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Who's up for a swim? Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the weirdest and most fascinating ocean-related mysteries.


00:00 "Such an outlandish looking thing. I won't even touch it."
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the weirdest and most fascinating ocean-related mysteries.
00:11 "It looked like some sort of a headdress or bird wings coming off of the face."
00:17 Eternal life is something you usually hear about in fiction rather than reality.
00:25 However, there are some beings that have evolved to essentially live forever, even if they live in extreme conditions.
00:32 Turritopsis dornii, better known as the immortal jellyfish, have the unique ability to return to their polyp stage when faced with something potentially deadly.
00:41 While they aren't immune to predators, they can still evade other causes of death such as old age and assault.
00:47 Marine biologists are still learning more about how this process, also known as transdifferentiation, truly works,
00:53 and if it can be replicated in a medical setting.
00:56 It's hard to believe that something so tiny may hold the key to one of humanity's biggest curiosities.
01:02 One of the benefits of living in modern times is that many animals have been classified,
01:15 quilling fears about the existence of fantastical beasts.
01:18 However, for those living in the past, seeing an unknown or unidentified creature confirmed those worries.
01:24 This was the case for the crew of the HMS Daedalus, who in 1848 swore they saw a large sea serpent swimming alongside their ship.
01:33 They reported that it was at least 60 feet long and was more comparable to a reptile than a fish.
01:39 Some modern day specialists have asserted that they saw a sea whale, although there hasn't been any evidence confirming that theory.
01:46 Given the Daedalus' description of its size and speed, there's no wonder they automatically assumed it was a monster.
01:52 Cases of disappearances on dry land are already unsettling.
02:06 The thought of someone going missing while surrounded by nothing but open water is even more unnerving.
02:11 In 2007, a yacht dubbed Kaz II was found miles off the coast of Australia.
02:16 When it was searched, the team found that the entire crew, Derek Batten, Peter Tunstead, and James Tunstead, had vanished.
02:23 There were signs of recent activity, including a table set for a meal.
02:27 The life jackets and lifeboat were still there, indicating they hadn't swum or ridden away from the craft.
02:33 After an investigation, the authorities concluded that they had fallen off and were unable to re-board.
02:39 Although other ideas, such as them being stranded on a deserted island, have also been suggested.
02:44 When hearing about the things that live in the deep ocean, it's hard to fathom that some can even exist.
03:02 A fish that can grow to almost 60 feet in length and weigh over half a ton is nearly inconceivable.
03:08 The giant oarfish's size, dorsal fin, and multi-colored body helps it look more like an alien than something you'd find at your local aquarium.
03:16 While some have traversed into shallow areas, they're usually elusive.
03:20 This has made it difficult to learn more about their behavioral patterns and life cycle,
03:24 with research on the latter only starting in the last few years.
03:28 We have the opportunity to learn more about them in real time, and when we do, it'll be an achievement in the maritime field.
03:34 "They'd be definitely using the chain as a point of reference, if we follow this up."
03:39 "Where the sea floor drops to more than 6,000 meters, the pressure is so enormous
03:47 that it destroys the structure of the cells of which an animal is made."
03:52 There's a point far enough underwater where light from the surface is no longer available,
03:56 leaving everything in a state of total darkness.
03:59 While that would be terrifying for any human to experience,
04:03 there are some critters that have adapted to the harsh conditions, and even thrive in them.
04:07 "Turn off the submersible headlights, and you see a pyrotechnic display outside."
04:13 Experts are still trying to learn just how these ecosystems can be sustained in such unforgiving terrain.
04:19 It's so devoid of oxygen that many beings die if they can't make it to a safer area.
04:23 Those that survive, such as mollusks and crustaceans, have evolved to do so in various ways,
04:29 such as extracting the element from higher waters.
04:32 This zone hasn't been fully explored, meaning there could be even more organisms lurking at the bottom.
04:38 "An elephant can dive to 4,500 meters, three miles below the surface."
04:43 This discovery feels like it came straight out of a horror movie.
04:51 Picture the scene, a totally abandoned island with not a soul around,
04:55 the only evidence of past existence being a half-sunken lifeboat.
04:59 It was discovered in the 1960s and jump-started a decades-long mystery about where it came from and who could've been on board.
05:06 A search was conducted, but there were no indications that a person had ever been there, besides the rowboat itself.
05:13 It has remained a nautical conundrum to this day,
05:15 although some have theorized that it belonged to a team of Soviet scientists.
05:19 While that may explain the origins of the vessel, the question still remains of who was aboard, and what happened to them.
05:27 #24 - The Devil's Sea
05:29 "Waves change quickly and unpredictably, so if you're relaxed on a boat in these places, you will get into trouble."
05:37 We've all heard of the Bermuda Triangle, but that isn't the only area to be wary of in the ocean.
05:42 Off the coast of Japan is what's commonly referred to as the Devil's Sea,
05:46 due to the strange and tragic things that have occurred there.
05:49 With a nickname like the Dragon's Triangle, it's developed an ominous reputation for itself.
05:54 "Down here lurk powerful, deadly forces. Forces that imperil all who sail on or under the Devil's Sea."
06:03 There have been plenty of supposed cryptic activities,
06:05 such as a pilot reporting an odd phenomenon in the sky before disappearing,
06:09 and a ship going missing for several days.
06:12 Some have claimed that these strange happenings are paranormal,
06:15 while skeptics insist they must be environmental.
06:18 Whether the occurrences were caused by ghosts or undersea volcanoes,
06:22 it's clear that something is amiss in those troubled waves.
06:25 "That's right in the middle of the Devil's Sea.
06:28 You might as well tie a stone to your foot and jump off the boat now."
06:31 "It'll be an adventure."
06:33 "Death is not an adventure."
06:35 Various craft and people going missing at sea is not uncommon,
06:41 but a whole island disappearing certainly is.
06:45 "He wants us to move the island."
06:47 Bermeja was first added to naval maps in the 16th century,
06:51 after being found near the coast of Yucatan.
06:53 However, after a survey taken in the late 1990s,
06:57 it was discovered that the islet wasn't in its supposed spot.
07:00 Over a decade later, more extensive studies corroborated this discovery.
07:04 This was baffling, as it had been recorded by multiple cartographers.
07:08 So how did it disappear into thin air?
07:11 There are some people who believe that something insidious occurred,
07:14 namely the CIA destroying it to aid the United States.
07:18 However, there are scientific explanations that make more sense,
07:21 with them most likely being heightened ocean levels.
07:24 Number 22. The Hadal Zone
07:26 "Everything's going haywire and I'm getting deeper and deeper."
07:30 You've maybe heard that we know less about the ocean than the dark side of the moon.
07:34 We could have created that expression for the Hadal Zone,
07:37 the area that lies in the deepest fathoms of the sea.
07:41 Frigid cold temperatures, intensely high pressure,
07:44 and barren living conditions all ensure that
07:46 only the most survivalist of species lives down there.
07:49 These alien-like creatures shouldn't exist,
07:51 but their ethereal adaptations somehow make it possible.
07:54 Its geological formations are also wondrous,
07:57 sporting V-shaped trenches and submarine canyon-like depressions
08:01 that could have been sculpted on Mars.
08:03 Though notable explorers have reached the Mariana Trench,
08:06 only a fraction of the Hadal Zone has ever been traversed.
08:09 It holds great potential for undiscovered fantastical ecosystems.
08:13 So what else is hiding there?
08:15 Number 21 - The Mariana Trench
08:18 It is the deepest point in the ocean at over 35,000 feet below sea level.
08:30 But beyond that, what we know is limited.
08:33 The Mariana Trench is a formidable area that's teeming with biodiversity,
08:37 despite being so treacherous.
08:39 Here, the pressure is so intense that the only way a person could ever explore it
08:44 is by drone or submarine.
08:45 While we may not survive,
08:52 there are some entities that have made it their habitat.
08:55 Many are single-celled,
08:57 although there are more complex life forms as well.
08:59 There have been dozens of dives into the trench,
09:02 with the bottom finally being reached in 2020.
09:05 While various sights and sounds have been recorded,
09:08 there are still several unanswered questions
09:10 about how existence at these depths is even possible.
09:13 Their maps revealed that the Marianas Trench is just a tiny fraction of a network
09:18 of enormous underwater canyons stretching right around the planet.
09:22 Number 20 - The Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck
09:25 In May of 2019,
09:27 a group of researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
09:30 were conducting tests with underwater drones in the Gulf of Mexico
09:34 when sonar picked up this mysterious wreckage.
09:37 We all just want to thank you guys for,
09:40 one, finding this on a shakedown engineering dive,
09:44 two, giving us all LinkedIn and the opportunity to do this.
09:48 Marine archaeologists across the globe were immediately contacted to watch via live stream
09:53 as the drone explored the ship.
09:55 Apart from the number 2109,
09:58 the researchers were unable to identify much about this ship of unknown origin.
10:02 It's estimated to have been constructed 200 years ago,
10:05 and based on the charred timber,
10:07 it was likely burning when it sank.
10:09 What tragic fate befell this vessel?
10:21 Here's hoping we can learn more as NOAA continues to investigate.
10:25 Either way, it's in good company.
10:27 The Gulf is home to many such mysterious vessels.
10:30 This is the Okeanos Explorer.
10:31 We are now on the sea floor.
10:33 This is dive 12 from the northern Gulf of Mexico.
10:36 We are diving on a shipwreck.
10:37 We generally think of all water within a given space as being homogenous,
10:47 but variables like temperature and the salinity levels
10:50 can create entirely distinct sections,
10:53 like lakes in oceans.
10:54 The jacuzzi or sometimes hot tub moniker
10:57 is because it's warmer than the nearby 4 degrees Celsius ocean water.
11:01 During return visits in 2015,
11:03 researchers recorded temperatures from 7.8 up to 19 degrees.
11:07 At the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico,
11:09 3,300 feet below the surface of the ocean,
11:12 researchers have found just such a body of water.
11:15 12 feet deep and roughly 32 feet across,
11:17 this undersea lake might be small,
11:19 but it certainly packs a punch.
11:21 Dubbed the Jacuzzi of Despair,
11:24 it kills any sea creature foolish enough to test its depths.
11:27 Spending too long in it can send an eel into toxic shock.
11:32 This highly salinated water,
11:34 rich in methane and hydrogen sulfide,
11:36 is seriously toxic.
11:38 Little is understood about the surreal undersea environment,
11:41 but researchers think it might give us insight
11:43 into the conditions on extraterrestrial planets.
11:45 Recorded in 1999,
11:51 Julia is the name given to a mysterious sound
11:53 picked up by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
11:57 [SOUND]
12:04 It only lasted 15 seconds,
12:06 but it captivated the scientific community
12:08 and amateur theorists alike.
12:09 - What's that sound?
12:11 - NOAA suggested that it most likely originated from an iceberg
12:14 colliding with the landmass of Antarctica,
12:16 but this cannot be proven.
12:18 What we do know is that it was loud enough
12:20 to resonate across a massive section of the ocean.
12:23 Those willing to consider more out-there possibilities
12:26 have suggested it could be the sound of a massive unknown creature.
12:29 Rumors abound about NASA satellite photos
12:32 showing a huge shadow moving in the waters off of Antarctica around that time,
12:36 but no such images have surfaced.
12:44 Number 17, Adam's Bridge.
12:47 Rama Setu, also known as Adam's Bridge,
12:49 is a series of limestone shoals
12:51 that form a rough connection between the northwest coast of Sri Lanka
12:55 and Pamban Island 30 miles away.
12:57 The history of Rama Setu is intertwined with local legend.
13:01 According to Hindu lore,
13:02 it was built by an army of warrior monkeys known as Vanara
13:06 to help the god Rama save his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana.
13:10 While this origin story is widely treated as myth rather than reality,
13:13 there are those who assert that Adam's Bridge was in fact built
13:17 and was never a naturally occurring land bridge.
13:20 - An American science channel has made startling revelations
13:23 that the Rama Setu Bridge, commonly called the Adam's Bridge,
13:25 connecting India and Sri Lanka is man-made and not natural.
13:29 All we know for sure is back in the 15th century,
13:32 it was entirely above sea level and traversable.
13:35 - How these stones got here is a mystery.
13:37 And when a team of geologists date the stones, the mystery deepens.
13:44 Number 16, Macropinna Microstoma.
13:46 - Macropinna is a small dark fish with large fins,
13:50 a tiny mouth, and a remarkable pair of eyes.
13:53 Think that's a weird name?
13:54 Wait till you see the fish it belongs to.
13:57 First discovered in 1939, this mysterious and thoroughly alien-looking creature
14:02 wasn't photographed alive until 2004.
14:04 - The fish discovered alive by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
14:09 is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft, transparent dome intact.
14:15 It spends its life at depths between 2,000 and 2,800 feet,
14:19 and though it has been caught a number of times over the years,
14:22 its fragile anatomy has made it incredibly challenging to study.
14:25 From the barrel eye family, Macropinna Microstoma has a translucent domed head,
14:30 which, coupled with its unique tubular eyes, gives it an advantage over its prey.
14:34 - When it spots food, it can rotate its eyes to look forward
14:38 to include its mouth in the field of view.
14:41 - The tubular eyes are extremely well-suited for capturing light in its dark habitat,
14:45 while its domed head allows it to not only look forward, but also up through its own head.
14:51 Unique, sure, but also super creepy-looking.
14:55 #15 The Gulf of Kambat Ruins
14:58 Discovered in the early 2000s, these alleged ruins are still generating controversy decades later.
15:04 Located off the coast of Gujarat in the Gulf of Kambat,
15:07 this archaeological site is seemingly made up of city-like structures
15:11 and home to various artifacts.
15:13 But because the area was dredged rather than being explored via more careful methods of excavation,
15:18 the scientific community is divided as to the significance of the results.
15:22 The structures are compelling,
15:24 but the relevance of the carbon-dated materials from the site is hotly debated.
15:28 If they are indeed the tools of an ancient settlement dated at 9,500 years old,
15:33 that would make the Gulf of Kambat Ruins the oldest known civilization.
15:37 #14 Australia's Cannibal Shark
15:40 Just as lions rule the savannah, great white sharks rule the seas.
15:45 Okay, technically killer whales have been known to target them,
15:48 but that's not what happened here.
15:49 Australian scientists were shocked and utterly perplexed
16:01 when a 9-foot-long great white shark was apparently devoured.
16:05 It had been tagged with a tracker as part of a study,
16:07 and when said tracker washed up on shore,
16:10 the data contained within showed a sudden spike in temperature
16:13 followed by a staggering 1,900-foot dive.
16:16 A temperature that could only be achieved
16:19 inside the belly of another living animal.
16:22 After careful investigation,
16:23 the researchers were left with only one possible conclusion.
16:27 It was eaten by a cannibal shark of the same species
16:29 estimated to be 16 feet long and two tons.
16:33 Terrifying, right?
16:34 While great whites tend to avoid conflict,
16:37 cannibalism is not unheard of.
16:38 In 2011, Swedish diving team OceanX
16:45 was searching for sunken treasure in the Gulf of Bothnia.
16:48 They stumbled instead upon something far stranger.
16:51 Using sonar equipment to take a rough image of the object,
16:54 they reported it was 200 feet in diameter
16:56 and bore distinct design patterns that seemed unnatural.
17:00 Adding to the mystery of the Baltic Sea anomaly
17:02 is the fact that according to the team,
17:04 there was electrical interference in the area,
17:06 preventing them from getting a clearer image.
17:09 It's definitely a very sharp edge,
17:12 and I haven't seen this before,
17:15 and when I just look at it now,
17:18 it definitely look like man-made.
17:20 The team has even suggested that it could be a UFO.
17:24 Needless to say, scientists are skeptical.
17:26 Okay, that's sort of true.
17:27 According to the Ocean Explorer team,
17:29 it's not actually obviously a spacecraft.
17:32 It's not even made of metal.
17:33 It doesn't hurt though that the structure looks vaguely
17:35 like the Millennium Falcon or Eben Hawk from Star Wars.
17:39 Number 12, light wheels in the Persian Gulf.
17:42 It's there, right?
17:43 There's something there.
17:44 We're starting to notice a pattern here.
17:46 If you're on the hunt for an oceanic mystery of your very own,
17:50 explore a gulf.
17:51 Sometimes poetically referred to as ghosts of the ocean,
17:54 light wheels are large glowing circles of light
17:57 that appear on the water
17:58 and have been observed for decades.
18:00 Some reports actually go all the way back to the 18th century,
18:04 often measuring hundreds of feet in diameter.
18:06 These eye-catching anomalies have been explained away,
18:08 most notably by oceanographer Kurt Kalle
18:11 as the result of bioluminescent plankton and seismic waves.
18:14 While plausible, such theories struggle to explain
18:17 the variety of shapes that the light wheels take
18:19 or the fact that they appear to spin at varying speeds.
18:22 Number 11, the Milky Seas effect.
18:25 Went mad he did,
18:26 raving about sirens, merfolk, bad omens and the like.
18:31 In the end, weren't no more sense left in him
18:36 than an end's tooth.
18:37 Sailors' tall tales are often dismissed as mere superstition.
18:41 Well, the Milky Seas effect is one story that we can confirm,
18:45 even if we don't entirely understand it.
18:47 Historically, sailors have reported seeing large sections of the sea
18:50 become a pale milky white or blue and emit a faint glow.
18:54 Now, thanks to modern technology,
18:56 we know that the Milky Seas effect is not only real,
18:59 but the result of bioluminescent bacteria.
19:01 While that's all well and good,
19:03 we still can't figure out what causes these sudden explosions
19:06 in bacterial populations or the other variables
19:08 that result in this unique sight.
19:10 Number 10, Leptocephalus gigantes.
19:13 Described by Anton Brun in 1930 and Peter Henry John Castle in 1959,
19:18 Leptocephalus gigantes is an extremely rare species of eel
19:22 fought by some to swim the ocean depths.
19:25 Only two such specimens have ever been studied,
19:27 and they were in the larval state,
19:29 meaning that they were nowhere close to reaching maturity.
19:32 But even as a larva, one specimen was roughly six feet in length.
19:36 And given that eel larva is typically 1/32 of its adult length,
19:40 that would suggest a truly monstrous eel comaturity.
19:44 Now, contemporary scientists have suggested that Leptocephalus gigantes
19:47 was likely misidentified and would not grow substantially beyond that point.
19:52 But without further study, it's impossible to say.
19:55 Leptocephalus gigantes could be the reality behind sea serpents.
19:58 Number 9, the Aegean Sea ruins.
20:01 In 2015, researchers hailing from Greece and Sweden
20:05 made one of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries of the 21st century.
20:09 Working south of Athens in the Kolata Bay,
20:11 the team was exploring fertile territory.
20:14 The area is rich in archaeological sites,
20:16 but nothing could have prepared them for what they found.
20:19 What began with a few pottery fragments
20:21 led researchers to uncover the ruins of an entire lost city,
20:24 one that occupied somewhere in the ballpark of 12 acres of land.
20:28 The city dates back to the Bronze Age
20:30 and was seemingly protected by a wall complete with defensive towers,
20:34 structures unseen until now in any other ancient Greek sites.
20:38 How this seemingly once great city fell, however, is anyone's guess.
20:49 This terrifying deep-sea beast was first discovered in 1925,
20:53 and its existence admittedly lends a certain credibility
20:56 to all those myths about sea monsters.
20:58 Because colossal squids are so elusive,
21:00 our knowledge of their anatomy is somewhat limited.
21:02 But based on beaks that have been recovered,
21:04 it's been hypothesized that at maturity,
21:07 they could weigh up to 1,500 pounds and measure 30 to 33 feet in length.
21:12 "Steve was expecting the squid to be more than 30 feet long.
21:16 It's only half that."
21:18 Only a handful of specimens have ever been found,
21:20 which makes sense given that they generally inhabit the Antarctic Ocean
21:24 and dwell at depths of up to 7,200 feet.
21:27 As if the colossal squid's size wasn't intimidating enough,
21:30 they're armed with both swiveling and three-pointed hooks on their limbs.
21:33 The lost city of Dwarka is one of the rare instances
21:39 of a myth possibly being confirmed as fact.
21:42 According to legend,
21:43 the Hindu deity Krishna founded the now legendary city of Dwarka long ago.
21:47 The city is sacred in the Hindu faith
21:49 and is said to have been unparalleled in its beauty and splendor,
21:52 rich in greenery, wildlife, and palaces.
21:55 "They've found some walls and they found some stuff that carbon dates 32,000 years ago."
22:01 It was utopia, that is, until it was swallowed up by the sea.
22:05 The Dwarka of legend has understandably long been dismissed as a work of fiction.
22:09 But in the 1980s, with the discovery of underwater ruins
22:13 off the coast of the modern-day coastal town of Dwarka,
22:15 people were forced to reconsider that assumption.
22:18 The research continues to this day.
22:20 Dubbed the Road to Atlantis,
22:31 the Bimini Road, or Bimini Wall as some would argue,
22:34 is a rock formation that runs for half a mile underwater in the Bahamas.
22:38 Located near North Bimini Island,
22:40 this mysterious marine landmark is made up of large,
22:42 roughly rectangular limestone blocks
22:45 which seem to form a road or wall-like pattern.
22:47 "If you look at the Bimini Road,
22:48 the sand on one side, the sand on the other side,
22:50 there's a clear, defined pathway."
22:52 Analysis of the stones, including carbon dating,
22:55 has led researchers to conclude that the Bimini Road
22:57 is a natural formation resulting from erosion and the currents.
23:01 But given that there are two other similar patterns in the area,
23:04 and considering the fact that some of the stones appear to be stacked atop one another,
23:08 there are some who maintain that there's more to the Bimini Road
23:12 than carbon dating suggests.
23:13 "Bimini Road has been dated at around 2,000 to 4,000 years old.
23:18 Too young to be a part of Atlantis,
23:19 but again, the accuracy of carbon dating is admittedly questionable."
23:24 Number 5. The Atlantis of Japan
23:26 Various underwater ruins around the globe
23:29 have been posited as the lost city of Atlantis upon their discovery.
23:32 But if there's one that leads the pack, it's the Yonaguni Monument.
23:36 "Experts call it one of the greatest discoveries
23:39 in the history of underwater archaeology."
23:42 As with the Bimini Road,
23:43 many have dismissed these underwater rock formations as being naturally occurring.
23:48 But the structure is oddly geometrical,
23:50 and includes reliefs that vaguely resemble animal carvings
23:53 and what appears to be the remnants of columns.
23:56 As such, there are some, like Professor Masaaki Kimura,
23:59 who've argued in favor of this being the remnants of a lost civilization,
24:03 possibly the lost continent of Mu, another name for Atlantis.
24:06 "So if a 10,000-year-old civilization existed,
24:11 it would be a big surprise. It would be unbelievable."
24:15 Number 4. Bloop
24:17 The Julia recording certainly made waves in the scientific community.
24:20 But if there's one deep-sea sound file
24:22 that people never seem to get tired of debating, it's the Bloop.
24:25 And it's not just scientists versus conspiracy theorists.
24:33 Not even researchers within relevant fields seem to be able to agree about its origins.
24:37 "There were occasionally, rarely, but occasionally,
24:43 there were sounds that we just could not identify."
24:47 This ultra-low-frequency, high-amplitude sound was recorded in 1997.
24:51 First, it was speculated that the sound was caused by icebergs dragging along the ocean floor.
24:56 But then in 2002, Christopher Fox of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
25:00 speculated that it had been produced by an animal.
25:03 Flash forward another 10 years,
25:05 and the NOAA was once again pointing towards ice quakes.
25:08 Number 3. The Megalodon
25:10 Human history across various cultures is chock-full of myths and legends
25:21 about sea monsters that tormented sailors of yesteryears.
25:24 Unlike the Leviathan or the Kraken, however,
25:26 we know for a fact that the Megalodon once swam these seas.
25:30 The word "Megalodon" literally means "big tooth."
25:33 "And these 7-inch teeth are almost all that remain of this extraordinary creature.
25:37 No skeletons have ever been found."
25:41 Measuring up to 59 feet in length and reaching upwards of 59 metric tons,
25:45 these prehistoric terrors certainly earn the name.
25:48 The general scientific consensus is that they went extinct millions of years ago,
25:52 but there are those who believe they continue to survive in secret.
25:55 And it's not just Discovery Channel fueling the speculation.
25:58 Species like the Coelacanth and Megamouth shark
26:01 remind us that anything could lurk in the ocean depths.
26:04 Number 2. The Lost Submarines of 1968
26:08 Life aboard a submarine isn't for the faint of heart.
26:11 You are literally trapped in a long metallic cylinder
26:14 hundreds of feet below the surface of the ocean.
26:16 When something goes wrong, it often goes very wrong.
26:19 Despite the inherent risks, however,
26:26 4 such vessels going missing in quick succession
26:29 makes for an incredible coincidence.
26:32 With 318 lives and 4 subs lost in a single calendar year,
26:36 1968 is the most deadly year in submarine history since the end of World War II.
26:41 The USS Scorpion, the INS Dakar, the Minerva and the K-129,
26:47 hailing from the States, Israel, France and the Soviet Union respectively,
26:51 all disappeared under mysterious circumstances
26:53 and continue to be the subject of speculation decades later.
26:57 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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27:11 Number 1. The Bermuda Triangle
27:15 Roughly defined by Puerto Rico, Miami and the island of Bermuda,
27:19 this triangle is the subject of much superstition.
27:22 Using the terminology of today, you would call the triangle...
27:25 Well, I mean, you know, this is the oldest fake news story in the world.
27:28 For the record, this is among the most heavily traveled stretches of ocean in the world
27:32 and most trips are completed without incident.
27:35 But the accidents and disappearances that have transpired are notably strange.
27:40 The Ellen Austin incident allegedly saw not one but two crews disappear
27:44 from a derelict ship found in the triangle.
27:46 The USS Cyclops was a US Navy ship that disappeared with all 309 sailors.
27:52 There are countless such stories,
27:54 leaving an enduring shroud of mystery over these stormy seas.
27:57 Ships that have shown up absolutely empty,
27:59 no sign of any struggle, and yet the crew has just vanished.
28:03 Which deep sea mystery do you find the most intriguing?
28:06 Let us know in the comments below.
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28:10 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
28:15 [Music]
