Ox Tales E036

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:02 [Musique]
00:04 ♪ Kind of shy, but you're nobody's fool ♪
00:07 ♪ Make me cry from laughing at The silly things you do ♪
00:12 ♪ Flying high whenever I'm with you ♪
00:16 ♪ Hey big guy, you sure can make my heart smile ♪
00:20 ♪ Ain't no lie, you've got me in a spin ♪
00:23 ♪ You and I together Always having so much fun ♪
00:28 ♪ Hey big guy, you are my number one ♪
00:40 ♪ You and I together Always having so much fun ♪
00:44 ♪ You and I, hey big guy ♪
00:53 - Oh, well, well. It's not easy to get on well.
00:56 - Yeah.
00:57 - Hmm.
00:58 - Oh, what's this?
01:00 Hey, I wonder what this is about.
01:02 - Hmm.
01:03 - What's going on down there, Ollie?
01:06 Uh, so what exactly are you doing down there?
01:08 - I was digging this well and I came across these bones.
01:11 - Hmm.
01:12 Why don't we put them all together
01:13 and see if they add up to anything?
01:15 (audience applauding)
01:18 (Ollie humming)
01:22 - Hey, this really looks like a short-necked Audrey.
01:26 - It sure does.
01:28 This must be Audrey's ancestor.
01:30 And look at those feathers.
01:31 They're tremendous.
01:32 I bet that means that ostriches used to be able to fly.
01:35 You know, way back when.
01:37 - Somebody in the research department blew it.
01:40 Ostriches cannot fly.
01:41 (Ollie panting)
01:44 (water splashing)
01:46 (Ollie grunts)
01:49 (Ollie grunting)
01:52 (Ollie panting)
01:55 (Ollie grunting)
01:57 (water splashing)
02:00 (Ollie grunting)
02:03 (water splashing)
02:06 (Ollie grunting)
02:07 - How much longer is this gonna go on?
02:09 (Ollie grunting)
02:13 (water splashing)
02:16 - The story is the ostrich ate so many earthworms
02:21 he got too fat to fly.
02:22 And his neck got so long from stretching it
02:24 to eat all those earthworms.
02:25 (Ollie grunting)
02:30 - Come on, get real.
02:31 - You know, it's really a lot of fun
02:33 thinking about our ancestors, Jack.
02:35 What do you suppose your ancestors were like, huh?
02:37 (Jack and Ollie exclaiming)
02:41 (Jack exclaiming)
02:44 - You think that's one of your ancestors, Jack?
02:52 - Preposterous, I'm a rhinoceros.
02:53 - Welcome to the Jack Turtleson School of Evolution.
02:59 Evolution is the study of where we came from,
03:01 who our ancestors were.
03:03 Now let's study all the animals.
03:06 - Jack, do we have to?
03:08 - Let's talk about the giraffe.
03:10 In the old days, its legs and its neck were very short,
03:13 so it ate the leaves of little tiny bushes.
03:15 But when it came to big bushes,
03:16 it had to stretch up so it could eat them.
03:18 And so the giraffe's legs got longer and longer.
03:22 After it ate all the bushes at that height,
03:24 when it got hungry again, it had to stretch its neck
03:26 to eat from the top of the tree.
03:28 - Oh yeah?
03:29 - So now that I've taught you about the giraffe, Ollie,
03:33 let's take a walk through the forest
03:34 and talk about all the other animals.
03:36 - Hey Jack, who was the possum's ancestor?
03:39 Do you know where he came from?
03:41 - Why, the gorilla.
03:42 - Really?
03:43 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
03:56 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:00 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:29 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:33 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:36 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:41 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:44 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
04:48 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:13 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:16 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:20 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:24 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:27 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:31 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:34 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:38 (Jack and Ollie laughing)
05:41 - Hmm?
05:42 Oh, ah, oh.
05:44 Oh, ah.
05:45 (camel grumbling)
05:51 - Let me guess, the camel was the ancestor of the horse?
06:05 (camel grumbling)
06:08 (camel grumbling)
06:10 - Thank you very much.
06:17 (camel grumbling)
06:20 (camel grumbling)
06:25 - Wait.
06:26 (camel grumbling)
06:34 (camel grumbling)
06:37 (camel grumbling)
06:40 (camel grumbling)
06:51 (camel grumbling)
06:56 (camel grumbling)
07:03 (camel grumbling)
07:06 (cat grumbling)
07:09 - Oh, it's over here.
07:11 (cat growling)
07:14 (cat growling)
07:16 (cat growling)
07:21 (cat growling)
07:23 (cat growling)
07:26 (cat growling)
07:29 (cat growling)
07:31 (cat growling)
07:34 (cat growling)
07:36 - The lion was also the ancestor of the panther, huh Jack?
07:41 - And the pit came from the elephant.
07:43 - Looks like it to me.
07:45 (elephant roaring)
07:48 - Well, I guess the bat was the ancestor of the mouse.
07:57 - Wow, imagine that.
07:59 - You know Ollie, we never talked about
08:02 who your ancestors were.
08:03 Who do you think you came from?
08:05 (Ollie mumbling)
08:07 - Yeah, well, let's see here.
08:09 Yeah, I'm sure they were strong.
08:10 Whoever they were, stronger than a dinosaur, right?
08:13 Yeah, better swimmers than crocodiles?
08:16 Faster than cheetahs?
08:18 Able to leap tall trees in a single mound?
08:20 Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
08:21 It's Oxosaurus.
08:23 Pretty neat, huh?
08:24 - Ollie, Ollie.
08:28 I bet I know who your ancestors were.
08:30 - Tell me, who were they?
08:31 - Follow me.
08:32 - Come on, Jack.
08:33 Huh?
08:35 (Jack mumbling)
08:38 (Jack mumbling)
08:41 (Jack laughing)
08:43 - It's amusing to think you look exactly the same now
08:45 as your ancestors did way back then.
08:47 - Frankly, I don't find that very amusing.
08:50 (upbeat music)
08:55 - Ollie's doing his bow and arrow thing again.
08:58 - We'd better hide.
08:59 - I'm impressed, Ollie.
09:00 I never knew you were an expert archer.
09:02 - I'm the best because I'm always trying new things.
09:04 It's important for a talented ox like me to branch out.
09:08 (Jack grunting)
09:10 (upbeat music)
09:14 - Stand further back
09:15 and don't put so much bite on your shot.
09:17 - Right.
09:17 - Guess your bite was worse than his bark.
09:27 - What do you know when ox with a bullseye?
09:29 - I'll tell you, Jack,
09:30 what I need now is a target that moves.
09:31 - I guess so.
09:32 - That's perfect.
09:36 - Hey.
09:39 (lasers zapping)
09:42 (Jack laughing)
09:45 - Zane, you're not being much of a sport.
09:47 - Guess some zebras don't care about falling behind.
09:49 - All right.
09:50 - Now, Bouncy, didn't I ask you
09:56 not to take any more of my carrots, huh?
09:58 - Oh, please don't punish me.
09:59 - Lucky for you, I'm a forgiving ox
10:01 and there's a way you can make it up to me.
10:03 Don't worry about a thing, Bouncy.
10:11 I haven't missed since my last shot.
10:13 There's no sense splitting hairs about it, I missed.
10:20 I seem to be all out of arrows.
10:23 Well, you can help me make a point.
10:26 - If that bird was smart, he'd make a point of leaving.
10:28 - Doesn't my luck to pick up bird brain like him?
10:41 - That stork seems to make a lot better bird
10:43 than he does an arrow.
10:43 Everybody has something they do best, even you.
10:46 - I'm not the only talented guy around here.
10:48 - Oh, plenty of animals are able to do surprising tricks,
10:50 but nobody ever gives them a chance.
10:52 - I'll give them a chance, we'll have a contest.
10:54 Sammy.
10:59 I got a nice piece of meat here for you.
11:02 You can do a trick.
11:03 No sitting up and begging is much too easy.
11:04 What else you got?
11:06 That's it.
11:07 (monkey squeaking)
11:10 (monkey squeaking)
11:13 (monkey squeaking)
11:16 - Is this contest open to anybody
11:18 or is no talent a requirement?
11:19 - Boy, oh boy, this wind is more powerful
11:21 than many of the monkey's breath.
11:22 We can't have a contest without a flagpole
11:24 and this stick just won't stick.
11:26 There must be something we can use.
11:29 Hey there, how about giving us a hand?
11:31 - Wow, saving the neck of time.
11:35 - Don't worry, you'll only be tied up for a day.
11:37 (humming)
11:40 (humming)
11:42 (humming)
11:43 - Hey everybody, we're having an exciting contest
11:45 for animals with special talents.
11:47 Read all about it, get a Wilder Loud,
11:49 be the first on your block.
11:51 - Hey Polly, do you know any special tricks
11:53 aside from just asking for a cracker?
11:55 - What?
11:56 (monkey squeaking)
11:57 - I'm impressed.
11:59 (monkey squeaking)
12:01 - The competition's gonna be tough.
12:07 (monkey squeaking)
12:10 (monkey squeaking)
12:11 - I wonder if them walking sweaters can do any tricks.
12:13 - They were all trained by Sammy.
12:14 - He taught them everything he knows.
12:16 It took him two and a half minutes.
12:18 - I don't get it, Sammy.
12:19 Who's doing this trick, you or them?
12:20 (monkey squeaking)
12:23 - It's an easy trick to learn.
12:27 All it takes is a little practice and some willpower.
12:30 - Well, let me tell you, Sammy,
12:31 a trick like that is nothing to sneeze at.
12:33 (sneezing)
12:36 (sneezing)
12:36 (sneezing)
12:39 (upbeat music)
12:41 (dog barking)
12:49 - Guess they're really best friends.
12:50 They seem like a close-knit bunch.
12:51 - You betcha.
12:53 - Huh?
12:54 (yelling)
12:55 Who left this glass of water up here?
12:56 (upbeat music)
12:59 - I don't see any talented critters around here.
13:03 - Look!
13:05 (monkey squeaking)
13:06 (groaning)
13:08 - Leap and Lizard looks like Lenny.
13:10 - It'll be scary having him on your back.
13:12 (yelling)
13:14 (monkey squeaking)
13:20 - Hey, that's a splendid idea,
13:21 playing Leap Ostrich instead of Leap Garden.
13:23 Hey there, wanna be in a contest?
13:26 A talented cat like you should have a chance to show off.
13:28 - You could be the winner of a fabulous prize.
13:30 (chiming)
13:34 - Of course, to make absolutely sure that you'll win,
13:37 you should jump in and bring out fire.
13:39 - What?
13:43 Well done, Lenny, well done.
13:45 - Maybe a bit overdone.
13:47 (monkey squeaking)
13:49 - Lenny, don't hype it up so quick,
13:51 I just wanna ask you a question.
13:53 You're in for a fall, you know.
13:55 (screaming)
13:58 (yelling)
14:04 (screaming)
14:06 (humming)
14:12 (grunting)
14:24 (upbeat music)
14:28 (screaming)
14:30 (speaking in foreign language)
14:34 (whimpering)
14:40 (speaking in foreign language)
14:46 - Now there's something you don't see every day.
14:56 (humming)
14:58 (water splashing)
15:01 (monkey squeaking)
15:04 - First time I ever saw seals make a monkey out of a gorilla.
15:11 (monkey squeaking)
15:14 - Can you do some real nose to nose competition?
15:26 - Oh, hi there.
15:27 - You two like to hog the spotlight for a little while,
15:29 do you know any tricks?
15:31 - Hey, snout's bad, Peter, pretty impressive pig, dolly.
15:38 - Oh, that's a good trick, you should stick with it.
15:42 - Yeah, great.
15:44 - Hey, if you think this is good,
15:48 you should watch me balance my checkbook.
15:51 - Elephants are real strong,
15:52 but can you do any special tricks with muscles like this?
15:55 (elephant trumpeting)
15:58 - You hardly ever see anybody flex his trunk step anymore.
16:01 - I'm sorry, but elephant muscles look awful on your face.
16:04 Try another trick, okay?
16:05 - No problem, let's forget the elephant trunk
16:07 and try this tree trunk instead.
16:09 (elephant trumpeting)
16:12 A little shaky, but I've got an idea.
16:14 Yep, this'll work, and if anyone's looking for you,
16:17 we'll just tell them you're tied up right now.
16:19 - I'm sorry to spoil your fun,
16:20 but this idea might not be your smartest.
16:23 - Okay, but I've got an even better idea.
16:25 You don't think there's a chance
16:29 they'd win with this trick?
16:30 - Not possible, Ollie.
16:32 - They're outstanding, in fact,
16:36 and I understand they'll work for peanuts.
16:39 Yep, I have to say, you three are flat out terrific.
16:41 Well, it could've worked.
16:46 - Hey, Ollie, I'm feeling just a little flat.
16:47 - Actually, it's this joke that's a little flat.
16:50 Come on, boys, you wanna see some real talent?
16:52 Watch this.
16:53 Don't applaud, just throw money.
16:55 - Well, Jack, looks like we've pretty well exhausted
17:02 the idea of having a talent contest around here.
17:04 - That's for sure, I'm exhausted.
17:05 I feel like a shell of my former self.
17:07 - Well, I can't lie down on the job.
17:09 I got another talent to show you.
17:10 - Not again, oh.
17:11 Watch your balance.
17:13 You don't wanna fall down.
17:15 - Hey, where are the adoring crowds to admire my feats?
17:17 There's only you and Sammy.
17:18 - Forget it, Ollie.
17:19 Why don't you take that rope and skim it?
17:22 - Ollie, looks like your first fan has finally shown up.
17:24 - Huh?
17:25 I'll bet his mouth is hanging open in sheer amazement.
17:28 - He even brought some of his friends.
17:30 - I wonder why it took the public so long
17:32 to recognize my talents.
17:34 - They were waiting for the lunch show.
17:36 - But I said I wanted a devoted public,
17:38 not a devouring public.
17:40 (upbeat music)
17:42 ♪ Hey big guy, you are my kind of hero ♪
17:49 ♪ I'm kind of shy, but you're nobody's fool ♪
17:53 ♪ Make me cry from laughing at the silly things you do ♪
17:57 ♪ Flying high whenever I'm with you ♪
18:01 ♪ You and I, together always having so much fun ♪
18:05 ♪ You and I, hey big guy ♪