Survive 100 Days In Circle, Win $500,000

  • 4 months ago


00:00 I laid a giant circle in the middle of nowhere.
00:03 And this is a random subscriber.
00:04 And if he stays in this circle for 100 days,
00:07 I'll give him $500,000.
00:09 Step inside the circle and the 100-day counter will start.
00:12 The timer is ticking.
00:13 He has to survive in this circle for 100 days.
00:16 There's nothing here.
00:16 There's nothing yet.
00:17 Crap!
00:18 I'm about to drop off a house.
00:21 This definitely gives me more confidence.
00:23 I bet you didn't know you could lift a house with a crate.
00:25 Connect zero training.
00:27 Wait, which one's the gas again?
00:29 Oops.
00:30 Watch out for the stairs.
00:31 You know what?
00:32 Actually--
00:34 And inside this house is all the food, clothes, and supplies
00:36 he needs to survive 100 days.
00:39 Oh, no!
00:39 This could have been a lot worse.
00:40 Oh, my god.
00:41 And this is Sean's family.
00:42 I want to let you guys get one final goodbye in before he
00:44 started the challenge.
00:46 No pain, no gain, guys.
00:48 You guys will be here when I walk out of that circle
00:50 with a half million dollars.
00:52 But I'm going to miss you guys.
00:54 I'm going to cry a little bit.
00:55 The video just started, and it's already emotional.
00:57 Good luck. $500,000 is on the line.
00:59 To be honest, it's a little emotional.
01:01 But 300,000 calories, 100 days, I've got a plan.
01:04 Get the food organized, clothing figured out,
01:06 figure out a way to keep my mind entertained.
01:08 And I know if I walk out of that circle,
01:10 I'll regret it forever.
01:11 One night down, 99 to go.
01:13 Let's go get organized.
01:14 All right, strategy session number one.
01:15 I got to figure out what I got, how much I got,
01:17 and what I'm going to do to organize it.
01:19 This is all the food you're getting for the next 100 days.
01:21 So if you eat all this in the first, let's say, 50 days,
01:24 you're done.
01:24 It looked like a lot more food until I
01:25 started convincing it down.
01:27 Sean.
01:29 Hello.
01:29 We have over a dozen cameras monitoring his every move
01:32 24/7.
01:33 If he steps on that red line, we will see it.
01:35 What do you think the hardest part of this challenge will be?
01:39 Solo failure.
01:40 No one beats me.
01:41 I didn't get outplayed.
01:42 He's still talking to us, and we're outside the trailer.
01:45 Being in my own head.
01:46 Hey, Sean.
01:46 I think they walked away.
01:48 God, I hate them.
01:49 Because Chris dropped my house so perfectly,
01:51 my shower doesn't drain.
01:52 Huge shout out, Chris.
01:53 Really appreciate 100 days of dealing with this.
01:55 It is cloudy, so I think it's a perfect day to get outside
01:58 and try to plant some vegetables.
01:59 Oh.
02:03 I got to pay attention where I'm walking,
02:04 because if I walk across that, game over.
02:06 That red line is death.
02:07 If I touch it, it's over.
02:09 So I'm going to take the wood out back and create
02:11 kind of like a secondary line.
02:13 All right, now I got my beautiful circle.
02:15 Sean.
02:16 I'm in.
02:17 How's it going, man?
02:18 Doing good.
02:18 Wait a minute.
02:19 Is this a Cheerio?
02:20 This is all you get for 100 days.
02:22 You're wasting a Cheerio.
02:25 Wow, that is really stale.
02:27 I'm shocked at how fast Sean is developing a routine.
02:31 It is officially day 10.
02:32 Sorry I'm dressed like this.
02:33 I just came away from Chocolate Factory.
02:35 Sean is nowhere to be seen on these cameras.
02:38 Sean, are you pooping?
02:40 What?
02:42 OK, he didn't run away.
02:43 Bro, how you doing?
02:45 Give me a hug.
02:45 All right.
02:46 Wait, so you're tracking your weight?
02:48 I'm weighing in every seven days.
02:49 So you're trying to just be jacked by the end?
02:51 Yeah, so at the end of it, I'll be ripped and $500,000 richer.
02:54 Your wife's going to love me.
02:55 You seem to be doing really well.
02:56 I'll see you in a month.
02:57 A month?
02:58 I think he's kidding, but he's probably not.
03:00 I'm going to try to build a garden today.
03:01 I'm going to try to replant it away from that crazy red line.
03:04 One of the things I plan on doing with money
03:06 is to put my farm 100% on solar power.
03:10 My farm will be like a giant Tesla.
03:12 That's the dream.
03:12 That's what we're trying to do at the homestead.
03:15 Can't wait to get out and get my money.
03:17 And I'm going to go on a nice vacation for a while, I think.
03:20 Whoa, Jimmy just told me there's a tornado watch.
03:23 Are you going to leave the circle for the severe weather?
03:25 I'm like, I'm from Oklahoma.
03:26 Whoa!
03:27 There's no way that tarp is worth a half million dollars.
03:32 Oh, yeah.
03:32 Here it comes.
03:33 My poor money's blowing away.
03:36 OK, I'm going inside.
03:37 I have water peeing from the ceiling.
03:40 My toilet won't flush, because I'm
03:41 guessing the tank out there is full of water
03:43 from the rain leaking into it.
03:45 You guys see that gentleman behind us?
03:47 He's been in that circle for 16 days.
03:48 That's longer than you went without eating, Maude guy.
03:51 Yeah, I have to break up that video.
03:52 Have you seen your second floor yet?
03:54 No, I've been trying to get up there.
03:55 It's a bit steep.
03:56 Hey, Jimmy, you're bald.
03:59 Yeah, I'm just going to stay out of it.
04:00 I feel like if I stay in here, they will bother each other
04:03 and not me.
04:03 Since the boys are being rude, I'm going to leave them trapped.
04:06 We want out!
04:07 I will bring the ladder back if you just apologize.
04:10 Hit you.
04:12 We want out!
04:13 We want out!
04:16 I think we're ready to get out.
04:17 I want an apology.
04:18 I'm sorry you're bald.
04:21 I'm sorry I called you bald.
04:22 Was it that hard?
04:23 Yeah, it hurt.
04:24 So the boys made quite the mess of my house yesterday.
04:27 My yard is now covered in glass.
04:29 Very frustrating.
04:30 I'm worried this challenge might be getting to Sean.
04:33 Would you come into my house and screw with stuff?
04:35 I don't think so.
04:39 Oh, I think this smacked me in the nuts.
04:45 How you doing, Chandler?
04:47 Scared.
04:47 I would be too.
04:48 We installed that Ferris wheel in two hours.
04:50 Get me down.
04:51 Johnny, to celebrate you being 25% done,
04:54 we brought you a carnival so you can enjoy the day.
04:56 This is awesome.
04:58 Nothing but nasty.
05:00 Oh.
05:01 Bruh.
05:03 Oh!
05:03 First throw!
05:04 There we go!
05:06 This mini game isn't very fun.
05:08 Oh my gosh, I'm so terrified of heights.
05:10 You're 25 days in.
05:11 Do you still think you're going to make it the full 100?
05:13 I can't see why not.
05:15 This competition's a huge sacrifice.
05:16 I only get so many summers with my kids
05:19 right before they're gone and out of the house.
05:21 So that's tough.
05:23 So I was organizing all my clothes.
05:24 And as I was going through it, I started finding little notes.
05:27 They're from my daughter, my youngest.
05:29 I have four kids and a wife.
05:31 And this will be the most alone I've been in 18 years.
05:34 Rationing food, survival, it's going to be rough.
05:36 But if anything makes me walk out of here,
05:38 it's going to be the loneliness.
05:39 I just don't want to think about it.
05:40 Oh, and those Gordon Ramsay's.
05:42 You can get nothing on me.
05:43 Because I only gave him 300,000 calories of food,
05:46 Sean really had to think about how he rationed it.
05:48 Which led to some pretty interesting choices.
05:50 So this may be my first bad one.
05:52 It's just a bunch of leftovers foiled for safety.
05:55 It's disgusting.
05:57 Very cabbagey.
05:58 There's a camera above me.
05:59 I'm not sleeping naked during the Saturday challenge.
06:02 Jimmy, just know I did that for you,
06:03 just to spare you from my nakedness.
06:05 This morning I heard, hey, Sean, there's a spider in your bed.
06:13 My bed is now flipped over.
06:15 I'm leaving the circle.
06:16 This is my last day.
06:17 You know you've been here a long time.
06:19 When living inside of a circle in a Mr. Beast video,
06:23 seems normal.
06:24 8.39, it's Father's Day.
06:27 I kept waking up thinking I was home.
06:29 Really missing my family.
06:30 It's going to be a tough day.
06:32 And what Sean didn't know is that I
06:33 brought his family to the circle to surprise him
06:35 for Father's Day.
06:36 Sean, I have a present for you.
06:38 Oh, yeah?
06:40 Happy Father's Day.
06:42 Daddy.
06:43 Almost makes me feel bad for trapping him in here.
06:45 They didn't really consult with me.
06:46 They just brought a present.
06:47 And I'm not about to tell this little girl she
06:50 can't give her dad a present.
06:51 So I caved and here you go.
06:52 Oh, OK.
06:53 I approve this gift.
06:54 Oh my god.
06:55 Not only did they give you a gift,
06:56 but they also get to spend the next 24 hours with you.
06:59 No way.
07:00 You guys are going to be so bored.
07:03 Are those my drawings on the fridge?
07:04 Yeah, those are your drawings on the fridge.
07:06 What is this?
07:07 Nice.
07:07 I didn't think he would keep these.
07:09 Oh, it's the wife.
07:13 It had merely been a month since Sean saw his family,
07:15 so I decided to give them some privacy until the next day.
07:18 There.
07:20 Must be nice to be able to walk out of the red circle.
07:24 Really appreciate it, Jimmy.
07:25 That was the best.
07:28 It's a new day, and Ryan is here,
07:31 who traveled across America to give me this penny.
07:34 Hey, guys.
07:34 Sean, I'm coming in.
07:35 Come on in.
07:36 Do you know what he's carrying?
07:37 A penny.
07:38 Do you know why he's carrying this penny?
07:39 My kids told me all about this.
07:41 Oh, wait, really?
07:42 Yeah.
07:42 Oh, no.
07:43 I'm going to give it to you for entertainment.
07:44 Really?
07:44 Here you go.
07:45 Tomorrow is day number 50, and we have a big surprise for him.
07:48 But don't tell him, OK?
07:49 OK.
07:49 OK.
07:50 All right, later, Sean.
07:51 It is officially day 50 of Sean surviving in the circle.
07:54 And I invited some of my YouTube friends
07:56 to celebrate this special moment.
07:57 It's us, his YouTube friends.
07:58 I need a break.
07:59 Sean!
08:00 Sean, what day is it?
08:02 50?
08:02 Exactly.
08:03 In front of you is $100,000 in cash.
08:06 And if you get out right now, I'll let you keep it.
08:09 No.
08:10 Why?
08:10 $100,000?
08:11 I could just chill here and get another $400,000.
08:13 All right, what if it was like $150,000?
08:15 Would it still be a no?
08:16 I think like above $400,000 I would think about.
08:18 You're crazy.
08:18 $400,000?
08:19 [LAUGHTER]
08:19 OK.
08:20 Well, in case you did say yes, I invited a marching band.
08:23 Bring in the marching band!
08:24 [DRUMMING]
08:26 50 days!
08:28 Do you want to know what the best part about this is?
08:30 I paid them to be here all night.
08:32 Good luck.
08:33 [LAUGHTER]
08:38 [DRUMMING]
08:40 For the first 50 days, I wanted to see if Sean could make it.
08:49 I've done this, right?
08:50 I've done 50 days.
08:51 For the last half of this challenge,
08:53 we have some pretty crazy stuff planned.
08:55 This is probably something you'll never see.
08:57 Oh my god!
08:58 [GROANING]
08:59 Honestly, I didn't think it was going to end like this.
09:02 July 4, day 54, happy birthday, America.
09:05 You guys ready?
09:06 They're lighting them.
09:07 They're lighting them.
09:08 Go, go, go!
09:09 [GUNFIRE]
09:11 [GUNFIRE]
09:14 What if he got out right now?
09:18 You got to watch out.
09:19 [GUNFIRE]
09:20 No, it's not!
09:21 Bro, I just bought random fireworks.
09:23 I didn't know they were that crazy.
09:25 [GUNFIRE]
09:27 Cease fire!
09:31 Cease fire!
09:32 I can't even see!
09:33 [GUNFIRE]
09:34 Is that a good shot or what?
09:36 Yeah, that was incredible.
09:37 Honestly, we should become firework experts.
09:39 Yeah, dude, I basically am.
09:40 All right, Sean.
09:41 More importantly, it is now July 5,
09:43 which means we need to leave and more fireworks.
09:45 We're not going to celebrate anything on July 5.
09:47 OK, thank you.
09:48 I'm a little terrified of what Jimmy comes up with next.
09:50 Did you say you're terrified of what
09:52 I'm going to come up with next?
09:53 Yes.
09:53 Do you want me to just leave you alone for a month?
09:55 No, it'd be even worse.
09:56 OK, see you in a month.
09:57 Oh, no.
09:58 No.
09:59 No, no, no.
10:00 That's like almost all the days that are left.
10:03 Here's the aftermath.
10:04 There's multiple times where I was way too close to the edge.
10:06 You got to watch out for the circle.
10:08 So I'm thinking about digging a moat.
10:10 And if Jimmy's really not coming back for 30 days,
10:12 I should have an entire moat built by the time he gets back.
10:14 Today I ate a can of mixed vegetables and a can of turkey.
10:18 I didn't even heat it up.
10:19 Food is going to be an issue.
10:21 This is meat, and it smells.
10:25 And I've kind of tapped out the things
10:27 to do inside this 60-foot circle.
10:29 I dug a moat, made a garden, made a fire pit,
10:31 which is too hot to use.
10:33 I made a fence around the back.
10:34 I made a hammock.
10:35 So I'm just here, existing.
10:37 I don't feel like doing really anything.
10:39 So I'm just going to sleep.
10:40 That is Sean's house, and I haven't been there in 30 days.
10:46 Let's see if he's still alive.
10:47 Just kidding.
10:48 I check in on the cameras every single day.
10:49 I know he's alive.
10:50 Looks like he dug a moat around the circle.
10:52 Let's see how he's doing.
10:53 Hey, buddy.
10:57 Hey.
10:58 Did you miss me?
10:59 Yes.
11:00 Does it feel refreshing?
11:02 I'm seriously shaking.
11:03 You're that excited to see us?
11:05 Yeah.
11:05 No, definitely.
11:06 Wow.
11:06 I had no idea that not visiting Sean for 30 days
11:09 would affect him this much.
11:11 You do look much thinner.
11:12 Did you lose weight?
11:13 I'm 22 pounds down.
11:14 Wow.
11:15 We've done a lot since you last saw me.
11:16 What did you do?
11:17 And this is my storm window.
11:18 And I sit here and watch the storm come in
11:20 and listen to the lightning.
11:21 Proud of you.
11:22 Thank you.
11:23 Things are about to start ramping up.
11:24 The last 10 days are going to be crazy.
11:27 What'd you say?
11:28 Don't worry about it.
11:29 Honestly, I thought the 30-day challenge was kind of like
11:31 my hard challenge.
11:32 But it sounds like he's not done with me,
11:34 which is a little concerning.
11:36 Sean, what's the best way to cut a cake in half?
11:39 With a knife?
11:40 OK.
11:41 What's the best way to cut a house in half?
11:43 Oh, shoot.
11:44 Look, he keeps checking all the windows
11:46 to see if we're going to cut the house in half.
11:48 Look at that.
11:49 He's going to be so confused until I return tomorrow.
11:53 So I was calling Jimmy's bluff on this.
11:55 But then I just look outside.
11:57 I need you to cut in half and get rid of that half.
12:00 You're legit going to cut my house in half.
12:03 I just learned how to drive this five minutes ago.
12:12 I just want to tell you that it's only going to get harder.
12:14 That's what I'm worried about.
12:17 No.
12:18 Wow.
12:19 Watch out.
12:20 Oh, my god.
12:22 I didn't think this would actually work.
12:24 Ah!
12:24 I'm not good.
12:25 You're good.
12:26 Oh, my god.
12:27 In a couple days, we may or may not just burn the house down.
12:29 If I do anything, I'll let you know beforehand.
12:31 OK.
12:31 Yeah, thank you.
12:32 That was a rough day.
12:34 It's nine days to go at this point.
12:35 I don't even care.
12:36 I don't even want to talk about how long I've been here.
12:39 Well played, Jimmy.
12:40 Well played.
12:40 I'm staying.
12:41 So it's officially hotter in my room
12:43 than it is outside at this point.
12:45 Sean!
12:46 I will give you a quarter of a million dollars
12:48 if you get out right now.
12:50 You know, it's hot.
12:51 I want to give you a way out.
12:52 It's so hot.
12:52 It's like 100 degrees today.
12:53 But I think I'd rather die than give up
12:57 on this challenge at this point.
12:58 Really?
12:58 Yeah.
12:59 Well, that was all.
13:00 I'll see you tomorrow.
13:01 Oh.
13:01 I give you guys full permission to go full idiot mode.
13:05 Charge!
13:06 Oh, there's nothing going on up there.
13:10 Don't worry about it.
13:10 Chandler must be here.
13:11 Oh, no, no, no.
13:14 I think I should go check on what they're doing.
13:16 What?
13:17 Over there?
13:17 Yeah.
13:17 These windows are kind of useless.
13:21 Yeah, but nothing hurts you more than emotional damage.
13:24 Wow.
13:24 Ooh.
13:29 Thanks for the entertainment, boys.
13:30 See you tomorrow.
13:32 I guess they're giving up.
13:33 Here they come to get their fancy cameras.
13:36 This is probably something you'll never see on the YouTube
13:38 side.
13:38 And now the circle is surrounded by speakers.
13:48 The worst part is it stops every once in a while.
13:53 It goes, uh, and then it kicks right back on.
13:58 Maybe I knock them all over flat.
14:01 I could fill the speaker with water.
14:02 If I never eat processed food again, I think I might be OK.
14:10 Hot.
14:10 Oh, my god, hot.
14:11 All right, do you all see that house over there?
14:13 I want you to surround it in a circle and say nothing.
14:16 Break.
14:19 Should I be scared?
14:19 What the--
14:26 All right, attention, clowns.
14:28 Nod your head if you can hear me.
14:30 OK, I'll give you all $1,000 each if you stay all night.
14:33 Wait, I'll give you $2,000 if you don't.
14:36 There's like 11 of them.
14:37 Oh, there's 11 of them?
14:40 Oh, my goodness.
14:41 I'll see you tomorrow.
14:42 Well, guess what?
14:48 There's still clowns out there.
14:51 A little extra security there.
14:53 You have less than 24 hours left in this circle,
14:55 so we're going to destroy your house with a Wrecking Ball
14:57 and make it harder.
14:58 What?
14:59 Chris!
14:59 What?
15:00 Tear down the house.
15:01 All right.
15:01 Yeah, that part of your house is gone now.
15:07 Not only did we bring a Wrecking Ball,
15:11 but we also brought next to it.
15:13 Take the roof off.
15:14 It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
15:15 Good.
15:16 Yeah, demolition!
15:23 And that's it for the destruction.
15:24 See you in 19 hours.
15:25 All right, sounds good.
15:27 I'm going to make a half million dollars tomorrow.
15:29 Good night.
15:29 Can you guys see the timer?
15:33 There it is right there.
15:34 Haven't seen them in a long time.
15:36 Emotions are hitting me pretty heavy right now.
15:37 Money's the thing we trade our life for.
15:39 I've given up a third of a year of my life for a half million.
15:42 Make sure you're trading your life
15:43 for things that are worth it.
15:44 How are you feeling?
15:45 I'm so ready to get out of here.
15:46 Yeah?
15:46 Yeah.
15:47 Do you mind staying in this room
15:48 while I set up the surprise?
15:49 I'm not leaving this room.
15:50 I'm not risking getting out.
15:51 OK.
15:51 It's got to be minutes now.
15:52 I hear people outside.
15:54 You can just hear it, just that background
15:55 noise of 100 people talking.
15:57 Something's happening.
15:58 Everybody, it's time.
15:59 Give me a countdown from 10.
16:01 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2--
16:09 Oh my gosh.
16:10 --1.
16:10 Come on out.
16:11 [CHEERING]
16:14 Oh my gosh.
16:16 It has officially been 100 days.
16:19 Step on the red line.
16:20 Are you sure?
16:21 It has been 100 days.
16:22 OK.
16:24 The countdown is over.
16:28 Daddy!
16:30 I miss you.
16:33 [CHEERING]
16:37 You OK?
16:38 Yeah.
16:39 Are you excited?
16:40 Yeah.
16:40 Here's your check for half a million dollars.
16:42 Everyone, give him a round of applause.
16:44 [CHEERING]
16:48 This has been an amazing 100 days.
16:50 I am glad it's over, though.
16:52 It's amazing.
16:53 I don't know what to say.
16:54 If you haven't already, subscribe.
16:55 We can get you another video.
16:57 Goodbye.
17:00 You're spending like a cash machine.
17:04 A lot of people say that me and Chandler can't do things,
17:07 but we did that.
17:08 We did it.