• last year
A Christmas Carol-HD (1984)
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:07 [Music]
00:00:32 Old Marley was as dead as a doornail. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of this story I am going to relate.
00:00:43 [Music]
00:00:53 On Christmas night all Christians sing to hear the news the angels bring. [x2]
00:01:15 [Music]
00:01:44 [Music]
00:02:06 [Music]
00:02:34 [Music]
00:02:50 Seven years ago today. What's that you say? Mr. Marley died seven years ago this very day.
00:02:57 Would it be too much to ask that you return to the work which I pay you so handsomely. Mr. Cratchit.
00:03:05 The fire's gone cold Mr. Scrooge. Come over here Mr. Cratchit.
00:03:11 What is this? A shirt. And this? A waistcoat. And this? A coat.
00:03:24 These are garments Mr. Cratchit. Garments were invented by the human race's protection against the cold.
00:03:30 Once purchased they may be used indefinitely for the purpose for which they are intended.
00:03:36 Cold burns. Cold is momentary and cold is costly. There will be no more cold burnt in this office today.
00:03:48 Is that quite clear Mr. Cratchit? Yes sir. Now please get back to work before I am forced to conclude that your services are no longer required.
00:03:57 Yes sir.
00:04:07 Merry Christmas Bob Cratchit. And the same to you Mr. Fred.
00:04:14 Merry Christmas uncle. I said Merry Christmas uncle.
00:04:21 Humbug. Christmas a humbug uncle. Surely you don't mean that. I do.
00:04:28 What's Christmas but a time for buying things for which you have no need, no money.
00:04:36 Time for finding yourself a year older not an hour richer.
00:04:43 If I could work my will every idiot who goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled in his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart.
00:04:55 Come now uncle. No you keep Christmas in your way and let me keep it in mine.
00:05:01 Keep it but you don't keep it. Let me leave it alone then.
00:05:07 Much good it may do you. Much good it has done you.
00:05:10 There are a great many things from which I might have derived good from which I have not profited I dare say.
00:05:15 Christmas among the rest.
00:05:18 I've always thought of Christmas time when it comes round as a good time.
00:05:22 A kindly forgiving charitable time.
00:05:25 A time when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut up hearts freely to their fellow creatures.
00:05:33 And so uncle though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver into my pocket.
00:05:37 I do believe that it has done me good.
00:05:40 And I say God bless it.
00:05:44 Another sound from you and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your situation.
00:05:55 You're quite a powerful speaker sir. I wonder you don't go into Parliament.
00:06:02 Please don't be angry uncle. Come dine with us tomorrow.
00:06:06 I'd see myself in hell first.
00:06:09 It would be a great joy to me. And to my wife.
00:06:13 Yes your wife. I'm told she brought very little to the marriage. A poor girl.
00:06:18 I love her. And she loves me.
00:06:22 Love.
00:06:24 Good afternoon nephew.
00:06:28 I want nothing from you. I ask nothing of you.
00:06:35 Why can't we be friends?
00:06:37 You are wasting my time.
00:06:40 I'm sorry to find you so resolute.
00:06:43 We've never had a quarrel so far as I know.
00:06:46 And so I shall keep my good humour.
00:06:50 And wish you a merry Christmas.
00:06:52 Goodbye.
00:06:54 And a happy new year.
00:06:56 How's that fine family of yours Bob Cratchit?
00:07:00 Well sir. All very well.
00:07:02 Good. You'll give them my best wishes.
00:07:03 Yes sir I shall. Thank you for remembering them.
00:07:05 Goodbye Cratchit.
00:07:06 Goodbye sir. And a merry Christmas.
00:07:09 Idiot.
00:07:11 He's made me late to the show.
00:07:17 I'm off to the exchange.
00:07:22 Don't lock up a moment early.
00:07:24 Yes sir.
00:07:27 [Sighs]
00:07:29 You'll want all day tomorrow I suppose.
00:07:38 If it's quite convenient sir.
00:07:40 It's not convenient. And it's not fair.
00:07:43 If I were to hold back half a crown from your pay for it
00:07:47 you'd think yourself ill used I'll be bound.
00:07:49 But you don't think me ill used
00:07:51 when I pay a day's wages for no work.
00:07:54 Christmas comes but once a year sir.
00:07:57 Poor excuse for picking a man's pocket every 25th of December.
00:08:02 That I suppose you must have it.
00:08:05 Be here all the earlier the next morning Cratchit.
00:08:07 Yes sir I shall. I certainly shall.
00:08:09 Make sure.
00:08:10 Yes sir.
00:08:12 And a merry Christmas to you Mr. Scrooge.
00:08:14 Humbug.
00:08:17 [Christmas music]
00:08:19 Merry Christmas Mr. Scrooge.
00:08:32 Don't beg on this corner boy.
00:08:34 I'm not begging sir. I'm Tim.
00:08:37 Tim Cratchit. I'm waiting for my father.
00:08:40 Tim Cratchit.
00:08:42 Well then you'll have a long wait won't you.
00:08:45 Thank you sir.
00:08:47 Humbug.
00:08:49 [Christmas music]
00:08:55 Clear the road. Out of the way. Let me through.
00:09:04 [Christmas music]
00:09:13 [chorus singing]
00:09:16 [chorus singing]
00:09:18 [chorus singing]
00:09:43 Ah Ebenezer. We were afraid you weren't coming.
00:09:45 It's almost closing sir.
00:09:47 I'm here aren't I?
00:09:48 I said you'd be here. Didn't I say Ebenezer Scrooge you'd be here?
00:09:51 I knew you'd change your mind.
00:09:52 Right I have changed my mind.
00:09:54 Oh good then you'll take our bid.
00:09:55 The price has gone up.
00:09:57 Gone up? But that's not possible.
00:09:59 You want my corn gentlemen you must meet my quote.
00:10:02 Plus five percent for the delay.
00:10:04 That's outrageous Scrooge. You'll be left with a warehouse stuffed with corn.
00:10:07 That's my affair isn't it?
00:10:09 But if we pay your price sir bread will be dearer. The poor will suffer.
00:10:13 Buy the corn someplace else. Good day sir.
00:10:15 Scrooge a moment. We'll take your corn at the price you quoted yesterday.
00:10:20 Too late. If you wait until tomorrow it'll cost you another five percent.
00:10:23 Damn it Scrooge it's not fair.
00:10:25 No but it's business.
00:10:27 I'll give you a moment to make up your mind.
00:10:29 All right Scrooge. Done and done.
00:10:38 Very good gentlemen.
00:10:39 Now make sure that a draft for the entire amount of this transaction is deposited with my clerk.
00:10:44 I don't ship until I have the cash in hand.
00:10:48 Good day.
00:10:49 Mr. Scrooge I presume.
00:10:53 Indeed you do sir.
00:10:55 You don't know us.
00:10:56 Nor do I wish to.
00:10:57 My name is Poole and this is Mr. Hattie.
00:11:00 Excellent. Now if you'll allow me to pass.
00:11:02 Let me explain sir.
00:11:04 At this festive season of the year it seems desirable that those of us with means should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute who suffer greatly at this time.
00:11:15 Provision? Are you seeking money from me then?
00:11:18 Many thousands are in want of common necessaries.
00:11:21 Hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts.
00:11:23 Are there no prisons?
00:11:25 Plenty of prisons.
00:11:26 The workhouses, are they still in operation?
00:11:28 They are. I wish I could say they were not.
00:11:31 The treadmill, the poorhouses still in full vigor?
00:11:34 All very busy sir.
00:11:36 I was afraid in what you said that something had stopped them in full force.
00:11:41 A few of us are in debris to raise a fund to buy the poor some meat and drink and food and warmth.
00:11:47 Oh what can we put you down for sir? Nothing.
00:11:50 You wish to be anonymous.
00:11:51 I wish to be left alone.
00:11:53 Since you ask me what I wish gentlemen that is my answer.
00:11:56 I don't make merry myself at Christmas and I can't afford to make idle people merry.
00:12:01 My taxes help to support the public institutions which I have mentioned and they cost enough.
00:12:06 Those who are badly off must go there.
00:12:09 Many can't go there and many would rather die.
00:12:13 If they would rather die perhaps they had better do so and decrease the surplus population.
00:12:19 Surely you don't mean that sir?
00:12:21 Oh my heart not. You will go about your business gentlemen and allow me to go about mine.
00:12:27 [Bell tolling]
00:12:52 Father!
00:12:55 Tim! You must be frozen!
00:12:59 I'm alright now.
00:13:02 Could we go home by Cornhill and watch the boys and girls play in the snow?
00:13:07 Of course we can.
00:13:10 Tim I'm to have the whole day off tomorrow.
00:13:13 We'll be together, the whole family for the entire day.
00:13:17 Hurrah for Christmas, the best day of the year!
00:13:21 [Children singing]
00:13:37 Look!
00:13:38 They're having such fun, Father.
00:13:41 Where are you?
00:13:44 Go and get it!
00:13:47 You'll be there one day, playing with the other children.
00:13:50 I'm quite sure I will. I feel I'm getting stronger every day.
00:13:56 [Children playing]
00:14:01 We must go home now. Your mother will be waiting for us.
00:14:04 Yes, it's time to go home.
00:14:07 [Children playing]
00:14:22 [Dogs barking]
00:14:36 [Music]
00:15:01 They're calling me.
00:15:05 Someone call my name.
00:15:09 [Music]
00:15:37 [Music]
00:15:52 [Music]
00:16:00 Marley.
00:16:03 [Music]
00:16:26 [Music]
00:16:35 [Music]
00:16:55 [Music]
00:17:05 [Music]
00:17:15 [Music]
00:17:44 [Music]
00:17:54 [Music]
00:18:04 [Music]
00:18:14 [Music]
00:18:24 [Music]
00:18:34 [Music]
00:18:44 [Music]
00:19:02 I'm back.
00:19:05 [Bells ringing]
00:19:15 [Music]
00:19:44 [Music]
00:19:51 [Music]
00:19:54 [Music]
00:19:57 [Music]
00:20:00 [Music]
00:20:03 [Music]
00:20:06 [Music]
00:20:15 What do you want with me?
00:20:23 Much.
00:20:25 Who are you?
00:20:26 Ask me who I was.
00:20:30 You're particular for a ghost.
00:20:33 Who are you then?
00:20:34 In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.
00:20:40 Can you sit down?
00:20:41 I can.
00:20:43 Well do it then.
00:20:45 [Music]
00:21:01 You don't believe in me.
00:21:04 I don't.
00:21:06 What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your own senses?
00:21:12 I don't know.
00:21:13 Why do you doubt your senses?
00:21:17 Because a little thing affects them, a slight disorder of the stomach.
00:21:23 It might be a bit of bad beef, a blot of mustard, a fragment of an underdone potato.
00:21:30 Or a gravy in a grave about you, whatever you are.
00:21:32 Humbug, I tell you, humbug.
00:21:34 [Screaming]
00:21:39 Mercy.
00:21:41 Dreadful apparition.
00:21:43 Why do you trouble me?
00:21:44 Man of the worldly mind, do you believe in me or not?
00:21:48 I do, I must.
00:21:51 But why do spirits walk the earth?
00:21:53 Why do you come to me?
00:21:54 It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow men and travel far and wide.
00:22:04 And if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death.
00:22:10 It is doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot share, but might have shared, and turn to happiness.
00:22:23 [Screaming]
00:22:28 Chain, tell me why.
00:22:30 I wear the chain I forged in life.
00:22:34 I made it link by link and yard by yard.
00:22:41 Is it pattern strange to you?
00:22:43 Or would you know the weight and length of the strong coil you bear yourself?
00:22:48 It was as full, as heavy, and as long as this seven Christmas eves ago.
00:22:55 You have labored on it since.
00:22:56 It is a ponderous chain.
00:23:01 I see no chain.
00:23:03 Mine were invisible until the day of my death.
00:23:08 As yours shall be.
00:23:11 Chain, come on.
00:23:14 Tell me more.
00:23:15 Speak comfortably.
00:23:18 I have none to give.
00:23:21 My spirit never walked beyond our accounting house.
00:23:28 In life, my spirit never roved beyond the narrow limits of our money-changing hole.
00:23:36 No doubt of that.
00:23:37 You always were a good man of business.
00:23:39 Business?
00:23:41 Mankind was my business.
00:23:44 The common welfare was my business.
00:23:47 Charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business.
00:23:53 The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business.
00:24:01 I'm sorry for you, Jacob.
00:24:03 Is there anything I can do for you?
00:24:05 For me? Nay, it is too late.
00:24:11 But I have come for your sake, Ebenezer.
00:24:17 Have you?
00:24:19 Well, you always were a good friend.
00:24:23 As part of my penance, I have been sent to warn you.
00:24:29 And so you have.
00:24:30 And to offer you a hope and chance of escaping my fate.
00:24:36 You will be haunted by three spirits.
00:24:39 Three spirits?
00:24:42 Is that the chance and hope you mention?
00:24:44 It is.
00:24:46 Well, in that case, I think I'd rather not.
00:24:49 Expect the first tonight when the bell tolls one.
00:24:55 Couldn't they all come at the same time, Jacob, and have it over?
00:24:59 Expect the second on the stroke of two.
00:25:04 The third, more mercurial, shall appear in his own good time.
00:25:16 Look to me no more.
00:25:19 Look that you may remember what has passed between us.
00:25:27 [Music]
00:25:42 [Screaming]
00:26:08 Hound her.
00:26:35 I don't think I hit.
00:26:40 [Bell tolls]
00:26:59 [Bell tolls]
00:27:10 One.
00:27:14 What was it Molly said?
00:27:21 Nothing.
00:27:26 Just a dream then.
00:27:47 Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?
00:27:51 I am.
00:27:53 Who and what are you?
00:27:55 I am the ghost of Christmas past.
00:27:58 Long past?
00:27:59 No, your past.
00:28:03 Perhaps you would do me the favor of placing upon your head that cap which you hold in your hand.
00:28:10 I bring the light of truth.
00:28:12 Would you use this cap to put it out?
00:28:16 I beg your pardon, I had no intention of offending.
00:28:20 What business brings you here?
00:28:24 It is for your welfare that I appear.
00:28:28 I can think of no greater welfare than a night of uninterrupted sleep.
00:28:33 Be careful Ebenezer Scrooge, I speak of your reclamation.
00:28:39 Well if it's reclamation then let's get on with it.
00:28:46 Come.
00:28:53 We shall be invisible and silent as a grave.
00:28:59 You will now see a child, a youth.
00:29:04 You will see yourself Ebenezer.
00:29:11 The air is so clean.
00:29:13 How different from the city.
00:29:15 Do you know where you are?
00:29:18 Of course, I was bred here, I was a boy in this place.
00:29:23 That's Daniel Costes.
00:29:26 Robert Estes.
00:29:28 Hello Daniel.
00:29:34 The big one there, that's David Tyler.
00:29:36 David, look here, it's Ebenezer.
00:29:39 I told you Ebenezer, they can't hear you.
00:29:43 How happy they all seem.
00:29:45 That's right, they do.
00:29:47 Yes, well it's time to move on.
00:29:50 Come along Ebenezer, you know the way.
00:29:53 I could walk it blindfolded.
00:29:59 Your school.
00:30:01 I remember.
00:30:02 And it's Christmas day.
00:30:05 There's a boy in there, neglected.
00:30:08 The boy is deserted by his friends and his family.
00:30:13 His mother is dead.
00:30:15 His father holds him agrudge.
00:30:17 Why does his father hold him agrudge?
00:30:20 She died in childbirth, his birth.
00:30:24 Weep for the boy if the tears will come.
00:30:28 Here's his friends, even on the stage.
00:30:32 From his beloved books.
00:30:34 There's Ali Baba, dear old honest Ali Baba.
00:30:40 And the Sultan's groom, turned upside down with a genie.
00:30:44 Not a real child to talk to, not a living person.
00:30:48 Robinson Crusoe, not real.
00:30:51 And Friday, the parrot, with green body and yellow tail, not real.
00:30:58 He made do this boy.
00:31:00 Let us see another Christmas day, when you were a youth.
00:31:07 There.
00:31:12 Oh!
00:31:14 Dear, dear brother.
00:31:19 I've come to bring you home, dear brother.
00:31:22 To bring you home.
00:31:24 Home.
00:31:30 Home, little friend?
00:31:32 Yes.
00:31:34 Home for good and all.
00:31:37 Father's much kinder than he used to be.
00:31:40 He spoke to me so gently one day a night,
00:31:42 that I was not afraid to ask once more if you might come home.
00:31:46 And he said, "Yes, you should."
00:31:48 And sent me in a coach to bring you.
00:31:59 You're quite a woman, little friend.
00:32:02 And you, you are to be a man now.
00:32:07 And never come back here.
00:32:11 Come along, we mustn't keep father waiting.
00:32:18 Father!
00:32:20 There, boy, there.
00:32:21 Stand still now.
00:32:23 Let me look at you.
00:32:25 They haven't been overfeeding you, that's certain.
00:32:28 I've grown, I think.
00:32:31 Yes, most boys do.
00:32:34 The man has told you you won't be moving back here.
00:32:36 Yes, sir.
00:32:37 It's time you made your way in the world.
00:32:39 I've arranged an apprenticeship for you.
00:32:41 You'll move into Mr. Fezziwig's establishment in three days' time.
00:32:44 Three days, father?
00:32:46 I'd hoped we'd have my brother home for longer.
00:32:48 Longer?
00:32:50 Three days is quite long enough for both of us.
00:32:54 Don't you think, Ebenezer?
00:32:57 Yes, sir.
00:32:59 Quite long enough.
00:33:04 You finished back there?
00:33:06 All safe and secure, sir.
00:33:08 Into the carriage, fam.
00:33:12 On our way.
00:33:15 Into the carriage, boy.
00:33:26 Giddyap.
00:33:30 Fan pleaded for more time, but my father was a very stern man.
00:33:37 Very.
00:33:39 She died a young woman.
00:33:41 She had such a generous nature.
00:33:42 Yes, too young.
00:33:44 Old enough to bear a child.
00:33:46 One son.
00:33:48 Fred, your nephew.
00:33:50 Fred Holloway, yes.
00:33:51 Who bears a strong resemblance to your sister.
00:33:54 Does he?
00:33:56 I never noticed.
00:33:58 You never noticed?
00:34:00 I'm beginning to think you've gone through life with your eyes closed.
00:34:03 Open them.
00:34:05 Open them wide.
00:34:13 You know this man?
00:34:15 It's old Fezziwig.
00:34:18 Oh, yes, my dear.
00:34:19 Would you ask Mr. Pulling to refer that matter to Mr. Scrooge?
00:34:23 Thank you, my dear.
00:34:25 And you know this place?
00:34:27 No, it was I not apprenticed here.
00:34:30 Yoo-hoo.
00:34:32 Pay attention, everybody.
00:34:34 Dick, Ebenezer, pens down.
00:34:36 No more work tonight, boys.
00:34:38 It is Christmas Eve.
00:34:40 So, close those letters down, Ebenezer and Dick.
00:34:43 Clear away in here, everybody.
00:34:45 We need the room.
00:34:48 Here we go, lad.
00:34:49 You'll enjoy yourself tonight, Master Ebenezer.
00:34:52 That is an order.
00:34:53 Yes, sir, I'll try.
00:34:54 Well, put your heart in it.
00:34:56 You put enough of yourself into your work,
00:34:58 and I have nothing but praise for the way you've discharged your duties.
00:35:01 But you're young.
00:35:02 There's more to life than bolts of cloth and musty old ledgers.
00:35:07 [cheering]
00:35:11 It's Mrs. Fezziwig and her three daughters in their suitors.
00:35:16 Merry Christmas to you all.
00:35:20 Oh, Bill.
00:35:22 I had forgotten how beautiful she was.
00:35:26 Hello, Bill.
00:35:32 Hello.
00:35:33 Would you like to dance?
00:35:35 Yes.
00:35:36 [cheering]
00:35:41 [music playing]
00:35:46 [cheering]
00:35:51 [music playing]
00:35:56 [cheering]
00:36:01 [music playing]
00:36:06 [laughing]
00:36:11 How long since you danced, Ebenezer?
00:36:16 A waste of time dancing.
00:36:18 You didn't think so then?
00:36:20 There was a reason then.
00:36:23 There's been a change in you since you've come to Fezziwig's.
00:36:26 You were so gloomy.
00:36:27 Oh, I think I should warn you, Miss Bell.
00:36:29 I am of a serious bent of mind.
00:36:32 I consider seriousness to be an admirable trait of character.
00:36:35 But it can be overdone.
00:36:38 I should take heed of your advice, ma'am,
00:36:40 and go through life with a grin on my face.
00:36:42 [music playing]
00:36:47 [cheering]
00:36:50 [music playing]
00:36:55 [cheering]
00:36:59 Come along, you two.
00:37:01 They're striking up Sir Roger de Covelly.
00:37:03 Time enough to sample the punch when you're
00:37:05 old and fat like me, eh?
00:37:07 Oh, I'd best partner my wife before that young scamp goes
00:37:10 dancing off with her.
00:37:12 What a difference it makes, Ebenezer,
00:37:14 to travel the rough road of life with the right female
00:37:18 to help bear the burden, eh?
00:37:21 What a lucky man I am.
00:37:25 Shall we join the others, Ebenezer?
00:37:29 My pleasure, Miss Bell.
00:37:32 [music playing]
00:37:36 [cheering]
00:37:40 [music playing]
00:37:44 [cheering]
00:37:48 [music playing]
00:37:52 Old Fezziwig, a silly man.
00:37:57 Silly?
00:37:58 Why silly?
00:38:00 What did he do, after all, to deserve the praises
00:38:03 of those apprentices?
00:38:04 Spent a few pounds, danced like a monkey,
00:38:09 beamed a great smile.
00:38:11 Well, the happiness he gave--
00:38:14 I gave was quite as great as though it
00:38:17 had cost 1,000 pounds.
00:38:21 Just small things.
00:38:23 [music playing]
00:38:28 Bell.
00:38:29 Are you in love, Ebenezer?
00:38:32 Mm.
00:38:35 The thought had occurred to me--
00:38:37 She's too good for you.
00:38:38 --one day, when I've made my fortune, then I'll deserve her.
00:38:44 It was a night never to be forgotten.
00:38:47 Never.
00:38:48 [music playing]
00:38:51 But you did forget often.
00:38:54 No.
00:38:55 Look, another Christmas Eve, delayed
00:38:59 by the pressure of business.
00:39:02 Do you remember?
00:39:03 No.
00:39:04 [music playing]
00:39:10 Hello, Bell.
00:39:11 Now do you remember?
00:39:13 I'm sorry I'm late.
00:39:15 I thought you might not come.
00:39:17 I know how busy you are.
00:39:19 Well, the time of year and the nature of my business,
00:39:27 it's important now that I use my time and opportunities wisely.
00:39:31 Another idol has displaced me.
00:39:34 What idol has displaced you?
00:39:36 A golden one.
00:39:38 All your hopes have merged into a master passion, profit.
00:39:43 The thought of money engrosses you.
00:39:46 Perhaps I've become wiser, but I've not changed towards you.
00:39:52 Our contract is an old one.
00:39:54 It was made when we were young and our prospects limited.
00:39:59 How often I've thought of those times.
00:40:03 If there had been no understanding between us,
00:40:06 would you seek me out and try to win me now?
00:40:09 A dowerless girl with nothing but myself to bring to a marriage.
00:40:15 [music playing]
00:40:18 You have no answer.
00:40:19 You think I would not, then?
00:40:23 Oh, Ebenezer, what a safe and terrible answer,
00:40:27 so characteristic of the careful man.
00:40:29 Ebenezer, I release you.
00:40:36 You are a free man.
00:40:39 I let you go with a full heart.
00:40:42 May you be happy in the life you have chosen.
00:40:45 [music playing]
00:40:48 I almost went after her.
00:41:00 Almost carries no weight, especially
00:41:04 in matters of the heart.
00:41:06 And you did have a heart, didn't you, Ebenezer?
00:41:10 Why didn't you follow her?
00:41:14 Upon his death, my father left me a small inheritance.
00:41:18 Belle wished to be married, insisting that we
00:41:20 could get along on very little.
00:41:22 And I wanted something more for both of us.
00:41:25 So I lent out that money, laid the foundations
00:41:29 for financial success, which I have achieved, I may add.
00:41:33 Congratulations.
00:41:34 Well, thank you not to sneer.
00:41:37 Spirit, show me no more.
00:41:38 Conduct me home.
00:41:39 You have explained what you gained.
00:41:41 Now I will show you what you have lost.
00:41:44 Belle.
00:41:51 Belle.
00:41:53 And those are her children.
00:41:54 Oh, darling, he's wonderful, isn't he?
00:41:59 Oh, lord, what a brood.
00:42:01 [music playing]
00:42:05 [children playing]
00:42:08 Hello, hello.
00:42:15 Hello, my dear.
00:42:17 Hello, Papa.
00:42:18 Where's my present?
00:42:19 Where's my present?
00:42:20 You will have to wait until tonight.
00:42:23 All of you, presents on Christmas Eve, as usual.
00:42:28 Fancy.
00:42:31 They might have been mine.
00:42:32 The same thought occurred to me.
00:42:34 I saw an old friend of yours in the city this afternoon.
00:42:37 Who was he?
00:42:38 Guess.
00:42:39 I can't.
00:42:42 I don't know.
00:42:45 Ebenezer Scrooge.
00:42:46 Mr. Scrooge it was.
00:42:48 I passed his office window, and it was not shuttered.
00:42:51 He had a single candle lit upon his desk.
00:42:54 His partner, Jacob Marley, lies on the point of death, I hear.
00:42:58 And there he sat, Ebenezer Scrooge,
00:43:00 alone, quite alone in the world, I do believe.
00:43:04 Poor Ebenezer.
00:43:07 Poor wretched man.
00:43:09 Spare me your pity.
00:43:11 I have no need of it.
00:43:13 They can't hear you.
00:43:15 And as for you, I've had enough of your pictures from the past.
00:43:21 Leave me.
00:43:23 Haunt me no longer.
00:43:26 Truth lives.
00:43:29 Truth lives.
00:43:32 Truth lives.
00:43:35 Truth lives.
00:43:56 A nightmare.
00:44:02 Horrible nightmare.
00:44:06 Oh, God.
00:44:12 Let me sleep.
00:44:17 Let me sleep in peace.
00:44:24 Peace.
00:44:30 [Bells ringing]
00:44:57 Two.
00:45:02 Well, Jacob Marley,
00:45:05 where is this spirit of which you spoke so glibly?
00:45:10 You did say at the stroke of two, didn't you, Jacob?
00:45:14 [Chuckles]
00:45:18 Mistaken in death.
00:45:22 Mistaken in death.
00:45:26 As you were in life, old partner.
00:45:29 [Chuckles]
00:45:31 Ah.
00:45:34 Ebenezer Scrooge!
00:45:40 Ebenezer Scrooge!
00:45:43 [Music]
00:45:51 Come in.
00:45:53 I intend to.
00:46:03 [Laughs]
00:46:05 Come in and know me, better man.
00:46:09 [Laughs]
00:46:15 You've never seen the likes of me before, eh?
00:46:19 It's quite true. I have not.
00:46:22 You never walked forth with any of the younger members of my family?
00:46:27 No, not that I remember.
00:46:29 Nor any of my elder brothers born these later years?
00:46:34 I'm afraid not, no.
00:46:37 Do you have many brothers, spirit?
00:46:40 [Laughs]
00:46:42 Over 1,800!
00:46:45 [Laughs]
00:46:48 Tremendous family to provide for.
00:46:52 Take hold of my robe, Ebenezer Scrooge.
00:46:56 [Music]
00:47:09 [Music]
00:47:21 What day is it now?
00:47:23 Don't you know?
00:47:26 Christmas morning!
00:47:33 [Music]
00:47:41 [Music]
00:47:49 [Music]
00:47:55 [Music]
00:48:04 There's a lot of buying, isn't there?
00:48:07 Oh, Ebenezer, is that all you can see?
00:48:11 Follow me, and I'll show you to what good use these wares can be put.
00:48:17 Is there some peculiar power which emanates from your torch?
00:48:20 Oh, yes. There is.
00:48:25 [Music]
00:48:36 Do you know this house?
00:48:38 I can't say I do.
00:48:41 It is the house of Bob Cratchit.
00:48:43 Is it?
00:48:44 He does very well on 15 bob a week.
00:48:48 Shall we go in?
00:48:50 I would not disturb.
00:48:52 As with Christmas past, we shall be invisible and unheard.
00:49:00 I wonder what's keeping your father?
00:49:02 He's probably stopped to talk to the parson.
00:49:04 Father always likes to compliment him on his sermons.
00:49:08 I do hope the pudding's a success this year.
00:49:10 No one makes a better pudding than you, Mother.
00:49:14 Peter, save some for the rest of the family.
00:49:17 Just testing the cooking, Mother.
00:49:19 I'm sure they'll manage very well in the room without your help, young man.
00:49:22 Hello, Mother.
00:49:23 Hello, Mother.
00:49:24 Smell the goose cooking, Martha.
00:49:26 Yes, it makes my mouth water.
00:49:28 Mine too.
00:49:29 I can't wait.
00:49:30 Well, you'll just have to.
00:49:32 Now run along with Martha and help her butter the bread thinly.
00:49:35 Here they are.
00:49:40 Merry Christmas, everyone.
00:49:42 You're late, Bob Cratchit.
00:49:43 Oh, and you're quite like an icicle, Tim.
00:49:46 You've been dawdling.
00:49:47 Father had a long talk with the minister.
00:49:50 Daughters match.
00:49:52 Come, Tim.
00:49:53 Listen to the pudding hissing on the fire.
00:49:55 It's like a giant snake inside the copper.
00:49:58 Go along with your brother and sister, Tim.
00:49:59 I'll begin the wine.
00:50:01 Off you go, then.
00:50:03 Come on.
00:50:05 How did he behave in church?
00:50:07 As good as gold.
00:50:09 Letters.
00:50:11 Father's very worried if it'll turn out all right.
00:50:13 Look how they support him.
00:50:15 What did you say?
00:50:17 Nothing.
00:50:18 It's, um-- nothing.
00:50:21 Somehow he gets thoughtful sitting by himself so much.
00:50:25 He thinks of strangest things.
00:50:27 He told me coming home that he hoped that the people in church
00:50:30 saw him because he was a cripple, and that it might be pleasant for them
00:50:34 to remember on Christmas Day who it was that made lame beggars walk
00:50:40 and blind men see.
00:50:43 It seems to me that Tim is getting stronger every day,
00:50:47 that his limbs are growing, that he's in better spirits, it seems to me.
00:50:52 Yes, Bob.
00:50:53 I'm sure you're right.
00:50:55 He is getting stronger.
00:50:58 Well, we're all here.
00:50:59 That's the important thing.
00:51:01 Belinda, help me with the goose.
00:51:04 Yes, Mother.
00:51:11 Peter, I have some good news for you.
00:51:15 I met by chance this morning at church a fine gentleman,
00:51:19 Fred Holywell by name.
00:51:21 He's a nephew of our own Mr. Scrooge,
00:51:23 and he remembered that I have a sudden coming of working age,
00:51:26 and he told me that he had a position open
00:51:28 starting at three shillings and sixpence every week.
00:51:31 Three shillings and sixpence every week?
00:51:34 So if you are agreeable, you may start work on Monday next.
00:51:39 Now I can begin to help you and Mother.
00:51:42 More important, you shall be embarking on a fine career.
00:51:47 To start a boy at three and sixpence a week.
00:51:51 It's typical of my nephew.
00:51:54 No wonder he's never been able to put by a penny.
00:51:56 Perhaps he's put by more than money.
00:51:59 Fred?
00:52:01 He's doing this to spite me, you know,
00:52:04 employing the son of my employee at an exorbitant wage.
00:52:08 [shouting]
00:52:14 Quiet, quiet, quiet, children, quiet.
00:52:18 [shouting]
00:52:20 Enough for an army!
00:52:22 Soap around and crisp. Mother, you have done your say.
00:52:24 Is it all right then?
00:52:25 Hurry, Father, cut the goose. I can't wait.
00:52:28 [knocking]
00:52:29 Haven't we forgotten something?
00:52:34 Lord, we thank you for the bounty you have placed before us.
00:52:38 We thank you for this day of love and joy.
00:52:41 We thank you for allowing us to be together,
00:52:43 to share with each other and with you
00:52:46 the fullness of our hearts on this special day.
00:52:50 Amen.
00:52:51 Amen.
00:52:52 Amen.
00:52:54 Amen.
00:52:55 What?
00:52:56 Did you say something?
00:52:59 No, no.
00:53:01 Oh, I thought I heard you.
00:53:04 No, I said nothing.
00:53:06 Oh.
00:53:09 [chatter]
00:53:14 Alice.
00:53:17 And, uh...
00:53:18 Potato, Alice.
00:53:20 A very small goose.
00:53:23 It's all Bob Cratchit can afford.
00:53:26 Me.
00:53:29 Are you all served?
00:53:31 Yes, sir.
00:53:32 Then let's begin.
00:53:34 And a Merry Christmas to us all.
00:53:36 A Merry Christmas to us all.
00:53:38 And God bless us, everyone.
00:53:42 [music]
00:53:54 Tell me, spirit,
00:53:56 will he live?
00:53:59 I see a vacant place at this table.
00:54:02 I see a crutch without an owner,
00:54:05 carefully preserved.
00:54:08 If these shadows remain unaltered by the future,
00:54:12 the child will die.
00:54:14 No.
00:54:17 No, say will be spare.
00:54:19 If these shadows remain unaltered by the future,
00:54:22 none other of my species will find him here.
00:54:26 But if he is to die, then let him die
00:54:30 and decrease the surplus population.
00:54:35 You use my own words against me.
00:54:40 So perhaps in the future,
00:54:42 you will hold your tongue
00:54:44 until you have discovered what the surplus population is
00:54:48 and where it is.
00:54:51 It may well be that in the sight of heaven,
00:54:53 you are more worthless and less fit to live
00:54:57 than millions like this poor man's child.
00:55:01 [music]
00:55:06 [cheering]
00:55:09 [applause]
00:55:13 [sizzling]
00:55:18 [clinking]
00:55:21 A triumph, my dear, another triumph.
00:55:42 [applause]
00:55:45 I told you so, mother.
00:55:48 It's a success.
00:55:50 What a relief for Mrs. Cratchit.
00:55:52 Now their feast is over.
00:55:54 Not quite.
00:55:56 Just one more ceremonious moment.
00:55:59 Look.
00:56:01 [music]
00:56:10 Now I would like to propose a toast
00:56:13 to Ebenezer Scrooge, the founder of our feast.
00:56:16 Mr. Scrooge.
00:56:18 Ah, the founder of our feast indeed.
00:56:27 I wish I had him here.
00:56:29 I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon
00:56:32 and hope he had a good appetite for it.
00:56:34 My dear, the children, it's Christmas Day.
00:56:37 It should be Christmas Day
00:56:39 when one would drink the health of such a stingy,
00:56:42 odious, mean, hard, unfeeling man
00:56:45 as Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge.
00:56:47 My dear, have some charity.
00:56:50 Oh well.
00:56:57 I'll drink his health for your sake
00:57:02 and the day's sake,
00:57:04 but not for his.
00:57:08 For a long life, Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge,
00:57:11 a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
00:57:14 I've no doubt his Christmas will be very merry
00:57:17 and he'll be very happy.
00:57:19 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:21 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:23 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:24 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:26 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:28 Mr. Scrooge.
00:57:30 He's made a point, Bob Cratchit has.
00:57:37 Without me, there would be no feast,
00:57:39 no goose at all.
00:57:41 My head for business has furnished him employment.
00:57:44 Is that all you've learned
00:57:46 by observing this family on Christmas Day?
00:57:49 Oh, no, not all,
00:57:51 but one must speak up for oneself, for one's life.
00:57:54 (children laughing)
00:57:56 ♪ Here we come a-whistling among the leaves so green
00:58:00 ♪ Here we come a-wandering so fair to receive
00:58:04 ♪ Love and joy come to you and a Merry Christmas too
00:58:08 ♪ And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year
00:58:12 We have some time left.
00:58:15 Take my robe.
00:58:17 ♪ Love and joy come to you and a Merry Christmas too
00:58:21 ♪ And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year
00:58:25 ♪ And God send you a Happy New Year
00:58:30 ♪ Oh, what a lovely evening
00:58:34 ♪ When we are home...
00:58:36 Where are we now?
00:58:38 Just a street, any street.
00:58:41 This house.
00:58:43 We'll go in here.
00:58:45 Think it might amuse you.
00:58:47 I'm in no mood to be amused.
00:58:50 (laughing)
00:58:53 (laughing)
00:58:55 Dear husband, do you find my playing so amusing?
00:59:09 Oh, I'm sorry, my love.
00:59:11 I was thinking of his face yesterday.
00:59:13 Humbug, he said, humbug.
00:59:15 He said that Christmas was a humbug.
00:59:17 He believed it, too.
00:59:19 I'd very much like to meet your uncle, sir.
00:59:22 The drow way which you portray him tickles my heart.
00:59:25 He's a comical fellow.
00:59:27 But not so pleasant as he might be.
00:59:29 His offences carry their own punishment.
00:59:31 Dear brother-in-law, it's said he's very rich.
00:59:33 Yes, well, that is very true.
00:59:35 But his wealth is of no use to him.
00:59:37 He doesn't do any good with it.
00:59:39 He doesn't even make himself comfortable with it.
00:59:41 You must squander. What do you mean by comfortable?
00:59:43 You mustn't argue with those we visit.
00:59:45 It's useless and even tactless.
00:59:47 That I can see.
00:59:49 I have no patience with him.
00:59:51 Well, I have, and I feel sorry for him.
00:59:53 Sorry for me?
00:59:55 Who suffers from his ill whims?
00:59:57 Himself, always.
00:59:59 Here, he takes it in his heart to dislike us
01:00:01 and not come and dine with us.
01:00:03 And he loses a very good dinner indeed.
01:00:05 The reason I talk about my uncle, sir,
01:00:07 is that my mother,
01:00:09 God rest her saintly soul,
01:00:11 was very fond of him.
01:00:13 She loved him.
01:00:15 It's true.
01:00:17 Faye loved me, and I her.
01:00:19 Dear Faye,
01:00:21 I wish you were alive today.
01:00:23 Fred looks very like her.
01:00:25 Yes, I am.
01:00:29 I've been reminded of that just recently.
01:00:33 I was only going to say that the consequences
01:00:37 of his taking a dislike to us
01:00:39 and not making merry with us
01:00:41 is that he loses some pleasant moments,
01:00:43 which could do him no harm.
01:00:45 And I mean to give him the same chance every year,
01:00:47 whether he likes it or not.
01:00:49 And every year he'll say,
01:00:51 "Christmas, bah!"
01:00:53 Oh, my dear, we must see to our guests.
01:00:59 The boys are clever.
01:01:05 Can't help myself to think.
01:01:07 Well, they seem to be happy.
01:01:09 I suppose that free food and drink
01:01:11 would be an occasion for pleasure to most people.
01:01:13 Happy in each other's company, I mean.
01:01:15 Everyone, hush there.
01:01:17 We shall have a game, a word game.
01:01:19 Oh, yes, a game.
01:01:21 What should it be?
01:01:23 What are we, similars?
01:01:25 Does everyone know the rules to similars?
01:01:27 All right, everyone, now you shall each have
01:01:29 five seconds to answer.
01:01:31 I'll ask the question.
01:01:33 Mr. Topper, your key count.
01:01:35 Oh, well, I shall do my best.
01:01:37 Now, you'll each have five seconds to answer.
01:01:39 If you have enough time, then you must each
01:01:41 stand behind your chair.
01:01:43 Last one who's seated wins the prize.
01:01:45 Fred, don't go on so. Just begin.
01:01:47 Oh, I'm sorry, my love. Yes, I shall.
01:01:49 Yes, I shall.
01:01:51 Now, um...
01:01:53 Proud as?
01:01:55 Proud as a peacock.
01:01:57 Dry as?
01:02:01 As a bone.
01:02:03 Plump as?
01:02:05 My wife.
01:02:07 Sorry, my love, just a little joke.
01:02:09 Uh, plump as?
01:02:11 One. Two seconds.
01:02:13 A partridge.
01:02:15 How?
01:02:17 Quick as?
01:02:19 Oh, um, wind.
01:02:21 No.
01:02:23 One, two, three,
01:02:25 four, five.
01:02:27 A wink, you idiot.
01:02:29 A beneath that.
01:02:31 Shh. You said they could neither see nor hear us.
01:02:33 That's quite true.
01:02:35 Oh, yes, yes, sorry.
01:02:37 Even I forget the regulations
01:02:39 sometime. After all, I...
01:02:41 I do not come back very often.
01:02:43 Shh. I'm trying to listen to the game.
01:02:45 Modest as?
01:02:47 A maiden.
01:02:49 No.
01:02:51 Well, I'm sure it's a well-known simile.
01:02:53 Well, I was thinking of modest as a violet.
01:02:55 Right.
01:02:57 However, I will accept your answer.
01:02:59 Janet.
01:03:03 Attend.
01:03:05 Tight as?
01:03:07 Tight as...
01:03:09 A drum. Anyone knows that?
01:03:11 Tight as?
01:03:13 Not very bright, my nephew's wife.
01:03:15 Tight as your uncle
01:03:17 Scrooge's purse strings.
01:03:19 Oh, Janet, that's quite wrong.
01:03:23 And your time is up. You've lost,
01:03:25 and you must stand behind your chair.
01:03:27 Tight as a drum.
01:03:29 That's what I was thinking of.
01:03:31 I'm sorry to say, Fred, the boy's got a head on his shoulders.
01:03:33 And as for the laughter at my expense,
01:03:35 I'm inclined to overlook it
01:03:37 in view of the general gaiety of the evening.
01:03:39 It is now time to leave this pleasant scene.
01:03:41 We have one more visit to make
01:03:43 before my time is done.
01:03:45 Take hold of my robe.
01:03:47 Sly as?
01:03:49 A fox. Red as?
01:03:51 Red as a rose.
01:03:53 Silent as? The night.
01:03:55 No. A mouse. Not at all.
01:03:57 No, I know. The grave.
01:03:59 Where are we now?
01:04:01 You're sure I don't know this place?
01:04:05 The name would mean
01:04:07 nothing to you. It's a place
01:04:09 like many
01:04:11 in this world.
01:04:13 Do we have enough wood for the night?
01:04:19 It'll last through.
01:04:21 At least there's one thing still free in this country.
01:04:27 Mary, Peter, they're cooked.
01:04:29 They're too hot.
01:04:31 It'll be cold soon enough.
01:04:33 Where did you get these, Father?
01:04:35 I didn't steal them, if that's what you're saying.
01:04:37 She didn't say you stole them, Ben.
01:04:39 She should have some respect. Don't berate the girl.
01:04:41 They fell from a cart into the road.
01:04:45 Your father's not a thief, girl.
01:04:47 Not yet.
01:04:51 Why are these people out here?
01:04:53 Men and women in rags,
01:04:57 children eating scraps.
01:04:59 They're institutions.
01:05:01 Have you visited any of them,
01:05:03 these institutions you speak of?
01:05:05 No. I'm taxed for them.
01:05:07 Isn't that enough?
01:05:09 Is it?
01:05:11 I'm not a thief.
01:05:17 I'm a man.
01:05:19 I'm a man.
01:05:21 Ben, come back to the fire.
01:05:25 Look at these hands, Meg.
01:05:27 They're hard hands. They've done hard work.
01:05:29 I want to work.
01:05:31 I want to have bread for my children.
01:05:33 It's not right that there's no work.
01:05:35 We're together, Ben.
01:05:37 That's the important thing.
01:05:39 I love you, Meg.
01:05:41 I love the children.
01:05:43 Tomorrow, take the children and go to the parish poorhouse.
01:05:45 No.
01:05:47 I'd rather we all drowned in the river
01:05:49 than go to one of those places
01:05:51 and be separated forever.
01:05:53 Until I get work?
01:05:55 No. Ben, we're a family.
01:05:57 We stay together.
01:05:59 Come.
01:06:01 Come back to the fire. Come.
01:06:03 Come.
01:06:05 Will you show me this?
01:06:19 What has it to do with me?
01:06:21 Are they not of the human race?
01:06:23 Look here!
01:06:25 Beneath my robe!
01:06:31 Look upon these!
01:06:33 What are they?
01:06:41 They are your children.
01:06:43 They are the children of all
01:06:45 who walk the earth unseen.
01:06:47 Their names are Ignorance
01:06:49 and Want.
01:06:51 Beware of them.
01:06:53 For upon their brow
01:06:55 is written the word
01:06:57 Doom.
01:06:59 Doom!
01:07:01 They spell the downfall
01:07:03 of you
01:07:05 and all who deny their existence.
01:07:07 Have they no refuge?
01:07:09 No resource?
01:07:11 Are there no
01:07:13 workhouses?
01:07:15 Are there no prisons?
01:07:17 Cover them.
01:07:27 I do not wish to see them.
01:07:29 I thought as much.
01:07:31 They are hidden.
01:07:35 But they live.
01:07:39 Oh, they live.
01:07:41 Well!
01:07:45 Time has come
01:07:47 for me to leave you,
01:07:49 Ebenezer Scrooge.
01:07:51 Leave me here?
01:07:53 Oh, yes.
01:07:55 You cannot
01:07:57 take me back to my bed.
01:07:59 It's too late.
01:08:03 It's cold.
01:08:05 The place is strange. Don't leave me.
01:08:07 Spirit!
01:08:17 Come back!
01:08:21 I wish to talk!
01:08:23 [wind howling]
01:08:25 Perhaps I...
01:08:31 I have made a mistake
01:08:35 here and there.
01:08:37 Talk too quickly about matters
01:08:39 to which I gave no great thought.
01:08:41 Very well. We'll have a give and take.
01:08:43 Come to some
01:08:45 meeting of the minds.
01:08:47 I'm a reasonable man.
01:08:49 Spirit!
01:08:51 [wind howling]
01:08:53 Have pity on me.
01:08:55 Don't leave me.
01:08:59 What have I done
01:09:11 to be abandoned like this?
01:09:15 What?
01:09:19 What?
01:09:21 What?
01:09:27 [wind howling]
01:09:39 [wind howling]
01:09:41 Are you the spirit
01:10:01 which Jacob Marley foretold
01:10:03 would visit me?
01:10:05 [wind howling]
01:10:07 And I am in the presence
01:10:11 of the ghost of Christmas yet to come,
01:10:13 am I not?
01:10:15 You are about to show me the shadows
01:10:23 of the things that have not happened
01:10:25 but will happen
01:10:27 in the time before us.
01:10:29 Is that so?
01:10:31 [wind howling]
01:10:33 [wind howling]
01:10:35 I fear you.
01:10:39 More than any
01:10:41 spectre I have seen.
01:10:43 I am prepared to bear your company.
01:10:49 Will you not speak to me?
01:10:51 Very well. Lead on.
01:10:55 The night is waning fast.
01:10:57 Time is precious to me.
01:10:59 [wind howling]
01:11:01 [thunder]
01:11:07 This place, I know it very well.
01:11:23 The Exchange, it's like a second home to me.
01:11:25 [wind howling]
01:11:27 Oh, I don't know much about it either way.
01:11:39 I only know he's dead.
01:11:41 When did he die?
01:11:43 Last night, I believe.
01:11:45 What happened to his money?
01:11:47 Left it to his company, perhaps.
01:11:49 Who else did he have?
01:11:51 It'll likely be a very small funeral,
01:11:53 a volunteer and former party.
01:11:55 I'll go if lunch is provided,
01:11:57 but I insist on being fed for the time I'll waste.
01:11:59 [laughing]
01:12:01 Have these men no respect
01:12:03 for the dead?
01:12:05 I should go, I suppose.
01:12:07 After all, we did considerable business together.
01:12:09 Well, I must go
01:12:11 and find the price of corn. Goodbye.
01:12:13 [crowd] Goodbye.
01:12:15 How was I privy
01:12:17 to that conversation?
01:12:19 What purpose could it have for me?
01:12:21 [siren wailing]
01:12:23 [gunshot]
01:12:25 My civil heavens, what is this?
01:12:47 [music]
01:12:49 Spirit,
01:12:53 this is a fearful place.
01:12:57 I wish to leave it.
01:12:59 [gunshot]
01:13:01 [crowd]
01:13:15 No, I will not.
01:13:17 This you cannot make me do.
01:13:19 I say I understand you.
01:13:21 That is sufficient to the moment.
01:13:23 Furthermore, there must be someone in this city
01:13:25 who feels some emotion because of this man's death.
01:13:27 I demand to see that person.
01:13:29 [gunshot]
01:13:31 [laughing]
01:13:33 This is the most
01:13:37 foul part of town.
01:13:39 It must have been a mistake, taking a wrong turn.
01:13:41 [crowd]
01:13:43 [laughing]
01:13:45 In there?
01:14:09 I have no business to transact in there.
01:14:11 [crowd]
01:14:13 [laughing]
01:14:15 Well, open it up, Mrs. Gilbert.
01:14:29 I might pay you for goods I haven't seen.
01:14:31 You'll not ask me how I came by these.
01:14:35 Every person
01:14:37 has a right to take care
01:14:39 of himself.
01:14:41 That's my motto.
01:14:43 Well, he always did.
01:14:45 And who's the worst for the loss of a few things?
01:14:47 Not a dead man, I suppose.
01:14:49 No, indeed.
01:14:51 I mean, if he'd wanted to keep him
01:14:53 after he was dead, the wicked old
01:14:55 screw, why wasn't he more
01:14:57 natural in his lifetime?
01:14:59 If he had been, he'd have had someone
01:15:03 to look after him when he was
01:15:05 struck with death.
01:15:07 Instead of lying there, gasping
01:15:09 out his last, alone.
01:15:11 By himself.
01:15:15 [laughing]
01:15:23 Those are my things.
01:15:29 She's stolen my things.
01:15:31 I'll have her before her magistrate.
01:15:33 What do you call these?
01:15:35 - Sergeant's. - You don't mean to say you took
01:15:37 them down. Rings and all.
01:15:39 With him lying there.
01:15:41 Why not?
01:15:43 [laughing]
01:15:45 And don't get wax on his blankets.
01:15:51 His blankets? I hope he didn't
01:15:53 have anything catching.
01:15:55 I wasn't so fond of him as
01:15:57 I'd like her about if I did.
01:15:59 [laughing]
01:16:01 [laughing]
01:16:03 Well, what's your offer then?
01:16:11 Those are not my things.
01:16:23 Yes, they are
01:16:25 similar, but
01:16:27 the person she speaks of, that
01:16:29 could not be me.
01:16:31 A similarity perhaps.
01:16:33 No.
01:16:35 One pound
01:16:37 five and three. Not a penny
01:16:39 more if I was to be boiled for it.
01:16:41 You're hardened, Joe.
01:16:43 And no mistake.
01:16:45 I'm always kind
01:16:47 to the ladies.
01:16:49 That's the way I ruin myself.
01:16:51 [laughing]
01:16:53 Spirit, what
01:16:55 perversity is this?
01:16:57 I asked to see some emotion
01:16:59 in connection with this man's death.
01:17:01 You show me only greed and avarice.
01:17:03 Let me see some tenderness,
01:17:05 some depth of feeling.
01:17:07 [gunshots]
01:17:09 [gunshots]
01:17:11 Must be some confusion.
01:17:31 Your fellow spirit
01:17:33 brought me here earlier.
01:17:37 Very well.
01:17:39 God devil
01:17:41 it's hard to have a conversation with.
01:17:43 Suffer
01:17:45 the little children to come unto
01:17:47 me, and forbid them not.
01:17:49 For such is the kingdom of God.
01:17:51 Verily I say unto you,
01:17:53 whosoever shall not receive
01:17:55 the kingdom of God as a little
01:17:57 child, he shall not
01:17:59 enter therein.
01:18:01 This colour hurts
01:18:03 my eyes.
01:18:05 [sighs]
01:18:07 It's better now.
01:18:11 This work makes my eyes
01:18:15 red, and I wouldn't
01:18:17 show red eyes to your father when he comes home.
01:18:19 Not for the world.
01:18:21 It must be nearly his time.
01:18:25 Past it, rather.
01:18:27 I think he walks slower than
01:18:29 he used to these last few evenings, Mother.
01:18:31 Yet I've seen him
01:18:33 walk home with...
01:18:35 with tiny Tim
01:18:39 on his shoulders very fast indeed.
01:18:41 And so have I.
01:18:43 And so have I.
01:18:45 He was very light to carry.
01:18:47 And your father loved him so
01:18:49 that there was no trouble.
01:18:53 No trouble.
01:18:57 There is your father now.
01:19:01 Hello, Father.
01:19:03 Hello, my dear.
01:19:13 Hello,
01:19:17 my dear ones. Hello, Father.
01:19:19 You're late. We were worried
01:19:23 about you. I'm glad you're home,
01:19:25 Father. I am too.
01:19:27 Oh, you've become
01:19:29 quite a little harmful.
01:19:31 The reason that I'm late is
01:19:35 because I walked by there today.
01:19:37 Today?
01:19:39 I couldn't keep away.
01:19:43 It's so quiet and green.
01:19:45 You shall see it on Sunday.
01:19:49 We shall all go on Sunday.
01:19:51 I promised him that every Sunday
01:19:55 I'd walk.
01:19:57 [sighs]
01:19:59 My little child.
01:20:03 My little, little child.
01:20:05 Father, please don't grieve so.
01:20:09 Oh, I'm sorry.
01:20:13 I have all of you.
01:20:15 A blessing to be thankful for.
01:20:17 Do you know who I saw in the street today?
01:20:25 My nephew, Fred.
01:20:27 And he greeted me in his usual
01:20:29 cheerful way.
01:20:31 And he saw that I was a little
01:20:33 sad. He asked me
01:20:35 what was distressing me. And when I
01:20:37 told him,
01:20:39 he said that he was
01:20:41 heartily sorry for me.
01:20:43 And, uh...
01:20:45 Robert.
01:20:47 Timmy's part of all of us.
01:20:53 For his sake, we must go on living.
01:20:55 So long as we
01:20:57 love one another,
01:20:59 he will always be alive.
01:21:01 Yes, of course, Maggie.
01:21:03 But, however
01:21:05 and whenever
01:21:07 we are parted from
01:21:09 one another,
01:21:11 I'm sure that none of us will
01:21:13 ever forget poor tiny Tim.
01:21:15 No, never.
01:21:17 And when we recollect how patient
01:21:19 he was, and how mild,
01:21:21 although he was but a little, little
01:21:23 child, I'm sure that
01:21:25 we will not easily quarrel among ourselves.
01:21:27 I am
01:21:29 a happy man.
01:21:31 I am a truly happy man.
01:21:35 I asked for tenderness
01:21:41 and depth of feeling.
01:21:43 And you've shown me that.
01:21:45 Nothing more I need see.
01:21:49 Take me home.
01:21:51 What is this?
01:22:01 I thought we had agreed
01:22:03 that you would transport me home.
01:22:05 Inspector.
01:22:13 Something informs me
01:22:15 that you are
01:22:17 Something informs me that
01:22:19 the moment of our parting is at hand.
01:22:21 I know it, but I know not how.
01:22:23 Tell me.
01:22:27 What man was that
01:22:29 whom we saw lying dead?
01:22:31 No, before I draw near to that stone,
01:22:45 answer me this.
01:22:47 Are the things you have shown me the shadows
01:22:49 of the things that will be?
01:22:51 Or are they the shadows
01:22:53 of the things that may be only?
01:22:55 Only only.
01:22:57 [Music]
01:22:59 [Music]
01:23:01 [Music]
01:23:03 (dramatic music)
01:23:05 (crashing)
01:23:31 - Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends.
01:23:33 I accept it.
01:23:35 But if those courses be departed from,
01:23:39 the ends must change.
01:23:41 Tell me that is so by what you show me.
01:23:47 (crashing)
01:23:49 (dramatic music)
01:23:52 (crashing)
01:24:01 Dear me, I am not the man I was.
01:24:03 I will not be the man I must have been,
01:24:06 but for this visitation.
01:24:07 Why show me this if I am past all hope?
01:24:10 Good spirit, your nature intercedes for me and pities me.
01:24:17 Say that I may change these things by an altered life.
01:24:21 I will honor Christmas in my heart
01:24:26 and try to keep it all the year.
01:24:28 I will live in the past, present, and the future,
01:24:29 and the spirits of all three shall strive within me.
01:24:32 I will not shut out the lessons that they teach.
01:24:35 Tell me.
01:24:38 Tell me that I may sponge away the writing on this stone.
01:24:45 Spare me.
01:24:46 Spare me.
01:24:50 Spare me.
01:24:57 (coughing)
01:24:59 My own room.
01:25:08 I'm alive.
01:25:12 Oh, thank you, spirit.
01:25:17 I will keep my promise.
01:25:20 I will live in the past, present, and the future,
01:25:24 and the spirits of all three will strive within me.
01:25:27 Oh, heaven and Christmas time be praised for this.
01:25:31 I say this on my knees, Jacob Marley.
01:25:35 On my knees.
01:25:37 (bell tolling)
01:25:44 (bell tolling)
01:25:46 Nine o'clock.
01:26:09 Daylight.
01:26:13 (footsteps)
01:26:15 - What day?
01:26:16 (bell tolling)
01:26:21 Hello, you there, boy.
01:26:23 - Me, sir?
01:26:24 - Yes, you, my good fellow.
01:26:26 What day is today?
01:26:27 - Today?
01:26:28 Well, it's Christmas Day, of course.
01:26:30 - Christmas Day.
01:26:32 I haven't missed it.
01:26:34 The spirits did it all in one night.
01:26:36 Well, they can do anything they like.
01:26:38 Of course they can.
01:26:39 Hello, me fine fellow.
01:26:40 - Hello.
01:26:41 - Do you know the poulterers in the next street but one,
01:26:44 on the corner?
01:26:45 - I should hope I did.
01:26:46 - Intelligent boy, remarkable boy.
01:26:49 Do you know if they've sold the prized turkey
01:26:51 that was hanging there?
01:26:52 - What, the one as big as me?
01:26:54 - (laughs) Delightful boy.
01:26:57 Pleasure talking to you.
01:26:59 The one as big as you.
01:27:00 - It's hanging there now.
01:27:01 - Well, go and buy it.
01:27:03 Yes, go and buy it and bring them round
01:27:05 so that I may tell them where to deliver it.
01:27:07 Come back with the man, I'll give you a shilling.
01:27:09 Come back in less than five minutes,
01:27:11 I'll give you half a crown.
01:27:13 (laughs)
01:27:16 I must stress myself.
01:27:20 So much to do, I'm losing the time.
01:27:22 Why, I was light as a feather.
01:27:25 I was happy as an angel.
01:27:31 I was merry as a schoolboy.
01:27:36 (laughs)
01:27:38 I'm as giddy as a drunken man.
01:27:41 Merry Christmas to everybody.
01:27:44 And a happy new year to the world!
01:27:47 (laughs)
01:27:50 - If this be a prank, boy, I'll box your ears.
01:27:57 - He was in that window, I swear it.
01:28:00 - Oh, there you are.
01:28:01 - This boy here says you wish to purchase this turkey.
01:28:05 - He is quite right.
01:28:07 Here's your half crown for a service well rendered.
01:28:09 - Thank you, sir.
01:28:10 - It's splendid, boy.
01:28:12 Now, there is an address and the price of the turkey.
01:28:15 You'll take this fine bird to Bob Cratchit in Camden.
01:28:18 Now, the directions are all written down.
01:28:20 You leave immediately this very moment.
01:28:22 - Yes, sir.
01:28:23 - You say only that it comes from a friend.
01:28:26 And it must be there in time for Christmas dinner.
01:28:28 - It will be, sir.
01:28:29 - Good fellow, here's a little something for your trouble.
01:28:33 - Oh, thank you, sir.
01:28:33 - Here, not to offer you.
01:28:36 - Here you are.
01:28:36 - Merry Christmas.
01:28:38 Wonderful day.
01:28:41 ♪ So grant us all a change of heart ♪
01:28:52 - Good morning, Merry Christmas to you.
01:28:53 - Merry Christmas.
01:28:55 - Like angels.
01:28:56 - Yes, exactly.
01:28:58 You sing excellently well, yes.
01:29:00 - Thank you, sir.
01:29:01 - Part is I will thank you for that glorious music
01:29:04 on this glorious Christmas day.
01:29:06 - Good morning, gentlemen.
01:29:15 Oh, gentlemen, good morning, Merry Christmas to you.
01:29:19 Mr. Scrooge.
01:29:20 That is my name.
01:29:22 I fear it is not pleasant to you.
01:29:24 Allow me to beg your pardons
01:29:25 and please accept my pledge to the poor and needy for...
01:29:28 (people chattering)
01:29:31 Lord bless me.
01:29:33 My dear Mr. Scrooge, are you quite serious?
01:29:40 - If you please, and not a farthing less.
01:29:42 There are a great many back payments included in that.
01:29:44 I assure you.
01:29:46 - What can I say to such generosity?
01:29:48 - Don't say anything.
01:29:49 - My dear sir.
01:29:51 - Will you come and see me?
01:29:51 - We will.
01:29:52 Oh, we will indeed.
01:29:54 - I'm very much obliged.
01:29:55 Thank you, 50 times.
01:29:56 - Thank you, thank you, sir.
01:29:57 - Bless you, bless you.
01:29:58 (people chattering)
01:30:01 - Yes?
01:30:07 - Bob Cratchit?
01:30:08 - Yes.
01:30:09 - This is for you.
01:30:10 - Well, there must be some mistake.
01:30:11 - You are Bob Cratchit?
01:30:13 - Yes.
01:30:14 - Well, there ain't no mistake.
01:30:15 - I didn't order this.
01:30:16 - This here prized turkey was bought and paid for
01:30:19 by a gentleman to be delivered to Bob Cratchit and family
01:30:23 in time for Christmas dinner.
01:30:25 - One gentleman, what's his name?
01:30:26 - Anonymous.
01:30:27 - He wishes to remain anonymous.
01:30:29 - Anonymous, you said?
01:30:32 - That's what he said, an anonymous gentleman.
01:30:34 - Well, who could have sent it?
01:30:35 - I have no idea.
01:30:37 - Perhaps it's a mistake.
01:30:38 - That's what I thought.
01:30:39 - It's got our name and address on it, though.
01:30:41 What should we do then?
01:30:42 - I say we cook it and eat it
01:30:44 and have the best Christmas feast
01:30:46 we've ever had in our lives.
01:30:48 - And I say, Mrs. Cratchit, what a splendid idea.
01:30:53 - And God bless us all, everyone.
01:30:57 - And God bless us all, everyone.
01:31:00 (upbeat music)
01:31:03 - Merry Christmas, sir.
01:31:08 - Merry Christmas.
01:31:11 - Oh, Fred, oh, it's much too expensive.
01:31:18 - Oh, do you like it?
01:31:20 - Oh, I love it.
01:31:21 It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
01:31:27 - Well then, it belongs upon your wrist, my darling.
01:31:30 Merry Christmas.
01:31:31 - Oh, Fred, I do love you.
01:31:34 Oh, and not just for this.
01:31:35 - I know, I know.
01:31:36 - Who can that be?
01:31:41 - Well, no one's expected this, have they?
01:31:43 - My God, it's Uncle Ebenezer.
01:31:50 - Your uncle?
01:31:52 What in the world, what do you want?
01:31:54 - Open the door, Mary.
01:31:57 - I'm sure I don't know.
01:31:58 - Fred.
01:32:04 - Uncle Ebenezer.
01:32:05 - May I come in?
01:32:09 - Yes, go in.
01:32:09 Please.
01:32:12 - Thank you.
01:32:13 - Do come in.
01:32:15 - Good afternoon, madam.
01:32:20 Merry Christmas to you.
01:32:22 - Merry Christmas to you.
01:32:23 - Uncle Ebenezer, this is my wife, Janet.
01:32:26 Janet, this is Uncle Ebenezer.
01:32:27 - It's a pleasure.
01:32:30 - More like a surprise, wouldn't you say?
01:32:33 - Well, that too.
01:32:34 - Well, that's quite true.
01:32:37 Quite honestly, it is a surprise.
01:32:40 When we spoke yesterday, you made it quite clear,
01:32:42 it seemed to me, at least,
01:32:43 that you had no intention of accepting my annual invitation.
01:32:46 - I made other things clear too, didn't I, Fred?
01:32:48 That Christmas was a holiday.
01:32:51 That Christmas was a humbug, a waste of time and money.
01:32:55 A false and commercial festival,
01:32:59 devoutly to be ignored.
01:33:00 - Yes, basically that was it.
01:33:03 - Well, I've come for three reasons.
01:33:06 First, to beg your pardon
01:33:08 for the things I said about Christmas.
01:33:11 That was a humbug, Fred.
01:33:16 - Was it?
01:33:19 - I didn't know it then, but I know it now.
01:33:21 Secondly, I've come to meet your wife.
01:33:25 - Well, here she is.
01:33:26 - Yes, and a very beautiful woman she is too.
01:33:30 - Thank you.
01:33:31 - I, uh,
01:33:35 I was in love once.
01:33:39 Would you believe that?
01:33:41 - Yes.
01:33:42 - That I possessed neither the courage nor the optimism,
01:33:45 perhaps the depth of feeling that you two have.
01:33:50 Thirdly, if the invitation to dine with you today
01:33:52 is still in force, I accept.
01:33:55 - Of course it's still in force.
01:33:57 Hurrah!
01:33:58 I was sure that one day.
01:34:01 - You were sure, were you?
01:34:02 Well, apparently you were right.
01:34:05 Yes, I should like to dine with you and your friends.
01:34:07 - You'll be more than welcome.
01:34:09 - You like games, don't you?
01:34:13 - Yes, yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
01:34:16 - Ah, do you ever play simile?
01:34:20 - It's one of our favorites.
01:34:21 - Perhaps we could play today.
01:34:23 - Quite possibly.
01:34:24 - I'm very good at it.
01:34:25 And should the phrase "tide has been thrown out,"
01:34:29 the answer is a drop.
01:34:31 - Why, yes, so it is.
01:34:35 - Good.
01:34:35 Forgive me for saying this,
01:34:42 but I see the shadow of my sister in your face.
01:34:45 I loved your mother, Fred.
01:34:47 For a time there, I forgot just how much I loved her.
01:34:52 Perhaps I chose to forget.
01:34:55 Well now, if it isn't too much trouble,
01:34:59 I should like to sample some of that punch
01:35:01 for which you're so famous.
01:35:02 - Of course, you've made us both very happy, Uncle Ebenezer.
01:35:07 - Have I?
01:35:08 Yes.
01:35:09 God forgive me for the time I've wasted.
01:35:13 (gentle music)
01:35:16 - Nine o'clock late again, eh, Gretchen?
01:35:41 (laughs)
01:35:42 We'll see about this.
01:35:43 (dramatic music)
01:35:47 (dramatic music)
01:35:50 (dramatic music)
01:35:53 (dramatic music)
01:35:55 - Mr. Cratchit!
01:36:21 - Cratchit!
01:36:22 - Here, sir.
01:36:26 - Do you know what time it is?
01:36:36 - Yes, sir.
01:36:38 - What time is it?
01:36:40 - 18 minutes past the hour, sir.
01:36:45 - 18 and a half minutes past the hour.
01:36:48 What do you mean, coming here at this time of day?
01:36:51 - I'm sorry, sir.
01:36:52 I am behind my time.
01:36:54 - Yes, I think you are.
01:36:57 Step this way, sir, if you will, please.
01:36:59 - It's only once a year, sir.
01:37:01 It shall not be repeated.
01:37:03 I was making rather merry yesterday.
01:37:05 - Well, I'll tell you, my friend,
01:37:09 I'm not going to stand for this any longer.
01:37:11 Therefore, therefore, I am going to
01:37:20 double your salary.
01:37:22 - Double my salary, sir?
01:37:27 - Yes, Bob.
01:37:28 Yes, Bob.
01:37:31 A merry Christmas to you.
01:37:37 I'll double your salary for a start,
01:37:41 and I'll endeavor to assist your family in any way I can.
01:37:44 And Tim, Tim will walk again
01:37:46 and grow stronger and stronger upon my life, he will.
01:37:50 Well, we'll discuss the particulars this afternoon
01:37:53 over a Christmas bowl.
01:37:54 - Well, what's the matter with you?
01:37:57 - Nothing, sir.
01:38:01 Well, it's just that...
01:38:04 Nothing.
01:38:07 Thank you, sir.
01:38:11 - My good fellow.
01:38:13 Make up the fire before we freeze to death.
01:38:15 Buy some more coal.
01:38:18 - Yes, sir.
01:38:19 - Before you dart another eye, Bob Cratchit.
01:38:22 - Yes, sir.
01:38:25 - Ebenezer Scrooge was better than his word.
01:38:36 He became as good a friend, as good a master,
01:38:39 as good a man as the old city knew.
01:38:42 And to Tiny Tim, who did not die,
01:38:46 he was a second father.
01:38:47 It was said of Ebenezer Scrooge
01:38:50 that he knew how to keep Christmas well,
01:38:52 if any man alive possessed the knowledge.
01:38:55 May that be truly said of us and all of us.
01:38:58 And so, as Tiny Tim observed,
01:39:01 God bless us, everyone.
01:39:04 ♪ For once a man was cold as ice ♪
01:39:10 ♪ He could not melt his face ♪
01:39:13 ♪ He stole the silver in his heart ♪
01:39:16 ♪ And cold in all his days ♪
01:39:19 ♪ His wisdom gave his anguish up ♪
01:39:22 ♪ And sorrow all his pain ♪
01:39:24 ♪ He went to church but once a year ♪
01:39:27 ♪ And that was Christmas Day ♪
01:39:31 ♪ When his hand is full of prayer ♪
01:39:33 ♪ He rushes here and there ♪
01:39:36 ♪ He turns away the open jar ♪
01:39:39 ♪ From little England's chair ♪
01:39:42 ♪ He takes to hand the weary little poor man ♪
01:39:46 ♪ He lifts the grave with sway ♪
01:39:48 ♪ And stands at union with others ♪
01:39:51 ♪ Pointing church at Christmas Day ♪
01:39:54 ♪ So once a soul a change of heart ♪
01:39:57 ♪ Rejoiced the very sound ♪
01:40:00 ♪ With ease and love to hope and count ♪
01:40:03 ♪ God bless us, everyone ♪
01:40:06 ♪ The man's who found little lot ♪
01:40:14 ♪ So in him in peace on earth ♪
01:40:18 ♪ And in the glory of the Lord ♪
01:40:20 ♪ The mercy of the world ♪
01:40:24 ♪ And gather all the children ♪
01:40:26 ♪ Into Venice where he's made ♪
01:40:29 ♪ Lift up his heart among the bells ♪
01:40:32 ♪ In church at Christmas Day ♪
01:40:36 ♪ So once a soul a change of heart ♪
01:40:39 ♪ Rejoiced the very sound ♪
01:40:42 ♪ With ease and love to hope and count ♪
01:40:45 ♪ God bless us, everyone ♪
01:40:47 ♪ With ease and love to hope and count ♪
01:40:51 ♪ God bless us, everyone ♪
01:40:54 (orchestral music)
01:40:57 (orchestral music)
01:41:00 (orchestral music)
01:41:03 (orchestral music)
01:41:06 [BLANK_AUDIO]