• last year
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01:28 And set one goes to the Chocomucho Flying Titans.
01:32 - Excellent defensive battle between Tom Fuente
01:34 and Jennifer Nerva.
01:35 - Look at that one.
01:38 CC Rondina.
01:39 All seven points for her to start this--
01:43 - Here for coach Kung Fu Reyes.
01:45 - A four to nothing run for Cheritigo.
01:50 Chocomucho trying to end that rally.
01:55 Not yet, Bikar keeps it up.
01:59 EJ straight to Ponce.
02:00 They go to Tobino.
02:02 Naabut niya.
02:04 To the extended arm.
02:07 Alba.
02:09 Goes to Royce.
02:11 - Good combination play.
02:13 Just when you thought that Chocomucho had momentum,
02:16 crossovers, crossovers.
02:18 Through Karandang, fights back quickly.
02:20 - This time nabasa si Karandang.
02:22 The transfer to EJ.
02:25 Rondina again from the back.
02:27 Nerva pops it up.
02:28 Lauri.
02:31 Alba with a steady defense.
02:33 Rondina again.
02:35 Ball slowed down by Cheritigo.
02:38 Pat.
02:39 Chocomucho does the same.
02:41 Alba back sets to Royce.
02:43 Karandang.
02:44 Oh!
02:45 - Nerva was right there.
02:47 Nakawit lang ni Karandang.
02:49 - Binaka successful attacker para dito sa crossovers.
02:53 - And also Ea Lauri has been limited to just two points.
02:56 Down the line hit for Royce Tobino.
02:59 - For the Lady Troopers, Ea Lauri two points so far.
03:03 Must be aggressive for them to pull through in this set.
03:08 - Molte.
03:10 Tobino.
03:15 Changes speed and it works.
03:19 Finding a home here with the Flying Titans.
03:21 - And that move was brought to you by Honda Motorcycle.
03:24 - And win away from a possible playoff
03:27 for the finals birth.
03:28 Talking about the Flying Titans.
03:30 - Alba goes to the middle.
03:33 Madayag read by a former teammate.
03:35 Gaston.
03:36 But the block coming from Tobino.
03:39 - First offensive block here for the Flying Titans.
03:41 - The newcomer, Royce Tobino.
03:47 - He was optimistic in that last meeting
03:49 because Tots Carlos was not in action
03:51 for the Cool Smashers.
03:52 - Tobino.
03:57 - Oh, enough force.
03:59 Out of system, no problem.
04:00 Two point lead.
04:01 - Serving 15.
04:09 Nabor back sets Gaston.
04:11 Ponce.
04:12 - Sipag talaga ni Alba.
04:14 - Free ball given up.
04:16 Let's see what the crossovers will do.
04:18 Nabor.
04:19 Read by Rondina.
04:20 Oh, Flying Titans.
04:23 Nowhere to get that one.
04:25 And they turn it into a point.
04:26 Courtesy of Royce Tobino.
04:28 - They are, this team is going to be hard to beat.
04:31 - This back of the set is brought to you by Duncan Pasalubong.
04:37 - Ponce.
04:38 - Ponce Pazalidis.
04:40 How to score against this type of defense.
04:42 Thrown at them by the Flying Titans.
04:46 Solid.
04:47 Once again.
04:48 EJ pops it up.
04:52 Galang.
04:53 - Nowhere to go.
04:54 Nowhere to go.
04:55 Earlier shots slowed down,
04:57 but this time offensive blocks Galor here.
05:01 The team has had 15 blocks.
05:03 - 19 serving 20.
05:04 Nabor has been serving well.
05:06 Alba back sets to Royce.
05:08 The drop.
05:09 It's enough.
05:13 - What about the cherry bomb once again.
05:16 The name that an explosive scoring night.
05:19 14 in the match for Tobino.
05:21 - Jasmine back sets to Robles.
05:24 With a bullet.
05:25 But Ponce ready to take that one.
05:28 Checked.
05:30 Royce again.
05:31 Powerful spike.
05:33 - 22 serving 19.
05:40 Suddenly they're up by three once more.
05:42 - Jasmine and the combination to Ea.
05:45 Tobino.
05:47 - Tobino again.
05:48 Three straight.
05:49 - And it's down to one with Robles serving.
05:53 Here it goes.
05:56 Tobino.
05:57 Robles trying to save.
06:00 - Almost got hurt.
06:01 - Oh, that's dangerous.
06:03 - Four critical points here in the end game of set three.
06:07 - This is what we were saying a while ago.
06:09 would have been worse than that.
06:12 And went in the middle of those.
