Min and Bill 1930

  • 5 months ago
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00:20:53 Oh!
00:20:55 You come out here and I'll stomp you in the jaw, man.
00:20:58 That's so.
00:20:59 Come on in here. I'd like to see you try it.
00:21:04 You're a sneak. A snooping sneak. That's what you are.
00:21:08 [Laughter]
00:21:11 Gee, man, but you're a hellion.
00:21:13 Yeah.
00:21:14 I guess that's why I like you.
00:21:16 That's so. You're a bum, that's what you are.
00:21:23 So, that's why you keep your sock, huh?
00:21:27 You know, it ain't safe there.
00:21:29 Some dirty skunk might peek through the keyhole some night.
00:21:34 Is that so?
00:21:37 Well, if he does, I'm ready for him.
00:21:44 Well, you, you trust me, don't you?
00:21:47 Sure I trust you. You're too dumb to be anything but honest.
00:21:52 That's the same way I feel about you men, too.
00:21:58 Gee, it's hot in here. Open up something, a window or something.
00:22:06 No, Bill. Nobody's gonna get my hard-earned dough from me.
00:22:12 I've been over 40 years saving up them dimes and nickels.
00:22:16 When I get enough, I'm going back to Seattle where I come from.
00:22:21 And I'm gonna buy myself a seal skin sack.
00:22:25 And a new bridge with three gold pieces in it.
00:22:31 Men!
00:22:32 What?
00:22:33 There's Alec with his arms around some gal.
00:22:36 Ain't that it?
00:22:37 I think it is.
00:22:38 Come on, Tom, fresco.
00:22:53 Gee, it's swell out here.
00:22:56 You know, I love this old boat.
00:22:59 I used to come out here when I was a kid.
00:23:02 Dream about going places.
00:23:04 I've been to places before long, and you won't be alone, either.
00:23:08 Who's gonna take me? You?
00:23:10 You said it.
00:23:11 We'll sneak away, me and you, and we'll go up to fresco.
00:23:14 Yeah? That chance I've got of getting anywhere.
00:23:18 You know, Nancy, you're a lot prettier out here.
00:23:21 That's because it's dark.
00:23:24 You won't have to work anymore if you come with me.
00:23:27 I know a way you can make a lot of money.
00:23:31 Let me go.
00:23:34 Well, what's the idea?
00:23:38 You get in the house.
00:23:39 Go on, get.
00:23:42 Bill, fall them down.
00:23:44 What's the idea?
00:23:46 Now, eight men asked you a dozen times to let that kid alone.
00:23:52 No.
00:24:03 Oh, gee, men, I didn't do nothing.
00:24:05 Go on, go on, get up there.
00:24:06 Go on.
00:24:15 Tell it.
00:24:16 No, I didn't do nothing, men.
00:24:18 I wash dishes and cook and scrub all day long.
00:24:22 Well, I'm crapping about that.
00:24:24 A girl's got to have some fun.
00:24:26 You call that fun?
00:24:27 You didn't mean nothing by it.
00:24:29 Hmm, that's what you think.
00:24:31 I don't see why it ain't right for me to dance and flirt and have a good time like the rest of the girls that come here.
00:24:36 You don't.
00:24:37 You don't try to stop them.
00:24:38 No.
00:24:39 No, you tell them, go on, dance and have a good time in your joint.
00:24:41 But me?
00:24:43 Well, you ain't gonna have to stay over me much longer.
00:24:46 Hmm.
00:24:47 I'll be old enough to put makeup on and dance and drink with a gang if I want to.
00:24:51 Then I'll show you.
00:24:54 Yeah, you'll be showing me.
00:24:57 The teacher and the cop was right.
00:25:00 There's no place for a kid like you.
00:25:21 What are you doing?
00:25:25 You're not going to send me away, are you?
00:25:29 You're going to live with a school teacher.
00:25:32 Please, can't you let me leave?
00:25:34 I don't want to leave you.
00:25:35 Now, you stop your--
00:25:36 Gee, I'm sorry I made you so--
00:25:37 Stop squawking now and go and pack your dust.
00:25:40 I'll be a good care of parent.
00:25:42 Please don't send me away.
00:25:44 Now--
00:25:45 No, I won't.
00:25:47 See, here you--
00:25:48 I'm sending you away because I don't want you to make me no trouble.
00:25:52 You know, I don't care nothing about you.
00:25:54 Just me.
00:25:55 Go on now.
00:25:56 You ain't got no time to lose.
00:25:58 Go on.
00:25:59 No.
00:26:00 Don't send me away.
00:26:03 Are you listening to me?
00:26:05 No.
00:26:10 You needn't think she's no common kid.
00:26:13 Oh, no.
00:26:14 You know, her father was a doctor in the Northwest someplace,
00:26:19 and her mother brung her on here when he died.
00:26:24 When she drifted in here, she was dying when she come to this place.
00:26:31 Well, that's all there is.
00:26:35 You see, she ain't legally mine,
00:26:37 and so there won't be no papers to sign.
00:26:40 They're nothing.
00:26:42 But I am yours, means just like your own kid.
00:26:46 You can send me away.
00:26:49 Why, this is a sweet little thing.
00:26:52 Why, this is a swell joint.
00:26:56 Gee, if you can't be happy here, you're dumber than I thought you was.
00:27:01 Well, that's all there is to tell.
00:27:05 I guess I'll beat it.
00:27:09 Please.
00:27:12 Go on away.
00:27:14 I got my work to do.
00:27:16 Leave me, please.
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00:27:28 [Hammering]
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00:28:40 Hello, Nancy. How are you?
00:28:42 Fine. How are you, Captain?
00:28:44 Fine.
00:28:48 Can I sit?
00:28:50 Sure, help yourself.
00:28:52 Gee, that's great.
00:28:57 So you got clumsy for it, did you?
00:29:00 Darn right I did.
00:29:02 That's why I'm back.
00:29:04 For keeps.
00:29:06 Did Min say so?
00:29:08 I don't know.
00:29:09 I stopped in to see her, but they said she was at the grocery.
00:29:14 But she let me stay, please.
00:29:16 Yes?
00:29:18 Uh-huh.
00:29:31 That's a great fish.
00:29:33 That's it.
00:29:35 Oh, gee.
00:29:38 How did I do that?
00:29:44 Oh, yeah.
00:29:50 Oh, up to your old tricks again, huh?
00:29:52 Here's your cap.
00:29:54 Yeah, what you need is a darn big--
00:29:55 Hey, you, help me!
00:29:56 Hey, oh!
00:29:57 Is that the way you treat a lady?
00:29:59 You're no gentleman!
00:30:01 You big old baloney!
00:30:04 What's the matter with you?
00:30:06 Come on in here.
00:30:10 What's the matter with you?
00:30:13 Say!
00:30:14 Say, what are you doing here?
00:30:16 Did you see what he did to me?
00:30:18 Yes, I did.
00:30:19 And that's what I ought to be doing to you.
00:30:20 What are you doing back here playing hooky?
00:30:22 Oh, I can't stand it any longer, Min.
00:30:24 I've come back for good.
00:30:25 Yeah, you think you've come back for good when you're going to get right out of here and go right back to your school.
00:30:30 I can't go back, Min.
00:30:32 You can't?
00:30:33 No, I--
00:30:34 What have you done?
00:30:36 Oh.
00:30:37 I hit a girl in the eye.
00:30:39 Well?
00:30:40 She called me a war friend.
00:30:42 Well, why didn't you give her--
00:30:43 Well, that's just exactly what I did.
00:30:45 That isn't here or there.
00:30:46 You're just going right back to the South as where you belong.
00:30:48 Now go on, get out of here.
00:30:49 Oh, Min, I can't stand it at the South any longer.
00:30:52 The evenings are so quiet.
00:30:54 Gee, they don't ever have a fight.
00:30:56 Oh.
00:30:57 Oh, don't get sore.
00:30:59 Just like a jail affair.
00:31:02 Well, then that's just what you're aiming to do, send me to jail.
00:31:06 What do you mean?
00:31:07 I mean just what I say.
00:31:08 If the cops find you're not at school, they'll take my license away.
00:31:12 Oh, Min.
00:31:13 Oh, you're just an ungrateful little brat, that's what you are.
00:31:15 Trying to ruin my business.
00:31:16 Go on back to the South as where you belong.
00:31:18 Go on, go on, go on, go on.
00:31:19 Go on now.
00:31:22 Oh, Min, let me explain.
00:31:24 Let her explain.
00:31:25 Will you get out of here?
00:31:28 Go on now.
00:31:29 Min, give me just one more chance.
00:31:32 I'll give you a chance.
00:31:34 Get out of here.
00:31:35 Go on now.
00:31:37 I'll see you here again.
00:32:01 He did?
00:32:02 Ah-ha.
00:32:03 Ah-ha-ha.
00:32:04 Ah-ha-ha.
00:32:07 Is that funny?
00:32:13 Hello, Min.
00:32:15 Hello, Min.
00:32:18 Hello, Belle Pringle.
00:32:20 What are you doing here?
00:32:22 You know what I'm doing here.
00:32:24 Where's my--
00:32:25 Hey, come on upstairs to my room, will you?
00:32:27 Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:32:29 How long you been here?
00:32:30 About an hour.
00:32:34 Belle's an old friend of mine from Seattle.
00:32:38 About 14 years since we've seen each other.
00:32:41 Well, let's drink to old times, huh?
00:32:43 You said it.
00:32:45 How long you gonna be here?
00:32:47 Oh, I don't know.
00:32:50 Say, uh--
00:32:54 I don't know.
00:32:55 I thought maybe I'd look over the place and get the lay of the land.
00:32:59 Yeah, I'll stick around a bit.
00:33:01 Oh, there's you.
00:33:04 I don't mind, Bill.
00:33:07 Ain't nothing doing around here.
00:33:08 No?
00:33:09 No.
00:33:11 There's a boat going to Frisco this afternoon.
00:33:13 Yeah?
00:33:15 Who said I was leaving here this afternoon, huh?
00:33:18 Say--
00:33:19 Oh, come on, Bill, come on.
00:33:20 Show us the bottom of the bucket.
00:33:22 Gee, you're just like a sieve, ain't you?
00:33:24 Hey.
00:33:26 Belle, come on upstairs to my room.
00:33:27 Now, wait a minute, will you?
00:33:29 Wait a minute.
00:33:31 Here's to you, big boy.
00:33:33 You ain't so bad.
00:33:35 I've seen worse.
00:33:36 Yeah, I've been told that before.
00:33:41 Hey, Bill, come on.
00:33:42 I got something to tell you.
00:33:43 Come on upstairs.
00:33:44 All right.
00:33:45 Come on.
00:33:50 Pardon me.
00:33:55 [footsteps]
00:34:05 [footsteps]
00:34:15 [footsteps]
00:34:40 What are you doing here?
00:34:41 You know what I'm doing here.
00:34:43 Where's my kid?
00:34:44 She's dead.
00:34:45 You're a liar.
00:34:46 Who's a liar?
00:34:47 You're a liar.
00:34:48 She died in Fresno five or six years ago.
00:34:51 What'd she die of?
00:34:52 You know she was a puny kid.
00:34:55 That's right.
00:34:57 It's kind of tough luck for me, ain't it, Min?
00:34:59 Yeah.
00:35:00 I always thought that kid would take care of me in my old age.
00:35:03 It's too bad.
00:35:05 Come on, Bella.
00:35:06 Take off your duds and rest a bit.
00:35:09 You know, you look all in.
00:35:11 I'm a wreck.
00:35:12 Yeah.
00:35:13 Just like a kid, huh?
00:35:14 Yeah.
00:35:15 The more you do for them, the more ungrateful they are.
00:35:18 Yeah, I know.
00:35:19 There ain't no gratitude in the world.
00:35:21 There ain't nothing.
00:35:22 No, there ain't.
00:35:23 That's right, Bella.
00:35:24 Nothing, I'm telling you.
00:35:26 No, all right, Bella.
00:35:27 [sobbing]
00:35:32 You just rest there a while and you'll be all right now.
00:35:39 [sobbing]
00:35:52 Min!
00:35:53 What?
00:35:54 Min, just one more little drink.
00:35:56 Yeah, well, you'll find a nip down in the bureau drawer there.
00:35:58 The last-- I'll be back in a minute.
00:36:00 [door opens]
00:36:16 Hello, baby.
00:36:17 Hello, big boy.
00:36:18 Come on in.
00:36:19 How's chances for a little snort?
00:36:21 I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
00:36:22 Come on, sit down.
00:36:24 Make yourself at home.
00:36:25 Here you are, kid.
00:36:27 Now kill yourself.
00:36:29 Well, say this, big boy.
00:36:31 Why don't you turn on something snappy, huh?
00:36:33 That's the way I always feel when I see a swell up and guy like you.
00:36:38 You mean that?
00:36:40 And how.
00:36:41 Wait, I'll turn on the phonograph.
00:36:43 Make it snappy, baby.
00:36:54 Oh, how do you do?
00:36:55 How do you do?
00:36:56 I've come to see Nancy.
00:36:57 Won't you sit down?
00:36:58 No, I can stay, but I've got to stay standing on my feet as well as I can sitting down.
00:37:02 Man, you've come for me.
00:37:04 I've come for you nothing.
00:37:05 Oh.
00:37:06 How do you do?
00:37:07 We're so grateful to you for sending Nancy home.
00:37:09 We think she'll be much happier here as time goes on.
00:37:12 Yeah, I hope you're right.
00:37:13 Man, I tell you, I--
00:37:14 Will you shut up?
00:37:16 Say, her mother left some money for her with me.
00:37:19 And I got it here, and it's a big wad, too.
00:37:22 Really?
00:37:23 Yes, it's real.
00:37:24 And I had intended keeping it myself.
00:37:26 But every once in a while, my conscience goes crazy, and I have to do the right thing.
00:37:31 Well, anyhow, when she was dying, she says to me, she says, "Nancy, when my Nancy grows up to be a girl,
00:37:38 I want you to see that she goes to the young lady's school."
00:37:41 My mother said that?
00:37:43 Well, will you stop horning in?
00:37:45 Well, now, when are you going to send her?
00:37:47 Now, speak up quick before you get the dough.
00:37:49 I know a very fine school up north, the Westmoreland School.
00:37:52 Yeah.
00:37:53 A friend of mine is head of it.
00:37:54 Well, that's the ticket here.
00:37:56 And you see that she goes quick, too, because she's never going to get nothing hanging around here.
00:38:01 It's not that I give a hoot.
00:38:03 Man, you've been so kind to me.
00:38:06 Oh, can the baloney, will you?
00:38:08 Won't you say goodbye?
00:38:10 Goodbye.
00:38:11 And you see that you behave yourself the next joint you go to.
00:38:17 You come on out here.
00:38:18 I want to see you.
00:38:22 I just want to tell you, you get that kid out of here before 24 hours or I'm going to take her back.
00:38:27 But why?
00:38:28 Never mind why. You just do it.
00:38:29 All right.
00:38:36 [Laughter]
00:38:44 Why, you dirty...
00:38:46 What kind of a joint do you think this is?
00:38:48 Get out of here!
00:38:49 Hey, Bill, wait!
00:38:50 I'm going to get you for that!
00:38:53 I'll get you someday!
00:38:54 Bill, she's trying to kill me!
00:38:56 Get your dog!
00:38:57 Hey, Bill, help me, will you?
00:38:58 She's trying to kill me!
00:38:59 You filthy old rat, you!
00:39:00 You dirty old...
00:39:01 I'm going to get you!
00:39:02 Well...
00:39:03 Back, and I'll get you!
00:39:04 I'll get you!
00:39:05 Yes, well, you come back!
00:39:10 That's just what I like.
00:39:20 You ain't mad at me, Min, are you?
00:39:23 No!
00:39:25 I ain't mad at you.
00:39:35 We just had a couple of snifters, and I got to feeling kind of wild.
00:39:41 Can't you take a joke?
00:39:47 You've been talking to me for 30 years!
00:39:50 Stop!
00:39:51 Get it!
00:39:52 Stop your fooling, will you, Min?
00:40:01 Oh, now, Min!
00:40:03 Now, now, now, now!
00:40:04 Ho, Min!
00:40:05 Oh, Min!
00:40:06 Ho, Min!
00:40:07 Stop!
00:40:08 I'll get you for that!
00:40:09 Oh, there goes my mother's picture!
00:40:10 Would you stop that!
00:40:11 Would you stop that!
00:40:12 Oh, stop it!
00:40:13 Stop it!
00:40:14 Come here!
00:40:15 Come here!
00:40:16 Oh, Min!
00:40:17 How you pull my pants off!
00:40:18 Now, stop that!
00:40:19 Now, stop it, Min!
00:40:20 Get that figure out of my eye, will you?
00:40:21 Ho, Min!
00:40:22 Ho, Min!
00:40:23 Oh, stop it!
00:40:24 Stop it!
00:40:25 Stop it!
00:40:26 Oh, Lord, he's getting... get him!
00:40:55 Oh, stop it!
00:40:56 Stop it!
00:40:57 Oh, stop it!
00:40:58 Stop it!
00:40:59 Oh, stop it!
00:41:00 Will you cut it out!
00:41:01 Keep with me, will you!
00:41:02 Hey, Min!
00:41:03 I'll go on you anyway!
00:41:04 Oh, you come here!
00:41:05 Come here, I'll...
00:41:06 Come here, you...
00:41:07 Come here, you!
00:41:08 Come on out here!
00:41:09 Come on out here!
00:41:10 Oh, go on!
00:41:11 Go on away from there, Min, and let me alone, will you?
00:41:17 What's you so quiet for, Min?
00:41:18 You give up?
00:41:19 Give up!
00:41:20 Give up nothing, you!
00:41:21 Come on!
00:41:22 Give up nothing!
00:41:23 Give up nothing!
00:41:24 You come on!
00:41:25 Oh, stop that, Min!
00:41:26 Stop that, will you!
00:41:27 Stop!
00:41:28 Come on out here and take your head or something, Min!
00:41:29 Come on now!
00:41:30 Give me that axe!
00:41:31 Give me that axe before you hurt yourself, Min!
00:41:32 Oh, I'll break my...
00:41:33 Give me that!
00:41:34 Give me...
00:41:35 Get off me, you...
00:41:36 You'll be sorry!
00:41:37 I'll go on you anyway!
00:41:38 You...
00:41:39 Stop!
00:41:40 Stop!
00:41:41 Stop!
00:41:42 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:43 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:44 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:45 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:46 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:47 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:48 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:49 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:50 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:51 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:52 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:53 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:54 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:55 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:56 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:57 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:58 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:41:59 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:00 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:01 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:02 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:03 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:04 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:05 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:06 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:07 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:28 Oh, Lord, don't bite my arm!
00:42:52 You've changed your mind about sin.
00:42:58 Last Christmas, they told me you had gone away.
00:43:01 Then the day I was leaving, I saw you on the wharf.
00:43:05 Bill, you seen me on the wharf.
00:43:10 Oh, you couldn't hide that face of yours with a beard.
00:43:14 It would break my heart if I thought I had done anything to hurt your feelings.
00:43:20 After all your kindness to me.
00:43:25 Do you realize it's over two years since we've seen each other?
00:43:30 I'm so grown up, you wouldn't know me.
00:43:35 Bill, she's grown up.
00:43:36 Sure, she is.
00:43:37 Why not?
00:43:39 Do you remember Dick Cameron?
00:43:46 I'll tell you a secret, we're coming home on the same boat.
00:43:50 Oh, men, he's wonderful.
00:43:53 I'll tell you all about him if you'll only see me.
00:43:59 Say hello to Bill for me.
00:44:01 Hello.
00:44:03 We're coming on the H.F. Alexandria with love and kisses.
00:44:09 Nancy.
00:44:11 Bill, the Alexandria.
00:44:13 She docks in the morning.
00:44:16 Morning.
00:44:26 Oh, don't go blubbering around.
00:44:46 Too windy?
00:45:06 Let's get married as soon as we get home.
00:45:31 I'd love to have me and come to the wedding.
00:45:36 Of course we'll ask her, but I don't think she'll come.
00:45:39 I do, if I beg her to.
00:45:42 She doesn't care for you very much, does she?
00:45:44 Oh, yes, she does.
00:45:45 Well, then why doesn't she want to see you?
00:45:51 I don't know.
00:45:56 I don't know.
00:46:01 But I'll see her tomorrow.
00:46:03 And I know she'll be happy when I tell her.
00:46:08 What's the excitement?
00:46:09 I'm sorry, but gentlemen are not allowed in the ladies' cabins.
00:46:12 Oh, that's all right.
00:46:15 There ain't no gentlemen, my dear.
00:46:20 Besides, there ain't no gentlemen.
00:46:25 Oh, but Lucifer is not good enough for you.
00:46:30 [doorbell rings]
00:46:40 [whistle]
00:46:46 [whistle]
00:46:49 [whistle]
00:47:04 [whistle]
00:47:07 You remember me?
00:47:08 Yes, how are you?
00:47:09 I'm glad to see you.
00:47:10 How do you do?
00:47:11 Oh, look.
00:47:12 Oh, my.
00:47:13 Oh, fine, fine.
00:47:14 Yes, please.
00:47:15 [laughing]
00:47:20 Toot-a-loo, toot-a-loo, darling.
00:47:23 Say, where's my prince?
00:47:24 My belief.
00:47:31 Oh, hello, Bella.
00:47:32 Why, hello, old man in the face.
00:47:34 What are you doing here?
00:47:35 Oh, just thought I'd look the old place over.
00:47:37 Oh, you're coming down to join?
00:47:38 No, not a chance.
00:47:39 Oh, come on, let's bygones be bygones.
00:47:42 I wouldn't be a bit surprised, Mindy.
00:47:44 Nice case floated in this morning.
00:47:46 She did?
00:47:47 Sure, come on.
00:47:53 So come on, Bella.
00:47:55 We'll go right upstairs.
00:47:58 Hey, Min.
00:47:59 Huh?
00:48:00 You ain't going to give me another send-off like you done a couple of years ago, are you?
00:48:04 Oh, no.
00:48:05 Everything's all right now, Bella.
00:48:07 Say, where's that big bozo?
00:48:09 Oh, I don't know.
00:48:10 He's gone.
00:48:12 Hey, you, come on back.
00:48:14 We're all friends again.
00:48:16 Yes.
00:48:17 We're all washed up still.
00:48:18 All right.
00:48:20 Hey, listen, you.
00:48:21 You never saw me before in all your life.
00:48:23 I don't even know you.
00:48:25 Say, you big hippo.
00:48:27 As far as I'm concerned, you just ain't.
00:48:30 Yeah?
00:48:31 Yeah.
00:48:32 All men.
00:48:34 You can't guess who I just saw down at the dock.
00:48:37 Oh, she had clean ears.
00:48:40 Oh, please.
00:48:42 What are you laughing at, you hyena?
00:48:45 What was I laughing?
00:48:48 Maybe I was thinking about something funny.
00:48:52 OK, Min.
00:49:17 Hey, Min.
00:49:18 Hey, Ora.
00:49:19 Where's that hair tonic, huh?
00:49:21 I drank it.
00:49:22 Oh, so I did.
00:49:25 Say, Min, come here a minute, will you?
00:49:27 Oh, what do you want?
00:49:29 The back of my hair needs touching up a bit, will you?
00:49:31 Yeah, what it needs is a couple of fine tooth combs.
00:49:34 Well, if you find any gray hairs, pull them out.
00:49:36 Yeah.
00:49:37 Ow!
00:49:38 If you pulled them all out, you'd be as bald as an egg.
00:49:41 Bad egg.
00:49:42 That's me, Ora.
00:49:43 [bell ringing]
00:49:51 What's the matter?
00:49:52 Got the drop, say?
00:49:53 Oh, say, Bella, I got some fine hair tonic down the barbershop.
00:49:57 I'll bring it right up.
00:49:58 You wait here.
00:50:04 Don't you think you'd better see her alone?
00:50:06 Maybe I had.
00:50:07 I won't be long.
00:50:20 Min, darling.
00:50:21 What are you doing here?
00:50:23 Didn't you get my letter?
00:50:25 Yeah, I got your letter.
00:50:26 What of it?
00:50:27 Well, I wanted to tell you about this.
00:50:29 Well, if you want to tell me anything, you come out of the barbershop.
00:50:33 Come on.
00:50:39 Well, shoot, get it off your chest.
00:50:42 Min, I'm going to be married to Dick Cameron,
00:50:45 and he wants you to come and live with us.
00:50:47 Oh, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:50:50 Well, listen, Min, we're going to live in Boston.
00:50:52 In Boston?
00:50:53 Yes, he's going to have charge of his father's canneries in the east.
00:50:56 Uh-huh.
00:50:57 Oh, Min.
00:50:58 Yes.
00:50:59 And you're going to have a sweet home with green trellises and a garden
00:51:05 and a beautiful orchid room for you with windows that look right out on the sea.
00:51:10 Yeah, I'd be right in the home with a trellis and an orchid room.
00:51:13 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:51:31 Oh, darling, you haven't heard it, have you?
00:51:33 No, I haven't heard it yet.
00:51:34 This is going to give me a limousine for a wedding present.
00:51:37 What's a limousine?
00:51:38 One of those lovely motorcars.
00:51:40 Oh, automobiles.
00:51:41 Oh, Lincoln, can't you see us?
00:51:43 You, me, sailing along, but I know that in the air, oh, it's just like a dream.
00:51:50 Dream.
00:51:51 Say, now I want you to get this right under your bonnet.
00:51:55 I ain't going to never leave this joint, and I ain't never going to live on charity.
00:52:00 Oh, Min, I didn't mean it that way.
00:52:05 You misunderstood me.
00:52:06 Well, understand this, then.
00:52:08 Now you go live your life, and please let me live mine.
00:52:12 Charity.
00:52:13 Min, Dick wants you.
00:52:15 Yeah.
00:52:16 Well, now you go on.
00:52:17 Get out of here now.
00:52:18 Go on.
00:52:19 Get out of here.
00:52:20 Oh, so it's the snooty girl that I met on the boat, huh?
00:52:25 How do you do, dearie?
00:52:30 Gee, Min, you were so long getting that hair tonic, I thought to goodness you was drinking it.
00:52:36 Say, Bella, what do you say that you and me opens a real bottle just for the sake of old times?
00:52:43 Maybe you're an elf.
00:52:44 That's right.
00:52:54 What's the matter, Nancy?
00:52:56 She never wants to see me again.
00:52:58 What happened?
00:53:00 Well, I tried to tell her what we wanted to do, Father.
00:53:04 Oh, Dick, she just doesn't care anymore.
00:53:07 Oh, that's all right, honey, I do.
00:53:10 We'll forget all about it.
00:53:32 Going down to Coatville?
00:53:33 Yeah, going down off Mexico.
00:53:35 The tuna's running down off of Magdalena.
00:53:38 How soon are you coming off?
00:53:39 About a half an hour.
00:53:49 Gee, ain't she a peach?
00:53:51 Yeah, that's Cameron's boat.
00:53:52 Young Cameron's going to get married today.
00:53:54 They're going east tonight.
00:53:55 Yeah, Min was telling me.
00:53:59 She sure is a beauty.
00:54:06 Now, cut him three times toward you.
00:54:08 All right.
00:54:09 That's it.
00:54:10 It's...
00:54:11 Yeah, a little nervous today, ain't you?
00:54:14 Oh, there you go, Bella.
00:54:15 Yeah?
00:54:16 King of diamonds.
00:54:17 You're going to meet a rich guy.
00:54:20 Gee, Min, you're a pain in the eye to me.
00:54:24 That's over.
00:54:25 Yeah, sir, it is.
00:54:27 Say, Bella.
00:54:28 Come on back here.
00:54:29 You're going to wear diamonds.
00:54:31 Yeah?
00:54:32 Mm-hmm.
00:54:33 Oh, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
00:54:34 Mm-hmm.
00:54:35 Say, Min, where's the curling iron?
00:54:37 Huh?
00:54:38 What for?
00:54:39 Well, what do you suppose what for?
00:54:40 To pick my teeth with?
00:54:41 I want to frizz the hair off a bit.
00:54:43 Well, in the top drawer there, the viewer on this side.
00:54:46 All right.
00:54:48 Thinking of taking the afternoon boat to Frisco?
00:54:52 Oh, I don't know.
00:54:55 Go on, talk.
00:54:56 I ain't deaf.
00:54:57 I can hear you from here.
00:54:58 Oh.
00:54:59 Say, you're going to ride in a big car.
00:55:02 Oh, a Hoyt?
00:55:03 Oh, no.
00:55:04 A swell car.
00:55:06 Yours.
00:55:07 Mine?
00:55:08 Mm-hmm.
00:55:09 Gee, I tell you, when you get this guy, you're going to be sitting pretty.
00:55:12 When I get him?
00:55:13 Yeah.
00:55:14 It's all here in the cards.
00:55:15 And Frisco's the place, I tell you.
00:55:17 Yeah, that's a swell line-up, Min.
00:55:19 But I ain't thinking of getting out of here.
00:55:21 No?
00:55:22 No.
00:55:23 Ain't you?
00:55:24 No, I ain't.
00:55:25 I kind of like this joint.
00:55:28 Think I'll stick around a while.
00:55:31 Well, I think you're foolish.
00:55:34 It's all here in the cards.
00:55:37 Think so, Min?
00:55:39 Gee, that must be the whistle from the yacht, huh?
00:55:43 Well, that's a fishing boat.
00:55:45 Oh, no it ain't, Min.
00:55:47 I seen it this morning from the porch.
00:55:49 Alec pointed it out to me.
00:55:51 Belongs to the Camerons.
00:55:53 I hear that that Cameron guy, that young fella,
00:55:56 is going to get married this morning to a girl by the name of Smith.
00:55:59 Hmm?
00:56:01 Ever hear of her?
00:56:02 Sure.
00:56:03 There's a million Smiths around here.
00:56:06 They say that she used to hang around the waterfront.
00:56:09 I never seen her.
00:56:10 That's a lie, Min, and you know it.
00:56:12 That's my kid.
00:56:15 Well, what are you talking about, Bella Pringle?
00:56:17 You're crazy.
00:56:18 I ain't so crazy.
00:56:19 You can't make a fool of me no longer, you dirty lion rat.
00:56:22 I don't know what your game is, but you can't make a sucker out of me no longer.
00:56:25 Well, Bella--
00:56:26 You can throw me out of your dirty little joint.
00:56:28 Now I'm going to get even with you, Min, for everything you ever done to me.
00:56:32 See?
00:56:33 Bella, I don't know what you mean.
00:56:37 What do I mean?
00:56:38 I'll show you what I mean.
00:56:40 I'll nail you on a cross, you and your dirty little sucker brat.
00:56:44 [Footsteps]
00:57:00 Bella!
00:57:02 I'll get you!
00:57:04 Oh, you don't know what you're saying.
00:57:06 Oh, I don't, huh?
00:57:07 Diamonds all around you, Bella.
00:57:09 At the end of a long journey, you're darn right there'll be diamonds around me.
00:57:13 And I'll see that I get them too, and that you'll give them to me, or I'll know the reason why.
00:57:17 Hey.
00:57:18 The dirty little snob, turning up her nose at me as if I wasn't good enough for her.
00:57:22 You wouldn't hurt the kid.
00:57:23 Oh, say, please, let her go.
00:57:25 Leave me alone, will you? Fat chance.
00:57:27 Why, she's a swell kid.
00:57:29 Yeah?
00:57:30 The first break she's ever had.
00:57:31 Break? I'll give her a break for hiding out on me.
00:57:34 Well, it wasn't her fault.
00:57:36 She never even knowed she had a mother.
00:57:39 I suppose you told her that the stork brought her here.
00:57:42 Well, I told her you was dead.
00:57:44 Well, that's where you're out of luck, you filthy old liar.
00:57:47 I'm going to show you both of you.
00:57:49 Well, you wouldn't do that.
00:57:51 That'd kill her.
00:57:52 Say, this is her first chance to be happy and respectable.
00:57:57 Respectable!
00:57:58 [laughing]
00:58:02 Respectable!
00:58:04 So she's going to live in a swell house on top of the hill, is she?
00:58:08 And she's going to have diamonds and servants to wait on her.
00:58:10 Well, I'm going to be right there to get my share, believe me.
00:58:14 I'm going to get them diamonds you've seen in my cards all right, or I'll know the reason why.
00:58:19 Aha!
00:58:22 She's going to have a church wedding, huh?
00:58:25 And the mother's going to be right there in time to kiss the blushing bride.
00:58:29 Why, if they see you at the church...
00:58:31 Ah, dry up, will you?
00:58:32 You've had your say.
00:58:35 [footsteps]
00:58:41 Now don't.
00:58:43 Don't look at me like that, Lynn.
00:58:46 I ain't afraid of you.
00:58:48 I ain't afraid of any of you.
00:58:51 If they don't like me, they know what they can do.
00:58:54 They can pay me to get rid of me.
00:58:56 And plenty to.
00:58:58 If they don't do it, I'm going to yell it in the housetops.
00:59:01 I'm going to stand in the corner and I'm going to spit at them.
00:59:04 And say goodbye to me.
00:59:06 And I'm going to point my finger right straight at her and tell her who she is.
00:59:10 And what I think of her.
00:59:12 And you know me, Min.
00:59:14 When I call her spade a spade, nobody forgets.
00:59:19 Mm-hmm.
00:59:24 Well, you ain't going to leave this room.
00:59:26 No?
00:59:27 Who's going to stop me?
00:59:28 I'm going to stop you.
00:59:30 You ain't got the guts to do it.
00:59:32 No?
00:59:33 I got you just where I want you.
00:59:34 Yeah?
00:59:35 Well, now you listen to me.
00:59:37 You gutter rat.
00:59:39 You or nobody else is going to ruin that kid's chances.
00:59:43 No, sir.
00:59:45 I loved her with all the clumsy love that I had.
00:59:48 And I'm going to tell you something.
00:59:50 She's a swell kid.
00:59:52 Ah.
00:59:53 Clean.
00:59:54 Loyal.
00:59:55 Even to an old sea cow like me.
00:59:57 And I'm warning you, Bella.
01:00:00 You ain't going to leave this room.
01:00:04 I ain't?
01:00:06 No, you ain't.
01:00:09 You mean that?
01:00:11 Mm.
01:00:12 [shouting]
01:00:19 [gunshot]
01:00:23 [gunshot]
01:00:26 [gunshot]
01:00:30 [gunshot]
01:00:34 [gunshot]
01:00:38 [gunshot]
01:00:41 [knocking]
01:00:54 Ma'am?
01:00:57 Ma'am!
01:00:58 Ma'am!
01:00:59 Ma'am, what did you do that for?
01:01:19 What did you do it for?
01:01:21 That boat of mine's all ready to go to Mexico.
01:01:24 You're going with me.
01:01:25 [footsteps]
01:01:28 [footsteps]
01:01:31 [gunshot]
01:01:56 [gunshot]
01:01:57 [footsteps]
01:02:01 [footsteps]
01:02:27 [footsteps]
01:02:30 [horn honking]
01:02:35 [horn honking]
01:02:39 [horn honking]
01:02:46 [shouting]
01:02:49 [horn honking]
01:02:52 [shouting]
01:02:55 [horn honking]
01:02:58 [shouting]
01:03:01 [shouting]
01:03:04 [shouting]
01:03:07 [shouting]
01:03:10 Come on, let's go.
01:03:13 [shouting]
01:03:16 [shouting]
01:03:23 [shouting]
01:03:26 [shouting]
01:03:29 [shouting]
01:03:32 [shouting]
01:03:35 [shouting]
01:03:38 [shouting]
01:03:41 [shouting]
01:03:44 [shouting]
01:03:47 [horn honking]
01:03:50 [horn honking]
01:03:53 [shouting]
01:03:56 [shouting]
01:03:59 [shouting]
01:04:02 [horn honking]
01:04:05 [horn honking]
01:04:08 Men, let's go. Will you please? Let's go.
01:04:12 [shouting]
01:04:15 Come on. What's the matter? She ain't done nothing.
01:04:17 - He's done nothing. - He knows.
01:04:21 I don't get that.
01:04:23 [Shouting]
01:04:25 [Shouting]
01:04:27 [Shouting]
01:04:29 [Shouting]
01:04:35 [Shouting]
01:04:38 [Shouting]
01:04:41 [Shouting]
01:04:44 [Shouting]
01:04:47 [Shouting]
01:04:50 [Music]
01:04:53 [Music]
01:04:56 (screeching)