Former President Trump speaks to reporters outside a hearing of his NYC hush money trial.
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00:00Mr. Trump, are you happy? I'm adjourned.
00:13Will you support Marjorie Taylor Greene's motion to vacate?
00:22Okay, thank you very much.
00:25They've asked me to speak a little bit about the job numbers,
00:28and the job numbers just came out, and they're horrible.
00:31And I say that not happily. I say that very unhappily.
00:36But the numbers are horrible.
00:38It's just these people are destroying our country.
00:40Here's another sign of it.
00:42So, as you probably know, before I did, the job numbers came out.
00:46They're really, really low, really bad.
00:48Our economy's bad, and now it's starting to show, so you'll see.
00:53And it'll only get worse. It'll only get worse.
00:56We're only going one way with the so-called leadership.
01:00There is no leadership.
01:02But with the so-called leadership we have in this country.
01:04So that's number one.
01:06Number two is where we are now.
01:08We're in a courthouse instead of being in Georgia.
01:11We're in a courthouse instead of being in any one of,
01:15I would say, 10 states where I'd like to be right now.
01:18We have 10 states. We were already marked down.
01:21Months ago, we were marked down to be in Georgia today,
01:24where we're doing very well in the polls, by the way.
01:26But that's where we were supposed to be.
01:29We're supposed to be in Ohio tomorrow,
01:31and we're supposed to be in Florida on the next day,
01:35doing campaigning, essentially campaigning.
01:39So now I have to go through this trial day after day.
01:44The trial is — we are winning this trial.
01:47If we had a fair trial, if we had a fair judge,
01:50I don't think it would have even allowed this trial to take place.
01:54And I would go and read the newspaper stories today,
01:57the legal experts, because they've come out with scathing reports on this trial.
02:02Scathing that it shouldn't even be taking place.
02:05Read Greg Jarrett. Read Andrew McCarthy.
02:11Read Mark Levin, who's been so great.
02:14Read all of them. It's incredible.
02:17Dershowitz came out with a very strong article.
02:21Jonathan Turley has been very, very powerful.
02:24This came out with another article. Just read them.
02:26I don't know these people, for the most part.
02:29These are legal experts, and they say this trial is a disgrace.
02:34And yesterday, Alvin Bragg sat here all afternoon long,
02:37and in the meantime, outside, you have nothing but violence going on.
02:40He's the worst DA in the country.
02:43They're spending — they must have had 20 different DAs
02:46and assistant DAs in that room over the last couple of days,
02:50over nothing, over no crime.
02:53Everyone said there was no crime. Everything was legal.
02:57And they're doing this because it's for politics.
03:00They want to get Biden elected. That's the only reason.
03:03The judge is highly conflicted.
03:05He should not be allowed to be the judge of this case.
03:08He's trying to make it as salacious as possible
03:11by allowing testimony that has nothing to do with the case.
03:14He wants to make it a nice, salacious case.
03:16Try and hurt Trump, but it's having the opposite effect, I think.
03:20We'll see. But the poll numbers are higher than they've ever been,
03:24and that's the story.
03:26But he's trying to make it as salacious —
03:28he's allowing things in that have nothing to do with this case.
03:32Nothing to do with it.
03:34And he's allowing things in, but nothing for us.
03:36He gives everything to the corrupt DA.
03:39We have a corrupt DA who's not doing his job.
03:43New York City is a violent city.
03:45It's become violent with the cashless bail.
03:48I'm the only one that has to put up bail.
03:51So I just want to tell you that the case is going fine.
03:55We have a corrupt DA.
03:57We have a corrupt judge who shouldn't be on this case.
04:00And it's a disgrace to America,
04:02and it's a disgrace to our court system.
04:05And I had two other judges.
04:07Ngorin's an example.
04:09He refused to listen to the appellate division.
04:12Judge — it's a cabal going on, by the way.
04:15He refused. I won that case.
04:17That's the attorney general case.
04:19I won that case.
04:21Ngorin refused to honor the order of the appellate division,
04:26which is essentially his boss.
04:29He said, I guess, in a crude way, I won't say it,
04:32but you know what he gave them.
04:34You understand that.
04:36He looked at him. He said, I'm not doing this.
04:38I'm not doing this. I'm not going to follow the orders.
04:41What does he care? He's retiring or something.
04:43He's a corrupt judge, another corrupt judge.
04:46And the third judge, you know all about him, Kaplan.
04:50Now, that was a disgraceful situation.
04:53So this is all New York.
04:56The people love me, but it's a Democrat deal going on
05:01to try and get this corrupt president,
05:04this president that's destroying our country.
05:07Look at the job numbers today.
05:09They were so much lower.
05:11Nobody ever thought a thing like this could happen so quickly.
05:14But they're trying to get this horrible president,
05:16the worst president in the history of our country.
05:19They're trying to get him elected
05:21with these three judges that I've had in New York.
05:24And it's a disgrace, and it's an absolute disgrace.
05:27What's your plan for jobs?
05:29Say it again.
05:30What's your plan for jobs?
05:33For jobs?
05:34The job numbers.
05:35What's my plan for jobs, you said?
05:38My plan for jobs is to drill baby drill,
05:40to bring energy down, to close up the border,
05:43to get rid of all the criminals
05:45that are being allowed into our country.
05:47You know, our country is being inundated
05:49with criminals from all over the world.
05:51The jail populations from all over the world
05:54are way down because they're driving them into America.
05:57They're dropping them off in the good old USA.
06:00And they're taking them out of mental institutions,
06:03and they're taking them out of jails from all over the world,
06:06not just South America.
06:08And all of this, all of this
06:11is greatly affecting our country, and very negatively.
06:14No, we're going to make America great again.
06:16Thank you very much.
06:17Will the gag order stop you from testifying?
06:19No, it won't stop me from testifying.
06:21The gag order is not for testifying.
06:23The gag order stops me from talking about people
06:27and responding when they say things about me.
06:29We have people saying things about me,
06:31and I'm not allowed to respond.
06:33So this judge has taken away my constitutional right.
06:37And as a Republican candidate
06:40and somebody that's leading Biden by a lot,
06:43I should be able to respond.
06:45But this guy's got me with a gag order.
06:47Now, we're filing, I think today,
06:50a constitutional motion to get this out.
06:53We'll be filing a lawsuit on the constitutionality of it.
06:57But if somebody says something about me
06:59and I'm not allowed to respond,
07:01that's never happened before.
07:02Thank you. Thank you.
07:03Would you support a motion to vacate?
07:05What's your plan for bothering me?
07:07Do you still plan to testify?
07:11Will you still testify?
07:14Can we expect your testimony?