Do Not Disturb: Lady Boss in Disguise |Part-2

  • 4 months ago


00:00 [music]
00:03 [ding]
00:04 - Intensive care?
00:06 Okay, I'm on my way.
00:08 The hospital says that George needs his bone marrow transplant now,
00:11 but I don't have the money.
00:13 - You didn't get any money from the hotel?
00:16 - No, why would the hotel give me money?
00:18 - Of course not.
00:19 Just tell the hospital to go through with the surgery, okay?
00:22 I will make sure you get the money.
00:24 - Okay.
00:25 [music]
00:31 - Hey, Casey?
00:32 I need you to meet me in five minutes and make sure everything is ready.
00:35 [music]
00:41 - Where's the money?
00:44 - Who do you think you are barging into my office, barking like a dog?
00:49 - Where's the money that Mr. Johnson gave you?
00:51 - Getting your hands off of me, you can't afford to ruin this suit.
00:55 Trust me.
00:56 - How do you know about the money?
00:57 Did Casey tell you about it in bed last night, you little slut?
01:02 Did Casey tell you about it?
01:04 - What are you talking about?
01:05 - We know you went out with our beloved COO last night.
01:11 You can deny it all you want, but we have proof.
01:17 You know what I think?
01:19 I think that money's for you,
01:21 and Casey's just using your little maid friend as a cover-up.
01:25 - Her brother is dying.
01:27 You're gonna pay for this.
01:28 - Well, dead people don't need money, do they?
01:32 - Well, I thought after yesterday, Lila, you'd get a conscience,
01:36 but I guess I was wrong.
01:38 - You know what?
01:40 I really need to learn to shut that pretty mouth of yours.
01:43 If you can prove that I stole this money,
01:46 I will walk out of this office in nothing but my underwear.
01:50 But if you can't, you'll do the same, sweetheart.
01:53 - I hope you're wearing something pretty underneath, William.
01:58 'Cause we're gonna find out.
02:01 I hope you're wearing something pretty underneath, William.
02:03 'Cause we're gonna find out.
02:06 - Is that a flashlight?
02:10 What's your next big idea, Mr. Detective?
02:14 Magnifiers?
02:16 - Well, Lila, I've only known you a day,
02:20 but you continually amaze me by how stupid you are.
02:24 - You're gonna regret saying that, you dirty little maggot.
02:28 - It's okay.
02:31 You see, this isn't a regular flashlight.
02:36 It's a UV flashlight that will detect UV ink.
02:40 - Also, quick question.
02:41 Why is a card in a bag, and why does it seem wet?
02:45 - Hmm, it's all part of the plan.
02:48 - This card's wet.
02:50 - Let's see those hands.
02:57 Let's see those hands.
03:00 No, no, no, I've got nothing to fear.
03:03 You've got nothing to hide.
03:04 - Hold on, this wasn't my idea.
03:06 Lila took the money, and she forced me to hide the card.
03:09 - Shut up, you fucking idiot.
03:10 - Look, Mr. Johnson, believe me,
03:13 I will testify against Lila at the hand of the Bible.
03:15 - Oh, Lila, your little minion is selling you out.
03:20 - You set me up, both of you.
03:24 - Lay a finger on her and see what happens.
03:28 Lila McDougal, William Hart, you're both fired.
03:33 Pack your shit and get out of here.
03:35 - You want to fire us, hotshot?
03:38 Take a look at these.
03:41 That's right, cat's out of the bag.
03:46 Now we're gonna do things my way.
03:48 Instead of firing us, you'll give me that $200,000,
03:53 or I'll release those pictures online in five minutes.
03:55 Five minutes.
04:01 What are you waiting for?
04:05 Give me the card.
04:06 - Yeah, I don't think so.
04:08 - You brought this upon yourself, Violet Dawson.
04:11 - I'm releasing the photos now.
04:13 - Instead of firing us, you'll give me that $200,000,
04:20 or I'll release those pictures online in five minutes.
04:22 - You see, Lila, there's no inappropriate interactions
04:28 going on between me and Violet here in these photos.
04:30 And it's not against the rules
04:32 to meet up with your employees after work.
04:34 So, you know, I think theft and blackmail,
04:38 that'll send you to prison.
04:39 - Bullshit.
04:41 Trenton is a publicly traded company.
04:44 And once your shareholders hear about this,
04:46 you're done as COO.
04:48 - Wow, Lila, you actually have a brain after all.
04:51 Here's the deal.
04:58 You're going to delete those photos,
05:00 and Mr. Johnson will let you keep your jobs.
05:02 - Who are you to be making a deal with me?
05:06 You're just a maid who's giving you a deal
05:09 you can't say no to.
05:10 So what's it gonna be?
05:13 And don't forget to tell your little paparazzi friend
05:30 to delete his footage, or we'll see you in court.
05:33 - Who are you?
05:37 - A maid who just beat your ass.
05:40 - Let's not forget about something important here.
05:43 I remember you had a deal with Miss Violet, right?
05:46 If you can prove that I stole this money,
05:50 I will walk out of this office in nothing but my underwear.
05:53 - Mr. Johnson, though, it was just a joke.
05:56 - Only weasels back out on their bets, William.
05:59 And I don't hire weasels.
06:00 So you can either give me your ID badge
06:05 or take your clothes off and strip.
06:06 - Help.
06:12 - Uh, sorry, I think that's, oh, sorry.
06:23 - Looking sexy, Mr. Hart.
06:28 - Ooh, strike a pose, Mr. Hart.
06:30 - Oh, that's even better than I could have ever imagined.
06:34 - Agreed.
06:35 It's getting hard to watch, though.
06:37 Let's go.
06:38 - This isn't over, Violet Dawson.
06:46 You're a dead woman walking.
06:49 - So how'd you know William would throw Lila underneath the bus?
07:03 - If William wouldn't have caved,
07:05 I would have realized this whole UV thing was a bluff.
07:07 - People like them always sell each other out.
07:10 They only care about themselves.
07:11 Uh, what's wrong?
07:21 - Um, nothing, you just look different.
07:25 - Oh, it's Phoebe.
07:29 George's surgery went well and he just broke up.
07:33 - Um, well, I should go visit them in the hospital.
07:43 - Um, I'll come with you.
07:44 - No, Casey, I don't think we should risk
07:47 seeing each other outside of work again.
07:49 Look what just happened.
07:51 Um, let's go back to being Miss Trenton and Mr. Johnson.
07:55 Can you wire the money to Phoebe?
07:58 - I'm on it, Miss Trenton.
08:00 - I'm so sorry, Phoebe.
08:06 I know the surgery is way too expensive.
08:09 - Hey, we'll figure it out, okay?
08:13 I promise.
08:14 - Violet!
08:19 George, this is my friend from work, the one I told you about.
08:24 Hi, George, it's great to finally meet you.
08:26 I brought lunch and some good news.
08:29 The hotel has offered you and George a donation.
08:31 - What?
08:33 - A donation?
08:35 Really?
08:36 - Check your bank account.
08:37 - Oh my god!
08:48 - What?
08:48 - Oh my god, I can't believe this!
08:50 Oh my god, it's a miracle!
08:54 - I asked you to come to the hospital.
08:57 - I know, I know.
08:58 - And there's more.
09:00 You know that Annie will turn hotel ball this Saturday?
09:02 - Yeah, but we're just maids, Violet.
09:06 We don't get invited.
09:07 - Well, this year we're going.
09:09 Come on, let's go dress shopping.
09:10 - Violet, are you sure about this?
09:21 I've never been to this part of town, but I'm not allowed to shop here.
09:25 - Don't worry, Phoebe.
09:26 Choose whichever dress you want.
09:27 It's on me.
09:28 - No way!
09:29 Violet, this is so expensive.
09:34 I'm not going to let you spend this much money on me.
09:35 - Excuse me, you need to be a VIP member to shop here.
09:43 - A VIP?
09:46 I've been abroad for a while.
09:48 I didn't realize that they came up with a new policy.
09:50 - Nice try, lady.
09:52 Judging by the trash bag your friend is wearing,
09:56 I bet you've never set foot in the store before.
09:59 - What did you just say?
10:00 Do you talk to all of your clients like that?
10:04 - Clients are people who pay.
10:06 - You know what? Forget about it, Violet.
10:07 Let's just go.
10:08 - No, Phoebe.
10:09 If you let them get away once, they'll never stop.
10:11 Apologize.
10:13 Now.
10:13 - This is the VIP member card she's talking about.
10:17 And since you're not members,
10:24 why don't you just scuttle on back to the gutter where you actually belong?
10:27 Why don't you just scuttle on back to the gutter where you actually belong?
10:34 - Ms. McDougall, it's been a while.
10:36 Do you know these people?
10:38 - They're maids from my hotel.
10:42 - Maids?
10:44 What explains the rink of poor people?
10:46 - You need a new dress, Violet.
10:49 Why don't you go dig through Goodwill?
10:51 - Okay, enough.
10:53 I'm just gonna text the manager of the mall.
10:55 - Oh, Violet Dawson, are you delusional or just a bad liar?
11:01 Okay, the manager shows up.
11:05 I'll buy you and your poor friend everything you need.
11:09 - Everything?
11:10 - As long as you can carry it.
11:12 But if she doesn't show up, you're gonna kneel outside the store
11:16 sighing because that's dirty little liar.
11:18 - Please don't do this, Violet.
11:20 - Okay, Lila, you have a deal.
11:22 You better get your credit cards ready.
11:24 - It's the manager.
11:28 - Ms. Trick...
11:30 - Miss?
11:31 - Ms. Trick...
11:33 - Miss, I got your message.
11:36 I'm here to make things right.
11:37 Were you the one assisting these ladies?
11:39 - Yes, Mrs. Bryan.
11:42 They aren't VIP members, so I kindly asked them to leave.
11:46 - Kindly?
11:46 You called us poor people and said we reek of peasants.
11:50 - That's it.
11:52 You're fired.
11:54 And I will make sure that no branch in this mall ever hires you again.
11:59 - No, I...
12:00 I'll never find another job that pays this well.
12:03 - Miss, I'm sorry.
12:06 I didn't mean it.
12:08 - Next time, don't touch a book by its cover.
12:11 Now go before we call security.
12:13 - My sincere apologies, ladies.
12:22 Please, pick any dresses you like.
12:24 Compliments of the mall.
12:25 Why are you treating them like VIPs?
12:29 They're just a couple of maids.
12:30 - Thank you, Mrs. Bryan, but I believe Ms. McDougal here said she'd buy everything.
12:35 Isn't that right, Lila?
12:36 Bryan, but I believe Ms. McDougal here said she'd buy everything.
12:42 Isn't that right, Lila?
12:43 - What?
12:45 What?
12:46 You think I can't afford some stupid dresses?
12:48 Put it on my tab.
12:49 - Oh, but Lila, remember earlier when I said credit cards?
12:54 What did you say?
12:55 Everything we can carry?
12:56 - Here you are, ladies.
13:00 - Thank you for the gifts, Lila.
13:06 - Here's a receipt, ma'am.
13:13 - $150,000.
13:16 That's crazy.
13:18 They only got 10 dresses in the end.
13:19 You do know they could have taken a lot more.
13:22 Why are you on her side?
13:24 I'm the gold VIP member.
13:26 That woman is a nobody.
13:29 You might be surprised.
13:30 That nobody happens to own this entire mall.
13:33 A word of advice, ma'am.
13:35 Next time you want to mess with someone, make sure you can afford the consequences.
13:40 - It's impossible.
13:42 - Hello?
13:54 - Arrange something for me.
13:56 I think it's time we taught Isla Dawson a lesson.
14:01 - Are you insane?
14:03 I'm never speaking to that woman again.
14:04 - Oh, come on, William.
14:05 She's a good person.
14:06 - I'm not.
14:07 - I'm never speaking to that woman again.
14:08 - Oh, come on, William.
14:09 She humiliated you today.
14:10 Don't you want revenge?
14:11 - Violet, how's your undercover project going?
14:21 - Great.
14:27 I've been doing some field work.
14:29 You'd be surprised by how much the mail boys and cleaning ladies know about the hotel.
14:32 - And what'd you find out?
14:34 - Lila McDougal.
14:36 She's the general manager of the hotel.
14:38 She's the center of corruption.
14:40 Bribery, insider training, everything.
14:43 If you do what she says, you get paid.
14:45 If not, you're fired.
14:47 - Do you have any proof?
14:49 - You don't believe me, Grandpa?
14:51 - A doctor doesn't cut an organ off without first proving to you it's sick.
14:56 I believe you, Violet.
14:58 But it's the board members and shareholders who will question you.
15:01 Do you understand?
15:02 - I understand, Grandpa.
15:04 - Get proof, Violet.
15:06 You're a smart girl.
15:08 You can figure it out.
15:09 And let others help.
15:10 You're not in this battle alone.
15:12 - What?
15:20 - Put your hands down!
15:28 - I'm gonna sit this down.
15:32 - Casey, what are you doing here?
15:36 - Your grandpa loaned me a spare key.
15:39 - Grandpa.
15:42 - I'm sorry.
15:44 I know you didn't want us to be seen in public together, but I wanted to see you.
15:50 No one's gonna see us here.
15:52 - That's the main course.
16:01 - Oh, yeah.
16:01 There we go.
16:03 - Who knew the CEO from Johnson Tech could cook?
16:05 - Well, good thing being your COO is my side gig.
16:07 So, Ms. CEO, I had your chef take the night off because I wanted you to try this.
16:09 - You mean it just the way I like it.
16:11 - Well, I told you.
16:13 I did my research before taking this job.
16:15 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:17 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:19 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:21 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:23 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:25 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:27 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:29 - I'm glad you're happy.
16:31 - Cheers.
16:33 [Glass clinking]
16:35 [Water pouring]
16:37 [Guitar music]
16:39 - Hey, hey.
16:41 What are you doing?
16:43 - You cook, I clean.
16:45 That's a drill.
16:47 - Not with me.
16:49 You don't know.
16:51 - I don't need your help, Casey.
16:53 - I'm not helping you.
16:55 I'm taking care of you.
16:57 - What are you doing right now?
16:59 Why are you pushing me away?
17:01 [Guitar music]
17:03 [Guitar music]
17:05 - Help me
17:07 understand, Violet, okay?
17:09 One minute, you know, you and me are fine,
17:11 and the next sketch, we'll-- - Hey, I'm sorry, Casey.
17:13 You know my family.
17:15 You know how hard
17:17 I've had to work to get to where I am today?
17:19 A girl to finally be considered the CEO
17:21 of Trending Group?
17:23 You don't?
17:25 I haven't relied on anyone in a long time and I I just don't want to let my guard down
17:33 If I said you could trust me
17:36 I
17:38 I
17:40 I
17:42 I
17:44 I
17:46 I
17:48 I
17:50 I
17:52 I
17:54 I
17:57 So happy you're here
17:59 Great again
18:08 Hey
18:18 Okay
18:20 I'd be at work early. See you there V. This woman
18:46 I
18:48 Are you
18:58 Looking for this honey, come on, we're going for a ride
19:09 No, let me go let go of me
19:11 Come on we're going for a ride
19:14 Scream all you want. No one comes to work. So early. She will bring you back after that our phone with you
19:21 Say it's on we promise
19:23 I know nothing else I swear
19:51 Oh
19:53 Oh
19:55 Hey, are you okay?
19:57 Fine oh my god
20:12 He's a patient hey by that
20:18 We're in the hospital right now. Okay, you almost got kidnapped
20:23 Don't tell me to leave. I don't I'm not going anywhere. Hey, why am I in the hospital?
20:27 Doctor said it was low blood pressure shock
20:33 I'm sorry, you just
20:37 Scared the shit out of me
20:40 And those men have been arrested
20:42 We can have him identify William, but I mean
20:45 To be honest I'd rather fucking take care of myself. No
20:50 He'll will take care of him case even not today tomorrow in front of everyone
20:56 Are you are you saying I'm done hiding who I am it's time to reveal my identity
21:05 Gosh
21:18 I
21:20 Wired the money through my Swiss bank account so they can't trace it back to me
21:30 Just keep your mouth shut and everything will be fine
21:33 What are you looking at you little turd
21:38 No, you must be Phoebe's dying brother
21:46 Looks like that two hundred thousand dollars really helped
21:50 Unless you were faking it the whole time. Hey, don't talk to him that way back off mophead
21:54 We'll talk to him. However, we want just cuz you're wearing a fancy dress. You think you're one of us me tell you something
22:01 dirty maggot
22:04 You're not like us
22:06 You'll never be
22:08 like us
22:10 You're right. We're not the same
22:13 Cuz I'm not a heartless bitch. Oh, you're gonna regret that
22:16 I wouldn't do that if I were you mr. Google
22:21 That's Casey Johnson the most successful billionaire bachelor in town not to burst your bubble
22:28 But I hear he's with some cleaning lady. Why would the CEO of the largest hotel chain be with a maid?
22:33 But you've had enough to drink tonight haven't you we were just catching up with our
22:42 colleagues
22:43 Speaking of colleagues
22:45 Surprised to see you here without a date. Mr. Johnson. Where's your little any made girlfriend busy cleaning toilets?
22:51 That's funny she's just running a little bit late
22:56 Their shoes
23:03 Oh
23:05 Holy who's that?
23:18 Looks like mr. Johnson's girlfriend
23:21 Does that look like someone a certain CEO of a certain hotel?
23:26 Yeah, right. It's a richest woman in the city's gonna dress up some need for her own hotel
23:32 Oh
23:34 Got no shame. This is a clear violation of the corporate rules
23:39 Have you gotten a phone call from one of your friends yet? Mr. Hart me talking about this is ridiculous
23:45 You're just a slut who crawled into the CEO's bed violet
23:49 But in this world the CEO calls the shots and mr. Trenton is gonna introduce his granddaughter. Mr
23:56 And just a minute. I'm a we tell her what you two are up to your little Cinderella fantasies would be fucking over
24:03 My guests left and wait and see what mr. Johnson
24:07 Hello everyone, and I'm pleased to meet you as the CEO of Hotel Trenton
24:25 Over the past few days. I've been lucky to work with some of you who have welcomed me as family
24:30 One of you in particular has shown me generosity
24:33 honesty and kindness
24:35 Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce this trophy and a $50,000 bonus check to miss Phoebe Wesley from our cleaning crew
24:44 *applause*
24:46 This is incredible, thank you
25:06 *music*
25:08 While I have all of you here today, I'd like to settle a few things that have come to my attention
25:22 I'm gonna start off with our head of HR. Mr. William Hart
25:27 Hotel I was bullied by his then girlfriend miss Camilla Brady and then I was fired
25:35 And then I caught him stealing funds from one of our employees who needed it for her sick brother
25:42 Finally yesterday morning. I was attacked and almost abducted by two men who then when were questioned said they were hired by mr
25:51 William Hart
25:52 This is bullshit. You can't prove anything. Okay?
25:55 It was you I heard you talking to your henchmen on the phone. You paid them through your Swiss bank account
26:02 I heard it all shut your mouth little boy. Stay away from the boy
26:05 Come on in take him away
26:08 Where you going
26:22 You're gonna miss the best part and then I'd like to introduce miss Lila McDougal the director of our business affairs
26:31 a
26:33 Journey working with Lila she's pushed me and challenged me making me a better and smarter person
26:41 That's why I'm promoting her to director of our international business
26:45 She will be controlling five of our projects with new business partners. Come on up here Lila
27:00 It's gonna feel like heaven
27:02 What's a pretty girl like you drinking alone just waiting for my hot date
27:19 Well, I've actually been saving my first dance all night. Would you go to dance with me?
27:27 I
27:29 Think it's me
27:32 Didn't she fire her own employees for having office romances, don't you get it? She's the CEO she can do whatever she wants
27:42 Are you okay? I
27:46 Can't Casey
27:49 I
27:51 See this is not a good time
28:06 Now's a good time as any okay
28:10 Please talk to me. Don't show me out. I
28:16 Can't do this. Okay, you are the CEO and I'm the CEO of this company. I have to take my family's business first. I
28:22 Can't be with you
28:26 I'm standing
28:29 I
28:31 What are you doing
28:49 What are you doing just one dance
28:56 What's gonna see some here come on
28:59 I'll wait for you. I love really. Yeah, I'm a how he takes
29:13 So this is the best employee of the year
29:26 What do you want I think to serve it you would have gotten that award if it wasn't for that violet bitch
29:32 No, I know why you latched on to her like a leech
29:37 That's not true. I did not know that violence the CEO
29:41 sneaky little liar
29:45 I'll take this
29:47 After all you still have leftovers from the last donation, right?
29:52 I
29:54 Thought you got it in your hand Lila get out of my way. I don't think this belongs to you
30:10 Really Lila, I mean you just got promoted today. Do you have to ruin other people's lives cut the crap violet?
30:18 I know what you're doing. You have been major projects and you'll fire me if I screw it up, but you can forget about it
30:24 Tomorrow I have a meeting with one of the partners and I'm gonna nail it. It's a lot of big talk Lila
30:30 That's right. Violet. Well, I'm in charge of all the projects. I'm gonna take this fucking hotel from you
30:37 Well, you better get to work
30:42 Are you okay cutie? Yeah, but Violet what if she's right? What if she does take control of the entire company in the hotel?
30:49 It's not gonna happen
30:50 Can you figure out who she's having a meeting with tomorrow and you might need your help?
30:55 There goes here
31:06 Violet Trenton last time I saw you you were just a little girl
31:12 It's great to see you Derek I hear you're meeting with Lila McDougal today
31:16 precisely in ten minutes
31:19 So what can I do for you?
31:21 Let's have a seat
31:23 The thing is Derek I assigned Lila five different projects and requested that she find five different partners
31:31 And we think she's gonna offer you all of them
31:34 That is if you pay enough you mean she's gonna take bribery
31:41 I'm not surprised
31:43 That woman has quite the reputation in the business
31:46 We believe she has evidence locked in her office, but we don't know where or how to find it. We have a plan but
31:53 Need your help
31:55 Will you help us?
31:57 Well 20 years ago your grandfather invested in my company and nobody else believed in me
32:07 So the answer is yes, I'll help you
32:11 Great well walk you through the plan
32:16 Mr. Hall what a pleasure pleasure is all mine miss McDougal
32:29 I'm sorry. Can I have some water, please?
32:35 Thanks
32:37 Sure
32:46 So you have an offer for me
32:51 Straight to the point I like that
32:54 The truth is mr. Lowell. I have five projects on my plate
32:59 I was wondering if you'd like to take them all all you have to do is give me two million dollars and
33:05 Keep this a secret between us wait. Let me get this straight
33:08 If I give you two million dollars, you'll give me all five projects
33:15 Mark will deal isn't it?
33:18 certainly is
33:20 So would you happen to have a written contract on this proposal?
33:24 You're a smart man. Mr. Hall
33:31 Here you come I look forward to working with you
33:34 You seem very nervous, mr. Lawless, is everything okay? I
33:40 Look forward to working with you
33:44 You seem very nervous, mr. Lawless, is everything okay?
33:58 How are you doing I'm in a meeting my apologies miss McDougal there's a special delivery that needs your signature in the mailroom
34:04 Please excuse me. Mr. No, I think about the proposal. Will you?
34:16 Hey
34:18 We have the recordings and the proposal it should be enough to take that lady down now she has
34:39 Used and hurt people at this hotel for years. I'm not stopping until she pays for everything. She's done
34:45 All right, the documents are in there, but it's locked and she has the keys keep the spider safe
34:52 Casey take him out the back door. Make sure he doesn't see anybody. I will in the keys
34:57 We're gonna get them
34:59 Phoebe Mila has the keys
35:08 Oh
35:10 Are you okay, don't touch me clumsy bitch
35:34 What's wrong did you forget your key card for the manager floors my general business need
35:39 I'm coming up
36:02 You seem very nervous, mr. Lawless, is everything okay?
36:05 There's a special delivery that needs your signature in the mailroom. Oh, are you okay?
36:11 Thanks TV no go
36:24 Violet no, you know we talked about this. I need Lila at her worst and only I can do that
36:31 What if something happens to you? It's not going to Casey's coming soon
36:35 You know what to do
36:38 I
36:40 I
36:42 Come on
36:44 I
36:46 I
36:48 I
36:50 I
37:20 Well played I hate to cut short the fun, but our game here is done
37:25 Hand over the documents before someone gets hurt. What are you gonna do tell me come on by like give me some credit
37:37 Violet it's me
37:45 Open the door
37:47 I'm gonna kill him. You think you can get away with murder?
37:52 No, I'm not stupid Violet, I'm not the murderer here
37:58 You are
38:00 What are you talking about? Let me explain
38:03 You and your lover get into an argument in the heat of the moment. You take this letter opener and you stab him
38:09 and then you
38:12 Dramatized shocked by what you've done. You jump find out that window behind you you're insane
38:18 Don't worry. It doesn't have to be this way
38:21 You step down and you name me
38:25 CEO
38:27 Hotel
38:29 Then in exchange, I don't kill you. It's a perfect ending. So then no one's going to believe you
38:34 There's only one way to find out
38:37 I
38:39 Like
38:43 This is my hotel and I'll do anything to defend the people that worked here
38:48 I'll die before I see you ruin will be built
38:51 either way
38:53 It works for me
38:55 Are you okay?
39:22 Hi Phoebe, Violet the police are here. Yeah, send them right up. Thank you
39:27 Looks like you're going to jail for a long time
39:32 What a perfect ending, isn't it?
39:36 Let's go
39:41 I
39:43 I
39:45 Adios miss McDougal have fun in prison old hag
40:05 I
40:07 May I have everyone's attention
40:15 For those of you who I haven't met. My name is Violet Tren and I am the CEO of this hotel. I
40:21 Want to thank all of you for all of your hard work
40:24 You have made this hotel the most amazing place and I couldn't have done it without any of you
40:30 My family built this chain and I promise you I will make this a home for all of us
40:35 Violet is training
40:38 With your permission I'd like to resign as your CEO
40:45 With your permission I'd like to resign as your CEO
40:52 May I ask why you're resigning? Mr. Johnson? I
40:57 Can't work for you anymore. And I think you know why
41:00 because
41:03 Violet I'm
41:04 Madly in love with you
41:06 What do you say miss CEO I accept your resignation
41:22 Thank You Anderson, yes, it's proof of her insider tradings briberies and frauds that Lila
41:27 McDougal is now gonna be facing some serious jail time. It's gonna be quite a while till we see her face again
41:33 These numbers are unbelievable
41:38 Not only did you make revenue in three months you doubled it. I am so proud of you Violet. Thank you, Grandpa
41:46 Sign this
41:49 And the whole Trenton corporate is yours
41:53 You've proven yourself a good leader I don't even better person, you know, I was right violent you are a hero
42:05 Well, I learned from the best
42:09 Okay, so remember you have an hour for lunch and if you have any questions just let me know thanks
42:17 I
42:19 Miss Wesley, how's your first day as a manager of the cleaning crew? Violet? I was just about to tell you
42:30 George officially moved back home yesterday and he got his first offer from University. That's amazing. Let's go out tonight and celebrate
42:37 That sounds lovely, but I doubt if you'll have time tonight. What do you mean? I
42:43 Saw Casey sneaking up to the luxury
42:46 I
42:48 Wanted this to be surprised but I guess baby sold me out
43:13 This is my hotel Casey, I know everything that's going on now, that's fair
43:17 You go. It's a beautiful
43:21 The channel
43:37 Only matches business Harvard
43:40 CEO to the Trenton hotels
43:43 Narcissus from a business pilot
43:45 You're you're brave. You're ambitious. You're fearless. You stubborn
43:50 You're the most incredible person I've ever met I
43:54 thought I did my research before taking this job, but
43:59 Now I know who you really are fighting and I'm so in love with you
44:06 Will you marry me?
44:08 Yes
44:10 You
44:12 You
44:15 You
44:17 (thunder rumbling)