Indian government behind foreign spy ring in Australia in 2020

  • 4 months ago
Indian spies were kicked out of Australia 4 years ago after ASIO disrupted a plot to steal sensitive government secrets. The existence of the so-called "nest of spies" was first revealed in 2021 but until now the nationality of the foreign operatives wasn't known.


00:00 We've known about the existence of the so-called nest of spies for some years now, but until
00:07 now their nationality and the country running them wasn't known.
00:12 We've since learnt recently through government and security officials that these operatives,
00:20 foreign operatives, were being run by the Indian government as part of their foreign
00:25 intelligence service.
00:26 They were targeting various secrets in Australia, classified information on trade deals, military
00:32 secrets, but also monitoring closely the diaspora community here in Australia.
00:38 Concerns have been growing around the world about the behaviour of the Indian government
00:46 with accusations that it's been behind the assassination of a separatist in Canada and
00:52 other plots elsewhere.
00:54 But now that we've learnt the identity of the operatives, this has become a big story
01:02 both here in Australia but around the world.
01:05 We do know that the then Morrison government removed a number of Indian officials from
01:11 Australia, but other details still aren't discussed publicly by authorities.
01:18 So their existence was previously flagged by the ASIO boss, but what is the intelligence
01:23 organisation saying now?
01:26 It's saying very little.
01:28 The Australian security intelligence organisation has released a statement that says in standing
01:35 with long practice it won't comment on specific intelligence matters.
01:41 But as suspicions were starting to turn towards India late last year, the ABC sat down with
01:48 the ASIO boss for an interview in the United States and put some very specific questions
01:54 to him about the activity of Indian operatives in Australia.
01:58 Let's take a look at that interview from November last year.
02:02 Are you aware of or have you ever been involved in the expulsion of Indian personnel from
02:08 Australia?
02:09 Again, we don't comment on specific operational matters, but of course from time to time ASIO
02:14 will discover undeclared intelligence officers who are operating in our country and through
02:19 our own actions or asking government to help, people can and do leave this country as a
02:24 result of being found out.
02:26 Andrew has there been any reaction from the Australian or the Indian governments?
02:31 There hasn't to these specific revelations of Indian spies being removed from Australia.
02:38 A short time ago the Prime Minister was asked about this story.
02:41 He says he doesn't comment on intelligence matters.
02:44 But at the time of the removal of these Indian diplomats, the now opposition leader Peter
02:51 Dutton was the Home Affairs Minister.
02:55 He also isn't commenting, but did have this to say on a more general level.
03:01 Director General of ASIO has been, I think, clear over a number of public outings that
03:07 we do face a very significant threat from foreign interference.
03:12 It can come from many sources and the resources that ASIO has to defeat that are necessary.
03:20 Opposition leader Peter Dutton, who was the former Home Affairs Minister in the Morrison
03:25 government, speaking today in Adelaide.
03:28 And as we mentioned, the Indian government is yet to comment, though specific questions
03:33 have been put to the High Commission here in Canberra.
