• 5 months ago
00:00 Previously on Neighbors.
00:02 Hiring Susan was the best decision I've ever made.
00:05 Have I made a big mistake?
00:06 You told Felix to reject me!
00:08 I will never forgive you.
00:10 I don't need protecting from my father.
00:12 I completely understand what it feels like to have a curiosity about where you came from.
00:16 How old do I have to be to see him?
00:18 Eighteen.
00:19 Sorry.
00:20 Pack your bags.
00:22 Hoping for some clarity on last night.
00:25 It hurts too much.
00:26 Cara, there is something that you could do for me.
00:31 Neighbors.
00:34 Everybody needs good neighbors.
00:38 With a little understanding,
00:42 you can find the perfect plan.
00:48 Neighbors should be there for one another.
00:56 That's when good neighbors become good friends.
01:05 We just checked in with Chelsea's kids.
01:10 Still no word.
01:11 I really appreciate the updates, but you shouldn't feel as though you have to keep doing them.
01:16 What are you doing tomorrow?
01:19 Um, I don't know.
01:21 I don't go back to work until the end of the week, so
01:23 I'll probably just take Trevor for a walk or something.
01:26 Well, we're just next door if you do need anything.
01:29 Thanks.
01:30 We should get going.
01:32 I have to go to bed early.
01:34 Work rostered me on first thing tomorrow.
01:36 Maybe Paul's idea will cheer her up.
01:52 Maybe.
01:54 It's a bit weird that he's roped you into it though, isn't it?
01:57 We've both got to do something to make up for what Chelsea's done.
02:00 No, it's no problem at all.
02:05 I've scheduled the day down to a tea.
02:07 Yeah, tea for Therese.
02:13 I'll see you soon.
02:14 Bye.
02:16 Well, Harold's all set for his new arrival date.
02:19 The day of the grand opening.
02:20 He'll be settled in by the time the ribbon's cut.
02:22 Where are you two off to?
02:23 Oh, well, we don't have to pick up Hugo for an hour,
02:25 so we thought we'd go for a walk and get out of your hair.
02:27 Oh, no, you don't have to do that.
02:29 No, no, you've got a lot on your plate here. It's fine.
02:32 Oh, OK.
02:33 Well, have fun.
02:35 You should have asked her to come with us.
02:42 She's working.
02:43 Hello, the wistful tone, the torture pain of regret as she said goodbye.
02:48 She wants to be invited. Trust me.
02:52 Oh, I don't want to push it back.
02:53 Just ask her.
02:55 You can totally say no, but any chance you want to join us?
03:05 I know it's a long shot. You're completely snowed under.
03:08 No, no, the resident timetables are sorted.
03:11 I'd love to come.
03:13 OK, I'll just get my shoes.
03:16 I'll be right back.
03:18 And, uh, yeah, lastly is Haz.
03:29 He's stable, but no change.
03:31 I was hoping he'd wait before I left next week.
03:34 We won't know his true prognosis until he does.
03:37 Whichever way we look at it, he's in for a long recovery.
03:43 Yes.
03:44 But it's from Trevor to Haz's bedside.
03:46 Ah.
03:47 Now, that's great lateral thinking.
03:49 You should mention that on your application for senior medical officer.
03:52 Oh, I don't think I've been here long enough.
03:55 Oh, nonsense. You'd be perfect. I thought of you straight away.
03:57 Really?
03:58 Well, yeah, you get on great with the nurses and the interns, your colleagues like you.
04:03 You're excellent with patients.
04:04 They would be lucky to have you.
04:07 There's just a bit going on at home right now.
04:09 I'm not sure if now's the right time to take on more responsibility.
04:12 Okay. Up to you.
04:14 I'll leave an application form in your pigeon hole, just in case.
04:17 No pressure.
04:18 Ah, there you are.
04:27 Thought you'd still be in bed.
04:28 Well, I decided to get up early and grab the bull by the horns.
04:31 Okay.
04:32 When you say bull, are we still talking this high?
04:34 Haz is not a bull.
04:35 She's a very good friend who's embarking on a new business venture.
04:39 Ah, well, someone's feeling better about the situation.
04:42 I am. I realised I can't read too much into the first day.
04:46 We're both finding our feet.
04:48 Yeah. What's all this?
04:50 Well, I also realised that maybe my role isn't as defined as I thought it was.
04:53 So I'm making a daily schedule of tasks and responsibilities.
04:57 That's a positive step.
04:58 Yeah. We're both used to running our own race.
05:01 Of course I'll be deferential to her. She's my boss.
05:04 As you will be mine very soon, darling.
05:06 Even so, I think it might have been a bit naive to think we could just go with the flow and it would all work out.
05:12 We need clear boundaries.
05:14 Like a day one duo.
05:16 Ah, exactly. And Therese is a straight shooter. I think she'll respond to this.
05:21 Sure.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 Candles? For breakfast?
05:33 It's brunch. And they're romantic.
05:35 Seems like overkill to me.
05:37 Yeah, well, this isn't for you, is it? It's for Leo and Christa.
05:40 She just didn't seem like she was in the mood for romance last night.
05:44 Neither will be at first.
05:46 In fact, they'll probably be annoyed that I set them up.
05:48 But they'll also be secretly glad that they've got an excuse to spend time together.
05:52 Are you sure?
05:54 Are you kidding? You should have seen the way they looked at each other yesterday.
05:57 No, they just need a little push.
05:59 From what I've heard, you don't have the best track record interfering with Leo's love life.
06:04 That was to keep them apart.
06:07 This, this is helping them get back together.
06:10 I don't know. It might work, it might not. I don't know.
06:13 Better than nothing, isn't it?
06:15 Anyway, thank you for the table. Your work here is done.
06:19 How about some fresh flowers? Always helps me get out of the doghouse with Rumi.
06:23 That's a good idea.
06:30 Susan, it's, it's terrific. Really.
06:35 I just thought it would be good to list everything that I'll be doing.
06:38 Yes, yes, of course.
06:39 And I know we've talked about it, but this is about you and I being on the same page.
06:44 Oh, well, it's quite a page.
06:46 Well, look over it, please. Make any changes.
06:48 No, no, no, it's fine. I feel like it's in line with our discussions.
06:51 Are you sure?
06:52 Yes, yes. I'm, um, I'm just sorry I didn't think to do one myself yesterday.
06:57 Well, we've done it today.
06:59 Oh, I've finished the residence timetable and I've spoken to Harold.
07:04 He's happy to move in on opening day.
07:06 Yeah, great. This is great.
07:09 Okay, well, uh, my first appointment is with the kitchen staff.
07:16 Oh, yes, and I've got a meeting with the marketing company later.
07:19 We're going to do a final push on selling those remaining studios.
07:22 Right, right, right. Good luck.
07:24 (door opens)
07:26 (door closes)
07:30 (door opens)
07:36 Hey, home already?
07:48 A quick break and I was hoping I'd catch you.
07:51 Oh, got some hot work costs for me.
07:53 Hey, how do you feel about donating these to a good cause?
07:58 Oh, let me guess, you're playing matchmaker.
08:01 It's fun to see another side of Paul.
08:03 Well, if it's a distraction you need, go for it.
08:06 What's that?
08:08 The reason I came in to talk to you.
08:11 Oh, J.D.'s letters.
08:14 Hey, what are you doing? You can't read those.
08:21 I wasn't.
08:22 Well, it looks like you were trying.
08:23 Mum just spilled some water.
08:25 I wouldn't invade your privacy like that, mate.
08:27 Oh, really? So now you're being respectful of me?
08:29 JJ, that's enough. We're all going through stuff at the moment.
08:32 I'm sorry if I haven't got an inventory about Aunty Chelsea right now.
08:34 And what about schools? Have you been through the list we gave you so you can make a decision?
08:38 Sorry to interrupt, guys.
08:39 So that's it? I'm just meant to forget about what you did and get on with it?
08:44 You know how I feel. Tell them.
08:46 Oh, um, I just came over to see how things were going.
08:51 Oh, we are both at our wits' end.
08:54 What are you thinking?
08:59 There is one thing we haven't considered.
09:02 It's a big risk.
09:14 Yeah, I know. But keeping JJ from Felix isn't working for anyone.
09:20 You're suggesting one visit?
09:22 So that JJ can ask his questions and see for himself the kind of person Felix really is.
09:27 Sorry, I'm over trying to find redeeming features in siblings that don't deserve it.
09:32 Hey, I feel the same way.
09:35 I don't know. I'm still not sold.
09:37 Well, let's not decide now.
09:40 You've got to get back to work and I've got to play matchmaker.
09:43 Matchmaker?
09:44 Don't ask.
09:48 (clears throat)
09:49 If you need anything, I'm here.
09:53 Yeah.
09:55 What?
09:56 You trying to fix Felix's mess, me trying to fix Chelsea's.
10:00 Quite the club we've got going.
10:02 Christa?
10:12 Hey.
10:13 So I want to book in a meeting with you this morning.
10:16 Is this about coming back to work? I'm all set.
10:18 No, no, it's more of a general catch up.
10:20 Well, I'm free now if you like.
10:22 No, I was thinking about 11 o'clock. At the Rotunda, say?
10:26 Um, well, Harrold's is pretty quiet. We could just meet there.
10:30 Yes, yes, I've certainly noticed that.
10:33 But anyway, I was thinking maybe a change of scenery could be quite pleasant.
10:37 Okay, sure.
10:39 Good.
10:40 See you then.
10:44 Hello, Andrew. I will.
10:46 Okay.
10:50 Yeah.
11:12 You applying for the job?
11:14 Oh, no. Not the right time.
11:16 You?
11:18 Too many hours, more admin, more time away from the kids.
11:23 I didn't know you had children.
11:25 I do. But they barely talk to me.
11:27 Right now I can relate. At least with one of ours.
11:31 You want to though, don't you?
11:34 It'd be a great opportunity.
11:37 Been waiting for someone like this for a while.
11:41 What does your wife say?
11:42 Haven't mentioned it to her. Hope it won't.
11:45 Well, if you want to shoot the pros and cons, let me know.
11:49 Um, thanks.
11:53 Leo, what's your morning looking like?
12:08 Just going over some cost predictions. Nothing too urgent.
12:12 Good. Because I have a proposition for you.
12:14 Continue.
12:16 No, not here. Say 11 o'clock at the Rotunda.
12:20 Why there?
12:23 Because I thought it would be a nice change. Besides, I need the vitamin D.
12:28 Well, that's funny because I did see you there earlier setting up a table.
12:32 What's wrong with having a business meeting outside?
12:34 There were candles and love hearts, Dad. And how does Kara fit into this?
12:39 Alright. We thought it would be a good idea if you both met face to face and talked.
12:47 And, you know, if it led to something else and...
12:50 Yeah, look, I appreciate the gesture.
12:53 But Krista and I, it's not a good idea.
12:58 Oh, come on, Leo. You clearly still care about her.
13:03 It doesn't mean we have to get back together.
13:06 I think it's better if Krista and I, we just move on.
13:11 Look, I hear where you're coming from.
13:16 But take it from me, if you keep moving on from people who love you, you're going to end up alone.
13:22 Look, just give her another chance, eh?
13:28 She deserves it. And so do you.
13:31 (Door closes)
13:32 That meeting went really well. The kitchen staff are going to be a great team.
13:45 Oh, good to know.
13:46 Hedison, while I remember, I reckon we should set up a committee with the school.
13:50 A committee?
13:52 Well, we had so many ideas in the original picture about Irene rising and the school working together.
13:56 And a committee would help us put them into action.
13:58 Sounds like a great idea.
14:00 Yeah.
14:01 Oh.
14:03 Ah, yes, I had a few suggestions.
14:08 You don't mind, do you? I mean, you told me to have a look at it.
14:13 Oh, yeah, of course. It's just, um...
14:16 You said you were okay with it.
14:19 Oh, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just... A few thoughts came to mind when I dived into the details.
14:24 Absolutely.
14:27 I asked for your input and you've given it to me.
14:30 Uh, listen, um, I'm just popping out to meet with the event planner for the opening.
14:37 But we could sit down later and go over it?
14:41 Oh, well, just, uh, let me absorb it all and if I have any questions, I'll ask you.
14:46 Great.
14:50 (SILENCE)
14:52 Oh, what?
15:03 They said Felix is sick.
15:07 Well, how bad?
15:08 They didn't give me much more information than that. They just said he's crook and that he wants to see me.
15:12 Yeah, well, he's probably just calling because he wants something.
15:15 Yeah, I was actually just over at the Barga Murphy's.
15:18 I'm guessing they're still having trouble with JJ.
15:21 Cara and Remy are pulling their hair out. I feel so sorry for them.
15:24 Yeah, we all do, babe.
15:26 They're actually considering letting JJ go and see Felix. Just once.
15:30 Wow, really?
15:31 They don't want to, but JJ is determined to see the best in him.
15:35 You know, maybe going to see him could actually bring you some closure.
15:39 And who knows, maybe he will say something useful and you can pass it on to Remy and Cara.
15:46 Yeah.
15:48 Thanks, love.
15:50 G'day, this is Sergeant Andrew Robbo from the Arransboro Police.
16:00 Can I be put on the waiting list for today, please?
16:03 Hey, I got your text. What happened?
16:12 Leo saw us setting up. He's not coming.
16:15 Oh. Well, what happened to him being secretly glad to spend some time with Christa?
16:20 I was wrong.
16:22 Worth a shot, eh?
16:25 Thanks, anyway.
16:27 Hi.
16:35 What's all this?
16:38 Uh, you're Ellie.
16:40 Yeah? I thought we were just grabbing a coffee.
16:44 Yeah, actually, well, I'm trialling a new concept.
16:47 It's a working luxe lunch for our business clients.
16:52 That's a little romantic for a working brunch.
16:56 Unless it's me and Leo.
17:01 Yeah.
17:04 Where is he?
17:07 He's not coming.
17:09 Sorry.
17:12 Shh.
17:14 What are you doing?
17:23 Well, I'm just choosing to make the most out of a really embarrassing situation.
17:27 I'm trialling a working luxe brunch with my business partner.
17:32 Who also happens to be a very thoughtful friend.
17:36 Why not?
17:38 Hmm. Good.
17:40 I wasn't expecting that brunch.
17:43 Oh.
17:44 There you go.
17:45 I hope you're hungry.
17:46 Yeah, well, you know what's up there.
17:48 I listed all my responsibilities and the days that I should carry them out.
17:57 I'm so sorry. Night shift.
17:59 She basically rearranged my whole week.
18:01 Oh, didn't you ask for a rest?
18:03 I did, and she said she was fine with everything.
18:06 But then, while I was out,
18:08 she put a pen through my whole flow chart.
18:10 Or a sticky note.
18:12 Darling, did you call her out on it?
18:14 Oh, I couldn't.
18:16 Although, I think she knew she'd overstepped.
18:18 You know, if you don't take a stand,
18:20 I mean a proper stand,
18:22 how is this going to resolve itself?
18:24 Mind you, she did support my idea for a committee with the school.
18:29 I don't know. At least just more teething problems, and they will pass.
18:33 Oh, no.
18:35 So, you know, nothing too splashy.
18:38 I just want the residents to get excited about moving in.
18:41 Friends and family welcome too?
18:43 Yeah, of course.
18:44 We invited Jane and some of the school kids, so everyone's welcome.
18:47 Ah.
18:48 There's your two favourite staff members.
18:50 Should we go and join them?
18:52 No.
18:56 No?
18:57 No.
19:00 Let's just leave them be.
19:02 OK.
19:05 I may have railroaded Susan over at this point.
19:09 How so?
19:10 Well, she drew up this workflow chart and asked me to go over it,
19:14 and I did, and maybe I should have held back a little bit.
19:18 Is there something that needs fixing?
19:20 No, no, don't go over.
19:21 No, look, she was fine by the end of it.
19:24 All right. Don't want to make a big issue out of it.
19:27 Oh, and besides, I've got more studios to sell,
19:30 and this is a prospective buyer I've been searching for a while,
19:33 Shirley Birchwall.
19:34 Oh, OK. I'll get his drinks.
19:36 Shirley, hi.
19:37 Hey, can I get my bill, please?
19:40 Hey.
19:41 You guys on lunch break too, huh?
19:43 Ah, yeah, just finishing.
19:45 Can't have it late for the big boss.
19:47 Ha, ha, no.
19:49 How's it all going?
19:51 Ah, from what I hear, they're having a ball.
19:54 Yeah. Yeah, same. From what I hear too.
19:58 You're back and already wagging class.
20:04 I have a free period.
20:06 Oh, yeah? You want to come in?
20:07 Yeah.
20:08 Great.
20:09 So, how was the US of A?
20:15 Uh, yeah.
20:16 Seeing my brother was cool,
20:18 but I can't get back to school when you've gone,
20:21 which sort of sucks.
20:23 Yeah. Yeah, things kind of imploded while you were away.
20:27 Therese told me about Felix.
20:29 Must be hard knowing who your dad is, you know,
20:32 after all this time.
20:34 Yeah, not that I really know him.
20:37 You haven't gone to visit him?
20:38 No. No, my mum's. Won't let me.
20:41 Andrew's going to Savo.
20:43 How do you know that?
20:45 I heard him on the phone.
20:47 What exactly did he say?
20:49 Uh, not sure exactly,
20:51 but it sounded like he was going to report back to your mums or something.
20:55 So they're all, all gone behind my back?
20:57 Why do adults always lie?
20:59 Yeah, I think it's their way of trying to protect us or something.
21:03 Yeah, well, I should be able to make my own choices.
21:05 So, go.
21:08 What? What do you mean?
21:12 Go see Felix.
21:16 Just because your mum's have barred you from seeing him
21:18 doesn't mean you have to listen.
21:20 What are you doing?
21:39 Are you going to see Felix?
21:41 Hey, please tell me the truth.
21:45 Yes, mate, I am.
21:47 But I can't take you.
21:49 Why are you going behind my back?
21:51 He's my brother.
21:52 He's my dad.
21:54 At that point?
21:57 Look, I can't go against your mum's.
21:59 They're not going to change their minds.
22:01 You never know, they might.
22:03 Look, Andrew, you know how much this means to me.
22:10 I just want to ask him a few questions.
22:13 JJ, what if you don't like the answers, mate?
22:16 Then I'll know where I stand.
22:18 But I truly think he cares about me too.
22:20 Why else would he spend all that time with me?
22:22 Come on, please.
22:25 Please let me see him. It's only one visit.
22:27 If you don't, I'm only going to find another way to see him.
22:32 I'm not giving up.
22:35 I'm not giving up.
22:37 I'm not giving up.
22:39 I'm not giving up.
22:41 I'm not giving up.
22:44 Coming up on Neighbours.
22:46 Lassiters is advertising for a new tenant to take over Harold's.
22:49 What?
22:50 Surprise!
22:52 Vic.
22:53 Dad just flew in.
22:54 My ex-husband is in town.
22:56 I'm confident that he's brought with him some kind of drama.
22:59 Don't be mad. Just leaving the prison with JJ.
23:02 the prison with JJ.