• last year


00:00 (popping)
00:02 - Let Leon go, I'm marrying Vincent like you asked.
00:10 - Patience is a virtue, besides the groom
00:12 isn't even here yet.
00:13 - Stay back.
00:16 - Leon.
00:17 - Your brother only breathes because I allow it.
00:21 Don't test me, Bella Miller.
00:24 - Don't hurt him.
00:28 - That's not up to you.
00:29 - I can't wait to meet the Vincent Owens.
00:33 - Filth pair with filth,
00:35 there won't be a more fitting match.
00:37 - Rula has it that he's a booze hound.
00:39 He's squandering money like he made it himself.
00:42 He doesn't even care about his family.
00:45 - He's worthless, not fit to shine Reginald's shoes.
00:49 Rightful heir.
00:50 - I heard he likes to hang with common gangster scum.
00:55 I'm so scared.
00:56 - Don't worry babe, I got this.
00:58 - V, where are you?
01:04 I don't want to marry a stranger.
01:06 - Do you know who I am?
01:10 I work for Reginald Owens.
01:12 You're dead, dead.
01:14 - Quit your yapping.
01:16 - Lab dog.
01:18 - Vincent Owens?
01:20 How dare you defy your brother Reginald.
01:26 He's your brother, the true heir.
01:28 - That bastard child.
01:29 - Doesn't matter anymore.
01:31 Mrs. Owens bit the dust 10 years ago, all for the family.
01:34 Dad doesn't seem to mind though.
01:36 - That might be true,
01:38 but he and his mother murdered mine.
01:42 - How is that possible?
01:43 - That is none of your concern.
01:45 - What?
01:46 - You either listen to me, the true heir,
01:50 or you die.
01:53 (dramatic music)
01:55 - Sir, the wedding's about to start.
02:01 Bride's waiting.
02:02 - Wedding?
02:05 - The engagement arranged by Mr. Harold.
02:07 The young lady from the Miller family.
02:10 You promised.
02:11 Still, appearances must be kept, yes?
02:16 - Typical, he's late.
02:18 (dramatic music)
02:21 - Sorry.
02:25 Bella Miller, sorry, it's business you understand.
02:31 - It's okay.
02:33 I'm leaving here.
02:38 - Isn't that a good thing?
02:44 - But I, what about you?
02:48 - Here.
02:48 For when we meet again.
02:57 - It's so beautiful.
03:00 I'm gonna become the best designer in the world
03:04 and design the best necklace.
03:06 - Why are you here, Serena?
03:09 And how did you become Bella Miller?
03:14 (dramatic music)
03:17 - Mr. Owens.
03:20 - I'm sorry, shall we proceed?
03:25 - We are all gathered before God here today.
03:28 Vincent, do you take Miss Miller as your wife?
03:31 - I do.
03:33 - Bella, do you take Mr. Owens as your husband?
03:39 - I do.
03:40 - I'm sorry.
03:43 (dramatic music)
03:46 (audience applauding)
03:49 - Match made in heaven, bravo.
03:57 - I did what you said, now honor our agreement.
03:59 - Agreement?
04:02 Mom, do you know anything about an agreement
04:05 with Mrs. Owens?
04:07 - Of course, Serena said when she marries
04:09 into the Owens family, she will pay us back
04:12 for our kindness tenfold.
04:14 - What?
04:15 I never said that.
04:16 - Serena, you are so selfish.
04:19 If we hadn't picked you out of that orphanage,
04:22 you would never be enjoying the wonderful life
04:24 that you are today.
04:26 - What do you want, 500,000?
04:28 - 500,000?
04:30 Have some self-worth, Serena.
04:32 - You kept me in a basement for 10 years.
04:37 Leon and I had to feed off of table scraps.
04:39 What more could you take from me?
04:41 - I'm sorry, is something the matter?
04:43 - Oh, the dashing husband now, are we?
04:50 We're just discussing the debt of gratitude he owes.
04:55 - Well, how much is it?
04:56 I'll take care of it.
04:57 - You?
04:59 Can you afford it?
05:01 - Five million, is that enough?
05:06 - No.
05:07 - Sounds good.
05:08 - That's great.
05:10 You think your grandpa's table scraps is enough?
05:12 Okay, well, what do you want?
05:16 - All of it.
05:17 I want you out of this family.
05:21 - I'll bark and no bite, as per the usual.
05:26 Just let this be a warning.
05:29 Don't come near me or mine ever again.
05:31 Now, if you'll excuse me.
05:32 - Let go of me.
05:35 Why do you care?
05:36 - I'm helping you.
05:37 - You think money can solve everything?
05:39 They are keeping my brother prisoner.
05:41 - I'm sorry, I didn't know that.
05:43 - Let me make this clear.
05:44 You are not the man that I wish to marry,
05:47 and that five million,
05:48 I will pay you back as soon as I can.
05:50 - Money is not the, okay, look,
05:52 I know that you don't see us as a real couple,
05:54 but we need to look the part for grandpa.
05:57 And once that's over, if you want a divorce,
05:59 I can accept that.
06:01 - Okay, but whatever that was today,
06:04 that can never happen again.
06:06 I don't need you saving me.
06:08 (dramatic music)
06:11 - Well, he's quite convinced now, sir.
06:21 - Just don't tell grandpa.
06:23 - But old Mr. Owens clearly knows about your mother.
06:28 - Becoming the heir is the only true way
06:30 to avenge my mother, that's all that matters.
06:33 Also, look into my new wife for me.
06:37 - Ella Miller.
06:37 - No, the real Bella Miller was standing next to Reginald.
06:42 I wanna know what those bastards did to her.
06:45 (sad music)
06:49 Sorry, I was just intrigued by your designs.
07:02 What are they for?
07:07 - Just some freelance work.
07:09 - I mean, you got some serious skills.
07:11 You could secure some high level work with this.
07:14 Inovar Architects is the best design company in the country.
07:17 I mean, you should give them a shot.
07:19 (dramatic music)
07:23 Hey, you got a job interview?
07:30 - I have an interview at Inovar.
07:32 - Oh, all right, well, good luck.
07:35 - Thanks.
07:36 (gentle music)
07:38 - I wanted three, but I guess I'll toast another.
07:43 Okay, she's gone.
07:44 - Introduce yourself, please.
07:51 - I'm Serena Collins.
07:53 I have extensive experience in design
07:56 and I really hope to join this company.
07:58 - Do you have any actual experience in corporate design?
08:02 - These are my designs.
08:03 (gentle music)
08:05 - Impressive.
08:08 Did you design these yourself or?
08:12 - Can you prove you actually designed these?
08:15 - I mean, everyone can trace a design.
08:19 - Pick any of these and I will explain them in great detail.
08:22 - No need.
08:23 You don't even meet our basic requirements.
08:26 It's over.
08:27 - But I, sorry, you just indeed lack work experience.
08:31 It's just not a match for us right now.
08:33 - Those designs were so unique.
08:40 I feel like I've seen them somewhere.
08:42 - I've seen people like her before,
08:44 copying other people's work.
08:45 - How could her designs resemble Aura's style
08:49 more than mine?
08:50 - How did Serena's interview go?
08:56 - She didn't pass.
08:58 - Sorry, brother.
09:01 - The interviewer was Bella Miller.
09:02 She was promoted to be the manager of the design department.
09:05 No, I've seen Serena's designs.
09:11 Hers are obviously more impressive than this.
09:14 Let's find out how Bella got in.
09:15 While you're at it, keep an eye on the election.
09:18 - Understood.
09:19 - By the way, I found out that the Millers
09:22 bought them from the orphanage.
09:24 So I can't find a trace of this Leon.
09:26 Just keep looking.
09:30 (soft music)
09:33 - Hey, hey.
09:36 Are you okay?
09:39 - Why are you here?
09:40 - I'm here to pick you up.
09:43 - Thanks.
09:44 But unfortunately I didn't pass.
09:47 - Don't worry.
09:48 A diamond always shines through no matter what.
09:51 Come on, let's go.
09:52 - Guess who I interviewed today?
09:56 Serena Collins.
09:58 - Fake Bella?
10:00 Did you let her pass?
10:01 - Do you even need to ask?
10:03 You should come around to the office more often.
10:06 My darling CEO.
10:07 - Everyone knows you're the future wife of the chairman.
10:11 No need to show off.
10:12 - Well, what do you think?
10:21 - It's wonderful.
10:24 I didn't think you'd be such a good cook.
10:26 Everyone says that--
10:26 - That I'm a loser.
10:28 - Sorry, no.
10:30 You shouldn't care about what others say.
10:32 Thank you for today.
10:34 I didn't expect to come home to such a nice meal.
10:38 If Inovar doesn't want me,
10:39 there are plenty of other companies.
10:41 - Serena, I don't think today was your fault.
10:43 - She's always hated me.
10:45 - I know you're not the real Bella Miller.
10:48 She's your sister, right?
10:51 - What?
10:53 Who told you that?
10:54 - You said your brother is being held captive
10:57 and I don't think anybody would imprison their own child.
10:59 - Please don't tell anyone.
11:01 - Don't worry.
11:02 Your secret is safe with me.
11:04 (phone ringing)
11:06 Sorry, I should probably...
11:08 You do your thing.
11:09 - Yeah?
11:13 - The lady's foster parents are still being difficult
11:15 about Leon.
11:17 - Don't they own a design company?
11:19 I mean, just apply some pressure.
11:21 - What?
11:23 I passed the interview?
11:26 Okay.
11:27 I got the job.
11:29 - Oh my God.
11:31 - Come here.
11:32 - Hey babe.
11:40 - Hi baby.
11:41 - What are you doing here?
11:43 I thought I told you, you weren't qualified.
11:46 This is my offer.
11:48 - So you pulled strings?
11:53 Bella's our manager.
11:54 If she says you aren't good, you aren't.
11:58 - I don't think she takes kindly to being spoken for, miss.
12:02 - How dare you talk like that?
12:04 Don't you know Bella is the future wife
12:07 of the CEO of Inovar?
12:09 The future heir of the Owens.
12:11 Have you been living under a rock?
12:13 - Okay, I don't know who you had to sleep with to get here,
12:17 but this is my house and my rules.
12:21 You can either revise these before you leave today
12:26 or get out.
12:27 Just, just bear with her.
12:33 - Hey, it's so late and you're still not done with this?
12:43 - Thanks.
12:44 Yeah, it was the first day
12:45 and she's already giving me a hard time.
12:49 (soft music)
12:51 - Bella Miller could be trouble.
12:54 I need to pay her a visit.
12:55 (knocking)
13:04 - These are the design drafts revised yesterday
13:08 and the one based on the motion brief.
13:10 Please take a look.
13:11 - I told you if you can't do it on time,
13:13 you might as well not do it at all.
13:14 - You can look at the drafts I made.
13:16 They've all been approved by the client.
13:18 - Not good enough.
13:21 - What?
13:22 At least tell me what the problem is.
13:24 - Bella is your line manager.
13:26 If she says it's not enough, it's not enough.
13:29 - I'm willing to fix any mistakes that I made,
13:31 but I can't do anything
13:32 if you don't tell me what the problem is.
13:35 - You think this is just about revising?
13:37 The client will be here any minute.
13:40 What are we supposed to present?
13:41 (phone ringing)
13:44 Hi.
13:46 Oh, you're downstairs.
13:47 Okay, perfect.
13:48 I'll be down in just a minute.
13:49 Conference room two, now.
13:53 - Good job.
13:57 We have the shares now.
14:00 - Reginald's still in the dark.
14:01 - Well, it's time to surprise him then.
14:05 - I'm really glad that you're here.
14:12 Serena, fetch us some coffee.
14:14 - Oh, it's been so long.
14:16 - I didn't expect for us to collaborate again so soon.
14:19 - Well, take a look at this draft.
14:21 - Sure.
14:22 - How are the projections looking?
14:24 - We've added 20 new brand partners
14:25 and we're expecting three billion in profits this quarter.
14:27 - That's good.
14:28 And how is our collaboration with Motion going?
14:31 - The representative of Motion's already meeting with them
14:33 in conference room two.
14:34 - Okay.
14:34 - By the way, Bella was--
14:35 (gentle music)
14:38 (gentle music)
14:40 - Um, what are you doing here?
14:46 - Uh, business.
14:49 What are you doing here?
14:51 - I have a meeting.
14:53 See you.
14:54 - If this one doesn't work,
15:05 I can always pin it on Serena.
15:07 (gentle music)
15:09 - These designs are really not what we're looking for.
15:15 - You know what, you're right.
15:17 I had a rookie who started yesterday design these.
15:20 I wanted her to practice.
15:22 - Bella, what are you talking about?
15:24 Why don't you try these ones?
15:29 - These are top notch.
15:35 - Bella, how did you come up with these designs?
15:37 - I designed it this way because--
15:39 - Motion is our biggest brand partner.
15:41 Don't speak out of turn.
15:42 - But I designed this, not Bella Miller.
15:44 - What?
15:45 - Are you trying to steal my work?
15:46 - Only Bella and the company can do such high level work.
15:49 - I'm not lying.
15:50 I drew this.
15:51 I know these front to back.
15:52 - Stop.
15:53 - Are you trying to ruin this collaboration?
15:55 - I'm just telling the truth.
15:57 - How am I supposed to trust you guys
15:59 with someone like this on your team?
16:01 - Who's argument here?
16:02 - Sweetie, what brings you up here?
16:04 - President, this woman is trying to steal Bella's work.
16:07 - You need to change your hiring policies.
16:10 Ethics is very important to us.
16:12 - Innovera takes ethics very seriously as well.
16:17 What's going on?
16:18 - I was just trying to give Serena a chance to practice.
16:21 She's the one speaking out of turn.
16:23 - It's my work.
16:25 - You deserve to be fired
16:27 for daring to claim my work as yours.
16:29 - I'm sorry, who's thinking about firing Serena?
16:33 (dramatic music)
16:36 - Well, I own the controlling shares here.
16:40 I do own 50% of the company.
16:42 - Reginald is director and president here.
16:45 - Not anymore.
16:46 - What are you talking about?
16:47 - Oh, you didn't get the notice?
16:49 I bought 50% of Innovera.
16:51 - What?
16:52 - You're actually trying to kill me, Sooner.
16:54 - Well, how about this?
16:55 How about a competition between me and Reginald then?
16:58 - You do understand your brother.
17:02 But the Owen family is a family
17:04 built off of design and capabilities.
17:07 The IF design competition is in a week.
17:09 If one of us can sign the best designer,
17:11 then that's a clear show of superior skill.
17:15 - Why haven't you released Leon yet?
17:18 What the hell do you want from me?
17:20 - 10 million for 10 years.
17:22 - That's a fair price, no?
17:24 - Be grateful we're letting you off this easy.
17:25 - Where am I supposed to get that much money?
17:28 - I have a solution.
17:29 One big happy ending for everybody.
17:31 Go on, I'll handle this.
17:33 - Let me see.
17:34 I know who the aura is.
17:36 Serena Collins.
17:37 - Are you serious?
17:40 - So, what's your plan?
17:41 - I want her to sign with us willingly.
17:44 Do you think-
17:47 - Serena, I-
17:48 Okay, you are an incredibly talented designer.
17:52 - Am I just a designer to you?
17:54 - I mean, don't you want to be the most talented designer?
17:58 - Maybe.
17:59 I don't know.
18:01 - The first place goes to Serena Collins.
18:05 (all applauding)
18:08 - You are amazing.
18:09 Look, there's your design draft.
18:14 - Oh my God, look at the signature.
18:17 - You both want me to sign a contract with you?
18:20 - I value talent.
18:22 Business is business, no?
18:24 - And you?
18:25 - Serena, it's your choice.
18:26 Whatever you choose, I just,
18:29 I want you to be happy.
18:31 - You want me to be happy.
18:33 Are you helping me or are you helping yourself?
18:35 - Here's a check.
18:36 Your brother means nothing to me.
18:41 At least you had the decency to cultivate a useful talent.
18:44 The most significant he can achieve in this life
18:46 is leverage.
18:47 - Leon, wherever you are, I will find you.
18:53 See?
18:54 - Isn't it good playing for the winning side?
18:57 (phone ringing)
19:01 - The sand is running out in your brother's hourglass.
19:04 - I've told you, I won't do it.
19:05 - Kitty getting her claws out.
19:07 Well, I can scratch it too.
19:09 (Leon screaming)
19:11 - Leon, stop.
19:14 - It's funny, isn't it?
19:15 Even the most useless family member
19:17 can get a move that resonates.
19:19 - Tell me where Leon is and I'll give you the design draft.
19:22 - 10 o'clock, come to the warehouse and don't be late.
19:26 - And you didn't tell anyone where we kept her, right?
19:30 - I didn't.
19:31 I didn't, I swear.
19:35 What would I gain from telling her?
19:37 - Don't worry about us.
19:39 That woman is my bargaining chip.
19:41 - Can't believe you care so much about her.
19:45 - Ha, then their weakness for each other
19:47 will be their downfall.
19:48 - Would I be your weakness then?
19:51 - Serena!
19:52 Serena!
19:55 Hey!
19:56 (sniffling)
19:57 - Yeah, hey, hey, Bruce, Serena is in here.
19:59 She took all of her stuff.
20:00 We need all hands on deck for this, okay?
20:02 (gasping)
20:04 - I think we died.
20:05 (screaming)
20:06 - Here, here, here.
20:07 - Vincent, you're not gonna like this.
20:11 Serena's in trouble.
20:14 - Tracy, where are the designs?
20:16 - I'm not giving you anything until I see my brother.
20:19 - I won't be fooled the same way again.
20:22 Let my brother go first
20:23 and then I'll tell you where the design is.
20:25 (slapping)
20:26 (groaning)
20:28 Let me go see my brother.
20:29 I know he isn't here.
20:30 I know, I know you wouldn't tell me the correct location.
20:33 - Ha, ha, Vincent.
20:34 About time you showed up.
20:37 - Tell me, what do you want?
20:39 - I want my inheritance.
20:42 I want what's rightfully mine.
20:44 A million would be a bonus too.
20:46 - You paid off the H gang?
20:49 - I never trust a man who couldn't be bought.
20:50 I mean, don't you remember Grandpa's teachings?
20:53 - This, I, I refuse!
20:55 (screaming)
20:56 Hey, put it down.
20:58 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
20:59 - Go see Drake, I'm okay.
21:00 - No, you're not, Serena, come here, come here.
21:02 (laughing)
21:04 Okay.
21:04 (soft music)
21:07 Because without you, no jewelry would ever shine.
21:18 And I wanna do this one together.
21:22 'Cause now that you're here, by my side,
21:25 my world is complete.
21:30 - Vincent.
21:33 It's you?
21:45 - Kept you waiting, huh?
21:49 - It's you.
21:50 I finally found you.
21:55 - Looks like you two have won the bet.
21:58 Well, since that business is out of the way,
22:00 there is one more thing.
22:02 When am I gonna seek some grandkids?
22:04 I'm not gonna live forever, right?
22:06 - Not yet, Grandpa, not yet.
22:08 There's one thing that I wanna do first.
22:12 I would like to give Serena here a proper wedding.
22:17 wedding.
