00:00 Well, I'm curious, how many of you right now
00:05 might have something that you're a little bit worried about?
00:07 Raise your hand, again.
00:08 Some of you, I got a lot that I'm worried about.
00:10 I don't blame you,
00:11 because there's a lot to worry about in this world.
00:14 For example, do any of you have kids?
00:17 Raise your hands.
00:18 Online, you can type in the comment section, I have kids.
00:21 You can type in, I have three kids.
00:22 You can type in, I have kids, pray for me.
00:24 'Cause if you have kids,
00:25 there's a lot to worry about, right?
00:27 I mean, you worry about their safety nowadays.
00:29 When I was growing up,
00:30 you didn't really worry about that much, but you do today.
00:33 You worry about their mental health,
00:34 you worry about their friends,
00:36 you worry about, are they getting into the wrong stuff?
00:39 Then how about, does anybody ever read or watch the news?
00:42 That'll give you anxiety, right?
00:44 I mean, you look around and here we are in an election year,
00:48 which is complicated and divisive for a lot of people.
00:51 The economy feels like shaky,
00:54 inflation seems to be out of control,
00:56 interest won't seem to settle down.
00:58 A lot of people I talk to are like,
01:00 freaked out and worried financially,
01:02 just how are they gonna make it?
01:04 Not only how am I gonna pay the bills,
01:05 but like, could I ever even afford a house?
01:09 Doesn't seem like it's possible.
01:11 And if that's not enough to worry about,
01:13 then you factor in AI.
01:15 It's gonna wipe us out.
01:17 I mean, we're all gone anyway.
01:18 It's just gonna feel like it's gonna take over the world.
01:21 And the worst of all though, probably,
01:24 is anytime there's something wrong with you physically,
01:28 let's say you have a headache or you feel dizzy.
01:31 And so you Google your symptoms.
01:34 Have you done this?
01:36 No matter what you have,
01:37 you're gonna die three days from now.
01:39 That's what happens whenever you Google your symptoms.
01:42 It's hard not to worry
01:44 with all that's going on in the world.
01:46 But there's some really good news.
01:48 We're in a message series called He Promises.
01:52 We're looking at the promises of Jesus
01:55 and Jesus promises us because He's good
02:00 and because He will provide, you don't have to worry.
02:05 In Matthew chapter six,
02:08 Jesus tells us five different times in 10 verses,
02:13 do not worry.
02:14 Look what He said, Matthew 6, 25.
02:16 Jesus said this.
02:17 He said, "Therefore, I tell you," help me out somebody.
02:20 He said, "Do not worry about your life,
02:23 "what you'll eat or drink or about your body,
02:25 "what you'll wear.
02:26 "It's not life more than food
02:29 "and the body more than clothes."
02:32 Jesus tells us, don't worry.
02:35 How?
02:37 Why?
02:39 Well, let's start with a practical reason.
02:41 Why did Jesus tell us not to worry?
02:44 Perhaps because worry has never changed anything for good.
02:49 Right?
02:51 Never ever.
02:52 In fact, it's quite the opposite.
02:54 What does worry do to you?
02:55 When you worry, when you stew,
02:56 when you're anxious, worry is poisoning our peace.
03:01 Worry is killing our joy
03:04 and worry is stunting our spiritual growth.
03:07 When you think about it,
03:08 worry doesn't have a single useful purpose.
03:13 Someone said it's like this.
03:14 Someone said, "Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair.
03:20 "It gives you something to do,
03:23 "but you're not going anywhere."
03:25 Right?
03:25 And that's what it is.
03:26 When you're sitting there worrying,
03:27 you're stewing and you're wringing your hands
03:30 and you're not going anywhere.
03:32 It doesn't do a single positive thing.
03:35 When you think about it,
03:36 worry never solved a problem.
03:38 Right?
03:39 If you're worried about your money,
03:40 worry never paid a bill.
03:42 If you're worried about your health,
03:44 worry never made you healthier.
03:47 Worry never protected your child from harm.
03:51 Worrying never helped you pass a test.
03:54 Worrying never healed a broken relationship.
03:56 Worry has only increased your anxiety.
04:01 It's never increased your peace.
04:04 And Jesus promised us because God is faithful,
04:07 because God is good, because God always provides,
04:11 you don't have to worry.
04:13 In fact, in this text,
04:15 He gives us three things to look to
04:18 in order to overcome your worry.
04:21 What are we gonna do?
04:22 We're gonna look to three things.
04:23 We're gonna look to your Father,
04:25 we're gonna look to your faith,
04:27 and we're gonna look to your future.
04:29 Let's say it aloud.
04:30 What are we gonna look to?
04:31 We're gonna look to our Father,
04:33 we're gonna look to our faith,
04:35 and we're gonna look to our future.
04:37 Let's talk about it.
04:38 Number one, we're gonna look to your Father.
04:41 Why?
04:42 Because He is always faithful.
04:46 We're gonna look to the goodness of God
04:48 because He's always faithful.
04:50 In fact, this is what Jesus said in Matthew 6, 26.
04:53 He said, "Look at the birds of the air.
04:56 "They don't sow or reap or store away in barns,
04:59 "and yet," who does it?
05:01 Your heavenly Father.
05:02 He feeds them, He provides for them.
05:05 And then Jesus says,
05:06 "Hey, aren't you way more valuable to God than the birds?"
05:12 Jesus shows us that God cares for Tweety.
05:16 If God cares for Tweety,
05:17 how much more will God care for you?
05:20 And then I like kind of the image.
05:22 He says, "Hey, look at the birds.
05:24 "They don't worry."
05:25 You never see a bird awake at two in the morning,
05:30 pacing its nest, rubbing its wings together,
05:35 asking himself, "Do you think the supply chain problem
05:40 "are gonna result in a shortage of worms?"
05:42 You never see that, right?
05:44 You don't.
05:46 Because they trust that there will be food.
05:48 The same is true for you.
05:49 You don't have to worry
05:51 because your heavenly Father cares for you
05:55 and your Father is always faithful.
05:58 Now, that raises the question,
06:00 how do you trust in a heavenly Father that you can't see?
06:05 It's a fair question.
06:06 We have six children.
06:08 My oldest daughter is Katie.
06:10 When she was young, she was a bundle of energy.
06:15 And one night there was a storm
06:18 and Katie came running into our bedroom.
06:20 "Mommy, Dad, Mom, Mom, Dad, Mom, I'm scared, I'm scared.
06:22 "Can I sleep with you?
06:23 "Can I sleep with you?
06:23 "Can I sleep with you?"
06:25 And I'm the softie, believe it or not.
06:28 And Amy's one like, "Go back to bed, Katie."
06:30 "No, I'm afraid.
06:31 "No, I'm afraid."
06:32 And Amy said, "God is with you.
06:35 "God is in your room.
06:36 "God will protect you.
06:38 "Go back to your room with God."
06:41 And Katie said, "I've got an idea.
06:43 "Mom, you go sleep with God.
06:46 "I'm staying here with Daddy."
06:48 (audience laughing)
06:50 Kind of makes sense because it can be difficult
06:53 to trust in a God that you can't see.
06:57 And anytime I find myself worried,
06:59 is God going to come through?
07:01 Does God care?
07:03 I try to remind myself of what I call the Godness of God.
07:07 The Godness of God.
07:09 Who is God?
07:10 We have to remember God is the supreme creator,
07:14 ruler, and sustainer of the entire universe.
07:18 God is big enough to overcome all the forces of darkness.
07:23 And God is loving enough to care about
07:27 the details of your life.
07:29 I wanna remind you, God cares about what you care about.
07:36 When you're worried, look to your heavenly Father
07:40 because he is always faithful.
07:45 The second thing we learn from the teaching of Jesus
07:47 is to look to your faith because your faith conquers fears.
07:52 Look to your faith because your faith
07:55 is greater than what you fear.
07:57 Jesus said this in Matthew 6:33.
07:59 He said, "But seek first God's kingdom
08:04 "and his righteousness, and then all those things
08:07 "that you're worried about, all these things
08:10 "will be given to you as well."
08:12 What do we do?
08:13 We seek first God's kingdom.
08:16 We seek first God's righteousness.
08:19 We seek first the things that matter to him.
08:22 We seek him first in his word.
08:25 We turn our mind toward him.
08:27 We think about things that are pure and lovely
08:30 and admirable.
08:31 We let him renew our minds.
08:33 We seek first the kingdom of God.
08:35 And when we do, he will take care
08:37 of what you're worried about.
08:39 Whenever you're tempted to worry, tell yourself,
08:42 "Before I panic, first I'm going to pray
08:47 "to the God of heaven who declares
08:49 "that all things are possible with him."
08:54 Before you worry, first open God's word,
08:58 his living word, which comforts you
08:59 and directs you and corrects you, his word for you.
09:04 Before you turn to your substance to cope,
09:08 turn to your savior, because whoever Jesus sets free
09:11 is free indeed, every single time.
09:16 So what do we do?
09:20 We seek first the kingdom of God.
09:22 And whenever I start to look toward Jesus,
09:25 the son of God, who gave his life for me,
09:28 God raised him from the dead,
09:30 whenever I look to Jesus,
09:31 my faith starts to conquer my fears.
09:34 Remember, it was Paul who said,
09:35 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
09:38 "but instead he's given us a spirit of," what?
09:41 "Of power and of love and of a sound mind."
09:45 If you find yourself afraid, that did not come from God.
09:49 We're not gonna listen to what doesn't come from God.
09:51 We're gonna tell that voice, "Get out of my mind,
09:52 "get out of my head, get out of my life,
09:54 "get behind me, Satan.
09:54 "I'm not listening to you, I'm listening to my father.
09:56 "My father says he's good.
09:57 "My father says he's with me.
09:58 "My father says he'll never leave me,
10:00 "he'll never forsake me, he'll always provide for me.
10:02 "He is working in all things to bring about good.
10:05 "I'm not listening to the lies of the devil."
10:08 Worry has never done anything good.
10:11 Worry makes you anxious, faith gives you peace.
10:16 Worry drags you away from God,
10:18 trying to depend on your own resources.
10:20 Faith teaches you to depend on God.
10:24 Worry doesn't change a dang thing.
10:27 And worry will take you away and rob you of faith.
10:31 Faith can change everything.
10:34 So when you're worried,
10:36 worried about what am I gonna say,
10:37 I'm worried about my presentation,
10:39 I'm worried about my 401k went down,
10:41 I'm worried about this health issue,
10:42 I'm worried about my marriage,
10:44 I'm worried about am I gonna get into the right school,
10:47 I'm worried about am I gonna get the right job,
10:49 am I ever gonna be provided for my family,
10:51 am I gonna have what it takes,
10:53 can I ever be faithful, will my child, whatever.
10:56 When you're worried, look to your Father.
10:59 Look to your faith and look to your future
11:02 because our God is in control.
11:05 He is in control.
11:08 Jesus said this, he said, "Don't worry about tomorrow,
11:11 "for tomorrow will bring his own worries.
11:14 "Today's trouble is enough for today."
11:18 Look to your future because God is in control.
11:23 Now, raise your hand if you're a control freak.
11:28 Okay, just stop for a minute.
11:31 If you find yourself trying to raise the hand
11:33 of the person sitting next to you,
11:34 (audience laughing)
11:36 you're a control freak.
11:37 Those of you online, if you're a control freak,
11:39 just type it in online, I'm a control freak.
11:41 I wanna remind you this,
11:45 that even control freaks can't control the future.
11:49 You can try to manipulate all you can and all you want,
11:53 but no matter how hard you try,
11:54 you cannot control everything.
11:57 So if it's out of your hands, get it out of your mind.
12:02 Give it to God, trust God with it, trust God with it.
12:04 (audience applauding)
12:07 Because worry doesn't protect us from tomorrow's problems.
12:11 Worry robs us of today's peace.
12:15 And that's where some of you are right now.
12:16 You are surrendering and giving in
12:19 to the lies of your spiritual enemy.
12:21 Anytime that we're worrying,
12:22 we're essentially saying, God, I don't trust you.
12:24 I don't trust you're with me, I don't trust you're for me,
12:26 I don't trust that you're gonna do what you say
12:28 you're gonna do.
12:29 And so just take a moment, sit in that.
12:32 Jesus says over and over again,
12:36 let me tell you how good my Father is.
12:38 Let me tell you about how much He cares for you.
12:40 He is completely in control.
12:44 He is a good God.
12:45 His purposes for you are good.
12:47 He wants to bless you.
12:48 Doesn't mean you're not gonna have a hard time,
12:50 but in the middle of a hard time, He'll be enough.
12:52 In the middle of something painful, He'll be your peace.
12:55 In the middle of what you feel like you lack,
12:56 He is your provision.
12:59 When you're weak, He is your strength.
13:01 He is what you need.
13:03 So you can say, okay, good preaching, Craig.
13:05 You can say that if you want to, it won't hurt my feeling.
13:08 You can type it in the comment section, good preaching.
13:10 Some of you won't, but you can if you want to.
13:12 And so you're gonna say, okay, okay, that's good,
13:14 but I just sit there and I do nothing.
13:18 I just sit around and I don't worry and everything works out.
13:23 Let's go back to the birds.
13:27 Jesus said, "See how I care for the birds."
13:31 What I like about birds is birds don't worry, right?
13:36 But birds don't sit around doing nothing either.
13:39 When you think about birds,
13:42 they don't wait for God to drop food in their laps.
13:46 Partially because they don't have laps.
13:50 But work with me here.
13:52 I'll say it this way.
13:54 Birds don't worry, but they do hunt for worms.
13:58 There's a difference.
13:59 There's a difference between doing nothing
14:01 and doing what you know you're called to do or can do.
14:05 And birds kind of really help illustrate the difference
14:07 between worry and concern.
14:09 And there's a big difference.
14:10 A worried person sees a problem
14:13 and doesn't do anything about it.
14:14 A concerned person though sees a problem
14:16 and does something about it.
14:18 In other words, the way I like to look at it is this.
14:20 If you can do something about the problem, you do it.
14:25 If you think your marriage is not in a great place right now
14:28 and it's struggling, what do you do?
14:30 You're concerned, you pray about it,
14:31 and you call a counselor.
14:34 Or you join a life group.
14:35 Or you talk to your pastor and you do something about it.
14:39 If you have caffeine crashes at the end of every day,
14:44 you may say, you know what?
14:45 I'm gonna stop drinking all the energy drinks.
14:48 Instead of four, I'm cutting back to three.
14:49 I'm just joking.
14:50 Don't drink four and don't drink three.
14:53 I'm cutting those out of my life.
14:54 If you are battling with depression
14:57 every time you get on social media,
14:59 you might just get off social media.
15:01 You're gonna do something about it.
15:02 And so whenever you're tempted to worry, tell yourself this.
15:06 I will do what I can do,
15:08 and I will surrender to God what only He can do.
15:12 I will do what only I can do,
15:15 and I will surrender to God what only He can do.
15:19 I will do what I know I can do.
15:22 If there's something I can do about it,
15:24 I'm gonna do something about it.
15:26 If I can love my child who's struggling,
15:29 I'm gonna love my child.
15:30 If I can coach my child without being annoying,
15:33 I'm gonna coach my child without being annoying.
15:36 If I can pray for my spouse,
15:38 if I can love my spouse when my spouse
15:40 isn't acting lovable, if I can study
15:45 for the exam that's coming up,
15:47 if I can prepare for the presentation,
15:49 if I can do something about it,
15:51 I'm gonna do something about it.
15:53 I will do what I can do,
15:55 and I will surrender to God what only He can do.
15:59 Let's just say that together.
16:01 I will do what only I can do.
16:03 I will do what only I can do.
16:06 I will surrender to God what only He can do.
16:09 Let's say it together.
16:10 I will do what only I can do.
16:13 I will surrender to God what only He can do.
16:16 Let's say it again.
16:17 I will do what I can do.
16:20 I will surrender to God what only He can do.
16:23 I will do whatever it is I know that I can do,
16:26 and whatever is out of my control, I put in God's hands.
16:30 Anybody anxious, what do we do?
16:33 We cast our anxiety on Him, why?
16:38 Because He cares for you.
16:40 He cares for you.
16:41 God loves you as if there were only one of you.
16:44 And so you tell Him about it.
16:45 God, I'm nervous about this.
16:46 God, I don't even know what to do.
16:48 God, I'm trying to trust you, but I tend to take it back.
16:51 We cast it on Him.
16:52 We give it to Him.
16:54 I think about Katie, my daughter,
16:57 when she came in and she's all afraid.
17:00 Amy said, "Go sleep with God."
17:02 I said, "Go ahead and sleep with us."
17:05 Told you I'm a softie.
17:08 People, if you got to know us, you'd be like,
17:09 you know, Craig's all tough.
17:11 Actually, I'm a mushpot.
17:13 Amy's pretty, but she carries a big stick.
17:16 (audience laughing)
17:18 It was no joke.
17:19 And when Katie slept with us,
17:21 let me tell you what I did not do.
17:23 I did not shame her.
17:26 Why are you worried?
17:28 You should have more, I didn't shame her.
17:33 I let her sleep with us because when she was worried,
17:35 she turned to her father.
17:38 Her earthly father.
17:39 Her worry didn't take her away from her father.
17:42 It drew her close to her father.
17:44 And so whenever you find yourself a little bit worried,
17:49 the devil wants to use that to draw you away from God,
17:52 but God wants to use whatever is on your mind
17:56 and on your heart and weighing you down
17:59 to draw you to depend on Him.
18:03 God wants to take whatever you're worried about
18:06 and use it to draw you close
18:09 and recognize that you need Him.
18:12 When you're worried and when you're anxious,
18:15 this shows you just how much you need your heavenly Father.
18:20 And when you realize that you need Him,
18:23 you realize He's drawing you close.
18:26 So chances are there are some of you today
18:29 who you need an extra dose of His grace,
18:32 an extra measure of His provision.
18:37 He's with you.
18:38 He's for you.
18:40 He'll never leave you.
18:42 He'll never forsake you.
18:44 Our God is good.
18:45 His word is true.
18:47 He's always faithful.
18:50 He will never leave you.
18:52 He will never forsake you.
18:55 Look to your Father.
18:57 He's good.
18:57 Look to your faith.
19:00 It conquers your fears.
19:02 Look to your future
19:04 because our God is always in control.
19:07 And Scripture tells us about the goodness of God,
19:09 that the Lord is close to those who call on Him.
19:14 Yes, to all who call on Him in truth,
19:18 the Lord is close.
19:20 If you're hurting today, if you're anxious today,
19:21 if you're worried today,
19:22 that might be evidence of just how much you need your Father.
19:27 And the good news is when you draw close to Him,
19:30 He draws near to you.
19:32 So let's do that now.
19:33 Father, we pray in the name of Jesus
19:35 that the power of your Holy Spirit would do a work
19:38 because we all need you.
19:42 Today at all of our churches as you're praying,
19:46 those of you who have something
19:47 that would be a real concern, a weight, a burden, a worry,
19:51 something that's making you anxious,
19:52 would you lift up your hands right now?
19:53 Just lift it up.
19:55 Online, you can type in the comment section,
19:57 I'm worried about something.
19:58 If you wanna share it for prayer,
20:00 you can say I'm worried about whatever
20:01 and just put I'm worried about my child
20:03 or I'm worried about my job
20:05 or I'm worried about my finance, whatever it would be.
20:08 And what we're gonna do right now
20:09 is we're just gonna take what you're worried about
20:11 and just by faith, just imagine handing that to God.
20:15 Just say, God, take my marriage.
20:18 God, I trust you with my finances.
20:22 God, I trust you with my health.
20:25 I trust you with the health of someone that I love.
20:27 I trust you with my children.
20:29 God, I trust you with my mental health.
20:32 I trust you with my career.
20:33 God, I trust you with my future.
20:35 God, I don't know, I can't figure it all out.
20:39 I trust you.
20:40 God, I will do whatever I can do
20:44 and I will surrender to you what only you can do.
20:49 So God, help us to be faithful
20:52 and full of faith to always trust you.
20:55 As you keep praying today at all of our churches,
20:58 there are some of you that you're gonna take a step of faith
21:00 bigger than you've ever taken before.
21:03 We talked about Jesus and he said,
21:04 you don't have to worry because of the goodness of God.
21:09 Some of you, if you stopped long enough
21:11 to think about where you stand with God,
21:13 what would happen to you after this life?
21:16 Some of you say, well,
21:17 I might be a little bit concerned about that.
21:20 Let me tell you how much God loves you, how good he is.
21:23 God loves you so much
21:25 that he sent his only son, Jesus, for you,
21:29 the perfect sinless son of God,
21:32 who died on a cross in your place and my place.
21:36 And God raised him from the dead,
21:39 defeating death, hell, sin, and the grave.
21:42 Now, anyone, and this includes you,
21:44 who calls on the name of the Lord,
21:46 the name that is above every name,
21:47 when you call on the name of Jesus,
21:50 scripture says all of your sins are forgiven.
21:53 You become brand new.
21:54 The old, all the old stuff is gone
21:56 and everything becomes new.
21:58 Some of you, you might be a little worried, a little uneasy.
22:00 It may come and go, but when you recognize,
22:03 when you think about,
22:03 I don't really know where I stand with God today,
22:05 you can settle the issue.
22:06 In fact, you're not watching this by accident.
22:08 I believe with all my heart
22:09 that you are here by the divine will of God
22:13 to meet the power of his risen son,
22:16 wherever you're watching from today.
22:17 Those who say, yes, today,
22:19 I don't know where I stand with God,
22:20 I'm gonna step away from my sin.
22:22 I'm gonna step into trusting Jesus.
22:24 I'm gonna call on his name.
22:25 When you call on the name of Jesus, he hears your prayers.
22:28 He forgives your sins and he makes you brand new today
22:30 at all of our churches and all of the world online.
22:33 Those who say, yes, I am ready by faith.
22:35 I give my life to Jesus.
22:37 That's your prayer.
22:38 Put your hands high right now.
22:39 All over the place, lift them up.
22:41 Somebody give God some praise for those today saying,
22:43 yes to Jesus, yes to Jesus, yes to Jesus.
22:46 We thank you, God, for those coming to you online.
22:49 Just type in the comment section,
22:51 I am surrendering my life to Jesus.
22:54 I am trusting Jesus as my savior.
22:58 Today, wherever you are, would you pray with those around you
23:01 just, nobody prays alone.
23:02 Everybody, let's just pray this aloud.
23:04 Pray, heavenly Father.
23:05 I'm trusting Jesus to save me from my sins,
23:11 to be the Lord of my life.
23:13 I put you first.
23:17 Forgive me, transform me.
23:20 Fill me with your spirit so I could know you personally
23:24 and share you faithfully.
23:27 Thank you for new life.
23:30 I give you all of mine.
23:32 In Jesus' name I pray.
23:34 Could somebody celebrate big?
23:37 Welcome those born into God's family.
23:39 (congregation applauding)
23:40 Did this message on God's promises speak to you?
23:43 We've got more videos ready
23:44 from a series called "Ever Wonder Why."
23:46 We're tackling questions like,
23:48 why didn't God answer my prayer?
23:50 And why does a loving God send people to hell?
23:53 Click here to keep watching.
23:54 (upbeat music)