• l’année dernière


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 (upbeat music)
00:05 (upbeat music)
00:33 - I would like you to look in the book of Romans with me,
00:35 the Romans chapter five.
00:37 And in Romans chapter five,
00:40 I'd like to begin reading at the verse 12.
00:44 When you consider Romans,
00:46 Romans is regarded as Paul's treatise of the gospel.
00:51 And the question obviously is,
00:57 and I think we have talked about this before,
01:00 and I will reiterate, when the question is asked,
01:05 how is Romans regarded as gospel?
01:11 Particularly and especially because it does not have
01:17 the characteristics of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
01:22 Romans does not give us the historical
01:28 and the geographical event of Jesus Christ.
01:33 It has no description of him moving
01:40 in any particular place at any particular time.
01:45 It has no description of him operating in Galilee
01:50 or in Nazareth or Jerusalem.
01:54 So how could it be defined as gospel?
01:59 When you look at the gospels,
02:01 you understand that they deal with the historicity
02:04 and the geographical location of Jesus Christ.
02:08 And what that does is it proves his humanity
02:13 because every one of us live in a particular time in history
02:19 and in a certain geographic location.
02:27 And that's what makes us human.
02:29 Believe it or not, you will not be here forever and ever.
02:35 All of us have a particular lifespan
02:38 and all of us have an expiration date.
02:43 To prove the humanity of Jesus then,
02:46 he had to exist within the parameters of a certain time
02:51 and he had to operate in a geographic location
02:56 and that shows his humanity.
02:59 When you understand that,
03:01 then you realize that Jesus did not travel as far as I have.
03:06 He did not go more than 100 miles from where he was born.
03:12 I went around the world in eight days.
03:19 So it indicates then just how human he was
03:25 and the gospels give us the Christ event.
03:29 So we're still asking the question,
03:33 how does Romans fit as gospel?
03:36 What happens in Romans is it does not deal
03:40 with the geographic location
03:42 nor the historical period in which Jesus lives.
03:47 What it does actually is it gives us the behind the scenes
03:53 operation of the life of Jesus Christ.
03:58 Doesn't tell us or describe how and where and what he did.
04:07 It simply describes why he did it.
04:15 So what you end up happening now is you end up looking
04:19 at the description of his history,
04:23 but you're looking at the theological philosophy
04:26 that is and surrounds the gospel.
04:30 If I may take it further, I would tell you
04:33 that you will not see pro-appreciation, reconciliation,
04:37 adoption, sanctification, justification
04:41 in the historical presentation of Jesus Christ,
04:47 but it is there.
04:49 Justification, pro-appreciation, reconciliation, adoption,
04:54 everything that is significant to the gospel
04:59 is seen in Romans.
05:03 So Romans is called the treatise of the gospel
05:05 because it makes a presentation
05:09 of those philosophical theological truths
05:12 that you cannot find in the historical presentation.
05:17 I hope that wasn't too verbose.
05:19 It's critical to understand then
05:22 that when Paul opens up in the book of Romans,
05:25 what he does is his first step is to deliver
05:29 the doctrine of condemnation.
05:32 So he opens one barrel of the shotgun
05:35 against mankind in general, and he says,
05:39 "You did not want to obtain or to maintain,"
05:43 or a better word would be to retain God in your knowledge.
05:48 So because you didn't want to retain God in your knowledge,
05:54 what God did was give you a mind
05:57 that cannot retain anything that's proper.
06:01 He said, "So you want to put me on trial,
06:04 "and you want to see whether you want to worship me.
06:09 "Well, I tell you what I'll do.
06:10 "I'll give you a mind that cannot worship anything."
06:15 So consequently, he gives all mankind a reprobate mind.
06:20 He then turns the other barrel of the shotgun
06:26 on the Jewish people, and he said,
06:28 "You had the Pentateuch, you had the Torah,
06:32 "you had the law, you had a pillar of fire by night
06:36 "and a pillar of cloud by day.
06:39 "You had the prophets, you had the poets,
06:42 "you had everything that anybody could have,
06:46 "and you still didn't serve God."
06:51 Uh-huh, so by chapter number three,
06:53 he says that all have sinned
06:58 and come short of the glory of God.
07:02 He then introduces justification,
07:04 because you cannot preach justification
07:07 if you don't first begin with condemnation.
07:11 He has to bring each one of us to the point
07:14 where we understand that by ourselves,
07:19 we cannot meet or greet or walk with God.
07:24 He has to bring us to the place where we throw up our hands
07:28 and say, "I can't do this by myself.
07:31 "I need a move of God."
07:36 And the significant thing is that none of us could come
07:41 except a father draw.
07:43 I might holler today, Patrick.
07:48 Where is Patrick?
07:50 It's a critical thing, because now he can move
07:57 into the doctrine of justification.
08:02 And when you deal then with the doctrine of justification,
08:05 he begins it in chapter three, chapter four,
08:10 and chapter five.
08:12 We come to five now,
08:14 and just wanted to bring you up to speed
08:16 so that we can understand the significance of justification.
08:21 Justification is just, very simply,
08:27 just as if I have never sinned.
08:32 It has nothing to do with my behavior.
08:37 It has all to do with my positioning.
08:42 Can I say that again?
08:44 My righteousness is as filthy rags.
08:50 So no matter how good I try to be,
08:55 I cannot be good enough to meet God's requirement
09:00 until God does something in me.
09:05 And so consequently, he has to bring me to the place
09:09 where I understand I need a savior.
09:14 And in order to do that,
09:16 he has to make me so helpless in my republicy
09:20 that I come to realize that without him, I can do nothing.
09:28 So Paul, in preaching or in presenting
09:33 the power of justification,
09:35 he has to bring us to a simple idea that's called grace.
09:40 And here's what he does in chapter five, verse 12.
09:46 Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world
09:51 and death by sin.
09:57 And so death passed upon all men
10:02 for that all have sinned.
10:06 For until the law, interesting now,
10:10 sin was in the world.
10:14 But sin is not imputed when there is no law.
10:19 Now we got a problem.
10:24 If sin is not imputed where there is no law,
10:28 so why is there death?
10:31 Maybe I ought to teach this.
10:36 I changed my mind about Holly.
10:39 Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses.
10:46 Moses is the one who brought the law,
10:51 but sin is not imputed where there is no law.
10:56 So how is it then that death is reigning
11:02 from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned
11:08 after the similitude of Adam's transgression,
11:15 who is the figure of him that was to come.
11:19 But not as the offense, so also is the free gift.
11:24 For if through the offense of one, many be dead,
11:29 much more the grace of God and the gift by grace,
11:35 which is by one man, Jesus Christ,
11:40 hath abounded unto many.
11:43 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift.
11:49 For the judgment was by one to condemnation,
11:53 but the free gift is of many offenses unto justification.
11:58 For if by one man's offense, death reigned by one,
12:04 much more they which receive abundance of grace
12:08 and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life
12:11 by one, Jesus Christ.
12:15 Therefore, as by the offense of one,
12:17 judgment came upon all men to condemnation,
12:20 even so by the righteousness of one,
12:23 the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
12:27 For as by one man's disobedience, many were made sinners,
12:32 so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous,
12:36 moreover the law entered that the offense may abound,
12:40 but where sin abound.
12:46 Ooh, grace did much more abound.
12:51 I want you to look at your neighbor like your angry with him
13:00 and say, neighbor, I'm saved by any means necessary.
13:10 (congregation applauding)
13:15 (congregation cheering)
13:18 Ooh, I feel like shouting already.
13:20 The question you have to ask yourself
13:25 is how far is God prepared to go?
13:32 And you can find the answer somewhere in God's word
13:41 and somewhere in God's capacity.
13:46 Conceptually and illustratively,
13:53 what the Bible is all about is giving us an insight
14:00 as to how far God is willing to go.
14:11 And that's what Paul does in presenting to all the Gentiles
14:15 he expresses indeed and in fact,
14:19 the magnificent control and enormous capacity
14:25 for God to find solutions to our dilemmas.
14:31 And because he wants to save us,
14:37 the Bible gives us an enormous display
14:42 of what God wants to do because he wants to do it.
14:48 I remember somewhere where the Bible says
14:53 it is his good pleasure to give us the kingdom.
14:58 So God then in his creative power
15:06 could have walked away from his creatures
15:08 and he could have put together a whole nother system.
15:12 But because it is his pleasure to give us the kingdom
15:18 and to show us a side of him that we would never know
15:26 if we had not fallen under the sin of one man, Adam.
15:35 How far is God prepared to go?
15:38 He's prepared to take any one of us who believes on him
15:44 from the gutter most to the uttermost.
15:49 When I deal with the concept that he saves to the uttermost,
15:56 that word comes from the Greek word pantele
16:01 and it means that he's prepared to take you
16:04 to complete perfection, prepared to take you
16:09 to that place that completely reverses
16:15 any curse that had ever existed in your lineage.
16:20 What God is saying essentially is
16:24 I will take you from the worst place that you could ever be
16:29 and bring you to the best place that you could ever achieve
16:35 and it's not by your power but by my power.
16:40 It's not by your choice but by my choice
16:46 because none of us would choose God.
16:51 If you check Romans chapter one,
16:53 you will find very succinctly
16:57 that no man seeketh after God,
17:00 no man goes for anything that is righteous.
17:05 So if an individual walks in here today
17:08 with a testimony of being saved,
17:11 the only testimony you could really have is
17:16 I am a sinner saved by grace.
17:21 I want to digress just a minute.
17:27 I'm doing this message because next week
17:31 I want to move into Hebrews chapter four
17:34 and I can't actually do Hebrews chapter four
17:37 by the grace of God unless I preface it
17:41 with this particular word.
17:44 And the reason I'm telling you that
17:46 is because many of us don't understand
17:50 how wonderful it is to be in a place of grace
17:56 because what grace says is you don't deserve to be here.
18:01 One of the problems we're having today
18:05 in a very toxic Christian environment
18:09 is that when I look on the internet,
18:11 I see everybody blasting everybody
18:15 and they're making money doing it.
18:19 Anytime you see 245,000 views
18:23 or you see 50,000 views on YouTube,
18:27 somebody's being paid.
18:30 Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.
18:31 The problem with Christianity is
18:34 that many of the people who are blasting people
18:37 can only get paid by blasting people
18:41 because they don't have anything positive to say
18:44 because they can't get paid by being positive.
18:48 They only get paid by tearing other people down.
18:52 But whoever is tearing the other person down
18:56 does not deserve to have the right to tear anybody down
19:01 because everybody who is in the house of God
19:06 or in the body of Christ only got there because of grace.
19:11 And grace means you don't deserve to be here.
19:16 So how can I put somebody out of a place
19:21 that I don't deserve to be in myself?
19:25 I feel something happening here.
19:29 Oh yes, indeed.
19:31 So let me just work it out.
19:33 I am saying that because next week,
19:36 I wanna talk about rest.
19:39 And I wanna talk about all of you
19:41 who are in the prisons and everywhere else
19:45 in the house of God who are working so hard
19:50 to get your salvation together.
19:53 You are working so hard to prove that you were so righteous
19:58 but your righteousness does not come from you.
20:02 Your righteousness comes from God.
20:05 And that's why next week, I just wanna deal with rest.
20:10 Rest because you're not the one
20:13 that's working out your salvation.
20:16 Rest because you don't know that where you are right now
20:21 is where God wants you to be.
20:26 You don't know that your failures
20:30 have become a tool in God's hands
20:33 to deliver you out of a situation
20:36 that you couldn't deliver yourself out of
20:39 so that he might get the glory in your life.
20:45 I wanna tell people rest.
20:49 Stop staying up all night over some things
20:52 you can't change.
20:54 Rest.
20:55 Stop trying to fix something that is out of your hands.
20:59 Rest.
21:01 Rest on your knees, giving glory to God
21:06 and calling on him to deliver you from the situation.
21:12 Rest because Satan can't do any more to you
21:17 than God will allow him to do.
21:22 And when it's over,
21:23 he'll give you double for your trouble.
21:28 And so when I look then at chapter five
21:34 and verse 12 through 21,
21:37 he reaches literally back to Romans 3, 18.
21:42 18 through 20,
21:45 where the subject now deals with total depravity
21:50 is discussed.
21:52 The conditions then of Romans 3, 18 through 20
21:57 can be contributed to a source.
22:02 How did we get to the place of total depravity?
22:09 The conditions then bring that
22:13 some thing have set off the mechanics for these conditions.
22:18 That is when God created man,
22:23 these conditions did not exist
22:27 in the pristine quality of his creative power.
22:32 When he put Adam together in innocence,
22:36 the depravity did not exist.
22:41 Something set it off.
22:44 And here is what he says.
22:47 He says, "Sin and death came from Adam."
22:52 And when he says here in that particular text,
22:57 the word here is cosmos.
23:00 When sin came into the world and the world is a cosmos.
23:06 And what he's saying here is the same word
23:08 that's used in John 3, 16.
23:11 For God so loved the cosmos
23:15 that he gave his only begotten son.
23:19 In the cosmos, we're talking about every body.
23:24 In the cosmos, we're talking about every kind.
23:29 In the cosmos, we're talking about a world full
23:34 of dying people.
23:37 A world full of being going to death
23:42 the moment you are born.
23:45 What in the world set off such a negative mechanism
23:50 when God made man and showered him
23:54 with the wonders of the garden of Eden?
23:58 And the answer is so much goes bad
24:04 because somebody set off the negative in my life.
24:09 I came into a world that was rotten.
24:15 I came into a world that was already broken,
24:20 but God did not make a broken world.
24:25 And yet still I have come into the world
24:28 without any of my doing,
24:30 only to find from the moment I am born
24:34 to the moment I am dead,
24:36 that man is born and has a few days
24:41 and the few days is full of trouble.
24:45 I am affected, but I am infected.
24:49 And all around me, there are infected and affected people.
24:56 I can't find anybody who is good
24:59 because he already declared, no one is good, no, not one.
25:04 And so the question is, how did it get so bad?
25:09 I went over into the New Testament
25:11 and I took a look in the gospels
25:13 at the man who was by the pool
25:16 and the pool symbolizes the situation that I am in.
25:23 Why?
25:23 Because he is in a pool
25:27 and the pool is called the house of mercy.
25:31 But he received no mercy in the house of mercy
25:36 because people who were less sick than he was
25:41 got to the water before he did.
25:46 Now, can you imagine that?
25:48 That I am sick and somebody who is less sick,
25:51 it would seem to me like you would let the people
25:54 who are more sick get to the water.
25:58 But even the sick who are trying to be healed
26:02 are selfish enough to forget those who are more sick.
26:06 If there is only one of us that's gonna be healed,
26:10 we're gonna fight to get to the water.
26:13 Isn't that the way life is?
26:15 People are always fighting
26:18 because no matter how bad I am,
26:21 I still have an egocentrical,
26:24 yes, I have an attitude that I need it for myself.
26:30 So not only are we sick, we're fighting each other
26:34 and each one of us is sick.
26:37 And I am infected and affected
26:41 because I have a world that is totally depraved.
26:46 And in the middle of all of that depravity,
26:48 there's the house of mercy.
26:50 But it's bad when I have to fight
26:53 even in the house of mercy.
26:56 So what's going on here?
26:59 Because God did not put a world together that was sick.
27:04 Well, sin originated with the angel called Lucifer
27:09 who in rebelling against God,
27:14 contracted a sinful nature.
27:18 Now, here's what he does.
27:21 And have I told you touch your neighbor yet?
27:24 All right, it's coming.
27:26 Now, here's what he does.
27:29 Anytime Satan shows up, he is sin
27:34 and he has been the originator of sin.
27:39 So now the interesting thing is,
27:44 how is it that God could be there in heaven
27:47 and sit back and allow Satan
27:51 to take a third of the angels with him?
27:56 Now, I want you to see this picture very carefully.
27:59 It had to be a plan because God is all powerful
28:04 yet he does not impede on free will.
28:10 He is powerful and he is all powerful and he is almighty.
28:16 But if he decides to intercept your behavior
28:21 and stop you from doing what he knows you're going to do
28:27 that is wrong and against him,
28:30 if he stepped in every time
28:32 and stopped you from doing what is against him,
28:36 you would no longer have free will.
28:39 Can I go over that again?
28:44 You see, free will says, choose me or don't choose me.
28:49 But when you don't choose God,
28:53 remember you can't receive life like you chose him.
28:58 I feel something pushing me, I'm trying to behave.
29:03 You see, if you don't choose God,
29:06 don't you look for blessings to follow you
29:10 when you haven't chosen the blesser.
29:13 If you choose to go against God,
29:17 then the only thing that's gonna follow you is a curse.
29:21 I feel like preaching now.
29:23 You see, when Satan chose to rebel against God,
29:28 God could have stopped him in his tracks.
29:32 I say like I heard on TV some years ago,
29:36 I brought you into this world and I can take you out.
29:41 Well, anything that God created, he can move out
29:46 because a created being is ephemeral.
29:49 A created being is not eternal, it's ephemeral,
29:54 which means I can bring you in, I can take you out.
29:59 The only eternal being that never came in
30:03 and can't go out is God himself.
30:07 He's got the power to disintegrate anything
30:12 and everything that he has created.
30:16 It's critical now to understand that Satan is a spoiler
30:21 because he was thrown out of heaven and Jesus said,
30:26 I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
30:31 I'm talking about quick.
30:34 You stand against God and your demise will be quick.
30:39 I read somewhere where he said,
30:42 I'll cut you off and that without remedy.
30:46 When God gets ready to move you out,
30:49 there is nothing that can keep you in.
30:53 I feel like shouting on that, maybe I shouldn't.
30:57 So Adam now picks up the same attitude
31:01 because of the spoiler.
31:03 And what Adam does is he now rebels against God
31:08 in the same way that disobedience
31:11 becomes rebellion against God.
31:16 And when you rebel against God,
31:19 you've got to live with the consequences of that rebellion.
31:24 Now, what Adam didn't know consciously
31:29 was that his rebellion and disobedience
31:34 is not only going to affect him,
31:38 but his disobedience is now going to affect everybody
31:43 that follows him.
31:46 If you notice very carefully, and I'm rushing through here,
31:51 if you notice very carefully that when God made Adam,
31:56 he made him in his own image.
31:59 But when Cain was born and Abel was born,
32:04 they had something in them when they were born
32:10 that Adam did not have in him when he was created.
32:15 When Adam was created, he was not created with sin,
32:21 but he disobeyed God and in the day that thou eatest,
32:26 thou shalt surely die.
32:29 So what Adam did was introduce death through disobedience.
32:34 I feel the Holy Spirit here.
32:38 And because he introduced death through disobedience,
32:42 he gave something in his DNA to his children
32:48 that he didn't have in his pristine creation.
32:53 I feel the Holy Spirit.
32:55 So now all of a sudden, the literal Greek here says
33:00 that thus unto all men, death came throughout.
33:05 It didn't come because of the declaration of the law.
33:10 It came because of the behavior of Adam.
33:15 I wanna talk to every person who's head of their house.
33:18 I need you to raise your hands.
33:20 And if you have somebody under you, raise your hands.
33:25 Is there somebody in your house that's depending on you?
33:29 Raise your hands.
33:31 Now understand this.
33:32 If you mess up, you are not only going to affect yourself,
33:37 but you're going to affect everybody.
33:42 (audience cheering)
33:45 Who's depending on you.
33:48 Can I talk about being a pastor for a minute?
33:51 There are many things I would like to do.
33:54 I could have gone to a wonderful celebration
33:58 this last weekend.
34:00 I would have ended up being pictured
34:03 with a whole lot of wonderful, significant people
34:06 that you like on the quiet,
34:09 that you enjoy in your house on the quiet,
34:13 that you laugh with, that you fall out with.
34:16 But I decided based on the toxicity of our day
34:21 that maybe I don't need to be seen
34:27 on any kind of social media platform
34:31 with anything that's questionable
34:34 in the time in which we live.
34:37 I hope those of you who are wise enough
34:40 understand what I'm saying.
34:43 What I'm saying is this.
34:46 When you are in the position I am in,
34:49 you cannot only think of yourself,
34:53 but you have to give thought about the people
34:57 who are depending on who you are.
35:02 When you put people in position,
35:04 they should be honest, they should be straightforward,
35:08 they should be reliable,
35:10 because people aren't only looking at you
35:15 because you affect what they do.
35:18 If you run your house, somebody ought to know where you are.
35:23 If you're in charge of your house,
35:26 somebody ought to be able to find you.
35:29 When you tell your wife or whoever you're with
35:33 that I'm man enough to be where I am
35:35 and I ain't got to say anything to anybody here,
35:39 well, you ain't running nothing.
35:41 Because if you're running something,
35:43 somebody ought to be able to reach you
35:47 because you don't only affect yourself,
35:51 you affect your children's children's children's children's
35:56 children's children.
35:58 And blessings ought to begin with you, not curse.
36:03 Adam, curse me.
36:06 I feel like shouting here.
36:08 I was mad with Adam when I was growing up
36:12 because they said to me, you got to go to church today.
36:14 I said, why?
36:16 I haven't done anything.
36:18 They said, well, Adam did it for you.
36:21 So you better get your little ugly self up
36:24 and get your clothes on and get to church.
36:28 You see death then entered and it affects all men
36:32 and it's spread through the announcement of any sickness
36:37 is an announcement of death.
36:39 I got news for you.
36:40 The announcement of birth is the announcement of death
36:45 because death is just a matter of time.
36:49 And the pronouncement of death is on because we die.
36:53 Everybody's got to die.
36:56 Paul said, all have sinned.
36:59 So all are affected of death by death.
37:02 But Adam is the federal head of the race.
37:07 So when he sinned, all humanity sinned in him.
37:13 Paul demonstrates this fact and this is how he does it.
37:18 He says, unto the law was given.
37:20 And I'm in the text during the period
37:23 between Adam and Moses.
37:26 Sin was in the world, but a funny thing is happening.
37:29 Sin is not imputed or it is not put to the account
37:34 of the person when there is no law.
37:39 So nobody should be dying because there is no law.
37:44 So there is no account of sin.
37:49 Yet because of Adam, sin reigned as king.
37:55 Why is it happening to me?
37:58 What did I do to deserve this in my family?
38:03 I've been cursed because of someone else's behavior.
38:08 I want to talk to somebody here
38:12 who needs to get over people.
38:14 There are some folks you need to get over
38:19 because you don't need to be around some people
38:24 who are cursed.
38:25 Can I talk to you for a minute?
38:28 Every now and then you got to look at what's following you.
38:32 Because if you look at what's following you,
38:36 you will find out who you are with.
38:39 If you follow the Lord, I'll dwell in the house
38:41 of the Lord forever and ever.
38:44 Then let me tell you what's going to happen.
38:46 Goodness and mercy shall follow you.
38:50 If you look behind you and you don't see goodness
38:55 and mercy, you better check who you with.
38:59 Because when you're with cursed people,
39:02 you'll end up being cursed.
39:05 If you run with dark people, you'll end up being dark.
39:10 And let me tell you something, if you're an eagle,
39:14 don't fly too low because eagles only get in trouble
39:19 when they go low.
39:23 ♪ I feel a little church coming on ♪
39:27 ♪ Have I told you touch your neighbor yet ♪
39:29 ♪ It's on the way ♪
39:30 ♪ I feel like preaching here ♪
39:33 ♪ I'm not calling for Pat, Pat had to go ♪
39:37 ♪ All right Bennett ♪
39:38 ♪ It's true then that Adam becomes the destructive force ♪
39:43 ♪ Because he is the preeminent negative influence ♪
39:48 ♪ Upon the whole human race ♪
39:52 ♪ He becomes that tupos ♪
39:54 That's the Greek word for figure.
39:57 And it's a sense of a type.
40:00 It's a person or thing prefiguring a future person or thing.
40:05 Adam now becomes a tupos.
40:11 And let me tell you how wonderful God is.
40:14 Touch your neighbor and say, God is wonderful.
40:17 Uh-huh, that's the first time.
40:20 I wanna show you how wonderful God is.
40:24 God looks at the overall picture.
40:27 And here's what he says.
40:30 He says, I'm looking at Adam and Adam is a destructive force
40:35 but I'm not going to throw him out as an illustration
40:40 of what I'm getting ready to do.
40:43 Adam brought sin in the world unintentionally
40:49 but Jesus is going to bring power
40:51 in the world intentionally.
40:55 I feel like preaching in here.
40:58 Uh-huh, you can find the devil will put you in a place
41:03 where you make mistakes.
41:06 But I'm telling you, God will put you in a place
41:10 where you make blessings.
41:13 I feel like preaching.
41:14 I feel like lifting him up.
41:16 The devil will put you in a place
41:19 where you don't know what next to do
41:21 but God's word is a light and a lamp to your feet.
41:26 And he'll give you the discernment to know how to operate.
41:32 He'll show you who to talk to.
41:35 He'll show you who to put aside.
41:38 He'll show you who to lift up
41:40 and he'll show you who to put down.
41:43 What the devil causes you to do by mistake,
41:46 God causes you to do it by intention.
41:50 I feel like giving God some praise.
41:54 Touch your neighbor and say,
41:55 my life is not happenstance.
41:59 My life is directed by the God of my salvation.
42:04 I'm not here today because of a mistake.
42:09 I'm here today because of destiny.
42:13 God has ordained it.
42:16 God has declared it.
42:18 What God did now was look at Adam
42:22 and he said, I'm not gonna throw it away
42:25 but I'm gonna use Adam as a type of Christ.
42:30 I'm gonna show mankind that in the same way,
42:34 Adam messed things up,
42:38 it's in the same way that I'm gonna fix it up.
42:43 I'm talking to everybody in the prison
42:46 and I'm saying to all of you there,
42:49 Satan got you there and you made a mess
42:54 or a mistake in your life
42:57 but God's gonna bring you out
43:00 in the same way Satan put you in
43:04 except Satan did it with intention to destroy
43:09 but the Lord is gonna do it with intention to give life.
43:14 For I hear him say,
43:17 I've come that you might have life
43:20 and have it more abundantly.
43:23 Can I preach like a fillet?
43:25 Give your neighbor high five
43:28 and said we fell aside because of Satan
43:33 but we're back on track because of Jesus.
43:38 I'm gonna give you a free gift
43:40 and that gift is a gift of faith
43:43 and even though you're down and out,
43:47 I'm gonna show you favor.
43:50 I feel like preaching this.
43:52 Folks talk about favor.
43:55 Can I tell you what favor is?
43:58 It's something you don't deserve.
44:01 Don't you walk up in here
44:03 and act like you are somebody special.
44:06 The only special person in here is God Almighty
44:11 and when he said by one man,
44:15 sin entered into the world.
44:18 By one man, I'm going to deliver man.
44:23 By one man, the curse came upon everybody
44:28 but by one man, I'm going to deliver everybody.
44:33 By one man, death reigned
44:37 but by one man, blessings are going to reign.
44:42 Reign in my life, reign like a king.
44:46 Give somebody a high five for the third time
44:51 and said neighbor, blessings are gonna reign in your life.
44:57 Not because you're the best person
45:00 but because Jesus, Jesus came into your life.
45:05 When he came into my life, he turned it around.
45:12 Turn around one time, turn around two times,
45:17 turn around three times.
45:19 Give somebody a high five.
45:21 Said I've been turned around.
45:25 I've been turned by the glory of God.
45:30 How much more?
45:32 I was sinking deep in sin,
45:36 far from the peaceful shore.
45:40 Sinking deep, deep in sin,
45:44 never to rise no more
45:47 but this of the sin.
45:51 He heard my distressing cry
45:55 from the water lifted me.
45:58 Now save, save, save.
46:03 Am I, give somebody high fives.
46:07 Say by any means necessary,
46:11 by any means necessary.
46:15 He brought me out of a bad marriage
46:18 by any means necessary.
46:22 He took the devils off my back,
46:26 told me to shake 'em off,
46:28 let the devil take it back.
46:30 By any means necessary.
46:33 He'll rip you, he'll spank you,
46:36 he'll turn your life upside down
46:39 but when it's over, he's gonna draw you
46:44 and bless you.
46:45 Give somebody a high five
46:47 and say neighbor, my children are blessed
46:51 because of Jesus.
46:53 My grandchildren are blessed.
46:55 My home is blessed.
46:57 My car is blessed.
46:59 My life is blessed.
47:01 My soul is blessed.
47:03 My spirit is blessed.
47:05 He did it.
47:06 He did it.
47:07 He did it.
47:20 He did it.
47:21 By any means necessary.
47:24 He hung on the cross.
47:27 He hung on the cross.
47:37 They nailed him in the sack.
47:40 Nailed him through.
47:42 They intimate the conscience man.
47:45 I'm saved.
47:45 I'm saved.
47:48 I'm saved.
47:50 (crowd cheering)
47:52 Somebody oh praise him.
48:09 Somebody say thank God.
48:12 For grace.
48:14 By any means.
48:17 (crowd cheering)
48:20 Who in here?
48:33 Who in here can declare
48:37 I shouldn't be here?
48:42 Is there anybody that knows for a fact?
48:47 Give me that chair.
48:48 (crowd cheering)
48:50 If it hadn't been for Jesus.
48:52 (crowd cheering)
48:55 And the Lord on my side.
48:58 I shouldn't be here.
49:03 I have no judgments to make.
49:07 I have no place
49:10 to put anybody down or put anybody out
49:16 because I don't deserve to be here.
49:19 Myself.
49:21 And as I extend a word
49:28 to everyone under the sound of my voice.
49:33 Grace
49:37 humbles us.
49:41 Because to receive his grace,
49:46 we have to admit to ourselves
49:49 that I'm not good.
49:52 And the only goodness I have
49:57 is what he has given me.
49:59 He saw my weakness.
50:02 And he knew I couldn't bring anything to the table
50:10 that was worth him having.
50:15 So he said, okay,
50:17 since you can't bring anything that's good to me,
50:23 I will make it a requirement
50:25 that you have to be weak
50:29 in order to receive me.
50:32 You have to not deserve it.
50:36 That's why he says,
50:40 we're sin doth abound.
50:45 And I want to talk to you
50:47 who are incarcerated.
50:50 We're sin
50:52 doth abound.
50:56 Grace
50:59 doth much
51:01 more
51:03 abound.
51:03 Don't give up on yourself
51:07 because God has not given up on you.
51:12 And he says, I'm going to get you out
51:15 into the place of salvation.
51:18 If you never come out of that prison,
51:21 I'm going to save you in there
51:24 by any means necessary.
51:26 And Calvary
51:29 is the by any means necessary.
51:34 If you're in this building, I want you to come.
51:38 If you're anywhere under the sound of my voice,
51:42 if you're watching from all over the world,
51:46 and where you are right now,
51:49 and something says, come to God,
51:56 I want you to come right now.
52:00 I need you to call 844-267-7729.
52:11 Come on.
52:12 Come on.
52:15 Pick up your phone right now.
52:17 Pick up your phone.
52:19 If you're in this building and you're not born again,
52:22 I need you to come this way.
52:25 Come this way.
52:26 Come this way.
52:27 Young man, young lady, middle-aged person.
52:31 Doesn't matter what you are, who you are.
52:33 Come on.
52:34 Come on, come on.
52:36 Come on, the blood has not lost its power.
52:39 ♪ God me ♪
52:42 ♪ And taught me ♪
52:44 Come on, he's calling.
52:45 ♪ Grace of God ♪
52:48 Come on.
52:50 Come on.
52:51 844-267-7729.
52:54 I need somebody praising God.
53:00 Somebody's coming.
53:02 Somebody's coming.
53:03 Somebody's coming.
53:05 Somebody's picking up the phone.
53:08 Pick it up, pick it up.
53:10 God is moving you.
53:11 Pick it up.
53:13 Pick it up.
53:14 844-267-7729.
53:16 Pick it up.
53:21 ♪ And taught me grace of God ♪
53:26 ♪ Sweet grace of God ♪
53:36 ♪ That brought me ♪
53:41 ♪ And taught me grace of God ♪
53:46 ♪ Sweet grace of God ♪
53:54 ♪ That brought me ♪
54:00 ♪ Taught me grace of God ♪
54:04 Somebody's standing all over this place.
54:07 ♪ Oh sweet grace of God ♪
54:12 ♪ That brought me ♪
54:19 ♪ And taught me grace of God ♪
54:23 (upbeat music)
54:26 (upbeat music)
54:28 (upbeat music)
54:31 (upbeat music)
