• last year
Pak Ya ada 2 orang anak lelaki agak malas, Jep dan Shuib yang selalu lewat tidur dan jarang membantu kerja rumah. Suatu malam, kedua-dua anak lelaki itu melihat ayah mereka dalam keadaan sedih kerana belum memenuhi niatnya untuk membina kepok untuk isterinya yang telah meninggal. Mereka sedar dan bertekad untuk mencari wang untuk membantu ayah mereka


00:00:00 [Demonic Voice]
00:00:07 [Music]
00:00:15 Ninja Ya
00:00:16 [Music]
00:00:29 [Demonic Voice]
00:00:31 [Thunder]
00:00:33 [Demonic Voice]
00:00:43 [Thunder]
00:00:47 [Demonic Voice]
00:00:53 [Music]
00:01:11 [Music]
00:01:31 [Music]
00:01:41 [Music]
00:01:51 [Music]
00:02:01 [Music]
00:02:11 [Music]
00:02:16 Allah
00:02:17 Bismillah
00:02:19 [Music]
00:02:21 [Sigh]
00:02:22 [Music]
00:02:24 [Music]
00:02:30 [Music]
00:02:40 [Music]
00:03:02 Jab
00:03:03 Jab
00:03:05 Why you still not wake up?
00:03:08 [Door Open]
00:03:11 [Door Close]
00:03:13 [Door Open]
00:03:14 [Door Close]
00:03:15 [Door Open]
00:03:16 [Door Close]
00:03:17 Astagfirullahaladzim
00:03:18 What's going on?
00:03:19 You're all the same!
00:03:21 I go out in the morning and you're asleep
00:03:24 I come back in the evening and you're still asleep
00:03:26 Huh?
00:03:27 If you're fasting,
00:03:29 you're not even wearing a scarf!
00:03:30 Wake up!
00:03:33 It's already 6.30pm!
00:03:34 It's time to break the fast!
00:03:36 Wake up!
00:03:37 La ilaha illallah
00:03:39 I'm talking like I'm a coward
00:03:42 [Sigh]
00:03:44 Allah
00:03:53 Ya Allah
00:03:56 What's going on?
00:03:58 You're all the same!
00:04:00 Wake up!
00:04:01 It's almost evening!
00:04:03 It's time to break the fast!
00:04:04 Wake up!
00:04:05 Wake up!
00:04:06 What time is it?
00:04:09 It's almost 6.30pm!
00:04:12 6.30pm
00:04:14 Oh, I'm shocked
00:04:17 7 o'clock
00:04:19 7 o'clock
00:04:20 7 o'clock?
00:04:21 Eh, it's good that you're not waking up
00:04:23 Later, when I break the fast,
00:04:25 I'll bring you food
00:04:26 I'll feed it to your mouth, okay?
00:04:28 Now, go to sleep!
00:04:29 Sleep!
00:04:31 [Sigh]
00:04:32 Thank goodness
00:04:51 I didn't expect this
00:04:54 Time flies so fast
00:04:56 I've been pressing the button for hours
00:04:58 I'm about to break the fast
00:05:00 [Sigh]
00:05:01 I guess this is how a believer feels
00:05:05 Not hungry
00:05:07 Not thirsty
00:05:09 I'm the believer
00:05:12 Eh, what's wrong?
00:05:17 What's wrong?
00:05:19 Don't you notice?
00:05:21 You've been sleeping since the morning
00:05:23 You've been sleeping since the morning
00:05:27 Eh, Yas, at least
00:05:30 We don't eat, drink, or do anything
00:05:34 Even though we're sleeping
00:05:36 Huh?
00:05:37 Huh?
00:05:38 Huh?
00:05:39 I went to the sermon the other day
00:05:41 The Ustaz told me
00:05:43 Sleeping during Ramadhan is a form of worship
00:05:47 Huh?
00:05:48 Huh?
00:05:49 Oh my, you're so sweet
00:05:52 Huh?
00:05:53 What he meant was
00:05:55 Sleeping 10 minutes before Zohor
00:05:57 Sleeping 10 hours before breaking the fast
00:06:01 Huh?
00:06:02 Eh
00:06:09 Eh
00:06:10 It's already time for the breakfast
00:06:12 Eh
00:06:18 [Prayer]
00:06:25 Ameen
00:06:26 Here, let me get it
00:06:29 Oh, I'm so thirsty
00:06:31 Before the breakfast, drink this
00:06:34 How long have I been holding it?
00:06:37 Thanks
00:06:43 [Prayer]
00:07:11 [Prayer]
00:07:14 Today is the 21st of Ramadhan
00:07:28 It's been 6 years
00:07:37 The 21st of Ramadhan that I promised Shima
00:07:43 I wanted to make a 'kepuk' for her
00:07:47 But
00:07:53 I don't think I can celebrate this year's Eid
00:07:59 It's okay, it's my fate
00:08:05 I lost my job
00:08:07 I can't even raise my daughter
00:08:12 Forgive me, Shima
00:08:23 Oh my, the food
00:08:31 The food
00:08:34 No wonder dad is in a bad mood today
00:08:37 That's the reason
00:08:40 Apparently, dad lost his job
00:08:44 The problem is, apparently dad made a promise
00:08:50 To make a 'kepuk' for grandma's grave
00:08:53 Oh my
00:08:54 I'm so sad
00:08:56 I feel so many things
00:08:58 I feel so many things
00:09:00 I've been through so many things in my life
00:09:04 When was that?
00:09:06 First, when grandma passed away
00:09:08 Same
00:09:09 Second, two weeks ago
00:09:11 I was about to cut my nails
00:09:13 Third, when I heard dad's promise
00:09:19 To make a 'kepuk' for grandma's grave
00:09:21 That's what I know
00:09:25 If you want to make a 'kepuk'
00:09:27 You need a lot of money
00:09:30 Then you can make a 'kepuk'
00:09:32 That's a lot of money
00:09:34 I can't finish it all
00:09:36 I failed to raise our daughter
00:09:42 I don't know why
00:09:47 They're stubborn
00:09:50 They're lazy
00:09:51 If I'm angry
00:09:53 They'll always have an answer
00:09:57 I don't know, Simah
00:10:00 How's this year's Eid?
00:10:02 Our family is not as happy as others
00:10:08 Listen
00:10:09 We need to find a job tomorrow
00:10:12 To get money
00:10:13 To help dad make a 'kepuk' for grandma's grave
00:10:25 Let's go and ask
00:10:27 Peace be upon you
00:10:29 Grandma
00:10:31 Peace be upon you
00:10:33 And unto you be peace
00:10:35 What's up?
00:10:37 We're here to...
00:10:44 We're working, but we don't have a job
00:10:48 Is there a job we can do?
00:10:51 But we need to pay for it
00:10:54 You want a job?
00:10:56 I don't think I can give you anything
00:11:00 If you don't have a job, I'll give you a bonus
00:11:04 If you don't have a job, we'll accept your loan
00:11:07 I promise I'll give you money
00:11:08 Look at my face
00:11:12 It's long
00:11:14 Can you make it?
00:11:16 Don't you have a job?
00:11:19 That's all I can give you
00:11:24 I can help you with that
00:11:28 But...
00:11:29 I'll get back to work
00:11:32 Okay? -Okay
00:11:34 I'll take it
00:11:36 I'll give you a bonus
00:11:38 Are you fasting?
00:11:47 Yes
00:11:48 Get back to work
00:11:50 I can't take this
00:11:52 Abang
00:11:53 Abang
00:11:55 Yes?
00:12:07 Yes?
00:12:09 Wake up
00:12:12 What's going on?
00:12:19 They never wake up early
00:12:22 But they're gone
00:12:24 The grass looks thick
00:12:31 It's just hair
00:12:33 Grass doesn't have thicknesses
00:12:35 What's grass?
00:12:37 It's a fire
00:12:39 Fire?
00:12:41 Yes
00:12:42 When does a fire start?
00:12:46 It starts when the grass is thick
00:12:49 It's thick
00:12:51 Yes
00:12:52 It's thick
00:12:53 You're just fasting
00:12:59 You're asking me questions I don't know the answer to
00:13:01 Ask me if it's wood or a piece of sweet potato
00:13:05 It's thick
00:13:07 What do you mean?
00:13:10 It's thick
00:13:13 He's crazy
00:13:15 He's crazy
00:13:17 He's asking me if it's wood or a piece of sweet potato
00:13:19 Abang
00:13:21 Abang
00:13:24 Where are they?
00:13:41 I'm going to the bank
00:13:43 Okay
00:13:47 Now
00:13:49 This is a grass machine
00:13:51 Then, it's a dust machine
00:13:53 It's a mess
00:13:54 How do I clean it?
00:13:56 What do you mean?
00:13:59 How do I start it?
00:14:04 Ask someone
00:14:06 Don't just say it
00:14:08 You're crazy
00:14:10 I'm angry
00:14:15 Really?
00:14:16 Because you're turning it that way
00:14:18 No
00:14:20 I'm not
00:14:21 You're crazy
00:14:22 Here
00:14:24 Here?
00:14:25 Try it
00:14:29 Where?
00:14:30 Here
00:14:32 I'm going to go in
00:14:34 It's hot
00:14:36 It's hot
00:14:46 It's hot
00:14:48 It's hot
00:14:50 It's hot
00:14:52 I'm going to the bank
00:14:54 [Music]
00:15:22 This is my only salary
00:15:24 Ouch
00:15:46 Ouch
00:15:47 Ouch
00:15:49 What's wrong?
00:15:54 There's a rock
00:15:56 What?
00:15:57 It's in my eye
00:15:58 Why?
00:15:59 There's a rock in my eye
00:16:01 There's one
00:16:02 One?
00:16:03 Yes
00:16:04 There's a lot of rocks
00:16:05 It's in your face
00:16:07 It's not that
00:16:08 Where did you get it?
00:16:09 It's in my eye
00:16:10 It's not in your face
00:16:12 It's in your eye?
00:16:14 It's okay if it's in your mouth
00:16:16 But it's in your eye
00:16:18 Just do it
00:16:22 No
00:16:24 How?
00:16:27 It's not like this
00:16:28 It's under your eye
00:16:29 It's not in my eye
00:16:31 Close your eyes
00:16:34 Start
00:16:36 Start it
00:16:38 Start it
00:16:39 This is it
00:16:48 What?
00:16:49 This is it
00:16:50 I'm not lying
00:16:52 Hold it
00:16:56 Hold it for a second
00:16:57 I'm going to use my bag
00:16:58 The one who made the code
00:17:07 is not the grass
00:17:08 It's the leaves
00:17:11 The leaves should be blown away
00:17:13 It's the leaves
00:17:15 Start it
00:17:16 Start it
00:17:18 Start it
00:17:20 Start it
00:17:22 Start it
00:17:23 Start it
00:17:24 Start it
00:17:25 Start it
00:17:26 Start it
00:17:27 Start it
00:17:29 Start it
00:17:31 Start it
00:17:32 Start it
00:17:34 Start it
00:17:36 Start it
00:17:37 Start it
00:17:39 Start it
00:17:41 Start it
00:17:43 Start it
00:17:45 Start it
00:17:47 Start it
00:17:49 Start it
00:17:51 Start it
00:17:53 Start it
00:17:55 Start it
00:17:57 Start it
00:17:59 Start it
00:18:01 Start it
00:18:04 Start it
00:18:06 Start it
00:18:08 Start it
00:18:09 Start it
00:18:11 Start it
00:18:13 Start it
00:18:15 Start it
00:18:17 Start it
00:18:19 Start it
00:18:21 Start it
00:18:23 Start it
00:18:25 Start it
00:18:27 Start it
00:18:29 Start it
00:18:31 Start it
00:18:33 Start it
00:18:36 Start it
00:18:37 Start it
00:18:39 Start it
00:18:41 Start it
00:18:43 Start it
00:18:45 Start it
00:18:47 Start it
00:18:49 Start it
00:18:51 Don't think too much
00:18:53 You're weak
00:18:55 Be patient
00:18:56 It's just a test
00:18:58 Did Maggie break the egg?
00:19:00 Yes
00:19:02 Oh my God
00:19:03 Oh my God
00:19:04 You made a surprise egg in front of me
00:19:15 You're a traitor
00:19:17 Be patient
00:19:22 Close your eyes
00:19:30 Close your eyes
00:19:32 Close your eyes
00:19:33 Be patient
00:19:47 Just a little more
00:19:48 Just throw it
00:20:00 Why did I have to look for money?
00:20:02 What a pity
00:20:06 I'm almost at Eid
00:20:09 And now
00:20:11 I'm fired
00:20:13 I'm fired
00:20:15 Sigh
00:20:16 Oh my God
00:20:39 Oh my God
00:20:40 What's wrong?
00:20:48 Ayah is in front of me
00:20:51 Why?
00:20:52 He's still sad
00:20:54 He's frowning
00:20:55 That's right
00:20:56 It's a big problem
00:20:57 He promised
00:20:58 He'll make a nest for his ancestors
00:21:01 He said he wouldn't be confused
00:21:02 Let's tell him
00:21:04 Don't
00:21:05 There won't be a surprise
00:21:07 At least
00:21:08 He'll feel calm
00:21:09 He'll feel relaxed
00:21:10 If we do something for him
00:21:12 But it's okay
00:21:14 We'll do our job first
00:21:15 We'll tell him when we have the money
00:21:17 Okay
00:21:24 That's all
00:21:26 I don't know what we're going to do tomorrow
00:21:28 The grass is all over the place
00:21:31 It's all over the house
00:21:33 What?
00:21:37 Sigh
00:21:38 What's the 10th?
00:21:40 What's the 10th he asked us to order?
00:21:42 Fried onions
00:21:45 Fried onions
00:21:47 Fried onions
00:21:49 What's the 11th?
00:21:50 The 11th
00:21:51 What's that?
00:21:53 What's that sweet potato?
00:21:54 Bingka sweet potato
00:21:55 Bingka sweet potato
00:21:56 Your sweet potato
00:21:58 Why did you say bingkai?
00:22:00 What did he want for the 11th?
00:22:03 Bingka sweet potato
00:22:04 This is what we have at Ramadhan market
00:22:06 Don't get me wrong
00:22:07 You can send it to Pak Mang Katering's house
00:22:09 This is his order
00:22:10 This is Pak Katip's
00:22:11 Who was his name?
00:22:13 I don't know
00:22:15 I don't know his name
00:22:18 Just write down his address
00:22:21 Okay
00:22:22 Okay, now
00:22:24 Which house is it?
00:22:26 There
00:22:28 Whose house is it?
00:22:29 Jibel's
00:22:30 That's Sele
00:22:31 Where is it?
00:22:33 Behind Sele
00:22:35 Let's go
00:22:36 Peace be upon you, Mr. Ali
00:22:39 Mr. Ali
00:22:41 Peace be upon you
00:22:42 Hey, babe
00:22:44 God bless you
00:22:45 Thank you
00:22:46 Alhamdulillah
00:22:47 What's this?
00:22:48 We're looking for more money
00:22:52 That's good
00:22:53 So, we're making a donation
00:22:56 We'll take your order
00:22:58 We'll buy whatever you want
00:23:00 And send it back
00:23:01 But, give us some money
00:23:02 Sure, why not?
00:23:04 Give me some money
00:23:06 Money?
00:23:07 Yes, just a little
00:23:08 It's fasting month
00:23:10 Hey
00:23:11 Just write it down
00:23:12 Don't draw it
00:23:13 It'll look like a stamp
00:23:15 Your drawing is not that pretty
00:23:16 Just give me some money
00:23:18 B
00:23:19 Give me some money
00:23:22 I don't want it
00:23:23 Chen Calup
00:23:24 Chen Calup?
00:23:25 It's fasting month
00:23:26 Can you give me more?
00:23:28 I think that's enough
00:23:29 3864
00:23:30 What's that?
00:23:31 It's a small ring
00:23:32 Do you have it?
00:23:33 A small ring?
00:23:34 I think it's too small
00:23:36 It's fasting month
00:23:38 Do you want more?
00:23:39 No, I don't want it
00:23:41 No, Mr. Ali
00:23:42 It's not just fasting month
00:23:44 We can't do that even if it's not
00:23:46 I'm just kidding
00:23:47 You're so naughty
00:23:48 I'm kidding?
00:23:49 I just want to give you some money
00:23:51 Babe
00:23:55 Babe
00:23:57 Babe
00:24:00 Wake up
00:24:01 Where did you get this?
00:24:19 I'm going to sleep
00:24:20 It's hard to order
00:24:31 Yeah
00:24:32 B
00:24:33 Where are we going to buy the 3864?
00:24:36 He's just kidding
00:24:38 You're just kidding
00:24:40 Take it seriously
00:24:42 You're just a fool
00:24:44 You don't know how to differentiate between kidding and not kidding
00:24:47 I've told you, we have to do it
00:24:50 Someone's looking at us
00:24:53 Who?
00:24:54 Someone else
00:24:55 I don't know
00:24:56 Wait
00:25:00 Wait
00:25:02 Wait
00:25:07 Wake up
00:25:08 What's going on?
00:25:12 What?
00:25:13 It's hot
00:25:33 Don't say that
00:25:36 It's not hot
00:25:37 You're going to get sunburn
00:25:38 Let's go
00:25:39 Peace be upon you
00:25:47 Mak Dara
00:25:48 Peace be upon you too
00:25:51 Where are you from?
00:25:54 I'm from Jalan-Jalan
00:25:57 I'm just going around the village
00:25:59 You're going around the village?
00:26:02 Mak Dara
00:26:04 Yes
00:26:05 What are you doing?
00:26:06 What am I doing?
00:26:07 Try to guess
00:26:09 I'm ironing clothes
00:26:13 You're good at it
00:26:15 You're ironing clothes
00:26:17 You're ironing clothes from the end to the back
00:26:20 You have a lot of clothes
00:26:21 You have a lot of clothes at your house
00:26:25 If you go around the village, people will think that you're a fish farm
00:26:31 You're funny
00:26:33 Mak Dara
00:26:34 Yes
00:26:35 I want to see you ironing clothes by yourself
00:26:40 Do you want me to help?
00:26:42 No, it's okay
00:26:43 I've never done it before
00:26:46 Mak Dara
00:26:47 I've never done it before
00:26:49 We're not human, we're just doing it
00:26:51 Fine, fine
00:26:52 You always insult me
00:26:54 Five, six, three, five
00:26:58 Finally, we're going to get to iron clothes
00:27:01 Six
00:27:02 Six
00:27:04 Six
00:27:05 You have a lot of clothes
00:27:07 A lot
00:27:08 You were complaining about how dirty your clothes were
00:27:10 You were complaining about how dirty your clothes were
00:27:11 Give me your clothes, as long as there's any, I'll wash them
00:27:13 Don't talk nonsense
00:27:14 How many people live in your house?
00:27:16 Two
00:27:19 Then, who washes the clothes?
00:27:21 Who washes the clothes?
00:27:25 [Applause]
00:27:53 Em
00:27:54 I told you, Em
00:27:56 There's a reason for everything
00:27:58 What?
00:28:00 What's wrong?
00:28:02 Nothing
00:28:03 Em
00:28:09 Em
00:28:10 Maybe these are her clothes
00:28:12 Mak
00:28:15 I'm going inside
00:28:17 Yes, dear
00:28:18 [Music]
00:28:31 Hello
00:28:35 What's the story?
00:28:36 Hello, Mak Dara
00:28:38 Take this
00:28:39 Take this
00:28:41 You wanted to wash it so badly, right?
00:28:43 Wash it
00:28:44 Give it to me
00:28:46 If you can, wash the top of the tree
00:28:49 Wash it
00:28:50 Did you hear me?
00:28:52 Give me the top of the tree
00:28:54 But, we only take the money from the loan
00:28:56 We don't take the money from the loan
00:28:57 Really?
00:28:59 Yes, we're not slaves
00:29:00 But, we have to wash the money before the loan, right?
00:29:03 No, no, just the loan
00:29:05 Please, I'm fasting
00:29:07 Let's change the agreement
00:29:08 Wash the money, then the loan
00:29:09 Please
00:29:12 I'm fasting
00:29:13 I'm fasting
00:29:14 You didn't eat the fish
00:29:31 Are you fasting?
00:29:32 You
00:29:34 You should have waited
00:29:35 You shouldn't have put it in the steamer
00:29:38 No, I've been waiting for a long time
00:29:41 It's hot
00:29:42 We're fasting
00:29:43 Be patient
00:29:45 We're not here to beg
00:29:46 Be patient, it's beautiful
00:29:48 What did you put in the steamer?
00:29:51 Don't ask me
00:29:54 If the fish is hungry, it will eat the iron
00:29:57 How dare it eat the iron?
00:29:59 How dare it eat the iron?
00:30:00 Bro
00:30:15 I saw this at Mak Dara's house
00:30:21 What's the name?
00:30:23 Her son
00:30:28 She's pretty, right?
00:30:29 Pretty
00:30:30 But, I told you before
00:30:32 Pretty people are not honest
00:30:33 Right?
00:30:35 Right
00:30:36 Are you honest?
00:30:37 Yes
00:30:39 Which part of her is pretty?
00:30:40 But, I think I'm in love with her
00:30:46 It's easy for you to fall in love, Subhanallah
00:30:49 You're so fast in declaring
00:30:51 Just relax
00:30:52 Don't let our mission be ruined because of a woman
00:30:56 Don't mix love with success
00:30:57 We're successful now
00:30:59 How successful are we now?
00:31:03 You're a gardener
00:31:04 You take money from people's houses
00:31:05 You're a fishmonger, not successful
00:31:07 What do you want to be called?
00:31:08 Carrier
00:31:09 No
00:31:11 This woman can boost our spirits
00:31:13 She has a color that can make us shine
00:31:14 Instead of us getting income now
00:31:17 Everyone will be finished
00:31:18 Focus
00:31:21 But, she smiled at me
00:31:22 She smiled not because she likes you
00:31:25 She smiled because she's happy
00:31:27 Zal
00:31:30 Pak Ya
00:31:32 Wait
00:31:33 How are you, Pak Ya?
00:31:39 It's been a while
00:31:40 What's up?
00:31:43 Actually
00:31:44 I have something to tell you
00:31:48 What is it, Pak Ya?
00:31:49 I'm on a break
00:31:51 I was fired
00:31:54 Astaghfirullah
00:31:55 I just wanted to ask
00:31:59 Where did you get the money?
00:32:02 Oh, the money
00:32:06 The RM2,000
00:32:08 When I opened the shop, I used your money
00:32:12 Yes
00:32:13 Okay, if you're smiling, that's okay
00:32:16 But, why did she smile at me?
00:32:18 Because she doesn't like you?
00:32:20 She knows you're poor
00:32:21 That's why she smiled at you
00:32:23 Smiling is charity
00:32:24 She chose you
00:32:26 She saw you as a poor man
00:32:28 That's why she smiled at you
00:32:30 She felt sorry for you
00:32:33 Really?
00:32:34 Yes
00:32:35 Don't believe everything she says
00:32:37 You're easily fooled
00:32:38 Don't cut your hair
00:32:40 People will think you're lying
00:32:43 You'll be in trouble
00:32:45 They won't want to eat you
00:32:46 I'm not being used at all
00:32:52 Huh?
00:32:53 He's really good at this
00:32:56 You're a method, I'm scared
00:32:59 He's going in
00:33:03 Don't do this
00:33:04 He's going in
00:33:06 Get out!
00:33:08 This is a lake
00:33:21 We're fishing in a lake
00:33:23 Don't argue
00:33:26 You argued because the fish didn't eat you
00:33:28 Try to be grateful
00:33:31 This is a river fish
00:33:33 It's not a fish
00:33:35 Then, why is it sitting on a tree?
00:33:38 He's a method
00:33:48 Hey!
00:33:49 May God forgive you
00:33:52 What?
00:33:55 You're a method
00:33:56 Don't be a method
00:33:59 Just accept it
00:34:01 He's a method
00:34:07 He's a method
00:34:09 Thank God
00:34:21 We got to fish today
00:34:23 I want to ask
00:34:25 Does this shrimp have a spiky tail?
00:34:28 Of course, shrimp like this has a spiky tail
00:34:31 But this is a young shrimp
00:34:34 Why is it young?
00:34:36 The older one has a smell
00:34:38 Stop laughing
00:34:42 Now, you go wash the fish
00:34:44 I'm going to prepare the cooking
00:34:46 I don't know how to wash the fish
00:34:49 Just wash it
00:34:51 Or else, it'll be dirty
00:34:52 What if it's dirty?
00:34:54 And it has spiky tail and eyes
00:34:56 What will happen?
00:34:58 Don't talk about empty things during fasting month
00:35:01 Just go wash it
00:35:02 You're so annoying
00:35:03 Hurry up
00:35:04 Go
00:35:05 But, there's no fish in the sea
00:35:14 How do I wash the fish?
00:35:20 What should I use?
00:35:23 This is onion
00:35:28 I can cook it in the afternoon
00:35:31 I'll put it in there
00:35:33 This is an oven
00:35:37 I can cook it in the afternoon
00:35:40 I'll put it in there
00:35:43 [Sniffs]
00:35:44 [Sighs]
00:35:49 Fish
00:36:12 How can I cook the fish?
00:36:14 How do I wash it?
00:36:16 It's black
00:36:18 If I had these shoes, they would've come back
00:36:23 Praise be to God
00:36:31 In the name of God, the most merciful
00:36:34 [Sighs]
00:36:35 Praise be to God
00:36:47 You gave me only RM100
00:36:50 I shouldn't have
00:36:54 I think this fish is a gift from God
00:37:04 That's why it's black
00:37:06 Soeb
00:37:09 Soeb
00:37:10 Soeb
00:37:12 Yes
00:37:15 Hey
00:37:16 Yes
00:37:17 Have you washed the fish?
00:37:19 No
00:37:20 It's hard to wash
00:37:22 You can't even do simple things
00:37:28 [Sighs]
00:37:29 Is this a fish or not?
00:37:37 I don't think this is a fish
00:37:41 What's so hard about this?
00:37:46 I can't do this or that
00:37:49 It's easy
00:37:51 What's with my son?
00:37:54 Look, I washed it and it's black
00:37:56 Do you think it's easy? I told you I don't understand
00:37:59 You don't understand?
00:38:00 I told you to wash it, why did you rub it with a tissue?
00:38:03 What's with this comment?
00:38:06 I'm getting mad
00:38:08 These kids
00:38:09 They're always doing this
00:38:12 What's going on?
00:38:14 Dad
00:38:16 The test is great on the fasting month
00:38:18 What?
00:38:19 Look
00:38:20 People are washing the fish
00:38:22 I went to the kitchen and there's nothing to remove
00:38:26 I'm getting mad
00:38:28 There's nothing to remove
00:38:30 This
00:38:31 I can't remove this
00:38:32 What about the fish?
00:38:34 You have to use a knife
00:38:37 You've been learning how to cook since you were a kid
00:38:39 How to wash the fish
00:38:41 You're old now, you're still learning
00:38:44 Can't I just use a brush?
00:38:45 Of course not
00:38:46 I washed it too
00:38:47 You have to use a knife
00:38:49 Where did you look for it?
00:38:51 I looked for it in the kitchen
00:38:54 Put it down
00:38:55 The fish
00:38:56 What do I do?
00:38:57 First, you have to remove the scales
00:39:03 I told you
00:39:05 How do I remove the scales?
00:39:07 You just have to bite it
00:39:09 Use a knife
00:39:11 I don't have a knife
00:39:13 Go find a knife
00:39:17 Go find a knife
00:39:19 I'm old now
00:39:21 I was just kidding
00:39:23 You're so...
00:39:25 Oh my God
00:39:27 If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have survived
00:39:30 Wait here, I'll get a knife
00:39:32 One by one
00:39:34 Let me get it
00:39:35 It's okay, I'll get it
00:39:36 Be careful
00:39:37 I'll get it
00:39:38 It's okay, I'll get it
00:39:40 Go get it
00:39:41 I told you
00:39:45 Who?
00:39:47 You
00:39:49 I'm so angry at you
00:39:54 You got a fish
00:39:56 I'm so mad at you
00:39:57 Fish?
00:39:58 Yes, fish
00:39:59 Look at this fish
00:40:01 It's a catfish
00:40:02 Catfish
00:40:05 We're so lucky
00:40:08 I know
00:40:13 I'm so happy
00:40:15 You got this catfish?
00:40:19 Yes
00:40:21 I was going to ask for water
00:40:25 Because I was so surprised
00:40:29 I got a sea fish
00:40:31 I was so happy
00:40:32 That's weird
00:40:33 I'm going to go now
00:40:38 I'll go on leave
00:40:40 Are you sure?
00:40:41 I'm taking a year off
00:40:49 We're celebrating Eid
00:40:52 I'm taking a year off
00:40:56 How can I find love?
00:41:06 How can I find love?
00:41:09 I'm already in love
00:41:13 I'm going to find it
00:41:17 She's so pretty
00:41:22 I'm going to find it
00:41:24 She's so pretty
00:41:28 I'm going to find it
00:41:31 I'm going to find it
00:41:33 I'm going to find it
00:41:35 I'm going to find it
00:41:38 I'm going to find it
00:41:40 [Finding love]
00:42:07 [Singing]
00:42:17 [Singing]
00:42:34 [Singing]
00:42:38 [Singing]
00:42:50 [Singing]
00:42:53 [Singing]
00:42:58 [Singing]
00:43:01 [Singing]
00:43:26 [Singing]
00:43:28 Whose house is this?
00:43:34 Pak Malaw's
00:43:36 Peace be upon you
00:43:38 Pak Malaw
00:43:40 Isn't that Kak Kajang's house?
00:43:43 That's Satay
00:43:45 Kajang
00:43:46 Kak Kajang Pak Malaw
00:43:48 Simasing
00:43:50 Malaw
00:43:52 Peace be upon you
00:43:55 Whose house is this?
00:43:57 That's Sodikul's house
00:43:59 No, that's Sodikul's house
00:44:01 Peace be upon you
00:44:06 [Music]
00:44:09 Whose house is this?
00:44:29 That's our house
00:44:31 Really?
00:44:33 [Music]
00:44:36 Come, let's go to the toilet
00:44:43 Bro
00:44:48 What are you doing?
00:44:50 Go there
00:44:51 Go to the toilet
00:44:53 You're so naughty
00:44:55 I'm just asking
00:44:57 Stop asking
00:44:59 When are you going to finish?
00:45:01 What?
00:45:03 Okay, if we're going to get married
00:45:05 What do we have to have?
00:45:07 We have to have three things
00:45:11 What?
00:45:13 Number one, work
00:45:15 We have to take care of our children
00:45:17 We have to take care of our lives
00:45:19 Number two
00:45:21 House
00:45:23 Is there a house here?
00:45:25 This is my house
00:45:27 You can't be sitting at my house when you're married
00:45:29 You'll get into fights
00:45:31 You won't be happy
00:45:33 Number three
00:45:35 Vehicles
00:45:37 Like cars, motorcycles
00:45:39 If you want to go anywhere
00:45:41 To the clinic, or if you're sick
00:45:43 You have to take a vehicle
00:45:45 You can't walk
00:45:47 Just three?
00:45:49 There's not much
00:45:51 There's a lot
00:45:53 Go there
00:45:55 Go
00:45:57 I'm fasting
00:45:59 You can't even ask
00:46:01 You
00:46:03 I'm confused
00:46:07 Whose house is this?
00:46:09 This is our house
00:46:11 I've never been in
00:46:13 Others are fasting too
00:46:15 I don't even know my own house
00:46:17 I forgot
00:46:19 [Music]
00:46:21 Peace be upon you
00:46:45 [Music]
00:46:47 Peace be upon you
00:46:51 Hi
00:46:53 Hi
00:46:55 What are you doing?
00:46:57 Repairing my motorcycle
00:46:59 Wrong question
00:47:03 Have you eaten?
00:47:07 I'm fasting
00:47:09 I forgot
00:47:11 You must have eaten
00:47:13 I'm fasting too
00:47:15 I have
00:47:21 Some food for you
00:47:23 It's just milk
00:47:25 Thank you
00:47:31 Do you have Facebook?
00:47:35 It's closed
00:47:37 Because there are too many
00:47:39 To add
00:47:41 Hmm
00:47:43 Here
00:47:45 I have
00:47:51 300 to give you
00:47:53 No need
00:47:55 It's not much
00:47:57 It's not much
00:47:59 I feel like
00:48:01 It's not nice
00:48:03 To give you a cake
00:48:05 Without giving you money
00:48:07 It's like Eid
00:48:09 I don't think I can accept
00:48:11 Because we
00:48:13 Don't know each other well
00:48:15 No
00:48:17 No
00:48:19 I want to know you
00:48:21 I want to give you money
00:48:23 Take it
00:48:25 Thank you
00:48:37 Don't expect anything
00:48:39 There's one thing
00:48:41 What is it?
00:48:43 What's your name?
00:48:45 My name is
00:48:53 Ellie
00:48:55 Ellie
00:48:57 It matches your name
00:49:01 What is it?
00:49:03 It matches
00:49:05 Your name
00:49:07 Oh
00:49:09 Where's my house?
00:49:15 Your house?
00:49:17 Yes
00:49:19 It's over there
00:49:21 It's over there
00:49:23 I think so
00:49:25 Happy Eid
00:49:27 Happy Eid
00:49:29 Happy Eid
00:49:31 Oh my god
00:49:49 Ellie
00:49:51 You're not joking
00:49:53 You prepared breakfast
00:49:55 If it's not on a normal day
00:49:57 I didn't work
00:49:59 I think there's something wrong
00:50:01 Yes
00:50:03 You look like there's something wrong
00:50:05 Everything else is fine
00:50:07 But you're not
00:50:09 Who gave it to you?
00:50:11 Her neighbour
00:50:13 She gave you a lot
00:50:15 It's like she has a lot of intentions
00:50:17 Really?
00:50:19 Yes
00:50:21 What intentions?
00:50:23 She knows
00:50:25 We're not a big family
00:50:27 Go home
00:50:29 Give it back to her
00:50:31 What if she gets upset?
00:50:33 Who's going to take it?
00:50:35 Oh my god
00:50:45 You're so good
00:50:47 You always make mistakes
00:50:49 What's this?
00:50:51 It's a boiled banana
00:50:53 Boiled banana?
00:50:55 It looks like a fish
00:50:57 Banana
00:50:59 Look
00:51:01 Cucumber
00:51:03 And fish
00:51:05 Fried fish
00:51:07 Wait
00:51:09 Where's my mataba?
00:51:11 Do you have mataba?
00:51:13 Don't be silly
00:51:15 I bought it
00:51:17 There's no mataba
00:51:21 Don't be silly
00:51:23 I bought it for my dad
00:51:25 He really wanted it
00:51:27 Don't be silly
00:51:29 Oh my god
00:51:31 It's left
00:51:33 Don't joke
00:51:35 I saw it
00:51:37 In the plastic
00:51:39 It's left
00:51:41 Oh my god
00:51:43 I just said that you're perfect
00:51:45 You're so...
00:51:47 Oh my god
00:51:49 We don't know when we forget
00:51:53 I forgot
00:51:55 We can't avoid things
00:51:57 When did you forget?
00:51:59 Just now
00:52:01 You forgot just now
00:52:03 I forgot just now
00:52:05 I'm so confused
00:52:07 You're so weird
00:52:09 Peace be upon you
00:52:15 Let's buy another one tomorrow
00:52:17 Peace be upon you
00:52:19 Peace be upon you
00:52:21 Peace be upon you
00:52:23 Subhanallah
00:52:29 [Music]
00:52:58 Here
00:53:00 I want to return this mataba
00:53:02 You gave me a lot of it
00:53:04 I didn't want to waste it
00:53:06 You gave it to me?
00:53:08 This mataba?
00:53:09 Yes
00:53:10 I've been dishonest since I was a kid
00:53:13 Why?
00:53:15 I asked her to give it to you
00:53:17 Really?
00:53:19 You're so kind
00:53:20 Is it too much?
00:53:21 Yes
00:53:23 I'm so thankful
00:53:25 It's okay
00:53:27 If there's nothing else
00:53:33 I'll go home
00:53:35 It's okay, I'll accompany you
00:53:37 I don't want to be late
00:53:39 It's okay, I can go home by myself
00:53:41 Peace be upon you
00:53:43 You gave me so much
00:53:54 So much
00:54:06 [Singing Happy Birthday]
00:54:24 Is it my birthday?
00:54:25 Your birthday is a mess
00:54:27 This is the mataba you gave me
00:54:30 Really?
00:54:32 The mataba is not enough
00:54:35 It's okay
00:54:37 You're willing to buy me a house next door, right?
00:54:40 What kind of person are you?
00:54:42 Make a wish first
00:54:47 Make a wish
00:54:50 That's a curse
00:54:51 Are you going to do it?
00:54:53 I haven't even opened it yet
00:54:55 Are you going to do it?
00:54:57 If I give it to someone
00:54:59 I'll be ashamed
00:55:01 Because of a woman
00:55:03 You're a woman
00:55:05 You want to buy a house next door
00:55:07 You're giving me that?
00:55:09 I'm so embarrassed
00:55:16 You're giving me food?
00:55:20 I haven't even opened it yet
00:55:27 Open it
00:55:29 I'm so embarrassed
00:55:37 Sit down
00:55:41 You're lying
00:55:47 You should've drunk before you lied
00:55:51 You're a grown up now
00:55:54 You're still acting like a kid
00:55:56 I'm not
00:55:58 You're acting like a kid?
00:56:01 You should've been patient
00:56:03 I'm not in the mood to open it
00:56:08 It's so hot today
00:56:12 I should've bought a Supreme
00:56:18 You should've sung in front of me
00:56:24 There's no audience behind me
00:56:26 It smells so good
00:56:31 It's so funny
00:56:34 It's okay
00:56:35 I'm sick of it
00:56:38 I'll ask her to listen to it
00:56:44 A duckling swam on the beach
00:56:48 Then it got stuck in a tree
00:56:51 It's a beautiful duckling
00:56:54 But it's too expensive
00:56:56 It's smile is too expensive
00:56:57 I'm worried
00:56:59 I'm so angry
00:57:04 You're so mean
00:57:10 You're so mean
00:57:13 You're acting like a kid again
00:57:17 Tomorrow...
00:57:20 I'll start my strategy
00:57:24 To be continued...
00:57:30 To be continued...
00:57:35 To be continued...
00:57:41 To be continued...
00:57:46 To be continued...
00:57:51 To be continued...
00:57:56 To be continued...
00:58:01 To be continued...
00:58:06 To be continued...
00:58:10 To be continued...
00:58:16 We'll be in trouble if we're late
00:58:19 Peace be upon you! -And unto you be peace
00:58:21 What's wrong?
00:58:23 Mak Dara!
00:58:24 It's okay, I can still hear you
00:58:26 Mak Dara, I just want to tell you
00:58:35 I've paid for Fitrah's sale
00:58:38 I've paid for Fitrah's sale
00:58:43 What is he doing at Mak Dara's house?
00:58:49 I'm so curious
00:58:52 Mak Dara's son has paid for it?
00:58:55 What about Mak Dara?
00:58:56 Let's settle Mak Dara's debt
00:59:00 I'll pay for Mak Dara's debt
00:59:02 Mak Dara is happy
00:59:06 She's happy
00:59:08 I'm going home
00:59:10 Go home!
00:59:12 He's so weird
00:59:26 What is he doing?
00:59:28 What is Syuib doing?
00:59:38 Peace be upon you, Mak Dara
00:59:40 And unto you be peace
00:59:42 Yes, Syuib?
00:59:44 What are you doing?
00:59:47 Nothing, just chatting
00:59:50 Where are you going?
00:59:51 Mak Dara
00:59:54 I want to sing a song for Aily
00:59:58 Now?
01:00:01 Now
01:00:02 How many people?
01:00:03 Just one
01:00:04 Okay
01:00:05 Please
01:00:07 Now
01:00:09 He's having a concert at my house?
01:00:19 How many people?
01:00:20 What's going to happen to my children?
01:00:28 Give me an answer
01:00:33 Give me a conclusion
01:00:37 So my soul can be at peace
01:00:42 After all this time
01:00:48 I can't forget
01:00:52 Our promise
01:00:57 Under the bamboo grass
01:01:02 In the middle of the month
01:01:09 Why did this separation happen?
01:01:19 If my heart is engraved with your name
01:01:28 I'm so happy
01:01:31 I'm so happy
01:01:34 I'm so happy
01:01:37 I'm so happy
01:01:39 I'm so happy
01:01:42 I'm so happy
01:01:47 I'm so excited
01:01:54 You're so excited
01:01:57 What's wrong?
01:01:59 You're asking me?
01:02:00 I'm not excited when you're upset
01:02:03 Why did you install the light at my house?
01:02:08 You installed it at your house?
01:02:09 I do it every year
01:02:14 Yes, that's right
01:02:16 You didn't do it last year
01:02:17 Maybe I was out of my mind last year
01:02:22 What's wrong with you?
01:02:26 What's wrong with you?
01:02:32 You installed the light at my house
01:02:34 I'm okay with it
01:02:38 I can get used to the light
01:02:41 I'm okay with it
01:02:44 Really?
01:02:45 Yes
01:02:46 What's wrong with you?
01:02:47 You're acting weird
01:02:49 What's going to happen to me?
01:02:52 It's okay
01:02:54 I'll know what to do when I'm back
01:02:57 Besides, this is a small thing
01:03:00 There's something bigger that I want to show you and Ellie
01:03:03 What?
01:03:04 There's something bigger?
01:03:06 Are you ready?
01:03:07 Yes
01:03:08 [Music]
01:03:31 Let me take a deep breath, Ellie
01:03:34 [Breathing]
01:03:39 Wait!
01:03:41 More?
01:03:42 More?
01:03:44 Can you do it?
01:03:45 Yes
01:03:46 [Music]
01:03:55 [Music]
01:04:15 Okay
01:04:16 Some light on?
01:04:17 [Applause]
01:04:20 Yes!
01:04:22 [Music]
01:04:38 [Singing]
01:04:41 You're home?
01:04:43 Sit there
01:04:45 Why?
01:04:46 Sit!
01:04:47 [Music]
01:04:51 Do you know why I called you here?
01:04:58 What's going to happen to you?
01:05:03 You're always acting weird
01:05:05 Jack
01:05:07 Yes
01:05:08 Why did you install the light at someone's house?
01:05:12 Didn't you notice that our house is dark?
01:05:16 I installed the light at their house because...
01:05:19 I already have the intention to install it at our house tomorrow
01:05:24 So, Soeb
01:05:28 Why are you always acting weird in front of people's house?
01:05:32 Don't you know that this is Ramadan?
01:05:35 The holy month
01:05:36 Ramadan Al Mubarak
01:05:38 It's okay if you go to perform the Hajj
01:05:40 I just want to try the food
01:05:45 Try the food?
01:05:46 Try the food?
01:05:48 What food?
01:05:51 The food that's in the house
01:05:53 You're having a problem
01:05:56 You're having a fight
01:05:57 You should be helping me
01:05:59 Not helping someone else
01:06:01 What's going to happen to you?
01:06:04 I don't know
01:06:13 The door is welded
01:06:16 Where's the money?
01:06:25 What are you doing?
01:06:30 I'm looking for the money
01:06:32 If it's in my room, it's my money
01:06:34 I mean, the money I spent on the job
01:06:36 You're so annoying
01:06:38 I didn't spend any money
01:06:43 Oh my God
01:06:45 What did you say?
01:06:47 71
01:06:49 76
01:06:51 72
01:06:53 74
01:06:55 75
01:06:57 76
01:06:59 77
01:07:01 78
01:07:03 79
01:07:05 80
01:07:07 81
01:07:09 82
01:07:11 83
01:07:13 84
01:07:15 85
01:07:17 86
01:07:19 87
01:07:21 88
01:07:23 89
01:07:25 90
01:07:27 91
01:07:29 92
01:07:31 93
01:07:33 94
01:07:35 95
01:07:37 96
01:07:39 97
01:07:41 You're so annoying
01:07:44 How much do you want to sell?
01:07:46 The price is 18,000
01:07:48 18,000?
01:07:51 But if you want...
01:07:54 You can give me...
01:07:56 1,200
01:07:58 Okay
01:08:00 If you can, here's the money
01:08:03 Look
01:08:08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
01:08:17 Is it enough? - Yes
01:08:21 This is the price
01:08:23 This is the price? - Yes
01:08:25 You're the only one who can sell this?
01:08:27 Yes
01:08:28 I've been selling this bike all by myself
01:08:30 Dad!
01:08:32 Dad!
01:08:36 What's wrong?
01:08:38 What's wrong?
01:08:40 Dad
01:08:42 I sold this bike to Pak Mail
01:08:44 What?
01:08:45 Why?
01:08:47 I don't have enough money
01:08:49 I want to make a bike for your late mother
01:08:52 Dad, you don't have to sell it
01:08:55 You can take the money back
01:08:58 We've been working hard to make this bike
01:09:02 We heard about your problem last night
01:09:04 You have to quit your job
01:09:06 Dad, this bike has a lot of memories
01:09:09 I remember when I was in school
01:09:11 This is the bike that I took to school
01:09:14 Don't sell it, this is the only bike we have
01:09:16 This is a rare bike, don't sell it
01:09:18 Dad!
01:09:19 But, Eid is coming
01:09:22 I need money
01:09:24 Dad, Eid is coming
01:09:26 You can take the money back
01:09:28 The money is upstairs
01:09:29 Let's go back
01:09:30 Give it back
01:09:32 I'll tell you later
01:09:33 I'll go first
01:09:35 I'll go first
01:09:36 The money is upstairs
01:09:38 I can't sell it
01:09:40 I haven't said anything yet
01:09:41 Give me back the bike
01:09:43 I can't
01:09:44 If Pak Mail wants the bike, I can find it
01:09:46 If the scrambler wants it, I can take it
01:09:49 It's easy
01:09:51 Come here
01:09:55 Wait a minute
01:09:57 This is all the money we've saved
01:10:05 We've been working hard to make this bike
01:10:07 The total is RM1200
01:10:09 Let me see
01:10:11 RM1200
01:10:14 RM900
01:10:16 RM900?
01:10:18 That's enough, Dad
01:10:29 I know you two love the bike
01:10:34 But, what about my talent?
01:10:37 I have to sell the bike, Dad
01:10:42 No, Dad
01:10:45 I don't mean to make fun of you
01:10:47 But, RM1200 is enough
01:10:50 We've been working hard to realize your dream
01:10:54 We heard your prayers
01:10:56 But, I'm the only one who knows about this money
01:11:00 So, Eid!
01:11:04 So, Eid!
01:11:10 So, Eid!
01:11:12 So, Eid!
01:11:14 Come here!
01:11:15 So, Eid!
01:11:17 What?
01:11:22 You stole the money, didn't you?
01:11:26 No, I didn't!
01:11:28 You're not supposed to have RM900 left!
01:11:30 Calm down, don't be a troublemaker
01:11:32 Let him tell us
01:11:33 What do you want to tell us?
01:11:34 If he tells us, we'll get the money back
01:11:36 Only he and I know where the money is
01:11:39 We don't even know how much it is
01:11:41 What money?
01:11:42 It's the money we work for!
01:11:44 How do you know?
01:11:47 We don't even know how much it is
01:11:50 You've never done anything wrong
01:11:53 And you're telling me?
01:11:54 Who took the money?
01:11:55 Dad?
01:11:56 Let him tell us first
01:11:59 I was downstairs
01:12:00 He said he stole the money
01:12:01 When did I steal the money?
01:12:03 I was downstairs
01:12:04 The money was at home
01:12:05 It's not that you were downstairs
01:12:06 It's been a few days
01:12:08 I just realised today
01:12:10 Then, where is it?
01:12:11 It's gone
01:12:12 You must have stolen it
01:12:14 Who's the thief?
01:12:25 Who's the thief?
01:12:26 Calm down, will you?
01:12:28 Peace be upon you
01:12:32 And unto you be peace
01:12:33 Ellie
01:12:37 Actually, I've heard everything
01:12:40 Tell us
01:12:42 Actually, I'm not at fault
01:12:47 You're not at fault?
01:12:48 He said he's not at fault
01:12:51 He said he stole the money
01:12:53 It's not right to commit a sin
01:12:54 Then, who's at fault?
01:12:56 Okay, listen
01:12:58 I'll tell you
01:13:00 Actually, I did give Ellie money
01:13:06 To....
01:13:07 To buy a motorbike?
01:13:08 Yes, to buy a motorbike
01:13:10 At the same time
01:13:11 I gave Ellie more money
01:13:13 I don't know if Ellie wanted to buy something
01:13:15 At the same time
01:13:18 Suib tried to win my heart
01:13:23 Win Ellie's heart?
01:13:25 Calm down
01:13:26 This is the extra money
01:13:29 I still have
01:13:31 Thank goodness
01:13:33 I'm so unlucky
01:13:35 Why did I marry you?
01:13:36 Don't be angry
01:13:39 I have something to tell you
01:13:42 Suib
01:13:43 Actually
01:13:45 Ellie's engaged
01:13:48 I'm not at fault
01:13:50 I'm sorry
01:13:51 I'm sorry
01:13:53 I'm sorry
01:13:55 I'm sorry
01:13:57 I'm sorry
01:13:59 I'm sorry
01:14:01 I'm sorry
01:14:03 I'm sorry
01:14:05 I'm sorry
01:14:07 I'm sorry
01:14:09 I'm sorry
01:14:11 I'm sorry
01:14:13 I'm sorry
01:14:15 I'm sorry
01:14:18 (gentle music)
01:14:20 (gentle music continues)
01:14:24 (gentle music continues)
01:14:27 (gentle music continues)
01:14:30 (gentle music continues)
01:14:34 (gentle music continues)
01:14:37 (gentle music continues)
01:14:41 (gentle music continues)
01:14:44 (gentle music continues)
01:14:47 (gentle music continues)
01:14:51 (gentle music continues)
01:14:54 (gentle music continues)
01:14:58 (gentle music continues)
01:15:23 (gentle music continues)
01:15:26 (man singing in foreign language)
01:15:33 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:15:35 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:15:37 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:15:41 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:15:43 (man singing in foreign language)
01:15:44 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:09 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:13 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:30 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:36 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:41 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:45 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:16:54 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:03 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:07 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:11 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:17 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:22 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:24 (man laughing)
01:17:26 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:34 (man laughing)
01:17:41 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:49 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:17:53 (man laughing)
01:17:59 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:18:02 (man laughing)
01:18:05 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:18:10 (gentle music)
01:18:12 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:18:16 (man laughing)
01:18:19 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:18:23 (gentle music)
01:18:51 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:18:55 (gentle music)
01:19:21 (man singing in foreign language)
01:19:26 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:19:46 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:19:51 (gentle music)
01:19:54 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:19:59 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:04 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:09 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:13 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:17 (gentle music)
01:20:36 (man singing in foreign language)
01:20:41 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:49 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:20:54 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:21:23 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:21:27 (man singing in foreign language)
01:21:50 (gentle music)
01:21:53 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:02 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:06 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:35 (gentle music)
01:22:38 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:50 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:54 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:22:59 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:04 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:09 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:13 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:18 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:22 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:27 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:32 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:36 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:40 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:44 (man laughing)
01:23:47 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:23:51 (man laughing)
01:23:54 (man laughing)
01:23:58 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:24:06 (man laughing)
01:24:18 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:24:22 (man laughing)
01:24:36 (man laughing)
01:24:43 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:24:47 (man laughing)
01:25:09 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:25:14 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:25:18 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:25:23 (man laughing)
01:25:43 (man laughing)
01:25:46 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:25:51 (man laughing)
01:25:54 (man laughing)
01:26:00 (knocking)
01:26:02 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:26:07 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:26:11 (man laughing)
01:26:36 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:26:40 (man laughing)
01:26:51 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:26:58 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:27:02 (man singing in foreign language)
01:27:22 (man singing in foreign language)
01:27:26 (man laughing)
01:27:35 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:27:40 (man laughing)
01:27:45 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:27:50 (man screaming)
01:27:53 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:28:08 (man singing in foreign language)
01:28:16 (man laughing)
01:28:19 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:28:24 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:28:29 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:28:54 (man singing in foreign language)
01:28:59 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:29:03 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:29:11 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:29:25 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:29:29 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:29:45 (man laughing)
01:29:53 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:30:21 (man speaking in foreign language)
01:30:25 (man laughing)
