Step into the heart-pounding world of "An Explosive Confession," a mesmerizing excerpt from Season 2 Episode 9 of Alert: Missing Persons Unit. Created by the brilliant visionaries John Eisendrath and Jamie Foxx, this gripping tale unfolds through the remarkable performances of a talented ensemble cast including Dania Ramirez, Scott Caan, Ryan Broussard and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of suspense and unexpected turns as you dive into this captivating narrative. Seize the opportunity to experience the adrenaline rush - catch Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2, available for streaming now on FOX!
Alert: Missing Persons Unit Cast:
Dania Ramirez, Scott Caan, Adeola Role, Ryan Broussard, Graham Verchere, Alisha-Marie Ahamed and Gil Bellows
Stream Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2 now on FOX!
Alert: Missing Persons Unit Cast:
Dania Ramirez, Scott Caan, Adeola Role, Ryan Broussard, Graham Verchere, Alisha-Marie Ahamed and Gil Bellows
Stream Alert: Missing Persons Unit Season 2 now on FOX!
00:00 I know you're the one that made that bomb that killed John Moritz.
00:03 Who put you up to it? Was it Braun?
00:05 You say his name, we might be able to get you a deal.
00:07 Cops live short, miserable lives behind bars.
00:10 I get busted, my family gets nothing.
00:13 I'm no good to them behind bars.
00:15 What are you doing? Hey, take your hand out of there slow.
00:17 If I die in an accidental explosion,
00:22 my ex gets taken care of.
00:24 My kids have a life.
00:27 Nothing personal, but I can't leave you behind to say this was anything other than an accident.
00:31 Don't do it. I'd do anything for my family.
00:33 Don't do it. Just like Braun, family is everything.
00:36 [Bomb beeping]
00:38 [Door opening]
00:40 [Beeping]
00:41 [Explosion]
00:44 Yeah!
00:46 [Fire crackling]
00:48 [Growling]