La Promesa - Capitulo 349 - Roll Studio

  • 4 months ago
00:00You can't know what's in these voices.
00:08This man, who while pretending to be worried about Diego,
00:11told Mrs. Marquesa that Diego is hidden here.
00:13The promise.
00:14Mrs. Darren will have to separate from her son
00:16with how sick the poor guy is.
00:17I won't be calm until you fix it.
00:19We're not going to fix it, Salvador.
00:21I've done what was best for both of us.
00:24How is it going to be best for both of you
00:25with how well you were?
00:26In the long run, I was going to hurt Lope a lot.
00:29It would be better if you ended it with him as soon as possible.
00:31But I can't stay quiet when a colleague
00:33is accusing me of being a beidili.
00:36I admit that he wasn't right there.
00:38He wasn't.
00:39And on top of that,
00:41he insulted me.
00:43I don't know if Pia Darre is capable of being a key master.
00:48What do you mean?
00:49I'm very sorry,
00:50but I'm not going to buy your jam.
00:53I don't understand it, but it came out lovely from the cat.
00:56Yes, yes, the jams are delicious,
00:58but after much reflection,
01:00I think it's not what my client is looking for.
01:02I can't send him to the house of the avenue like this,
01:04how is Malito doing?
01:05No, no, no, he can't leave here the way he is.
01:07Of course he's not going to leave.
01:08Come on, Mrs. Marquesa can already sing mass.
01:11Anyway, he wants to get him out of here.
01:13The way he is, I find it terrible.
01:15Well, you know what I'm telling you?
01:17If he leaves, I'm leaving too,
01:19but so as not to return to him.
01:21Look at Mr. Pellicer,
01:22who told Mrs. Marquesa about Dieguito.
01:25I still think it wasn't him.
01:27He denied it.
01:29Look, he started off on a good foot,
01:31but soon he went astray.
01:33You say what you want,
01:35but I think it wasn't him.
01:37You're not doing the business right.
01:39Everything was going very well so far.
01:41Maybe you should step aside
01:43and let a man take over.
01:45Yeah, and by a man I mean you,
01:47right, Captain?
01:49For example, at least I know how to learn from my failures.
01:52I can see that you are not willing to learn from yours.
01:55A setback is not a failure.
01:57And the company will move forward.
01:59A very volatile love of yours.
02:01Since he died less than a year ago.
02:03Look, do whatever you want.
02:05Forget about him.
02:07But I can't.
02:09I can't forget about him.
02:11And I will be remembering him continuously
02:13how quickly he has forgotten about you.
02:15If we dedicate ourselves to facing the captain,
02:17we will lose energy and time that we don't have.
02:19I don't know if we will be able to move forward
02:21the company with him inside.
02:23Always getting in our way.
02:25Now we can't free that battle, Catalina.
02:27Your father will realize that we are dedicating ourselves
02:29to our business and not to the business.
02:31And he may ask you to step aside.
02:33You have gone from being a nail and flesh
02:35with your friend Ayala to having affairs with him.
02:37He has sworn to us. He wants to hurt us.
02:41Well, I don't know how or why.
02:43Why do you think he's around Margarita?
02:46Because I'm in love with her.
02:48It's because he's interested in the 25% of the promise
02:50that your sister-in-law has.
02:52I'm sure of it.
02:54Mrs. Marquesa had the right to know that you
02:56have disobeyed what you agreed.
02:58It was you
03:00who went with the story.
03:02Of course, it couldn't be anyone else.
03:04And I was harassing Mr. Pellicer.
03:06I only fulfill my obligation.
03:10Your obligation?
03:12You are a tracker.
03:16Be careful with what you say, Mrs. Adarre.
03:18Don't regret it later.
03:22Of course.
03:24I'm not going to lower myself to your level.
03:26That's better.
03:28I only have one more question, Mr. Arcos.
03:30Why are you so bad?
03:32I am Mrs. Marquesa's personal maid.
03:34And my job
03:36is to keep you informed.
03:38Of course.
03:40The same story again.
03:42Mr. Arcos, I don't understand how you do this to me.
03:44Mr. Arcos, I don't understand how you do this to me.
03:46To a mother.
03:48And after the tragic end that Feliciano had.
03:50Don't you dare mention Feliciano.
03:52My son has nothing to do with this.
03:54But Mr. Arcos, I am a mother like you.
03:56And you know what a mother suffers
03:58while a son agonizes for God.
04:00And now I expose mine without any kind of empathy
04:02or scruple.
04:04A son who agonizes
04:06only has a cold.
04:08How dare you compare the death of a son
04:10with a little fever?
04:12And you dare to trivialize
04:14the state of my son.
04:16It is that the death of his has taught us nothing.
04:18Of course it does.
04:20The death of my son has taught me many things.
04:22Among them,
04:24knowing what matters and what does not.
04:26Like, for example,
04:28that work is above the life of a son.
04:30No one's life is at stake here.
04:32And I am not going to compromise
04:34my fidelity for such an enmity,
04:36Mrs. Pia.
04:38You know what I'm telling you?
04:40I would be ashamed if I heard you.
04:42If I knew what you are doing.
04:44Don't speak for my son's mouth.
04:46Because Feliciano would be proud
04:48to see that his mother remains faithful
04:50and loyal. Who has given him everything?
04:52Of course.
04:54Mrs. Marquesa again.
04:56Mr. Arcos, that I helped her,
04:58that I was by her side when she lost Feliciano.
05:00And what does she want me to do?
05:02Mrs. Pia? To thank her?
05:04Of course not.
05:06I did it from the heart, from mother to mother.
05:08And then what does she claim now?
05:10Well, I would appreciate a little humanity, for example.
05:12That she did not expose me.
05:14That she had compassion for me.
05:16Is that what she wants? My compassion?
05:18Of course. Because she already has it, Mrs. Pia.
05:20But don't get confused.
05:22I am not happy
05:24about your son's illness, Dieguito.
05:28But that will not prevent
05:30her from doing my job.
05:32And my job is to report to Mrs. Marquesa
05:34everything that happens, and especially
05:36what she wants to happen.
05:38Mr. Arcos, who is a baby, who just wants to be with his mother.
05:42I should have brought you here, Mrs. Pia.
05:44I had no choice.
05:46But you do.
05:48And you know what Mr. Arcos chose?
05:52To stab me in the back.
05:58If you want to see it that way.
06:06I love you.
06:36I love you.
07:06I love you.
07:36I love you.
08:02Do you have a minute?
08:04You tell me.
08:06You see,
08:08it's about my mother.
08:10I see that your good intentions
08:12have not lasted long.
08:14What intentions?
08:16The ones of relaxing and taking
08:18her pressures in another way.
08:20You told me yesterday,
08:22when we were walking through the garden.
08:24Yes. You see,
08:26regarding that,
08:28I think that no matter how much will I put into it,
08:30I always end up colliding with the wall of reality.
08:32Or against
08:34your mother's stubbornness,
08:36which can be more forceful.
08:40What happened this time?
08:42What has happened
08:44is that my mother is not content
08:46with meddling in each
08:48of the lives of the members of this family.
08:50Now she also does it with the visits.
08:52What you are going to tell me
08:54has to do with Ayala?
08:58I'm not talking about Blanca.
09:02And what has she done to Blanca?
09:04She has intoxicated her
09:06with out-of-place questions.
09:08I don't understand.
09:10She has no possible explanation, Father.
09:12She has asked her if there has been
09:14anything more between her and me than a good friendship.
09:18As you hear it.
09:20Well, you know that she likes to control everything that surrounds her.
09:22Father, you can't imagine
09:24the shame I felt when I found out.
09:26I understand.
09:28Because suspicions are unfounded,
09:30I suppose.
09:32That's not the case.
09:34But no.
09:36There is nothing between us.
09:38You seem very united, which is not bad.
09:40We appreciate each other a lot.
09:42And yes,
09:44I would say that we love each other too.
09:46But as good friends.
09:50Almost like brothers.
09:52Emmanuel, I don't want to continue
09:54to investigate, but ...
09:56There is no romantic interest between us, Father.
09:58Besides, I don't know why I'm explaining all this to you.
10:00Okay, I'm sorry.
10:02I didn't want to bother you.
10:04And less with what you must be going through.
10:06These are not easy moments, really.
10:08How are you?
10:12I guess I should have started
10:14asking you that.
10:18I'm trying to assimilate
10:20Jimena's death, Father.
10:22And it's not easy.
10:26Being constantly tangled up doesn't help either.
10:30If you want, I can talk to her.
10:34No, you don't have to.
10:36Actually, I've only come to vent my anger.
10:38I've already talked to her.
10:40And she always seems to understand it,
10:42but then ...
10:44Father, if it has happened to me,
10:46it will also happen to you.
10:48Even the susun corda.
10:52In spite of everything,
10:54I can try to make her come to her senses.
11:06And there were the three of them,
11:08clenching their teeth,
11:10not to tell me anything.
11:12I can imagine. And do you know why?
11:14Because they wanted to take revenge
11:16for the fact that I was late
11:18in telling them about the Duchess of Abrotes.
11:21Because I imagine that you don't care, right?
11:23That I didn't tell you first?
11:25Well, you are free to decide
11:27when you tell me.
11:29Hey, I'm not a fool.
11:31You're always showing off
11:33that we are soulmates.
11:35I'm sure it has also bothered you that I didn't tell you first, right?
11:38Well, thank you very much.
11:40It didn't bother me either.
11:44You don't have your head on your shoulder, do you, Hanna?
11:46You don't have your head on your shoulder, do you, Hanna?
11:56She knew everything.
11:59She died knowing it.
12:03Hanna, you're not okay, are you?
12:06No, the truth is that I'm not.
12:10Is it because of the photos you saw of Mrs. Ximena?
12:13I feel very guilty, MarĂ­a.
12:17But that doesn't make sense.
12:19Yes, it does.
12:21No, that Mrs. Ximena had those portraits in her hand
12:23when she threw herself off the stairs
12:25doesn't make you responsible.
12:27Don't annoy me, really, MarĂ­a.
12:30I appreciate that you try to comfort me,
12:32but still,
12:34that Ximena knew about the relationship we had with Manuel
12:36and I could touch her.
12:38Well, that woman has already been touched.
12:40Please, MarĂ­a.
12:42But she didn't tell you anything, did she?
12:44No, she didn't.
12:46And you also brought the complete chronicle
12:48of your escape to the beach.
12:50MarĂ­a, I don't remember taking those photos.
12:52I don't know where she found them.
12:54Those things are hidden under seven locks.
12:56Well, now I can't stop thinking about
13:00if she did what she did to see those photos.
13:03Don't be silly.
13:05I don't know what to think anymore, MarĂ­a.
13:07Well, all you know is that she had the portraits in her hands,
13:09but she didn't know what she was going to do with them.
13:14Well, let's see.
13:16Abel and Manuel say she wanted to blackmail us.
13:20A blackmail of what kind?
13:22Because that woman didn't need the rooms.
13:24Well, no, she wanted to take Manuel to Madrid.
13:26So she married her.
13:28And Manuel says it was his father who pressured her.
13:32So that's what she did.
13:34And you don't think he's right?
13:36You were there.
13:38What I think is that what happened was horrible, MarĂ­a.
13:40But I also think that ...
13:45I don't know what would have happened
13:47if she had shown those photos.
13:51She would have written about God.
13:54But maybe Jimena was still alive.
13:58Well, don't think about what you don't know.
14:00Because you don't know.
14:02Yeah, but I can't get it out of my head, MarĂ­a.
14:04I don't know.
14:11There's nothing wrong, Jimena.
14:13Nobody wants tragedy.
14:21I have the feeling that this guilt
14:23is going to haunt us for the rest of our lives.
14:29And it's horrible.
14:34It's horrible.
14:50Are you looking for any specific news?
14:53I was just looking at ads for other products
14:55to see what we've done wrong.
14:57Wrong? In what way?
14:59Well, if we are going to focus on the national market,
15:01maybe we should be more traditional.
15:04I'm sorry, but I still don't understand you.
15:08Look at these ads.
15:11It is clear that for some products
15:13we can use the arguments of innovation and modernity.
15:16Especially if it is of a foreign origin,
15:18from what I see.
15:19That's right.
15:20But when it comes to gastronomy,
15:22it seems that the usual flavors prevail.
15:24Unless we say that our jams
15:26are good for health.
15:28In that case, we could say that we are modern.
15:31And why don't we say it?
15:33And what do you want? For us to paint flamboyantly?
15:35I'm sure that our products are very healthy.
15:39Pelayo, we are talking about jams.
15:41I'm not saying that they make your hair grow
15:43or make you stronger, but ...
15:45Catalina, you won't get anything clear by staying here.
15:47You have to go out and know
15:49what people really think.
15:52And what do you propose?
15:54That we go to eat in Lujan, for example.
15:56You will clear yourself and in the meantime
15:58you will soak up what national reality is.
16:00No, I have a lot of work to do.
16:03And if I want the business to move forward,
16:04I can't waste a minute.
16:06I don't know if that's it or ...
16:08you're avoiding me.
16:09Well, maybe the second one
16:11wouldn't be so crazy, don't you think?
16:14No, I guess not.
16:16Thank you.
16:17For a moment I thought I didn't have the right
16:19to feel bad.
16:20Or to need time to recover.
16:23All the time in the world.
16:26Let's do one thing.
16:28I know you don't want us to go out to eat together.
16:31But can you at least let me sit down
16:33and help you solve the problem?
16:41Take care of yourself.
16:43I'll stay here.
16:58Hello, Vera.
17:05How are you?
17:09I see.
17:10I understand you're not well.
17:13Yes, but I'm not going to lie to you.
17:15I respect your decision.
17:18But that doesn't mean you can't tell me how you are.
17:21And what do you mean?
17:23But that doesn't mean you can't tell me how you are.
17:26And what do you want me to tell you?
17:29I haven't been able to get my head up
17:30since you decided to break up.
17:33I'm sorry.
17:35The worst thing is that you said
17:38you did it because you feared breaking my heart in the future.
17:41And it's the truth.
17:42The truth is that it's already done, Nicos.
17:46Lope, this is the best for you.
17:49You said that too.
17:51That I would thank you in the long run.
17:52Well, I think it's going to take a long time for that to pass.
17:56You'll get better.
17:57You'll see.
17:59I know it's a little weird for me to tell you this,
18:02but you'll get better.
18:04I don't want to get better, Vera.
18:06Vera, I recorded everything you told me
18:08and I still don't understand what the real reason is.
18:11Try to be as clear as possible.
18:13Yes, I know.
18:14Well, I still don't know what I did wrong.
18:16I never said you did anything wrong.
18:18No, what you said is that the circumstances made this relationship impossible.
18:22That's right.
18:23Vera, we all have different circumstances.
18:25All of us.
18:26And I may not have been able to respect the circumstances of your past,
18:29but I promise you ...
18:30Lope, it's not because of anything you've done, really.
18:32It's because I keep asking you about your family, right?
18:34Yes, but that's not why.
18:36It's just that ...
18:39It's really the best, especially for you.
18:42How do you know it's the best for me?
18:44Vera, are you seeing me as I am?
18:49Lope, you are a wonderful person.
18:52You are the best person I have ever met.
18:56And I know I'm hurting you a lot, but if we continue together, you will suffer even more.
18:59But how are you so convinced of that?
19:01Because I know.
19:02And it makes no sense to delay the inevitable.
19:04Look, Vera, enough.
19:06You have to be clear.
19:07And I am.
19:08No, you're not.
19:12You're not because you're not telling me what your real reason is.
19:15But I do know.
19:17Lope, I don't know what you're talking about.
19:24Are you afraid I'll find out something about your past?
19:28That you stole from your father or ... I don't know, Vera.
19:31But whatever it is, I promise I'll understand.
19:33It's none of that.
19:36And if it were, you would do very badly to understand me.
19:39Much less to forgive me.
19:41Well, I would.
19:43Do you know why?
19:45Because I love you.
19:46And I don't care about anything else.
20:13Come on, Catalina.
20:14Mr. Javier saying he's not going to buy our jam doesn't mean anything.
20:19I know he's just a client.
20:21But it was very important to get it.
20:23Will we find more?
20:26We know that our products are good and innovative.
20:29I know that in this country they like the traditional more.
20:31But we will make this business be that too.
20:35They are no longer the Santa Fe peononos.
20:37Or Violeta's candies.
20:39But those candies are the queen's favorites.
20:41We will reach the same Victoria Eugenia if necessary.
20:45I'm sure she would love our jams.
20:48Come on, Catalina.
20:50You just have to be patient and keep working hard.
20:53With constancy and determination.
20:55I wish it were that easy.
20:57But it won't be that easy.
20:59And on top of that, we risk Cruz taking over the company.
21:06Good morning.
21:09It seems you don't have enough with the library.
21:12That now you dedicate yourself to turn any corner of the promise into your office.
21:16Without worrying if you bother or not.
21:19I didn't want to disturb my father, who is working at the library.
21:23And since there was no one here, I came and sat down.
21:25But if I bother, I'm leaving.
21:27No, don't worry.
21:28You can stay as long as you want.
21:31In total, it won't be long.
21:32As you say.
21:33Well, judging by the disbandment of that client whom you supposedly convinced,
21:38it doesn't seem that the conservation business has much life ahead of it.
21:41Mrs. Marquesa, please.
21:42Leave her, leave her.
21:43It's her moment of glory.
21:45You should know that Mr. Javier was just one more potential client.
21:49From my point of view, Mr. Conde, it's more about one less client.
21:54But anyway, I'll let you continue with whatever you're doing.
22:03I'm leaving.
22:25I'm going to find out why your daughter didn't give birth to your son.
22:29And if you don't believe me, I bet a fat dog.
22:32To good fortune.
22:33To good fortune, Candela.
22:35Resting a little after finishing cooking.
22:37Yes, it's our moment of rest.
22:39A little while before having dinner again.
22:42And well deserved that you and my mother have it.
22:44Today's stew was to lick your fingers.
22:46With forgiveness.
22:48You don't have to apologize.
22:49I say that every two by three.
22:51You are also more and more tamed every day, huh?
22:54Look how well you do that.
22:59Instead of cleaning the silverware, it looks like you're beating copper.
23:04Both things, Candela.
23:06The truth is that I try to do the best I can.
23:08And I follow all the advice you give me.
23:12And to give the silverware like that, who taught you, Mrs. Pia?
23:16Who is a cousin of a woman.
23:18Yes, yes, yes.
23:19True, true.
23:22One thing I wanted to ask you.
23:25How overwhelming was that anguish?
23:29You're not so much, are you?
23:31I'm much better, really.
23:34Well, look at you, that's a good sign, don't you think?
23:36Of course it is.
23:37I, for what it's my turn, I see you better every day.
23:41Thank you very much.
23:44By the way.
23:46I also wanted to tell you one thing.
23:48Since you arrived in March, you've been the mother of yourself.
23:52Do you think so?
23:53Oh, I think so.
23:55But now, as I tell you that, I also tell you the other thing, huh?
23:58That for all that anguish, here we are, your mother and servant, huh?
24:03That we are delighted to help you.
24:05I appreciate it.
24:06But I'm fine.
24:08Well, but that's not just for now, too.
24:10For the future.
24:11To help you in whatever it takes.
24:13Or just to make up for it.
24:16I'll keep that in mind, Candela.
24:17But for now, it's not necessary.
24:20I'm left without the fat bitch.
24:23How did I do?
24:24No, nothing, nothing.
24:25That's my thing, huh?
24:26But you think about it, okay, pretty?
24:29Very good.
24:30What's the conversation about?
24:31What's new?
24:32Nothing, we didn't talk about it in particular, really.
24:34Well, in that case, I have a good news for you.
24:37Oh yeah?
24:38Which one?
24:39Have you heard about the marmalade buyer?
24:43The one who was going to replace the English stretcher.
24:46Yes, yes.
24:47Catalina herself told us this morning
24:49to leave the marmalade to Moyadela.
24:51What a bummer.
24:52I'm sorry.
24:53Well, yes.
24:54It is known that the buyer has left
24:56leaving Mrs. Catalina and the count with two candles.
24:59But wasn't it said that he was interested in making a big order?
25:02Yes, we are preparing everything for what could happen.
25:05And you don't know why he changed his mind?
25:07Well, true science, right?
25:09But apparently he said they had a very strange taste.
25:12Those are mamarrasas.
25:14The marmalades are not strange.
25:15They are exotic.
25:16That's what LĂłpez says.
25:18But why?
25:19Nothing to do with it.
25:20I'm telling you, I know about that.
25:22Simone and I are very old friends.
25:24And he has won us over for the marmalade.
25:26And is it true that when you try it, you don't want more?
25:31So what do you think has happened?
25:33I don't know.
25:34But since Catalina and the count
25:36don't find a new partner soon,
25:38they're going to be in a hurry.
25:46I don't know.
26:05Are you coming with me?
26:07I have taken the liberty of opening one of your liqueurs.
26:10Hurry up with your drink.
26:11For my part, I'm drunk.
26:14It seems that something is bothering you.
26:19I want to talk to you.
26:26Tell me.
26:27What is it about?
26:28As you will have seen with your own eyes,
26:31this palace is not going through its best moment.
26:34Do you mean the sad breakup of your wife Jimena?
26:38That and how badly my son has been going through since then.
26:42It is not for less.
26:44It will still take time to overcome such a tragedy.
26:48While it is up to us, his family,
26:50to take care of him and be aware of him.
26:53It is what it is.
26:57I imagine you are also aware of my daughter Catalina's misfortunes.
27:01Her conservation business is not going through its best moment either.
27:05And her relationship with Count Deignil is not a secret either.
27:08And all this has to do with what I want to tell you.
27:13You are intriguing me, Lucho.
27:17You will see, in these circumstances,
27:20it is when my family requires more attention.
27:23And I don't just mean time.
27:25Also space.
27:28Space is not lacking in this palace.
27:33But I think the ideal thing is that we are accommodated with external presences.
27:38What do you mean exactly?
27:41We have to solve our problems.
27:45And we will not do it while we have visitors.
27:50So I ask you to abandon the promise for a while.
27:53When things calm down,
27:55you can come and visit us whenever you want.
27:58You can come and visit us whenever you want.
28:09You have to see how simple it is and how well the chocolate comes out, Mrs. Simona.
28:13Who said it's simple?
28:15Well, let's see, you just have to mix a little cocoa,
28:17with hot milk,
28:19a little sugar,
28:20and to top it off, a little cream, right?
28:22Let's see, MarĂ­a FernĂĄndez,
28:24if there is something you have learned from Lope,
28:26with a little imagination,
28:28to the most manly flavor,
28:29it may seem surprising.
28:31Well, tell us how you do it so that it is so delicious.
28:34Of course, if you set up a chocolate shop in LujĂĄn,
28:37everyone would go to line up.
28:39Of course.
28:40And apart from making yourself gold,
28:42surely you would get rid of the whims of the gentlemen.
28:45Come on, come on.
28:46Stop saying nonsense.
28:48I would never dare to do something like that.
28:51And why not?
28:53Well, because ...
28:55I make chocolate for the people I love and deserve it,
28:58like you.
28:59You say yes.
29:00Who will you be better with than with us?
29:02And speaking of being comfortable,
29:04who has seen virtues and who sees them?
29:06Woman, don't take it the wrong way.
29:08I say it because you are already one more among us
29:10and you are no longer suffering from those emotions you had before, right?
29:14That's thanks to my mother's chocolate.
29:18Now seriously,
29:19I am very grateful to you,
29:22to Candela, to Teresa,
29:24if it weren't for your help,
29:26I would still be bad.
29:28Don't say nonsense.
29:29That you have gotten along so well
29:30is because you are nicer than Peseta.
29:32It's not because you're my daughter,
29:33but I totally agree.
29:35Come on, calm down,
29:36they're going to make me blush.
29:39I appreciate your attention,
29:41but the one we have to be aware of is Vera.
29:46Yes, yours.
29:48You're having a hard time and we have to support you.
29:51Yes, because Lope also has Telica.
29:55We are all with you,
29:56for whatever it takes.
29:58Thank you very much.
30:00Count on us for whatever you need.
30:02I thank you very much, Mrs. Simona.
30:04And I am sure that in the future I will turn to your support,
30:06but for now this chocolate is more than enough
30:09to cheer me up.
30:11Yes, I said yes.
30:13That the matters of the heart are intimate
30:16and it is normal that you do not feel comfortable
30:18talking about this matter.
30:20I think we're going to talk about something else.
30:25No, no, no, no, no.
30:26Not again about that maid of the Duchess of Abrontes.
30:29No, please.
30:30Woman, but if it's a good news...
30:31If you bring up the subject again,
30:32I'll get up from this table and leave.
30:34And I'll take the chocolate with me.
30:35Wait, I'll put you another cup.
30:44I want you to understand the situation.
30:46I know you're comfortable here.
30:48It's not easy for me to tell you this.
30:52No, I know it's not easy for you.
30:54After all, you're not used to imposing your will.
30:58What do you mean?
31:00What you hear, Alonso.
31:02Excuse me?
31:03You are your wife's dog.
31:05You obey everything she orders.
31:08Sometimes she even has to do the dirty work for you.
31:11But how dare you?
31:12Don't be offended.
31:13It's the truth.
31:14It's the truth.
31:16Everyone knows who wears the pants on the promenade.
31:18Ayala, I warn you.
31:19What are you going to do?
31:20Send your wife to me?
31:23Come on, Alonso.
31:29You can't imagine the ruckus your father-in-law started.
31:32The man imitating you.
31:35No, no, no.
31:36I'm not going to do it, Cruz.
31:37Yes, of course I will.
31:39Enough already.
31:40You are exceeding the limits.
31:42You're a pain in the ass.
31:43You always are.
31:44I said enough already.
31:46I'm not going to lower myself to say what I think of you.
31:49Well, you see that I have no problem doing it.
31:51It won't be for long.
31:53I'll tell my servants to prepare your luggage.
31:56I'm not going to leave, Mr. Marquez.
31:59What did you say?
32:00This is no longer just your house.
32:02You know it perfectly well.
32:04Your wife also tried to kick me out and failed.
32:07What's more, I'm sure you're here following her orders.
32:13Get out of my house right now.
32:16When Margarita requires it.
32:18I'm her guest.
32:19Aren't you ashamed?
32:21She owns a quarter of this palace.
32:23She has a lot to say.
32:28And now, if you don't mind,
32:30I'm going to continue enjoying this drink that you,
32:33with the criteria that characterizes you,
32:35have had a good time rejecting.
32:43I don't understand, Curro.
32:45Did you really do that to Martina?
32:47Well, I didn't tell Ayala either,
32:49who was the indirect responsibility to Martina
32:51that they almost kicked her out of the palace.
32:53Well, but you could have looked for a situation
32:55a little less uncomfortable.
32:58Look, I don't know, Hanna.
32:59I don't know what I can do with her anymore.
33:01I thought that exposing her,
33:02making her see the consequences of her actions,
33:04would make her reflect on something.
33:06Did you talk to her later?
33:08Yes, last night.
33:11Yes, last night.
33:12She was at the piano.
33:14Did you get her to reconsider or ...?
33:18I got the opposite.
33:22You know what?
33:23I can understand her, Hanna.
33:25I understand that Count Ayala
33:26appeared at the wrong time.
33:28Man, in mourning for his father.
33:30Yes, that's it.
33:31He was the first man who appeared in his mother's life
33:33after the death of Don Fernando.
33:35And I also know that he is not a very easy person,
33:37let's say.
33:39Of course, he has a rather unpleasant sense of humor.
33:43But I saw Margarita with different eyes.
33:45And she is the one who has to decide how,
33:47and above all, with whom,
33:48she wants to make her life again.
33:50You're right.
33:52As much as Martina is afraid to see it another way,
33:56I think she has spent enough time
33:57to get an idea.
33:58And above all,
33:59so that she respects her mother's freedom.
34:01I'm working on it,
34:02but you also know how difficult it is
34:03to overcome something like that.
34:04Yes, of course I know.
34:06But she can't go on like this.
34:07She can't have this attitude all her life.
34:10I see.
34:12Well, I think the only thing you can do now is
34:15to stay out of it,
34:17until the storm passes.
34:19It will be difficult for me.
34:22I admit that it is very difficult for me
34:23to keep my arms crossed.
34:26Maybe because you are not as in love with her as you think.
34:35there is no turning back.
35:01The truth, Mr. Pellicer,
35:02is that you have been brilliant tonight.
35:05And give Perico Artorno.
35:06Wasn't it you who married Don Ricardo?
35:08That even if he proposed to him,
35:09he can't, he never cooks badly.
35:11Mrs. Candela, that's not true.
35:14Let's see, explain yourself, Mr. Ruiz.
35:17Tonight I had to prepare a cod with tomato sauce.
35:20Do you know about the menu?
35:21I don't doubt it.
35:22But what I don't know is that the tomato sauce
35:24was prepared with a different variety of tomatoes.
35:27I wanted to try something different,
35:28the French beef steak.
35:30I'm sorry,
35:31but I'm not a culinary expert.
35:33I don't know what you're talking about.
35:34Beef steak tomatoes.
35:36We have used them to prepare the sauce for Miss Catalina.
35:39But one thing is to prepare a fried tomato sauce ...
35:42And another thing is to prepare a sauté for the cod.
35:45The result is not the same.
35:46But what an exaggeration!
35:48No, I'm not, Mrs. Simona.
35:50And if not, try it yourself.
36:03As you can see,
36:05I have destroyed a cod first.
36:06No, no.
36:07No, no.
36:08I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression,
36:09but this is delicious.
36:10Mr. Pellicer, you don't have to hide it.
36:12It's just that I don't do it.
36:13Look, I don't understand tomatoes or varieties,
36:15but I assure you that this has a sublime flavor.
36:18I appreciate the compliment,
36:19but if you think so,
36:20it's because you haven't tried the dish when it comes out well.
36:21Eneso is right.
36:22When LĂłpez gets up, he cooks like Los Angeles.
36:25I don't know if, as you say,
36:26a dish can improve so much,
36:28but I'm looking forward to trying it.
36:29It's time, it's time.
36:30I hope so.
36:31Now I'm going to take care of some matters upstairs,
36:33but cheer me up, Mr. Ruiz.
36:43Have you heard it?
36:44Do I get it?
36:46Yes, I am, I am not, Mrs. Simona.
36:48Throw your head elsewhere,
36:50that's clear.
36:51But even with a broken heart,
36:52you were a first-class cook.
36:54Of course.
36:57What are you doing here, Teresa?
36:59Weren't you taking care of upstairs?
37:00That's precisely where I come from, Mrs. Simona.
37:03Has something happened?
37:04Leopoldo was attending the gentlemen's dinner
37:06and apparently they had a little fight.
37:10I knew it.
37:11I'm sure it's because of a silly thing, LĂłpez.
37:13They said the cod sauce was too spicy.
37:17That's a beginner's mistake, Mrs. Simona.
37:19It was delicious,
37:20but not with the subtlety and the usual balance.
37:23Those have been the exact words.
37:31Salvador, don't you have to repeat it to me more times?
37:34I don't want to be annoying,
37:35but I'm really sorry I reacted like that at first.
37:38It's a great opportunity,
37:40one that only comes up once in a lifetime.
37:42And that's why you've apologized 50 times.
37:44That's right.
37:46You're forgiven.
37:48Besides, I didn't behave well either.
37:50Oh, no?
37:51No, because I should have told you at first.
37:54Well, you're forgiven.
38:00Thank you.
38:05Do you really think this job is good for me?
38:08Of course.
38:09Do you really accept it?
38:12Everyone tells me that.
38:14Besides, I can't break my promise here.
38:17I'll grow old without scaring an old woman.
38:19I think that's more my case than yours.
38:22People here appreciate you a lot.
38:24To break the promise,
38:26a partner would have to lose her job.
38:29I don't want that.
38:30That's why I'm telling you,
38:31no one wants to prosper like this.
38:33Really, take advantage of the opportunity.
38:37But I can't leave like this either.
38:40Because ...
38:41Because I can't leave like this, Salvador.
38:44If you don't remember,
38:45when you were applying for the first job on the street.
38:47Yes, I remember, yes.
38:50Because on the one hand you thought you were angry
38:52and on the other hand you thought that Don Romulo
38:54didn't want to give you that job.
38:56I didn't think so.
38:57I ... It was the truth.
38:59Well, but if you had let yourself be carried away by your intuition,
39:02you would have broken your promise.
39:04Instead of knowing where you would be now.
39:06Well, I would still be fine.
39:09Well, yes.
39:11You would have found a job anyway.
39:13I don't doubt that.
39:14I see.
39:17But you wouldn't be as good as here.
39:19And luckily you listened to me.
39:23But you're not going to compare my situation back then
39:25with yours now, MarĂ­a.
39:27I was going to leave with one hand in front and one behind.
39:30And you're going to the palace of some dukes.
39:32Well, yes.
39:36Better position, better salary and at the service of a great lady.
39:39What else can you ask for, MarĂ­a FernĂĄndez?
39:41Many things, Salvador.
39:43Many things.
39:45In fact, a nervous breakdown.
39:47My love.
39:52Besides, this is not only going to be good for you,
39:54it's also going to be good for me.
39:56For both of us.
39:58Someday we'll want to be husband and wife, right?
40:01Since I'm not going to meddle,
40:03at least one of us will have a good life.
40:06Come on, you've got it all figured out,
40:07if you think you're going to be a maid.
40:10No, right?
40:24Come on.
40:33What are you doing here at this hour?
40:34I came to pick you up so you could go down to have dinner.
40:40There, there.
40:43There, there.
40:44Take it easy.
40:45Take it easy.
40:49Teresa, really, it's not necessary.
40:51Of course it is.
40:52Please, stop denying it.
40:55I have to eat something if I don't fall sick.
40:58So who's going to take care of Enriquito?
41:01You're right, Teresa.
41:02But it's just that my stomach doesn't feel like anything, really.
41:05Because you're not feeling well?
41:08Because I'm very worried about the child.
41:14How is he?
41:16That's hard to answer.
41:19There, there.
41:21There, darling.
41:23That's it.
41:24That's it.
41:26Seeing him so sad, I thought that ...
41:28If the question is whether he's gotten worse, the answer is no.
41:32But he's not getting any better either.
41:34And then?
41:36Well, he's still feverish.
41:38And that's never been a good sign.
41:40No, of course not.
41:43But you have to try to be a little more encouraged.
41:45There's always room for hope.
41:48Yes, I guess you're right.
41:50And besides, I have no choice.
41:53There, there.
41:55Try to be patient.
41:57And trust that the medication will have its effect.
41:59And you have to listen to me.
42:02You need to eat and rest.
42:04Yes, I know.
42:06And it's also essential to take care of the child.
42:09Throw them both out.
42:10There, there.
42:11You need to have energy.
42:13That's not just about energy, Teresa.
42:16It's just that I have ...
42:17I have skin-colored nerves.
42:20Has anything else happened apart from all this?
42:23Well, I'm very sorry to have accused Mr. Pellicer
42:26of telling Mrs. Marquesa that Diego was hiding here.
42:29And it wasn't him?
42:34There, there.
42:37Look, look.
42:39So who was Mrs. Barri?
42:42Mrs. Petra?
42:44I assure you that he swore, and I swear it wasn't him, but ...
42:47But I didn't believe him.
42:48Well, you couldn't have known either.
42:49And how could I have thought it?
42:51With everything we've helped him lately,
42:53and he hasn't changed a bit.
42:55It leaves me completely puzzled.
42:56Of course.
42:58Of course.
42:59There, darling.
43:00There, there.
43:02Besides, can you believe that he didn't even deny it?
43:04I don't understand.
43:06He didn't even show any signs of resentment.
43:08There, don't you see?
43:10Throw them both out.
43:11There, darling.
43:12There, there.
43:13There, my love.
43:15There, there.
43:16I don't know, maybe deep down ...
43:18Deep down what?
43:19Teresa, no.
43:21What I don't understand is how it got to his ears,
43:23that Diego was hiding here.
43:24I don't understand.
43:26Well, because ...
43:28It's hard to hide something like that, and deep down ...
43:31Practically, we all knew.
43:33That's why I accused Mr. Pellicer.
43:35Stop getting frustrated with that.
43:37There, there, my love.
43:38He was the one who had the most possibilities of being guilty.
43:40There, there.
43:41The truth is that we didn't start off on a very good foot, did we?
43:44There, there, my love.
43:45They've had ...
43:46A few scuffles.
43:49Now it seemed that everything was going to start going well.
43:51Until I got on my feet again.
43:53At least now I know that what matters to him is the fulfillment of the promise,
43:56and that ...
43:57Well, that he has nothing against me.
44:04I don't know if Pia Darre is capable of being a key lover.
44:14Maybe it's not that bad.
44:17What do you mean?
44:21They're my things.
44:23Teresa ...
44:25Maybe I didn't tell Mrs. Marquesa anything.
44:29But I don't think I should trust him.
44:34Well ...
44:35Because we don't know him well.
44:37Teresa, I don't know anything, but you do know a lot.
44:44I think you should know.
44:49Yesterday I heard a conversation
44:51between Mr. Baeza and Mr. Pellicer.
44:54A conversation?
44:57A conversation about whom?
44:58About you.
45:04About you.
45:12Can I join you, Mrs. Llupis?
45:16Yes, of course.
45:17Who dreams of stopping you?
45:19I don't want you to be forced to tolerate my company if you don't want to.
45:22Well, you're not that uncomfortable, Mr. Conde.
45:29I haven't seen you very talkative at dinner.
45:34I admit that these are not my best days.
45:38For some particular reason?
45:41What do you think?
45:43Well, I think you haven't just assimilated your breakup with Catalina.
45:47Well, more than a breakup, I consider it a temporary separation.
45:51In this life everything is temporary.
45:53I give faith in it.
45:55Even so, I resist losing the one I consider to be the love of my life.
45:59How romantic.
46:01I intend to be, yes.
46:02But the truth is that I don't have them all with me.
46:05Well, maybe you are more responsible for the situation than you imagine.
46:09Of course, I am guilty of everything that is happening to me these days.
46:12But I want to reverse it.
46:15Well, I wish you luck.
46:19I'm going to need something more than luck.
46:22Your help, for example, would be very good for me.
46:25My help?
46:26Yes, that's right.
46:28You have more influence over Catalina than some of your closest family members.
46:33I'm just surprised you come to me.
46:36Doesn't that confirm my desperation?
46:39Unfortunately, I'm not going to help you.
46:44And I have no problem being completely honest with you and offering you my reasons.
46:50I still don't trust you.
46:53And from the beginning I have intuited that you were hiding something.
46:55I assure you that my feelings for Catalina are sincere.
46:58Yes, yes, I don't doubt it.
47:00But as much as I love her, I don't doubt that I can hurt her.
47:03And as you understand, I'm not going to help you with that.
47:05I have never intended to hurt Catalina. Never.
47:09The only thing I can do is wish her good luck.
47:13But I will limit myself to wishing her good night.
47:21Oh, sorry.
47:25Thank you.
47:31I see you in a hurry. Are you okay?
47:35Thank you for asking.
47:38Has something happened with Mrs. Margarita? Have they argued?
47:42Mrs. Llopis and I have had certain differences for a long time.
47:46You don't know how sorry I am.
47:48Yes, me too.
47:50I don't want to get into where they don't call me,
47:52but I think I can guess what has been the reason for your disagreement with her.
47:57Oh yeah?
47:59Does it have to do with Catalina?
48:04I see that the rumors about your perspicacity are not short at all.
48:08Thank you.
48:09You will also have realized that rumors about how complicated Lujan is
48:14also have a certain foundation.
48:16I'm sorry.
48:18The good news is that Catalina is, along with Manuel, an exception.
48:24So, as far as I'm concerned, you have the best of the house.
48:27I wouldn't say that Catalina is not complicated,
48:31but I agree that she is the best thing that could stop my life.
48:35I know that you are not going through your best moment,
48:38but I also understand that many things unite you.
48:41Like, for example, a sauce and jam company.
48:46Whose future is hanging by a thread right now.
48:49They don't say that where there is life there is hope.
48:52Well, don't miss it.
48:54Besides, if someone can start a business, that's Catalina de Lujan.
49:11What do you think?
49:13Well, it seems to me that you are not yet worthy of apologizing for
49:16all the little number you put up in the kitchens in front of the whole service.
49:20You do not deserve my apologies.
49:25As you say.
49:27Look, it's true that Mrs. Arcos was the one who told Mrs. Marquesa
49:29that my son was hiding here.
49:32I'm glad that at least she admits it.
49:33But that doesn't mean that you are less treacherous about it.
49:37And who am I supposed to go to now with your son's story?
49:39This has nothing to do with Dieguito, Mr. Pellicel.
49:41Mrs. Arcos recognized him.
49:43Is she a new suspect?
49:45Has she already accused him in public?
49:46Can we stop being ironic, please?
49:49She herself recognized him and yours has nothing to do with this.
49:52Look, I have been apologized on a multitude of occasions.
49:55But in this way ...
49:57I'm not apologizing.
50:00I'm accusing you.
50:02I don't think I just found out.
50:06And what am I supposed to be accused of now?
50:08I am accusing you of saying that I am not qualified for the position of key keeper.
50:13Look, Mr. Pellicer.
50:15Mrs. Arcos stabbed me in the back in front of Mrs. Marquesa.
50:19But you have also done it in front of someone very important, especially for me.
50:23Mr. Baeza.
50:25That has an explanation.
50:26Of course it does.
50:27That you are not such a good person as you intend to make us all believe.
50:30No, no. I don't intend to make you believe.
50:32Of course you do.
50:33With your good intentions, worrying falsely about Dieguito.
50:37When what he was doing was showing a facade that hides his true face.
50:40That's not true.
50:43What I spoke to Mr. Baeza was a private conversation.
50:46And it was a moment when I gave him a personal opinion.
50:50Well, it was a moment of the conversation that I was a little on fire, but ...
50:54And you think this is a good excuse, of course.
50:56I assure you that this was not the message I wanted to convey.
51:00I don't even know how such a comment could have reached your ears.
51:03That is not important now.
51:04No, no. It is.
51:06Because I am convinced that the person who told him did not pay attention to the context.
51:10There is no valid context to put a partner at the feet of the horses.
51:13Ma'am, please let me explain.
51:15One more word I want to hear, Mr. Pellicer.
51:18It's over.
51:33Yes, yes. So you were ascending to the old ruins of ...
51:37Machu Picchu.
51:39The name brings them.
51:41Anyway, you said you were going up the stairs and ...
51:44And we all started to feel bad.
51:47As if you were short of breath?
51:48Yes, exactly.
51:49And part of the expedition began to feel dizzy.
51:54But not you?
51:55No, fortunately not. Neither me nor Professor Bingham.
52:00And apart from the dizziness ...
52:03Did you feel like a headache?
52:06Nausea? Or ...
52:10Yes. Yes, yes. Exactly that. Yes.
52:13The natives explained to us what was happening.
52:15And then I discovered that these symptoms corresponded to ...
52:19To altitude sickness.
52:21Ah? Do you know what it is?
52:24Of course I know.
52:25It is something relatively common among pilots.
52:28It is due to the lack of oxygen at high altitudes.
52:30Hence you are short of breath, as you said.
52:33Exactly. That's it.
52:37What I still don't understand is why you made me get up so early, friend.
52:41Why are these early mornings coming?
52:52Miss Blanca called me but I didn't know she was going to be with you.
52:56Yes, I know. I'm sorry, Hanna. I forgot to tell you that little detail.
52:59I'm sure you did.
53:00Well, I'm going for a walk and take pictures.
53:03I'm sure I still find some interesting light.
53:06You see, it's just that ...
53:07Yes, Hanna.
53:08I called you to talk to Manuel.
53:11I think the time has come for you to have a long and tense chat.
53:15Blanca ...
53:16I know, I know. I have no right to meddle in your lives.
53:19But in my defense, I will say that I do it with all the love in the world.
53:24Miss, it really wasn't necessary.
53:26Hanna, I think I disagree.
53:28You are made for each other.
53:31And it makes no sense to ruin something so beautiful because you don't want to talk.
53:36This is not your thing, Blanca Palomar.
53:38Don't make me beg.
53:39Good luck.
53:55How are you?
53:57I imagine that you are recovering from that jar of jams.
54:00Yes, I know they are excellent.
54:02It is a shame that you do not have any canning business.
54:09That you are thinking of creating one and getting rich.
54:12No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I don't think I brought you for that, right?
54:19Yes, yes, you did your role perfectly, Mr. Javier.
54:24A lot of interest at first, and then you turned it down.
54:28I should have seen the face of poor Catalina after the cat.
54:31I thought the very Pamphila had done everything.
54:35What a mess she would be when you told her she was not going to buy anything.
54:38It must have been from Hordago.
54:41No, no, no, no, no, no.
54:42Listen, I would have given anything to see her face at the precise moment in which the illusion broke.
54:59I went to Martos with the hope of fixing things and it couldn't be.
55:02Period. There is nothing more to tell or to worry about.
55:05Because something else happened to your brother?
55:09You wouldn't tell, would you?
55:11You are not my mother, Candela. Don't get in my business, please.
55:14The key master, Mrs. Adarri.
55:17Between you and me, she does not deserve to occupy that position.
55:21She doesn't even know her place, she doesn't even know where to put the priorities of the promise or her personal problems.
55:27And who did she belong to, Mrs. Arcos?
55:30Precisely to me.
55:31I should stay away from the jam business, I'm not worth it.
55:36But how are you not going to be worth it, for God's sake?
55:39I submit to the evidence.
55:41Catalina, forget about those evidence, because they are not.
55:47Well, I should have lowered her fever, but it seems that it has gone up.
55:51Oh my God, really.
55:53It seems that it has gone up.
55:54Oh my God, really.
55:57But Hanna, it can't be, if he has rested better tonight.
56:00Before he slept like a log and he slept very well.
56:03That has to be a good sign.
56:05Pure lethargy, because of the disease.
56:06I congratulate you that you have accepted the position of the key.
56:10I thank you for thinking of me, Mr. Baeza.
56:12Here at La Promesa, the service is like a big family.
56:15I am convinced that you will receive us with open arms.
56:19We have the new key at La Promesa.
56:21And he is handsome as hell.
56:23Everything they have seen, they say it.
56:25He has the henhouse turned upside down.
56:27Why do you care so much if you are already in a relationship?
56:30I just wanted to see if Nadia marked him a sweet.
56:32I feel guilty for loving you.
56:37I know that we are still you and me, that nothing would have to change.
56:40I don't know if I'm doing it, but I need to explain myself.
56:43Manuel, you don't need to explain yourself.
56:48Maybe it's time to stop rowing against the current.