Ox Tales E035

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Hey big guy, you are my kind of hero
00:04Kind of shy, but you're nobody's fool
00:08Make me cry from laughing at the silly things you do
00:12Flying high whenever I'm with you
00:16Hey big guy, you sure can make my heart smile
00:20Ain't no lie, you've got me in a spin
00:24You and I, together always having so much fun
00:28Hey big guy, you are my number one
00:40You and I, together always having so much fun
00:44You and I, hey big guy
00:58I'm already awake!
01:29Boy, am I hungry!
01:33I don't know about you, but I find it tough to watch a turtle make a pig out of himself
01:37By wolfing down his food instead of eating like a bird
01:40I mean, he's eating as much as two can
01:43I ate too much!
01:45Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
02:16Hey, you're not a pig, you're a hippopotamus!
02:19Come on, don't you have any control with food?
02:24Must have been a weak thread
02:26The weakest thread in this show is the storyline
02:28Edward, you've been gaining weight, I think you should get some exercise
02:32You're right, maybe I'll take up jogging
02:42Ha ha ha! Wow!
02:52It might be time to start that diet
02:56You know Jack, everyone we know is gaining weight and I'm at the top of the heap
03:00Look how fat my stomach has gotten to be
03:02That's not really a big problem Ollie, unless you just keep eating and don't ever do anything about it
03:06Well, we gotta do something about it, now
03:09I'll tell you a story about losing weight, it happened when I was knee high to a tortoise
03:33Hey, that's terrible Jack, did I tell you what happened to me yesterday?
03:53I don't know why it's happening Jack, but we're all eating too much
03:59Jack, this is ridiculous, we gotta do something about it
04:02We've got to get everybody to exercise
04:07I know something I'd like to exercise
04:09Now for our first exercise, we'll start with a tug of war
04:14Ah, this is gonna go on for a while, so if you have something better to do, now's the time to do it
04:19If you don't have anything better to do, you ought to be ashamed of yourself
04:24Do we have a punchline yet?
04:26What the?
04:34Well, they did get some exercise
04:36You're not kidding
04:43And now, why don't we all try exercise number two, and just what is exercise number two?
04:48Running is good exercise, what if the three of us ran a race?
04:51Oh, that's great, as long as you two don't mind losing, because I know I'm gonna win
04:57Okay, now here are all the rules of the race
05:00We'll run as far as that cliff over there
05:02Ready? Go!
05:04Hey, will somebody dump the gum?
05:06Whee! What's the matter Ollie Jack?
05:12He's at the ten, the five, the one, and he topples the old tin skin in the goal line
05:27Uh-oh, I can't see Peter anywhere, where is he, huh?
05:30Jack, we gotta find him
05:32There he is, let's get some exercise and pull him out
05:35Now it's time for a swim across the river
05:38I'm the best swimmer, I'm sure to win
05:40Ready? Go!
05:45Well, come on, you're supposed to be swimmin'
05:48Peter's not much of a swimmer, he's more the inner tube type, the kind of pig who just floats through life
05:59You were supposed to swim across, not roll across
06:08You didn't get any exercise at all
06:14Wow, talk about your get up and go
06:16Hey, what do you think you're doing?
06:18Rub that pinky pink dabber now, come on, cut it out
06:25Whee! Next time I'm gonna have a lifeline, yeah!
06:39Wow! Oh my, what happened?
06:41What happened?
06:46This isn't fat, folks, I just got my feathers fluffed
06:49Hmm, let's try to move her
06:59Oh, as they say, I'm full of hot air
07:01He's become absolutely transparent, Ollie, wow!
07:04Does that mean he's thin now?
07:06I saw through that gag right off
07:08You know what I like about giraffes? They're long, tall and thin
07:12Yeah, giraffes really are the skinniest
07:15This giraffe looks like he ate a house and he probably did
07:24Sammy, the time has come for you to get some exercise
07:29Could it be that I have something for you that you really, really love?
07:32Well, there's only one way to get it, here
07:38Let's see what Gaylord's up to
07:47Wow, looks like he's playing home
07:52Hey, Gaylord, that was quite a toss
07:54Just look at his body, Ollie
07:56He's got the most fantastic set of muscles I've ever seen
07:59Yeah, he does have a terrific physique
08:01And I gotta admit, I'm as jealous as all get out
08:03Tell me something, Gaylord, do you think maybe you could teach us to be bodybuilders like you?
08:08Sure I could
08:11Gaylord, how's this?
08:13Like this
08:29Hey, I don't want you to hurt yourself
08:30Why don't you show us how to climb a tree instead?
08:34That's great
08:37Oh, oh, oh
08:47Ollie, this exercise thing isn't quite working out
08:50Why don't you try going on a diet?
08:52A diet? Yeah
08:53From now on, I won't eat anything until I'm as thin as a rail
09:02How do you like our special effects?
09:04Ollie, what happened to you?
09:06You're a shadow of your former self
09:10Yeah, I don't think I was meant to diet
09:12I'm so hungry I could absolutely eat a house
09:14Oh boy, I think you better get off this crazy diet and start eating something
09:20Don't you worry, Ollie, just keep on eating and you'll get back to the way you used to be
09:26And so day turns to night
09:28Gee, that was fast
09:29And night turns to day
09:31My, how time flies
09:33Ollie, Ollie, it's me
09:37Oh my gosh, Ollie, I can't believe it
09:39Well, I can't believe it either
09:41I've never been fatter and I've never been happier
09:43All my friends brought me food because they felt sorry for me
09:46And now I don't know what to eat first
09:52Hey, now I'm exercising my mouth
10:01On weekends, Ollie has time to catch up on all the things he's been putting off
10:05Saturday, that's the best day of the week for thinking about food
10:09Hey, what's the matter with you? Put me down!
10:13What do I look like, an apple? Put me down!
10:16Well, what's Jack up to up there?
10:20That's not how you're supposed to come in the house for lunch, Jack
10:24Let me down, I don't want to play this game anymore, Ollie, no!
10:27Hey, Jackson, where'd you find that baby elephant?
10:29He found me, I didn't ask him if he was hungry, now he's trying to eat me
10:33What's the big idea? You can't eat Jack, you put him down right now
10:36No, don't tell him to do that!
10:39No, I'm in for you to put him down on the ground, not down your trunk
10:43Pleased to meet you, Elroy, we don't get many baby elephants around here
10:46Elroy told me that he got separated from his herd this morning
10:49Right after his mother got through washing him, he says he wandered off to gather fruit
10:53But when he came back, the rest of the herd was gone, is that right?
10:56Mm-hmm, that's it
10:57We gotta find your mother then, don't we, kid?
10:59Why don't we help Elroy find his mother after one of your famous lunches?
11:03He's a real nice boy once you get to know him, just a little playful like all the young ones are
11:07Jack, why don't you look around where his herd was last seen and I'll take care of feeding our new friend
11:12All right, that shouldn't take me too long
11:14And don't forget to tell his mother that we're taking good care of him
11:17I won't!
11:18All right, Elroy, looks like we've got a lunch date
11:20Oh, good, Ollie, cause I'm starving!
11:22Where's the ice block?
11:24I've heard of a square meal before, but this is getting out of hand
11:28You're supposed to wait outside!
11:30Elroy, there's one rule you're gonna have to abide by around here
11:33There's no elephants allowed in the kitchen
11:35Cause it always gets me wild when they leave their footprints in the cheese
11:38Now you wait out here
11:47What, Elroy? I told you to wait!
11:49You're gonna shake the whole house down!
11:52What happened?
11:54What happened?
11:56Elroy's gonna need a porter to carry that trunk
12:01Okay, my turn to eat
12:03Pay attention now and I'll teach you something about table manners
12:07First you take your knife and fork like this
12:09Then you pick up your food and...
12:13That's how you're supposed to eat your lunch in the civilized world
12:16Go ahead, Elroy, now you try it
12:18Oh, boy, I love cheese!
12:24That's not exactly what I had in mind
12:28I didn't know Ollie had a mind
12:30Oh, well, on with our story
12:32Now, where were we?
12:33Oh, my train of thought has jumped a track
12:35Ollie's never left the station
12:37Around here, after we have lunch, it's time for doing chores
12:40Come on along, I'll show you how to rake hay
12:42Yummy, I like hay!
12:46Hey, Ollie, can I play with your tree?
12:48What say you, say, Elroy?
12:50I never heard of anyone playing with a tree before
12:54Stanky steaks are第一
12:59Don't pull on that tree, it will break
13:01But I'm stung!
13:03I'll get you, Loose
13:06There's nothing more painful than nasal cramps
13:12After I finish my chores, here comes my favorite activity of the day
13:17Well, it's the thing all farmers like to do
13:19taking a nap under a shady tree
13:21Oh, tu devrais l'essayer, Elfoy.
13:24Hmm, je n'aime pas prendre des nappes. Je préfère jouer au lieu.
13:30Selon l'enveloppe des bébés d'éléphants,
13:33prendre une nappe en regardant un éléphant hyperactif peut être dangereux pour votre santé
13:37et pour la santé de toutes ces autres créatures autour de vous.
13:41Oh, joli oiseau, qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-dedans ?
13:44Oh !
13:50C'est un molle geyser.
13:52Qu'est-ce que c'était tout ça ?
13:53Hé, Elroy, où es-tu ? Où es-tu allé, garçon ?
13:56Tu devais prendre une nappe avec moi, tu te souviens ?
14:14Hein ?
14:16J'adore les bandes.
14:19Le Big O, reviens-moi mes épaules, tout de suite !
14:24J'aimerais que je revienne.
14:32Hé, Elroy, qu'est-ce que tu fais là-dedans ?
14:34C'est là où vivent tous les oiseaux.
14:36J'aime les oiseaux.
14:37Salut !
14:44C'est ça, un visage heureux.
14:51Elroy, où es-tu, garçon ?
14:53Elroy !
14:54Hein ? Tu veux dire que tu es sorti ?
15:01Hé, regarde-moi !
15:03Hé, laisse-moi sortir de là !
15:05Hé, arrête de faire de l'amusant ! Laisse-moi sortir de là !
15:08Hé !
15:10Wow !
15:11Wow, wow, wow !
15:13Hein ?
15:14Un bon aventureur n'est qu'un oiseau.
15:18Hein ?
15:19Maman, je t'ai trouvé !
15:23Je t'ai foutu !
15:25Cet Elroy est une vraie carte.
15:27En fait, il est un sac de cartes, et il devrait être traité.
15:29Hé, arrête de faire de l'amusant !
15:31Hé, tigre, veux-tu jouer ?
15:33Non !
15:36Encore une fois !
15:38Cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un...
15:40Lève-toi !
15:41Je répète, on a réussi, lève-toi !
15:50Salut !
15:56Non !
15:58Maman, ne rigole pas !
16:02Maintenant, c'est mon tour !
16:04J'adore jouer à LeapFrog !
16:11Hé, Elroy, sors de lui !
16:13Mon dieu, je ne comprends pas ce qui a pris autant de temps.
16:16Il devait être de retour depuis des heures.
16:19Je m'en souviens, j'aime être avec toi, Tonton Ollie.
16:22Vraiment ?
16:23Oui, je m'amuse !
16:24Hé, Ollie, j'ai trouvé Elroy !
16:26Hé, c'est génial !
16:28Ils étaient vraiment heureux d'entendre parler d'Elroy,
16:31mais il y a juste un petit problème que je pense que tu dois connaître !
16:34Tu as entendu ça ? Ta mère est de retour pour toi !
16:36Je suppose que tu es heureux de l'entendre, hein ?
16:38Je ne peux pas l'arrêter !
16:40Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire, tu ne peux pas l'arrêter ?
16:42Attention, Ollie !
16:45Ils vont détruire la maison !
16:47Ça ne ressemble pas trop à rien !
16:50Ça ne ressemble pas trop à rien non plus !
16:52Au revoir, Tonton Ollie !
16:54Au revoir, Elroy !
16:56Tu sais, je vais manquer ce petit gars !
16:58Je savais que tu allais l'aimer !
17:00Regarde ce qui s'est passé à ma pauvre maison !
17:02Au moins, je sais ce que je vais faire demain !
17:05Je vais mettre ma maison en place !
17:30Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org