Kartini Pasar Modal; Aku Perempuan Indonesia Investor Saham

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"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Special Event, Rabu (02/05/2024) dengan Tema Kartini Pasar Modal; Aku Perempuan Indonesia Investor Saham".


00:28 [APPLAUSE]
04:24 the President of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara TBK, Mrs. Poppy Darsono, Chairwoman of AP PMI and President of Indonesia Fashion Week,
04:32 Dr. Farah Fitantri, SPOG, doctor specialist obstetric and gynecology, Mrs. Karin Zulkarnain, chief customer and marketing officer PT Prudential Life Assurance,
04:51 Mrs. Diah, head of Women Purner, and the guests of the day.
05:00 (In Indonesian)
05:22 Kartini Day is a historic day for Indonesia, which is celebrated every year on April 21st to commemorate the services of Raden Ajen Kartini,
05:33 who fights for gender equality and education that is more suitable for women,
05:38 which was previously considered only one-eyed and did not receive the same rights as men.
05:44 For that, we as women should be grateful for her inspiring struggle and the benefits we can feel together.
05:53 Today, we see many women who succeed in becoming leaders,
05:59 because there is no longer a limit for women to get higher education,
06:08 and also the same opportunity to sit in one position is open.
06:13 Not only women with careers who can be categorized as successful,
06:18 but housewives can also succeed in managing their family finances efficiently and accurately as financial directors in the household.
06:29 In the old days, housewives only spent money on savings,
06:38 but now there are more and more women who are smart, invested, educated,
06:45 and invested their funds in the stock market or other financial instruments.
06:51 Currently, the number of investors in the stock market has reached 12.5 million investors,
06:58 and 38% of them are female investors, with a total asset of approximately Rp320 trillion.
07:07 The figure is quite high,
07:09 considering that the ratio of male and female residents in Indonesia is almost the same,
07:16 which is 102 male residents for 100 female residents.
07:21 What is also interesting and should be proud of is that our investors are currently dominated by retail investors,
07:28 from local Indonesians who have been in business for less than 30 years or millennial and gen Z generations.
07:37 This means that there are more and more people, especially women,
07:40 who are starting to understand and invest in products in the stock market,
07:45 such as stocks, bonds, bonds, bonds, ETFs, and others.
07:51 As the quote once said by Raden Acingkartini,
07:56 "A girl whose mind has been sharpened and her vision has been broadened
08:01 will no longer be able to live in the world of her grandmother."
08:05 I believe that in the future, every positive step we take will bring us closer to achieving our dreams and aspirations.
08:15 Let's create a better future together for the coming generations,
08:19 where every individual, regardless of gender, has the same opportunity to develop and contribute.
08:27 In closing, I would like to wish a happy Kartini Day to all the great women in Indonesia.
08:33 I wish you all the best of luck, support and inspiration.
08:38 Let's continue together the struggle of Kartini era for a better future for women.
08:44 Thank you. That's all from me.
08:46 Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om.
08:51 Namo Buddhaya. Salam Kebajikan.
08:53 We will now move on to the discussion panel session
08:57 at Kartini Pasar Modal Aku Perempuan Indonesia Investor Saham this time.
09:02 And we will invite our first panelist.
09:08 Let's give a round of applause to Mrs. Alexandra Askandar, Chief Executive Officer of PT.Bank Mandiri Persero TBK.
09:18 Next, Mrs. Karin Sulkarnayan, Chief Customer and Marketing Officer Prudential.
09:35 Next, Mrs. Rati Esti Prihartini, Director Sales and Operations PT.PGN TBK.
09:48 And Mrs. Ria Maristika Warganda, Director Insights Investment Management.
10:01 (Music)
10:20 Wow, I'm not a slouch, right?
10:23 All of you are so beautiful and smart.
10:26 Good afternoon. How are you?
10:28 Wow, amazing. Thank you for joining us in this event.
10:33 And before we start today's discussion, we will see information related to financial regulation
10:39 which is of course crucial in facing the current economic conditions.
10:43 And in the future, so that there is no financial problem that often becomes the main problem in everyday life.
10:54 One of the important points in financial management is investment,
10:58 which is in line with the future needs.
11:02 Let's take a look at the following information.
11:04 (Music)
11:09 In an uncertain economic situation like this,
11:12 financial regulation of individuals and families is very important.
11:16 Good financial regulation can help someone to achieve their goals financially,
11:22 such as buying a house, saving money for future needs.
11:27 (Music)
11:29 One of the common methods in financial management is investment,
11:33 where various financial investment instruments are already available,
11:38 so that it makes it easier for individuals to manage money as a source of mutual needs in the future.
11:45 (Music)
11:47 Investment itself is a capital investment activity in the form of money or other wealth
11:52 to obtain a certain return.
11:56 In practice, investment also requires an instrument in it that has its own value
12:02 and each investment instrument certainly promises different returns.
12:07 In investing, investors are also required to go through each process.
12:12 In other words, investment must be done routinely and consistently.
12:17 (Music)
12:19 So, what are the ideal investment tips and tricks to achieve maximum benefits?
12:25 And what is the importance of investment for Indonesian women in their role in the family and society?
12:32 Let's see the full discussion in a moment.
12:36 (Music)
12:41 There you go, smart.
12:43 The next investment expert is not just an expert, but also knows the tips and tricks.
12:49 That's why we want to talk to our four panelists this time.
12:53 And I will start first with Mrs. Sandra.
12:58 Mrs., how important is it?
13:00 We already know that financial management is very important for women,
13:03 but in your opinion, how important is it and how important is it to invest for a woman?
13:09 Thank you. That's an interesting question.
13:12 So, if we talk about a woman, how important is financial management, especially investment?
13:24 I will answer that it's very important.
13:27 Why? Are we women? Or men?
13:29 But in this context, we're talking about women.
13:34 We want a comfortable and safe life, and we don't just think of life for a short term.
13:43 "Ah, I just want to think about it today."
13:46 "Tomorrow, I'll go to the mosque."
13:49 What if Sundanese people say, "I'll go to the mosque."
13:54 It's not like that.
13:57 But we really want a comfortable life for a long term.
14:02 Especially if we talk about women, not only to think about themselves, but also for their families.
14:07 They have a responsibility to take care of their family members.
14:12 Therefore, financial management is very important for us to be financially independent.
14:19 First, if we talk about being financially independent,
14:25 we have to know what is the main need for us as individuals and for our families.
14:33 We also want to have an allocation for vacation, for worship, for umrah, for hajj, and so on.
14:47 Here, it's important for us not only to think about how we allocate the funds,
14:54 but also to allocate some of it in the form of savings or long term investment.
15:03 Maybe we'll continue the story later.
15:08 If not, I'll run out of time.
15:11 But it's very important, Mrs. Sandra.
15:15 Because if we don't make the post, it'll be a waste of time.
15:19 If we just think about it tomorrow, it'll be a deficit.
15:23 I want to ask Mrs. Karin, from your point of view,
15:28 where can we manage our finances?
15:32 Some people think, "Oh, just for a day's meal, it's not enough."
15:38 How do you think about it?
15:41 Sometimes we feel, "If my salary is enough, my income is enough, then I'll manage my finances."
15:47 This is an interesting point. I'll continue from what you said, Mrs. Sandra.
15:52 Because actually, it's not about how much income we have that determines,
15:56 but how we manage it.
15:58 So, how we invest, it's not about how well we know how to invest,
16:05 but more about self-discipline.
16:08 How we manage the money we have.
16:11 You mentioned it earlier, I'll continue,
16:13 there are post-post, once you get income,
16:17 income from us who work, or dual income,
16:20 if husband and wife work, what are the post-post like?
16:23 Which is for savings, short-term, which is for spending,
16:27 daily needs, or long-term,
16:30 and one important component there is the backup plan.
16:34 It's usually from the insurance, because we have many dreams, many aspirations for our family.
16:39 For example, "My child wants to go to college,
16:44 maybe she wants to go to college abroad."
16:46 It's not about the money that we have, we have to plan it from day to day.
16:51 Since the child was born, we have started to think about it.
16:54 Especially when the child is 2 or 3, we have to have a mature plan.
17:00 And from there, we need to plan B.
17:04 The insurance goes in there, because there are always things that are not expected.
17:09 When we have saved, we invest,
17:13 when there are members of our family who are sick,
17:16 the savings, if we don't have insurance,
17:18 the cost of treatment goes up from year to year.
17:21 So, don't let the savings that are hard to collect,
17:25 disappear when one of our family members is sick.
17:30 That's the role of insurance,
17:32 protecting for the dream,
17:34 so that the family's dream can still come true.
17:37 Protecting for the things that will happen in the future,
17:41 so that you won't be confused about where the money comes from.
17:44 Don't let the dream go.
17:47 Ms. Karin, do you have any tips?
17:50 Maybe choosing the right insurance,
17:53 because sometimes we are confused,
17:55 "I want to get insurance, but I'm still confused, which one to choose?"
17:59 Maybe starting from the basics,
18:02 there are types of soul insurance to protect yourself,
18:05 and second, health insurance.
18:07 Health insurance usually covers birth control,
18:11 and health-related expenses.
18:15 Starting from which one first?
18:17 That's usually the question.
18:19 The most important is to start with the first one.
18:21 I don't recommend any insurance,
18:23 I recommend health insurance.
18:25 Because it's a direct process.
18:28 As long as we are alive, we always need it,
18:31 and we never know when we are sick.
18:34 For those who are already in the family, it's more important.
18:37 Because it's not only ourselves that we have to think about,
18:40 but all family members.
18:42 We don't know who can get sick in a family.
18:45 And one important element to consider,
18:49 is the health cost,
18:51 it's constantly increasing.
18:53 So, if the inflation is around 3%,
18:55 medical inflation,
18:57 so the increase in health-related prices,
19:00 so the hospital bills,
19:02 medicine bills, doctor's bills, and so on,
19:05 the increase is much higher than the general inflation.
19:09 This year alone, the increase is around 13.6%.
19:13 So, if the mothers here don't have insurance,
19:16 and one of the family members get sick,
19:19 the cost will be more expensive.
19:22 That's the importance of insurance.
19:24 Usually, insurance is about penetration,
19:27 and inclusion, we already understand that.
19:30 But, that's what makes it complicated,
19:34 choosing the types of insurance.
19:36 Then, usually if you already understand insurance,
19:39 it's even more difficult to invest in the capital market, Mrs. Ria.
19:45 You see, Mrs. Ria,
19:47 the development of capital market investors
19:51 from women,
19:53 we usually identify them as men,
19:55 how massive is it so far?
19:58 Thank you, Mrs. Prisa.
20:00 So, what's interesting about capital market investors in Indonesia,
20:03 as you said, it's around 37%.
20:07 I see that the number is quite good,
20:10 but why from year to year,
20:12 it doesn't increase significantly.
20:14 It's still at around 30%.
20:16 Although, in terms of financial literacy,
20:19 inclusion and finance has also increased.
20:21 It seems that we need to be more enthusiastic,
20:23 we educate women to be more like investment.
20:28 Because, there are many stigmas,
20:30 like, "Investing in the capital market is difficult,"
20:34 or "I don't understand."
20:36 But, actually, we can now find out more about information
20:41 in the capital market.
20:43 There are many talk shows like this,
20:45 combined with Hari Kartini.
20:48 So, it feels like investing is easier to understand.
20:52 And it's very important,
20:53 I've just continued what I've said to Mrs. Sanda and Mrs. Karin,
20:56 that it's important to choose investment.
20:59 We've just discussed about inflation.
21:01 Because, to achieve a goal,
21:03 a goal for our financial plan in the future,
21:06 we, as women, have to be smart
21:08 about where to put our investment.
21:10 If our goal is for the long term,
21:12 it's not suitable to just put it in the savings.
21:15 Because, it will be consumed by inflation.
21:18 That means, as Mrs. Karin said,
21:20 inflation is around 3%.
21:22 On average, in 10 years, our inflation is around 4.4%.
21:26 That means, as smart women,
21:28 we have to choose investment
21:30 that at least, we have to turn on inflation.
21:33 Don't put investment,
21:36 but we can only go back to inflation.
21:42 Whereas, the price will go up much more.
21:47 Investment in the capital market can start from,
21:52 for example, obligation.
21:55 Whether it's government obligation,
21:57 or corporation obligation.
21:59 We can also play stock market.
22:01 And also, we can go to the cash register.
22:04 But before that, I want to say,
22:07 it's very important, before we invest,
22:10 other important positions,
22:14 we have to make sure it's fulfilled first.
22:16 So, to continue what Mrs. Karin said,
22:19 first, about emergency fund,
22:21 it has to be fulfilled.
22:24 Usually, the tips for women,
22:27 at least 3-6 times of our monthly expenses,
22:31 we have to set aside for emergency fund.
22:34 That's the most important.
22:36 Because, we don't know if there's an emergency,
22:40 or what, don't let it disturb.
22:42 For example, emergency fund is used,
22:45 if suddenly, you lose your job,
22:47 or for example, women who are in business,
22:50 suddenly there's a pandemic,
22:53 or there's a new trend,
22:56 so it's not crowded anymore.
22:58 With emergency fund, it can be our breath.
23:02 So, first, before investing,
23:05 make sure the emergency fund is fulfilled.
23:07 The tips, at least 3-6 times of our monthly expenses,
23:11 it has to be fulfilled.
23:13 It depends on the situation.
23:15 If we're single, maybe the emergency fund is not that much.
23:18 But if we're a family, and we have a lot of children,
23:21 the emergency fund has to be fulfilled.
23:24 Then, besides the emergency fund,
23:26 other expenses, management,
23:28 for example, like before,
23:30 if it's financial planning,
23:32 the minimum portion for insurance,
23:34 insurance is very important,
23:36 at least 10% of our income,
23:38 has to be set aside for insurance.
23:40 Then, also,
23:42 managing debt,
23:44 that's also important,
23:46 don't let us have debt,
23:48 but more for the consumptive,
23:50 not the productive.
23:52 It's limited to 35% maximum.
23:56 Then, investment,
23:58 at least 10% of our income,
24:02 it's a must to invest.
24:06 So, the basic needs first,
24:09 then the emergency fund,
24:11 maybe, pay off the debt,
24:13 then investment.
24:15 The next question,
24:17 can we invest for the individual
24:19 using the debt fund?
24:22 Okay,
24:24 in principle, it's not healthy,
24:26 because if it's a debt fund,
24:28 it means that there's something we have to pay off,
24:31 and usually, it's using the interest.
24:33 If we use the debt fund,
24:37 it means that the investment we have to look for,
24:39 is first,
24:41 how the investment can cover the interest,
24:44 and to achieve the return.
24:46 So, the investor also has to know,
24:49 the principle is high risk, high return.
24:52 So, if we put a very high investment,
24:55 the risk is also high.
24:58 It means, it's not good to use the investment fund for debt,
25:04 using the debt fund,
25:06 because there's a piece of it that has to be paid off,
25:08 with the interest.
25:10 So, it's better,
25:12 my advice,
25:13 manage your debt well,
25:15 and the important thing is,
25:17 to enter the healthy ratio,
25:19 and try to make the debt a productive debt.
25:23 For example, we take the interest rate in the self-bank,
25:26 can I say that?
25:28 Take the interest rate in the self-bank,
25:30 if we buy a house,
25:32 the house is also an asset of investment,
25:35 a property that the price will increase,
25:38 in the long term,
25:41 in the future.
25:42 It's still healthy for investment,
25:44 but what needs to be seen again,
25:46 is if the investment is for consumption,
25:48 for example, to replace the cell phone,
25:51 because there's a new trend,
25:53 but using a credit card,
25:56 it means,
25:58 it's more,
25:59 it's seen again,
26:01 the debt is more productive than the consumption.
26:04 Productive, yes,
26:05 not to buy a new bag, maybe.
26:08 If there's money, it's okay.
26:10 Okay.
26:12 Let's go to Mrs. Rati.
26:14 Mrs., what do you think about the development of investment,
26:17 especially for women in Indonesia,
26:20 and maybe, do you have any tips?
26:22 For me,
26:25 when I have monthly income,
26:28 I was taught by my mother,
26:29 first, I have to spend at least 2,5 million,
26:31 and since I was a kid,
26:33 I was educated by my mother,
26:35 that we have to be a charity every day.
26:37 And that's a habit of mine,
26:39 as a generic.
26:41 Usually, around 40% is for daily needs,
26:45 for food and everything.
26:47 And usually,
26:49 because,
26:51 for us women,
26:53 we have a pension period,
26:55 usually, around 30% is for investment.
26:58 Because,
27:00 with the investment, I usually split it in two.
27:03 The safe, conservative funds,
27:06 I usually buy a deposit.
27:08 But if I agree with Mrs. Rati,
27:10 I say, for the long term,
27:12 I usually buy the high risk, high return.
27:14 Because that stock,
27:16 I only enjoy it,
27:18 5 or 10 years more.
27:20 That's usually,
27:22 I divide it like that.
27:24 Because it's not to be denied,
27:26 that every person has their pension period.
27:29 With investment,
27:31 it actually speeds up financial freedom.
27:33 Where we can't depend on
27:35 our income,
27:37 but,
27:39 the investment we've invested,
27:41 it's enough to meet our routine and non-routine needs.
27:45 That's usually it.
27:47 And also,
27:49 we live, there's always a problem,
27:51 I also divide it in emergency fund.
27:54 That's usually what I practice,
27:57 day by day,
27:59 so that we're safe for the future.
28:01 That's it. / Wow.
28:03 That's a lot of investment from Mrs. Rati.
28:05 There's a statement that,
28:07 if you want to choose investment,
28:09 it must be the one we understand.
28:11 How to understand the type of investment we want to take?
28:15 Especially if it's high risk, high return.
28:17 Right. / Don't let the high risk get the high return.
28:21 That's right.
28:23 I usually put the stock in blue chip.
28:25 The one that's safe.
28:27 For example,
28:29 like you.
28:31 So, of course, the stock choice,
28:33 high risk, high return, we must choose blue chip.
28:35 The one that's safe for us in the future.
28:37 So, putting the stock,
28:41 I agree with Mrs. Rati,
28:43 don't be like, "Oh, this one is okay, this one is not."
28:45 But we must, because the stock is enjoyed long term.
28:47 So, there's a short term and long term plan.
28:49 The long term plan is for,
28:51 in terms of our financial freedom for the future.
28:55 Do you take time to analyze this?
28:57 Is it good to be independent?
28:59 Is it not? Financial report for quarter 1.
29:03 I think, in a bank,
29:05 there's a PIC.
29:07 And we usually contact each other
29:09 quite often.
29:11 That's the tips from Mrs. Rati.
29:13 Back to you, Sandra.
29:15 What is it,
29:17 what do you do,
29:19 or from Bank Mandiri,
29:21 to increase
29:23 the interest in investment,
29:25 especially for customers in Bank Mandiri?
29:27 What is it like?
29:29 Okay.
29:31 We've heard
29:33 a lot of sharing,
29:35 especially from Mrs. Ria.
29:37 That
29:39 for customers,
29:41 we as
29:43 investors,
29:45 we must be smart
29:47 in terms of short term needs,
29:49 short term investment,
29:51 medium, long term,
29:53 or, as I said,
29:55 high risk, high return.
29:57 We, from Bank Mandiri,
29:59 we try to
30:01 provide the best service and solution
30:03 for customers,
30:05 with Super Apps
30:07 Livin.
30:09 In Livin, not only
30:11 providing solution
30:13 for bank transactions,
30:15 but also for
30:17 investment service.
30:19 There's Livin Investasi,
30:21 where customers can
30:23 buy bonds,
30:25 bonds,
30:27 or also,
30:29 I mean, government bonds,
30:33 and also bonds.
30:35 In the future,
30:37 we will also complete it,
30:39 as I said,
30:41 with a plan,
30:45 which will be connected
30:47 with Mandiri Securities,
30:49 as a subsidiary
30:51 of Bank Mandiri.
30:53 Only now, we can provide bonds and bonds.
30:55 And this,
30:57 also connected
30:59 with what you said,
31:01 now, there are more
31:03 investors
31:05 for retail,
31:07 with
31:11 Livin Investasi,
31:13 we not only
31:15 limit for
31:17 large numbers,
31:19 even with 100.000,
31:21 customers can now
31:23 invest,
31:25 both in bonds and bonds.
31:27 So, there are applications
31:29 from Bank Mandiri that can make it easier,
31:31 and already provided the solution,
31:33 so it's more practical,
31:35 because in this era,
31:37 the modern era, they want it to be easy and simple.
31:39 Okay, Mrs. Sandra,
31:43 usually, the obstacle is commitment.
31:45 In the beginning, hearing
31:47 this discussion session,
31:49 you immediately invest. The commitment is that.
31:51 Right?
31:53 It's the same in the insurance industry, right?
31:55 What do you think, Mrs. Sandra?
31:57 This commitment,
32:01 it's back to
32:03 each of us, but it should be,
32:05 as I said,
32:07 we need to build up the discipline.
32:09 Why?
32:11 Because we think,
32:13 it's not only short term,
32:15 we want to live comfortably
32:17 for the long term, and we have the needs,
32:19 especially,
32:21 when we talk about children,
32:23 for education,
32:25 we think it's not enough,
32:27 the important thing is to graduate from S1,
32:29 we want to also pay for
32:31 education until S2 and so on.
32:33 That's what we think,
32:35 it's definitely the mother's turn.
32:37 So,
32:39 here,
32:41 we really
32:43 need to
32:45 think about
32:47 not only
32:49 the needs
32:51 for now,
32:53 but also
32:55 for the long term needs.
32:57 Of course, Mrs. Sandra,
33:01 you are an active investor, right?
33:03 Of course.
33:05 And,
33:07 how much
33:09 do we need to invest
33:11 to each of us?
33:13 Back to our commitment,
33:15 because, for example,
33:17 now,
33:19 there's a lot of access
33:21 to
33:23 credit card, for example.
33:25 Now, we might not
33:27 be the one
33:29 who's waiting, or we're looking for it,
33:31 but the offering
33:33 comes to us.
33:35 Suddenly, oh yeah, we're given a limit,
33:37 credit card, that's it.
33:39 If we don't have commitment,
33:41 we don't have discipline,
33:43 we might be able to enjoy
33:45 a comfortable vacation,
33:49 stay in a 5-star hotel,
33:53 then,
33:55 go to business class,
33:57 and then, when we go home, we think,
33:59 "I'm going to get a credit card."
34:01 Or even,
34:03 maybe, we'll be left with a credit card,
34:05 which will make our life uncomfortable.
34:07 So, again, commitment and discipline
34:09 are something we need to build,
34:11 and we need to educate,
34:13 not only for ourselves,
34:15 but also for our family members,
34:17 and of course, the people around us.
34:19 Thank you.
34:21 So, if later, there's a sales from Mandir
34:23 who offers a credit card,
34:25 will you be able to handle it?
34:27 I mean, you have to control yourself.
34:29 Smart.
34:31 Okay, Mrs. Sandra.
34:33 Now, I'm going to turn to Mrs. Karin.
34:35 Mrs. Karin,
34:37 earlier,
34:39 you said you're aware
34:41 of what will happen in the future,
34:43 and you're not sure,
34:45 as Mrs. Ria said.
34:47 The pandemic,
34:49 many people didn't expect it.
34:51 Not everyone expected it.
34:53 In Prudential,
34:55 what do you see as the improvement
34:57 for the insurance
34:59 until 2024?
35:01 In terms of industry,
35:03 penetration is still low.
35:05 So, what's interesting is like this,
35:07 in Indonesia, there are 62 citizens.
35:09 1 out of 3,
35:11 1 out of 3 citizens feel that insurance is important.
35:13 That's good.
35:15 There's an improvement.
35:17 But, only 1 out of 100 have it.
35:19 Awareness is not enough.
35:23 Awareness is not enough.
35:25 Awareness hasn't brought us anywhere.
35:27 So,
35:29 this is the challenge
35:31 for the insurance industry.
35:33 Because, actually, people already know
35:35 why insurance is important,
35:37 for what, they already know.
35:39 But, the action to have it,
35:41 it's still a bit hard.
35:43 That's the challenge for the entire industry,
35:45 including us in Prudential.
35:47 To keep educating,
35:49 to make access,
35:51 so that the insurance product is easily
35:53 obtained through marketer.
35:55 So, we keep adding
35:57 more marketer.
35:59 Because these marketer
36:01 are usually partners
36:03 for various families
36:05 to make a plan.
36:07 Actually, what is the insurance like?
36:09 What are the tips?
36:11 It's always actively
36:13 delivered by our marketer.
36:15 Marketer,
36:17 even though the number is increasing,
36:19 it's around 100 thousand,
36:21 and it represents
36:23 more than 20 percent of marketer
36:25 in Indonesia.
36:27 But, the increase
36:29 of the number of insurance customers,
36:31 both in Prudential and in the industry,
36:33 overall, it's still very slow.
36:35 Still very slow.
36:37 So, now, the next target
36:39 is how we can make
36:41 the insurance product look cheaper.
36:43 Because there are still many
36:45 perceptions of the people who think
36:47 insurance is expensive.
36:49 "Wait a minute, when the salary is high,
36:51 I'll see it again."
36:53 Even though, that's a wrong view.
36:55 It's when we're young,
36:57 when we're still healthy,
36:59 when we're young, we're the right age to start
37:01 having protection for the whole family.
37:03 Exactly. Because we don't know when we need it.
37:05 During the pandemic,
37:07 this is a little story,
37:09 during the pandemic,
37:11 the incoming claims were mostly from the family.
37:13 We heard that
37:15 there were many clusters.
37:17 So, the family, the sick,
37:19 went to the hospital together.
37:21 So, there were many claims
37:23 that reached hundreds of millions.
37:25 It's not expected. Because the children
37:27 are still young. The family is young.
37:29 They're in their 30s. Who would have thought
37:31 they'd go to the hospital together
37:33 with 4, 5 family members.
37:35 It's unthinkable.
37:37 Things like that,
37:39 we have to anticipate.
37:41 Is there anything that you're encouraged
37:44 to do in the future
37:46 to own it differently?
37:48 To make the product look cheaper.
37:51 Because many are afraid, usually.
37:55 Not in Prudential,
37:57 but in other places.
37:59 Many are afraid of the hard claims.
38:01 And so on.
38:03 That's right. So, the average people
38:05 who don't have insurance, there are two reasons.
38:07 One, they feel it's expensive.
38:09 Two, there are many rumors
38:11 that make them, "will I be paid
38:13 for the insurance?"
38:15 So, that's the challenge in the industry.
38:17 What we do in Prudential is
38:19 to make the claim process easier. How?
38:21 For health insurance,
38:23 we provide a form of card.
38:25 There's physical card and digital card
38:27 that's available in the mobile application.
38:30 With this card,
38:32 if our client needs to be treated
38:34 in the hospital,
38:36 and the hospital is a network of cooperation,
38:39 Pro Priority Hospital,
38:41 it doesn't need to claim anymore.
38:43 The hospital will claim to us.
38:45 So, the client just need to come,
38:47 show the card,
38:49 and it's safe there.
38:51 We provide the best service.
38:53 After the doctor says,
38:55 "you can go home now."
38:57 The card is sent to Prudential.
38:59 It's safe. It makes it easier.
39:01 But this kind of information
39:03 must be continuously delivered
39:05 so that the whole society
39:07 knows that the claim is not difficult.
39:10 Why is there a perception
39:12 that the claim can be difficult?
39:14 Maybe because many people don't understand,
39:16 when you propose insurance,
39:18 there's usually a health question.
39:20 In the health question,
39:22 we usually ask,
39:24 because we want to record
39:26 historical experience before we join.
39:29 When the information is not given to us,
39:31 for example, it happened,
39:33 the client said everyone is healthy,
39:35 but in fact, when they're in the hospital,
39:37 they already have a previous problem.
39:40 There's a history before,
39:42 and it's in the medical record.
39:44 That's what makes the claim is rejected.
39:46 Because of dishonest data collection.
39:48 This is also part of education
39:50 that must be done.
39:52 So, it's not difficult,
39:54 but the information must be given honestly.
39:56 Okay. And it also happens abroad.
39:59 Anywhere. The procedure is like that.
40:02 But, what we must take from there
40:04 is the importance of that insurance.
40:06 To face the future.
40:08 Because we won't,
40:10 hopefully we're productive enough.
40:12 But it's not always possible.
40:14 It's not possible that at 80,
40:16 we're still like this.
40:18 It's better to anticipate.
40:20 We, from Beranjak Ke Ibu Ria,
40:22 what's interesting is that what's booming
40:24 during the pandemic is
40:26 stupid investment.
40:28 How? Usually,
40:30 women,
40:32 maybe many of them
40:34 are still in trouble with
40:36 enough knowledge.
40:39 Maybe they only listen.
40:41 Especially, many of them
40:43 who have insurance,
40:45 invest in capital market,
40:47 do cooperation, etc.
40:49 There are many of them.
40:51 Any tips from Ibu Ria?
40:53 It's very important that investors must be smart
40:55 to know about stupid investment.
40:57 First, if it's investment,
40:59 it must be seen who offers it.
41:01 The financial service company.
41:03 It must be registered and authorized by OJK.
41:05 So, you can check it on OJK website.
41:08 Then, I think,
41:10 first, it must be legal.
41:12 So, legal.
41:14 You must see the legality.
41:16 What's the company like? Is it registered?
41:18 Then, we must find out
41:20 on the website.
41:22 Look for information.
41:24 So, it must be
41:26 from the investor himself,
41:28 there's a desire to learn, upgrade,
41:30 and look for information.
41:32 First, legal. Second, logical.
41:34 This is simple.
41:36 If, for example, women are offered
41:38 investment that seems
41:40 too good,
41:42 the return is too high,
41:44 or it's said that
41:46 the investment won't be lost,
41:48 the investment won't be down,
41:50 it must be legal.
41:52 That's one of the characteristics
41:54 of stupid investment.
41:56 Because, if it's investment,
41:58 there must be a risk.
42:00 It's impossible to say
42:02 that investment has no risk.
42:04 Wherever we invest,
42:06 there's always a risk.
42:08 We just have to learn
42:10 whether the investment is measured or not.
42:12 Whether it's in line with our risk profile.
42:14 So, if someone offers you an investment
42:16 that's impossible to lose,
42:18 the return is too high,
42:20 it doesn't make sense,
42:22 we must be more aware.
42:24 So, first,
42:26 legal and logical.
42:28 That's the simplest.
42:30 So, we must
42:32 really know, that's why women
42:34 must be smart in investing,
42:36 so we won't get trapped in stupid investment.
42:38 But now,
42:40 it's easier,
42:42 for example, if women
42:44 as a beginner,
42:46 want to invest,
42:48 they can come to a bank,
42:50 as I said,
42:52 if they're in a bank,
42:54 they can get help from the relationship manager
42:56 to assess
42:58 and be advised
43:00 which investment product
43:02 is most suitable for us.
43:04 That's
43:06 legal,
43:08 right? Or
43:10 they can go to the security.
43:12 So, they can invest through the bank,
43:14 as I said,
43:16 they can buy bonds or
43:18 interest through the bank,
43:20 or they can go to the security.
43:22 So, there,
43:24 there's an officer who can help
43:26 assess the risk profile,
43:28 what's the financial goal,
43:30 and later,
43:32 they'll be helped
43:34 to invest.
43:36 As long as
43:38 we invest in a company
43:40 with financial services
43:42 that are licensed by OJK,
43:44 the legality is guaranteed.
43:46 We just need to choose
43:50 which investment is most suitable for us.
43:52 Then,
43:54 there, you can buy bonds,
43:56 you can buy stocks,
43:58 you can buy interest, so it's very interesting.
44:00 And what's interesting is that now,
44:02 it's easier to invest.
44:04 So, you can invest online.
44:06 If we talk about the pandemic,
44:08 during the pandemic,
44:10 retail investors increased significantly.
44:14 But, you have to be accompanied
44:16 by good financial literacy.
44:18 Don't be like,
44:20 boom, boom, boom,
44:22 and then,
44:24 because you bought it
44:26 without enough information
44:28 or financial literacy,
44:30 so when it goes down,
44:32 you panic and feel lonely.
44:34 But, you have to be accompanied
44:36 by good financial literacy.
44:38 You can invest online,
44:40 you can invest offline,
44:42 you can come face to face,
44:44 but you have to have financial literacy.
44:46 So, if we understand it,
44:50 the investment becomes more,
44:52 you have a commitment.
44:54 As Sandra said,
44:56 we have to have discipline.
44:58 Maybe, it's related to the tips
45:00 that you gave,
45:02 if you want to invest,
45:04 once you receive the income,
45:06 you have to set aside
45:08 for the investment.
45:10 So, don't buy it first,
45:12 then you invest later.
45:14 Because it's already spent.
45:16 So, set aside
45:18 the minimum investment,
45:20 minimum 10 percent,
45:22 it's better.
45:24 At the beginning, when you receive the income,
45:26 you have to make sure
45:28 that you can be more
45:30 relaxed for shopping.
45:32 Or, you still need to do shopping.
45:34 But, the important thing is
45:36 the investment,
45:38 the protection, you don't forget it.
45:40 Don't forget the rest of the investment.
45:42 Don't forget the rest, because there's no rest.
45:44 That's right.
45:46 Those are the tips for the investment.
45:48 I'm very interested, Mrs. Ria.
45:50 Because in the field of
45:52 capital market,
45:54 you're often nominated by Pri.
45:56 What makes you
45:58 interested in
46:00 investment management?
46:02 So, there's still
46:06 a paradigm,
46:08 that investment should be done
46:10 by men.
46:12 Maybe, this is the perception
46:14 that we have to straighten.
46:16 Because, maybe there's a paradigm,
46:18 investment is hard, women don't understand.
46:20 It seems like there are a lot of domestic matters.
46:22 But, no.
46:24 The more women understand
46:26 investment, the smarter
46:28 the management of money.
46:30 And, with the
46:32 retail investment,
46:34 more information on social media,
46:36 women,
46:38 ladies,
46:40 brothers and sisters,
46:42 don't need to be afraid to invest
46:44 in capital market.
46:46 So, it's very easy.
46:48 Because we can choose
46:50 the best investment for us.
46:52 For example,
46:54 if we're not confident to invest in stock market,
46:56 we don't have to start from stock market.
46:58 Because, the stock market
47:00 is relatively high.
47:02 From the risk side,
47:04 and from the knowledge side,
47:06 that we have to master.
47:08 We can start
47:10 first, in cash.
47:12 For example,
47:14 there are various types of cash.
47:16 There's cash market type,
47:18 usually for emergency fund.
47:20 And, for example,
47:22 for medium term, we can go to
47:24 fixed income fund.
47:26 Or, for longer term, we can go to
47:28 stock market fund.
47:30 For stock market fund, it's easier.
47:32 The tips, ladies,
47:34 for the first one,
47:36 I told you,
47:38 just choose the blue chips.
47:40 There are,
47:42 for example, in LQ45 index,
47:44 or in
47:46 index, for example,
47:48 Srikahati.
47:50 We can choose the stock
47:52 that has good
47:54 energy quality, but also
47:56 has good social responsibility.
47:58 So,
48:00 there are many choices.
48:02 There's no too late to learn investment.
48:04 That's right. There's no too late
48:06 as long as you want to learn,
48:08 upgrade the investment.
48:10 Maybe today, you're still investing
48:12 in gold jewelry.
48:14 Tomorrow, you learn investment, you can invest in
48:16 cash market fund. Then, also in stock market fund.
48:18 If you already know the feeling of stock market fund,
48:20 you'll be more committed.
48:22 That's right.
48:24 Okay.
48:26 I'll talk again with
48:28 our next speaker, Mrs. Rati.
48:30 Mrs.
48:32 Besides investing,
48:34 it benefits us. But, if we invest
48:36 in the capital market,
48:38 in the end, it helps
48:40 Indonesian economy too. We contribute,
48:42 including for the company.
48:44 In this case, it's PGN.
48:46 What's the correlation, Mrs.?
48:48 Between capital market investment
48:50 and company's performance.
48:52 Maybe, ladies who don't know,
48:54 PGN is
48:56 a state gas company.
48:58 Now, it's
49:00 a subsidiary
49:02 of Pertamina.
49:04 We call it subholding gas.
49:06 The main task of PGN
49:08 is delivering gas
49:10 to industry,
49:12 PLN, PUPU.
49:14 And even,
49:16 distributing gas
49:18 to households. Maybe, ladies,
49:20 you know the gas network.
49:22 So, when cooking,
49:24 the gas will keep flowing.
49:26 PGN
49:28 entered Bursa Efek Jakarta
49:30 in 2003.
49:32 The role of investor here is
49:34 very important. Why?
49:36 Investor has
49:38 a contribution story
49:40 to PGN's performance.
49:42 So, where
49:44 PGN is very active
49:46 talking with the whole analyst.
49:48 And several meetings,
49:50 the task is, one, monitoring.
49:52 Second, supervising.
49:54 And also, providing input.
49:56 Here,
49:58 the role of investor is very
50:00 important for PGN itself.
50:02 In PGN,
50:04 we also
50:06 have,
50:08 we will also
50:10 try our best
50:12 for the best performance.
50:14 And our task is to distribute dividend
50:16 to the investor.
50:18 That is our duty.
50:20 So, indeed, related
50:22 from the investor
50:24 to PGN, it is very
50:26 close.
50:28 Okay. Not directly, we contribute
50:30 to the improvement
50:32 of performance of
50:34 PGN.
50:36 And the end is economic growth
50:38 of Indonesia. Hopefully, what we
50:40 discussed from our four
50:42 amazing panelists this afternoon,
50:44 we will take inspiration
50:46 and it can be
50:48 our guidance in
50:50 business career and daily life.
50:52 One more time, a round of applause.
50:54 Thank you.
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