During Wednesday's debate on the House floor, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) slammed Democrats' opposition to a bill that would require a citizenship question on the decennial census.
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00:00 The gentleman in Louisiana is recognized for two minutes.
00:02 I thank the gentleman and my colleague from Maryland has stated that this bill is perhaps unconstitutional.
00:08 Under our Constitution, he has every right to lead an Article III challenge to the constitutionality of this bill,
00:15 which I expect that they will.
00:17 My Democrat colleagues love to sue Americans and pursue legislation through the courts.
00:24 This is actual legislation presented by conservative Republicans to correct a horrible wrong.
00:30 I rise in support of H.R. 7109, the Equal Representation Act.
00:36 While this bill will continue to count every person in the United States, it adds a simple question to the census.
00:42 Are you a United States citizen?
00:45 While the decennial census must count every person in the United States, which I agree with, Mr. Speaker,
00:51 the problem is the level of illegal persons that now live in our country because of President Biden's failures at the southern border.
00:59 It took 240 years to accumulate 30 million illegals living in the United States.
01:05 In four short years, President Biden, under his policies, will have added 15 million.
01:11 Talking about 45 million illegal persons living in the United States, that's the equivalent to 60 congressional seats.
01:19 Now, most of those illegal aliens will be drawn to live primarily in sanctuary states and cities.
01:27 This thwarts the fair representation of American citizens in the House of Representatives,
01:33 foundationally altering our representative republic.
01:37 This important piece of legislation enables us to fairly and accurately apportion congressional districts
01:44 based upon equal representation of American citizens.
01:49 I urge my colleagues to seek the truth and to support this bill. I yield.
01:55 The gentleman yields back.