• last year
Part 41: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5k3psf6b07qu5vq8c2koe/Gert-and-Gijs-Part-41-Sub.mp4?rlkey=96vnlbtmvtxgfnj83fue4an7e&st=6j7lm77o&dl=0

Alternative title: Who Was There For You?
The news about Jonas is slowly reaching everyone.
Notes. The guy around 06:47 is Nathan, Jonas’ half-brother (it’s complicated). Ooh and I didn’t edit out the audio by adding the song or anything. We never hear what they were actually saying, just the song. The song around 05:20 is “Midlake - Acts of Man”.

Episodes: S04E79
Gert and Gijs - Part 40

