dans un environnement
00:12 de Wolfpack.
00:13 - Où il y a un alpha-mâle et son partenaire
00:15 et tout le monde se retrouve en ligne après ça.
00:18 Ma famille était plus comme une fierté.
00:20 - Donc, vous vous êtes habituées à cet environnement.
00:22 - Je suis honnêtement habituée à ça.
00:23 Est-ce que vous vous sentez vraiment de cette façon
00:25 ou est-ce que c'est quelque chose que vous voulez que nous
00:27 aimions, ce que vous devez dire?
00:29 - Je vous aime vraiment. Vous êtes géniaux, vous êtes magnifiques.
00:32 J'aimerais essayer ça.
00:34 - Je peux vous promettre que je ne vais pas
00:36 chercher d'autres relations.
00:38 - Ashley est vraiment optimiste, mais je sens que Sarah
00:42 n'est peut-être pas la bonne chose pour nous.
00:45 - Est-ce le style de vie?
00:46 - On ne va pas approuver les enfants.
00:48 - Ils sont selfisques et ils devraient penser
00:50 à leur enfant.
00:51 - Vous allez lui parler?
00:52 - Je vais probablement aller là-bas et vous battre
00:54 dans la tête.
00:55 - Qu'est-ce que vous pensez qui va se passer
00:56 quand vous le ferez?
00:57 - Allons-y!
00:59 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:04 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:16 - Bonjour, madame.
01:17 - Vous avez l'air géniale.
01:19 - Bonjour.
01:21 - Alors, notre voyage attend.
01:24 - Littéralement.
01:25 - Wow!
01:27 - Voir Jasmine pour la première fois, je veux dire,
01:30 elle est trop jolie.
01:32 Vous savez, même plus jolie que moi.
01:34 Donc, c'est définitivement un bonus.
01:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
01:39 - Oui, prenez un petit tour ici au soleil.
01:42 - Ça devrait être intéressant.
01:44 - Si vous vous sentez, vous voulez mon veste,
01:47 dites-moi, d'accord?
01:48 - Je vous le dirai.
01:50 - Nick est très, très facile à voir.
01:53 Il est définitivement quelque chose
01:55 qui peut être regardé pendant un temps extendu, oui.
02:00 - [Rire]
02:01 - Mes plus grands soucis sont probablement
02:04 l'acclamation,
02:05 parce que je n'ai pas daté plus d'une personne à la fois.
02:09 Je suis habituellement en relation monogamiste.
02:13 - Je pensais que ce serait bien pour nous
02:15 d'avoir la chance de vous connecter,
02:17 vous et moi, ensemble,
02:18 après que vous et la fille vous avez eu.
02:22 - Oui, vos filles sont géniales.
02:24 Ils ont tous leur propre petit...
02:27 quirk à eux.
02:28 - C'est vrai, en effet.
02:30 Oui.
02:31 [Rire]
02:32 Je ne suis pas certain de combien de notre structure
02:36 de relation qu'ils ont discuté avec vous,
02:38 mais la spiritualité est quelque chose
02:40 que nous gardons entièrement basé
02:43 en science et en mathématiques.
02:46 Donc, nous aimons juste, vous savez,
02:48 garder nos pieds sur le sol, soit dit.
02:50 - Bien sûr. Je veux dire, il y a une validation en science.
02:54 Nous l'avons vu fonctionner.
02:56 Nous avons vu les choses se développer.
02:58 Nous avons vu les choses se développer.
03:00 Les virus, les bactéries, les plantes, les animaux.
03:03 Il y a une certaine validité à cela.
03:05 Mes parents m'ont élevé, en fait, assez éclectique.
03:08 Ma mère est une reverie.
03:10 Elle a étudié 8 religions différentes.
03:12 Elle m'a mis au travers de toutes elles aussi.
03:14 En étudiant elles, j'étais un peu curieuse.
03:17 Vous savez, qu'est-ce que les autres disent?
03:20 - 8 religions? - 8, oui.
03:22 - OK, c'est une manière intéressante de grandir.
03:25 - En étant pégane, nous attirons
03:28 les relations les plus extérieures.
03:33 - C'est intéressant.
03:35 - Donc, être dans un foyer pégan
03:38 signifie que nous avons détecté
03:40 beaucoup de diversité dans les manières d'autres.
03:44 J'ai toujours eu une sorte d'autre-monde
03:48 à propos de moi, car je ne suis pas
03:51 complètement présente ici.
03:53 - Je ne suis pas une colbienne.
03:56 J'ai 2 godesses différentes
03:59 de 2 panthéons qui me regardent.
04:02 Kuan Yin, du Bouddhisme,
04:05 et Oshun, des dieux africains.
04:09 Ils m'ont traité très bien.
04:13 Je n'étais pas complètement sécure
04:16 et c'est comme si j'étais censée être.
04:20 Je l'ai combattue depuis un moment,
04:23 mais ces 2 femmes en particulier
04:26 me ressonnent avec qui je suis et qui je veux être.
04:29 - Je suis sûr qu'on aura beaucoup d'aventures
04:32 où on va développer
04:34 des idées plus philosophiques,
04:37 des idées plus grandes.
04:39 Je suis sûr qu'on va passer du temps en faisant ça.
04:42 - C'était déjà un peu bizarre
04:45 de voir Jasmine se proclamer paga.
04:48 Je n'ai pas de problème avec ça,
04:51 mais mes femmes auraient pu me préparer
04:54 à ce que Jasmine soit tellement unique.
04:57 Je n'ai pas d'attentes pour comment ça va se développer
05:00 ou comment ça va progresser.
05:02 Je sais que ce n'est pas toujours facile,
05:05 mais je vous promets que ça va valoir le coup.
05:08 - Rien n'est toujours facile.
05:10 - Rien que... - Même manger, c'est facile.
05:13 Je m'effondre tout le temps.
05:15 - Bien joué.
05:17 Rattrape-toi. Mange ton nourriture.
05:19 - Je n'ai pas le temps pour ça.
05:21 Je n'ai pas le temps pour ça.
05:23 - Il me semble que tout ce que tu mets, c'est des balles courbes.
05:26 - Oui, c'est sûr. Absolument.
05:28 - Je dois être honnête, je meurs de rire.
05:31 (rires)
05:33 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:45 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:50 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:11 (rires)
06:13 - Tu es hilarant.
06:15 - J'apprécie le vol. Merci.
06:17 - J'ai l'impression que Jasmine et moi, on va bien,
06:20 mais elle va dire des choses off-the-wall,
06:22 elle va me frapper avec des pédicures.
06:24 - Ma dame, elle a sa propre voie
06:27 que elle opère,
06:29 mais c'est juste une partie de son personnalité.
06:32 Je pense que ça va prendre du temps à s'habiller.
06:36 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:38 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:48 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:53 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:58 - All right.
07:00 - OK.
07:02 - Yeah, yeah, I mean, at this point,
07:04 I feel good about Sarah.
07:06 I just feel like I'm not walking on eggshells
07:09 and I'm very comfortable and natural.
07:12 I'm not having to think about every word that I say
07:17 to make sure it's calculated
07:19 and thought through thoroughly
07:22 before it comes out of my mouth.
07:24 I just say it, which is my norm.
07:26 Like, I'm normally someone who just says what comes to mind.
07:29 So it feels much more comfortable and natural.
07:31 - I'm sorry. Somebody else is calling you,
07:33 and I don't know if it's the same number,
07:35 but they're trying to get a hold of you.
07:37 - It's actually Sarah. - Sarah.
07:39 - Yeah.
07:41 - Should I just text her and say, "Is everything OK?"
07:43 - Give the viewers... - I don't know.
07:45 She called back, so...
07:47 Hello?
07:49 - Hi, how are you?
07:51 - I'm good. What's going on?
07:54 - Um, so we are in the-- are you, like, nearby right now?
08:04 - OK, that's fine. Bye.
08:07 - If this goes bad, then it's gonna make really bad.
08:11 We're gonna have a tough time doing the rest of this.
08:14 [tense music]
08:17 ♪ ♪
08:19 - Hello? - Hey, I'm outside.
08:21 - Oh, OK. We'll be out shortly.
08:23 - All right. Bye. - OK, bye.
08:26 ♪ ♪
08:33 - Hi. - Hey.
08:35 - Hey, guys. Oh, gosh.
08:37 - I have my shoes on. - I always have my shoes on, but...
08:40 - Hey, how's it going? - Oh, there is shade over there.
08:43 - Let me grab some chairs.
08:45 - Yeah, you wanna go in the shade?
08:47 - Yeah, she's gonna pull over some chairs for us.
08:49 - I'm thinking to myself, like, something is wrong here,
08:51 because yesterday she agreed to be exclusive with us.
08:54 We literally have been talking to her all night,
08:56 all through dinner last night, and even this morning
08:58 she sent the wake-up text, so I don't know...
09:00 - And they were good messages. Like, she initiated good morning.
09:02 - I don't know why she would drive all the way out here.
09:04 - So what's up?
09:06 - So I was up kind of, like, all night,
09:08 thinking, you know, about everything.
09:10 I was, you know, sort of caught off guard with everything,
09:14 you know, just meeting you last month
09:17 and going on that one date
09:19 and just meeting you the day before.
09:21 - Mm-hmm. - And I like you guys,
09:24 but I just feel like everything happened, like, so fast,
09:29 and I wasn't really ready for it in that capacity.
09:35 And, you know, to your point of, you know,
09:39 you said that you guys get attached really quickly,
09:42 you know? - Yeah.
09:44 - And that's fair.
09:47 But I don't think it's fair to say, you know,
09:50 because we get attached, you have to create this attachment
09:53 by being in a relationship,
09:55 when maybe I'm not necessarily ready for that.
10:00 - Okay.
10:02 So I guess now I'm confused.
10:04 So you want to continue seeing...
10:07 - Trying this? - Or you don't?
10:10 - Um...
10:12 You know, being 100% honest with you,
10:16 no, that's not what I want right now.
10:19 It's just a lot.
10:21 And I'm just not ready to make that commitment, you know?
10:26 - I mean, obviously, we're a little caught off guard you're here
10:35 because she was really excited about you.
10:37 - Yeah. - And I really thought that, like,
10:40 you were interested.
10:42 - And I apologize.
10:44 It's not you, it's me.
10:47 Like...
10:49 I just wanted to tell you, like, personally, that's all.
10:52 - I like that. I appreciate that.
10:54 - And I didn't want to prolong it
10:56 to make it, like, a harder conversation later on.
11:00 - Okay.
11:02 Yep. - I'm sorry it felt that way.
11:08 Certainly not our intent.
11:10 - Okay. - I'm glad you came.
11:12 I'm glad things are cleared up and things feel better, so...
11:18 - The reason why I came here to end things
11:21 was because I'm not gonna base a, you know,
11:25 major decision in my life
11:28 just because someone else is like,
11:32 "Oh, I'm feeling this way, so you have to do this."
11:35 My independence is very important to me,
11:38 and I'm just not ready to maybe allow
11:43 someone else to have that control over me.
11:47 [Vibration du moteur]
11:49 - What was that?
11:54 - Yeah, I can't believe she just...
11:58 [Bleep] us over like that.
12:00 Like, seriously, I feel betrayed.
12:03 I can't believe she did that.
12:05 What kind of person gives you false hope
12:08 and then [bleep] rips it out from right in front of you?
12:11 - Less than 25%er.
12:13 - It's a [bleep] person who does that.
12:16 - Yeah.
12:18 - [Bleep] man.
12:20 Like, I just [bleep] knew it.
12:22 - I don't even know what just happened.
12:26 - Um... how are you feeling?
12:28 - Um... I think I'm just confused
12:33 'cause it's not what I thought was gonna happen,
12:35 and so, I don't know.
12:37 I'm defeated. - Are you okay?
12:40 - I'm fine. Quit asking me that.
12:43 - I'm gonna go use the restroom. I'll be back.
12:45 - It's like when you think one thing
12:58 and then something else happens, and...
13:00 [Sighs]
13:01 Just a lot.
13:03 And things are just always back and forth and back and forth.
13:06 It's just, you don't know what to...
13:08 what to believe, so...
13:10 - You know she's uncomfortable with the subject.
13:23 - What happened between my mother and Nyla,
13:26 I never wanted to ever happen.
13:28 - I know he wants this relationship,
13:30 but we gonna draw a hard line.
13:32 - I will want to take things a little slowly.
13:37 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:39 You won't have access to my body
13:41 before having access to my mind.
13:43 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:45 ♪ ♪ ♪
13:50 - Ouf.
14:01 - Ouf.
14:02 - We're back at the house with Jahari.
14:04 After the disastrous lunch with my mother-in-law,
14:08 things got completely out of control.
14:11 - Are you okay? - Mm-hmm.
14:13 - Okay.
14:14 - Nobody asked me my opinion.
14:15 - Are you okay? - Are you okay?
14:17 - No, I'm not okay. That's not okay.
14:18 - Why you're not okay?
14:19 - My wife and mother arguing with each other about the fight,
14:22 that's not okay.
14:23 - It's not the first time.
14:25 - It's not okay.
14:27 - The turning point for me with Jamila
14:30 was when she brought our daughter into it.
14:32 She doesn't even have a relationship with her.
14:35 For me, if you're concerned,
14:37 then you would foster a relationship,
14:39 and she doesn't.
14:40 - It's not okay.
14:41 That's why I asked you to be quiet,
14:43 'cause I knew she would act like
14:45 she was gonna do something.
14:48 But whatever.
14:50 What happened between my mother and Nyla,
14:55 I never wanted to ever happen,
14:58 but I understand why she got upset,
15:01 'cause I got upset too.
15:02 She doesn't know the relationship
15:04 that we have with our daughter.
15:06 We're constantly talking to our daughter,
15:08 we're constantly making sure she's okay,
15:10 in every aspect of life.
15:13 - I just don't like the insinuation of--
15:17 - I get you. I didn't like you either.
15:19 - You know my child.
15:20 You can have your opinions,
15:21 you can have your thoughts, your disgust, your dislikes,
15:24 but don't say, "Well, it's because I care about my grandchild."
15:27 You don't even know how to pronounce her name.
15:30 - Hmm.
15:31 - Hey yeah, it's raised as Muslim.
15:33 - Right.
15:34 - So this is not new to her lifestyle.
15:36 She's seen it before.
15:37 It's not like she's not exposed to it already.
15:41 - So here's my question.
15:43 You know she's uncomfortable with the subject.
15:46 Why continue to force it down her throat?
15:50 - Well, my thing is,
15:51 if I'm gonna have a relationship with my mother,
15:55 and my personal life is changing,
15:58 I can't just spring it up on her one day
16:01 when I come to her house.
16:02 I gotta get her involved.
16:03 I gotta let her know what's going on.
16:06 - The only other thing that I noticed
16:10 is there was a little disrespect.
16:12 - Mm-hmm.
16:13 - And when we got to that point,
16:15 I'm trying to dial you back.
16:16 - That's why I wanted to stop.
16:17 - Right, 'cause she did feel disrespected.
16:19 She was embarrassed.
16:20 And you know when you're embarrassed,
16:21 you're gonna show your behind now.
16:23 I'm embarrassed.
16:24 So that was the turning point.
16:25 That's where it went left.
16:26 - Yeah.
16:27 - I could see how each person
16:28 pushed several different buttons on each other.
16:30 At the end of the day, it's still about respect
16:32 and carrying ourselves to a certain level at all times.
16:34 Even when we're emotional, even when our feelings are hurt,
16:37 we still should maintain a certain level of control.
16:41 So if we can learn to communicate effectively
16:46 without anyone pointing fingers,
16:48 without anyone calling names,
16:49 or anyone disrespecting anyone,
16:52 I think eventually
16:53 the communication line might not be so choppy.
16:56 - You're right.
16:57 - So let's discuss what if it never happens.
16:59 Can you have a separate poly relationship
17:01 and then deal with your mom on the side?
17:03 Does she have to be in the mix?
17:05 - I guess if I have to, I have to,
17:07 because I'm not gonna make somebody
17:09 feel like an outsider and I'm with them.
17:11 Like, how long is that gonna last?
17:13 - Right.
17:14 Can you imagine, like, okay,
17:15 he's taking that wife and the kids,
17:17 but I'm sitting at home?
17:18 - No, then we ain't going.
17:20 - Yeah.
17:21 - I gotta go.
17:23 I don't wanna go!
17:24 I like you guys so much, but I gotta go.
17:27 But it was nice, it was interesting.
17:29 We gotta do this again.
17:30 - We're gonna see each other.
17:31 - She gotta come out this time.
17:32 - We're gonna make it happen.
17:33 - We're out of New Jersey every day.
17:35 - All right, you guys.
17:38 Thank you.
17:39 - No problem.
17:40 - Mm, a little hurt about what happened with my mother.
17:43 - Call us when you get home.
17:44 - I'm fine with her not accepting my lifestyle,
17:47 but it's not about accepting it,
17:49 it's about respect.
17:50 - Mm, that's that.
17:52 That's exciting.
17:53 - Yeah, to say the least.
17:55 I'm sure it wasn't easy for Naim to see his mother and I
17:59 go at it like that,
18:00 but it just was something that needed to be addressed,
18:02 even though I didn't mean for it to go that far.
18:04 I know Naim wants a relationship with his mom.
18:06 Hopefully she'll come around and accept our lifestyle.
18:09 - Inshallah.
18:10 - Ooh, it's been a very long day.
18:14 - To say the least.
18:16 - Eventually, I'll talk to my mother about it,
18:20 but it was blown up.
18:22 Man, it shouldn't have got that far.
18:25 - I'm sleepy.
18:26 - I'm a little tired, too.
18:28 It's been a long day.
18:29 - My head hurts.
18:30 You and my mother have my head hurt.
18:32 - Oh, yeah, let's not rehash that.
18:35 We've had some challenges in this journey of ours
18:38 to find our sister wife,
18:39 but I continue to push forward with polygamy,
18:42 regardless of the things that we've experienced
18:44 because I believe in it strongly with everything in life.
18:48 Nothing goes easy,
18:49 'cause things that are good for you
18:52 are not always going to be easy for you to accomplish.
18:55 - You know, I'm happy that Jahari came out.
18:58 Like, just listening to her talk
19:00 and just seeing that joy in her face,
19:02 it reminded me of why we got into this lifestyle
19:06 to begin with.
19:07 - I mean, we've been knocked down so many times in life.
19:10 We've been disappointed.
19:11 I mean, it's gonna happen.
19:12 - Life is--yeah. - And it's gonna continue to happen.
19:14 - That's life.
19:15 - But when we know what we want,
19:17 we're gonna go get it.
19:18 So it's not like we're gonna give up
19:20 doing what our goal is.
19:21 We want to-- - Yeah, the goal, ultimately,
19:23 is to find a sister wife.
19:24 - A sister wife, and that's what we're gonna keep on doing.
19:27 I love you. - I love you, too.
19:29 [kiss]
19:30 [dramatic music]
19:33 ♪ ♪
19:35 [upbeat music]
19:38 ♪ ♪
19:45 ♪ ♪
19:48 - So where are you guys going?
19:49 - So it's, like, a Mexican restaurant,
19:51 so I think more of, like, a fun, light vibe.
19:54 - Okay.
19:55 - Okay, so what about this one?
19:57 - What is the look that you're going for?
19:59 - I don't know, fun and-- well, it's her birthday.
20:01 - Okay. - So it's, like,
20:02 her birthday dinner kind of thing,
20:04 so I don't know.
20:05 You don't want to outshine.
20:06 - You want to outshine.
20:07 [laughter]
20:08 - Ooh. - This one?
20:09 - That's very bright.
20:11 Let's see some other options, though.
20:13 - I'm really excited, 'cause I'm going to meet Yari
20:15 for the first time.
20:16 I want to do everything I can to make her know
20:18 that I am the type of person that would make her feel special
20:21 on an occasion that is supposed to be about her.
20:23 - I also have this pants outfit.
20:25 - That one's really cute.
20:26 - I'm definitely nervous.
20:28 Justin met Yari on a dating app,
20:30 and he was, like, really up front about him being married,
20:33 but she did not catch on to it,
20:34 and she didn't see, I guess, our pictures in the profile,
20:37 so she didn't realize that he was looking for a second wife.
20:40 - I feel like that looks too, like, businessy.
20:42 - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm feeling really,
20:45 like, kind of nervous about this,
20:47 because it was really different with Stephanie.
20:50 Like, I met her right away,
20:52 and, like, she already knew me before we ever met in person.
20:55 - Mm-hmm.
20:56 I mean, I think he'll do great, and I think it'll be fun.
20:58 - Other than what Justin has told me about her,
21:00 I know, like, I don't have the vibe,
21:02 or I don't have a feel.
21:03 I don't have anything, so I feel way behind,
21:06 and I try to catch up tonight.
21:08 - Have you talked much to her?
21:10 - No.
21:11 - Oh, OK. So you don't really have, like, a good--
21:13 - Ovation.
21:14 - A good--I don't have my own feel or impression yet.
21:17 - Mm, OK.
21:18 - Just only from what Dad tells me, so...
21:20 - I really don't know, like, much about, like,
21:22 what goes on in a relationship like this.
21:24 It's very different, so whatever makes them happy.
21:28 But one thing that concerns me is that, you know,
21:30 Becky has six kids with Justin,
21:33 and then there's also, like, this woman that's coming in,
21:37 and she might feel a little bit like,
21:39 "OK, I'm not as important," or something,
21:42 so I just don't want there to be, like,
21:44 you know, conflict with the relationship, so...
21:47 - Mm-hmm.
21:48 I've got this one, which I feel like this is more of,
21:50 like, an evening kind of-- - That's a hot and spicy one.
21:52 - But yeah, I don't want to be hot and spicy.
21:54 - That's an evening dinner, right?
21:55 - This is more of, like-- - Yeah. OK.
21:57 - It is very important to me that she likes me
21:59 and that everything is good.
22:00 I feel like this is where she's gonna be deciding
22:03 if she wants to continue dating us
22:05 or if she just, you know,
22:08 can't be in a lifestyle like this.
22:10 How about--how about this one?
22:12 - Yes. - Perfect.
22:13 - OK. - Family approved.
22:15 - Did you, um--
22:18 did you get to share a nice kiss?
22:21 - Uh, yeah, I wish that she didn't bring up the kiss.
22:24 - Who told you, him?
22:26 ♪♪♪
22:29 - Are you gonna pour this in for Mama?
22:39 Which spoon should we use? This one or this one?
22:42 What do you think?
22:44 [ baby cooing ]
22:47 Uh, Mr. Swayman here.
22:49 - Hi, buddy. - Baby Sway.
22:51 Came on the 17th of October.
22:54 Um, came in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces,
22:58 20 and a half inches. - 20 and a half inches.
23:00 - Drinks.
23:01 [ baby cooing ]
23:03 You want some chicken, bud?
23:05 - Ooh, this smells so good, bud.
23:09 Did you help make this?
23:10 - Mm-hmm.
23:12 We're feeling much better about everything that happened.
23:15 Just kind of actually real relief.
23:17 - We definitely dodged the bullet looking back,
23:19 you know, with Sarah.
23:21 She was not being honest with us from the get-go.
23:24 You and Mommy did a great job with the mac and cheese.
23:27 - Having a sister wife,
23:28 it's definitely still on our priority list.
23:30 Um, I think it's just a momentary pause
23:32 to kind of get life back on track
23:35 in terms of normal.
23:38 - It's a lot on Ashley's body.
23:40 Um, and postpartum is a real thing.
23:43 - And time. - And time.
23:44 - There's really no time right now to be dating.
23:46 Um, but yeah, it's still something
23:48 that's important to our journey.
23:50 - Now that we have these results back from your scan,
23:54 I think we need to make a pact
23:56 to not let it go that long again.
23:59 - Yeah, so things finally feel like
24:01 they're kind of falling in place a little bit.
24:03 We had our beautiful and healthy baby boy,
24:05 and I also got my cancer screen back,
24:08 and it came back, and it was good.
24:10 Um, so there has been no new growth on any of the growths,
24:14 and I go back in another six months for another scan, so...
24:18 - Yeah.
24:19 - I feel like we're both very grateful
24:22 that we got the positive results and everything's healthy.
24:25 And I think we both kind of put it off,
24:27 but yeah, I think we just need to make sure
24:29 we keep up with it, and... - Yeah.
24:31 - So we can stay healthy for these guys as long as possible.
24:34 - Yeah, I promise. I'll do that.
24:37 - Same. - Okay.
24:39 - We really didn't have any kind of a plan until after this,
24:42 so now it'll be interesting to see if we kind of change, right,
24:46 and we kind of level out a little bit,
24:48 'cause it's been fast, fast, fast, married, kid, you know,
24:52 another kid, all this stuff,
24:54 and now we're kind of just-- we're just gonna enjoy life.
24:57 - Cruising, yep.
24:58 I'm still interested in exploring my bisexuality.
25:03 So the end goal would be that we find someone
25:07 to bring not only into a relationship with me,
25:10 but to bring into our family, to marry,
25:12 and to co-parent together, do everything together.
25:16 - Oh, I love you. - I love you too.
25:20 We love each other.
25:22 - We do. - [laughs]
25:25 [upbeat music]
25:28 ♪ ♪
25:36 - Okay.
25:38 Jasmine and I decided that we'd like to keep the date
25:43 going tonight.
25:44 I'd like to kind of pick her brain a little more
25:47 and just find out what type of person she is.
25:50 New beginning, huh?
25:51 Where she sees long-term, you know, if at all.
25:55 You look phenomenal, Jasmine.
25:57 - Thanks. - Wow!
25:59 [both laugh]
26:01 Oh, my goodness.
26:03 I will spend a lot of time focused on your mind
26:07 and your psychology,
26:09 but I don't want to give the impression
26:13 that I'm not interested in the rest of you
26:15 just as much, okay?
26:17 It's just that--just the way I operate, you know.
26:21 I don't want your body if I can't have access to your mind.
26:26 - You won't have access to my body
26:27 before having access to my mind.
26:29 - [laughs]
26:30 Well, then I'm glad we're not gonna have any conflict
26:34 in that area.
26:36 [both laugh]
26:38 I too like to pace myself, though.
26:41 - Yeah, you get swept away real quick.
26:44 - Yeah, you can, especially, you know, it's--
26:47 my--my--my sex is a powerful thing.
26:50 Can't just be putting that out there just yet.
26:52 I don't want you to get that wrapped up
26:54 or caught up in anything until you're able to decide,
26:58 you know, with a clear mind
26:59 that this is where you want to be, you know what I mean?
27:02 [both laugh]
27:04 You know?
27:05 - I have a tendency to have trouble connecting with people,
27:10 but I do feel like that we might be
27:12 actually connecting tonight, so it's--it's kind of exciting.
27:15 - But you do think or see your involvement with us
27:18 as something that, I don't know, could potentially be permanent?
27:22 - Yeah, I mean, your wives are great.
27:25 Like, they're--
27:26 - They most certainly are, thank you.
27:28 - They are awesome.
27:29 - In pursuit of that goal, um,
27:32 I was curious to know if maybe perhaps you would
27:37 like to come maybe spend the weekend with us at the house,
27:41 me and the wives,
27:42 and just kind of do a little test run or something
27:46 and see how things are.
27:48 - I'm--I'm gonna be a little honest with you.
27:52 - Please.
27:53 - Um, I will want to take things a little slowly.
27:59 [soft music]
28:02 ♪ ♪
28:03 - Just know that that's okay, you know, I don't--
28:06 - Patience is the only thing I'll really ask for.
28:10 - There's a lot that I'm finding out about Jasmine tonight.
28:13 I love independent women.
28:14 I like women who, you know, are able to do things
28:17 their own way, living life on their own terms.
28:20 - Thank you for taking me out.
28:22 - So I do think Jasmine is a good candidate
28:25 for potential in the future.
28:26 My biggest concern is just not wanting to disrupt the peace
28:30 that we have in our home and the harmony that I think
28:34 that we already have, that we already share.
28:36 It's something I definitely am gonna want to sort through.
28:41 - Like, do you have any questions about how, like, it works?
28:45 Is it something that you could see yourself being a part of?
28:50 ♪ ♪
28:57 [musique douce]
29:00 ♪ ♪
29:03 - All right, we'll see if she comes.
29:05 - She agreed to meet me, so I don't see why she wouldn't.
29:08 - You know how people back out sometimes
29:11 after they--after they promise you.
29:14 - Yeah, that's true. [laughs]
29:16 That does happen to us.
29:17 Justin and I are meeting Yari at a Mexican restaurant.
29:21 It's the first time I'm meeting her, so that's exciting.
29:25 - I know that once Yari meets me, she's gonna like me,
29:28 and I believe that's gonna give us a better chance
29:31 of things working out, because I think she'll more understand
29:34 the lifestyle and the relationship
29:36 that we're looking for.
29:38 - I don't know. I don't really want to go in
29:40 until she pulls up.
29:41 I don't want to go in, tell them we need a table for three,
29:45 and then we're sitting there like losers.
29:47 - I feel like I'm vibing with Yari,
29:49 but until she actually meets Becky,
29:52 we don't know whether there's an actual future
29:55 for me and Yari together,
29:57 unless all three of us are all vibing together.
30:01 - Oh, wait. She's here.
30:04 Hola, mamá. How are you?
30:06 - Good to see you.
30:07 - Good to see you.
30:08 - Good to see you, too.
30:09 - This is Becky. - Hi, I'm Becky.
30:11 - Hi, Becky. How are you?
30:13 - I'm good.
30:14 - You're so beautiful. - Thank you.
30:17 - She's his type, because there's obviously, like,
30:20 some sort of Latina in her.
30:22 She's super pretty,
30:23 and she's obviously a workout girl,
30:26 so I was like, mm.
30:29 - Yeah, Yari's hot.
30:31 - Happy birthday. How old?
30:32 - 42.
30:33 - Happy birthday. - Thank you so much.
30:38 - Oh, I got you. I got you.
30:41 - Thank you.
30:42 - You were too quick for me.
30:43 I was trying to be a double gentleman, and...
30:49 - Me and Yari on other dates have talked quite a bit,
30:52 so I kind of just want Becky and Yari to connect
30:55 and see how they hit it off.
30:57 She's never even heard of this kind of relationship,
31:00 so I think we just got to take it slow.
31:03 - What do you like to do for fun?
31:18 - Yeah? - Yeah.
31:20 - Nice. - Mm.
31:22 - Now that it's a date with all three of us,
31:32 she's definitely less affectionate, less flirty,
31:35 definitely more reserved.
31:37 - So how did last night's date go?
31:42 Was it good? - Yeah.
31:44 - Yeah? - Yeah.
31:45 - Did you have a good time?
31:46 - Yeah, it was a good time.
31:48 - So did you guys talk about anything, like, important?
31:56 Like, um...
32:00 Like, any kind of, you know, future plans or things like that?
32:05 - About future plans.
32:07 - That might have been, like, a little too early
32:15 for a first date.
32:17 - I am a strong personality,
32:21 and some people get pushed away by that and don't like it.
32:24 - Did you, uh-- did you get to share a nice kiss?
32:27 - They're cute.
32:35 - Who told you him?
32:44 - She asked me.
32:46 - And doesn't bother me.
33:13 - Yeah, I wish that she didn't bring up the kiss, you know,
33:16 because it's a little early, and because I already know
33:19 that Yari is uncomfortable talking about those kind of things,
33:22 so yeah.
33:24 - But has he, like, talked to you about, like,
33:26 the actual lifestyle, and, like, do you have any questions
33:30 about how, like, it works, or...
33:32 - We just always kind of felt like we were open to that,
33:39 and we both agreed together that we were ready to do that,
33:42 you know?
33:44 - Same as everybody else.
33:49 - You know? - Mm-hmm.
33:51 - Like, is it something that you could see yourself
33:54 potentially eventually being a part of, for real?
33:57 - Right, it's very new.
34:04 - He told me you'd never heard of it before at all.
34:08 - I was like, "Oh, no, I didn't know that."
34:10 - You found the one person that has never heard of it.
34:13 - Instead of the wife getting cheated on,
34:29 the wife actually has the benefit of having a best friend
34:32 and someone they can share their life with.
34:34 - Yeah. - That's the way we see it.
34:36 - Yeah.
34:39 - Well, it's...
34:41 It's hard to have the right answer now.
34:45 - Mm-hmm.
34:47 - I need to think about it, like, to see if I can do that,
34:52 but it's a process.
34:54 - And we're very patient people, like, we're very considerate.
34:58 People want time to think about things,
35:00 and we understand, you know?
35:02 - I'm feeling like there is a possibility
35:06 that she could work out as a permanent sister wife,
35:09 but I definitely would have to spend more time with her
35:13 and kind of seeing where her head is.
35:15 - You think you want to continue dating us?
35:18 - Yeah, yeah, I think I can.
35:22 - I think tonight went great.
35:24 Best-case scenario is things progress,
35:26 and she likes us both,
35:28 and she decides that she wants to make it permanent.
35:31 - This was so nice. Thank you for coming.
35:34 - I think she's sweet.
35:36 I feel comfortable to meet her.
35:39 - More to come, yeah.
35:41 - For me, best-case scenario is that Yari says,
35:44 "Hey, I want to be with you,"
35:46 and, you know, we all move in together
35:48 and live happily ever after.
35:50 - Thanks for coming. We'll call or text, get another date.
35:53 - Okay. - All right.
35:54 - Thank you so much. - You're welcome. See you.
35:56 - For the invitation. Thanks.
35:58 - Well, that went well.
36:01 - I think she liked you.
36:03 - She wants to keep dating us.
36:05 That's so exciting.
36:06 - Jasmine is everything you guys said she was and more.
36:11 - How did it go?
36:12 Did you guys kiss?
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