Cásate con mi esposo capitulo 15 en Español Latino - LAT Channel

  • 4 months ago
Cásate con mi esposo dorama en Español Latino.


00:00:54My thumb
00:01:09Am pretty stupid is he not a moron am I not the part mean one
00:01:18You won't despite that you won't
00:02:12A partir de hoy no le responder a lee jay one nunca le abrir en la puerta incluso si viene a la casa y lo
00:02:18voy a llamar de inmediato
00:02:23Señor lee le agradezco que me lleve a los vital y
00:02:30También le agradezco que me asesore sobre el divorcio no es algo que deba agradecerme señora yang
00:02:35para mí es un deber
00:02:37me pagan mucho dinero y si mi jefe quiere algo
00:02:41Lo hago de inmediato
00:02:48Está bien
00:02:58Pero usted dijo que se preocupaba por mí
00:03:10Usted es muy directa disculpe un momento
00:03:21Mmm por que llamas tan tarde estoy en la estación de policía como sucedió
00:03:29Voy inmediatamente aquí no por favor ve al hospital
00:03:42Disculpe buscó a kanji one de 32 años fue transportada desde la sede en gangnam
00:03:52Su frecuencia respiratoria su pulso volvieron a la normalidad
00:03:55tiene un poco de fiebre pero la revisaremos nuevamente cuando vuelven si fue una agresión así que llegó con la policía
00:04:02le daré el certificado médico
00:04:10Oye voy a acabar con tu vida prepárate voy a hacer
00:04:16Reportajes sobre ti agrediendo y causando lesiones corporales
00:04:21Un patán enfermo de poder
00:04:25Ya ya no puedo caer más bajo
00:04:29Gracias a quien
00:04:32Kanji one no es muy tonta para que arruines tu vida es tan genérica no hay nada atractivo en ella
00:04:38Señor yo quiero un consejo no confíe en ella
00:04:45Sabe por qué en lo que si kanji one logra enloquecer te
00:04:51Kanji one y yo no te arruinamos esto asquerosa personalidad
00:04:59Y a ti quien te golpeó tu personalidad es refinada no
00:05:03Lo mismo digo no está mal que le hagas eso a una mujer indefensa como
00:05:14Quieres igualdad cuando algo está en tu contra pero te gusta aprovechar las ventajas
00:05:23A veces no es lo que quieres pero a veces no es lo que necesitas
00:05:32A mi no me gusta aprovecharme de eso
00:05:37No somos iguales
00:05:42Salga señor yuyuk
00:05:50Y yo por qué no me deja salir a mí y yo oiga yo también quiero salir de aquí
00:05:57Crees que tu vida ya no puede empeorar
00:06:03Yo creo que sí
00:06:11Porque siempre son los ricos yo también trabajo en un gay
00:06:18El rico inocente y el pobre culpable
00:06:25Parming one está despedido a partir de hoy por violentar a su colega y por problemas de conducta
00:06:30Investiga que más tiene rastreamos el incidente de la infidelidad y descubrí que se ausentó sin permiso y usó la tarjeta empresarial para fines poco claros
00:06:40Obtuvo un préstamo para empleados hablaré con el banco para solicitar la devolución
00:06:44Agrupar el ataque la agresión y todo lo que tenga sentido
00:06:48y la señorita kanji one
00:06:51Está en su casa
00:06:54Es lo que ella quería la subgerente yang yu ran estaba conmigo y le pedí que se quedara con ella pero
00:07:01No está bien
00:07:08También dijiste que parming one
00:07:10Tiene un préstamo que aún no ha pagado
00:07:13Has presión para su cobranza comprar la deuda es buena opción
00:07:18Lo investigaré
00:07:25Señor you
00:07:31No está muy bien
00:07:33Creí que se sentiría un poco mejor si dormía un poco pensé en darle un poco de leche
00:07:39Se encuentra bien señor you
00:07:43Sí creo
00:07:45Gracias, yo me encargo así que vea qué hace y descansa un poco
00:10:20Hola como estas
00:10:25Es tu saludo
00:10:27No creo que sea todo
00:10:30Intentabas localizarme porque dijiste que tu marido me debe algo es muy débil
00:10:44Te gustaría irte a china por un tiempo en serio realmente te agradecería que pudieras hacer eso por nosotros
00:10:52Pero el viaje en barco será muy difícil. Ay, no, eso no es ningún problema
00:10:57Ni siquiera pude hacer bien lo que me pediste si me das otra oportunidad
00:11:02Pisaré el acelerador y le haré polvo. Así que por favor llámame si está bien. Muchas gracias
00:11:10Los que no tienen nada que perder son así
00:11:15Necesitan aferrarse a algo
00:11:18Por qué estás buscándome
00:11:20no te
00:11:22gusta que yo cuide bien de tu padre
00:11:25te molesta a medida que el asunto de atropellar a kanji won se complicaba nos dijiste
00:11:31Que nos quedáramos quietos y no hiciéramos nada
00:11:35Pero entonces parking one me pidió el divorcio y
00:11:40Mi padre ya no contestó el teléfono y noté
00:11:44Que sería la única arruinada
00:11:48Sí y viendo tu expresión
00:11:54No eres tan importante
00:11:59Me encerraron en esta habitación sin motivo
00:12:04Ahora yo te pregunto qué harás por mí
00:12:14Cuando la gente incompetente se volvió tan desafiante como pueden ser tan ignorantes y descarados
00:12:25Encontraron los cuerpos de john manzik y bayou so revisaré el informe de la policía
00:12:34Detén la publicación de las noticias por ahora
00:12:37Ya no me sirve que john sumín se sienta en peligro
00:12:42Parking one y john sumín
00:12:45Tú sí podrás deshacerte de ambos
00:13:00Como estas
00:13:07la estación de policía
00:13:09Te saqué pero la situación es bastante adversa tal vez no podamos cubrirte qué
00:13:16qué significa eso
00:13:18que lo hiciste sin consultarnos
00:13:20Si nos enfrentamos a you and kei la presión sobre la señora o aumentará oye
00:13:26Por qué me hablas de esa forma quien te crees el vicepresidente de claudia
00:13:38Oye no eres nadie no me subestimes
00:13:48Solo sabes pelear con unos guantes
00:13:51Tú no eres más que un simple mensajero porque actúa siempre potente imbécil
00:14:07Y porque no iba a hacerlo ese idiota tiene una mala actitud
00:14:13El se preocupa por mí tu esposa vino y estuvo amenazando me
00:14:23que te dijo ella dijo que le pediste el divorcio dijo que no podía hundirse sola y que no dejaría que te escapara solo de
00:14:33Esta loca no le hagas caso espera
00:14:38Tengo una llamada entrante de you and que te llamo después
00:14:44Buenas tardes señor parking one llamo para informarle que fue despedido
00:14:48Se confirmó que hoy no vino a trabajar y nuestro departamento jurídico entregó el escrito de su finiquito en su casa para su conocimiento
00:14:59En donde estas alguien de la empresa está aquí como que te despidieron que diablos está pasando
00:15:08Le informo que tiene que pagar el préstamo con la tasa de interés más baja garantizada por su empleador you and que a partir de
00:15:14hoy que pasa
00:15:22Porque estos idiotas me siguen llamando
00:15:27Señor que cosa por qué no contesta
00:15:34Si los clientes no se fraude los obligamos a firmar algo como una renuncia a sus derechos físicos
00:15:41que agujero debemos hacer
00:15:44para sacar el dinero que pediste prestado
00:15:47La que se refiere
00:16:05Invertí en acciones
00:16:07Gané una buena cantidad
00:16:11Que haya algo de dinero por favor por favor por favor que si hay algo
00:16:18Un certificado digital por favor
00:16:20Por favor por favor por favor
00:16:22Hay esta hay esta hay esta hay esta un certificado digital
00:16:24Hay esta la contraseña
00:16:26La contraseña la contraseña cual sera la contraseña
00:16:30A ver
00:16:32Son bien por favor denme algo de dinero por favor
00:16:36Oh ya entere
00:17:17Se quedo con el dinero para su padre
00:17:33Ella no es como mi corriente
00:17:54Este acusando por adulterio me demanda
00:18:03Increíble no puede hacer escándalo en el hospital
00:18:10of that woman, but she hid here without answering my calls.
00:18:15And she's also suing me for adultery.
00:18:18And she doesn't even have proof, Doctor.
00:18:22Can you believe this?
00:18:24That's right.
00:18:26You have to behave like this, even in the hospital?
00:18:30What proof?
00:18:32The camera?
00:18:34The one that doesn't record well?
00:18:45That won't get you a divorce.
00:18:48Do you understand?
00:18:49You have to prove something.
00:18:51If you accuse me of a double relationship...
00:18:56We'll leave...
00:18:57Hey, why don't you calm down, please?
00:18:59You see?
00:19:03What the hell? What the hell? Who are you?
00:19:05Let me go!
00:19:07You didn't read the divorce suit.
00:19:10I'm Liz Okyoun.
00:19:13I'm the lady's lawyer.
00:19:17I'm going to impose a restraining order.
00:19:23Don't ever come back.
00:19:28Are you okay?
00:19:32The doctor in charge is professional and ethical.
00:19:36Don't worry about the surgery.
00:19:38Wait. Is Jiwon okay?
00:19:45Don't worry. Everything is fine.
00:19:51He should focus more on you.
00:19:58It's been a while.
00:20:01I'm surprised you called me all of a sudden.
00:20:03It's nice to see you again.
00:20:05It was very sudden, don't you think?
00:20:09Would you like to order?
00:20:13Have you been well?
00:20:15Yes, I've been well.
00:20:24I haven't been well.
00:20:28Park Min-hwan and I decided to get a divorce.
00:20:33I moved yesterday and I'll stay in this hotel.
00:20:37I want to rest.
00:20:42It was what I sowed.
00:20:46Love blinded me and I betrayed my best friend.
00:20:51My half-orange.
00:20:55And in the end...
00:20:59Well, whatever.
00:21:02Now I'm alone.
00:21:06Since you're going to get a divorce, this will be easier.
00:21:13You tried to kill Kang Ji-won.
00:21:26And I would have done the same.
00:21:30So I also know that Kang Ji-won and Park Min-hwan...
00:21:34are dating again.
00:21:39They're dating again.
00:21:43Are they...
00:21:46dating again?
00:21:52Let's say they get arrested for adultery.
00:21:56I'll tell you when and how to get the arrest.
00:21:59I can assign the best lawyer if you want.
00:22:03On the other hand, only fulfill your rights as a spouse.
00:22:16Because it's unfair.
00:22:19Didn't your life get ruined because of Park Min-hwan?
00:22:25If you get a divorce now, all the time you spent in the company
00:22:28won't pay off.
00:22:30You won't get anything.
00:22:33I think...
00:22:35it's true.
00:22:39I'm asking you what you get.
00:22:53I hope Kang Ji-won comes back.
00:22:58I like Kang Ji-won a lot.
00:23:01I don't like Park Min-hwan to be chained.
00:23:06I'll make him come back to me.
00:23:11I need your help.
00:23:16Can I ask you something?
00:23:24Why do you hate me?
00:23:31Because you only care about yourself.
00:23:34There are people who hurt people they don't love.
00:23:39You're that kind of person and that's why I hate you.
00:23:44You really don't know me.
00:23:47You don't trust anyone.
00:23:50Because you're a distrustful person.
00:23:54You don't trust others because you think they're just like you.
00:24:00You don't trust yourself.
00:24:04Because you think they're just like you.
00:24:09How can we be a team if you think that of me?
00:24:14You asked why I hate you.
00:24:17I never said we can't work.
00:24:22Let me know what you decide.
00:24:27The conversation went well.
00:24:30As you said, she asked me why I helped her.
00:24:35I thought she wouldn't believe me if I lied completely
00:24:38and I mixed up some truths.
00:24:42The unfaithful couple that Jung Soo-min will find
00:24:45are Oh Yu-ra and Park Min-hwan.
00:24:48Everything I told her was true.
00:24:51The unfaithful couple that Jung Soo-min will find
00:24:54are Oh Yu-ra and Park Min-hwan.
00:24:57Everything I told her was true.
00:25:00And there's an insurance our company offers employees.
00:25:03It's a family plan.
00:25:06The beneficiaries include the owner, his spouse
00:25:09and all first-line family members.
00:25:13Park Min-hwan will receive a notice very soon.
00:25:21I can't sell this.
00:25:23I'll liquidate the debt.
00:25:27I didn't know there was an insurance.
00:25:29I guess he'll find out soon.
00:25:32The stage is almost ready.
00:25:51Should I kill myself?
00:26:04The insurance will be useless if Park Min-hwan doesn't do anything wrong.
00:26:08If I die,
00:26:12mom and dad will get the benefit.
00:26:19So far, there have been many occasions
00:26:21when Park Min-hwan could have stopped.
00:26:24But he didn't.
00:26:28He'll continue with this.
00:26:30Then there won't be a problem.
00:26:33Jung Soo-min will also continue until the end.
00:26:40Why is it always Kang Ji-won?
00:26:42Why does everyone prefer her?
00:26:46Because Jung Soo-min seems to be more obsessed with you, Ji-won.
00:26:54Now there's only...
00:27:00It's up to Jung Soo-min to go through that.
00:27:24What if we went back to Japan?
00:27:28Yujuk is on the move as before.
00:27:31He bought all the personal debts and private loans from Park Min-hwan
00:27:35and he's pushing it.
00:27:37It's going to break soon.
00:27:38And it seems that...
00:27:40He hasn't given up with Jung Man-sik and Bae Yu-suk.
00:27:43He had access to the security cameras
00:27:45that cover the entire area near the factory.
00:27:56You don't feel safe anymore.
00:27:58I see you're scared and you want to run away.
00:28:04It's normal.
00:28:06His grandfather is different.
00:28:10Unlike Yujuk, who grew up with everything easy,
00:28:13he is a realistic man.
00:28:16He knows how annoying a Cinderella is.
00:28:19Or maybe he does.
00:28:39I beat you.
00:28:43I think I'll never be able to beat him.
00:28:46I could predict your move because you tried to cover more.
00:28:50Giving up what's not yours is the quality of a leader.
00:28:55I know.
00:28:59You're finally here.
00:29:04I was playing Jenga with my grandfather and I lost again.
00:29:09But I think I can beat you now.
00:29:12Do you want to play?
00:29:16You told me to bring the woman I love.
00:29:20I'll bring her officially.
00:29:22So please,
00:29:24let Yuraya not enter this house.
00:29:27You said it was inappropriate love and you wouldn't try anything.
00:29:30Did you change your mind?
00:29:33I'll try to make it work.
00:29:36But I won't let my ex-fiancée be here.
00:29:42I was very indifferent the time we were engaged.
00:29:45I didn't know I was in such a hurry.
00:29:48People like us can't get married just for pleasure.
00:29:54Before doing anything imprudent, you must get your grandfather's permission.
00:29:59I'll introduce her to you now.
00:30:18Nice to meet you.
00:30:19I'm Kanji Won.
00:30:30We'll take care of Kanji Won.
00:30:33Aren't you going back to Japan?
00:30:35I can't live if I lose.
00:30:38Why should I feel like this because of useless Germans?
00:30:42Yes, I should do it first.
00:30:46Trusting others was a waste of time.
00:31:00I decided to face the things that will inevitably happen.
00:31:15The last time we saw each other,
00:31:18I didn't have a chance to tell you this.
00:31:22I'm sorry.
00:31:25I didn't have a chance to tell you this.
00:31:29When you face something, it doesn't mean everything will be okay.
00:31:34My grandson has taken care of you too much,
00:31:37considering that you haven't known each other for a long time.
00:31:40So, what would be your plan?
00:31:43Look back and think if there's something I could have done wrong.
00:31:47Think about me.
00:31:49Correct what I can.
00:31:52And the rest is up to fate.
00:31:55This is the part where you think,
00:31:59it's what it is and you accept it.
00:32:06That's right. It's what I expected.
00:32:13I scolded Mr. Yu a lot for that.
00:32:16It won't happen again.
00:32:20He has too many flaws.
00:32:25The only thing he knows how to do is work.
00:32:28He doesn't understand the value of money.
00:32:31In fact, he's such a rich heir,
00:32:34it surprises me.
00:32:36What are you trying to say?
00:32:41That's what won me over.
00:32:45The truth is that I also have many flaws.
00:32:49When I thought of him as a perfect person,
00:32:53I thought I couldn't connect with him.
00:32:57But seeing him act so clumsy, get angry, get dirty,
00:33:02get nervous, and sometimes,
00:33:06act like a child.
00:33:10I started to believe that we would be fine together.
00:33:20I want to be happy with him.
00:33:30let me go out with Yu-yu.
00:33:35Let me go out with Yu-yu.
00:33:50Tomorrow I will finish all the tasks related to Park Ming-hwan's dismissal.
00:33:55By the way, why did you ask me about the insurance for the company's employees?
00:34:00It no longer has coverage.
00:34:02It's about the employees' well-being, and almost no one knows about it.
00:34:06Park Ming-hwan will choose to continue.
00:34:33It looks delicious.
00:34:36It's delicious.
00:34:39I didn't expect it to taste so good.
00:34:42As you said, the snail pasta with spinach is the best received.
00:34:46I think it will be the main product.
00:34:48It's excellent.
00:34:50Spinach and snails, which are almost not used in Korean pasta, provide...
00:34:56Look at the camera, please.
00:35:00One, two, three.
00:35:02You must relax.
00:35:04He will capture your natural as you are.
00:35:20You did an amazing job.
00:35:23It's nothing.
00:35:24Thank you for saving me from being unemployed.
00:35:28I'll make sure to send you the right recipe.
00:35:30It's complicated.
00:35:32I'll send you the draft and the factory schedule as soon as you're ready.
00:35:40By the way, I didn't see Miss Yu Hui-jun or her brother today.
00:35:46Mr. Yu was here all day.
00:35:49Now that you mention it, I didn't see Hui-jun today.
00:35:52Where could he be?
00:35:55Well, I have to go.
00:35:58Take care.
00:36:26Why don't you answer me?
00:36:29I said, why don't you answer me?
00:36:32And why should I answer your calls?
00:36:39Okay, I get it.
00:36:42The fact that my husband chose me and didn't choose you...
00:36:46I don't know.
00:36:48I don't know.
00:36:50I don't know.
00:36:52I don't know.
00:36:54...then I wouldn't choose you even if you spent the last seven years with him.
00:36:57There's no way I'd say yes.
00:37:01How is it possible that you're flirting with a married man?
00:37:04I'm going to divorce because of you.
00:37:14Security team?
00:37:17I'm here on the 16th floor.
00:37:19and there's an elsegirl.
00:37:21For goodness sake, where is she?
00:37:23What the hell are you doing?
00:37:26You think I'll leave you alone?
00:37:31Why would I flirt with the man of another woman? It's not you.
00:37:37Ah, how you seduced him like that, maybe.
00:37:41You do understand.
00:37:45Considering that you betrayed the woman you went out with for seven years.
00:37:49How did you think I wouldn't do the same to you?
00:37:55I'll defame them.
00:37:57So that neither of them can raise their heads here.
00:38:01I won't give up.
00:38:06What a shame.
00:38:09Your husband...
00:38:11Was fired?
00:38:12They fired me?
00:38:17So stop doing useless things and be a solidary wife.
00:38:21Are you going to divorce?
00:38:25What a shame.
00:38:31Thinking about it, I should thank you.
00:38:34Because you stole me from an imbecile like Park Mi-Wan.
00:38:38And I thank you for that.
00:38:42And yes, we are very different.
00:38:55Let me go!
00:38:56I'll go alone!
00:38:57Let me go!
00:39:05Mi-Wan, John Sumin just arrived.
00:39:07He made a scene at the company and he scared me.
00:39:12Well, I won't say anything at work, since everyone says John Sumin is crazy.
00:39:18Oh, I was wrong.
00:39:19I sent it to the wrong person.
00:39:21I'm sorry.
00:39:22John Sumin is a fucking lunatic!
00:39:28But you're going to fall.
00:39:36I have the feeling that John Sumin will call me soon.
00:39:43I'm going to destroy Kang Ji-Won.
00:39:46Keep her.
00:39:47But first...
00:39:49You must humiliate her without caring about anything.
00:39:52I'm going to make her beg me.
00:39:54You must accept that.
00:40:04We have John Sumin.
00:40:05We have him.
00:40:06We have him.
00:40:07We have him.
00:40:08We have him.
00:40:09We have him.
00:40:11We have John Sumin in our hands.
00:40:13I'll try to pressure Park Min-Gwon.
00:40:17He's probably already received it.
00:40:28Now what do the Yuan-Kei want?
00:40:36Oh, no.
00:40:37It's a joke.
00:40:38They fired me.
00:40:39I can't pay the insurance.
00:41:08I'm sorry.
00:41:34There's no reason for you to cover for me, Yura.
00:41:36But we can...
00:41:38We can reach an agreement so that John Sumin won't bother you anymore.
00:41:42I'll take care of it.
00:41:46Tell them to put another place on the table.
00:41:49First I want to eat.
00:42:05How will you take care of your wife?
00:42:09I was going to kill myself because I'm ruined.
00:42:12But I can still live.
00:42:14And this...
00:42:15Could be of great help to you.
00:42:23You can charge her only if she dies.
00:42:26If John Sumin disappears...
00:42:29The person who threatens you, too.
00:42:34It won't be easy.
00:42:37It won't be easy.
00:42:39We must have a deal.
00:42:40But then...
00:42:42Can you help me?
00:42:44Do you want me to clean everything?
00:42:48It's not just cleaning.
00:42:50Also help me prepare it.
00:42:53Life is money and connections.
00:42:55But I have nothing.
00:43:00You have guts.
00:43:03You're missing a lot of things.
00:43:04But you need guts.
00:43:07Don't you think?
00:43:09And you have plenty of them.
00:43:13Do you think it was easy?
00:43:16To make this decision?
00:43:19I'm desperate.
00:43:24You can't fail.
00:43:35Park Min Kwan is in Oh Yu Ra's suite now.
00:43:42Today is the day?
00:43:56Park Min Kwan.
00:43:57Kang Ji Won.
00:43:59I'm sorry.
00:44:01I'm sorry.
00:44:02Park Min Kwan.
00:44:03Kang Ji Won.
00:44:04Hotel Wyndham. Room 1355.
00:44:32Hotel Wyndham. Room 1355.
00:44:53Room 1355.
00:45:02Hotel Wyndham. Room 1355.
00:45:33Room 1355.
00:45:51To one side.
00:46:02To the other.
00:46:19You're very smart.
00:46:22I must admit that you're a genius.
00:46:25How did you think of benefiting from your wife's death?
00:46:28How did you think of hiring insurance for cancer?
00:46:33When I get my insurance, I'll treat you like a queen.
00:46:41Don't worry.
00:46:43I'm amazing when it comes to returning favors.
00:46:51It's not possible!
00:47:03Ha ha ha.
00:47:08Those bastards lied to me.
00:47:11Hey, Park Min Kwan.
00:47:14You're a piece of shit.
00:47:16How could you lie to me like that?
00:47:22What are you going to do?
00:47:25I can suggest something.
00:47:29I'll send that voice note to the police.
00:47:32Where's my dad?
00:47:33Did you kill him?
00:47:39I thought you'd come back with Kang Ji Won.
00:47:42What the hell are you doing here with this woman?
00:47:44I heard you got fired.
00:47:46Now you have free time.
00:47:47Go get stuck with food in prison.
00:47:51Fuck! What are you doing?
00:47:57Go to hell!
00:47:58Go to hell!
00:48:00Let go of me!
00:48:01Let go of me!
00:48:03Let go of me!
00:48:05And now?
00:48:08What do we do with that?
00:48:10What do you mean, what do we do?
00:48:12We follow your plan.
00:48:13It can't be done here.
00:48:15I'll fix it.
00:48:17So you can do it.
00:48:21Mrs. Oh.
00:48:28Mrs. Oh.
00:48:35Since Park Min Kwan killed Jung Soo Min,
00:48:40prepare a story about him
00:48:43murdering his wife for money and taking it to the press.
00:48:48I'll take care of that.
00:48:51And that everything Park Min Kwan says about me is a lie.
00:48:55And of course,
00:48:56there must be no evidence.
00:49:27What the hell do you think you're doing?
00:49:39Why did you do something so stupid?
00:49:42You're good at everything,
00:49:44but you don't know what your place is.
00:49:50I have money.
00:49:52I'll give you everything.
00:49:53I have money.
00:49:55I'll give you everything.
00:50:05Do you think I'll let you go
00:50:07after you kill me?
00:50:19Jung Soo Min.
00:50:21I give you the credit.
00:50:24You had evidence of Oh Yu Ra committing adultery.
00:50:30And what happened?
00:50:33Oh Yu Ra erased everything when you passed out.
00:50:39You're a fool.
00:50:41Hey, no!
00:50:44People like us
00:50:47shouldn't disobey the powerful and...
00:50:50What can we do?
00:50:53Look at this.
00:50:56You don't have money.
00:51:00What the hell?
00:51:01What did you do?
00:51:03It wasn't even your money.
00:51:05You saw the opportunity and you stole it.
00:51:14And I found out you had the bag I bought for Kang Ji Won.
00:51:18I sold it and used the money.
00:51:21Your husband's business comes first.
00:51:26Come on, don't be mad.
00:51:32You said it.
00:51:34You can't go down alone.
00:51:39If you don't die, I'll die.
00:51:43And as I see it,
00:51:47I have to take care of you to start over.
00:51:50I'm sorry.
00:51:56Wait here.
00:52:00Untie me!
00:52:02Untie me, you idiot!
00:52:04Untie me!
00:52:06Let me go!
00:52:07Take this off me!
00:52:09Untie me!
00:52:12You can't!
00:52:13Untie me!
00:52:15Let me go!
00:52:17Come back!
00:52:18Untie me!
00:52:40It's the gas.
00:52:48It's the gas.
00:52:54Where is it?
00:53:10Are you crazy?
00:53:13Leave the car key and get away!
00:53:17It's okay.
00:53:18Calm down.
00:53:20And put the knife down.
00:53:21Calm down, please!
00:53:23I'm not going to die.
00:53:25I'll never die!
00:53:34It's the car key.
00:53:37Take the key.
00:53:39Put the knife down, okay?
00:53:41Put the knife down!
00:53:46Leave her!
00:53:54Damn it!
00:54:00Get out of here!
00:54:15And in the end, my beloved wife,
00:54:17will die intoxicated by carbon monoxide
00:54:21on our trip while I go out for a moment to buy food.
00:54:27Stop tormenting my life
00:54:30and die alone.
00:54:32Hey, if you're going to die, die alone.
00:54:40It's what you said about the insurance money.
00:54:44Do you think you'll be okay?
00:54:48Yes, I think so.
00:55:01Pathetic! My husband does not fulfill his duty as a man.
00:55:09Did he tell you that?
00:55:11It doesn't matter.
00:55:12Hey, Kanjiwon told me
00:55:15that you're a neunuco.
00:55:17I don't know what you're talking about!
00:55:20That as a man you're really useless!
00:55:24Don't you understand?
00:55:26I never had an abortion!
00:55:28I was never pregnant.
00:55:32Do you understand?
00:55:37How dare you!
00:55:40How dare you!
00:55:41Let me go, you idiot!
00:55:43Let me go!
00:57:11Mrs. Yang's divorce will be easier.
00:57:14The video that showed the adultery crime
00:57:17was finally recovered.
00:57:19It only appeared?
00:57:23There was no reason for the video not to appear on the screen.
00:57:26But they told me that it already works.
00:57:28They say that
00:57:30if it has to be, it will be.
00:57:32I think she'll get a divorce.
00:57:41I think she'll get a divorce.
00:58:12I checked the police report.
00:58:14The cause of death
00:58:16was a blow to the glass table.
00:58:20As there is evidence in the place,
00:58:22the police have confirmed that Yang Sumin
00:58:24is the main suspect.
00:58:26They are trying to find her,
00:58:28but the security cameras don't work.
00:58:34I'm going to the police station.
00:58:36I'll be back.
00:58:45Do you want to go
00:58:48to the funeral?
00:59:06There was a time when I wanted you dead.
00:59:09When I felt that I was dying of frustration.
00:59:14Moments of disappointment
00:59:16that became despair.
00:59:18And when I discovered your betrayal.
00:59:22Today you are beautiful.
00:59:24Get out!
00:59:26Get the fuck out!
00:59:32Why are you doing this to me?
00:59:34I couldn't find an answer
00:59:36when I thought about it all night.
00:59:38And so it ends.
01:00:02How dare you come here?
01:00:09If you hadn't betrayed Mingwan,
01:00:13he wouldn't have married that bitch.
01:00:18That bitch killed my son.
01:00:21She's a
01:00:25ungrateful bitch.
01:00:30You ruined my precious son.
01:00:34My poor baby.
01:00:36He didn't do anything wrong.
01:00:38He didn't hurt anyone.
01:00:53As for Mr. Park,
01:00:55a 30-year-old man who was found dead
01:00:57in a rental house on the 24th,
01:00:59the police have confirmed that his wife,
01:01:01Mrs. Jung...
01:01:03It's Mrs. Jung Seung Min, right?
01:01:05You know.
01:01:08Isn't it someone who looks like her?
01:01:10Are you saying that the dead husband is Park Mingwan?
01:01:12Hey, don't even say it.
01:01:15But it's almost certain.
01:01:17Don't say anything.
01:01:20It's almost impossible.
01:01:23What happened?
01:01:28Park Mingwan's parents reported a robbery.
01:01:31His house was looted while they were away.
01:01:34Jung Seung Min did it.
01:01:37Jung Seung Min did it.
01:01:40Jung Seung Min did it.
01:01:42Jung Seung Min did it.
01:01:44Jung Seung Min did it.
01:02:02It's been a day since Jung Seung Min,
01:02:03I'm sorry.
01:02:04I know that Mrs. Young is running away with her cell phone off to avoid being caught.
01:02:07And the police have declared that they need citizens to be interested in this murder case.
01:02:14The suspect, Young, is 1.60 meters tall and has a thin build.
01:02:18And she was recently accused of murdering her husband, Mr. Park, in a house located in Gapungmyon.
01:02:29I'm a little anxious.
01:02:33Maybe you don't feel it because you're kind.
01:02:41Some people don't know when to stop.
01:02:46If I don't eliminate her to the point of crossing my limits,
01:02:51it won't end.
01:02:52It won't end.
01:03:01You can't be happy while I'm like this, Jiwon.
01:03:07I swear.
01:03:23I'm sorry.
01:03:42What did I do? Do you have evidence of that?
01:03:44You will be punished.
01:03:46I won't be afraid anymore.
01:03:49I will also stay strong.
01:03:52If you bought solvent, it means you'll set fire.
01:03:55There's no point in stopping it from coming.
01:03:57I let you do things the way you wanted, Jiwon.
01:03:59Let me do things this time.
01:04:02What option do I have now?
01:04:04Why do you think only of yourself?
01:04:06I've learned all kinds of things thanks to you.
01:04:09I'll kill Kang Jiwon!
01:04:11This is the price for your tears and the hell I made for you.
01:04:22I'll kill Kang Jiwon!
01:04:52I'll kill Kang Jiwon!
