• l’année dernière


00:00:00 God says I'm not moving until you get so upset with your circumstance that you're
00:00:08 willing to cry out and when you call on me I will answer
00:00:15 what if I told you that a cry is the signal to God that I'm ready to be
00:00:23 delivered
00:00:26 you
00:00:28 this is the word of the Lord today I I am telling you that if you are listening
00:00:41 I got something to say
00:00:44 now Elizabeth's full-time came
00:00:55 that she should be delivered and she brought forth a son this is Luke chapter
00:01:03 1 verse 57 verse 58 and her neighbors and her cousins heard how the Lord had
00:01:12 show great mercy upon her and they rejoiced with her touch her name say I'm
00:01:20 gonna rejoice with you today even if it ain't my day I'm gonna praise God
00:01:26 because it's yours
00:01:29 and it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child
00:01:38 and they called him Zacharias after the name of his father listen to what
00:01:48 Elizabeth said and Elizabeth said that is not his name
00:01:57 God told me to name him John help me Holy Ghost and they said unto her ain't
00:02:11 no Johns in our family
00:02:14 you
00:02:16 hmm
00:02:23 so then what they did was they went to Zacharias verse 62 and said can you talk
00:02:31 some sense into Elizabeth we have agreed that he shall be called Zacharias and
00:02:39 they made signs to his father how they could convince Elizabeth to change her
00:02:45 mind and he asked for a tablet to write on because he couldn't speak and I'll
00:02:51 tell you why and no matter what they said he took his iPad and said I said
00:03:03 his name is John you have to be careful when people try to convince you to
00:03:13 change what God told you
00:03:17 this is the month of words and here is what the Lord told me to tell you today
00:03:25 as a subject he said what he said touch three people and say I don't care what
00:03:35 it looked like he said what he said
00:03:41 that's it
00:03:53 just practice because you're gonna be doing this all to tell you tell your
00:03:56 neighbor I said what I said I said you might not agree with it but I said
00:04:05 by the way the Sun is shining now
00:04:15 let me teach you something real quick about a storm whenever you see a storm
00:04:22 head towards it because if you run from the storm it'll follow you if you run to
00:04:33 it it'll pass over you each of the gospel writers have things in common
00:04:48 typically they cover some or most of the same miracles it's it's a blind man
00:04:56 whether you're in Matthew Mark Luke or John but they all cover it from their
00:05:02 viewpoint and their vantage point based on their experience in life for the
00:05:09 truth is none of us really see what happens to us we actually see what is
00:05:16 happening through the lens of what happened to us did you hear what I said
00:05:25 so even though you think you see a fact the truth is you see it through the
00:05:30 lens of trauma and oftentimes what actually happened isn't what you
00:05:36 remember but because what you've been through tells a story to you you believe
00:05:43 you see facts even in the presence of fiction if you are hypersensitive you
00:05:51 think that you're always offended the truth is offense must be taken it is
00:05:57 never given
00:06:00 if I am immune to your perspective of me you cannot offend me
00:06:12 but if I am NOT then I take offense because I'm already offended before I am
00:06:19 offended did you hear me that being said when you read the synoptic Gospels
00:06:29 Matthew Mark Luke the first three and then you read John you'll see that all
00:06:35 of them speak of the same things from a different vantage point well why because
00:06:42 Matthew worked for the IRS he was a tax collector how many y'all know people who
00:06:51 work for the government are different
00:06:54 than people who work for themselves
00:06:58 Mark well he was a fisherman so was John so you got a tax collector and two
00:07:09 fishermen telling the stories from two totally different perspectives if you
00:07:15 talk about the rodeo from somebody from New York they're like what's the purpose
00:07:21 of walking around in a cowboy hat and riding a horse and and wearing cowboy
00:07:27 boots with a big buckle on you look ridiculous but you talk to somebody from
00:07:31 Houston it's Coachella
00:07:36 people are getting ready for the rodeo now because it's all about perspective
00:07:46 it's all about where you come from it's all about what you've been through this
00:07:51 story I wanted to talk about from the perspective of Luke because we're
00:07:57 talking about the birth of a baby and I didn't want to consult an IRS man or
00:08:02 fisherman I wanted to talk to a doctor for Luke was the physician which is why
00:08:10 we see him being the one to talk about the woman with the issue of blood
00:08:15 because only a doctor can speak to a hematological situation now I am NOT
00:08:23 saying that fishermen and IRS people don't have some sort of semblance
00:08:29 towards anatomy but I am saying that I think it is effervescent for us to
00:08:35 consult a perspective of a professional and prudent if you will for someone who
00:08:43 I believe has one of the most consequential births in all of
00:08:47 historicity Jesus being number one there is nobody who has ever been born who had
00:08:53 a birth more impactful to the earth than Jesus the Christ but I would use my Holy
00:08:59 Ghost imagination and the authority invested in me by the Holy Spirit to say
00:09:03 that if Jesus was the most important birth in history John has to be the
00:09:09 second for John was sent to tell us that Jesus was coming if you go back and read
00:09:17 the scripture it is very clear that they are cousins because Mary Jesus's mother
00:09:23 was the first cousin of Elizabeth who is John's mother totally amazing to show
00:09:31 you the distance of their lineage because at the time of pregnancy Mary is 14
00:09:40 Elizabeth is 88 imagine going to your family reunion
00:09:50 because see both of these pregnancies are out of line
00:09:56 let's just keep it 100 I don't want you pregnant at 14
00:10:05 imagine your great-grandmama your grandmama you go over there to visit her
00:10:19 after church and she says I got something to tell y'all me and Pawpaw
00:10:29 we got some news we were expecting she's literally carrying at the age she needs
00:10:40 to be carried because God will often send you the thing that you have to
00:10:49 carry past the strength of your carrying years God will often send you the
00:11:00 hardest trial of your life when you feel you don't have the strength to survive
00:11:08 has anybody ever had a circumstance in your life when you were like God I
00:11:14 understand what you're doing but this is not convenient I don't want to be
00:11:23 pregnant right now I don't want to be forgiving right now I don't want to get
00:11:29 over what they did to me right now I don't want to forgive them holler at your
00:11:33 boy right now I'm in a season of getting even Jesus
00:11:39 but God is going to send you somebody who will be able to talk sense into you
00:11:53 because you're going to be in the same situation even though you're in
00:11:57 different stages Mary is 14 and pregnant Elizabeth is 88 and pregnant but her
00:12:13 baby inside of her is related to the baby inside of her one would come first
00:12:25 but one was already here oh my god y'all ain't here y'all not here with me today
00:12:36 John was in the womb of his mother and the Bible says that when Mary and
00:12:45 Elizabeth get into the same place I would imagine they looked face to face
00:12:51 belly-to-belly understanding all of the things that happens when a fetus turns
00:12:59 into a baby and and they're both uncomfortable and both of their backs
00:13:03 are hurting and both of them have swollen feet and both of them have
00:13:07 appetites that are just all out of whack they understand each other and the Bible
00:13:12 says that when they come into the room the baby leaps inside of her womb
00:13:20 amazing perhaps you just look past what I just said the baby leaps inside of her
00:13:29 womb babies can't leap when they're born babies can't leap at three months babies
00:13:37 can't leap at six months but somehow this baby leaps before it is full term
00:13:46 because when you are in the right atmosphere around somebody who
00:13:52 understands the thing inside of you you'll feel it leap before it's
00:13:58 developed I don't know who I'm talking to but I need you to find your Elizabeth
00:14:03 and I need you to find your Mary maybe you got a girlfriend or homeboy in the
00:14:06 room right now make eye contact with them right now I'm telling the thing in
00:14:10 me is gonna help the thing in you they might be in the in the back of the room
00:14:13 they might be in front of you or behind you find you find you somebody and tell
00:14:17 them what's in me is inspired by what's
00:14:24 problem is most of us are in relationship with people who only
00:14:34 understand stillbirths most of us are only related to people who understand
00:14:44 abortion and I am NOT talking about the physical sense I'm talking about the
00:14:49 spiritual sense I'm talking about you being connected with people who every
00:14:53 time this something God puts in them they kill it or there's so much in the
00:15:00 hurry that they try to get rid of it before it develops you need somebody who
00:15:07 understands that God only moves when the fullness of time comes touch three
00:15:14 people say be patient I'm not gonna get in a hurry with y'all today I figured
00:15:19 you drove all the way over here and ain't nothing open anyway you might as
00:15:23 well stay all day with me
00:15:27 are you with me today
00:15:35 Elizabeth's 88 so Liz is 88 Zach is 99 I want y'all to imagine this now don't
00:15:48 don't come here and don't use your imagination what is an 88 year old and a
00:15:57 99 year old doing I'm gonna tell you what my my sister's grandfather JD
00:16:04 Henderson which is where I get my name from he died at 98 was it 98 and he got
00:16:11 remarried at 97 hallelujah to the Lamb of God
00:16:18 and when he got married this lady was 57 what you shocked for you didn't marry
00:16:26 him what you what you mad about she was 57 years old still a school teacher he
00:16:33 was 99 on a walker and I said granddaddy what in the world are you going to do
00:16:46 with this woman at 99 and that man looked me in my face and he said son just
00:16:54 because there is snow on the roof don't mean there ain't no fire in the furnace
00:17:01 can I tell somebody in here don't let nobody tell you what you too old to do
00:17:14 don't let nobody tell you that don't make sense for somebody your age no it
00:17:19 don't make sense for nobody your age but what God has told me to do I can do it
00:17:25 at any stage and at any age do I am I talking to anybody who knows that no
00:17:31 matter how old you are whether you are 14 or 88 when God says you can slap
00:17:38 somebody say I can I can I can do all things through Christ who's not
00:17:44 matter of fact I will do all things
00:17:49 don't tell me what I can't do don't tell me when to do it just because you scared
00:17:59 don't mean I'm scared just because you don't have confidence in your abilities
00:18:03 doesn't mean that I don't have confidence in my abilities just because
00:18:07 you old and done and tired don't mean I'm old and done and tired I got life in
00:18:11 me do I have anybody I ain't talking to you young folk right now I'm talking to
00:18:15 some older folks do tell I got life
00:18:19 I need somebody here 55 and 60 shot I got life in me don't count me out don't
00:18:29 count me out these wrinkles wrinkle on my face it just means wisdom you can say
00:18:33 what you want I've been using all of my hyaluronic acid or whatever it's called
00:18:37 I'm trying I'm trying but I'm telling you I got something in here yes you
00:18:41 don't have in there it's my time I am getting ready to give birth to something
00:18:48 John's birth I would imagine if time serves us correctly if they got married
00:19:00 somewhere in the late teens or the early 20s and they're almost a hundred years
00:19:05 old they've been married about 70 years and they've been trying to have a baby
00:19:10 all of their life can you imagine how much money they spend at in vitro can
00:19:18 you imagine how many times they went to the doctor and said Luke can you help us
00:19:24 and how can you imagine how many times they tried to produce and nothing
00:19:30 happened and can you imagine the strain it put on their relationship because
00:19:35 Zacharias is saying is it me Elizabeth saying is it me they had no
00:19:43 ultrasound so they could not figure out who it was so you had two people trying
00:19:47 and failing not knowing who was the true failure hmm and then all of a sudden
00:19:57 after 70 years of trying Elizabeth says I want chocolate-covered french fries
00:20:06 lives I don't know why I just got an appetite for strawberries dipped in
00:20:15 mustard
00:20:22 and Zacharias says Elizabeth baby do you notice something happening in this
00:20:38 area she said yeah baby I wasn't gonna say nothing but I'm late
00:20:50 watch slow down okay
00:20:54 this thing has stopped about 38 years ago
00:21:02 so I'm trying to figure out what's going on but but I but I feel something
00:21:10 kicking I have no way of identifying what it is because I've lost my internal
00:21:18 mechanisms to be able to determine what is happening inside of me see this is
00:21:23 what God does he turns off the signals
00:21:28 so that he can be the only voice
00:21:33 see because some of us you're so headstrong and you're so smart and and
00:21:39 and you're so you're such a detective and you and and you got all of these
00:21:42 things that you like to brag about so you got all these signals where you can
00:21:45 determine what's happening on in your life God says I'm gonna turn all the
00:21:48 signals off and the only signal you will have is my voice telling you that what's
00:21:56 happening inside of you only happened because I said it was time I don't know
00:22:02 who this is for but I want you to touch somebody who look like they happy to be
00:22:07 here and tell them God said it's time it's time it's time it's time it's time
00:22:17 it's time it's time for you to be happy it's time for you to have peace it's
00:22:23 time for you to have financial stability it's time for you to have joy it's time
00:22:28 for you to have love it's time for you to have hope it's time for you to get
00:22:32 rid of depression stress anxiety just touch three people say it's time it's
00:22:36 time
00:22:38 how many y'all feel like walking through this text with me
00:22:50 Zacharias went to the lighthouse I mean to the temple and when he got to church
00:22:59 the Bible says that God gave him a vision how many of y'all been having
00:23:06 visions lately I knew this was gonna hit hard raise your hand again if you've
00:23:13 been having visions online I want you to raise your virtual hand if you've been
00:23:16 having visions here's what the Bible says Philip congratulations on getting
00:23:20 married to y'all - congratulations
00:23:25 I've been doing Philip about 15 years I ain't never seen you smile this much boy
00:23:31 people like who Philip he had a vision in the temple and the Bible says that
00:23:41 the moment he got the vision he lost his ability to speak see God says I'm gonna
00:23:54 give you a vision but you're gonna have to shut up because when I put something
00:24:01 in your belly when I put something in your spirit it ain't meant for you to
00:24:07 talk about right away some of us are not quiet enough to get a revelation talk to
00:24:14 me somebody that's why I quieted everything down earlier because when he
00:24:19 got the vision in the temple the Bible says he lost the ability to speak but
00:24:24 most of us talk through the entire episode we talk so much we can't hear
00:24:34 God and then you're asking questions like I don't know if that's me or if
00:24:40 it's God if you shut up you would know and I'm not just talking about your
00:24:46 physical mouth you got to turn your thoughts off talk to me somebody you
00:24:50 got to turn off your intuition you got to turn off your opinion you've got to
00:24:55 silence yourself so you can hear what God is saying Zacharias the Bible says
00:25:01 became dumb that means he could not speak God gave him a vision and he lost
00:25:07 his ability to speak are you with me so far I said are you with me so far so
00:25:14 Zacharias loses his ability to speak and at that moment Elizabeth's belly
00:25:22 starts to swell she begins to go through the trimester process of having a baby
00:25:29 and the Bible says that when the full time had come when her full time had
00:25:34 come here is your first point no matter how frustrated you are God is always
00:25:40 punctual
00:25:43 God is always punctual say it with me God is always punctual which means he's
00:25:56 never late but what happens is the promises of God always runs into the
00:26:05 impatience of man and we think that if God doesn't come in the time that we have
00:26:13 calculated all right how many y'all got this I'm gonna be I'm gonna be married
00:26:18 by 27 I'm have a baby by the time I'm 32 and everything and then I'm gonna make
00:26:24 sure that I got a house by 35 and I'm you got all of these plans and God said
00:26:31 you ain't consulted me and asked me about anything and just because you want
00:26:38 it don't mean I'm gonna deliver it in the time frame that you wanted you will
00:26:43 get it in the fullness of time how many impatient people in the room look around
00:26:54 we say they that wait on the Lord but are we willing to oh and by the way your
00:27:06 definition of weight obviously ain't the same definition God has a weight cuz
00:27:11 your weight is 6 to 12 months God's weight can be 70 years y'all missing
00:27:16 what I'm saying you you up here like I'm God it can't be from God if I he gonna
00:27:21 give me the desires of my heart yes in the fullness of time what because
00:27:30 imagine if God had given Elizabeth and John what they wanted when they wanted
00:27:37 it John would have been premature and premature birth is a risk to both the
00:27:44 person given birth and the thing that has to be birth you do not want God to
00:27:51 give you what you're asking for before it becomes full term because we know
00:27:57 that babies that are born before full term have the likelihood of having
00:28:02 illnesses and digestive disorders and asthma all of these things are the
00:28:07 result of being born too soon many of you are walking around with sick dreams
00:28:16 because you wouldn't let it stay in the birthing chamber long enough and here
00:28:22 you are now with what should have been a blessing but now requires effort to keep
00:28:29 it alive because it was born before it was ready see here is the thing we often
00:28:35 mess up our miracles because we want it before it's ready because we're ready
00:28:39 and the truth is anytime you want something that you're ready for before
00:28:44 it's ready you actually ain't ready because ready people wait on ready
00:28:48 things to get ready it's like buying a car that you don't have the money to
00:28:55 afford you got it you figured out a way to get your credit score change you
00:29:00 figure out a way to get somebody to cosign for you and now you are
00:29:04 struggling because you got something you couldn't handle and now you got your
00:29:11 cousin calling you every Friday time my cousin is you gonna make this payment or
00:29:15 not are you listening to me now you got a house you got the one you asked God
00:29:22 for but did nobody tell you you got to clean all them rooms and that the roof
00:29:27 is gonna leak and that that filter in the refrigerator got to be changed would
00:29:32 you change your filter you got water all underneath the refrigerator because you
00:29:37 did not know that with more comes more
00:29:41 you got a big house nobody told you got to change them filters in the attic did
00:29:46 they are y'all not talking to me you got so three-car garage but them doors break
00:29:54 I'm talking to somebody right now nobody nobody told you about the fact when you
00:30:00 move out of the apartment and you move in the house you can't call maintenance
00:30:04 and it ain't no app so you can put in there my toilet broke I need a light
00:30:08 but baby you better go to Home Depot and get your own light bulb because when it's
00:30:12 yours you got to take out y'all ain't talking to me in here see the only folk
00:30:16 that's shouting are the people who know that when it's yours you gotta feed it
00:30:21 when it's yours you gotta rock it when it's yours you gotta take care of it
00:30:27 God's about to take you out of renting a vision to owning one and when you own a
00:30:34 vision you got to take care of it by yourself I'm trying to find out who's
00:30:37 ready for John everybody shout God's punctual the promise came when her full
00:30:48 time had come the most uncomfortable place in all of the world is in between
00:30:54 our problem and God's promise how many people in this room are uncomfortable
00:31:01 because you like God this ain't on my vision board
00:31:06 y'all ain't talking to me I say that's why I wouldn't let you shout early I
00:31:10 already knew what kind of day it was gonna be y'all weren't gonna shout me
00:31:14 out of this sermon you was gonna get this word how many of y'all are in
00:31:18 between what you wrote down and you waiting on God to do and waiting on God
00:31:23 to actually now you second-guessing what God told you because it ain't happening
00:31:31 at a time that you planned on talk to your boy so you're in between God's
00:31:37 promise and your problem but here's what the Bible says in Hebrews 10 and 36 this
00:31:43 is a scripture write it down because every word you hear you are accountable
00:31:47 for Hebrews 10 and 36 says we have need of patience that after you have done the
00:31:57 will of God you might receive the promise God is withholding the promise
00:32:04 until you gain the patience okay let me let me say it a little deep how many of
00:32:12 y'all have children raise your hand tell everybody who doesn't have them look at
00:32:18 him and tell him you don't need money to raise a child but you better have
00:32:25 you better have some patience because when she is born and she finds out that
00:32:38 she's a woman and when he's born and he finds out he's a man they slowly go from
00:32:42 childhood to gorilla
00:32:45 oh they cute now you got they look baby hair all up on the eyebrows and
00:32:50 everything but in a few moments that baby hair gonna turn into naps and you
00:32:54 gonna look at him and like where did you come from you ain't gonna be able to
00:32:58 find a baby had no way it's gonna leave
00:33:02 then they get to middle school
00:33:06 and then they start to see the mistakes you make and they start repeating them
00:33:15 back to you oh come here I ain't mad I don't care if you get mad at me so this
00:33:21 is a dangerous thing when the promise grows up and it sees you not acting
00:33:26 according to the promise hey you Sam baby I don't want to see you with no
00:33:33 boyfriend well mama I saw you at five this month
00:33:38 I'm grown okay but you an example
00:33:46 so y'all remember these days back in the day when when when our mamas had
00:33:53 boyfriends we never know are y'all ain't gonna say man I'm gonna go I'm gonna say
00:33:57 this right here we ain't never know him we ain't see him I thought my mama was
00:34:01 single the whole time now that I'm older I know that ain't the truth but I thought
00:34:03 the whole time
00:34:06 forgive me
00:34:11 I know better see you understand but I was watching her and since she knew I
00:34:20 was watching her my mother made decision she said she's gonna raise us instead of
00:34:24 worried about herself like that see you got to understand that John is watching
00:34:32 John is watching John is watching your daughter is watching you she's watching
00:34:37 how you handle trauma she's watching how you handle her daddy she's watching how
00:34:44 you treat her siblings he's watching how you treat him John is watching touch
00:34:48 three people say John is watching now now she has this baby and she's 88 years
00:34:53 old and now she got a goal to a high school graduation at a hundred and
00:34:59 twenty
00:35:02 and here John's on about pick me up and mama's like no pick me up I'm gonna pick
00:35:09 you up and I need to be picked up daddy pick me up are you crazy I'm 99 years
00:35:16 old I don't have the strength to pick you up listen to me because when you are
00:35:20 a blessing you have to learn how to do things faster and on your own because
00:35:25 the truth is you're probably going to be surrounded by people who don't have the
00:35:29 strength to help you carry the gift
00:35:33 that's why you are in a lonely season because God is trying to show you how to
00:35:40 develop the muscles to carry yourself God help me in this place I'm trying to
00:35:46 preach but I can't find nobody who's woke I'm trying to give you the Word of
00:35:50 God but y'all act like the storm is inside of the church I'm trying to tell
00:35:55 you that you got something so big that you don't even know anybody who knows
00:36:01 how to help you
00:36:04 who gonna tell you how to manage a hundred properties you don't know
00:36:12 anybody who owns a house who's gonna tell you how to manage ten million you
00:36:21 don't know anybody with ten thousand when you are the first you have to
00:36:28 figure out how to do it by faith and I speak a word over you that God is about
00:36:35 to use you to pull your mama your daddy and your relatives out of the
00:36:40 circumstance you were born in if I'm talking to somebody make some noise in
00:36:44 this room
00:36:47 slap three people say I'm doing this for my last name I'm doing this for my last
00:36:53 name my mama's gonna benefit from this season of my life my daddy's gonna
00:36:58 benefit from this season of my life my siblings are gonna benefit from this
00:37:02 season of my life because what I have is so big I'm gonna have to learn to carry
00:37:08 myself
00:37:11 help me Holy Ghost help me Holy Ghost somebody shout God is punctual God is
00:37:28 punctual Bishop God is punctual he is not on trial our patience is we God is
00:37:38 not on trial I wonder if God is there he's there I wonder does God love me
00:37:45 obviously he loves you I wonder does God care for me yes he cares but your
00:37:49 patience is on trial they that wait on the Lord let patience have its perfect
00:37:58 work that you might be full-term wanting nothing
00:38:03 patience it's more than a colloquialism it's more than patience is a virtue we
00:38:10 say that patience you gotta wait I know you're ready for the new car but you
00:38:19 better wait I know you want to furnish the whole house but right now you better
00:38:27 wait I say wait on who the Lord I know you're ready to quit but just don't do
00:38:33 it right now I know you want to go in and turn the tables over and tear the
00:38:40 club up but God says wait speak to me Holy Spirit don't push sin on that text
00:38:47 just yet
00:38:50 shred that letter you got written that you bout to hand somebody go in your
00:38:58 notes and erase that thing you've been writing for four weeks trying to make
00:39:02 sure there ain't no spell spelling errors and all the stuff so that nobody
00:39:05 can come back and clap back oh I know I'm in your house when you quiet
00:39:12 don't change your status yet I'm gonna show him single and ready to mingle
00:39:22 better sit your butt down somewhere and wait you're gonna get ahead of God and
00:39:27 you're gonna quit and let me tell you you will always miss the promise that
00:39:31 you quit before you get to the other side of most people don't have it not
00:39:36 because it was not on the way is because you couldn't wait long enough when I
00:39:41 moved to Houston when I moved to Houston I grew up in Gary, Indiana so we only had
00:39:46 one freeway was what yeah it was a two-lane highway and I did not know that
00:39:53 you can go to a city that got 700 freeways I didn't I didn't I 10 59 that
00:40:00 there's sometimes 69 610 99 290 294 highway 645 which is the worst freeway
00:40:10 in all of the world it's it's you got then in this farm road and and and and
00:40:16 this road and all that kind of stuff oh and it's the Hardy toll road and then
00:40:20 it's and then it's it's the beltway and then oh but that's just a loop outside
00:40:25 of the loop cuz 16 is a loop but the beltways look but 99 is a bigger loop
00:40:28 shut up where we going
00:40:34 and it's u-turns and and and feeder roads and I just want to go home
00:40:42 you got to go seven miles to get a u-turn if you miss it I was I was
00:40:47 driving what's that what's that one over there by by by south the church what's
00:40:53 that one party I think so West Park when I first moved here I didn't know what a
00:41:00 tow row was so for six months I'm just driving up West Park oh gotta go back
00:41:07 this way I drove it for six months all of a sudden I get a bill in the mail for
00:41:15 seven million eight hundred thousand forty five dollars because I've been
00:41:20 riding up this tow road for six months
00:41:28 one day I'm driving on the road and I was trying see back then when I first
00:41:35 got here Katie was just developing so I'm trying to everybody you got to go to
00:41:39 Katie's thing I'm driving out to Katie nobody told me that Katie was in
00:41:43 Galveston so I'm just driving and it was taking me forever to get there and and
00:41:49 one day I got tired I said I ain't I ain't I ain't gonna make it it's just
00:41:53 taking me too long and if I got to live all the way out here I've just ain't
00:41:56 gonna be able to do it I'm driving I turned around and got lost and went to
00:42:01 the gas station in the hood and let me tell you something you ain't seen no hood
00:42:07 until you get over there off of West Park for anybody who knows you get over
00:42:12 there it's going down so so I'm driving I go to the gas station when I when I
00:42:18 find out my surrounding areas I hit my glove box and took my Bible inside of
00:42:23 the the word have I hidden in my heart that I might not send the case to
00:42:33 y'all gonna have to pray for me because I'm giving my testimony so so I took I
00:42:38 took my Bible
00:42:42 with all 16 chapters I had one in the chamber ready to give somebody a word I
00:42:50 took my Bible inside of the gas station
00:42:55 I have several Bibles I got big Bibles little Bibles I got a lot of Bibles
00:43:03 some Bibles got more chapters than others you know
00:43:13 this is my take my Bible inside the the gas station I said this I'm trying to
00:43:20 get to Katie as I've been on this thing for 45 minutes they told me it was down
00:43:30 the street where I come from down the street actually means down the street
00:43:36 here down the street means Dallas that's a true story that's a true story am I
00:43:43 telling truth when you say down the street so I go in and I get out of the
00:43:49 car and I tell it the lady says to me oh sir just two more exits and you would
00:43:58 have gotten there and then the Lord gave me the revelation that most of us miss
00:44:02 John because we travel so long to get to him that by the time our attitude get
00:44:09 bad by the time our patience runs out we get off the road to exits before the
00:44:15 promise I don't know who I'm talking to but snap your neighbor say two more exits
00:44:21 baby if you can hold on two more weeks if you can hold on two more months if
00:44:27 you can pray two more years
00:44:30 they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength slap somebody who looked
00:44:43 like they got the Holy Ghost and tell them wait on it
00:44:48 I feel the Holy Ghost I need 500 of y'all to tell the devil right now I'm
00:44:56 gonna wait you out I'm gonna wait you don't know who my daddy is you don't
00:45:00 know what I've been promised I feel something kicking inside of me and I'm
00:45:05 gonna wait it out help me Holy Ghost I ain't even on my sermon right now
00:45:17 can I tell you one more thing why you up before you sit down how old is she 88
00:45:26 how does he 99 did they have a baby yes what does that mean God's not limited by
00:45:31 your limitations that I'll make somebody just turn around sir got he ain't do you
00:45:41 understand that the promises of God are yay and amen he knew he that you was a
00:45:48 fool when he put that gift in you so I'm trying to get this through your head
00:45:53 because some of some of y'all think y'all disappoint God by how you show up
00:45:56 to the assignment he knew you was crazy and deranged when he gave you the
00:46:01 assignment how many crazy gifted people in this room today I'm gifted but I'm
00:46:07 off
00:46:09 Sean I'm right like I'm gifted but I carry a Bible you know I'm
00:46:20 like me literally this is the guys honest truth anybody know me can tell
00:46:25 you this I swear to you my playlist is as schizophrenic as it could be because
00:46:30 I'll be listening to a milli and then turn around and listen to Fred Hammond
00:46:34 like back-to-back I'll be talking like tougher than Nigerian hair father I
00:46:40 stretch my hands to thee in the same time I am off
00:46:51 you too I can tell you like you like me dog little bit is levels to it I feel
00:46:59 you I'll be listening to Walter Hawkins then the whispers are y'all ain't know
00:47:09 nothing about no whispers I can tell right now you don't know nothing about
00:47:11 the originals y'all you look young ThunderCats don't know nothing all y'all
00:47:15 know is about these little young food dub baby little baby half baby sexy baby
00:47:19 all that's all you know
00:47:22 I know I can listen to Marvin Gaye and October London I mean I'm so you don't
00:47:36 even know nothing about I can tell I ain't got time I can't I can't I can't
00:47:39 even worship with y'all if you don't know nothing about that I'm in between
00:47:44 the promise and my patience and the one the fullness of time had come
00:47:54 Zach Oh God my waters broke
00:48:05 Zach I need you to fire up the chariot we got to go down to the general
00:48:10 hospital let the Lord be your guiding light
00:48:16 as the world turns look at the young people like what is he talking about I
00:48:31 what is he speaking up see what y'all don't know before y'all it was something
00:48:35 called the stories and the stories that come on in the morning they'll stay on
00:48:39 all afternoon and you just sit there you knew all the people's name I know John
00:48:43 did not do Sarah that way I don't like him no more I do not like
00:48:48 John
00:48:50 as the world turns
00:48:56 how many y'all got problems in this room how many y'all need this word by the way
00:49:10 can I tell you something God's promises have priority over your
00:49:17 problems
00:49:19 your issues your age will not prevent God from bringing that thing through you
00:49:37 you're gonna have to find out how to be effective and manage your attitude
00:49:44 because the assignment is on your life and God is going to use you and he gonna
00:49:50 drag you kicking and screaming if you want to go in that opposite direction
00:49:55 I'm gonna have a whale swallow you up and still spit you into your promise
00:50:04 because I created you for my glory and nothing you do will derail what I have
00:50:12 created you for are you hearing the words that are coming out of my mouth
00:50:19 your history won't take away your destiny
00:50:24 you were born poor all he wants you to do is learn how to live poor when you're
00:50:33 rich
00:50:35 hear me do you hear me do you understand me that your history was teaching you
00:50:47 about your destiny so if you grew up in a house where there was a lot of yelling
00:50:53 and hollering and cussing and fighting and abuse doesn't mean that you build a
00:50:57 house with a lot of hollering cussing fighting and abuse God not only wants
00:51:01 you to learn from what people do he also wants you to learn from what they don't
00:51:05 do and now you get an opportunity to create an environment that's healthy and
00:51:09 whole for your children and your family because of what you saw and what it did
00:51:14 to you John it's almost time all right where's the bag you know the women be
00:51:24 just chilling the men act like they having a baby where we going all right
00:51:29 I'm about to take you to the gas station I mean the hospital where we going and
00:51:32 and and Zach is trying to figure out
00:51:37 where they going so you ain't using your imagination he's 99 he can't do nothing
00:51:45 that fast
00:51:47 he gets in the car
00:51:53 [Laughter]
00:51:56 so some of y'all don't remember that
00:52:10 all right he got pliers on it
00:52:18 then he cuz he got to unlock it cuz that part was stripped too but he got to hit
00:52:25 that gas a couple times for it to go cuz you got to warm up a old car
00:52:30 [Laughter]
00:52:34 [Laughter]
00:52:37 [Applause]
00:52:41 [Laughter]
00:52:50 [Laughter]
00:53:02 [Laughter]
00:53:05 y'all be having me acting crazy
00:53:19 drives down the Memorial Hermann and
00:53:24 [Laughter]
00:53:27 meets the doctor and they they have the baby and look at John he's adorable
00:53:40 according to the Bible his hair wasn't that good so the Bible says he's not
00:53:52 gonna have the best appetite cuz we're gonna find him later on eating bugs for
00:53:55 dinner they didn't know that this baby who grew up in the house was gonna feel
00:54:02 comfortable living in the wilderness because some gifts are too big for the
00:54:06 box that exists listen to me some of y'all gonna have to learn to live
00:54:13 outside you missed it your current situation is too small for the gift that
00:54:24 you have so you're gonna have to learn to live under an open heaven you're
00:54:31 gonna have to learn to live where there are no other people you're gonna have to
00:54:37 learn to hear you're gonna have to be congratulated by the birds because
00:54:41 nobody's gonna be excited about your arrival some of your problem is you
00:54:51 don't know the size of you which is why you keep shrinking yourself to fit in
00:54:57 you too big to be around small people and that's why your gift is always
00:55:05 coming and you always about to because you too you too afraid to get big
00:55:10 because everybody around you gets disenfranchised when you grow so you
00:55:14 keep playing small to make everybody feel comfortable but I want you to grow
00:55:18 up and I want you to learn that either the people who are with you will grow up
00:55:25 with you or without you and you will move on yeah and they will be okay you
00:55:35 are too big to go back home he couldn't stay at home it's they wanted him to be
00:55:47 there but but he had another assignment his assignment was in the wilderness
00:55:54 behold the Lamb of God is coming I've got an assignment I got to get ready to
00:56:02 baptize water Oh God I feel like y'all can actually leave right now I can do
00:56:09 this one by myself I promise y'all did it doing Kobe y'all can go home anybody
00:56:13 needs to go home made a Lord watch between me and their YB absent one from
00:56:15 the benediction anybody who wants to stay I got a word to finish I'm not like
00:56:22 you you are not like me you take your children to get baptized but I have to
00:56:28 baptize water one day living water the kind of water that feeds a man and he
00:56:37 never thirst again and the Bible says listen that the spirit walking behind me
00:56:49 boy the spirit descended like a dove and a voice came from heaven and said this
00:57:01 is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased do you not know that inside of
00:57:12 you you are carrying God
00:57:17 he enters into our hearts and you have the audacity to think that you're
00:57:29 worthless and you have the Spirit of God inside of you how could you be
00:57:38 worthless when you are a carrying the eternal hope of glory
00:57:49 it's because you don't know that you're too big to operate that small
00:58:01 he's beautiful now it's time to name him
00:58:11 hmm because people are privative that means they are that means they got their
00:58:19 mouth on something they don't need to be talking about I'm just getting ready to
00:58:25 tell you awesome right now yeah I'm telling you this right now this is what's
00:58:28 gonna happen some of y'all got a ministry goddess getting ready to wrap
00:58:33 you in some sort of vision and people are going to be observing you making
00:58:42 their opinions about you because what you're doing is different than how they
00:58:47 do it and it's going to manifest itself in the form of jealousy oh you better
00:58:54 hear me and I've never figured out how people who ain't doing nothing always
00:59:01 got something to say about people who trying to do something
00:59:06 how many y'all know God got something in your belly right now that you're going
00:59:12 to bring this thing to fruition that you're going to keep fighting and you're
00:59:16 gonna you're gonna keep pushing until you see what you've been praying for in
00:59:21 your business in your house in your mind in your psychology in your mentality
00:59:27 you're gonna do it differently than anybody else he's beautiful he's John
00:59:35 they've been waiting on him for 70 years now everybody is celebrating not yet I'll
00:59:47 let you know not yet everybody is celebrating the fact that the baby has
00:59:53 come this is what I want you to understand right now your job is to
00:59:59 round to surround yourself with people who will rejoice with you when it is
01:00:06 your time to give birth
01:00:09 how many y'all got those people in your life right now you already know you got
01:00:15 your friend group you got your circle because when this thing comes through
01:00:19 you you don't have time to be playing small so that people are not insecure
01:00:24 about what God is doing in your life
01:00:28 Raymond he's beautiful he is the forerunner of Jesus and now the conflict
01:00:36 hits the Bible says the relatives and the cousins get together and say we
01:00:44 should call him Zacharias because the tradition is to name the firstborn after
01:00:51 the father so we're going to name him Zacharias now what did I tell you
01:00:57 Zacharias the father already had a vision in the temple and when God gave
01:01:03 him the vision he took his speech because God never gives unless he takes
01:01:08 and this is the thorn that is put in your flesh lest you be exalted above
01:01:14 measure because God will give you the vision and then take the money
01:01:20 he'll give you the assignment and then take the people you thought was going to
01:01:26 help you he'll give you the opportunity and then you'll fall out with a friend
01:01:33 and then you're trying to figure out who I'm gonna help me do this
01:01:38 the only one who could help you do it in the first place
01:01:43 are y'all listening to me I already told you if you want to go you can go he's
01:01:54 born now they're arguing his name ought to be Zacharias name him Zacharias they
01:01:59 had a family meeting all right we're gonna go out here and we're gonna we're
01:02:01 gonna convince her to name him Zach how you got something to say about what God
01:02:07 told me to do how you gonna tell me what to name it you didn't hold it for nine
01:02:11 months how you gonna tell me what to name it your body didn't get
01:02:14 discontorted how you gonna tell this can I just help somebody stop letting people
01:02:18 who are not in the birthing room tell you what to name it after it's born stop
01:02:23 letting people change your mind if God told you to call it John you call it
01:02:26 John if God told you to start it in September you started in September stop
01:02:30 taking advice from people who did not put in on the process
01:02:36 Elizabeth said he said what he said his name is John his mama call him John
01:02:46 I'm gonna call him John his name is John Elizabeth you've been irrational we
01:02:54 don't have a John in our family his name is John but Elizabeth tradition says
01:03:03 that you should name him after his father I said what I said his name is
01:03:15 John her she's got a hormonal imbalance she just had hours of labor she's not
01:03:23 thinking straight Zach can you tell Elizabeth what we have said we think the
01:03:30 baby's name should be John but it Zacharias can't talk but Zacharias got
01:03:41 Elizabeth's back and he says
01:03:45 that mean bring me a sheet of paper
01:03:52 brings paper he writes that means his name is John he said what he said and
01:04:09 your opinion about what I should name my vision oh God help me your opinion about
01:04:17 how I should walk out my assignment your opinion about what God told me is
01:04:23 irrelevant because he said watch this what he said and now I am saying what he
01:04:33 said his name is John and the moment now we're done that John writes
01:04:41 Zacharias writes his name shall be John the Bible says that the Lord released
01:04:47 his tongue Oh God Oh God because if you have the courage to write it gotta give
01:04:58 you the ability to say it and we speak those things I don't know who I'm
01:05:04 talking to but I have just released your tongue to say what God told you to say
01:05:11 open up your mouth and begin to give God the glory for all that he has done
01:05:20 watch this not only did Zacharias open his mouth and begin to talk but the
01:05:29 Bible says that he released his tongue and he began to praise God so God is
01:05:35 punctual people are privative but Zacharias was a praiser I want to know
01:05:42 can I get somebody in here over the next 38 seconds to begin to give God the
01:05:48 praise for the thing that he has began in you is about to come out of you full
01:05:54 turn I need somebody to give him glory in this place
01:06:02 come on somebody give him somebody give him glory can I somebody give him glory
01:06:11 I give him glory the thing that God has placed inside of you God's about to
01:06:18 bring it to full turn maybe God don't want me to be louder maybe he wants you
01:06:23 louder I want to see if I can get somebody to open up your mouth and begin
01:06:28 to give God the kind of praise that is appreciative of the thing that he's put
01:06:34 inside of you I can't hear nobody I said I can't hear anybody let the
01:06:42 redeemed of the Lord
01:06:46 somebody shout his birth and time his birth and time his birth and time his
01:06:55 birth and time his birth and time it's birthing time
01:07:00 the thing that God has placed inside of you is getting ready to come through you
01:07:13 because the fullness of time has come even Jesus did not come until it was the
01:07:23 fullness of time you've been waiting on God God says you ain't waiting on me I
01:07:31 do everything in the past I'm waiting on your patience to catch up with my
01:07:39 promise because if I give you John and you don't have patience you may give him
01:07:47 up for adoption you may pass it on to somebody else because it's too much to
01:07:54 handle
01:07:56 you're headed somewhere listen to me there are no directions on where you're
01:08:08 going and you don't know nobody who has ever done it and the person that you're
01:08:18 looking at to teach you your portion is to supersede them
01:08:26 so that you can teach the next person what God has placed in your spirit
01:08:35 everybody who feels like you have a John inside of you lift your hands a vision a
01:08:41 book a song a project a company a business an idea an invention
01:08:53 I've learned so much about this that we often look at people and say oh man
01:08:59 somebody should do something about that and the fact that God put it on your
01:09:01 heart you're the person who's supposed to do something about that I've got an
01:09:06 invention right now that I've got a patent pending on just because one day I
01:09:10 was in my everyday life and I saw a need that needed to be met and and I started
01:09:16 thinking man they ought to have and I stopped talking they don't need to have
01:09:18 nothing I need to do it so I engaged the person and paid him a lot of money to
01:09:26 help for design because I believe in what I saw I believe in what I saw and
01:09:34 when it comes to fruition
01:09:38 my whole my whole goal my whole goal I don't know what your goal is some people
01:09:44 like to hold things forever here's my goal I'll tell you what my goal is my
01:09:47 goal is to big it build it so big that I become competition for somebody else and
01:09:53 they buy me out and I'll let them do all of the work they'll pay me the money
01:10:00 then I'll offer my services to consult on them because they can buy my
01:10:05 intellectual property but they can't see it through
01:10:09 so I'm gonna build it let them buy it make them hire me to show them how I
01:10:17 would have used it but he put John in me he put John in me he put him in me and
01:10:30 now I know that my soul must magnify the Lord that everything he put in me was
01:10:39 designed for his glory everything he ever showed me was to bring about his
01:10:45 eternal plan every vision every revelation every rhema word every word
01:10:51 or knowledge every prophecy that he has ever given to these hands of clay these
01:11:00 feeble fractured hands was for his purpose
01:11:10 God in the name of Jesus
01:11:15 touch every Elizabeth and Zacharias in this room
01:11:20 the people who are carrying stuff they don't even know what it is
01:11:28 people who've been praying in the night hearing your voice but seeing no one
01:11:39 those who feel like quitting those who don't understand God why would this
01:11:46 happen to me
01:11:48 I've learned to be content in whatever state I'm in
01:11:55 whether I'm a base or bound I've learned therewith to be content
01:12:04 and when the fullness of time comes
01:12:09 your mother's gonna see what she's been praying for
01:12:15 your grandparents are gonna see what they've been praying for when the
01:12:21 fullness of time will come you will find out why your heart was broken over there
01:12:25 why your spirit was crushed over here why you have to move from that city to
01:12:30 that state why you got denied this and accepted here you're gonna find out why
01:12:37 it all happened
01:12:40 consuming
01:12:45 fire sweet
01:12:51 perfume his awesome
01:12:56 presence feels this room
01:13:05 this is holy holy ground
01:13:14 is holy
01:13:25 holy holy ground this is holy holy ground so come and bow bow bow down
01:13:55 bow down bow down bow down
01:13:57 thank you Holy Ghost develop the plans in our mind give us the
01:14:11 vision give us the strategy protect us in between the problem and the promise
01:14:16 your grace is sufficient for us your strength is made perfect in our weakness
01:14:22 we need you today God we cannot make it without you give us divine order divine
01:14:30 access bless us in the city and in the field show us business show us
01:14:37 opportunities birth that thing in us and we can trust it because you are not a
01:14:45 man that you should lie nor are you the son of man that you should repent you
01:14:51 said what you said and we believe in it now God will give you all glory on in
01:14:58 praise because you who have began a good work in us will establish it until the
01:15:03 day of Jesus Christ and we're not going to wait until John is born to give you
01:15:08 glory we're going to praise you in advance because we believe the report of
01:15:13 the Lord and the word of the Lord says that we shall inherit the earth
01:15:21 bless us today God in Jesus name we pray if you believe it come on release the
01:15:26 sound of praise in this place today
01:15:29 hallelujah
01:15:32 (dramatic music)
