المؤسس عثمان الجزء الخامس الحلقة التاسعة و العشرون 159 | مترجم (2)

  • 4 months ago
مسلسل المؤسس عثمان الموسم الخامس
تدور أحداث المسلسل حول قيام الدولة العثمانية ونقلها من الفقر والضياع إلى القوة والصلابة من قبل عثمان وهو ثالث (وأصغر) أبناء أرطغرل، يخلف أباه بعد وفاته، ويسير على خطاه ليحقق انتصارات عظيمة، ويقوم بإنشاء الدولة العثمانية. ويعرض المسلسل أيضًا الصراعات بين الدولة العثمانية والمغول والتتار والصليبين والفرس والروم.


00:00We will work tirelessly.
00:02God willing, we will be there on time, my prince.
00:05Praise be to God, Yigiter. Praise be to God.
00:08Praise be to God. They work like bees, my prince.
00:30What are these, Aykurt?
00:32My prince.
00:33Didn't I tell you these tests won't be big?
00:41Who told you to do this?
00:45I did, Mr. Alaeddin.
00:51The bigger the flying stone, the harder its effect.
00:57Don't do it, Mr. Gündüz. Don't.
00:59We'll be a disgrace to the enemy.
01:02I calculate their distances with a compass.
01:05If the flying stone is this big, the bees can't throw it far.
01:09They'll fall to the ground before they reach the walls.
01:13I thought...
01:14Enough, Mr. Gündüz.
01:16Look, they need to be calculated.
01:18Keep your eyes on me.
01:20Leave it to me.
01:23Good, good. We understand, Mr. Alaeddin.
01:31Our age and experience is enough.
01:35You don't need to repeat it.
01:45Everyone puts their hand under the stone, Mr. Alaeddin.
01:51You don't need to be ashamed.
01:54Elçibe Hatun.
02:01We all came for this, brother.
02:04We'll correct the error.
02:06We'll correct the mistake.
02:08Everyone's intention is the same.
02:13Come on.
02:14You check the bees.
02:18Thank you.
02:20Let's go.
02:39There is no intentional mistake, Orhan.
02:42The one who knows his greatness is greater than his greatness.
02:47Someone learned it from his brother Alaeddin.
02:51But apparently he didn't learn it.
03:13Where are you going to run?
03:16You have nowhere to go.
03:19Why are you following me?
03:21I don't know you, sir.
03:23I'm a beggar.
03:24Where did you get this scarf from?
03:26A man gave me this gold and this dress.
03:29He wanted me to run.
03:31What did he look like?
03:32My eyes don't choose.
03:34He gave me gold and clothes.
03:36He looks like an angel now.
03:39Come on.
03:42What are we going to say to the mayor?
03:44What happened?
03:45Come on.
03:48He underestimated me among all the Alps.
03:52Now the Alps will doubt the decisions I will make.
03:59Who will doubt Alaeddin, father?
04:02He's in a civil war.
04:04He'll pay for this impudence.
04:07Arrogance, my daughter.
04:10Arrogance digs into people.
04:14He took what wasn't his.
04:17And now he's angry.
04:23But I know what I'm going to do to him.
04:37How is Mr. Gündüz?
04:39How is my sister?
04:43What happened to my father upset him, Mr. Orhan.
04:47But what upsets him is your attitude.
04:53My sister...
04:54Alaeddin trampled my father right in front of you.
04:58Why did you let him?
05:00Why didn't you defend him?
05:02Is it a denial that is preferable, my sister?
05:05My brother Alaeddin is right about the trampling.
05:09Even if he's right, he can't trample my father in front of everyone.
05:33Peace be upon you.
05:34Peace be upon you.
05:37Peace be upon you.
05:38Peace be upon you.
05:40Peace be upon you, sir.
05:41Welcome, sir.
05:42Welcome, sir.
05:44We are ready to listen to what you have to say.
05:47But first, I have good news for you.
05:51Tell me.
05:57Prince Ahmet's murderer has been found, sir.
06:00Alaeddin and Gonca are free now.
06:05I know.
06:07Of course I know.
06:12...the truth about the infidel...
06:17...always makes me doubt.
06:23But this is not our issue now.
06:25Our issue is bigger...
06:29...and more difficult.
06:35We will listen to you, Osman.
06:38Ibrahim Bey.
06:40In Bursa...
06:42...discord and satanism are rising.
06:47And Ibrahim Bey...
06:49...has allied with the commander of Bursa...
06:52...and the Meccan infidel.
07:00This is not a bad thing that brings light to darkness.
07:04This is an issue that is being done to destroy us.
07:08This is an issue that is being done to destroy us.
07:13Our preparations are not over.
07:15But we are ready to fight and die, Osman Bey.
07:19We don't have much time.
07:21We will take action soon.
07:23The Alps will besiege Mecca.
07:26Before this alliance comes upon us...
07:29...we will walk over them.
07:33If God permits.
07:34If God permits.
07:35If God permits.
07:38If God permits.
07:43A war council will be established.
07:47We will take action soon.
07:56The merchants and the people who left the Karacahisar market...
08:00...flew to the market.
08:02When they heard about the trade deal we made with Bursa and Mecca...
08:07...the market will become even richer.
08:10With this deal...
08:12...I have both killed my son...
08:15...and put an end to Osman's trade.
08:18Soon, not a single penny of gold will remain in his treasury.
08:23Osman will be gone in the end.
08:26Bursa and Iznik will be ours.
08:32...first, we will attack Mecca.
08:37Mehmet and Ulcay...
08:40...will take Mecca under their protection.
08:43My Bey.
08:46Osman Bey.
08:48The Alps are on their way to Mecca.
08:59Prepare the horses. We will set out.
09:01Yes, my Bey.
09:03The time has come.
09:04The time has come.
09:06Osman's reputation will be ruined.
09:09It will either be wiped out...
09:11...or the land will be watered with blood.
09:14My Bey, where are you going?
09:16To bring down Iznik...
09:18...and to behead Bahçeli, Hatun.
09:24Let's go.
09:34Let's go.
10:08If you surrender...
10:11...I will allow you and your soldiers...
10:14...to go to the nearest castle.
10:17What if I don't?
10:21...I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:24I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:27I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:30I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:32I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:35I will destroy the walls you trust.
10:39Now, it's up to you.
10:42Is it your mercy...
10:44...or my wrath?
10:50Give me some time to think, Osman Bey.
10:53Wait until sunset.
11:00...let the fire of the roses light up the night.
11:07I don't think he will surrender, my Bey.
11:10He is trying to buy time, Osman Bey.
11:12Then you say he is waiting for help from somewhere.
11:15We will see.
11:19We will see.
11:26We will see.
11:39The enemy surrendered.
11:41The honor of Mecca is in our hands.
11:44Fight for your honor!
11:48Either Osman dies today...
11:51...or we will be on the threshold of Jesus.
11:53I am with the Ottomans!
11:55I am with the Ottomans!
12:02There is no sound from Tekfur, Osman Bey.
12:04Then we will only hear the rumble of the gulls.
12:10They will think we are going to attack.
12:14Wait for my move.
12:16Open the doors.
12:19Come on, my lads!
12:32Now I will teach you how to win a war without a weapon.
12:42Get the flying stones ready!
12:44Make the gulls move!
12:46Make the gulls move!
12:48The sun is about to set!
12:50Come on!
12:53Praise be!
13:00Mr. Gündüz is angry with you.
13:02What did he say?
13:05What do you mean, brother?
13:06I am asking you, Aladdin.
13:09I just reminded him of his duty.
13:12I told him what was missing.
13:14Everyone will do their duty.
13:16No one will say anything.
13:18Whether it is Mr. Gündüz or your father-in-law...
13:21...I will not let such a mistake happen, brother.
13:25Of course you will not let it happen.
13:27But you know, brother.
13:29There is a rule for everything.
13:31You crushed Mr. Gündüz in the middle of all the Alps.
13:44Calm down, Aladdin.
13:46Calm down.
13:53My Bey.
13:55The gates of the castle are open.
13:58They will come this way.
14:00They will surrender.
14:05Do not be so sure.
14:07The infidels will set out.
14:10They will act as if they will surrender.
14:13They will go to fight.
14:17My Prince.
14:19Let's see what Osman Bey will do now.
14:22We will see, Gökmen.
14:24We will see.
14:27It is time to fight.
14:29Come on.
14:30Yes, my Prince.
14:31Come on.
14:33Let's go.
14:35Yes, my Prince.
14:37Come on.
14:40Come on.
14:44Come on.
15:06Be ready.
15:10Osman Bey.
15:12We are not here to surrender.
15:14We are here to fight.
15:16How can you be so sure, Osman Bey?
15:19I hope he does not trust what I think.
15:26Come on, my sons.
15:29Take Mr. Ibrahim.
15:31Let's go.
15:34Hang Mr. Ibrahim's flags.
15:36Let's go down the walls.
15:43This is the victory of the jackals.
16:00My Bey, someone is coming.
16:03Mr. Ibrahim and Mr. Yakup are coming with their armies, my Bey.
16:09Do whatever you can.
16:12Do whatever you can.
16:15The blood that will flow will not stop.
16:32Come on.
16:34Come on.
16:36Come on.
17:02Your unity is not enough.
17:04Do you make an alliance with the infidels?
17:07It is not an alliance, Osman Bey.
17:10We do not make an alliance with the infidels.
17:15The castle of Mecca...
17:17...the lands of Mecca...
17:20...the trade of Mecca...
17:24...are under my protection.
17:27The infidel Mateos...
17:30...is now under my command.
17:35We have come to turn you around.
17:38It is not suitable for a Bey like you...
17:41...to take a castle of a believer, Osman Bey.
17:45Osman Bey.
17:47Tell your Alps...
17:49...to return to their tribes.
17:52So that...
17:54...the glorious Osman Bey...
17:57...will not be disappointed...
18:00...by a Muslim Bey's castle...
18:03...and will not say...
18:06...that it was not enough...
18:09...and that it was a waste of his life.
18:19You want to make an alliance with the infidels?
18:21You want to make an alliance with the infidels?
18:24It is not suitable for us...
18:27...to take a castle of a believer.
18:36...taking it from a hypocrite...
18:38...is the duty of Osman Bey.
18:40You should know that.
