• last year
W Bydgoszczy powstało nowe Muzeum Diecezji Bydgoskiej. Znajdują się w nim eksponaty pochodzące z krypt grobowych w bydgoskiej katedrze oraz między innymi kolekcja monet, w tym meksykański real ze skarbu króla Filipa III. Oglądać można też pamiątki po papieżu Benedykcie XVI, które zapisał w testamencie bydgoskiej kurii


00:00We can cooperate that maybe somewhere in the world something like this would not be possible.
00:13So that self-governing authorities, local, church, universities, state authorities,
00:19worked together, became a role model for so many people and so many places in the world.
00:29When I received a lot of things, you can say, from you,
00:34because this statement was left there, I wrote it down,
00:36they put it in front of me, in front of St. Francis of Wrocław,
00:38and I made some 16 decisions, some things, this statement,
00:42I passed it on to this guy, I informed this priest about it, and we cooperated.
00:46Exponats come from different times.
00:50What we see in one part here, when it comes to the liturgical worship,
00:56monasteries, churches, it is usually the 17th and 18th centuries.
01:02However, the preciousness of the script comes from earlier times,
01:11but above all, the 17th and 18th centuries, a bit of the 19th century,
01:18there is also an interesting fragment of Oleodruk,
01:22in which the image of the Mother of God was sealed during the occupation,
01:28with the fear of destruction.
01:30Well, there is Wiatrowska, it is quite interesting,
01:33there is a church, a cathedral, a bull erecting, a Viennese diocese.
01:41Culture has only one choice,
01:44it is the only thing that distinguishes us from other creatures of life,
01:50the feature of which is only human.
01:59Animals do not create something that seems to be necessary,
02:05and culture is a part of something that seems to be unnecessary,
02:10not necessary for life.
02:12A man needs to create, to be different,
02:19and to change the matter for something else.
