We Will Love Again Full Movie

  • 4 months ago
We Will Love Again Full Movie
00:00:00 Achieved this success at only 27.
00:00:03 I mean I'd be lying if I didn't say it feels pretty damn good.
00:00:06 Joey, I'm sorry.
00:00:07 What the hell is he doing here?
00:00:09 Here's your coffee. Enjoy Mr. Preston.
00:00:12 Can you go get me a new one?
00:00:14 Your ex-fiance is back in the States and why don't you just tell him the truth?
00:00:19 There's no need for that. It's all in the past.
00:00:21 If you really loved him, you would stop dragging him down with you.
00:00:29 Why would I still have feelings for a gold digger?
00:00:31 Maybe you two have a misunderstanding.
00:00:33 You have a girlfriend?
00:00:35 So you are jealous.
00:00:37 Why'd you have to come back?
00:00:39 It wasn't for revenge.
00:00:40 I think God had you two cross paths again for a reason.
00:00:43 Maybe you two have a second chance.
00:00:46 Why do I still love you?
00:00:53 [Instrumental music]
00:01:00 Hey, Elena, I've been trying to call you. Is everything okay?
00:01:04 Noah, I'm busy. I need to get to work.
00:01:07 Hey, you've been acting weird. Did I do something wrong?
00:01:10 Elena, baby, come on. How about after you're done with work, let's go get some ice cream, okay?
00:01:16 We can get you a favorite. It's chocolate.
00:01:18 Noah, I think that we should break up.
00:01:22 That's not funny.
00:01:23 Seriously, when you're done with work, we'll go talk--
00:01:25 Go get ice cream? What are we, 12?
00:01:27 Real men, they get their women handbags and jewelry.
00:01:31 I really thought about it, and I just can't imagine spending the rest of my life with you.
00:01:36 I look at the size of this diamond on the ring. It's only like, what, half a carat?
00:01:41 You want to marry me, but what do you have?
00:01:44 You have nothing. You have no house, no car.
00:01:48 Elena, what has gotten into you? I've known you for six years.
00:01:56 You and I both know that you don't care about any of that.
00:01:59 I'm working hard for this.
00:02:01 It's gonna be worth it.
00:02:03 You feel it?
00:02:05 My ride is here.
00:02:07 Elena, let's go.
00:02:09 No, stop wasting my time.
00:02:10 I'm only young once.
00:02:11 Why should you care about something like you?
00:02:13 There's something like you that already has a heart.
00:02:16 This? Never.
00:02:18 One hour of shit like this.
00:02:20 You wanna do this?
00:02:30 Sure.
00:02:31 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:02:44 I'm doing this for you.
00:03:13 Would you be a sweetheart to me?
00:03:15 I'm a coffee lover.
00:03:17 I'm a coffee lover.
00:03:19 I'm a coffee lover.
00:03:21 What about your mom, Elena?
00:03:24 You know, life is like that.
00:03:28 Life is not like life.
00:03:29 You guys are living in a bad way.
00:03:31 No one knows who's gonna be richer or poorer tomorrow.
00:03:35 So don't be jealous.
00:03:37 Don't be jealous of others.
00:03:40 People who are jealous of others are jealous of themselves.
00:03:44 People who are jealous of others are jealous of themselves.
00:03:50 Don't be jealous of others.
00:03:52 They are jealous of others in front of you.
00:03:55 Sooner or later, they will be jealous of you in front of others.
00:03:59 Don't be jealous of those people.
00:04:02 And this is Preston.
00:04:03 If you really loved him, you would stop dragging him down with you.
00:04:07 Leave him, Elena.
00:04:12 Your mother is your own burden.
00:04:14 Don't put that on my son.
00:04:15 Why are you doing this to me, Elena?
00:04:20 I hate to die.
00:04:26 He really... Oh my god.
00:04:31 He really did.
00:04:32 He knows it.
00:04:33 Oh, he knows what he is doing.
00:04:35 That interview really hurt him too.
00:04:37 Congratulations.
00:04:38 Your company, Triple AI, has just become publicly traded and valued to be over $50 billion.
00:04:45 How does it feel to achieve this success at only 27?
00:04:48 I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't say it feels pretty damn good.
00:04:51 Can you share with us your secret to success?
00:04:54 If my sources are correct, you're the epitome of the American dream, aren't you?
00:04:58 You come from small town America, raised by a single mother, and now you're a multi-billionaire.
00:05:03 There's no secret to success.
00:05:05 It's just hard work and some good luck.
00:05:08 Come on, you have to give me more than that.
00:05:11 What got you through your most difficult times?
00:05:14 I'll give you this.
00:05:16 In my most trying times, I do often think about the girl that I used to love.
00:05:25 In my most trying times, I do often think about the girl that I used to love.
00:05:28 That's so sweet. Did her love give you strength?
00:05:31 No. It was the opposite, actually.
00:05:33 She dumped me and told me to stop wasting her time.
00:05:36 And then she rode off with some trust fund baby and I've never seen her again.
00:05:39 Well, if she's watching this now, she must be regretting her decision.
00:05:44 Would you ever take her back?
00:05:46 I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.
00:05:48 But I do need to thank her.
00:05:49 She did teach me some very valuable life lessons.
00:05:52 Now I know the only person you can count on in this world is yourself.
00:05:55 That, ladies and gentlemen, are words of wisdom.
00:05:58 Mr. Preston, let's talk about your goals for the future.
00:06:01 I wonder who's the dumb bitch that loves Noah Preston.
00:06:04 I would die from regret.
00:06:06 He's so hot. I'd be with him even if he had no money.
00:06:09 No money at all.
00:06:10 Wait, Elena, didn't you go to UMCP?
00:06:13 Same school as Noah Preston?
00:06:15 Never met him in my life.
00:06:17 Why would a loser like Elena know someone like Noah Preston?
00:06:21 She probably only ever hung out with nerds.
00:06:24 I can't concentrate on my work with you two gossiping.
00:06:28 I'm leaving.
00:06:29 Oh my god.
00:06:31 Mr. Preston, thank you so much for the exclusive today.
00:06:35 The pleasure was all mine.
00:06:37 Mr. Preston, there's a nice little bar just a couple blocks down.
00:06:41 Can I buy you a drink?
00:06:42 Um, oh.
00:06:45 I have an important meeting coming up tomorrow, actually.
00:06:48 But how about we just ring check in and I'll take you out later?
00:06:52 Sure.
00:06:53 Erin, this crazy maple stew is a lot like a lot of pies for me.
00:07:03 There are words for "eat a lot" and "eat less" for "eat less."
00:07:06 But, I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit confused.
00:07:11 You're a team company.
00:07:13 The crazy maple stew is an entertainment company.
00:07:15 I am the best team.
00:07:17 It's been five years.
00:07:19 I've been working on it for a long time.
00:07:21 I've been working on it for a long time.
00:07:23 I'm working to do crazy stuff.
00:07:25 If you don't make me into it, you break the man.
00:07:29 I'm going to need all of you.
00:07:33 Where the hell is Erin?
00:07:35 I don't think she deserves to know me.
00:07:38 Really, during war, I was...
00:07:40 I'm going to deal with her.
00:07:44 This is the last minute.
00:07:45 When I was in trouble, when I was in pain, when I was in debt,
00:07:49 it wasn't because they were stupid, it wasn't because they were stupid,
00:07:52 it was because of those people I had to respect.
00:07:55 Because those people considered me a friend,
00:08:00 when I was in trouble, in pain, they gave me money to pay.
00:08:04 Those who have money, they're not stupid, they're not cheap.
00:08:08 They consider me more important than money,
00:08:10 that's why they help me when I'm in trouble, in pain.
00:08:13 And the brothers, the friends,
00:08:16 they play together, if they have food, they find it, if they have money, they find it.
00:08:20 Those kinds of people, they eat each other, eat me, oh my God.
00:08:24 That's right, brothers, that's life.
00:08:28 Life is not like life.
00:08:30 You live in society, no one knows who's richer or poorer than who.
00:08:34 Rich people have numbers, poor people have numbers.
00:08:36 So don't be jealous, don't be jealous of others.
00:08:40 Those who are jealous of others are jealous of themselves.
00:08:44 Those who play with themselves and talk bad about others,
00:08:48 they're the ones who talk bad about themselves.
00:08:50 Don't play with those kinds of people.
00:08:52 They talk bad about others in front of you,
00:08:55 sooner or later, they'll talk bad about you in front of others.
00:08:59 Don't play with those kinds of people.
00:09:02 His mother was right about me, I was dragging him down the whole time.
00:09:05 Okay, don't talk about my best friend like that.
00:09:09 Plus, he wouldn't be where he is without you.
00:09:13 Why don't you just tell him the truth?
00:09:15 There's no need for that, it's all in the past.
00:09:19 You did the best that you could.
00:09:22 You took care of your mom and stayed with her until her last days,
00:09:25 and then you let Noah go to pursue his dreams.
00:09:28 You're one of the kindest people I know.
00:09:32 Where the hell is Elena? It's already 9.15.
00:09:42 First she leaves early, now she's late.
00:09:45 I already called her.
00:09:48 Um, she woke up late. She'll be here soon.
00:09:52 Great. Today, today of all days, Noah Preston is already outside.
00:09:57 [music]
00:10:00 Mr. Preston! Welcome!
00:10:17 Thank you for having me, Mr. Hemming.
00:10:19 Please, right this way.
00:10:23 [music]
00:10:26 Fuck. Of course she would.
00:10:38 So, Mr. Preston, we are a small company.
00:10:41 Only 25 employees.
00:10:43 These are our two senior writers. We have Abigail and Yvonne.
00:10:47 Only two senior writers?
00:10:49 Oh! There, uh, well, we have a third.
00:10:52 Um, uh, Elena Campbell. She is--
00:10:55 Hey, Joey. I'm sorry.
00:10:58 [laughs]
00:11:00 She is out getting everyone coffee! Thank you, Elena.
00:11:07 Don't just stand there. Put the coffee down.
00:11:09 Is this real? Is this a dream?
00:11:11 What the hell is he doing here?
00:11:13 Hi. I'm Noah Preston.
00:11:15 You must be Miss Campbell.
00:11:19 Noah, I'm Mr. Preston.
00:11:22 Elena, what the hell is wrong with you today?
00:11:31 Anyway, uh, Mr. Preston, as I was saying, we are a small company, but our team is strong.
00:11:41 If you two invest in us, I am confident that we would see a return in profits within the year.
00:11:47 Well, Mr. Hemming, I would love it if I could spend some time around the company the next month before I make my decision.
00:11:53 Of course! Of course. That is a great idea.
00:11:57 Would it be possible to assign someone to me so I can learn how the day-to-day operations work?
00:12:04 Also, I'm new to L.A. I just spent the last five years living overseas.
00:12:08 If someone could show me around, I would also highly appreciate it.
00:12:13 Well, I really don't see that being a problem.
00:12:16 Ladies, do we have any volunteers?
00:12:18 Mr. Preston, I have a volunteer.
00:12:21 Mr. Preston, I'm Abigail Clark, and I would love to show you L.A. I'm born and raised here.
00:12:32 I'm Yvonne Jones, also born and raised in L.A.
00:12:35 Well, Abigail did volunteer first, so...
00:12:38 What about you, Miss Campbell?
00:12:42 [♪♪♪]
00:12:45 Uh, I'm not originally from L.A. Abigail would be a much better fit.
00:12:53 You're not? Where are you from?
00:12:57 Maryland.
00:12:59 Maryland?
00:13:01 What a coincidence. It's not every day you meet a Marylander here in L.A.
00:13:07 Elena would be perfect. Thank you, Mr. Hemming.
00:13:11 No, it is no problem.
00:13:16 While you can consider Elena here your personal employee from now going forward.
00:13:22 [♪♪♪]
00:13:25 What are you doing here, Noah?
00:13:32 Oh, good to see you too, Elena.
00:13:34 Although I prefer it wasn't in the night's bathroom.
00:13:37 Cut the crap, Noah. What are you doing in my company?
00:13:41 Didn't your boss tell you that I plan to invest? Or acquire?
00:13:45 Why? So you can get revenge?
00:13:48 You show up at my company, pick me to show you around town.
00:13:52 So what, you could torment me? And get me to quit my job?
00:13:56 No--
00:13:57 Who do you think you are, Elena?
00:14:00 What makes you think that I still care about you?
00:14:04 Don't flatter yourself. I'm just here on business.
00:14:08 But now that you mention it, tormenting you does sound fun.
00:14:12 And if you can't deal with it, then just quit.
00:14:18 If you think I would quit my job just because you were here, you don't know me at all.
00:14:24 I thought I did, but apparently I know nothing about you.
00:14:31 Fine. You know what? Game on.
00:14:36 But watch out, Noah. I might be the one tormenting you.
00:14:40 I'm looking forward to it.
00:14:50 [knocking]
00:14:55 Elena. Something feels off about you today. What's going on?
00:15:00 Nothing is going on. I'm fine.
00:15:03 Do you know Noah Preston or something?
00:15:06 I mean, I always get this strange feeling when I was looking at you two today.
00:15:09 If I tell Joey, it will just make things more complicated.
00:15:13 No, of course not. He's Noah Preston. Why would I know him?
00:15:17 All right. Anyway, I cannot stress enough how important it is for Mr. Preston to invest in our company,
00:15:23 especially in this economy.
00:15:25 I understand.
00:15:27 Good. Because since he picked you as his point of contact, I'm going to need you to be on your best behavior.
00:15:33 Show him your professionalism. Kiss his ass if you have to. All right?
00:15:37 Just make this deal happen. Clear?
00:15:40 You got it, boss.
00:15:41 Great.
00:15:44 [door opens]
00:15:46 [screams]
00:15:50 Stupid asshole.
00:15:52 Jesus. Are you giving birth in here or something?
00:15:56 No. I'm having a mental breakdown.
00:15:59 Valid. Yeah, I would too if my ex-fiancee just randomly showed up in my office.
00:16:05 Noah is definitely up to something.
00:16:08 Yeah, up to nothing good for sure.
00:16:11 Do you mind switching off the lights? I need to go to sleep.
00:16:14 Sure.
00:16:16 [phone rings]
00:16:18 Hello?
00:16:21 I'm hungry. I want food.
00:16:23 Noah?
00:16:25 I was thinking pizza.
00:16:27 But sushi also sounds nice.
00:16:29 I don't know.
00:16:31 So, why are you calling me? There's a thing called DoorDash.
00:16:35 Yeah, but they take too long. Besides, why would I do that when I got free labor?
00:16:40 It's 10.30, Noah. I'm not your maid. Get your own damn food.
00:16:44 Okay. I guess I'll just have to call your boss. I wonder what he's got to say about this.
00:16:50 Hey, just text me your address.
00:16:53 See you in 30 minutes.
00:16:55 [screams]
00:16:58 He is so in love with me. Can you believe this guy? He is so in love with you.
00:17:09 [doorbell rings]
00:17:11 What? Coming in or are you just going to stare at me?
00:17:33 I'm not staring.
00:17:35 Here's your food.
00:17:38 I'm leaving.
00:17:40 Put it on my table.
00:17:45 This place is so nice.
00:17:57 You want a glass?
00:18:02 No.
00:18:05 It's getting late. If there's nothing else, we better get going.
00:18:10 Sit down, Elena. It's been five years. I think we have some catching up to do.
00:18:17 Wow. This is delicious.
00:18:24 What are you actually doing here, Noah? Isn't your office based in San Francisco?
00:18:28 I told you I'm going to be doing more business in L.A., so I figured I'd just buy a house here.
00:18:32 It cost me about $20 million.
00:18:35 We got a swimming pool in the back, a wine cellar out back.
00:18:39 Everybody knows that you're rich now, though. You don't need to brag.
00:18:42 I'm not bragging. Just stating facts.
00:18:46 So how did things end up with you and Peter?
00:18:49 That's none of your business.
00:18:51 I'm just curious. I don't see a ring on your finger.
00:18:54 Is he not good enough for you either or what?
00:18:56 What are you trying to get at, Noah?
00:18:58 Just a little surprise to see you working is all. I figured you'd be a housewife with a few kids by now.
00:19:04 I don't have the time or the energy to listen to you talk down to me.
00:19:15 So if there's nothing else, have a good night, Mr. Preston.
00:19:26 You're going to be seeing a lot more of me, Ms. Campbell.
00:19:29 So you better get used to it.
00:19:34 Goodbye, Ms. Campbell. I'll see you in the office tomorrow.
00:19:45 [music]
00:19:47 Ms. Campbell, that coffee you got me yesterday was fantastic. Can you grab me another one?
00:20:01 You know what? That sounds great. Let's make it two.
00:20:04 Thanks, Elena.
00:20:12 I don't know what Mr. Preston sees in you, but just so you know, you don't stand a chance with him.
00:20:17 Yeah, what she said.
00:20:19 Do I look like I give a shit about Noah Preston? If you'll excuse me.
00:20:23 You know, I have a friend who went to Oxford with Noah, and she said that Noah has a girlfriend.
00:20:29 And the girlfriend is moving to the States.
00:20:33 The girlfriend is moving to the States!
00:20:38 Of course he'd have a girlfriend. It's been five years.
00:20:43 Abigail, I could give two fucks.
00:20:45 Oh, and the next time you try to pull one of those little stunts like you did yesterday,
00:20:50 I won't hesitate to tell Joey about all the kickbacks you've been getting from vendors.
00:20:54 Have a nice day, ladies.
00:20:56 Come in.
00:21:03 Mr. Preston, didn't you bring your own personal assistant with you?
00:21:07 Maybe next time have them grab your coffee. I'm quite busy with work.
00:21:11 Your boss was so kind to let me borrow you and this beautiful office.
00:21:15 Noah.
00:21:16 Are you saying he made a mistake?
00:21:18 Noah?
00:21:19 Yes, Elena.
00:21:21 Noah, here's your coffee. Enjoy, Mr. Preston.
00:21:26 That is too bitter. Can you go get me a new one?
00:21:33 Are you shitting me? This is how you always take your coffee. No cream, one sugar.
00:21:38 People can change, can't they?
00:21:40 Yeah. I hear you.
00:22:00 Here's a nice coffee, an Americano, regular coffee with cream and sugar on the side,
00:22:06 oh, and a cappuccino. It's all there. Take your pick, Mr. Preston.
00:22:10 I don't want coffee anymore. I want tea.
00:22:14 It's Campbell.
00:22:19 Noah, cut it out. Not everyone is a billionaire like you.
00:22:22 I have a job to catch up on. I don't have time to play these games with you.
00:22:26 You know your boss really wants--
00:22:28 My boss is desperate for this murder to go through, but you know what else he's desperate for?
00:22:32 For me to meet my deadline. My job is on the line here.
00:22:37 You may be a star everywhere you go, but I'm just an average girl with bills to pay.
00:22:42 Oh, fuck. Am I being an unbearable asshole?
00:22:50 No, I mean, come on. It's a fun word, right? Bulgogi.
00:22:54 It wasn't in English.
00:22:57 Elena! We are going to take Mr. Preston here to go try some Korean barbecue. You want to come?
00:23:03 I'm going to finish up some work, but you guys go ahead.
00:23:06 Ah, come on. Cook your own meat.
00:23:08 Mr. Hemming, we're going to be late for our reservation.
00:23:11 Yeah, I really need to wrap this up. But you enjoy dinner.
00:23:15 All right. You're my best employee.
00:23:18 I really messed up. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
00:23:23 See you tomorrow.
00:23:27 I have to make this up to her.
00:23:29 Finally.
00:23:36 Get in. Let me give you a ride home.
00:23:47 Did he wait for me this whole time?
00:23:51 It's fine. I'm used to taking the bus.
00:23:56 [Train whistle]
00:23:58 Ms. Campbell, your address?
00:24:05 Uh, 1277 Stardust Lane.
00:24:08 What does he want from me? Why am I even here?
00:24:13 [Music]
00:24:34 Elena, how come you know?
00:24:37 [Music]
00:25:02 Sir, where are you...
00:25:04 [Music]
00:25:11 Why do I still love you?
00:25:14 Why do I still love you?
00:25:18 Thanks for the ride.
00:25:23 You're welcome.
00:25:26 Good night, Mr. Preston.
00:25:32 I'll see you tomorrow, Elena.
00:25:34 I'll see you tomorrow, Elena.
00:25:36 See you. I love you, baby.
00:25:40 I love you, too.
00:25:42 [Music]
00:25:54 Okay, so let me get this straight.
00:25:57 He bullies you, and then he waits for you to drive home, and then he almost kisses you.
00:26:03 I don't know about the last part. That might have just been my imagination.
00:26:07 He probably hates me.
00:26:09 What's this?
00:26:11 I think Noah Preston is still in love with you.
00:26:15 That's impossible.
00:26:17 Not after what I did to him.
00:26:19 Not after what I did to him.
00:26:22 Plus, I heard he has a girlfriend.
00:26:25 Oh, bullshit. Have you seen her?
00:26:27 No, but I heard that she's moving here from London to be with him.
00:26:31 Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.
00:26:34 I just don't understand why you can't start over with him.
00:26:37 I mean, he's already a billionaire. Does his mom even care anymore?
00:26:41 It's been five years, Sarah.
00:26:43 We're further apart now than we have ever been.
00:26:45 Besides, he is the Noah Preston, and I'm just nobody.
00:26:52 You have got to stop talking that way.
00:26:55 I'm just asking you to keep an open mind.
00:26:58 I think God had you two cross paths again for a reason.
00:27:01 Maybe you two have a second chance.
00:27:05 [Music]
00:27:07 Noah?
00:27:24 It's 9am on a Saturday morning. What could you possibly want now?
00:27:28 I need you to go buy a present for me.
00:27:31 Let's check it out.
00:27:32 Seems kind of flimsy to me.
00:27:34 I can't believe he's making me buy a present for some woman.
00:27:44 My deal.
00:27:46 I wonder who it is.
00:27:48 Did they give you a price raise?
00:27:50 No.
00:27:51 He just said something expensive, good taste, or very special lady.
00:27:58 It's probably his girlfriend.
00:28:01 Well, I mean if he's going to be like that, you should buy something super expensive for yourself.
00:28:05 I mean he's a billionaire, it's not even like he's going to notice.
00:28:08 Do you ladies need help with anything?
00:28:11 Oh no, we're just looking.
00:28:12 Well please be careful, everything in here is very expensive.
00:28:16 Excuse me?
00:28:18 What do you mean by that?
00:28:20 I just think you two might have better luck at the Nordstrom Rack down the street.
00:28:24 We're a very high end boutique, I'm not sure we have what you're looking for.
00:28:28 Are you calling us poor?
00:28:31 Are you calling us poor?
00:28:33 No, but I am so sorry you feel that way.
00:28:36 Excuse me?
00:28:37 Uh, show me your most expensive handbag.
00:28:40 I beg your pardon?
00:28:43 Do you not work here?
00:28:44 I said, show me your most expensive handbag.
00:28:48 Let's be real lady, it's not like you can afford it.
00:28:52 So why don't you stop wasting my time?
00:28:54 Oh really? Try me.
00:28:57 This is a limited edition handbag.
00:29:03 Handcrafted in Italy, made with Nile crocodile skin.
00:29:09 It retails for $25,000.
00:29:13 Great, I'll take it.
00:29:20 Great.
00:29:22 I can't believe I just spent $25,000 on a stupid handbag.
00:29:32 Is Noah going to kill me?
00:29:34 Ma'am, please tap or insert your card.
00:29:37 He has billions, he probably won't care, right?
00:29:42 For a transaction this big, I'm going to need to see some ID.
00:29:47 [Card shuffling]
00:29:49 This card and ID don't match, I can't accept this.
00:29:57 Hey lady, what's your problem?
00:29:59 I don't see you asking anyone else in this store for their ID.
00:30:02 Company policy.
00:30:04 For any transaction over $1,000, I have to check ID,
00:30:07 and I'm so glad I did because you two are clearly credit card thieves.
00:30:10 That card belongs to her husband.
00:30:14 You may have heard of him. Noah Preston, CEO of AAAI.
00:30:19 Oh really? You expect me to believe that your husband is Noah Preston?
00:30:25 Oh my gosh, did you steal this card too?
00:30:28 You know what, if you don't want my business, I'm just going to take it elsewhere.
00:30:32 Nuh-uh, that's it. I'm calling the police.
00:30:36 Officer, these two were trying to commit credit card fraud.
00:30:43 I knew there was something off the second they walked in.
00:30:46 You said this is your husband's card.
00:30:52 Uh, fiance, not husband. Fiance. But they are getting married soon.
00:30:58 Ugh, fuck me.
00:31:00 I was asking you, miss.
00:31:02 He's my fiance.
00:31:04 First you say husband, now you say fiance.
00:31:07 Do you even hear yourself?
00:31:09 You don't sound so sure.
00:31:11 Officer, I bet you she's lying.
00:31:13 I'm going to need you to call your fiance and have him come clear this up.
00:31:17 I can't just call him. He's busy.
00:31:20 Miss, either you call him or I take you down to the station. Your choice.
00:31:25 Here, I'll call him. Just you wait.
00:31:29 [music]
00:31:31 He says he'll be here in ten.
00:31:47 You got ten minutes.
00:31:49 It's been fifteen minutes.
00:31:55 Where is that fiance of yours?
00:31:58 What? More lies?
00:32:00 Is he really going to come?
00:32:02 God, I don't know which is worse.
00:32:04 Alright, that's it. You ladies are coming down to the station with me.
00:32:07 Please stand up. Put your hands behind your back.
00:32:09 Wait.
00:32:11 Please. Come on.
00:32:23 What? No. Come on.
00:32:25 Sorry, honey, I'm late.
00:32:27 This hurts all day, Dad.
00:32:31 Seems to be the problem here, Officer.
00:32:35 You're a Noah Preston?
00:32:37 Yeah, can't you tell?
00:32:39 Oh, yeah, okay. You are.
00:32:42 Nice to meet you in person, Mr. Preston.
00:32:44 Sorry for any trouble, Officer.
00:32:46 I'm going to work on getting my future wife here a card with her name on it.
00:32:51 In the meantime, I'm going to make a fat donation to the boys down at the station.
00:32:55 Oh, that's greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.
00:32:59 And, Miss, so sorry about that, Miss.
00:33:02 You guys enjoy the rest of your shopping?
00:33:04 Ma'am?
00:33:06 Mm-hmm.
00:33:08 Now...
00:33:10 What's this I hear about someone giving my fiance a hard time?
00:33:17 [sighs]
00:33:19 I'm good.
00:33:25 That's more like it.
00:33:27 So, the handbag, huh?
00:33:39 You said something expensive with taste.
00:33:43 Mr. and Mrs. Preston, I can get that bag set up for you right now.
00:33:47 Is there anything else that I can help you with?
00:33:49 Anything else in here catch your eye?
00:33:51 Why are you asking me?
00:33:53 You're the one in need of a present.
00:33:55 How about you show us your jewelry collection?
00:33:57 I'm so glad you asked.
00:34:00 Who's he buying these for?
00:34:02 Definitely a lover.
00:34:04 Real men, they get their women handbags and jewelry.
00:34:10 This is our latest collection.
00:34:13 We have diamonds, Koya pearls, sapphires, emeralds.
00:34:18 What do you think we are?
00:34:20 Looks pretty average to me, darling.
00:34:27 Mrs. Preston, I can assure you that our designers are the best in the industry.
00:34:32 I am so sorry for when you and your friend first came in.
00:34:36 That was very unprofessional of you.
00:34:38 That was very unprofessional of me.
00:34:41 I apologize.
00:34:43 This isn't for me anyway.
00:34:45 I guess no girl can say no to this.
00:34:50 Oh, I have excellent taste.
00:34:53 That is top grade Colombian emerald.
00:34:56 You know, we're having a special on all of our jewelry.
00:35:00 I can get you--
00:35:01 We'll take it.
00:35:03 Wonderful. I'll get that packed up right now.
00:35:07 No.
00:35:08 We'll take all of it.
00:35:10 How many girlfriends do you actually have?
00:35:15 I can't wait to see you put them on.
00:35:22 Thank you, Mr. Preston. Your total was $295,000.
00:35:28 And here's my card.
00:35:30 If you ever need anything in the future, I would love to help.
00:35:34 Don't give that to me. I'm not the one that's going to be shopping here.
00:35:37 Next time my girl comes in, you know what to do, right?
00:35:40 Yes. Yes, of course.
00:35:43 Great. Because my wife deserves nothing but the best.
00:35:47 Hey, Noah, I'm going to take these bags outside.
00:35:52 I'll come with you. Thanks again, Noah, for everything.
00:35:55 You're welcome, Sarah.
00:35:57 So, sweetheart, what do you want to do now?
00:36:03 You can drop the act, Noah. You have enough presents for 20 women.
00:36:07 So if there's nothing else, I'll be going home.
00:36:10 Not even a thank you.
00:36:13 Even Sarah knows to appreciate me.
00:36:15 I just saved you from the cops.
00:36:17 I wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't ask me to go shopping for your girlfriend.
00:36:22 Girlfriends.
00:36:24 So you are jealous.
00:36:31 [Music]
00:36:41 In your dreams, Noah.
00:36:44 Let go of me.
00:36:46 You know nothing about my dreams.
00:36:51 Five years ago, you said I wasn't good enough for you.
00:36:55 Do you regret it now?
00:36:58 You want to marry me, but what do you have?
00:37:00 You have nothing.
00:37:02 I regret nothing.
00:37:07 What my son is doing for you, if you really loved him, you would stop dragging him down with you.
00:37:13 Like a selfish bitch.
00:37:15 [Horn honking]
00:37:20 Hey, you guys want to grab dinner?
00:37:25 I'm busy.
00:37:27 Aaron, let's go.
00:37:29 Okay, boss.
00:37:31 Regret nothing, huh?
00:37:40 I mean, obviously she's missing out.
00:37:45 I mean, if she wants money, I have money.
00:37:50 Yeah.
00:37:52 Boss.
00:37:55 Miss Campbell, you still have feelings for her?
00:37:58 Why would I still have feelings for a gold digger?
00:38:01 Yeah?
00:38:03 I just want her to see that she's missing out.
00:38:05 She would be, okay?
00:38:07 And I don't know if it's my place to say this, but...
00:38:10 I don't think Miss Campbell is a gold digger.
00:38:14 Yeah, or I think maybe...
00:38:17 Maybe you two have a misunderstanding.
00:38:20 I think you should tell her the truth.
00:38:24 I think you should tell her why you're really here.
00:38:26 Maybe I will.
00:38:31 Hey, I got you coffee.
00:38:39 Oh, uh, Mr. Preston flew back to San Francisco.
00:38:48 Did the deal fall through?
00:38:51 Oh, no. The opposite, actually. He's moving forward with us.
00:38:54 He went back to SF to make the arrangements.
00:38:57 Is he really going to invest in us?
00:39:00 No. He's going to acquire us.
00:39:04 Oh, I have to send out a company-wide email.
00:39:07 Wait, does that mean that no, Preston is going to be...
00:39:12 Gonna be our new boss!
00:39:14 Great, right?
00:39:16 Amazing.
00:39:18 [music]
00:39:20 Boo.
00:39:29 You scared the shit out of me.
00:39:31 What you doing?
00:39:33 Oh my god, are you quitting your job?
00:39:36 I don't know. I'm thinking about it.
00:39:39 Why?
00:39:41 Because Noah Preston acquired Crazy Maple Studios and will be my new boss.
00:39:48 Holy fuck.
00:39:49 I know.
00:39:51 That's fucking awesome!
00:39:52 No, Sarah, that is not awesome. This is horrible.
00:39:56 My ex-fiancé who hates my guts is going to be my new boss.
00:40:00 He will make my life a living hell.
00:40:02 Not to mention, I really don't want to work under him.
00:40:05 Yeah, um, you know, normally I would agree with you,
00:40:08 except for the fact that he totally saved your ass this weekend and stood up for you.
00:40:14 You know what I think?
00:40:16 I think that this is just his crazy, fucked up way of showing he still cares.
00:40:21 You're delusional.
00:40:23 I may be delusional, but I know I'm right.
00:40:26 Stop hiding, Elena.
00:40:31 You know why you still have that necklace?
00:40:34 Because you're still in love with Noah Preston.
00:40:37 Face it.
00:40:39 Oh my god.
00:40:43 Sarah, Joey just sent a company-wide email saying that Noah Preston
00:40:47 is having a party this Saturday at his mansion to celebrate the merger.
00:40:51 I've been gone for three whole days.
00:41:08 No call, no text.
00:41:12 Boss, everything is ready to go.
00:41:14 Should we head to the airport?
00:41:16 Wait a minute. I'm going to make a phone call real quick.
00:41:19 Hey, Courtney. It's Noah Preston.
00:41:23 I'm flying back to LA today and I was wondering if you still wanted to meet up for that drink.
00:41:28 I am so excited to see Mr. Preston's mansion.
00:41:36 It's tomorrow night and I still don't have a dress.
00:41:40 Let's leave early today to get our nails done and then we go dress shopping first thing in the morning.
00:41:44 What?
00:41:46 Oh.
00:41:48 Elena, do you have dress?
00:41:53 I don't really care for it.
00:41:55 Honestly, when are you going to get off your high horse?
00:41:58 You like pretend that you don't care about Noah Preston,
00:42:02 but everyone can see how you look at him.
00:42:05 How I look at him?
00:42:08 I can see that you're obsessed with Noah Preston.
00:42:10 But trust me, someone like him will never be interested in someone like you.
00:42:16 Come on, Yvonne. Let's go.
00:42:21 This again?
00:42:35 What is that?
00:42:37 I don't know.
00:42:38 See you tonight, your future boss.
00:42:42 Oh my God.
00:42:44 Yeah, he wants to fuck you.
00:42:47 Sarah!
00:42:49 What are you waiting for? Try it on.
00:42:51 I honestly don't think I'm going to this.
00:42:54 What do you mean you're not going?
00:42:56 I'm going.
00:42:58 Of course you're going!
00:42:59 Where are you going?
00:43:00 Aaron invited me.
00:43:02 Now come on. We should start getting ready.
00:43:06 It's not even noon yet.
00:43:07 Trust me, we have a lot to do.
00:43:11 [music]
00:43:39 I've never had a man ask me to make another woman jealous before.
00:43:42 Your help is greatly appreciated.
00:43:45 Can't wait to see who the lucky girl is.
00:43:49 [music]
00:43:53 [music]
00:43:55 I'm nervous.
00:44:10 Just talk to him, Elena. What have you got to lose?
00:44:14 Okay.
00:44:20 [music]
00:44:22 Hey, I'm going to go find Aaron.
00:44:37 You got this.
00:44:38 Elena!
00:44:42 Just talking about the merger.
00:44:44 Come on, have a drink.
00:44:46 Today is a day to celebrate.
00:44:47 [music]
00:44:49 Yeah, yeah, seriously.
00:44:56 A toast!
00:45:00 Hey! Now we are all part of the triple A-I family.
00:45:06 Cheers, everybody.
00:45:08 Cheers!
00:45:15 Any of that dress would look good on you.
00:45:17 You have great taste.
00:45:18 Noah, is there somewhere we can go?
00:45:22 There you are!
00:45:23 Babe, I've been looking for you everywhere.
00:45:26 Babe, I was looking for you everywhere.
00:45:32 Oh my gosh, are you Courtney Fox?
00:45:35 You're the host from the CMC show.
00:45:38 Oh, you watch my show.
00:45:40 Your show?
00:45:41 I am like your biggest fan.
00:45:43 It is so nice to meet you. I'm Abigail Clark.
00:45:45 And I'm Yvonne Jones. We love you.
00:45:48 So, uh, Mr. Preston, are you and Miss Fox here, uh, you know?
00:45:55 Please, just call me Noah.
00:45:57 Today, we're one big family.
00:46:00 Me and Courtney, you know, we're...
00:46:04 Keeping things on a down low, if you know what I mean.
00:46:07 Yeah, both of us, we just like to keep our life more private.
00:46:11 Especially Noah, since he's so popular these days.
00:46:14 I mean, I don't want to get any hate mail.
00:46:17 Totally understandable.
00:46:19 Totally.
00:46:20 Oh, sorry, I didn't get your name.
00:46:23 Elena Campbell.
00:46:27 Nice to meet you.
00:46:30 Nice to meet you.
00:46:31 So, how did you two meet?
00:46:32 Was it on your show when you interviewed Noah?
00:46:36 Oh, actually, I contacted him when I was on a business trip in England.
00:46:41 I asked to meet up, and he obviously said yes.
00:46:45 And we just started talking from there.
00:46:48 We have so much in common.
00:46:50 What were you thinking?
00:46:54 You should be with somebody like Courtney Fox.
00:47:00 [Music]
00:47:19 Noah?
00:47:21 What are you doing here? There's like 30 people out there.
00:47:26 No one's looking at us.
00:47:28 They're all drinking my very expensive champagne.
00:47:30 You have a girlfriend?
00:47:33 So you are jealous.
00:47:35 You can tell me.
00:47:37 I don't mind having more than one girlfriend.
00:47:40 Besides, it's not like Courtney and I are that serious anyway.
00:47:46 So you're not only a billionaire now, you're also a cheater?
00:47:56 Kind of like how you cheated on me with Peter, huh?
00:47:58 You're right. I'm a horrible person.
00:48:02 But at least I'm still me.
00:48:05 You're nothing like the boy I used to know five years ago.
00:48:09 Why'd you come back, Noah? I was just getting over you.
00:48:13 I was up for revenge.
00:48:16 You win, Noah Preston.
00:48:20 I want nothing else to do with you.
00:48:24 [Music]
00:48:32 Elena, wait.
00:48:34 Elena!
00:48:40 Elena, wait. Let go of me.
00:48:43 Maybe I came back because I'm the one that can't let go.
00:48:47 I'm sorry that I tried to kiss you.
00:48:50 Courtney's not even my girlfriend. I don't even have a girlfriend.
00:48:53 I haven't had a girlfriend in the last five years, not since you.
00:48:56 I just asked her to help me try to make you jealous.
00:48:59 Which I know is so stupid and immature, but I didn't know--
00:49:02 Why?
00:49:03 Because isn't it obvious?
00:49:05 After five goddamn years, I'm still madly in love with you.
00:49:09 You want to marry me, but what do you have?
00:49:12 You have no house, no car.
00:49:15 You have nothing.
00:49:17 Do you remember what you said to me the day that we broke up?
00:49:22 You said that I had nothing.
00:49:24 No house, no cars.
00:49:26 You said real men buy their wives jewelry and handbags.
00:49:30 I couldn't get that out of my head.
00:49:34 Noah, that was five years ago.
00:49:37 Noah, that was five years ago.
00:49:41 Well, somehow I got it in my sick head
00:49:44 that if I got all those things, you'd take me back.
00:49:47 Except you didn't.
00:49:51 I come back, and you act like I don't even exist.
00:49:55 You want nothing to do with me.
00:49:59 Noah--
00:50:01 I know I shouldn't talk to you.
00:50:03 I know I need to stay away from you, but I can't.
00:50:06 You know what's gotten me through the toughest times these last five years?
00:50:10 It's you.
00:50:11 I keep asking myself, what if?
00:50:14 What if I'd given you everything that you'd wanted?
00:50:19 What if we'd met under different circumstances?
00:50:21 What if I'd asked you for a second chance?
00:50:24 Would you?
00:50:27 Elena.
00:50:43 Does this mean that--
00:50:46 Noah, the thing is, just--
00:50:49 Shh. I don't even care.
00:50:51 I don't even care.
00:50:55 Because all that matters is that I have you.
00:50:58 That's all that I want.
00:51:02 Right on time.
00:51:06 [bell rings]
00:51:07 [music]
00:51:10 [music]
00:51:12 [music]
00:51:13 [music]
00:51:17 [music]
00:51:19 [music]
00:51:21 [music]
00:51:23 [music]
00:51:25 [music]
00:51:27 [music]
00:51:29 [music]
00:51:31 [music]
00:51:33 [music]
00:51:35 [music]
00:51:37 [music]
00:51:40 [music]
00:51:41 Oh, a triple A.
00:51:43 Your company name.
00:51:45 Why do you think I named it triple A?
00:51:48 Why?
00:51:49 Because I named it after you, Elena.
00:51:52 Everything I've been doing for the past five years has been for this exact moment.
00:51:57 For us to meet again.
00:51:59 [music]
00:52:02 [music]
00:52:04 [music]
00:52:09 [Music]
00:52:24 ♪ Buffyin' up out my mind ♪
00:52:28 ♪ For the sunrise, yeah ♪
00:52:32 ♪ And when it's finally time ♪
00:52:35 ♪ It's just more of the same ♪
00:52:37 ♪ Gotta wrestle the day, nah ♪
00:52:39 [Music]
00:52:47 Elena, Elena, Elena.
00:52:49 You don't care that I'm a gold digger?
00:52:52 I don't believe you are.
00:52:54 I didn't believe it five years ago and I don't now.
00:52:57 Elena, why did you leave me?
00:53:03 Come on, can you please tell me?
00:53:07 I don't want to ever lose you again.
00:53:10 I keep asking myself the same question.
00:53:14 If I could go back in time and do things differently, would I?
00:53:20 The answer is no.
00:53:22 I wouldn't.
00:53:24 Because...
00:53:26 A year after you left for England, the hospital called saying that they're taking my mom off life support.
00:53:35 For humanitarian reasons.
00:53:37 So I signed the documents, said my goodbyes and left Maryland never looking back.
00:53:44 Why didn't you tell me?
00:53:46 We lost five whole years together.
00:53:49 Why don't you trust me?
00:53:51 What if my company had failed?
00:53:54 What if I had never come back?
00:53:56 What if we'd never seen each other again?
00:53:58 And why didn't you tell me that you applied to Oxford, Noah?
00:54:04 Because deep down, we're the same person.
00:54:06 We keep secrets to protect the ones we love.
00:54:10 You know, they say if you love something, let it go.
00:54:17 And if it comes back, it's yours.
00:54:20 If it doesn't, it never really was.
00:54:24 Well, I'm never ever letting you go ever again.
00:54:30 [music]
00:54:32 Good morning.
00:54:49 Good morning, beautiful.
00:54:52 Breakfast is served.
00:54:55 Where did you learn how to cook?
00:54:58 You didn't even know how to boil an egg before.
00:55:00 I learned when I was in England.
00:55:02 You'd be shocked at how bad the food is over there.
00:55:06 Mmm, this is delicious.
00:55:09 So what is this rumor I hear about you having a girlfriend over there?
00:55:14 So what is this rumor I hear about you having a girlfriend over there?
00:55:20 Are you jealous?
00:55:22 So what if I am?
00:55:27 Wait, you don't actually have a girlfriend over there, do you?
00:55:29 No.
00:55:31 Okay, well, I did go on one date with one of my classmates, alright?
00:55:35 It was just one date.
00:55:37 And then she ran around school telling everyone that she was my girlfriend after one date.
00:55:41 One date, huh?
00:55:43 Yeah, just one date.
00:55:45 What? Don't act like you didn't kiss Peter right in front of me.
00:55:48 It was a peck. Besides, Peter is gay.
00:55:50 Really?
00:55:53 You couldn't tell? His favorite color is pink.
00:55:56 Oh my God, Elena.
00:55:57 Hey, I need to show you something real quick.
00:56:02 Okay.
00:56:04 What is all this?
00:56:19 It's everything that I own.
00:56:22 I have a villa in England, a penthouse in San Francisco, a lake house north of Potomac, this beautiful home here in LA.
00:56:31 I have four cars.
00:56:33 And my company.
00:56:35 Oh.
00:56:38 And also, the handbags and jewelry that you handpicked last weekend.
00:56:42 Why are you showing me all this?
00:56:45 Because you can have it all.
00:56:47 All you need to do is marry me.
00:56:50 Marry me?
00:56:51 This $20 million home.
00:56:54 Yours.
00:56:56 You have a Ferrari.
00:56:59 Also yours.
00:57:01 Your company.
00:57:04 Elena, it's all yours.
00:57:07 But you, Elena, you're mine.
00:57:14 [Music]
00:57:19 [Applause]
00:57:23 Ladies and gentlemen, today marks the day that we officially join the triple AI family.
00:57:29 I truly believe that together we are going to do great things.
00:57:33 Mr. Preston, did you have anything you wanted to say?
00:57:36 I just want to thank everyone for their hard work in making this all happen.
00:57:41 Oh, and today will be Elena's last day.
00:57:44 Let's give her a round of applause for all the hard work she's done.
00:57:48 Did you get fired or something?
00:57:53 No, I just don't want to become an HR nightmare.
00:57:56 What do you mean?
00:57:58 Today's her last day because Elena and I are getting married.
00:58:03 Joey, I want to thank you.
00:58:05 Because of Crazy Maple Studio, I was able to find her again.
00:58:10 That is just so, uh, touching.
00:58:12 Um, Elena, you're going to be missed.
00:58:15 And by the way, I totally did call this. I knew there was something fishy going on between you two.
00:58:20 Let's go get married.
00:58:24 Goodbye, everybody.
00:58:27 [laughing]
00:58:28 Hey.
00:58:42 I'm so excited to finally call you my wife.
00:58:45 I love you, Mr. Preston.
00:58:48 I love you, Mrs. Preston.
00:58:50 [music]
00:58:51 Smile for the camera.
00:58:59 What are you doing?
00:59:05 I'm posting it on Times Square for 24 hours.
00:59:09 Wait, what?
00:59:11 I want the whole world to know that you're my wife.
00:59:14 [laughing]
00:59:16 I'm not letting you get away from me this time.
00:59:19 [music]
00:59:20 Hi, Prince Monaco.
00:59:26 Oh my gosh, you have to check it out. It's right next to it.
00:59:29 Mother, what are you doing here?
00:59:35 I can't believe my only son got married and I wasn't invited.
00:59:40 You flew all the way here from Maryland just to tell me that?
00:59:44 Noah, would you give me a minute alone with Elena?
00:59:48 No, I'm not letting that happen again.
00:59:50 Oh, come on, Noah. I just want to talk.
00:59:54 You don't have to get so stressed.
00:59:56 Last time that happened, I lost five years with Elena.
00:59:59 So no, I'm not letting it happen again.
01:00:02 And if you even think about telling us to break up,
01:00:04 then you can say goodbye to your only son.
01:00:06 You're just like your father, Noah.
01:00:09 Stubborn and devoted.
01:00:12 [music]
01:00:15 [music]
01:00:16 Isn't that the ring that Noah proposed with five years ago?
01:00:29 Mom, I thought you said you threw this away.
01:00:35 I always had a feeling this day was coming, so I kept it.
01:00:41 I'm sorry, Elena, for the things that I said that day five years ago.
01:00:45 But I don't regret it.
01:00:47 I knew that when you would be a mother, you would understand.
01:00:51 No, you were right, Miss Preston.
01:00:53 Love requires sacrifice.
01:00:57 Noah was about to give up on his dreams for me.
01:01:00 And if I didn't let him go back then,
01:01:03 he'd never become the great man that he is today.
01:01:07 Thank you.
01:01:10 And thank you for making my son happy again.
01:01:13 [music]
01:01:15 It still fits.
01:01:25 It's because it was always meant to be.
01:01:28 [music]
01:01:31 [music]
01:01:32 [music]
01:01:33 [music]
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01:01:47 [music]
01:01:49 [music]
01:01:51 [BLANK_AUDIO]
