" Ghar Ke Sarbarah Se Maffi Mangni Padtee Hai" Senetor Faisal Vawda

  • 4 months ago
" Ghar Ke Sarbarah Se Maffi Mangni Padtee Hai" Senetor Faisal Vawda
00:00I will set what Muslim League Noon is going to do.
00:04Yesterday, Mr. Javed Lateef was a part of our program.
00:07When he was asked a question, he said,
00:09let Mr. Mian speak once, then you see what happens.
00:12And we have been noting for a long time that
00:14these people of Muslim League Noon, who are not a part of the assembly or government,
00:17are repeatedly pointing out that Mr. Mian will speak once.
00:20See, there may be religious statements. What did he say?
00:23Let Nawaz Sharif say all those true facts.
00:29There is only one condition. Don't call him a traitor.
00:32Don't call him a friend of Modi.
00:34Don't call him a slave of America.
00:36Don't call him a robber, a thief, a robber.
00:39So, he was asked to speak once.
00:42It seems that this matter is also going in the same direction.
00:45Mr. Wada, such extreme positions are not good for the country.
00:50It is not possible that a big political party,
00:52a popular political party,
00:54they have dug their feet in from both sides.
00:58What will happen after this?
01:00Thank you very much, Mr. Kashi.
01:01See, Mr. Kashi, you didn't give importance to this matter in your program at that time.
01:05I had told you that there is no deal being offered,
01:08nor is there any talk of a deal.
01:10And there is a rumour going around that this is going to be discussed.
01:13There was nothing like that.
01:15And whether you like it or not in one forum,
01:17whether it is Form 47 or 45 or 52,
01:19you can talk to this government while eating chole.
01:22There will be no role of the army in this discussion.
01:25That is one thing.
01:26But after this statement, the government has no option but to make fun of it.
01:30See, listen to me.
01:31These statements will take it to a place where it will be impossible to return.
01:39The NGOs have kept it very clear.
01:41And it is not that in Tehreek-e-Insaf,
01:44everyone is anti-establishment or against the army.
01:48This is a mischievous group or such an ignorant group
01:53which is present in every party on the aggressive lines.
01:59In some places, there is less permission.
02:01In some places, there is more permission.
02:02In some places, there is permission for a free fund.
02:04The problem here is that the internal desire of Tehreek-e-Insaf is that
02:09the chairman should stay in jail.
02:11Keep enjoying its popularity.
02:14Give a few such statements.
02:16Let the chairman know that my people are standing.
02:19And they are lying down in the dark at night.
02:22They are lying down openly.
02:23And that time is not far when these things will be seen on us too.
02:26Number one.
02:27Number two is that...
02:28So you are saying that some of these people also do negotiations at night.
02:31There is nothing in them.
02:32All those who are visible, those who are walking,
02:34they are all going up and down with negotiations.
02:37They are lying down.
02:38Yesterday they said, tell me everything with proof.
02:40So I am sure you will have proof.
02:41See, listen to me.
02:42We talk about everything with proof.
02:44Allah is very kind to us.
02:45The second thing is that there is a tradition of our country,
02:49of South Asia,
02:50that you have to apologize to your father.
02:52You have to apologize to the head of the house.
02:55I think he has spoken too emotionally that we have to apologize to our father.
02:57But you have to apologize to the father of the head of the house.
03:00I don't know how you point.
03:02Look, listen to me.
03:03The father is the father.
03:04You point here.
03:05The father is the same.
03:06I am saying the same thing.
03:07Now there is a political father somewhere.
03:09There is a biological father somewhere.
03:11Its definition is that it is the position of the father.
03:13Or it has a stature.
03:15Let's put it this way.
03:16We also have tantrums with our father.
03:18We also get angry.
03:19We also fight.
03:20But in the end, hands and feet have to apologize.
03:22Number three and a very relevant and important thing is that
03:24you need to show people responsibility.
03:27Even to do justice.
03:28Now come this way.
03:29The issue is.
03:30Diffuse it.
03:31Listen, this is the matter of diffuse.
03:33That is why I said that on one hand,
03:34yesterday's extremely strict,
03:36like you used the word of the gang,
03:38I saw that yesterday Safi was also using the word of the gang.
03:40Those who do not have a job,
03:41their job is to do justice.
03:42Justice for us.
03:43Diffuse gang, political gang, such a group.
03:46But all these sentences have also been said.
03:50The work is forgiven.
03:51The question does not arise without forgiveness.
03:53Let's move forward.
03:54The role of construction in politics.
03:55They have made their position clear.
03:57And remember that tomorrow is May 9th.
03:59So I understand that at this time.
04:01There is also a sentiment.
04:02There is a sentiment right now.
04:04Why is this?
04:05On the other hand, his answer was this.
04:07I think it will be an easy answer.
04:10The answer is also strict in the same way.
04:13Why apologize to anyone?
04:14Make a judicial commission.
04:16Now two extreme positions have been made.
04:20How can a country move forward?
04:22A new movement can grow.
04:23That an accepted political party.
04:24Whose following is very high.
04:25And an establishment or an army.
04:28Whose importance for this country.
04:30Because of this issue.
04:31How do you go beyond this impasse?
04:34This is a very difficult situation for Pakistan.
04:36If you look at it sensibly.
04:37And take it with responsibility.
04:39If you ask me personally.
04:41I have a lot of disagreements.
04:43I have a lot of opposition to political parties.
04:47But at the same time.
04:48You do not have personal enmity or hatred.
04:50If I have come from PTI.
04:53And I have 200 votes.
04:55And you have come to 40 votes.
04:57You can argue that my popularity is more.
04:59Yours is not.
05:00You are not worthy of it.
05:01You came while eating chickpeas.
05:04But there is one part in it.
05:06In which he also brought votes.
05:08Opposition is formed.
05:09That government is formed.
05:10He brought votes.
05:11We like it.
05:12We don't like it.
05:13Some people bring votes.
05:14Some parties.
05:15Which we do not even imagine.
05:16This is a party.
05:17Now they have brought it.
05:18You do not have personal enmity.
05:19Number one.
05:20Number two is that.
05:21In extreme positions.
05:22And fuel on fire.
05:23They are throwing petrol.
05:24In this, the poor man is not getting cheap food.
05:25In this, the poor man is not getting a school.
05:26The poor man is not getting a job.
05:27The economy is bleeding.
05:28What is the benefit of this politics?
05:30More loss.
05:33More loss.
05:48If no return, there is loss.
05:49And look, there is a lot of toughness.
05:51The law also has to be made.
05:53It is not.
05:54What is meant by toughness?
05:55Look, toughness is.
05:56Look, they have to categorize it.
05:57You will have to say.
05:58One has put up a slogan.
05:59On the eve of 9th May.
06:00One put up a slogan.
06:01got into someone's house, got into my own house, there was retaliation.
06:04When the guns were down there, when there was an attack in the court commander's house,
06:08according to me, it was such an act of the army, which should be appreciated, which should
06:14be respected, that they shot down the guns even on the foolishness of their people.
06:18Because if the bullet was fired, they would have fallen on their own, so they took responsibility
06:22and retreated.
06:23But it was not taken that way, no, it was not taken, no, no, it was not taken, but
06:27the action was that when you watch the videos of the army, there are attacks on them, they
06:32are shooting the soldiers, but they have guns, the guns are down, it does not mean that they
06:36were weak, it means that they had a responsibility, and I am talking about the lower tier, that
06:40they did not fire the bullet, they did a very good job, this is not weakness, this is strength,
06:44that you did not fire a bullet at your own people, you did a very good job, we appreciate
06:49If they would have fired a bullet, we would have spoken against you, that you fired it
06:52at your own people, if they were doing foolishness, then you did foolishness.
06:56If they would have fired a bullet, we would have spoken against you, if they were doing
07:00foolishness, then you would have spoken against us, if they were doing foolishness, then you
07:04would have spoken against us, if they were doing foolishness, then you would have spoken
07:08against us, if they were doing foolishness, then you would have spoken against us, if
07:12they were doing foolishness, then you would have spoken against us, if they were doing
07:16foolishness, then you would have spoken against us, if they were doing foolishness, then you
07:20would have spoken against us, if they were doing foolishness, then you would have spoken
07:24against us, if they were doing foolishness.
07:54I am not a cat, I have been punished on the day of judgement, I have been punished in every case, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for
08:2412 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been punished for 12 hours, I have been
