00:00Sports Professor Rick Harrell, Sports News Minute.
00:06Looking back on the impact of the Miami Grand Prix, well, Formula One Racing and the organization
00:12promoting the Grand Prix, which also included Dolphin Brain Trust, Steve Ross, Hard Rock
00:18Stadium and the like, brought continued unprecedented awareness to Miami and South Florida.
00:24Yeah, public money used a little bit, but certainly not for a majority of the track
00:29and certainly not compared to Steve Ross's investment.
00:32Kudos, more awareness than you could possibly imagine.
00:35Nearly a billion dollars of impact.
00:38But more important for Formula One, 19 of 22 races won last year, Max Verstappen.
00:44And everybody was saying, why are we watching this?
00:46Like Shoemaker before and like Hamilton in those spurts, it's not competitive.
00:51Along comes Lando Norris and an amazing win in Miami for a lot of different reasons.
00:57The Miami Grand Prix, a watershed race for the incredible support of the sport in America.