00:00 I wonder how many of you often feel anxious
00:05 or overwhelmed with all that you have to do.
00:07 Would you raise your hands up right now?
00:09 Anybody else like there, God bless you,
00:11 you can all be saved.
00:12 I see your hands everywhere.
00:13 And we see it all the time,
00:15 especially when we ask somebody, how are you doing?
00:19 It used to be people would say, I'm doing good,
00:21 but now anytime you ask them how they're doing,
00:23 almost always, what will they say?
00:25 They'll say, I'm busy.
00:27 I'm busy.
00:29 I'm busy.
00:30 How many of you are busy?
00:31 Raise your hand.
00:32 You can type in the comment section, I'm busy.
00:34 You can even put three Zs if you're really busy.
00:37 I'm B-U-Z-Z-Z-Y, I'm busy.
00:41 Everybody's busy.
00:42 And it's confusing sometimes because often,
00:45 the harder we work and the more we get done,
00:48 it seems like the more that we have to do
00:50 on the other side of our hard work.
00:53 No matter how much we do,
00:55 it seems like there's more to do.
00:56 We run faster and it feels like we're not progressing.
00:59 It's a little bit like the time
01:02 that I almost accidentally killed Amy.
01:05 True story.
01:07 We were at a hotel, we were working out,
01:10 and I was throwing down some heavy weights,
01:13 just in case she liked that.
01:15 And she was on the treadmill.
01:17 And there were actually a couple other guys in there,
01:23 and so I just kind of thought, I'll make sure they know
01:26 that that one's with me.
01:27 So I walked up, she's on the trail,
01:31 then I kind of walked on up there
01:32 and leaned up against the treadmill.
01:36 It had the little bar, she's walking.
01:38 I leaned up against her and she's kind of walking.
01:41 And when I leaned up, I didn't realize
01:43 that I leaned up against the little speed adjuster.
01:46 And so I'm just leaning on it, making sure everybody knows,
01:49 I'm kind of talking to her, and she's kind of just walking.
01:52 She starts walking faster.
01:55 And I'm leaning up in there, just proud she's my wife.
01:57 And the next thing you know, her eyes get really, really big
02:00 and she's running and she's looking at me like,
02:02 "You're gonna kill me."
02:04 Thankfully, she grabbed the sides and I realized I did that.
02:09 I jumped back and I apologized.
02:11 But life feels like that sometimes.
02:13 You're running and you're running and you're running
02:15 and you're running and you're running faster and faster.
02:18 One day you feel like, "I can't go any faster.
02:21 "I'm exhausted.
02:23 "I feel like I'm on the edge.
02:26 "I'm anxious about all that I have to do
02:27 "and I'm really discouraged."
02:29 And so what you think is, you think, "Well, I'm tired.
02:32 "I'm just tired."
02:35 And you may be.
02:36 But many of you, I would suggest,
02:39 are not just physically tired.
02:42 Because if you're tired, you can take a break.
02:46 You can take a nap.
02:47 You can take a vacation.
02:49 But you tried that and you're still struggling.
02:53 I would suggest that many of you, you're not just tired,
02:59 but you're depleted.
03:00 And there's a big difference.
03:04 Because if you're tired, you can take a nap.
03:08 But if you're depleted, you actually need to be refilled.
03:12 Why?
03:15 Because your body isn't the only thing that needs rest.
03:20 Your soul actually needs rest as well.
03:24 And I came to preach some good news today.
03:27 If you're overwhelmed, Jesus made a promise
03:31 to anyone who's exhausted or on the edge of burnout.
03:35 Jesus promises to give you rest.
03:40 And not just rest for your body,
03:43 but he promises to give you rest for your soul.
03:47 We're gonna look today at God's Word in Matthew 11,
03:50 starting in verse 28.
03:51 When Jesus said this, he said, "Come to me,"
03:55 what's the very next word?
03:57 He said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened."
04:02 And Jesus says, "If you're worn out, if you're exhausted,
04:05 "I'll give you rest."
04:06 He said, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
04:11 "for I'm gentle and humble in heart."
04:14 And when you come to Jesus, what will you find?
04:16 He says, "You will find rest, not just for your bodies,
04:20 "but you'll find rest for your souls."
04:24 Who does Jesus invite to come?
04:27 Jesus said, "Come," what's the next word he said?
04:29 All, I like this, all.
04:32 It doesn't matter who you are.
04:33 It doesn't matter what you've done.
04:37 It doesn't matter how far you may feel from him right now.
04:42 He's not mad at you.
04:45 He's not disappointed by you.
04:47 He loves you as you are and tells you to come to him.
04:52 Jesus says, "Come, all who are weary and burdened
04:59 "and broken down and discouraged, come to him."
05:04 He says, "If you're weary, I'll give you rest.
05:07 "The word weary in the Greek is a very interesting word.
05:11 "It's the word kopos, K-O-P-O-S.
05:14 "And this word very literally means
05:17 "exhaustion from intense labor or trouble.
05:22 "It means weary from a physical or emotional beating."
05:27 Sometimes life can be like that, right?
05:31 I don't just feel tired, I feel beat down.
05:36 I feel like after what I've gone through,
05:38 I barely even have the hope to go on.
05:41 Kopos, it's emotionally or physically beaten down.
05:46 I remember maybe a year and a half ago,
05:49 Pastor Tim Derimus from Life Church, Wichita,
05:52 he preached on the Old Testament story of the Israelites
05:55 when they were in slavery under Pharaoh in bondage.
06:00 And he talked about their only value, you may remember,
06:04 was making bricks.
06:06 The slaves, their value was in how many bricks
06:09 they could make, from sunup to sundown, they made bricks.
06:14 This was not just physically exhausting,
06:18 it was so much more than this.
06:20 It was kopos.
06:22 This was soul-crushing, mind-numbing,
06:27 spirit-draining work.
06:30 And some of you know that well.
06:33 Parenting can be kopos.
06:35 Being married to someone without Jesus can be kopos.
06:44 Being married to someone with Jesus can at times be kopos.
06:49 The price of a gallon of milk can be kopos.
06:56 Trying to make ends meet in this world can be kopos.
07:01 Trying to deal with crazy people,
07:03 they're everywhere, they're in front of you,
07:05 they're behind you, they are you.
07:07 And we're just down there making bricks,
07:18 just working, working, working, working, working, working,
07:20 no end, no progress, physically drained,
07:25 emotionally exhausted.
07:27 Thank God it's a different day.
07:32 Not like back then, I'm so thankful
07:35 with all of our technological advances
07:38 and with all of our social progress
07:40 and with all the wisdom that we've learned from TikTokers.
07:43 We no longer have to find our self-worth
07:50 by the number of bricks that we make, right?
07:53 We never try to impress someone with our stack of bricks
07:59 or the likes we get or the brand of shoes that we wear
08:03 or the kind of car that we drive.
08:07 When we meet someone, we never say, what do you do?
08:10 Where do you work?
08:13 How many bricks do you make?
08:15 Right, how many followers do you have?
08:19 What kind of grades you make?
08:21 Where do you go to college?
08:22 We measure you up.
08:24 What neighborhood do you live in?
08:26 What kind of job do you have?
08:28 You got a side hustle?
08:29 You got a YouTube channel?
08:33 You even have a podcast, bro?
08:35 And Jesus says, come to me when you're co-post,
08:43 when you're tired of the grind,
08:46 when you're tired of the stress,
08:49 when you're tired of feeling overwhelmed,
08:55 when you're tired of battling with anxiety,
08:58 when you're tired of making bricks, come to me
09:03 when you think you should be able to handle it all,
09:08 but you know that you can't.
09:09 And it's not that you're just physically sinking,
09:16 but your soul is shrinking.
09:18 And Jesus says, come.
09:23 (congregation laughing)
09:25 Come.
09:26 Come when you can't do any more than you're already doing.
09:31 Come when you've prayed and prayed
09:34 and believed for a miracle
09:35 and don't know if you can pray another prayer of faith.
09:38 Come when you've done everything you know possible
09:41 to get your child back on the right track.
09:49 Come when you've worked and worked and worked two jobs
09:53 and still can't make ends meet.
09:55 Come to me when you're broken,
09:58 you're hurting, you're discouraged, and you need rest.
10:04 That's powerful.
10:06 The Savior, the Son of God, the sinless Son of God,
10:09 who says, come to me all who are worn out.
10:14 And he says, I will give you rest.
10:19 This is beautiful.
10:20 And then it gets weird.
10:22 It does.
10:24 Because right after Jesus says, come to me,
10:26 I'll give you rest, then he says,
10:27 take my yoke upon you and learn from me.
10:32 How many of you know what a yoke is?
10:35 If you don't, I'll show you pictures.
10:37 A yoke is a wooden cross piece
10:41 that's fastened over the neck of two different animals
10:45 so they can work together,
10:46 so they can work at the same pace.
10:48 And then it's attached to a plow or a cart.
10:52 In other words, a yoke is a work tool.
10:55 So here's how it goes.
10:57 If you're miserable, if you're tired,
11:01 you can't do anymore, and you want a nap,
11:05 you wanna take a bubble bath,
11:08 come to me and I'm gonna put a weight around your neck.
11:11 (audience laughing)
11:13 That's what Jesus is saying.
11:14 That's like, that's in the Bible.
11:15 It's right there.
11:16 It's in red.
11:18 And when you talk about a yoke,
11:21 there's no such thing as a single yoke.
11:23 There's always the two that join two animals together
11:27 so that they can do more together
11:29 and so that they have to work at the same pace.
11:33 They can get more done and they work at the same pace.
11:35 Jesus is inviting us to join him
11:39 so that we work with him,
11:43 (audience applauding)
11:44 tapping into his power,
11:47 and we're actually working at a different pace.
11:52 In other words, he is not just inviting you
11:56 to believe his truth, which he is,
11:59 but he's inviting you to live his way,
12:02 to live like Jesus lived.
12:05 If you're tired, be joined to him.
12:09 Do life with his power, do life with his strength,
12:14 do life with his rhythm, do life according to his pace.
12:19 And I know what some of you are thinking right now.
12:22 You're thinking, but Jesus wasn't a single mom with two jobs.
12:25 Fair enough.
12:29 But Jesus didn't have student loan debt.
12:31 But Jesus didn't work for my boss.
12:34 True, like all fair.
12:37 But there's still a lot we can learn from him
12:40 because you have to admit, he had a pretty big assignment.
12:44 - Amen.
12:45 - Be perfect, like never sin,
12:48 and give your life as the perfect sacrifice,
12:53 the lamb of God.
12:54 And what did Jesus do the whole time?
12:57 He was available to his father, and everywhere he went,
13:01 he always would meet the agenda
13:02 that his father set for him.
13:05 If there was someone that was sick,
13:07 he'd often stop and heal them.
13:09 If there was someone that was broken,
13:10 he would stop and listen to them.
13:12 And when you look at Jesus,
13:14 you'll notice that he was always busy,
13:17 but he was never rushed.
13:19 He always had something else to do,
13:24 but he would also disconnect from the crowd
13:27 and spend extended time with his father.
13:30 Like literally, he's called into ministry,
13:34 and what does he do?
13:35 He takes a 40-day sabbatical.
13:37 Like that's the first thing.
13:39 Like, I'm gonna go spend some time with dad
13:42 'cause I need his wisdom, I need his strength.
13:45 So I'm gonna go fast, and the devil messes with me,
13:47 I'm just gonna tell him, "Get behind me,
13:48 and here's the word of God just to shoot you down,
13:50 pa, pa, pa, shoot the word.
13:52 No, I'm sorry, I'll use my sword,
13:54 quack, quack, quack, sword of the spirit."
13:57 And so I'm gonna beat off the enemy with the word,
14:00 and I'm just gonna be with my father for a while.
14:03 And everybody wanted him everywhere he went.
14:07 All the crowds were fighting to get to see him.
14:09 They either hated him or wanted him to heal them,
14:11 or sometimes both at the same place.
14:13 And yet he seemed to have like long meals
14:16 with his disciples.
14:19 And he'd have deep conversations with a stranger,
14:22 some woman out getting water,
14:24 and he just talked to her about her whole life.
14:27 He would listen, and he would see people,
14:31 and he would love the hurting,
14:34 and the kids would come up to him,
14:35 and he'd like, you know, talk to them,
14:37 and they'd clap, the kids loved him.
14:40 He was always busy, but he was never rushed.
14:43 And Jesus says to you that are overwhelmed,
14:50 "Come to me and join my rhythms.
14:54 Let me be your strength.
14:56 Let's do life according to my pace."
15:00 And this is what he said, let's look at it again.
15:02 Jesus said this, he said,
15:03 "Take my yoke," this work tool,
15:06 "upon you so you can be joined with me."
15:08 And he says, "Learn from me."
15:11 Not just the truth that I say, but the way that I live.
15:16 "Learn from me, for I'm gentle and humble in heart."
15:21 And then he says something that is more profound
15:24 than you probably realize
15:25 if you've read this very meaningful verse before.
15:28 He says, "If you join me, and if you learn from me,
15:32 you will find," what?
15:33 Let's all say it aloud, "You will find," what?
15:34 "You'll find rest for your souls."
15:38 If you join with me, if you work with me,
15:41 you will find rest for your souls.
15:45 This word that's translated as rest
15:48 is the word anapausin in Greek, A-N-A-P-A-U-S-I-N.
15:53 This word only appears five times in Scripture.
16:00 And this word means more than just rest.
16:03 The translators say rest for your souls,
16:05 but let me give you a very literal meaning.
16:07 It means inner rest or peace
16:11 while doing what needs to be done.
16:13 This word, it means peaceful productivity.
16:18 It's not rest from work, but it is rest in work.
16:23 Hey, come to me and be joined together by a work tool
16:29 so that you can work at my pace.
16:36 And when you work at my pace, you're not gonna be weary,
16:40 but I'm gonna give you rest, not rest from work.
16:44 Serving God keeps you busy.
16:47 It's not about me time, it's all about he time.
16:52 (congregation cheering)
16:55 And I'm not just gonna give you rest from doing things,
16:59 but I'm gonna give you rest while you're doing things.
17:03 And I'm gonna try to explain this to you,
17:05 and I'll be a little bit transparent.
17:07 I've talked openly about it.
17:08 About 2019, I hit a wall.
17:13 And I've been going hard and a little hard
17:16 and a little hard and a little harder.
17:17 Was always durable, never,
17:20 one time I never missed preaching for anything
17:23 in 33 years, never for a birth,
17:25 never for sickness, never for loss,
17:28 never missed a preaching thing ever.
17:30 And I guess the toll started to wear on me.
17:33 And so I decided to get help.
17:35 And I went and found counselors
17:37 that were good for my situation.
17:39 I found two of the best.
17:40 And I interviewed both of them.
17:41 The first one, I said, "Hey, think I'm burning out,
17:44 "kind of hitting a wall."
17:45 And he almost laughed and said,
17:48 "You think I've never seen this before.
17:51 "You're like all the rest of them.
17:52 "All the hard pushing ones end up there,
17:55 "and you're no different from the rest."
17:57 Hurt my feelings, probably true, but hurt my feelings.
17:59 Next guy, he stepped back and he goes, "Wow."
18:03 He said, "When I hear about all you're doing,"
18:05 he said, "I realize God made you different from the rest."
18:09 And he said, "You know what?
18:11 "We're not gonna try to change you
18:13 "'cause God made you this way.
18:15 "We're not gonna try to slow you down."
18:17 He said, "We're gonna actually let you run harder,
18:21 "but we're gonna do it in a way that's pleasing to God
18:24 "and helpful to you."
18:26 I said, "You're hired."
18:28 (audience laughing)
18:29 I like that.
18:30 And he taught me, we're gonna have some different rhythms,
18:33 different rhythms, and it was all new to me.
18:36 He said, "What you've been taught your whole life
18:37 "is we're gonna work, work, work, work, and then rest.
18:42 "And then you're gonna work, work, work, work,
18:47 "and then rest.
18:49 "And I would work, work, work, work, work, and then rest,
18:54 "and the rest was never enough."
18:58 'Cause they come back to the same dysfunctional rhythms.
19:01 And he said, "What we wanna do is we wanna get you
19:03 "to where you're working in a way
19:05 "that you're resting consistently
19:08 "and not waiting for some vacation in the future to save you,
19:11 "but you're living according to the power of Jesus
19:14 "so you're experiencing Him consistently."
19:17 And this is a different kind of rest.
19:21 This was a rest I knew nothing of.
19:23 In many ways, it was a rest from striving.
19:28 It was a rest from trying to prove myself.
19:32 It was a rest from me trying to have the strength
19:35 to get it all done.
19:38 Some of you are like this.
19:40 How many of you have a checklist?
19:42 Anybody have a checklist?
19:43 Okay, I have a checklist.
19:44 My value comes from my checking things off my checklist.
19:49 When I get to heaven, Jesus will say,
19:51 "Well done, my good and checkable servant."
19:55 (audience laughing)
19:56 I mean, you know what I'm talking about.
19:58 You might wanna see my checklist.
20:00 I'm gonna show you my two months worth of content.
20:02 This is my checklist.
20:03 So these are sermons that I will do in a two-month period.
20:06 Those are all different sermons.
20:08 Those are real ones.
20:09 You see right there in the middle, that's coming up.
20:11 Masterpiece, overcome, or salt life.
20:13 And then at the end, those are two months worth.
20:14 Take those away, it's giving me stress.
20:17 Okay? (audience laughing)
20:18 That's my checklist.
20:19 Those are different sermons that I will do
20:20 over a two-month period.
20:23 There were two sermons that I already did
20:26 that I forgot to put on that list,
20:28 so I wrote them in.
20:29 You know why?
20:30 So I could check them off.
20:31 (audience laughing)
20:34 Some of you have that same sickness in your life.
20:39 But my value does not come from that list.
20:47 I believe God sent me to tell someone here
20:52 that your value does not come from what you produce.
20:56 Your value does not come from what you do.
20:59 Your value does not come from being the perfect mom.
21:02 Your value doesn't come from providing for your family.
21:06 Your value is solely based on who you are in Christ.
21:11 (audience applauding)
21:13 Come to me, Jesus says.
21:19 Be yoked to me.
21:23 Join with me.
21:25 And so Amy will tell you,
21:27 it's taken a lot of work for me to get here,
21:29 but I am resting in work.
21:32 Meaning I am resting in work.
21:35 I am not waiting for the vacation to recover.
21:37 I'm working with the rhythms that God created,
21:41 honoring the Sabbath.
21:43 Most weeks, not all of them, I'm not gonna lie to you,
21:45 I'll, pew, strike me down, but most weeks.
21:48 And letting His power be more of what I need.
21:53 So what is rest?
21:57 What is the Jesus kind of rest?
22:00 I'll define it this way.
22:01 Rest is whatever refocuses you on the grace,
22:06 the goodness, and the glory of God.
22:08 That's real rest.
22:09 That's a different kind of rest.
22:13 (audience applauding)
22:15 That's a soul rest.
22:17 It's not just taking a nap.
22:18 It's not just putting a little umbrella in your drink
22:21 and holding thing by the beach,
22:23 taking a picture of your toes in your book,
22:25 and going hashtag blessed.
22:27 (audience laughing)
22:29 Hope you all hate me, 'cause I hated you.
22:31 Here's my picture.
22:32 No, spiritual rest for your souls,
22:36 it can come while you are reading God's Word daily,
22:40 where it's renewing your mind,
22:42 it's conforming you to the image of Christ.
22:45 It can be when you're praying,
22:46 when you're dialoguing with God,
22:48 or when you're listening to God.
22:50 It can be when you're worshiping.
22:52 For me, it's taking walks with my best friend, my bride.
22:55 It's just holding hands, walking, talking,
22:58 dreaming, reflecting,
23:00 just being with someone that I love.
23:05 I took up flying three years ago,
23:07 and flying, it takes my mind off of work.
23:11 I get up above things, and guess what?
23:12 When I'm above you, I'm not worried about you.
23:15 (audience laughing)
23:16 You can do all that stuff you want,
23:18 but I'm like above you.
23:20 And I see the beauty of God's creation
23:22 from 6,000, 8,000 feet up.
23:25 You might focus on the goodness of God
23:27 when you're with people that you enjoy.
23:30 You might focus on the goodness of God
23:32 when you're at a prayer walk,
23:34 just taking 30 minutes during your day,
23:36 just sneaking out of the office,
23:37 and just walking and talking to God.
23:40 Maybe it's when you're worshiping in your car.
23:42 You're at a stoplight, and they're laughing,
23:44 and you're worshiping.
23:47 That guy over there, you don't care,
23:48 you're just praising God like crazy.
23:51 And maybe you're just over a cup of coffee
23:52 where you're just with someone that you love.
23:54 Maybe God's Word is open.
23:55 You might be when you're gardening.
23:57 This is God's creation, and I'm planting,
23:58 and watering, and he's making gruel.
24:00 It could be when you're using your gifts to paint,
24:03 or you're meeting with your Wednesday prayer group.
24:06 You're resting in his love.
24:09 You're resting in his forgiveness,
24:12 the perfect work of Jesus.
24:14 You're resting in his promises.
24:16 You're resting in his faithfulness.
24:18 Whenever you're weak,
24:20 you're resting in the truth of his Word
24:22 that his power is made perfect in your weakness.
24:27 So if you're tired of the grind,
24:31 if you're tired of the stress,
24:35 if you're tired of being defined by what you do
24:39 and what you produce, Jesus says, "Come to me.
24:43 "Come to me, and I'll give you rest.
24:46 "I'll give you rest for your souls."
24:49 In fact, I'm gonna invite Pastor Rob just to help me,
24:52 and I'm gonna give you a moment
24:53 just to rest in his presence.
24:56 You may close your eyes if you want.
24:59 You may pray quietly where you are.
25:02 If you know the words, you might sing along.
25:05 But I'm gonna tell you right now
25:07 that the Son of the living God, Jesus,
25:11 the perfect sinless one who came not
25:14 for those who were healthy,
25:16 but he came for those who were sick.
25:19 He didn't come for the righteous,
25:20 but he came for the broken sinners like you and like me.
25:25 He didn't come for those who had it all together,
25:27 but he came for those who knew
25:28 that they couldn't do it on their own.
25:30 And he said, "Come to me.
25:33 "Come to me, and I will give you rest for your souls."
25:39 It's not just rest from work,
25:41 but it's spiritual rest in work.
25:45 And he'll tell you if you listen,
25:48 that he'll give it to you.
25:50 It's a gift, just like salvation.
25:55 You don't earn it.
25:56 You don't deserve it.
25:58 You just have to receive it.
26:01 So what else do you do?
26:07 What box do you check?
26:10 Today, nothing, like nothing.
26:14 Just come to him.
26:15 Just come to him.
26:16 Just tell him you need him.
26:17 Just cry out to him.
26:19 Jesus says, "Come to me.
26:21 "All who are weary and heavy laden,
26:24 "come to him today.
26:26 "Come to him by faith.
26:28 "Cry out to him, Jesus.
26:31 "I need you.
26:32 "I worship you.
26:34 "Would you be enough?
26:37 "Come to him.
26:38 "Come to him.
26:40 "Come to him.
26:43 "Come to him.
26:44 "Rob, help me.
26:45 "Come to him.
26:46 "Come to Jesus.
26:48 "He loves you as you are.
26:52 "Come all.
26:58 "Come to Jesus.
27:07 "Come just as you are."
27:09 He loves you as you are.
27:13 He's waiting.
27:14 "If you're tired and just hoping for an answer.
27:15 His arms are open wide.
27:17 "If you're wishing you could let your guard come down.
27:22 "If you feel like you can't haunt it all together.
27:35 "Come just as you are."
27:36 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
27:42 "Stay by me for any hiding.
27:44 "In the Father's house, you're met with open arms."
27:53 We worship you, Father.
27:55 "He gives grace."
27:56 Give you praise.
27:58 "Without condition."
28:00 Your grace, your goodness.
28:02 "As you are, but nothing else.
28:05 "Just come."
28:07 We need you.
28:08 We need your grace.
28:09 We need your power.
28:09 "There's no need for any hiding."
28:14 Thank you, Jesus.
28:16 "In the Father's house, you're met with open arms.
28:21 "And he gives grace without condition.
28:30 "So as you are, with nothing else.
28:33 "Just come."
28:34 ♪ Come ♪
28:41 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
28:41 Come to Jesus, come to him now.
28:44 ♪ Come to Jesus ♪
28:45 He loves you, he's waiting for you.
28:48 ♪ Come ♪
28:49 His arms are open wide.
28:52 Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
28:55 "If anyone hears my voice and opens the door."
28:58 Jesus says, "I will come in."
29:00 When you draw near to him, he draws near to you.
29:08 Turn from your sin.
29:11 Turn from your brokenness.
29:13 Just say his name.
29:16 His name is Jesus.
29:17 Who is he?
29:18 He is your redeemer.
29:20 He is your king.
29:22 He is the sinless son of God, the lamb who was slain.
29:27 His name is Jesus.
29:29 ♪ There's no need for any hiding ♪
29:35 ♪ At the Father's house, you're met with open arms ♪
29:41 He's inviting you to come.
29:44 ♪ And he gives grace without condition ♪
29:49 ♪ So as you are, with nothing else ♪
29:54 ♪ Just come ♪
29:55 And so Father, we come to you now.
29:57 We come to you now humbly.
29:59 We need you.
30:00 We need more of you.
30:01 We need more of you.
30:02 Today at all of our churches,
30:04 those of you online that you are worn out.
30:08 And it's not just that you're physically tired,
30:11 but maybe you're spiritually discouraged.
30:14 Maybe you're emotionally depleted.
30:17 Maybe you've done all that you can do
30:21 and you can't do anymore.
30:22 If you need the presence and the grace
30:26 and the power of Jesus, would you just lift up
30:27 your hands right now all around our room today?
30:30 Online, just type in the comment section,
30:32 I need more of Jesus.
30:33 Just type it, I need more of Jesus.
30:35 Go and leave your hands up if you want to,
30:36 maybe even an act of worship.
30:38 And we just say, Jesus, we're coming to you right now.
30:40 We thank you that you invite us to come.
30:43 Even when we're unworthy, even when we're unclean,
30:46 and when we've done it all ourselves
30:48 and we can't do anymore, we're weary,
30:49 we're burdened, we're heavy laden,
30:51 we just come to you and we thank you
30:53 that you are gentle, that you are humble in heart.
30:57 We thank you that you invite us to join you,
31:00 to take your yoke and to be yoked to you,
31:03 not just to know your truth, but to live your truth.
31:07 Jesus, I pray today for those who can't do anymore.
31:14 God, in our weakness, would you be our strength?
31:19 God, I pray for hurting marriages,
31:22 I pray for hurting parents,
31:24 that I pray for those who need miraculous provision,
31:26 I pray for those that need a miracle from heaven, God,
31:29 that we would come, come, come in the name of Jesus.
31:32 We come to the name that is above every name,
31:34 the name of Jesus, and we just come to you.
31:37 Nothing else, we just come, would you be enough?
31:42 We pray this in the name of who?
31:45 Say it with me, we pray in the name of Jesus, Jesus.
31:49 As you keep praying today, there are some of you here
31:52 that you don't know where you stand with God.
31:55 And I would just invite you at all of our churches,
31:58 if you could just kind of keep your posture of prayer,
32:01 maybe keep your eyes closed.
32:02 I wanna talk to any of you today
32:04 that don't know where you stand with God.
32:08 If I ask you, hey, are you okay with God?
32:10 Are you close to God?
32:11 Are you right with God?
32:12 If you hesitate for a moment, if there's any hesitation,
32:15 any explanation, I'm talking to you.
32:18 If you don't know where you stand, I'm talking to you today.
32:21 And I wanna tell you how good God is.
32:23 Jesus is the Son of God.
32:26 God so loved the world
32:27 that he sent his one and only son, Jesus.
32:29 Jesus, the Lamb of God, Jesus perfect in every way.
32:32 And he didn't come for the church people who looked perfect.
32:36 He came for the sinners who needed a savior.
32:38 He came for the broken, he came for the hurting.
32:40 He came for people like me, he came for people like you.
32:44 And Jesus gave his life on a cross.
32:47 He shed innocent blood in our place
32:50 so we could be forgiven.
32:52 And God defeated death, hell, and the grave
32:55 by raising Jesus from the dead so that anyone,
32:58 and this includes you, anyone, he says, come all,
33:02 anyone who calls on the name that is above every name,
33:05 anyone who calls on the name of Jesus,
33:07 that you would be forgiven, all of your sins washed away.
33:10 You wouldn't just be like a better version of you.
33:12 You'd be new, you'd be different.
33:13 The old is gone, the new is here.
33:14 Today, at all of our churches, there are those of you,
33:17 you are here for this moment.
33:18 You're watching online, you know this is you.
33:21 Jesus loves you as you are.
33:24 He's telling you to come.
33:24 You're gonna be like, well, I gotta clean this thing up.
33:27 I gotta stop cussing, I gotta stop looking at bad stuff.
33:29 No, you come, you come right now.
33:30 You come to Jesus as you are.
33:32 When you do, when you cry out to him,
33:34 he forgives all of your sins
33:36 and he makes you brand new today,
33:37 wherever you're watching from, those who say,
33:38 yes, I need that, Jesus, I need you, I'm coming to you.
33:42 Jesus, I step away from my sin.
33:44 I give you my life.
33:46 That's your prayer, lift your hands high right now.
33:48 All over the place and say yes.
33:50 Praise God for you right here.
33:51 I hear others today say, oh yes, others are doing it.
33:53 All of our churches, we celebrate today.
33:56 Lift up your hands and say yes, Jesus,
33:58 I surrender my life completely to you.
34:02 Those of you online, just type in the comments section,
34:07 I am giving my life to Jesus.
34:09 I'm giving my life to Jesus.
34:11 And today, as we have people all over the world
34:13 surrendering to the goodness and the grace of Jesus,
34:15 this invitation, would you all pray aloud?
34:18 There's nobody that prays alone.
34:19 As the family of God, we pray together, Heavenly Father.
34:22 Forgive my sins.
34:25 Jesus, save me.
34:27 Make me new.
34:30 Fill me with your Holy Spirit
34:32 so I can walk in your power.
34:35 And so I could know you
34:37 and I could show your love in all that I do.
34:42 I'm coming to you as I am, trusting you to save me,
34:48 to make me new.
34:49 My life is not my own.
34:51 I give it all to you.
34:54 Thank you for new life.
34:56 You have all of mine.
34:57 In Jesus' name I pray.
35:00 Could somebody give God praise today?
35:02 Welcome those born into God's family.
35:04 Did this message on God's promises speak to you?
35:06 We've got more videos ready
35:08 from a series called "Ever Wonder Why."
35:10 We're tackling questions like,
35:12 why didn't God answer my prayer?
35:13 And why does a loving God send people to hell?
35:17 Click here to keep watching.
35:18 you