This dog named Koda, who is a German Shepard - Labrador Mix, was playing with this woman. They played a game similar to rock paper scissors but with paws. Whenever the woman asked Koda to raise their paw, they would have to run away, and the woman would eat the food on the table until they returned, and vice versa. However, in the end, the dog grew impatient and dropped the food on the ground.
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The underlying music rights are not available for license. For use of the video with the track(s) contained therein, please contact the music publisher(s) or relevant rightsholder(s).
00:00 Rock paper scissors paw.
00:02 Ah, you lost. Go get it.
00:04 Go get it.
00:06 [laughs]
00:08 Mmmmm.
00:10 Sit.
00:12 Rock paper scissors shoot.
00:14 Eat it. Eat it.
00:16 Eat it.
00:18 [crunching]
00:20 Ya ya ya.
00:22 Ya ya ya.
00:24 Damn, she left me one nugget.
00:26 Paper scissors shoot. Oh no.
00:28 Eat it. Eat it.
00:30 [dog barking]
00:32 Damn.
00:34 You dropped my prize.