The Delhi Police initiated action after a BJP complaint about a "doctored video" allegedly showing Amit Shah advocating the removal of SC/ST reservation. BJP claims the original video referred to Muslim reservation in Telangana. Social media, including Congress handles, shared the video, sparking controversy. BJP warns of legal action against those involved. Amit Shah's past remarks on Muslim reservation in Telangana are cited.
#DelhiPolice #BJP #DoctoredVideo #AmitShahVideo #AmitShahSpeech #AmitShahReservation #Muslim #Telangana #LokSabhaElections #Elections #LokSabha #Oneinda #Oneindia news
#DelhiPolice #BJP #DoctoredVideo #AmitShahVideo #AmitShahSpeech #AmitShahReservation #Muslim #Telangana #LokSabhaElections #Elections #LokSabha #Oneinda #Oneindia news
00:00 The Delhi police took action on Sunday filing an FIR in response to a complaint regarding
00:07 a doctored video featuring Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
00:11 The BJP asserted that the video, which purportedly showed Shah advocating for abolition of reservation
00:16 for SC and ST, is fabricated.
00:19 According to the BJP, the original footage depicted Shah discussing the elimination of
00:23 unconstitutional four-person reservation for Muslims in Telangana.
00:27 It was allegedly manipulated to falsely portray Shah as calling for an end to Muslim reservation
00:33 during a recent Lok Sabha election rally.
00:36 Prompted by these allegations, the Delhi police has now reached out to AXE and Facebook requesting
00:40 information about the account responsible for sharing the video.
00:45 Numerous social media handles, including the official handle of Congress State Units, shared
00:49 the video contending that BJP is now aiming to abolish SC/ST reservation.
00:55 For instance, the Telangana Congress tweeted the video stating that "Breaking news!
00:59 Amit Shah's election speech has went viral in which he is saying that BJP government
01:03 is formed again, OBC and SC/ST reservation will be abolished."
01:08 Immediately after the video, the BJP leader Amit Malviya condemned the dissemination of
01:12 the video and sharing the original video.
01:15 Malviya accused Congress of orchestrating the dissemination of falsified video warning
01:19 of legal repercussions for those involved and so the FIR is now filed.
01:25 Senior BJP leaders have confirmed plans to file FIR across the country in response to
01:29 the complaint regarding the manipulated video.
01:32 Amit Shah's real remark was made during the run-up to the 2023 Telangana Assembly elections
01:38 in which he had stated that the 4% Muslim reservation is unconstitutional.
01:44 At that time, Shah pledged that if BJP assumes power, this reservation will be revoked and
01:50 reallocated to the SC/STs and OBCs.
01:53 The Delhi Police's FIR has come as a major development in this case after the doctored
01:57 video highlighting the seriousness of the matter for the BJP.
02:01 It is very likely that the arrest will follow soon.