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Andromeda 2 Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Following the events of Andromeda, Aiden Crawford returns to Earth to enlist NASA scientists to travel back in time and change the course of space history, as we know it. With an intergalactic war brewing in the cosmos, Aiden must convince his father’s co-workers in the Andromeda program to begin sending humans to space to help colonize a new planet. Aiden’s mother is also enlisted in traveling back in time and helping steer Will Crawford to use the Andromeda program for other purposes.

Brett Bentman

Tom Zembrod, Michael Dooley, Stephen Brodie
00:00There's an ancient technology I discovered here when I first entered Andromeda, telekinetic
00:09It was presented to me by an alien species on a distant planet.
00:13Time travel?
00:14Not exactly.
00:15Andromeda, the program was shut down 16 months ago.
00:20I've dedicated 26 years of my life and ruined two marriages for this project.
00:24What do you think they're doing up there?
00:33This is our last and absolute best chance.
00:39Hi mom.
00:40Aiden came to see me today from the future.
00:42Are you familiar with parallel dimension theory?
00:44I don't understand what you're asking me to do.
00:46I'm asking you to be the hero of this story.
00:53There may be a way after all.
01:20For greater good, right?
01:22That's right.