• last year
Richard Peckham has transformed the French restaurant Montrouge into Watson's Lounge
00:00Hello and welcome to Watson's Lounge here in sunny South Sea on Palmerston Road, the
00:11south end of Palmerston Road.
00:13You're Richard?
00:14I am indeed.
00:15My name is Richard Peckham.
00:16I am the owner of Watson's Lounge and also, of course, as you may recognise, I'm also
00:20the owner of Sherlock's Bar in South Sea too.
00:25And so this site is on the site of a former business, Richard, Monrouge, is that right?
00:29That's right, yes.
00:30It's previous incarnations were Montparnasse, which it was for many, many years, then changed
00:34to Montrouge, still a French theme, and now it changes over to Watson's Lounge to be the
00:39sister bar of Sherlock's Bar there itself.
00:43So what are you offering?
00:44We're offering, well, we're offering a very similar proposition to what Sherlock's Bar
00:48offers, which is great prices, great service, a great atmosphere all the time, nice music
00:54opportunities as well, but also, of course, this comes with sunshine.
00:57We've got a lovely scenic area outside in the sunshine, so you can enjoy a nice glass
01:01of prosecco or wine or a nice beer here in the warmth of the South Sea sunshine.
01:06So that's the new offering to the people of South Sea, as it were?
01:12That's how you're discriminating between your business and, well, let's say Sherlock's as
01:18well and the other bars down the street?
01:20Yes, indeed.
01:21I think if you've ever been to Sherlock's Bar, I know many people in South Sea enjoy
01:25what we offer there for the last four years.
01:27If you've ever been there, then you'll get the same sort of experience you get from Sherlock's
01:31It's a little bit smaller as a bar, but there's certainly a lot of sunshine and a lot of good
01:34times here, yes.
01:35Thank you, Richard.
01:36Thank you for speaking to the News.
01:37Thank you.
