केरल में एक खास तरह की बुखार ने लोगों को परेशान करके रखा है. इस बुखार का नाम है वेस्ट नाइल फीवर. अब तक इस बुखार से 5 केस आ चुके हैं. इस तरह के मामले आने के बाद केरल हेल्थ डिपार्टमेंट अलर्ट पर है. अब तक की प्राप्त जानकारी के मुताबिक वेस्ट नाइल बुखार वायरल के कारण फैलता है. आइए जानें क्या भी मच्छर के काटने से होता है क्या है इसके लक्षण।
A special kind of fever has troubled people in Kerala. The name of this fever is West Nile Fever. So far 5 cases of this fever have been reported. Kerala Health Department is on alert after such cases. According to the information received so far, West Nile fever spreads due to viral infection. Let us know what happens due to mosquito bite and its symptoms.
#keralaWestNileFever #WestnileFeverSymptoms #WestnileFeverTreatment
A special kind of fever has troubled people in Kerala. The name of this fever is West Nile Fever. So far 5 cases of this fever have been reported. Kerala Health Department is on alert after such cases. According to the information received so far, West Nile fever spreads due to viral infection. Let us know what happens due to mosquito bite and its symptoms.
#keralaWestNileFever #WestnileFeverSymptoms #WestnileFeverTreatment