• last year
Fresh Kills brings late 1980s Staten Island to vivid life through the lens of Rose Larusso (Bader), an inquisitive young girl who discovers her father (Lombardozzi) is an emerging mafia kingpin. Rose’s growing desire to break free from the path set before her soon threatens her existence and alienates her from her closest allies: her mother Francine (Esposito), her sister Connie (A’zion), and her aunt Christine (Sciorra).
00:00Everything I do is for the betterment of my girls.
00:07Don't you know that?
00:10Don't you trust me?
00:23Con, is Dad an honest man?
00:26An honest man? Would you get that from Rose?
00:32A man that gives you everything you need.
00:35Some questions are just better left unanswered.
00:38He doesn't do things right all the time, but he does them for the right reasons.
00:42Our families came in with nothing.
00:45You're led to believe that things are fair here.
00:48They're not.
00:51You start pointing at life and you gotta accept
00:56that things aren't gonna work out the way you dreamt they would.
01:00What's wrong with you?
01:01I'm trying to protect you!
01:08What do you want to do, Rose?
01:10We're gonna be husband and wife. We're gonna have kids.
01:12Your father's getting us the house.
01:13Well, maybe I don't want a house from my father.
01:15You wanna know who your people are?
01:17Your family is your people!
01:19Step up and realize that or you won't have one!
01:24Just go to bed. Everything's okay.
01:25No, it's not okay, Rose! It's not okay!
01:28Look what he's done to his family!
01:30I know exactly who Dad is. I always have.
01:33It's my father.
01:37I know I'm supposed to be a good little girl, have respect,
01:41live by the rules in this world that I did not choose!
01:45I'm your father.
01:49I'm your father!