होम वोटिंग मतदान रथ पहुंचा रायपुर के श्यामनगर स्थित घर पर
00:00How did you feel about voting at home?
00:03I felt very good about voting
00:05In fact, I was waiting for this day to come
00:09When will you come?
00:11Will you come or not?
00:13Last time, I went there
00:19This time, there is no problem in walking on the streets
00:26What is the difference between before and now?
00:29Before, you used to go to the booth
00:31Yes, I used to go to the booth
00:33Last time also, I took the vehicle inside
00:41Now, there is more ease
00:43This time, there is no problem in walking on the streets
00:50Will you vote for those who are eligible to vote?
00:55Yes, they are good
00:57Will you vote for those who are eligible to vote?
00:59Yes, I will vote for those who are eligible to vote
01:04The rest of the kids will go with me
01:07All the kids will go with you?
01:09Yes, all of them