• last year
Diana exercises with Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes song and learning the English Alphabet with ABC song for children. Kids Learning Videos and fun children's songs!
00:00 My room is set. No gray, no make-up, no pillow.
00:06 Oh, magic song!
00:09 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
00:27 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
00:31 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
00:34 March, march, march, let us all march
00:38 March, march, march, get your body charged
00:42 Wow, it's a work!
00:45 Wow!
00:47 Beautiful dress!
00:49 Dancing again!
00:54 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
01:01 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
01:05 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
01:09 Wow!
01:15 Wow!
01:23 Yes!
01:24 Cheeks, chin, tummy, hips, hands and elbows
01:32 Yeah!
01:49 We did it! No pillows!
01:53 Diving!
01:57 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
02:04 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
02:08 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
02:12 Super!
02:15 Teeth, neck, leg, back, tongue and sugar
02:23 My toys! Come on, dance again!
02:28 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
02:35 That's not work? Why? I will try again!
02:42 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
02:49 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
02:53 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
02:57 Yeah!
03:03 Yeah!
03:05 I love this song! I will open this surprise!
03:19 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
03:26 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
03:30 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
03:34 And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
03:38 Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
03:42 Bye!
03:44 Hi kids! I'm learning the alphabet!
03:47 A, B, C
03:50 Wow!
03:52 No, no, no, no! Stop!
03:59 Oh no!
04:01 I will find them!
04:11 A is for apple, a-a-apple, a-a-apple
04:19 A, apple
04:21 B is for ball, b-b-ball, b-b-ball
04:27 C is for car, c-c-car, c-c-car
04:34 C, car
04:36 D is for diamond, d-d-diamond, d-d-diamond
04:42 D, diamond
04:44 E is for egg, e-e-egg, e-e-egg
04:50 E, egg
04:52 F is for flower, f-f-flower, f-f-flower, f-flower
05:01 Apple, ball, car, diamond, egg, flower
05:08 G is for glasses, g-g-glasses, g-g-glasses
05:16 G, glasses
05:18 H is for house, h-h-house, h-h-house
05:24 H, house
05:26 I is for ice cream, i-i-ice cream, i-i-ice cream
05:32 I, ice cream
05:34 J is for juice, j-j-juice, j-j-juice
05:40 J, juice
05:42 K is for kitten, k-k-kitten, k-k-kitten
05:48 K, kitten
05:50 L is for ladybug, l-l-ladybug, l-l-ladybug
05:56 L, ladybug
05:58 M is for monkey, m-m-monkey, m-m-monkey
06:04 M, monkey
06:06 N is for notebook, n-n-notebook, n-n-notebook, n-notebook
06:14 Glasses, house, ice cream, juice, kitten, ladybug, monkey, notebook
06:23 O is for orange, o-o-orange, o-o-orange, o-orange
06:32 P is for pizza, p-p-pizza, p-p-pizza, p-p-pizza
06:40 Q is for queen, q-q-queen, q-q-queen, q-queen
06:48 R is for rabbit, r-r-rabbit, r-r-rabbit, r-rabbit
06:56 S is for strawberry, s-s-strawberry, s-s-strawberry, s-strawberry
07:04 T is for tiger, t-t-tiger, t-t-tiger, t-tiger
07:12 U is for umbrella, u-umbrella, u-umbrella, u-umbrella
07:20 V is for vacuum, v-v-vacuum, v-v-vacuum, v-vacuum
07:28 V-v-vacuum, v-v-vacuum, v-v-vacuum, v-vacuum
07:36 O, E, Q, R, S, T, O, Z
07:46 W, W, water, w-w-water, w-water
07:52 X is for xylophone, x-x-xylophone, x-x-xylophone, x-xylophone
08:00 Y is for yogurt, y-y-yogurt, y-y-yogurt, y-yogurt
08:08 Z is for zipper, z-z-zipper, z-z-zipper, z-zipper
08:18 W, X, Y, Z
08:26 Yeah!
08:30 High five on alphabet!
