• last year
Prepare for an exhilarating journey into the captivating universe of CBS' legal drama, Elsbeth. Crafted by the ingenious minds of Robert King and Michelle King, this sneak peek from Season 1 Episode 8 offers a tantalizing glimpse into a narrative enriched by the talents of Carrie Preston, Windell Pierce, and Carra Patterson. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of twists and turns, available for streaming now on Paramount+!

Elsbeth Cast:

Carrie Preston, Windell Pierce and Carra Patterson

Stream Elsbeth Season 1 now on Paramount+!


00:13Oh, Speth. Hi.
00:16This is my only break the entire day.
00:18Oh, well, I'm glad I caught you then,
00:20because I wanted to tell you this in person.
00:23So Toby and I have been setting up meetings in Chicago
00:26with my former clients,
00:27and I've decided to invest myself when you go public.
00:31That's great!
00:33How did you decide?
00:35Oh, I just found out there's an ex-con living in my building,
00:39a former circus clown,
00:41who did despicable things to acrobats.
00:43That is so scary.
00:45And not just the clown part.
00:46I know.
00:47And I had to find out from a neighbor
00:49after I'd already moved in.
00:50But Cerberus would have warned you immediately.
00:54Oh, I really, really believe in your mission, Quinn.
00:57I think you're a star.
00:59Thank you.
01:01That is so sweet.
01:04Will you put the clown guy on the app?
01:07I just think people need to know.
01:10After everything is checked and verified, of course.
01:13And my accountants will be in touch with Toby.
01:16I can't wait.
01:19By the way, you said you were going back to Josh's apartment.
01:23Did you find anything else?
