• l’année dernière


00:00Make your way to Mark 4.
00:09Mark 4, I know some of us are still getting used to this,
00:15this slight change and the question is, will it remain?
00:21Well, you'll have to keep showing up and tuning in to see if it remains.
00:29Mark 4, we're going to continue on with our kingdom message.
00:36The divine monarchy, a monarchy is a government, a system ruled by a figurehead, a king.
00:50But the divine monarchy is the monarchy ruled by a divine king.
00:58And our divine king is the king of kings, Jesus the Christ.
01:07And so we understand that if we have believed on him, we are born again.
01:14And therefore we have entered into the kingdom of God.
01:17That's our world.
01:19That is our system.
01:21That's actually our government.
01:24Now, the Bible says, Paul says in the book of Romans that a government and authority,
01:37okay, not necessarily the people in the positions,
01:41but authority and governing, a governing system is ordained by God.
01:49And so we should obey the laws of the land.
01:53But ultimately, ultimately, those of us who are believers in the Lord,
01:57our government is the kingdom of God.
02:02We get our way of life from that government, from that system.
02:08And so here in Mark 4, this is where we left off.
02:13We see these parables where Jesus says the kingdom of heaven is or the kingdom of God is like.
02:18It's like this, Jesus says.
02:21And when he tells us what it's like, it's supposed to help us understand,
02:25especially on this side of the cross, to help us understand and see a clear picture.
02:31Sometimes it's not completely clear, but to get an idea of what the kingdom of God is.
02:37Again, we know that there clearly is a kingdom in heaven where God is,
02:43because he sits on a throne and Jesus is at his right hand.
02:48We read that in the scriptures.
02:50So we know there's an actual kingdom in God's house, his domain of heaven.
02:56But is the kingdom of God limited to heaven?
03:02What about us who are not in heaven yet?
03:04Who, when we're born again, we're still alive in this world system?
03:09What does the kingdom of God mean to us?
03:11What does it mean for us?
03:12So here, Mark 4, verse 26, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is as if,
03:21the kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground
03:28and should sleep by night and rise by day and the seed should sprout and grow.
03:33He himself does not know how.
03:37Verse 28, for the earth yields crops by itself.
03:42Didn't God tell Noah, as long as the earth remains?
03:45Seed, time, harvest.
03:51So the earth, what? The earth yields crops by itself.
03:54First the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head.
04:00But when the grain ripens, immediately he puts in the sickle because the harvest has come.
04:07How is this like the kingdom of God?
04:10Or how is the kingdom of God like this parable, like this example?
04:16Well, look again at verse 28.
04:18Notice that it says first and then it says then.
04:24First the blade, then the head, after that.
04:28First, then, after that.
04:31Focus on that.
04:33The kingdom of God is as first, then, and after that.
04:40Meaning what? That the kingdom of God comes in phases.
04:46Now we've already established that the kingdom of heaven
04:50or the kingdom of God established in heaven is already.
04:56And then we had Jesus coming after John the Baptist, both preaching a message.
05:02The kingdom of God draws near.
05:05The kingdom of God, it's close.
05:09Jesus, during his earthly ministry, then begins to teach on the kingdom.
05:13He makes statements like, like when demons are cast out,
05:17surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
05:20By the time we get to the New Testament,
05:22we read statements from Paul like the kingdom of God is.
05:26Which means what? That the system is in operation now.
05:31The system of the kingdom is at work
05:36because Christ has finished his work at Calvary
05:38and has ascended to the right hand of the father conducting kingdom business from heaven.
05:44He has called his followers, his Ecclesia,
05:46his community of believers to conduct kingdom business in the earth realm.
05:51So it is our job to realize and then live out
05:55and also proclaim that the kingdom of God is righteousness.
06:00That the kingdom of God is joy.
06:02That the kingdom of God is peace in the Holy Spirit.
06:05That the kingdom of God is not just in word alone,
06:08but it is in power and demonstration.
06:12That is again the system that we live in right now.
06:16But then a time is coming when the king will return.
06:20We'll be right there with them on white horses coming to do what?
06:25Execute judgment on the ungodly.
06:27We're going to judge with him and we're going to rule with him
06:30in his literal established thousand-year earthly kingdom.
06:36The kingdom of God comes in phases.
06:40First, then, after that.
06:43Look now at verse 30.
06:46Jesus says what?
06:49Then he said, to what shall we liken the kingdom of God?
06:58To what shall we liken the kingdom of God?
07:02Or with what parable shall we picture it?
07:09It is like a mustard seed, which when it is sown on the ground
07:14is smaller than all the seeds on the earth.
07:16Now, I want you to really grab this.
07:20Get a hold of this.
07:22A mustard seed is how small?
07:28Jesus said it.
07:28He said that a mustard seed, so Jesus was an expert in gardening, clearly.
07:34This man, this man, he knew about fishing.
07:38He was a carpenter, a horticulturist.
07:42I mean, Jesus, he's an everyman.
07:46He's like, bro, how do you know this?
07:51Look at what he says.
07:51It is like a mustard seed, which when it is sown on the ground is what?
07:57Smaller than how many seeds?
07:59And all the seeds of the earth.
08:01Now, think about what Jesus has told us about mustard seed faith.
08:05He said you can move mountains with it.
08:07The smallest of seed faith can shift mountains, can move hills.
08:18Verse 32 says, but when it is sown, it grows up.
08:26Oh, and becomes greater than all herbs and shoots out large branches.
08:32Branches so large that what?
08:35That the birds of the air may nest under its shade.
08:42As a result of Jesus, you and I rest under the shade of the palm.
08:50A third and final parable of the kingdom points out that the messianic rule of God begins in a small and unnoticed way.
08:58Remember, what was Israel expecting their Messiah to do?
09:04Immediately remove the Roman rule of order and place them at the top where they believed as the elect of God they belong.
09:16They were expecting the Messiah to do that.
09:19All of the Old Testament prophets prophesied about the Messiah coming.
09:24But Jesus came in a subtle way and has begun in his earthly ministry to establish his kingdom in a small and unnoticeable way,
09:37which somewhat threw Israel off.
09:40Well, wait a minute.
09:41What are you talking about?
09:42The kingdom of God draws near.
09:44What are you talking about?
09:45The kingdom of God is.
09:47You should be saving us from the Romans.
09:51You should be placing us Israel on top and look at how many of Israel rejected him as the Messiah because of this reason,
10:05not the only reason,
10:06but this was one of the reasons that he didn't come with the bang they were expecting.
10:13Now the bang is going to come later.
10:15And again, I'm glad I'm coming with the bang and will not be on the receiving end of the bang.
10:31Yeah, yeah.
10:32The messianic rule of God began in a small and unnoticed way, which is different from what was expected.
10:43Its beginning is likened to a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds, but could produce a bush as large as 3 by 12 feet.
10:58The metaphor emphasizes small beginnings and gradual but remarkable growth.
11:05Look at the kingdom of God now, almost 2000 years from its beginning.
11:13Look at the kingdom of God in the earth realm.
11:16That is the system that the sphere of God's rule in the earth realm now, as opposed to back then.
11:23How many followers began?
11:26Look at how many followers there are now.
11:31But again, the kingdom of God moves at the king's pace.
11:38Not based on what we expect, not based on what Israel expect.
11:42Expected or expects.
11:44Remember, even when the day of Pentecost was about to fully come, his own disciples said,
11:51Okay, you died, you conquered death, you've been resurrected.
11:57Okay, when's the father going to restore Israel?
12:00What did Jesus say?
12:01It's not for you to know the chronos of the Kairos.
12:05The times and the seasons belong to God.
12:09Don't even focus on that.
12:10Here's what you need to focus on.
12:12Wait until the Holy Spirit comes upon you.
12:14You'll get some power.
12:15Go be a witness and help build the kingdom.
12:21Increase the population of the kingdom.
12:26Are you here?
12:31Well, let's keep going.
12:34Since you all have requested me to do so, how about we take a look now?
12:43Come on notes.
12:46Mark, let's go to Mark 15.
12:51Let me give you two examples.
12:54One example of Jews waiting for the kingdom to come any second now,
13:03especially because someone has come and proclaimed to be the Messiah.
13:06And then let me give you an example of the millennial kingdom,
13:12the final phase which will happen in our future.
13:17So look at Mark 15.
13:19Find verse 42.
13:20Let's look here first.
13:25Mark chapter 15.
13:29Let me know when you've arrived at verse 42.
13:37It says now when evening had come because it was the preparation day,
13:42that is the day before the Sabbath,
13:45which tells us that clearly before Sabbath, there are preparation days.
13:48But also know this before any holy day, especially high holy days,
13:53there's a preparation day.
13:56When evening had come because it was the preparation day, that is the day
13:59before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea.
14:03Joseph of Arimathea.
14:05This is a very wealthy man.
14:09Also a prominent council member.
14:11Look at what it says here.
14:12Who was what?
14:14Himself waiting.
14:17Waiting for what?
14:19Waiting for the kingdom of God, right?
14:22Coming and taking courage went into Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
14:25What I want you to see is here's one example of one who was waiting.
14:30All right, kingdom of God, right?
14:31Any second now.
14:33Again, that's why his apostles, his disciples asked, okay, is the father
14:37going to restore the kingdom to Israel?
14:40Waiting, right?
14:41Any second now.
14:43No, the kingdom of God is hitting them in a manner in which they didn't expect.
14:49Again, first, then, after that.
14:56Look here in Mark 14, verse 22.
15:01Look at what Jesus says.
15:09What he says here is pretty clear, but all you have to do is apply a little
15:13bit of logic and you'll see what he's saying.
15:18And you'll see how the kingdom of God comes in phases.
15:25The phase that we're in right now, we are operating in the system, the
15:28governmental system.
15:30For individuals to see the kingdom, they have to see our lives.
15:36They have to see us live the kingdom life.
15:39Live it out.
15:41They need to see us.
15:44Watch this.
15:45The world needs to see a whole lot of what you and I do in this building.
15:55And that's whether they come into this building or whether we're outside the
15:59Look at what Jesus says here.
16:03Mark 14, 22.
16:08It says, and as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it.
16:15Sound familiar to you?
16:18And we'll be doing this in a few minutes as a local body.
16:23As they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed, and broke it, and gave it to
16:26them and said what?
16:28Take, eat, this is my body.
16:32Verse 23.
16:33Then he took the cup and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them and
16:36they all what?
16:38Drank from it.
16:41And then what?
16:42Verse 24.
16:43And he said to them, this is my blood of the...
16:48That's right.
16:50New covenant, New Testament, which is shed for many.
16:55Listen to what he says in verse 25.
16:57Listen to what he says.
16:59Assuredly, I say to you, I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine
17:10Watch this.
17:11Until that day.
17:14Until that day, what?
17:15Until that day, when I what?
17:19Drink it.
17:20When I drink it, what?
17:22New, where?
17:25In the kingdom of God.
17:27Now, if we just focus on these words, I will no longer until.
17:38I will no longer until.
17:43What is I will no longer tell us?
17:50You're going to stop doing something.
17:52But obviously you've been doing something.
17:58But you will no longer do what you've been doing.
18:05What does until tell us?
18:09I won't do this again until something happens until a later
18:17What's Jesus saying?
18:19He's saying that this blood of the New Covenant.
18:26They all ate.
18:26They all drank this blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for
18:32Assuredly, I say to you, I'll no longer drink of the fruit of the
18:35vine until the day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
18:39Why does he say I'll no longer drink it?
18:41Because he's leaving.
18:44He's leaving.
18:45Watch this.
18:46The Bible tells us.
18:47As a matter of fact, it's Mark's recording of the Great Commission
18:53beginning in verse 9 throughout the remainder of the chapter.
18:57It's at the latter part of the chapter.
19:00In which Mark's Gospel account informs us that heaven received
19:08Heaven received him.
19:10He after 40 days, he ascended to the right hand of the father
19:15and heaven.
19:16Heaven received him.
19:18Then it's Peter the Apostle in Acts chapter 3 verses 19 through
19:2321, which tells us heaven must receive him until.
19:28In other words, after heaven had received Jesus, heaven must hold
19:32on to Jesus until the restoration of all things.
19:36That's what the Bible tells us.
19:38So there is a protracted period of time in which heaven must
19:42retain the Savior.
19:43Heaven won't release the Savior until the restoration of all
19:51Well, what's Jesus saying?
19:52Jesus is saying I'll no longer drink.
19:55I've got somewhere to go.
19:56I'm not drinking again until we're in my new kingdom.
20:02I won't drink new until, until when?
20:05Well, he's got to be talking about the final phase of the kingdom
20:08of God, which is his earthly established kingdom.
20:13Revelation 5 tells us we'll reign with him as kings and priests
20:17for how many years?
20:21Bible also tells us that the devil will be cast into the bottomless
20:24pit for how long?
20:251,000 years.
20:28That's the earthly reign.
20:30That's what Jesus is talking about right here.
20:33When I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
20:38Now again, you and I right now living in this foul earth system.
20:48This is just a system just ruled by the enemy.
20:54Where, where, where, where everything that used to mean something
20:59doesn't mean what it used to mean.
21:01It means something new.
21:02All kind of words have new meanings now.
21:09All kind of practices have new meanings now.
21:12Why is that?
21:13Because of the ruler of the system.
21:16He can't create.
21:17He can only pervert what's been created.
21:21Remember the devil, as powerful as he is, as intelligent as he
21:25is, he is not a creator.
21:28Well, well, he does create confusion.
21:31He's a master.
21:34He's an expert at creating confusion.
21:38He's making sure that all things are not done decently and in order.
21:45He's a, he's a master at that.
21:46But again, what does he confuse?
21:48He confused, confuses what already exists.
21:52He sees to it that what already exists is done in an order that
21:56is not decent.
21:58In a way or fashion that's not decently.
22:01He can only pervert what's already been created because that's
22:06what evil is.
22:07Evil is a perversion of good.
22:11Good can actually exist without evil.
22:14Evil can't exist without good.
22:18They are not, they are not equals because if good and evil are
22:23equals, then God and the devil are equals.
22:27And I'm telling you right now, one of the two that I just
22:30mentioned needs the other for their existence.
22:35And it's not God.
22:38And everything God created was good.
22:40God didn't create anything evil.
22:41Now the Bible tells us in Isaiah, I am the Lord, I create good
22:44and evil.
22:45But what does that actually mean?
22:47I am the Lord and I created all things.
22:50Now some of the good stuff I created turned evil.
22:54That good stuff that I created turned evil, couldn't have turned
22:56evil unless it was first created good.
22:59The devil, his original name, Hillel, we know him as Lucifer,
23:06that idiot created the devil.
23:10He created Satan when he perverted himself, when he challenged
23:18But God created a good cherub, an anointed cherub who covered
23:23because everything God creates is good.
23:26Like the devil cannot exist without God, evil cannot exist
23:30without good.
23:32It can't, good was first.
23:35Or if that doesn't work for you, then you can go with this,
23:38God was first and God is only good.
23:44Remember in the Garden of Eden, did evil exist?
23:48Yeah, evil existed, but it did not exist among men.
23:53And it did not exist in the earth.
23:55It existed in the cosmos.
23:57See, whatever sin has affected, at some point God's going to
24:03have to make new.
24:07That's why the earth will be made new.
24:09Remember John, Revelation 21?
24:11I saw a new heaven and a new earth.
24:15I've gone over this numerous times.
24:18It's not that John saw God take the old earth, get rid of it,
24:23and make a new earth.
24:25It's not that John saw God take the old heavens and wipe them
24:29away and then create new heavens.
24:31No, John saw what God had done, which was what?
24:36God took the heavens and made them new.
24:40God took the earth and made them new.
24:43This is John's Revelation.
24:44This is what will happen.
24:45God will make the earth new.
24:47He will make the heavens new.
24:49Why do the heavens need to be made new?
24:51Why does the cosmos need to be made new?
24:54Because that's where sin was born.
24:57Sin was born in the heavens.
24:58Sin was born and birthed in the cosmos before it ever came into
25:02the earth.
25:02It's because it was birthed in the cosmos that it was able to
25:05come into the earth.
25:06The devil had already sinned.
25:08He brought his sinful self into the earth realm to influence
25:12man to sin.
25:14And sin has affected everything.
25:16It has perverted everything and caused everything to begin to
25:20And that's why God will do what?
25:25God will cause the earth to have a born-again experience.
25:30He will cause the heavens to have a born-again experience
25:34because that's what God does.
25:35He makes things new.
25:37He made us new.
25:40He didn't get rid of us and make a new us.
25:43He made the old us new.
25:46That's what he does.
25:48There will be no reason for him to get rid of us and make a new
25:52us, to get rid of earth and make a new earth, to get rid of the
25:55heavens and make new heavens.
25:57There's no need for that because God created all those things
26:00in the beginning.
26:00And when he created them, he created them the same way that
26:04he was and is.
26:07The only issue is the sin issue.
26:10Get rid of sin.
26:11Get rid of the devil.
26:12You can restore everything back to the way it was, if not
26:18All right.
26:23So, that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.
26:29Look at Luke 13.
26:34Luke 13.
26:35Why am I on this?
26:36Because we really need to start living kingdom.
26:43We do.
26:45All right, the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God is our governmental
26:54system with two home-based locations.
27:03Heaven and earth with the church overseeing it.
27:08But the church is so divided.
27:09We can't live the kingdom life.
27:11We're supposed to be living.
27:14Think about the issues the church had in the beginning and
27:16how they solved them.
27:18Who's lacking?
27:19Oh, you're lacking?
27:20Here's what we'll do.
27:22Here's what we're going to agree to do.
27:26And from a willing heart, those who had.
27:31Prosperous believers, sold portions of land, took the proceeds, laid
27:38them at the feet of the apostles, distributed to everyone as
27:41they had need and none suffered lack.
27:47Why don't we see that in the church today?
27:53What happened in our past?
27:57Where was the interruption and what was it?
28:00What interfered with what they were doing on day one?
28:06And we haven't been able to get back to that place yet.
28:12That's kingdom living in the earth.
28:16Look, Luke 13.
28:18Luke 13.
28:22Find verse 18.
28:3118 and 19.
28:31We'll read here.
28:32Luke 13, 18 and 19.
28:35We actually read this in Mark 4, but I want you to see something
28:38else here.
28:39It says, then he said, what is the kingdom of God like?
28:41What's the kingdom of God like?
28:43And to what shall I compare it?
28:44Well, it's like a mustard seed, which a man took, put in his
28:47garden, and it grew and became a large tree and the birds of
28:50the air nested in its branches.
28:52We already read Mark's account of this.
28:58But here's something that we want to, we want to emphasize
29:04The mustard seed would have been the smallest known seed to
29:07Jesus' audience.
29:08We already know that Jesus established that in Mark's account.
29:12The mustard tree refers to a large herbal plant that grows to
29:15the height of about 8 to 12 feet.
29:18The birds making nests emphasizes the surprising supernatural
29:22result, the enormous size of the final plant in comparison to
29:26the very small seed from which it grew.
29:29The Jews expected the kingdom to come with apocalyptic power.
29:36Final, end it all, seal the deal.
29:42They expected the kingdom to come with apocalyptic power, bringing
29:45God's judgment on all evil.
29:47And hence, Jesus' teaching that it would arrive in such an
29:51insignificant way was surprising.
29:54It threw them off.
29:56Because again, they were, they were expecting.
29:58Okay, if you're the Messiah, awesome.
30:02I know you can get rid of these Romans real fast.
30:06And you're going to restore Israel to their position of
30:09Well, that didn't happen, did it?
30:11Oh, well, you must not be the Messiah.
30:13Clearly though, there were those who could see that he in fact
30:16was the Messiah.
30:18And those disciples, for example, he taught them the kingdom
30:21in parables.
30:24So that they would understand while others did not.
30:29Look at chapter 14, verse 20.
30:32No, go to verse 20.
30:34Same chapter, Luke 13.
30:35We just read 18 and 19.
30:37Look at 20.
30:38Let's read 20 and 21.
30:39He says, it says, and again, he said, to what shall I liken
30:42the kingdom of God?
30:46It is like leaven, which a woman took and he'd in three measures
30:51of meal till it was all leavened.
30:54Yeah, that sounds, that sounds ancient.
31:00Help us in 2024 with what this means right here.
31:03Similar to the mustard seed, a minute quantity of yeast can
31:10permeate a large amount of dough to produce a large amount of
31:14bread. Three measures would have produced enough bread to feed
31:20a hundred people.
31:22So look at what Jesus says here.
31:24It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid it in three measures
31:27of meal.
31:28Something so small could produce enough bread to feed a hundred
31:33people. Notice the small start, notice where it heads, notice
31:39the end, much larger than the beginning, just like the mustard
31:42seed. Three measures would have produced enough bread to feed
31:48a hundred people.
31:49Some think these parables teach only the contrast between the
31:53small beginning and the large end result, and not the gradual
31:58growth process of the kingdom between start and finish.
32:04And see, that's what we've been living for quite some time
32:07now, this gradual growth.
32:11In the earth realm, the start was the ministry of John the
32:14Baptist and Jesus, saying that the kingdom of God draws near,
32:18change your mind, repent.
32:21Jesus then began to display the kingdom.
32:24He displayed it before his disciples.
32:27Paul then, in his epistles, takes that kingdom message and
32:32tells us, for New Testament believers, what it is.
32:37He also tells us who's not in the kingdom.
32:39We'll get into that a little bit later.
32:40He's very clear about who's not in and who will not inherit.
32:45He's very clear as to who is in and who has inherited and who
32:49will not inherit and who is not in.
32:56Some argue that the growth process is also in view.
32:59Both sides agree that the parables contrast the apparently
33:01small and unnoticed arrival of the kingdom, and think about
33:05it. Jesus is born of a virgin in a ghetto.
33:14Well, would live in a ghetto.
33:16Nazareth, hood.
33:21But born in Palestine, born in Bethlehem, humble beginnings.
33:28I mean, actually, born into, some might say poverty,
33:35definitely born into not enough.
33:39Jesus was born into not enough.
33:41Now, by the time he was two and a wise man showed up, they
33:43have more than enough.
33:46But the wise man didn't show up again until he was two years
33:49old, not when he was two days old.
33:52So he was born into very humble beginnings.
33:58Now, he's supposed to be a king.
34:00This king said that if we follow him, son of man has nowhere
34:06to lay his head.
34:08That don't sound like a king to me.
34:10I mean, if a king is, if a king is coming, it is announced
34:17that his trumpets are blown.
34:19Oh, and when he comes.
34:24First, when he appears, but when he appears, the trumpet of
34:27God in heaven will blow.
34:30Oh, but when he comes to set up his kingdom, again, that's
34:34the loud bang, which is what the Jews were expecting.
34:38So these humble beginnings told many of them or they deduce
34:41he couldn't be who he says he is.
34:45He couldn't be who his followers say he is because if he is
34:49the king, if he is the Messiah, where is his kingdom?
34:54Again, both sides agree that the parables contrast the apparently
34:58small and unnoticed arrival of the kingdom with its extensive
35:03and glorious consummation when the son of man returns.
35:07In other words, there are those while having differing views
35:12ultimately agree that the small and unnoticed arrival of the
35:19already now is making way for the glorious consummation of
35:24the not yet.
35:27What's the already now?
35:28That's the system we live in.
35:30That's the governing system you and I were, again, wherever
35:33we go, we take the kingdom of God with us.
35:35We take the king with us and where the king, there is the
35:39So if the Lord is in your heart, then wherever you go, you take
35:41the kingdom of God with you.
35:43Again, the literal kingdom will be consummated in our future.
35:50Look at Luke 14.
35:51Now, look at Luke 14, find verse 15.
35:55One of the assignments God has given me is to do homework.
36:13For my assignment in the kingdom, I have to do a lot of
36:16Now, I don't like homework.
36:19I think homework is stupid.
36:21And thank God for our teachers, all of you teachers across this
36:28So just ignore me when I say stuff like I don't really see
36:31the point of homework.
36:33But anyway, especially homework that your kids would bring you
36:42that consisted of stuff that they didn't go over in class.
36:44I thought homework was supposed to reinforce what was learned
36:47in class.
36:48So when homework is brought home and it's different than what
36:52they learned in class, then I should be receiving a paycheck
36:55because in that moment I have become teacher.
36:59But maybe none of you have ever experienced anything like that.
37:01So maybe I'm just talking to myself.
37:05Thank God for our teachers though.
37:07Thank God for their sacrifice.
37:08They're the ones putting up with children for seven to eight
37:11hours a day.
37:13So praise God for them.
37:14But me, I'm a little strange.
37:18Stop it, Angie.
37:21I'm a little different.
37:23And so I'm a bit of a walking contradiction because I can't
37:29stand the system of school, but I love learning and teaching.
37:37In some ways, I could even be somewhat of a hypocrite because
37:40because I don't want to be in a classroom receiving assignments
37:44and doing homework.
37:45But as an instructor in the class, I kind of don't mind
37:48giving out assignments and need to really pray about that and
37:53work on myself.
37:55What kind of example am I?
37:56It's awful.
38:00But that's one of my assignments is to do homework.
38:03Homework regarding this word because too many times I see, I
38:08hear believers and quite often ministry leaders, ministry
38:17gifts, teaching things in scripture incorrectly.
38:23And not because it's their intent to teach them incorrectly
38:27and I'll be the first to tell you, I know nothing.
38:34Compared to what is in that word, compared to what is in
38:37the vault of heaven and in the mind of God, I know nothing.
38:42But the little bit that I do know, I'm careful with it.
38:48I finesse this text to make sure that I'm saying it as right
38:55as I possibly can say it, knowing that I am a flawed vessel
39:00because of this flesh, submitting to the Holy Spirit at all
39:06But oftentimes I hear too many individuals read the words of
39:12Jesus, for example, and apply it to just anything.
39:16Let me give you an example of what I mean.
39:19How many of you have ever heard in the scriptures?
39:23Maybe you've read it.
39:24Maybe you've heard someone teach on the sheep and the goats.
39:28You never heard of, and you know, the context is to the
39:31sheep, he will say, enter into heaven, into my kingdom, into
39:38my presence. To the goats, he will say, into everlasting fire.
39:44And I've heard individuals talk about, they'll tell the
39:48church this.
39:51You want to make sure you're a sheep and not a goat.
39:54They'll tell the church that at the day of judgment,
39:59he's going to say to the sheep and he's going to say to the
40:01goats, pause, hold up.
40:06Who was he talking to?
40:08And who was he talking about?
40:12Sheep and goats have nothing to do with the church.
40:16Even though you read things like, like what he says to the
40:21sheep, when I was in prison, you visited me.
40:23Oh, that's, that sounds like something he would say to the
40:26And in actuality, he has said it to the church, but in that
40:28context, he wasn't talking to the church.
40:30He was talking to the nations after the church has departed.
40:37There will be nations who submit to the King and there will
40:41be nations who submit to the enemy. Nations.
40:45The sheep and the goat happens to be the judgment of the
40:49He's not talking to the church.
40:50He's not talking to you.
40:51Our judgment will have already happened, which is the what?
40:55The judgment seat of Christ.
40:57You got to know the difference and I hear too many ministry
41:00gifts and it's laziness.
41:01That's what it is.
41:03You just won't take your time to read the text.
41:06You won't take your time to cross-reference scriptures.
41:10You just read something and you want to preach a fire and
41:12brimstone message and scare believers in the living, right?
41:17And you're telling believers about the wrong thing.
41:20Stuff ain't got nothing to do with them.
41:24There are three judgments.
41:25One is the judgment seat of Christ.
41:27Two is the judgment of nations.
41:28Three is the great white throne judgment.
41:30Three different judgments.
41:32Who will be judged at the judgment seat of Christ?
41:34Us, the Ecclesia, the church.
41:37Those of us judged at the judgment seat of Christ.
41:41It is not determined when we're judged at that seat, whether
41:45we enter into heaven or whether we enter into hell.
41:50That is determined here in the earth realm.
41:52When the gospel of Jesus is preached and you either reject
41:57or receive, you make that decision here.
42:03If you've made it here, you've secured it here.
42:07You will then find yourself at the reward bench, the Bema,
42:13the judgment seat of Christ.
42:15Now, at the judgment seat of Christ, we will give an account
42:20for the deeds done in the body, whether good or bad.
42:24But those bad works don't determine whether we remain in
42:28heaven or get into heaven.
42:29Again, that's determined here.
42:32First Corinthians chapter 3 is very clear that even those
42:35with burned works will still be saved.
42:39Bible's very clear about that.
42:40The judgment seat of Christ, again, is the judgment seat
42:44for the church and it is a judgment seat in which everyone
42:48who stands before Christ is in.
42:55Time will pass.
42:59After Jesus returns, after the seven years of tribulation,
43:04then all of those who participate in the first resurrection,
43:08that's the church and the martyrs who will be martyred
43:12during the tribulation.
43:14The martyrs along with the church, with Jesus, will rule
43:22and judge the nations. To the nations at that seat, there
43:28will be some who enter and there will be some who are cast
43:33into everlasting fire, prepared for who? The devil and his
43:37angels. That's the judgment of the nations. The final judgment
43:41in Revelation 20 verses 11 through 15 is the great white
43:45throne judgment.
43:47Now, the great white throne judgment will consist of a judgment
43:52of those who lived a certain way having accepted or rejected
43:58the Messiah.
43:59The Bible is very clear.
44:00It says books will be opened and also the book of life,
44:06which tells me that the books plural must be the books of
44:09their recorded deeds.
44:12Those books have nothing to do with us.
44:14We've already been judged.
44:15We come back with them to rule.
44:17We're not at the great white throne judgment.
44:20The martyrs are not at the great white throne judgment.
44:22The judgment of the nations will have already happened.
44:25This will be the great white throne judgment. At the great
44:28white throne judgment, again, books will be opened that
44:30contain deeds.
44:31There will be another book, the book of life.
44:33The Bible is very clear.
44:34If names are not found in the Lamb's book of life, guess where
44:37they go?
44:37They go to hell.
44:41They go into the lake of fire.
44:42That's where they go.
44:43Those whose names are found will enter into the earthly
44:48paradise, New Jerusalem, to live with us, except, unfortunately,
44:55they don't have it as good as us.
44:59And that's not because God shows partiality.
45:01It's because God responds to faith.
45:05Now, how come they won't have it as good as us?
45:08Well, the Bible tells us that they will participate in what's
45:12known as the second resurrection.
45:15The first resurrection, the scripture is clear.
45:18The second death has no power over those who participate in
45:23the first resurrection.
45:24What is the second death?
45:26The second death is the lake of fire.
45:28The lake of fire and brimstone.
45:31Now, the difference between the lake of fire and Hades.
45:36I think I was talking about this last week with y'all.
45:42Hades is what we read about in Luke 16.
45:47You all remember the account of Lazarus and the rich man.
45:50The Bible is very clear.
45:51They both died.
45:53Angels carried Lazarus to the bosom of Abraham.
45:56The rich man found himself in torments in flame.
46:01They both had their bodies buried.
46:05Their bodies went back to the earth, but Lazarus found himself
46:09in Abraham's bosom.
46:10The rich man found himself in the torments and flames of
46:16That's where his spirit was.
46:17Lazarus spirit was where?
46:19In the bosom of Abraham.
46:20Where was the spirit of the rich man?
46:22In Hades.
46:23Where were their bodies?
46:24Their bodies had gone back to the earth from which they came.
46:28That same Hades, Peter preaches about it when the day of
46:32Pentecost is fully come.
46:34Peter quotes David who said your body will not be left in
46:39Hades, nor will you allow your Holy One to see corruption.
46:43That same Hades is where Jesus went.
46:46Peter was talking about Jesus.
46:47David was prophesying about Jesus.
46:51Paul also mentions this in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 8
46:55through 11.
46:56You all recall where the Bible says before he ascended he
47:00first descended.
47:01The Bible is very clear into where? The lower parts of the
47:06earth. In the Greek the word lower translates into Hades.
47:11But Hades is not the final hell.
47:14The final hell is the lake of fire where Jesus said their
47:20worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.
47:25What makes the lake of fire
47:27so much more of a nightmare than Hades?
47:34Well, I tell you what makes Hades so bad?
47:38Well, it's hell.
47:39There's that, there's fire.
47:42There's that, there's pain.
47:45There's that, there's recognition.
47:49There's that and there's memory.
47:52There's that, that's awful.
47:55What a horrible way to spend eternity except that's not how
47:58they're going to spend eternity.
47:59They've got the lake of fire to look forward to.
48:03What happens in the lake of fire?
48:05All of what I just said except the lake of fire revolves.
48:11And there's one more thing.
48:14Let me ask you this question.
48:17What's the purpose of the resurrection?
48:19Why would a body need to be resurrected?
48:21Or why would a person need to be resurrected?
48:23Why would a spirit need to be placed back into a body?
48:27Obviously, these bodies are going to be used for something.
48:31So, the first resurrection, that's you and I.
48:35Remember, there's a part A and a part B.
48:38All right, there's first class, there's business class.
48:42Now, if you are a part of the church and the earth today,
48:44you are in first class.
48:47We are first class section of the first resurrection.
48:53We will receive not just resurrected bodies, but like
48:56Jesus, our resurrected bodies will be glorified.
49:02The martyrs who participate, read about them in Revelation.
49:05That's also the judgment of the nations, Revelation chapter
49:0820 verses 1 through 4.
49:11Those martyrs who participate also in the first resurrection,
49:14business class, their bodies also not only will be resurrected,
49:19but they will also be what?
49:23But those who take part in the second resurrection, they will
49:27receive resurrected bodies, but they will not be glorified.
49:32Now, you may ask yourself the question, what's the difference
49:33between a glorified resurrected body and a regular resurrected
49:39I mean, a resurrected body sounds impressive.
49:43Seems like I'd be solid with a resurrected body, but when
49:47you know what the resurrected bodies are going to go through,
49:51trust me, you'll prefer the glorified resurrected body.
49:56What's going to happen during the second resurrection?
49:59Bodies that will not be glorified, they will be judged and
50:03their eternity will be determined.
50:06Now, here's what Jesus the Christ said about the lake of
50:12He said, let me tell you who you should fear.
50:15Jesus said, you should fear he who is able, listen carefully,
50:19to destroy both soul and body in everlasting fire.
50:24Whoa, whoa, whoa.
50:25Wait a minute.
50:26Jesus, what you talking about, man?
50:27What are you saying here?
50:29Because I know that for believers to be absent from the
50:31body is to be present with the Lord.
50:33So when I pass away as a believer in the Lord, my body goes
50:37back to the earth and my spirit goes to be with the Lord.
50:41Well, an unbeliever or one who has rejected the way their
50:45bodies would go back to the earth and their spirits would
50:47go to Hades.
50:50But when it comes to the great white throne judgment and the
50:52final hell and the lake of fire, what did Jesus say?
50:55Jesus didn't just say that soul would be destroyed.
50:59He said body.
51:02Because a resurrected body that has not been glorified, won't
51:09die, but can still feel.
51:12So God is a genius.
51:20You can't just throw a regular body into the lake of fire.
51:22It's going to melt away and cease to exist.
51:26But what if you threw a resurrected body into the lake
51:28of fire?
51:30A resurrected body into the lake of fire is going to feel
51:34the pain of the lake of fire, but never cease to exist.
51:38Now, here's how you know that the second resurrection does
51:43not consist of glorified resurrected bodies.
51:47Would you all agree that in the very end when it's all said
51:50and done, go to the end of the book, Revelation 21 and 22,
51:54doesn't it make sense that in the earth realm there would
51:57be no more sin, that there would be no more death, that
52:01there would be no more pain, no more sorrow.
52:05I mean, that's what the Bible says in Revelation 21.
52:10Sickness should be gone, shouldn't it?
52:13Disease and pestilence and famine should be out of here.
52:16There's no sin in the world.
52:18The system of sin has been destroyed.
52:21The ruler of sin has been cast into the lake of fire.
52:25Seems like everything should be just as perfect as it was
52:28in the Garden of Eden.
52:29And yet, ladies and gentlemen, in the Holy City, New Jerusalem,
52:34there are trees that contain healing leaves for nations.
52:41Why would anyone need to be healed in the very end?
52:47Those who don't have glorified bodies.
52:50Resurrected, but not glorified.
52:55If you don't partake in the first resurrection, your
52:58resurrected body is not glorified.
53:01If you don't partake in the first resurrection, your
53:03resurrected body needs the healing leaves from the tree
53:06of life, from the tree of life.
53:13Why else would there be healing leaves in a world where there's
53:16no sin?
53:18Why else would there be healing leaves in a world where there's
53:20no devil?
53:21No devil, no sin, no kingdom of darkness, and yet there are
53:25those who are going to need the healing leaves from the tree
53:28of life.
53:29Those are those who, having been judged at the nation seat and
53:34judged at the great white throne judgment, who will found or be
53:38found to enter into eternal life, but they don't have the
53:41resurrected bodies you and I have.
53:43They're not glorified.
53:45So those who are rejected and enter into the lake of fire will
53:49spend an eternity burning, feeling it, but never dying.
53:54Those who make it into heaven, whose names are in the
53:58Lamb's book of life, praise God, but oh my gosh, what they
54:02have gone through through the tribulation is going to require
54:05the healing leaves of the tree of life in the holy city.
54:12Are you with me?
54:16Now, why did I tell you all that?
54:21Well, I was just trying to show you one small example of how
54:26certain scriptures can be completely taken out of context,
54:30and you all made me take longer on it then.
54:34Matter of fact, I'm out of time and now I can't even finish
54:36what I was going to say before.
54:37So Father, we thank you for your word.
54:39It's life and truth.
