Chocotorta Argentina _ Easy and Delicious Cake

  • last month
Chocotorta – authentic Argentinian cake that anyone can make at home. Chocotorta is a layered chocolate cake, with layers of soaked biscuits, in between Dulce de leche spread and topped with chocolate. This dessert is addictive, so be aware!

500g (2 packages) Chocolinas cookies or other chocolate biscuits
3 cups (675g) Cream cheese
2¼ (675g) Dulce de leche
Coffee/milk or coffe+milk
Chocolate shavings (optional)

1. In a large bowl mix dulce de leche with cream cheese.
2. I a bowl prepare some milk or coffee or coffee mixed with milk (for dipping the biscuits).
3. Dip each biscuit into the liquid for 1 second. Arrange a layer of dipped biscuits in the bottom of a 8-inch (20X20cm) square baking pan. Then spread a layer of cream. Repeat 4 more times (5 total layers). The last layer should be biscuit layer.
4. Cover and refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight. Reserve some cream for decoration.
5. Take the cake out of the fridge, release from the pan and invert into a serving dish, spread a layer of cream. Decorate the cake as desired with the leftover cream. Sprinkle some chocolate shaving in the middle of the cake (optional).
6. Serve!
