Former President Donald Trump spoke with reporters on Tuesday about the cases against him.
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00:10 >> Thank you very much.
00:14 So we begin again.
00:16 This is a case that should never have been brought.
00:21 Every single major legal scholar, Jonathan Turley,
00:26 Jared, Andy McCarthy, Dershowitz, every single scholar.
00:33 Mark Levin, the great Mark Levin, had a whole show on it last night,
00:37 said that this is a disgraceful case.
00:40 It's a disgrace to the New York state and city court system.
00:44 And all of the cases are, frankly, all of them are.
00:47 You probably saw last night that Jack Smith got caught with his hand in
00:51 the cookie jar.
00:53 It was released late last night, and it's a big story.
00:56 The documents case is a hoax created by them for
01:01 election interference purposes.
01:04 And so that one looks like it's going to sunder.
01:06 A brilliant judge saw some facts and
01:12 I haven't read what was revealed yet, it just came out.
01:16 But the document hoax is indeed a hoax.
01:21 The whole thing is a hoax.
01:23 All of them are hoaxes, including the civil cases.
01:26 They're controlled by the White House, they're controlled by Democrat judges and
01:30 prosecutors that were put there specifically.
01:33 They hate Trump.
01:35 And the people are getting it, that's why we just came out.
01:37 A new Emerson poll just was released about two minutes ago.
01:40 And I'm leading by a lot in every swing state and
01:44 leading in the general election.
01:45 And you saw the CNN poll, I'm sure they aren't too happy with it, but
01:50 the CNN poll was fantastic.
01:53 So we're here, this is a hoax, this is a judge who's conflicted.
01:59 Badly, badly, badly conflicted.
02:00 I've never seen a judge so conflicted.
02:03 And giving us virtually no rulings.
02:06 I hear I'm not even allowed to say advice of counsel.
02:09 This is a new one to me, advice of counsel.
02:12 When you have a lawyer and the lawyer does something or
02:16 advises you on something, you say advice of counsel.
02:19 He said you're not allowed to say that.
02:22 And so you'll all figure it out.
02:23 But I think the public has figured it out because the poll numbers are the highest
02:26 they've ever been.
02:28 And I appreciate you've treated me, actually, I thought, quite fairly.
02:31 At least the people here, which is a lot of people.
02:34 And I appreciate that.
02:36 The Biden protests that are going on are horrible.
02:40 It's all caused by him,
02:41 because he doesn't know how to speak, he can't put two sentences together.
02:45 He's got to get out and make a statement.
02:47 Because the colleges are being overrun in this country,
02:51 the anti-Semitism, all of the problems going on.
02:54 They're being overrun, I've never seen anything like it.
02:57 He said he ran because of Charlottesville.
02:59 Well, if the people that know Charlottesville, when you extend the statement,
03:05 it's a big hoax what they say was said.
03:08 And they understand that.
03:10 And Charlottesville is peanuts compared to what you're looking at now.
03:14 This whole country is up in arms, breaking into colleges,
03:19 knocking the hell out of Columbia University.
03:22 I mean, they took over, I know the building very well,
03:24 they took over a building.
03:25 That is a big deal.
03:28 And I wonder if what's going to happen to them
03:31 will be anything comparable to what happened to J6.
03:34 Because they're doing a lot of destruction, a lot of damages,
03:37 a lot of people getting hurt very badly.
03:39 I wonder if that's going to be the same kind of treatment they gave J6.
03:43 We'll see how that all works out.
03:44 I think I can give you the answer right now.
03:47 And that's why people have lost faith in our court system.
03:50 So the Biden protests are a disaster.
03:53 And he hasn't even made a statement because he's not capable of making a statement.
03:57 I'm still waiting for him to debate.
03:59 He said on the low, very lowly rated Howard Stern show,
04:04 he said, "Very strong."
04:06 Oh, I'd want to debate, I'd want to debate.
04:08 Well, we haven't seen it.
04:10 But we would love to debate anytime.
04:12 And I think it's a good time to have a debate, even though it's early.
04:16 But six months is pretty close.
04:18 November 5th is going to go down as the most important day
04:21 in the history of our country,
04:22 because we're going to turn our country around.
04:24 Our country is going to hell.
04:26 It's going to hell. It's very sad to see.
04:29 But November 5th is going to be the most important day
04:32 in the history of our country.
04:33 So I'm going to go into this trial.
04:36 I'm going to sit in a freezing cold ice box for eight hours,
04:40 nine hours or so.
04:42 They took me off the campaign trail.
04:44 But the good news is my poll numbers are the highest they've ever been.
04:47 So at least we're getting the word out.
04:49 And everybody knows this trial is a scam.
04:52 It's a scam.
04:54 The judge should be recused and he should recuse himself today.
04:58 It's the most recusable judge I've met.
05:00 It's called recusal abuse.
05:02 And he should recuse himself today.
05:04 And maybe he will. Maybe he will.
05:06 Maybe he'll do the right thing.
05:07 But really, more importantly than the recusal,
05:09 he should terminate the case today.
05:11 The judge should terminate the case because they have no case.
05:14 As Jonathan Turley said, as all of them said,
05:18 every single one of them, Dershowitz, McCarthy,
05:23 everyone, Rick Jarrett, Mark Levin,
05:26 they all said this case should be ended immediately.
05:29 This case is over. It should be ended immediately.
05:33 And many of them are not fans of mine,
05:35 but they want to do the right thing for the country.
05:38 So I appreciate you being here.
05:40 Thank you very much.
05:41 And I'm going to go into the icebox now
05:44 and sit for about eight hours or nine hours.
05:46 I'd much rather be in Georgia. I'd much rather be in Florida.
05:50 I'd much rather be in states that are in play,
05:54 states that, you know, I'd like to be able to campaign.
05:58 Biden's out campaigning. You can call it campaigning.
06:00 You can't campaign because every time he opens his mouth,
06:02 he gets in trouble.
06:04 But Biden is out campaigning very nicely.
06:07 I think when I start campaigning, he'll stop.
06:09 I'll go back into his basement.
06:11 But I want to thank everybody.
06:13 You've really been treating me very fair.
06:14 I want to thank Time Magazine.
06:17 They did a cover story, which is very nice.
06:19 And it's actually -- there's at least 60% --
06:22 it's at least 60% correct, which is about all I can ask for.
06:26 So I want to thank you, everybody.
06:28 Thank you.
06:29 -Are you going to be part of the crowd of the voters?
06:32 -Are they going to be discussing Ron Sanders?
06:35 - Mr. President, will you speak?