Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal
Fund raising from international community.
Cow Share in Pak || 80$
Goat Share in IND || 37$
Cow Share in JAMMU & KASHMIR || 82$
For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786
Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021
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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
Fund raising from international community.
Cow Share in Pak || 80$
Goat Share in IND || 37$
Cow Share in JAMMU & KASHMIR || 82$
For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786
Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021
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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 There is no God but Allah.
00:09 Welcome back to Khair Maghdhah.
00:12 You are watching Qurbani Appeal 2024.
00:16 The Hajj season is very near and we are moving towards those special days
00:23 when the Muslim Ummah offers sacrifices in the memory of a great sacrifice.
00:32 And to get the pleasure of Allah,
00:35 the rich and the wealthy, the rich and the poor,
00:41 and all the essential necessities,
00:46 and all the requirements of the Shariah, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) offers sacrifices.
00:58 It is the duty of the senses to help the senses realize the needs of the poor.
01:03 We should not let any chance slip by that whenever we need help,
01:08 but we should help the senses in an organized way, by giving collective efforts.
01:24 You know about our projects,
01:27 whether it is a tourist attraction, a protected area,
01:32 a construction site, a water source, a mosque, a wedding, any such thing.
01:42 You saw how the Ramadan is extended by the Iftar.
01:48 And the companions of Allah, who fast for the sake of Allah,
01:57 they fasted on the table of the senses.
02:02 And they remembered in their prayers that the means and the means
02:06 and with their help, the table of the poor was extended
02:10 and it was decorated with various kinds of food.
02:13 And the people of Allah benefited from it and they fasted.
02:17 And in the same way, the food was delivered to hundreds of thousands of homes.
02:22 All this is for the sake of the Allah's will.
02:26 And there is another stage ahead,
02:29 that we are going to make a sacrifice,
02:30 and the senses this time also have the intention to make a great sacrifice.
02:35 And if the intention is clear,
02:37 and if your will, determination and courage are strong,
02:40 and you have complete faith in Allah,
02:43 then the paths are made easy and the stages are made easy.
02:50 So, once again, with this intention,
02:53 we are calling on the rich and the wealthy to make this sacrifice.
02:58 Especially, to all of you, and especially to the people outside the country,
03:04 especially in the various states of the USA,
03:07 and in other parts of the world,
03:09 where there are no such trends of sacrifice.
03:12 Like there is a system in Pakistan and in other Asian countries,
03:16 where the animal is slaughtered,
03:20 and then its meat is made and distributed.
03:23 So, our Muslim brothers and sisters,
03:25 the rich and the wealthy,
03:26 who are sitting in different areas of the world,
03:30 in different cities, in different countries,
03:32 and they want us to also help these poor people,
03:36 and the meat of the sacrifice should be distributed among these poor people,
03:39 and delivered to their homes.
03:41 So, certainly, the sense is a communication bridge,
03:44 between you, dear viewers, and those in need,
03:49 who are certainly deserving,
03:51 and to deliver this meat to them.
03:53 Every rich and wealthy person,
03:55 who is going to make a great sacrifice,
03:58 should remember those close ones.
04:01 And as Allama Sahib said in the beginning,
04:04 that you have to share happiness,
04:07 and why do you have to do it? Because sharing happiness increases.
04:10 So, this is a chain of blessings,
04:12 which people give in the way of Allah, and spend,
04:14 and ask them,
04:15 we have shared many stories, many success stories with you,
04:18 and certainly, every person's circle of influence,
04:21 circle of friends,
04:23 is filled with such people,
04:25 who tell their success stories.
04:28 See, when the hand becomes like this,
04:30 with the grace and blessings of Allah,
04:33 then my Lord does not let this hand become like this.
04:36 So, may Allah make us among those who share,
04:39 and we will continue to share.
04:40 The hand that is given in the way of Allah,
04:42 Allah is so generous,
04:44 that it does not bow down to anyone else,
04:46 but to that Lord, that Raziq.
04:50 And when you share in His way,
04:52 then my Lord,
04:53 His glory is that when His servant,
04:55 spends for His servants,
04:58 then He is a Raziq.
04:59 He has all the keys to the treasure,
05:02 and He has all the power.
05:04 He is the Lord of the universe,
05:06 He is the Creator, He is the Master.
05:07 Then His servitude,
05:09 He can give His servitude to whoever He wants,
05:11 He can give His servitude,
05:13 these are the decisions of His grace,
05:15 and it is a matter of great fortune.
05:17 So, once again, there is a chance to awaken the fortune,
05:19 the sacrifice, Appeal 2024,
05:21 and the feeling is giving you the punishment again,
05:23 it is giving the voice, our job is to give the call to prayer,
05:26 on that, who says 'Labaik' or not,
05:28 what is the result of this,
05:29 how many people join us in this good deed,
05:32 we do not care about the result,
05:34 because we have to present our powers to our Lord.
05:37 The result, surely,
05:38 they say, "Malida kam phal lana",
05:41 "Rabda kam", sorry,
05:42 "Malida kam pani lana, Rabda kam phal lana",
05:44 the work of the gardener is to give water,
05:47 now the result will come or not,
05:49 it is the power of my Lord, it is the decision of my Lord.
05:51 So, we present our powers to our Lord,
05:54 with sincerity,
05:56 and we know that when there is a work with sincerity,
05:58 then surely, many people come,
06:01 and on any occasion,
06:03 we call to the owners of wealth and wealth,
06:05 the way you people said 'Labaik',
06:07 Allah, the Lord of honour,
06:08 accept these services, these donations,
06:10 this passion of help in your favour,
06:13 come again,
06:14 this sacrifice, with a great style,
06:17 under the umbrella of feeling,
06:19 we do,
06:19 and in the number of thousands and millions,
06:22 for the poor,
06:23 the meat can be provided,
06:25 to their homes,
06:26 this fragrance, this fragrance,
06:29 this light, this help,
06:30 this happiness can reach,
06:32 to those who are worthy,
06:33 because by giving less to them,
06:35 my Lord is testing them,
06:36 and by giving more to you,
06:38 you and me are also being tested.
06:40 Mr. Allama, I want that,
06:42 you have spoken beautifully on the philosophy of sacrifice,
06:47 and surely, this was not an easy stage,
06:51 that Hazrat Ibrahim (as)
06:53 with so much of good fortune,
06:54 with so much of good intentions,
06:56 with a beautiful heart,
06:57 he too, with such a noble character,
06:58 with such a beautiful,
06:59 such a beautiful son,
07:01 and on the command of Allah,
07:03 he stabbed his neck.
07:05 This is the passion of a father,
07:08 the sincerity of a father with God,
07:10 that he had so much trust in God,
07:12 that when he was commanded,
07:14 he did not even see,
07:15 that he had to stab his son's neck,
07:18 and he did it.
07:19 What response does the son get,
07:22 what is the attitude,
07:23 that when the father shares such a big thing with his son,
07:26 that I am stabbing your neck,
07:28 there is one who is stabbing someone,
07:29 and there is one who will be stabbed on the neck,
07:32 so what is the response of that dear son,
07:35 what is his response,
07:36 what is his attitude,
07:37 how does he respond to his father's voice,
07:40 to his voice, what does he say?
07:43 [Hassan] See, Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
07:45 because he too is a Prophet of Allah,
07:46 and his son Hazrat Ismail A.S.
07:48 he too is a Prophet of Allah,
07:50 and Allah Almighty gives knowledge to the Prophet,
07:52 of innumerable things,
07:54 from the beginning.
07:55 [Ghamidi] Without doubt.
07:56 [Hassan] You see, when Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
07:58 saw a dream, one day,
07:59 saw it the next day,
08:00 for three days continuously this dream came,
08:02 that you are slaughtering your son,
08:04 and when he told his son about this dream,
08:07 he too knew that the dream given to a Prophet,
08:10 is a command from Allah,
08:13 and it is necessary to follow it.
08:15 So he did not hesitate,
08:17 that this is a dream,
08:18 he said immediately,
08:19 that this is a command from Allah,
08:22 you do it,
08:23 you will find me among those who are patient.
08:26 See, and this is the philosophy given to us,
08:29 you see, when making a sacrifice,
08:31 or after making a sacrifice,
08:32 the prayer that is recited,
08:33 we should follow this philosophy,
08:35 that,
08:36 [Arabic]
08:41 That everything is for Allah,
08:44 our wealth, our lives,
08:46 our everything is for Allah,
08:47 without a doubt.
08:48 When Allah's command comes,
08:50 we should not see that
08:52 we are spending money on this,
08:54 we are working hard on this,
08:56 if it is Allah's command,
08:57 then we should do it.
08:58 And sacrifice is such a great happiness,
09:02 such a great blessing,
09:03 because today is our first transmission.
09:05 You see,
09:06 a Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)
09:08 which I would like to present today
09:10 in relation to this transmission.
09:12 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
09:14 [Arabic]
09:17 'The one who guides to goodness is like the one who does it.'
09:21 In some narrations it is said,
09:23 'Hurry in goodness,
09:24 hurry in good deeds.'
09:26 If a person takes a step in a good deed,
09:29 later on, those who see him follow him,
09:32 Allah will reward them more.
09:35 Amazing!
09:36 Because he will become a reason for others' motivation.
09:38 Today, if a person who gives in donation,
09:40 whether as a whole cow or as a share,
09:44 later on, they see that the person who is giving,
09:47 we should give in the same way,
09:48 so the one who gives first,
09:50 Allah will reward him more because of that first step.
09:54 Our religion, Islam, is such a religion,
09:56 that whoever takes the first step in good deeds,
10:00 the reward for the one who follows him is not less,
10:04 but he gets his reward.
10:07 Allah will give reward and reward to all.
10:11 So this is the time,
10:14 because now is the time for sacrifice,
10:17 and we should prepare ourselves from now.
10:19 See, if there is a big event coming,
10:22 this is a special worship,
10:23 Hajj, and the sacrifice that is done during Hajj,
10:26 and those who don't make a sacrifice there,
10:28 the sacrifice that is made here for them,
10:30 the Prophet (pbuh) said,
10:31 the Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh) are blessed,
10:33 the Sahaba asked,
10:35 that the Prophet of Allah (pbuh),
10:37 what is the reward and reward for us in these sacrifices?
10:39 Meaning, when a person spends so much money,
10:42 takes care of it,
10:44 stays with it day and night,
10:45 a bond is formed, a relationship is formed,
10:49 then on the day of Eid, to sacrifice it,
10:51 what is its reward and reward?
10:53 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
10:54 now see, the reward and reward is told,
10:56 but our intellect is beyond it.
10:58 Allah (swt) will give us one in return for every hair.
11:04 Now, how many hairs are there in the animal's skin,
11:06 a person cannot count it.
11:08 Meaning, the reward and reward of Allah is limitless.
11:11 Meaning, a person only uses a knife,
11:13 and the animal that is sacrificed,
11:15 apparently, this animal has been sacrificed,
11:18 but the love, the passion for the faith,
11:22 and the action that is on the command of Allah,
11:24 Allah gives reward and reward for that.
11:26 Now see, in Surah Hajj, Ayat number 37,
11:29 this belief and the philosophy of this person has also been mentioned.
11:34 Allah says, 'Lay yanaalallaha lahumuha wala dima'uha'
11:39 'Wa laaqeen yanaaluhu taqwa minkum'
11:41 That Allah does not get the meat or blood of your sacrifices,
11:46 rather, your righteousness reaches.
11:49 That O man, for the pleasure of Allah,
11:53 with what sincerity and sincerity,
11:55 you are spending your wealth,
11:57 and sacrificing on the command of Allah,
12:00 your righteousness, your sincerity,
12:02 Allah will give you reward and reward for that.
12:04 Allahu Akbar.
12:05 Allahu Akbar. Meaning, if the command of Allah has come,
12:08 then now your intellect, you have to surrender it.
12:14 This is Islam. 'Sar tasleem-e-kham'
12:16 Meaning, if the command of Allah has come,
12:18 then you don't have to run the horses of your intellect.
12:21 Unfortunately, unfortunately,
12:23 in our society, there are such classes,
12:26 where the sacrifice is the only thing that is controversial.
12:30 And questions are raised.
12:32 Meaning, to not do it.
12:33 If you don't spend money in the way of Allah,
12:36 then these are excuses.
12:37 So, remember, these are satanic whispers.
12:39 It is your ego that to save money,
12:42 teaches you these excuses.
12:45 And then, may Allah forbid, a believer falls into this.
12:48 So, think about it, this is a four-day life.
12:50 Today, you are the owner of a kingdom.
12:53 So, what is the end?
12:55 Whose wealth?
12:55 You will leave.
12:56 Whose wealth? The wealth is of Allah.
12:58 And secondly, you are leaving.
13:00 Although you are accepting that this wealth is mine.
13:03 And the Prophet (pbuh) has indicated in the Hadith
13:07 that a person says, "My wealth, my wealth, my wealth."
13:10 So, there is the same message in that Hadith,
13:13 that my wealth, my wealth, my wealth.
13:14 The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Wealth is of only three types.
13:17 One, that which he ate and digested.
13:20 The second, that which he wore and adorned.
13:22 And the third, that which he spent in the way of Allah
13:25 and saved for the hereafter."
13:27 That is the protection.
13:28 So, this is the wisdom.
13:29 Now, we think, this sacrifice, this bloodshed,
13:33 then the meat was made and then it was distributed.
13:36 What is the use of this?
13:37 You used your wisdom.
13:39 Here, the criterion of wisdom is completely blocked.
13:43 My Lord's command has come,
13:45 "You must do it."
13:46 Otherwise, you see, as Allama sahib said,
13:49 "The Prophet (pbuh) is being shown in a dream
13:53 that you are slaughtering your son.
13:55 The questions should have arisen there.
13:58 O Allah, by praying to You, You have given this son.
14:03 Such a good and beautiful son.
14:06 And my prayer is for him.
14:07 When I see him, my eyes are calm.
14:10 My heart is at peace.
14:12 My heart is at peace.
14:14 O Allah, You are not saying, "Leave him somewhere."
14:17 You are not saying, "Stop eating and drinking."
14:18 You want me to stab this knife
14:22 on his neck, on his delicate neck.
14:26 The command of Allah has come.
14:28 So, the father said, "If it is the command of Allah,
14:30 then don't see what is in front of you."
14:32 And when he said to his son,
14:34 his son also did not see
14:36 that he would have to sacrifice his life,
14:40 he would have to sacrifice his life,
14:41 he would have to have his knife stabbed on his neck.
14:44 When the command of Allah has come,
14:46 "Do what Allah wants,
14:49 you will find me a patient one."
14:52 Allah is the greatest.
14:53 How much should we be thankful to Allah
14:55 that today we are not being asked by Allah
14:59 to slaughter our own children,
15:03 or to do any such deed for this Ummah.
15:06 The more we are thankful to Allah,
15:08 the more we will be able to do the real test
15:10 which was on our father,
15:11 Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and Hazrat Ismail (as)
15:14 those blessed, those great prophets
15:17 on whom they were all descended, Alhamdulillah.
15:19 But for you and me, there is also a thankfulness
15:22 that if today your command comes on Muslims
15:25 who recite the Kalima of Allah,
15:27 that if someone sacrifices his dear thing,
15:29 can we refuse?
15:30 No. The demand of faith is that
15:32 you have to surrender before the command of Allah.
15:34 So, we have to make this sacrifice
15:37 with great zeal
15:39 that our father has made such a great sacrifice,
15:41 such a great test,
15:42 that this Ummah of Muslims should pass it.
15:45 This was especially made obligatory
15:47 on the Ummah of the Prophet (pbuh)
15:49 on every rich person,
15:52 according to all other legal requirements,
15:55 that he should offer his sacrifice
15:56 before his Lord and remember that great sacrifice.
16:00 My Lord only wants
16:01 that the beautiful act of his beloved
16:04 should be kept alive
16:06 and that act should be repeated.
16:07 But before him, who is he?
16:09 He is the sacrifice that will be offered before the Lord.
16:11 And the sign that Allama Sahab has made
16:13 that when the Prophet is saying
16:15 that each and every hair is equal,
16:16 it means that the Prophet is explaining to us,
16:20 he is saying that
16:21 as you cannot count these hairs,
16:23 these hairs are countless,
16:26 similarly, the virtues that you will get
16:27 in exchange for this sacrifice,
16:29 those are also countless according to your intellect.
16:31 You cannot even count that.
16:34 May Allah enable us to act.
16:36 Let us once again become a means,
16:38 a means of helping those poor people.
16:41 Before I talk to Nafeez Bhai again,
16:45 I want that if you want to offer your sacrifice
16:49 in Pakistan, in exchange for a complete cow,
16:51 you have to donate 560 USD.
16:55 If you want to donate a share of a cow,
16:57 then 80 USD.
16:59 If someone wants to donate three shares,
17:01 he can understand it as 80 multiplied by 3,
17:04 meaning 240 USD,
17:07 and those three shares,
17:08 with different names,
17:09 one from my side, one from my wife's side,
17:12 one from my son's or daughter's side,
17:13 one from my mother's or father's side,
17:15 meaning whatever you think is obligatory on them,
17:19 or even if it is not,
17:19 and you want to offer your sacrifice from their side,
17:22 you are more than welcome.
17:23 You want a cow to be offered in the way of Allah,
17:27 you have to donate 175 USD.
17:30 If you want to offer your sacrifice
17:32 in a place in India,
17:36 and if you can reach those poor people,
17:38 then in exchange for 259 USD,
17:41 you can offer a complete cow as a sacrifice.
17:45 If you want to donate a share of a cow,
17:47 in India, you have to donate 37 USD.
17:50 Similarly, if you want to offer a goat as a sacrifice,
17:53 then 160 USD.
17:55 If you want to help the poor people in Jammu and Kashmir,
17:58 and if you can reach those poor people,
18:00 then in exchange for a complete cow,
18:02 you have to donate 574 USD.
18:05 Similarly, to donate a share of a cow,
18:07 you have to donate 82 USD.
18:12 And if you want to offer a sheep as a sacrifice,
18:15 you have to donate 195 USD.
18:22 Inshallah, we know that this will continue.
18:25 We will continue to observe the Transmissions Qurbani Appeal 2024.
18:30 So that we can collect as many donations as possible
18:34 for the poor and the needy.
18:38 And this collective sacrifice will be organized
18:42 on Eid-ul-Adha every year.
18:46 And as per tradition, a live transmission will be presented.
18:49 We will show live how the Ulema are being supervised
18:53 and how the sacrifice is being made.
18:55 And the system is very organized.
18:57 The animal's skin is removed.
19:02 The meat is very organized.
19:05 The hygiene rules are followed.
19:11 The meat is prepared in a very clean and neat manner.
19:14 It is then distributed.
19:18 Our distributors and volunteers
19:20 are selected from the areas where the meat has been distributed.
19:23 After research, the meat is distributed to the needy
19:29 and those who are in need.
19:32 Alhamdulillah, the meat is distributed to their homes.
19:35 And this great obligation is fulfilled.
19:37 And we are completely confident that
19:40 in this noble cause,
19:42 whoever contributes in any way,
19:45 and I am again relating the link to Allama Sahib,
19:50 whoever contributes in any way,
19:56 he will be treated as if he is a good person.
19:59 And he will be rewarded.
20:02 And with this intention,
20:06 may Allah grant us the opportunity to participate
20:10 in this noble cause.
20:13 And especially, may Allah grant us the opportunity
20:17 to participate in this noble cause
20:20 by distributing meat to the needy
20:23 with the utmost care.
20:27 And may Allah accept all the services
20:31 of our brothers and sisters
20:34 who participate in this noble cause
20:37 and who contribute in it.
20:40 May Allah accept all the services of our brothers and sisters.
20:44 Sir, Nafeez Bhai, I have a few words with you.
20:49 I see that you are very eager and passionate.
20:53 You listen to Naats with great passion.
20:55 Inshallah, you will listen to Naats from Ali Shabbir.
20:57 I feel like making a request.
20:59 Can I make the same request that I made to you?
21:02 Nafeez Bhai, what would you like to say?
21:04 You are a part of this transmission.
21:06 And all these things are presented to you
21:09 in the manner that is presented to the Lord.
21:11 I want an appeal from you, sir.
21:14 And those who are not yet a part of this,
21:18 may such people be counted among them
21:20 so that this transmission can continue.
21:22 What do you say?
21:22 Sumer Bhai, Mufti Sahib has said such a beautiful thing
21:26 that if you make a sacrifice,
21:28 you will get equal rewards of that goat or animal
21:33 which you cannot count.
21:35 Allah has given man so many opportunities
21:38 and in the love of the Prophet (pbuh)
21:40 that he said that his Ummah should be forgiven.
21:44 So, Allah has made such things
21:48 that if you make someone fast with a date,
21:50 you will get equal rewards of gold as the mountains of Uhud.
21:53 A date, the mountains of Uhud, gold.
21:55 And people know the value of gold today.
21:58 So, there is no calculation.
21:59 There is no limit to the rewards of Allah.
22:02 Allah has said that write down the sins of the angels,
22:06 write down the rewards,
22:07 but it is my job to give it to someone.
22:09 Allah wants an excuse.
22:10 How many sinners are there?
22:11 If you give water to a dog, it will be forgiven.
22:15 If you give the sky to the earth, it will be forgiven.
22:16 It is a gift from Allah.
22:19 So, Allah has given man the quality that if you do a good deed,
22:23 you do it with a good intention.
22:26 Allah does not want any meat, wealth or fame.
22:30 Allah gives man a chance.
22:33 He is the one who gives.
22:34 We do not have any chance that this is my wealth,
22:36 this is his wealth, this is Allah's wealth.
22:38 Allah tests by giving kings and poor.
22:42 Now it is up to man that he is patient and grateful to the poor,
22:46 and Allah gives it to him.
22:47 He is grateful to the rich.
22:49 Allah likes two things, patience and gratitude.
22:51 Whoever does this, he is forgiven.
22:54 So, Allah has given man the opportunity to make sacrifices
22:59 that he can do as he pleases.
23:01 He can do goats, cows, camels.
23:05 Whatever he does, he has to pay for it.
23:07 I know how much to give.
23:09 Your intention should be good.
23:11 So, the feeling that started this is a big deal.
23:14 Because in other countries,
23:16 there are many sacrificial issues that are not easy to solve.
23:20 And Allah has given them so much that they want to give.
23:22 So, this is an opportunity from the point of view of those people
23:26 who are watching and listening to us.
23:28 That there is a platform for you here.
23:31 Whatever you give as it is, it is given to the rightful people.
23:37 Their rights are paid.
23:39 Those families who have been craving for meat for years,
23:42 those families are given a list of those who are craving.
23:45 We are watching videos and pictures of such areas
23:49 where there are no roads to go.
23:50 And our workers are going, the workers of feeling.
23:53 So, this is a big reward for us.
23:55 I feel that it is a good opportunity for those who are sitting outside Pakistan.
24:01 That they come and contribute.
24:04 Wow, wow. It is an opportunity.
24:06 And you reminded me of a very good thing.
24:10 That we are here.
24:11 We say this without exaggeration.
24:14 We say it without exaggeration that we are not sitting here to convince anyone.
24:18 The work that is being done is for the pleasure of Allah.
24:20 This is the work of Allah.
24:22 And for its pleasure, we consider ourselves fortunate.
24:26 Scholars who come, they say that we consider ourselves fortunate.
24:29 Opportunity is for everyone who contributes in this good work.
24:33 And this is done by the grace of Allah.
24:35 Spending is not for everyone.
24:37 I say I spent, there is no question.
24:39 My Lord wants, He gives this opportunity, then a person is worthy of it.
24:43 Otherwise, you know, I know.
24:46 People are billionaires, billionaires.
24:49 And they have all the luxuries of the world.
24:52 But they do not have the heart to help anyone.
24:55 So now you understand that the heart is helpless.
25:00 This voice comes from the heart.
25:02 And do you know what that voice is?
25:04 That voice is that how poor they are.
25:07 How poor they are.
25:09 Allah, where will they take them?
25:11 Everything will be left lying around.
25:13 When the camel will walk, it will become.
25:14 It is such a thing.
25:15 So anyway, they say that before our eyes are closed, our eyes should open.
25:20 It is very good.
25:21 My dear, Mustafa Kareem (as)
25:24 You, the grief of the poor was not seen from you.
25:27 No one's pain was seen from you.
25:29 No one's worry was seen.
25:31 If someone was in need, Allah is great.
25:34 My master, as long as he was restless and restless,
25:36 as long as he did not end his restlessness and restlessness,
25:40 did not fulfill his need, did not fulfill his need,
25:44 somehow, the Prophet (pbuh) took a loan and fulfilled the needs of the people.
25:50 You can consider that our Moses
25:53 and so much love for humanity.
25:58 It is not like that.
26:00 You can consider that even if today Aghyar picks up a pen
26:03 and writes that who did the universe find the greatest person,
26:08 then his pen will be forced to write.
26:10 Mustafa Kareem (as)
26:13 Allah, this is the practical interpretation of "Fazkuruni Askurkum".
26:17 My Lord, even from the pen of Aghyar,
26:19 writes the name of his beloved, his beloved, his beloved.
26:23 Come, taking lessons from those examples,
26:26 present these sacrifices to the Lord,
26:29 and to remove the need of the needy,
26:32 and to expand their library,
26:36 and to provide this meat of sacrifice to their library.
26:39 May Allah accept our prayers in his court.
26:43 Come, let us present our beliefs in the unshakable protection of our beloved Prophet (pbuh)
26:50 through Ali Shabbir, and all of you should also join us.
26:54 I am not asking you to do it now.
26:56 When we go on the off-camera break,
26:58 I will mentally prepare you for that request.
27:01 And if I succeed, I will share with you
27:05 what that speech is, and Ali Shabbir does not make our listeners
27:08 disappointed by that speech.
27:09 You have this opportunity now.
27:11 You should present the best speech you have.
27:13 I present the speech of Usman-e-Ghani, the leader of the Muslims.
27:16 Amazing, amazing.
27:18 I just received it.
27:19 You are giving the voice to the sincere ones, so it is a sincere speech.
27:22 Wow, wow.
27:23 (Urdu Poem)
27:49 Amazing.
27:50 (Urdu Poem)
28:20 Wow, wow.
28:21 (Urdu Poem)
28:50 (Urdu Poem)
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32:13 Wow, wow.
32:15 SubhanAllah.
32:16 This speech came to you at the right time.
32:20 May Allah keep the one who sent it safe.
32:23 May Allah keep the one who wrote it safe.
32:25 The word 'pearl', each word is beautiful.
32:29 Allama sahib wrote it with love.
32:31 It was entering my heart.
32:33 As they say, what comes out of the heart has an impact.
32:36 Wow, wow.
32:37 (Urdu Poem)
32:40 Look, (Urdu Poem)
32:44 (Urdu Poem)
32:53 (Urdu Poem)
33:00 (Urdu Poem)
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33:51 SubhanAllah.
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34:54 (Urdu Poem)
35:12 Allahu Akbar.
35:12 (Urdu Poem)
35:18 Allahu Akbar.
35:19 Allahu Akbar.
35:21 (Urdu Poem)
35:22 What is this passion?
35:22 (Urdu Poem)
35:33 This passion.
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