Matin infos - 30/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Matin infos - 30/04/2024


00:00Hello and welcome to Medium TV, it's time for the morning show, let's go!
00:19Finally a place of hope to finally reach a truce in the war in Gaza.
00:25The eyes turn to Hamas which must pronounce itself on an offer of truce.
00:30This is the result of heated discussions with the Egyptian and Qatari mediators.
00:39And in this newspaper we will also go to Togo where the results of the elections are
00:44expected the day after a vote in the calm where these elections take place while the
00:49country has gone from a presidential regime to a parliamentary system.
00:57And this April 30 is the International Day of Jazz, a global musical event celebrated
01:03since Tangier, the city of Detroit.
01:06The city of Detroit which is indeed the world capital of jazz this year.
01:11And the atmosphere at the end of the edition.
01:18Welcome to this newspaper, I was just saying, a place of hope to finally reach a truce in the war in Gaza.
01:26The eyes turn to Hamas which must pronounce itself on an offer of truce.
01:31An offer made following a meeting yesterday at the square with representatives of Qatar's Egypt,
01:37a mediator country with the United States, a delegation of the Palestinian Resistance Movement
01:43has left the Egyptian capital for Doha in order to study this offer of truce.
01:48The proposal would include a ceasefire of 40 days as well as the liberation of thousands of Palestinian prisoners
01:56in exchange for the liberation of Israeli hostages.
02:01The head of British diplomacy, David Cameron, on their side, the Americans,
02:07call for pressure on Hamas to accept this proposal.
02:15And to talk more about this, we turn to Al-Quds to meet our correspondent Valérie Ferrand.
02:22In Saudi Arabia, she was questioned about this issue, about this truce.
02:26Hamas is called to accept it.
02:29It is a pressure from the Americans who talk about a generous offer.
02:33What do we know about this offer of peace?
02:36She answers with our correspondent at Al-Quds, Valérie Ferrand.
02:41Every time there was talk about a generous offer made to the Palestinians,
02:49we realized that there was nothing generous in what was proposed.
02:54For the moment, we cannot know exactly where we are.
02:58There is no detail to say.
03:00The Israeli press talks about the Israeli proposal to free 33 Israeli prisoners
03:07in exchange for a large number of Palestinian prisoners.
03:11There will then be a second step with the liberation of all Israeli prisoners
03:17in exchange for a long-term truce.
03:20Hamas, on the other hand, said that it did not see 33 Israeli civilians
03:27as the Israeli request freed,
03:29and that there were only 20 people in the category of civilians.
03:35Let us remember that there are still many Israelis who are detained,
03:42but who are soldiers, helped by the army.
03:46This is a strong card for Hamas for later.
03:49In any case, Hamas is asking for a ceasefire,
03:53immediate, total and long-term, before any agreement.
03:57There is a very simple reason for this.
04:00It is necessary to locate all the Israeli prisoners,
04:04some of whom may still be detained by other factions,
04:07which is impossible under the bombs.
04:09And stopping, having a ceasefire,
04:11is also ensuring that the apocalyptic living conditions of the population
04:18will be able to improve,
04:20especially with the unconditional entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.
04:25We must see that Hamas plays on two levels.
04:30First, a strong presence with the other factions on the ground.
04:34Israel announced today the death of two of its soldiers,
04:38killed yesterday in an ambush.
04:40We know that the fights are still taking place all over the Gaza Strip.
04:44The Israeli army has absolutely no control anywhere.
04:48In parallel to this military power on the ground,
04:55Hamas also plays psychological pressure
04:59by broadcasting several videos of Israeli prisoners in the last three days.
05:05The fact of seeing these prisoners still alive galvanizes, of course,
05:10all Israeli demonstrators.
05:14These are really very important demonstrations that are taking place,
05:19which demand the total cessation of all preparations
05:25for a possible military operation against Rafah,
05:28which the Israeli government always wants to carry out,
05:32at least in words,
05:35so it demands an exchange of prisoners,
05:38the departure of Benjamin Netanyahu,
05:40early elections,
05:42in short, the anger is immense on the Israeli side.
05:45On the other hand, we do not know if this can really lead to an agreement this time,
05:50because Benjamin Netanyahu is in an extremely complicated position
05:56and all analysts agree that he wants to save his seat first.
06:03Valerie Ferrand, correspondent of Median TV in Al-Quds.
06:07In Al-Quds, we are heading to Togo,
06:10where we are waiting for the first results of yesterday's legislative elections,
06:15a vote that took place in calm.
06:17The deployments began at the end of the day in the polling stations
06:22and the Electoral Commission announced in the evening
06:25that the trends of the provisional results, the first trends,
06:28should be known quite quickly.
06:31The results should then be validated by the Constitutional Court
06:36according to the electoral code.
06:38They should be announced in the six days following the vote.
06:41This double scrutiny, I remind you, legislative and regional,
06:44intervenes in a very tense political climate
06:47after the adoption on April 19 of a new constitution
06:50that shifts the country from a presidential regime to a parliamentary regime.
06:59Now, let's go back to Morocco to talk about this agreement
07:04between the government and the trade unions
07:07that reached an agreement yesterday.
07:09A general increase of 1,000 dirhams per month
07:12will be allocated to public sector officials
07:14who did not benefit from a salary revaluation.
07:17The developments with Suhail Jalil on this subject.
07:22A consensus for the improvement of income
07:25and the reform of the pension system.
07:28The government and social partners
07:30sealed a historic agreement on Monday
07:32promising significant improvements in income
07:35for workers across the country
07:37as well as a profound reform of the pension system.
07:40The agreement envisages a general increase in salaries
07:43for public administration employees,
07:46territorial communities and public institutions,
07:49those who have not yet benefited from a salary revision
07:52will receive a net increase of 1,000 dirhams per month
07:55divided into two equal payments.
07:57The first payment is scheduled for July 1, 2024
08:00and the second for July 1, 2025.
08:10This agreement crowns the efforts made by all parties.
08:13It also reinforces the commitments
08:15contained in the agreement of April 30, 2022
08:17which laid the foundations for social dialogue.
08:20This agreement is dedicated to the reduction of tax on income
08:23for all officials and employees.
08:25The increase of the SMIC by a new 10%
08:28which adds to a similar previous increase
08:31bringing the revaluation of the SMIC to 20%
08:34since the advent of this government.
08:36We will also revisit the law
08:38framing professional training
08:40so that all companies benefit from the contributions
08:43of professional training.
08:46We will also revisit the law
08:48framing the retirement system.
09:03The SMIC was intransigent
09:05to remove a global increase in salaries
09:07for employees of the public sector
09:09and employees for local communities
09:11and for the private sector.
09:14But we have finally won this achievement
09:16a global increase of 1,000 dirhams.
09:34In addition, a revision of the tax regime on income
09:37is also on the agenda with specific measures
09:39to improve the income of the middle class
09:42starting from January 1, 2025.
09:44The first section of the tax credit will be revised
09:47passing the net income defiscalized
09:49from 30,000 dirhams to 40,000 dirhams
09:51thus exempting income below 6,000 dirhams per month.
09:54Finally, the agreement provides for a direct reform
09:57of the retirement system
09:58with the creation of two distinct public and private poles.
10:01This agreement, the result of a long-awaited consensus
10:04marks a decisive turning point
10:06for improving the living conditions of workers
10:09and the continuity of the retirement system.
10:13And now, a recap on the Ivory Coast.
10:15The mining sector in the Ivory Coast is in full swing.
10:17After 10 years of application of the current mining code
10:20the actors of the extractive mill
10:22have proceeded to a three-stage objective reform
10:26to dynamize this industry
10:28which appears today as one of the mammals of the Ivorian economy
10:32after agriculture.
10:34More details in this report by Max Saoubi and Herman Doggo.
10:39In the Ivory Coast
10:40the actualization of the reform of mining legislation
10:43concerns civil society.
10:45Here, in this workshop
10:47the Observatory of Good Governance of the Extractive Sector in the Ivory Coast
10:51identifies the obstacles and challenges
10:53before proposing solutions
10:55to improve the reform process of the Ivorian mining code.
10:59We expect the State to involve all stakeholders.
11:02This is one of the objectives of this workshop.
11:06That all stakeholders are put at the same exchange table
11:12and that each stakeholder can produce reflections
11:16and that these reflections can also be taken into account.
11:19After the coffee-cocoa binomial
11:21the urgency for the Ivory Coast to diversify its income is undeniable.
11:25With its assets, the mining sector in the Ivory Coast
11:27presents itself as an attractive pole.
11:29The revision of the code could bring an added value
11:33in a sector already presented as the future hub of the Ivorian economy.
11:37The revision of this code will take into account
11:39certain concepts that were not planned,
11:41such as underground mines.
11:43In a year, in a year and a half,
11:45we will have the first underground mine in the Ivory Coast,
11:47the mine of Yowere in Bouafli.
11:49And in three years, the second underground mine
11:52will open in Seguela with Rosgol.
11:56With a gold production of 47 tons in 2022,
11:59the Ivorian state intends to reach 605 tons by 2025.
12:03Its potential is estimated at $ 800 billion
12:06and offers a range of opportunities for investors.
12:09It is a promising sector,
12:11with a community of nearly 500,000 miners.
12:14And I told you, the title of this 30th of April
12:17is the International Day of Jazz,
12:20a planetary musical event
12:22celebrated for a long time.
12:24The city of Detroit is indeed the world capital of jazz this year.
12:27We know a little more about it in this report by Ilhan Berada,
12:30Hayat Ziani and the story of Suhail Jalil.
12:35Tonger, the haven of freedom of the great names of jazz.
12:38From swing, blue note and gumbri,
12:41Tonger, an emblematic city between sea and land,
12:44has been designated the world's highest city
12:46of the International Day of Jazz.
12:48It will be the flagship city of festivities,
12:51a living symbol of the mixing of cultures.
12:54I visited and filmed in Morocco several times,
12:59in Fez, in Ouarzazate, in Essaouira.
13:02I visited and filmed in Morocco several times,
13:05in Fez, in Ouarzazate, in Essaouira, in Marrakech.
13:08I have never visited Tonger,
13:10and I am very happy to do so.
13:12I discover this magnificent city
13:14and its history, which is so rich.
13:16It is a crossroads of civilizations,
13:18a real flagship of the Mediterranean.
13:20I discover this magnificent city
13:22and its history, which is so rich.
13:24It is a meeting place,
13:26because it is so close to Spain,
13:28it is at the mouth of the Mediterranean.
13:31I am so excited that I am here,
13:34and every day I have new surprises,
13:37meeting new people who I have never met before.
13:41I am very excited to be here.
13:43I make the surprise plan
13:45by discovering people I have never met.
13:47I just learned that Randy Weston
13:49had visited Tonger,
13:51and then I enjoyed the Gnawa music.
13:53I am overflowing with pleasure.
13:55It's incredible, breathtaking.
13:57I can't believe it,
13:59to see musicians mixing jazz and Gnawa music.
14:01I have tears in my eyes.
14:04Jazz and Gnawa music,
14:06it actually brought tears to my eyes.
14:33The Tonger International Jazz Day
14:35is a great opportunity for us.
14:37We have to seize this opportunity.
14:39First of all, I am very pleased
14:41to be at the same table as
14:43Herbie Hancock, Marcus Miller,
14:45Didi Bridgewater, and Jeremy Irons,
14:47who will be the host of the ceremony
14:49tomorrow, at the official evening.
14:51Of course, we are very happy
14:53to be here,
14:55and I am very happy
14:57to be here,
14:59and I am very happy
15:01to be here,
15:03and I am very happy
15:05to be here,
15:07at the annours of the official event
15:09at the annours of the official event
15:11at the annours of the official event
15:13at the annours of the official event
15:27Created by the Unesco
15:27General Conference of 2015
15:29is recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
15:32The International Day of Jazz
15:34gathers every year on April 30th
15:36countries and communities from all over the world.
15:38This day highlights the power of jazz
15:40and its role in promoting peace,
15:42dialogue between cultures,
15:44diversity, and respect for human dignity.
15:49At the rhythm of jazz,
15:53the Abderrahman Fenix Foundation
15:55has organized a concert for children
15:57at the Hospital and University Center of Tangier.
16:00Ilham Berada and Hayat Ziani were there.
16:03Let's listen to Ilham.
16:06Tangier, the pearl of Detroit,
16:08vibrates at the rhythm of jazz
16:10for the past three days
16:12since the Jazz Band of the Royal Symphony Orchestra
16:14has provided free concerts
16:16at the Tangier station,
16:18at the Marina,
16:20and today, one of the closing concerts
16:22took place here
16:24at the Mohamed VI Center of Tangier
16:26as part of the Music at the Hospital
16:29initiated by the Abderrahman Fenix Foundation.
16:33I have the pleasure of having with me
16:35Naila Fenix,
16:37the President of the Naila Fenix Foundation.
16:39Thank you very much for accepting our invitation.
16:42You inaugurated a few weeks ago,
16:44I would say at the beginning of February,
16:46your program here at the Tangier Center of Tangier.
16:52And here you are,
16:54in this magnificent event,
16:56the International Days organized in Tangier.
16:58Tell us about this concert that has just ended.
17:01Thank you.
17:03Indeed, we inaugurated this space
17:05where we are today.
17:07It is a reception room
17:09of the Mohamed VI Hospital in Tangier.
17:13We also have a music room
17:15for children with chronic diseases
17:18at the museum.
17:22there was the launch
17:24of this room.
17:26The room will start its lessons
17:30And we had the honor
17:32and the joy of receiving
17:34international summits
17:36of the world of jazz
17:38as part of the International Day of Jazz
17:40organized by UNESCO,
17:42the Herbie Hancock Foundation
17:44and the Ministry of Youth, Culture
17:46and Communication.
17:48We had a great time
17:50with the children hospitalized
17:52and their parents.
17:54It was a moment of sharing,
17:56a moment that will make you forget
17:58the disease.
18:00The children left their rooms,
18:02the patients left their rooms
18:04and they vibrated
18:06to the rhythm of the Gunbri,
18:08the source of jazz.
18:10They had a pleasant time
18:12and we are delighted.
18:14This is a great celebration
18:16for your foundation
18:18that has been working for a long time
18:20on the role of music
18:22and its importance in life
18:24as well as in the hospital life.
18:26How does it make you feel
18:28to have been included
18:30in the program
18:32of the International Jazz Day
18:34here in Tangier?
18:36A lot of joy, a lot of pride.
18:38It is a world day
18:40and Tangier is the capital city.
18:42Jazz is invited
18:44to the CHU Mahomet 6 in Tangier.
18:46A lot of pride.
18:48We thank them for giving their time,
18:50for investing their time
18:52in this CHU
18:54to make people forget the disease
18:56for a moment.
18:58We will also take this moment
19:00because we don't have much time left.
19:02Can you remind us
19:04of the objectives of the program
19:06La Musique s'installe à l'hôpital
19:08which was also launched
19:10in February
19:12here in Tangier.
19:14What are the main objectives
19:16of this project?
19:18La Musique s'installe à l'hôpital
19:20is a project,
19:22a program,
19:24supported by the
19:26Ministry of Youth, Culture
19:28and Communication.
19:30We started with the CHU Ibn Sina
19:32in Rabat.
19:34We have three rooms in Rabat.
19:36We have children
19:38with 40 diseases.
19:40The start in Rabat allowed us
19:42to have a real experience,
19:44to measure the results.
19:46Today we have palpable results
19:48on concrete pathologies.
19:50Our objectives,
19:52the first objective,
19:54is to make people forget the disease
19:56as we just did today
19:58at the CHU Mahomet 6 in Tangier.
20:00The second objective
20:02is an academic objective.
20:04We have children
20:06who attend music classes.
20:08We have prodigies today
20:10in Rabat.
20:12Children who had nothing to do
20:14with the world of music
20:16who now participate in festivals.
20:18We have one of the children
20:20who opened the Tangier Film Festival.
20:22Children who play piano,
20:24guitar, violin.
20:26Today we have a solid experience,
20:28well anchored.
20:30That's why we wanted to open
20:32in other cities.
20:34We opened the room last February
20:36and today we are launching
20:38the operation.
20:40It's a kick-off
20:42of the classes in the room
20:44inside the museum of the CHU.
20:46The third objective
20:48is an objective that we have
20:50during our journey
20:52of de-schooling children.
20:54We accompany these children
20:56in an academic way.
20:58We enrolled them
21:00in the conservatory
21:02to create a future.
21:04Today the music is installed
21:06at the CHU Ibn Sina in Rabat.
21:08It is installed
21:10at the CHU Mohamed VI in Tangier.
21:12Very soon a new room
21:14in another city.
21:16Thank you very much.
21:18We continue
21:20to make the hearts
21:22of our hospitals vibrate.
21:24Thank you very much.
21:26Tangier hosts
21:28the International Jazz Day
21:32Tomorrow, April 30,
21:34the big concert will take place
21:36at the Palais des Arts
21:38in Tangier.
21:40It will start
21:42at 6.30 p.m.
21:44Ilhan Berrada
21:46who was in duplex yesterday
21:48and who reminds us that this International
21:50Jazz Day is held
21:52on April 30.
21:54Today is the world capital.
21:56Thank you for following
21:58the program on Mediantv.