• last year
Businessman Bill Kenyon owner of Holland Hall. He is complaining that he cannot get enough staff for either the hotel or his Tru brain injury rehab clinics for them to run at full capacity.
00:00 Hello and welcome to All and All. Sat here on a nice Wednesday or nice day in May.
00:08 Right well welcome to my little gem in the in up Holland, Skelmersdale. This is a 27 bedroom
00:17 hotel with an added on the pub plus a 20 seater Victorian dining room, a 60
00:26 facility Ultimate Purveyors restaurant and 220 events areas where we stage many different things
00:35 from cabaret nights to fine dining to weddings to events funerals etc etc. I'm Bill Kenny and
00:44 I'm the owner of All and All and I took it over about five years ago now. During that time I've
00:54 looked and had the pitfalls of Covid after doing it up and now we're ready to really let it wham.
01:02 The problem is I can't get a staff. A lot of our top chefs have gone delivering I think for
01:10 one of the news or Amazon or can't advertise but Amazon or one of these type of people
01:16 instead of being in the trade because a lot of people don't want to work 16 hour days,
01:22 weekends etc. Funnily enough this goes very similar to my other business which is called
01:30 TRU which stands for the Transitional Rehabilitation Unit. This was a unit that I set up way back in
01:38 92. This was seven years after I'd taken over Wigan Athletic when Wigan Athletic was in dire
01:46 straits and got collapsed. May I say I wasn't popular at that time because I had to do what
01:53 they're now doing which was sell to survive and I look back on them days and I think Bill without
02:00 you there'd have been no Wigan Athletic for Mr Whelan to have so I am very proud of that. Anyway
02:06 moving on from that I'm still looking for many people who would like to come and join me in my
02:13 dream of running the best rehabilitation centre for people with acquired brain injury. This is a
02:20 non-punitive rehabilitation that we reward people for looking after themselves rather than having to
02:31 have people care for them. We say we care about you we don't care for you this is entirely different.
02:39 Also we do all in-house training using all our qualified people whether this be physio,
02:46 psychology, psychiatry, GP, occupational therapy, vocational placements, working in horticulture,
02:55 algebra, lundrism etc etc. So my call out is to see is there anybody out there young or old
03:05 you can even join me even if you've retired from your previous job in-house training will be done
03:11 you can work full or part-time hours but we do need people who want to work in the evening
03:19 seven days a week but it's up to you it is so rewarding I loved it I had 28 years in it you
03:27 can see the passion in my face I'm sure it was the best time of my life and now I want to do the same
03:34 at Ollendal Hotel in Upholland, Skelmersdale. Thank you.
